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What are three things that matter most to me?

[11:44 AM]
Family & Friendship
[11:44 AM]
[11:44 AM]
[11:45 AM]
What do I like about myself?
[11:46 AM]
work hard and like challenge.
[11:46 AM]
What are 3 adjectives that describe me?
[11:48 AM]
Ambitious, Energetic, Funny
[11:49 AM]
What traits do I need to improve on?
Kou — 05/28/2023 11:51 AM
Disciplined management time and improve my skill at kitchen.
[11:52 AM]
What scares me the most?
[11:53 AM]
when the costumers doesn't like taste of my food
[11:53 AM]
What am I most interested in?
[11:55 AM]
I like challenge and learn something new to improve me to get better my skill
Kou — 05/28/2023 12:02 PM
What are my best talents?
[12:03 PM]
Made traditional food, traditional dance (Bali and Betawi Jakarta) from Indonesia, drawing batik
Indonesia (edited)
[12:03 PM]
What is my proudest achievement?
[12:05 PM]
become head chef woman International (edited)
[12:05 PM]
What are my 3 favorite subjects and why do I like them?
Kou — 05/28/2023 12:12 PM
to challenge get more experience, they discipline management time and creative
[12:13 PM]
What is my favorite quote that most describes me?
[12:15 PM]
Kou — 05/28/2023 12:25 PM
Hasil video
[12:27 PM]
"We should climb to get our dream, and build the wall means your ability
[12:27 PM]
there is always a choice about the way you do your work
[12:28 PM]
Even if there isn't a choice about the work itself*
[12:29 PM]
you have the power to choose the attitude you bring to work each day
[12:29 PM]

[12:30 PM]
Positive can help the successful team work
[12:31 PM]
Rewarded with outstanding results both for you and the team
[12:32 PM]
Equally powerful a negative attitude, even from one person, can disrupt your entire team, it's
productivity, and it's outcomes.
Kou — 05/28/2023 6:40 PM
(how high and how fast can you climb) (how can you make sure its secure?) (edited)
[6:46 PM]
Its easy to say be positive but when your real would dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of
everyday life. Its not always easily done. So we not tell simply be positive and we not promises to
sun come out tomorrow inside we going to inspire you to choose to find a way to be positive no
matter what comes your way.
Kou — 05/28/2023 6:48 PM
Being positive is a feeling you choose first on the inside before you choose to show it on the outside.
It's not going to happen overnight.
[6:50 PM]
And it takes practise, practice but we can promise what would u get hanging out choosing a positive
attitude will absolutely change your life and skyrocket your chances for career success.
[6:51 PM]
Thing about last time truly positive about something, what were you doing at the time, and how did
it make you feel?
[6:52 PM]
You this next space to answer
[6:53 PM]
Think about the last time were truly positive about something? What were you doing? How did it
make you feel?
Kou — 05/28/2023 7:31 PM
You have a choice caring-uncaring Calm - angry Open - judgmental Attentive - dismissive Respectful -
full of disdain
[7:32 PM]
No matter whats going on with our life, we all have the opportunity to choose how we going to react
[7:33 PM]
We can choose what is right and what is good to make good choices from the options we have in any
given situation. (edited)
Kou — 05/28/2023 8:16 PM
Another works our attitude is not set just once. (edited)
[8:16 PM]
It doesn't operate on automatic pilot.
[8:17 PM]
Our attitude, Is a choice we make all day every day. (edited)
[8:19 PM]
Okay, this the single most important lesson you may learn in this module
[8:19 PM]
It's not the challenges you face each day that decide your future
[8:21 PM]
We all face challenges, that just a part of life. What matters of the job pending personal life is how
you choose to face these challenges
[8:21 PM]
It's your attitude that will ultimately decide your fate.
Kou — 05/28/2023 8:26 PM
The challenges you are facing right now do not impact your future nearly as much as the way you are
reacting to them.
Kou — 05/28/2023 8:34 PM
What you're react challenges just may be complete it the sources, you can probably come up with all
kinds of excuses and reasons why you can't do it. There's the attitude you come it and change it
everything. You can tell yourself this course is good for you (edited)
[8:37 PM]
This is helping your job and keep that job improve your self
[8:37 PM]
.................. Goddammit
[8:38 PM]
It all start with choosing your attitude

