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Vision/Philosophy Statement

Donna Moore

Department of Education & Counseling, Longwood University

READ 650 Evaluation of Literacy Research

Dr. Angelica D. Blanchette

March 26, 2023


Vision/Philosophy Statement

My goal and philosophy are to help teach and cultivate a passion for lifelong learning

through education. All children can be successful, and learning begins with the foundation in

literacy. Reading and literacy skills begin before students begin their formal education in

kindergarten. Research shows that 90 percent of a child’s brain develops before age 5, with the

most significant development from birth to age 3. (Soto and Mitchell, p. 1, 2017). The early

years of a child’s life sets the foundation for learning how to read and write. National Reading

Panel (NRP) found that systematic phonics instruction produced significant benefits for K-6

students and for those having difficulty learning to read (p. 2-1, 2000).

In addition to having a foundation for learning how to read and write before formal

education in kindergarten there needs to be a learning environment that feels safe for the

student and have the support system from both the teacher and their family.

One of the most important relationships besides the student and teacher is the one

between the families and the school. The combination of the data used from assessments and

research-based curriculum with effective communication with the student’s family is my goal

as an educator to achieve.


Soto, R., & Mitchell, E. (2017, October 20). Literacy begins at birth. The Tennessean, pp. 1–1.

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health.

(2000). Alphabetics. In National reading panel: Teaching children to read: An evidence-

based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for

reading instruction: Reports of the subgroups (pp. 2–1-2–1). essay.

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