ASYNCHROUNOUS ACTIVITY - No. 1 - Q4 - April 03 2024

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Statistics and Probability 11

4th Quarter | 2nd Semester
S.Y. 2023 – 2024
(April 03, 2024; Wednesday)

NAME: ________________________________________________________ SCORE: ______________________

GRADE & SECTION: ___________________________________________

Instructions: Read carefully and follow the directions in each part of the test. Write all your
answers/solutions on the space provided. Make sure your paper is clean, neat and organized.
Strictly no erasures, points will be deducted. Use black ink pen only.

Directions: The following items show four pictures captured by the author during his travel in the
different places and constructed using GeoGebra application which represents a common object.
Analyze the group of pictures carefully then identify the common object they represent.
Write your answer by filling in the empty boxes below each item. A hint is also provided for you.

1 2 3

4 5

Can you define or describe each word that you have obtained in this activity?

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________ ___________________
Parent’s Name and Signature Date

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