Your positive attitude impacts which of the following:

A. Your day
B. Your family
C. Yourself
D. Your co workers
E. All of the above

The average human being has 60,000 thoughts per day and 80% of them are

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Affirmative
D. Happy
E. Dreams

The following are all examples of positive self-talk except:

A. I get better every day in every way.

B. I do not look forward to the future.
C. I am not trying to fit in, because I was born to stand out.
D. I can do whatever I focus my mind on.
E. None of the above

To build positivity on the inside, you must reprogram ____________ self-talk and
generate ___________ messages.

A. Positive,negative
B. Negative, positive
C. Affirmative, negative
D. Positive, affirmative
E. None of the above

It is important to understand that no matter how many positive people you have
around you
there is no more powerful influence than your ________________________________.

A. Own thoughts
B. Family and friends
C. Mentors
D. A&B
E. All of the above

Being _________________ is not the same as choosing and creating positivity.

A. Pessimistic
B. Optimistic
C. Negative
D. Affirmative
E. None of the above

Our emotional ups and downs are sometimes related to a ________________.

A. Bouncy house
B. Roller coaster
C. Car ride
D. Airplane
E. None of the above

Jim Rohn, a self-made millionaire, life success coach, and philosopher once said:
"You can't hire someone else to do your _____________ for you."

A. Presentations
B. Sit ups
C. Push ups
D. Chores
E. None of the above

The ______________ you are facing right now do not impact your future nearly as
much as the way you react to them.

A. Goals
B. Challenges
C. Classes
D. Attitudes
E. None of the above

When you choose a ___________________________ you will immediately start seeing
the benefits with every person you meet and in everything you do.

A. Positive direction
B. Positive goal
C. Positive advice
D. Positive attitude
E. None of the above

Modul 2

Have you ever heard someone say that so and so has good character?
What is exactly that does mean? Good character? And what that have to do career and life success.
Turn out, quite a lot. In fact, what incomes to success in workplace. Your character “who are you?”
the distinctive qualities that describe how you feel, think, and act and can make break you. Locally
You character like your attitude is something you can choose and change.
And today we going help you learn and how. Before you begin
Let’s take quick attitude check, because as you learn last module attitude makes all the difference so
will be courchange today. Is up to you, your success is what you make it.

Objective 1
Explain the importance of developing positive character traits.
Objective 2
Identify desirable traits and explain how they can be used the workplace.
Objective 3
Recognize problematic behaviours that cause difficulties on the job.
Objective 4
Enumerate and identify the top eight negative character traits.
We discussed the benefits of adopting a positive attitude. You were challenged to work on positive
self-talk and creating daily affirmations to help you build positivity from the inside out. So how is it
going so far? Use the space on the next slide share how you have been choosing to be more positive
in the classroom and in your life.

About your day test


Remember when thing change on the inside, things change outside too. The concept also apply your
character outside and inside the way you respond to situations on the job and in life. What do you
think to have good character? Your character is you personal motivation to act the way you do. It
defines what kind of person you are. There are people who have good character and are personally
motivated to do the right thing. Your character can be built or rebuilt to help you become the best
you. It helps to imagine your character as an internal compass that guides you to act and to react the
way you to people and situations.
Right and wrong
Positive or negative good or bad win or lose
Your character makes every choice in every situation every day.
Based on your values, opinions and beliefs, you can use your inner compass to help guide you to
career and life success. “A friend is someone whose eyes light up when you walk into the room.”

