CVV Adoption Application English

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Thank you for your interest in adopting one of the Vaudreuil Veterinary

Clinic’s kittens. Due to the number of adoption applications we receive,

not all inquiries will receive a response. The information gathered on this
adoption form will allow us to ensure we are selecting the perfect family, in
the best interest of the kitten(s)/cat(s). We thank you kindly for your
patience and understanding during this process.

Please note that in order to be financially equipped to care for potential

medical issues/emergencies in the future, if any were to arise, we highly
recommend a plan such as Pet insurance or an emergency savings fund.

Full Name:

Primary Phone Number:

Home Address:

Email Address:
How did you hear about our adoption program?

What made you decide to adopt a kitten/cat?

What is your experience with cats (have you had your own before, babysat
for others, etc)? What other animals are currently living in your home? How

How often does/did your cat go to the vet?

Are your current animals sterilized, up to date with their vaccines and

What do you believe is the best diet for your cat? ( Dry, Homemade, Raw, Tuna,
Canned..) What brand name(s)?
Where do you buy your cat food?

Did or does your cat have any health issues and what types of testing did or
would you do throughout its lifetime?

If applicable, how old did your cat live to be?

If applicable, what was their cause of death?

How do you plan on keeping your cat’s teeth cleaned?

Did your previous pet(s) ever have a dental cleaning performed by a


Who will be the primary caregiver?

What will you do with your cat if :

You travel -

Meet someone / move in with someone who is allergic -

You move -

If you had to surrender your cat for any reason, who would you give them to and

If you are unable to care for your pet or need to stay in the hospital for a
period of time, who will be responsible for taking care of your pet during your
time away?

How many litter boxes will you provide?

Where will the cat sleep at night?

Will your new cat be an indoor cat, or indoor-outdoor cat (ie: on a secured
balcony, loose in the backyard, on-leash and harness, free roaming, etc)?

If your answer is YES, how many hours a day will your cat be outside? Will they
be put on any form of prevention?

What sort of enrichment do you plan to offer your cat?

When you’re home where will you keep him?

What age group(s) do the members of the household compose of:

A) 18 or younger
B) 19 to 25
C) 26 to 45
D) 46 to 60
E) 61+

The name of your current vet clinic:

How many occupants currently live in your household?

How many children live in your household below the age of 12 years old?

What type of residence do you live in (house, condo, apartment, etc)?

Do you plan on moving in the near future?

Describe your household (loud and active, quiet and calm, often have
family/friends over, etc).

How many consecutive hours will the animals be left home alone?

Please list the type of maintenance care and grooming you are comfortable
providing for your pet :

How would you deal with issues such as scratching furniture, biting, etc?

What type of personality are you looking for in a cat (affectionate/cuddly,

independent, timid, etc)?

Do you plan on declawing your new cat?

Any additional information:

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this adoption form, if
contacted we will conduct an in person interview followed by a
meet and greet with the kitten(s) on another day. Please note that
the kittens will not be adopted on the meet and greet day.

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