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자율 주행 차량 인지, 판단 제어

Autonomous Vehicles Perception, Decision Making Control

(DongHyeon Cheon1)
1Department of Electronics Engineering, Kyeongpook National University

Abstract: Research on autonomous driving cars, which operate without human intervention by applying control technology to
vehicles, is actively underway, focusing on commercialization and popularization. In the case of autonomous vehicles, if errors are
caused through attacks via security vulnerabilities, it can directly harm drivers or pedestrians, making the study of security
vulnerabilities and security technologies a critical part of the commercialization and popularization of autonomous vehicles. This
paper describes the current technology level and operating principles of autonomous driving cars, examines security threat elements
to autonomous vehicles and explains the types of protections that can safeguard drivers or pedestrians from these security threats.

Keywords: Autonomous Vehicles, Perception, Decision Making, Control

I. Introdutction the driving environment information collected through

perception technology. The harmony between perception and
Based on the advancements in IoT technology, our quality of life is decision-making technologies determines the completeness of
increasingly being enhanced. Autonomous driving cars, developed by autonomous driving. Control technology, based on perception
applying IT technology to vehicles, operate without human and decision-making, decides on engine operation, driving
intervention, thus increasing convenience for drivers. The market for direction, and other steering variables according to specific
autonomous vehicles is expanding annually due to advantages such as driving situations, focusing on accident prevention and safety.
the reduction in traffic accidents, increased accessibility to driving, the
2.1 Perception Technology
ability to perform various tasks inside the vehicle while it is in
operation, and smooth mobility due to autonomous traffic flow In autonomous vehicles, perception functions like human
analysis. Consequently, the number of vehicles capable of eyes, receiving various information about the surrounding
autonomous driving continues to grow. environment through cameras, radar, LiDAR, and other ADAS
sensors attached to the vehicle. Perception technology is
With the emergence of autonomous vehicles, manufacturers and crucial for autonomous vehicles. For example, during a test
run of an Uber autonomous vehicle in Arizona in 2018, a
software companies are entering the autonomous vehicle market to
person crossing the road was mistaken for another car, leading
research technologies that can protect drivers and pedestrians from to a fatal accident. This shows how errors in perception
security threats that may arise while using autonomous vehicles. technology can directly harm people and cause fatalities.
Additionally, in the event of an accident involving an autonomous Unlike humans, who can intuitively distinguish types of
vehicle, the importance of technology in the cognitive/judgment obstacles, ADAS sensors struggle with natural problems like
control area is being emphasized in the popularization of autonomous blind spots and backlighting, making it difficult to
differentiate between living and non-living things. Research to
vehicles, not only because of the physical damage but also due to the
reduce these sensor errors is ongoing, with precision maps
direct harm it can pose to drivers and pedestrians. This content being developed to identify terrain and landmarks within a 10-
examines the basic concept of autonomous vehicles, the ongoing 20 cm error range, offering benefits like reduced errors,
development trends, and challenges in autonomous vehicle enhanced AI learning capabilities, reduced data volume for
technology, and explains the problems occurring in this area. real-time analysis, improved environmental friendliness,
battery efficiency management, and provision of static and
The structure of this content is organized into Ch. 2: The Concept of dynamic information. Accurate perception technology is
essential for the commercialization and popularization of
Autonomous Vehicles, Ch. 3: Technology Trends and Challenges in
autonomous vehicles.
Autonomous Vehicles, and Ch. 4: Problems Arising from Trends,
concluding with a summary. 2.2 Decision-making/Control Technology

II. Autonomous Vehicles Definition Decision-making in autonomous driving involves

evaluating the situation after estimating the vehicle's
The basic principles of autonomous driving are based on position and acquiring information about the surrounding
perception, decision-making, and control. Perception environment through perception technology. Autonomous
technology enables autonomous vehicles to understand their vehicles can determine the optimal route to the destination,
surrounding environment, including traffic conditions and create driving routes, and perform actions like lane changes
driving environments, using GPS, cameras, radar, etc., to or overtaking based on road information from precision
recognize and collect current driving environment maps. Information collected is processed through sensor
information. Decision-making technology involves making the fusion to create object parameters for action decisions. The
most appropriate decisions for autonomous vehicles based on control function decides on braking, direction, and steering,
based on decisions made in the decision-making phase, vehicle technology and explores the security threats emerging in
marking a significant advancement in vehicle operation. autonomous vehicles, as well as the trends in security technologies being
researched and developed for safe autonomous driving. As reviewed in the
III. Technology Trends in Autonomous Vehicles
paper, security threats to autonomous vehicles continue to arise, and research
Autonomous vehicles are equipped with various sensors into security technologies to counter these threats is ongoing. Given that
and communicate through external networks for vehicle-to- minor errors in autonomous vehicles can cause not only physical damage
vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, but also severe harm to humans, continuous security technology
enabling smooth autonomous driving. However, this allows
research/application and empirical testing are necessary for the
attackers to launch attacks that can cause physical harm or
direct damage to humans. commercialization and popularization of autonomous vehicles.

3.1. GPS (Global Positioning System)

GPS plays a crucial role in estimating the vehicle's REFERENCES

position in autonomous driving. The increase in the number [1] Scott Drew Pendleton “UPerception, Planning, Control, and Coordination
of satellites in the public domain has made GPS data more
for Autonomous Vehicles“, National University of Singapore
accessible, but attackers can manipulate GPS data to
misguide the system, potentially compromising the safety [2] Myerongsoo Kim “A Study on the Activation and Introduction of
of drivers and pedestrians. GPS spoofing and jamming
Autonoumous Vehicles“
attacks, where incorrect signals/data are transmitted, can
lead to unintended situations by reprogramming the GPS [3] Soonhong Kwon, “자율 주행 자동차 보안 위협 및 기술 동향”
receiver to pick up stronger signals, altering the vehicle's
intended position to one desired by attackers.

3.2 IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)

Combining gyroscopes and accelerometers, IMUs

provide speed, acceleration, and direction data for vehicles.
IMUs can compensate for GPS errors, monitoring and
diagnosing the vehicle's position, direction, and
surrounding environment. However, spoofing and jamming
attacks can disable the IMU, leading to critical situations,
such as failing to recognize slopes while driving, resulting
in unexpected accidents with nearby vehicles.

3.3. LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging)

LiDAR creates a 3D map of the environment and

obstacles by firing laser beams and measuring their
reflection times, playing a central role in autonomous
driving. However, attackers can mislead autonomous
vehicles by sending signals at the same frequency to the
scanner, causing the vehicle to slow down or stop.

3.4. Cameras

Cameras are used for lane detection, traffic signal

recognition, headlight detection, and obstacle detection.
Attackers can partially disable cameras by manipulating the
lighting from oncoming vehicles, causing misidentification
or failure to detect objects, posing safety risks to drivers
and pedestrians. Therefore, security technologies and
solutions for recognition errors are needed.

IV. Conclusion
. The autonomous vehicle market is expanding annually due to advantages
such as the reduction in traffic accidents, increased accessibility to driving,
and the ability to perform various tasks while the vehicle is in operation. Not
only automotive manufacturers but also ICT companies are conducting
research and development for the commercialization and popularization of
autonomous vehicles.
This paper examines the ongoing development trends in autonomous

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