How can you demonstrate trustworthiness both in and out of the workplace?
1. Show up on time. ...
2. Speak honestly. ...
3. Follow through on your commitments. ...
4. Hold yourself accountable. ...
5. Give credit to those who deserve it. ...
6. Avoid engaging in gossip. ...
7. Treat others with respect. ...
8. Be consistent.
1. Doing what you say you will do (being dependable and consistent)
2. Being approachable and friendly (people trust leaders they like)
3. Championing authenticity, empathy and humanity.
4. Showing support for your team members, even when they make mistakes
(and admitting to your own)
the first, doing what should say and will do its being dependable, speak honestly and consistent.
second, have empathy, authenticity and humanity. the last, showing the support for team members,
even when they make some mistake and try to admitting.
How can you demonstrate respect both in and out of the workplace?
1. Say something. ...
2. Smile. ...
3. Say “thank you.” It may seem like common sense, but many people forget to
say thank you or don't say it with sincerity. ...
4. Be considerate and discreet. ...
5. Apologize. ...
6. Participate constructively. ...
7. Respond in a timely manner. ...
8. Go the extra mile.

1. Listen to what everyone has to say. ...

2. Pay attention to nonverbal communication. ...
3. Practice transparency. ...
4. Recognize the strengths and accomplishments of others. ...
5. Value the time and workloads of others. ...
6. Delegate meaningful work. ...
7. Practice common courtesy and politeness.
A culture of respect in the workplace encourages innovation and idea sharing, as well as
staff wellbeing, satisfaction, performance, and productivity. When employees know they are
valued by their managers and team members, they are less stressed and more committed to
their work.
first, I should try to listen or pay attention for someone or everyone has to say. recognize if there is
the strengths and accomplishments of others. the last, give innovation and idea sharing as well as a
team to built good performance, productivity and satisfaction.

How can you demonstrate initiative both in and out of the workplace?
successful people do what they don’t want to do think about that because you know, if you do it
anyway, you’re going to race right up the career and life ladder. Set goals make each day your
masterpiece do you job with smile be motivated each day to learn something new do what you are
supposed to do, do more help if they’re need be diligent

1. Understand the business.

2. Ask questions.
3. Find opportunities to improve processes.
4. Ask for more responsibilities.
5. Volunteer to help.
6. Be proactive.
7. Voice your ideas.
8. Be curious and learn about the work going on around you.
9. Find a new opportunity for improvement within your workplace.
10. Address any problems you notice.
11. Step in when someone needs help, and ask about team progress.
12. Offer help when training new employees.
You can show initiative by foreseeing potential problems at work and finding ways to
mitigate these issues. By doing so, it shows your manager that you're a self-starter
who can identify potential challenges on your own and suggest ways to solve them

You can show initiative at work in a variety of ways,

including volunteering for leadership roles, helping coworkers and
brainstorming ideas to help the company improve. Showing
initiative can make your managers feel more comfortable in your
ability to work independently and within teams.

You can show initiative by foreseeing potential problems at work and

finding ways to mitigate these issues. By doing so, it shows your
manager that you're a self-starter who can identify potential
challenges on your own and suggest ways to solve them. This assures
them of your problem-solving capabilities and ability to work

For instance, you may foresee that a certain outdoor event may be
affected due to the unpredictability of weather conditions. You can
suggest some feasible wet weather plans to your manager and plan
equipment to bring beforehand, such as tents and umbrellas as
precautionary measures against bad weather. These actions display
your initiative at work as it shows that you can think and plan ahead
with minimal guidance.

WISDOM - Having mature understanding, insight, good sense, and good judgment
Extremely Important
Not Important

WEALTH - Having many possessions and plenty of money for the things one wants
Extremely Important
Not Important
TRUSTWORTHINESS - Being honest, straightforward, and caring
Extremely Important
Not Important

RELIGIOUS FAITH - Having a religious belief

Extremely Important
Not Important

RECOGNITION - Being important, well-liked, and accepted

Extremely Important
Not Important

POWER - Possession of control, authority, or influence over others

Extremely Important
Not Important

PLEASURE - Satisfaction, gratification, fun, joy

Extremely Important
Not Important

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE - Concern for being attractive; being neat, clean, and well
Extremely Important
Not Important

MORALITY - Believing in and keeping ethical standards, personal honor, and integrity
Extremely Important
Not Important

LOYALTY - Maintaining allegiance to a person, group, or institution

Extremely Important
Not Important

LOVE - Warmth, caring, unselfish devotion

Extremely Important
Not Important

KNOWLEDGE - Seeking truth, information, or principles for satisfaction or curiosity

Extremely Important
Not Important

JUSTICE - Treating others fairly or impartially; conforming to truth, fact, or reason

Extremely Important
Not Important

HONESTY - Being frank and genuine with everyone

Extremely Important
Not Important

HEALTH - Being sound of body

Extremely Important
Not Important

CREATIVITY - The creation of new ideas and designs; being innovative

Extremely Important
Not Important

JOB - One’s lifetime work

Extremely Important
Not Important

FAMILY - One’s present family and future family

Extremely Important
Not Important

EDUCATION - School, college.

Extremely Important
Not Important

ACHIEVEMENT - Accomplishments; results brought about by resolve, persistence, or

Extremely Important
Not Important
Quiz 2

Which of the following help you implement the character trait of


A. Do your best
B. Think before you act
C. Consider conquences
D. Never give up
E. All of the above

When you practice respect, it becomes a _____________ for everyone.

A. Win/lose
B. Win/win
C. Lose/win
D. Lose/lose
E. None of the above

Doing the right thing without being told is what according to the Character

A. Initiative
B. Creativity
C. Mindfulness
D. Teacher's Pet
E. None of the above

Which of the following are key character traits?

A. Honesty
B. Responsibility
C. Initiative
D. Respect
E. All of the above
What does character define?

A. What type of person you are

B. They way you act
C. Your personal motivation
D. A and B
E. All of the above

Like your attitude, a positive character is a ____________.

A. Trait
B. Skill
C. Choice
D. Game
E. None of the above

What is the best policy according to the character seminar?

A. Mandatory
B. Honesty ( you will be well on your way to success withn your organisazion)
C. Responsibility
D. A and B
E. None of the above

Good character is shown in the following ways:

A. Doing what is right

B. Doing what is popular
C. Doing what is best for your reputation
D. A and B
E. None of the above

In the character seminar, you were told to think of your character as a
B. Weather pane
C. Flag
D. Compass
E. Watch

Someone who is motivated to learn something new every day is demonstrating
which of the following positive character traits?

A . Initiative
B. Self Esteem
C. Positive Attitude
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Module 3

Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common- so why not
celebrate it everyday! We hope you will start this module with a open
mind and open heart!

Seminar Description

The process of cultural understanding challenges you to stop jumping

to conclusions and stop making judgments about other people from
your own set of cultural values. Instead this seminar encourages you to
learn about cultural differences so that you can understand why other
people behave the way they do. Once you understand and appreciate
differences you can begin to more easily socialize and work with people
from a wide range of cultural backgrounds.
Diversity and cultural awareness
How to recognize how much we actually share in spite of our
differences and discovering how to become more culturally aware both
personally and professionally .
Objective 1 discuss the importance of understanding diversity and
cultural awareness in today’s world and workplace.
Objective 2 explain cultural diversity in general.
Objective 3 describe the negative impact of prejudices, biases and
Objective identify the guidelines to understanding and celebrating
Diversity the best find does related:
To religion, political orientation, sexual orientation, gender identify, age,
race, ethnicity, language, socio economic status, and family structure.
Diversity, however, also encompasses the differences in cultural
backgrounds, values, and ways of life. How you choose to respond
booth the diversity and cultural different social everyday out side.
Have a huge impact on your success in life. It starts with diving below
the surface. What you can’t see when you look at someone is often just
as important as what you can. Think of it like an iceberg, you can only
see iceberg flow in ocean. You’ll discover that there’s way more to an
iceberg than you could ever have imagined. In fact, the part of an
iceberg you can’t see is far more powerful and important than what lies
on its surface. The same is true when it comes to cultivating cultural
awareness. Many aspects of culture are invisible.
1. Values
2. Priorities
3. Customs
4. Clothing
5. Courtesies
6. Assumptions
You play customs, clothing, courtesies both service values, priorities,
assumptions bellows service you’re correct. Behaver not spontaneous
for most part the way we act and interact with others is based on our
culture and may even seem wrong to you. Makes perfect sense to that
Cultural people behave the way they do based on what they believe or
So, why is it important to dive a bit deeper when it comes to cultivating
diversity and cultural awareness? That could be easy to see, when we
choose to only see someone’s surface we miss so much and we stay far
apart. When we learn to care more about what we share than what sets
us apart. When we learn to celebrate our differences, we create a
community of understanding, acceptance and peace. Employee so
faster some kind culturally celebratory workplace experience also
created caring learning environment for their employees. Learning to
genuinely understand and accept another culture is really very difficult.
Why? Because we usually see and hear what we expect to see and hear,
even if we are mistaken. For example, we are see the familiar logo used
FedEx all around the world. But look at that ………
A ha! Experience
And this is what happens metaphorically when we begin to see other
cultures for what they are both above and below the surface. If we are
looking for the familiar we may never notice the important differences
that tell the whole story FedEx, if you're still searching for the arrow you
can find it between the E and the X. So if we understand that
celebrating diversity is important to our success personally and
professionally why is it sometimes a struggle to accept the diversity we
see around us why do we still tend to gravitate towards people that are
familiar and most like us why do we tend to shy away from the
unknown and what is considered different because you probably do all
of the above even when you're not aware that you are doing so don't
worry you're not alone the fact is we are all conditioned from our own
childhood experiences and environments to seek out what is the same
and to avoid what's different.
We are all raised to view and to react to the world around us in certain
ways. It’s these unique differences that shape our look, our language,
and our behaviour. it's these differences along with our cultural beliefs
traditions and religions that shape how we view ourselves others and
the world today which is why learning to understand and accept other
cultures can sometimes be difficult why. Because very often when
looking at people from another culture we're looking through our me
filter. Our background or upbringing has taught us to speak and act in
certain ways, so it can take work to learn how to see and accept
something or someone in a different way and it's important that we do
that work. If we are looking for me, if we think we know exactly what we
should see we may not notice the differences that are right in front of
us the truth is we have a tendency to see things not as they are but as
we are. As 21st century citizens you’re now being challenged to change
this. It's critical to your success in the workplace and in life to learn to
understand embrace and respect the differences you see and others
and one of the first and most important steps in the learning process is
to admit that you have personal biases, prejudice, and stereotypes.
Don't worry we all do it's a fact of life but once we become aware of our
biases prejudices and our tendency to stereotype once we recognize
that we are naturally prone to exhibit these kinds of culturally divisive
behaviors once we are culturally aware we can change it click next to
learn more let's start with stereotyping this is a process in which we
classify someone according to certain characteristics they display
stereotyping is the practice of assuming that similar people or groups
of people think, act, look, feel, and believe same things simply because
they share the same culture. Stereotyping tends to dehumanize people
to lump them all together and no one wants that we all want to be seen
for who we are avoiding or feeling negative about a person or group of
people simply because they are different than you can minimize your
worldview and affect your ability to work well with others.
You may believe that you always treat others, you may as equal but
there are times this probably isn't true and you may not even realize it
when you're doing it according to stereotyping studies. Most people
have biases and prejudices they are not even aware of that can have a
major influence on the way they interact with others.
Have you ever been judged by someone according to the color of your
skin? the way you speak? the clothes you wear? your religious beliefs?
the neighborhood you live in? Have you ever judged someone else in
the same way? once you identify the ways you may practice
stereotyping in your life without being aware of it you can start to
change them. Complete the following statements quickly and honestly
in your own words all famous actors and actresses all professional
athletes all vegetarians all men with long hair oh women with tattoos
when we stereotype people we prejudge them we assume that all
people in a group have all the same traits and that's just not true So
what can you do to avoid stereotyping in the workplace and in life well
you might already know the answer to this one education education is
the key to change and there's no better time and place to start
relearning than right here and right now once you begin to recognize
your biases prejudices and tendency to stereotype you can use your
newly acquired knowledge to develop and practice a culture of
tolerance and acceptance both in and outside of the workplace the next
few slides will give you our top three tips that can help you learn to
celebrate diversity in the workplace and in life go ahead and click next
the first step is to become aware take the time to become aware of
your own cultural conditioning and identify your own stereotypes
biases and prejudices be brave enough to reflect on both the positive
and negative aspects of your own diversity and to examine why you
think the way you do this is a process of questioning things that you
may never have questioned before give one example of how you can
start being aware of your own cultural condition tip #2 is educate
yourself make an effort to learn more about cultural practices from
other countries they're etiquette traditional what is considered good
and bad behavior acceptable forms of communication make it genuine
effort with your culturally diverse colleagues to learn about and respect
your differences and to find similarities you can build on give one
example of how you can start educating yourself about cultural
diversity and tip #3 is show respect it's important to demonstrate and
show mutual respect in the workplace and in life when you show the
same respect to others to all others that you would like in turn to
receive you are acknowledging that you value all others not only those
who look and think and talk and act as you do each of us is a unique
individual and we all have much to contribute to the people and world
around us give one example of how you can start showing respect to
others today it's a given differences will always exist among us diversity
will always be a part of your workplace and your life and this is actually
a good thing all you have to do in order to learn how to embrace
cultural diversity is to keep in mind that your mind is like a parachute it
works best when it's open

1. Be kind
How you treat people is who are you
A.D. Williams once said, “imagine what 7 billion humans could
accomplish if we all loved and respected one another.”
Just imagine if there was no greed, if there was no comparison.
Imagine, everyone running their own race but cheering for all the
others at same time. Maybe we’ll never see that in our lifetime
but what we all can do is start with ourselves, start with yourself.
Choose to lift others up, to set the example of kindness and
integrity, the example of compassion and understanding. There is
a quote that says, “no matter how educated, talented, rich or cool
you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all.”
Integrity is everything it really is. Who you are is far more
important than what you have and it always will be. Who you are
is measured by how you make others feel. In a world where you
can be anything be kind. Choose to be the change you wish to see
in the world, decide you will not wait for someone else. You can
set example be kind. Because you never know how much that
person is suffering inside. You never know the difference your
words can make, the difference your presence can make. Be the
reason, someone believes in the goodness of humanity, someone
else decides to make a difference in others. Be the influence you
want to see more of always do what is right, no what is easy in
moment. Kindness spreads like a virus, when you di good to
another, that person does better to those they come in contact
with. You really can make a big difference in the world, today and
every day. Anne frank said, “in the long run, the sharpest weapon
of all is a kind and gentle spirit.” Do not try to make yourself great
by trying to show how small someone else is. Treat every with the
level of kindness that you would like for yourself. Because karma
makes no mistakes, because you have integrity, because you
want this world to be better when you leave than when you
arrived be kind.

1. When we educate ourselves, we become more ___________ centered, rather

than __________ centered.
A. self, other
B. other, self
C. me, you
D. you, me
E. None of the above

When you demonstrate respect, you are acknowledging that you ___________
A. Bully
B. Tolerate
C. Stereotype
D. Value
E. Dislike

Diversity refers to which of the following:

A. Age
B. Race
C. Gender
D. Religion
E. All of the above

Once we understand and appreciate differences in others, we can do which of
the following?

A. Widen the cultural gap

B. Work more effectively together
C. Bridge the cultural gap
D. B and C
E. None of the above

When we look at behavior, we determine or interpret what is happening

A. Our own filter

B. Someone else's filter
C. My family's background
D. None of the above
E. All of the above

We tend to not see things as ____________ are, we tend to see things as ______are.
A. We, they
B. You, we
C. We, you
D. They, we
E. None of the above

workplaces and organizations that create and celebrate a diverse environment:

A. See the good in being different and share the promise that similarities offer.
B. Are comfortable including people of different backgrounds and cultures.
C. Strive to eliminate negative stereotyping.
D. Think diversity is interesting and fun!
E. All of the above

All of the following are ways to identify our stereotypes except:

A. Educate yourself
B. Become aware
C. Show judgement
D. Build relationships
E. Show respect

In the Diversity and Cultural Awareness seminar, the 21st Century is compared
to which of the following:

A. Land of the Same

B. Village of Diversity
C. Melting pot
D. classroom
E. B and C

When we are classifying someone acording to certain characteristics, what are
we doing?

A. Gossiping
B. Interfering
C. Stereotyping
D. Complimenting
E. None of the above

Back to Activities

Note: Make sure to answer all questions. The quiz will not submit until all questions are

Final Exam

Technical skills are known as _____________ skills, and skills such as communication and
teamwork are known as a ______________ skills.

A. hard, soft

B. computer, soft

C. soft, computer

D. techy, hard

E. None of the above

We tend to not see things as ____________ are, we tend to see things as ______are.

A. we, they

B. you, we

C. we, you

D. they, we

E. None of the above

Facts can be ______, opinions ____________

A. Separated, cannot

B. Reversed, cannot

C. Proven, cannot

D. Fake, cannot

E. Discussed, cannot

Which of the following best describes critical thinking?

A. Critical thinking means taking information to help form your own opinions

B. Critical thinking leads to a better understanding of the world around you.

C. Critical thinking means making personal judgments that are thought out.

D. Critical thinking allows you to solve problems.

E. All of the above

Etiquette is known as a:

A. Code of ethics

B. Code of behavior

C. Code of conscious

D. Code of manners

E. A and B

When you demonstrate respect, you are acknowledging that you ___________ others.

A. Accept

B. Tolerate

C. Stereotype

D. Value

E. Dislike

The average human being has 60,000 thoughts per day and 80% of them are

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Affirmative

D. Happy

E. Dreams
To build positivity on the inside, you must reprogram ____________ self-talk and generate
___________ messages.

A. Positive, negative

B. Negative, positive

C. Affirmative, negative

D. Positive, affirmative

E. None of the above


Initiative is _____________.

A. Time management

B. Action

C. Visualizing

D. Being present

E. None of the above

Having ethical responsibility is a big part of working in customer service and that
includes being able to say, __________.

A. How can I help you?

B. What do you want?

C. I'm sorry.
D. I don't know.

E. You are welcome.

Work Ethic is defined by which of the following:

A. The way you feel about the importance of work

B. The way you do your job

C. Showing up to work on time with a positive attitude

D. The way you work with your co- workers

E. All of the above

Good critical thinking incorporates all of the skills below except:

A. Asking questions

B. Evaluating bias and assumptions

C. Being close minded

D. Being self-aware

E. A and D

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a good work ethic?

A. Reliability

B. Dedication

C. Cooperation
D. Self Motivated

E. None of the above

Which of the following is the foundation for a good work ethic?

A. Positive Attitude

B. Getting along with others

C. Discipline

D. Productivity

E. C and D

Which of the following does not help you manage your time?

A. Making a commitment

B. Setting goals

C. Taking time for a time out

D. Creating a daily to do list

E. None of the above

Which of the following does not help resolve conflict?

A. Identify conflict

B. Debate your opinion

C. Share and listen

D. Brainstorm

E. B and D

Diversity refers to which of the following?

A. Age

B. Race

C. Gender

D. A and C

E. All of the above

Appearance is the way you look, etiquette is the way you __________?

A. Wear your clothes

B. Act

C. Talk

D. Shake Hands

E. B and C

Leaders are:

A. Born

B. Hired

C. Chosen
D. Made

E. None of the above

In most situations, we do not fail to communicate, we fail to _______________.

A. Talk

B. Observe

C. Connect

D. Show up

E. Interpret

Interpersonal communication is connecting with your:

A. Ears

B. Eyes

C. Heart

D. A and B

E. All of the above

There is no more powerful influence in your life than your __________________.

A. Parents

B. Attitude

C. Thoughts
D. B and C

E. All of the above

Which of the following will help you implement the character trait of "responsibility" ?

A. Do your best

B. Think before you act

C. Consider consequences

D. Never give up

E. All of the above

What does character define?

A. What type of person you are

B. They way you act

C. Your personal motivation

D. A and B

E. All of the above

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