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Asriadi Sakka
Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty
Hasanuddin University
February, 2021
Asriadi Sakka (Asdi)
*Bachelor of Energy Conversion, Mechanical Engineering, Hasanuddin University (2007-2011)
**Master of Engineering, Biomass/Waste to Energy Major, at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
– Lecturer Assistant, Hasanuddin University (2009-2011)

– Freelance Assistant Motivational Trainer of ESQ Way 165 (2010-2011)

– Safety, Health, and Environment Leader – PT PAMA, Astra International (2012-2015)

– Volunteer Teacher, Kelas Inspirasi Makassar IV by Indonesia Mengajar (2016)

– Volunteer Teacher, 1000_Guru_Sulsel (2016)

– LPDP Awardee, KEMENKEU 2016

– Part of Le Cendekia Boarding School (2019-now)

– A Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering UNHAS (2020-now)

– A Father and Husband

Indonesia Kami Pasti Mengabdi…

Kontrak Belajar 1. On-Time (Start and Finish), Maks
15 min after started via SIKOLA
2. Absensi lebih dari 75% kehadiran
3. Keaktifan ; Tugas Individu, Klp,
Presentasi, Diskusi
4. Integritas ketika Ujian
5. Problem solving
6. Ujian 1 (mid) & Ujian 2 (final)
7. Menjaga ADAB
8. Buat WAG
Kontrak Belajar 1. Keaktifan : 20%
- Tugas Perorangan / Kelompok
- Tugas Presentasi
2. Kerajinan : 20%
- Absensi
3. Ujian 1 : 30%
- Mid Test
4. Ujian 2 : 30%
- Final Test
Literatures Books :
1. Thermodynamics an Engineering
Approach, Yunus A. Cengel, Michael
A. Boles
2. Fundamentals of
Thermodynamics, Borgnakke,
Konsep Dasar
~ Bahasa Yunani ;
Thermos => Panas
Dynamic => Perubahan

~ Secara Umum ; Termodinamika merupakan kajian

mengenai kalor (panas) yang berpindah

~ Secara Khusus ; Termodinamika adalah ilmu yang

mempelajari tentang panas, kerja dan energi serta
perubahan yang diakibatkannya terhadap sistem.
~ Menganalisis Performance
~ Merencanakan Mesin
~ Meningkatkan Efisiensi Mesin
“Thermodynamics can be defined as the science of energy”

Figure 1-2 . Heat flows in the direction of

Figure 1-1. Energy cannot be created or
decreasing temperature
destroyed ; it can only change forms
“Thermodynamics can be defined as the science of energy”

Figure 1-3. Conservation of energy principle for the human body

Ein – Eout = △E
Application Area of Thermodynamics

Figure 1-4. The design of many engineering systems, such as this sholar hot water
system, involves thermodynamics
Application Area of Thermodynamics

Figure 1-5. Some application areas of thermodynamis

Importance of Dimensions and Units
Importance of Dimensions and Units

Dimensions Convertions
The definition of the force units
1 lbm 0.45359 kg
Lbm = pound/pon (Indonesia)
1ft 0.3048 m
Lbf = pound-force/pon-gaya (Indonesia)
1N 1 kg m/s2
1 lbf 32.174 lbm ft/s2
1 kgf 9.807 N
1J 1 N.m

Figure 1-6. The relative magnitudes of the force units Newton (N), kilogram-force
(kgf), and pound-force (lbf).
Importance of Dimensions and Units
Importance of Dimensions and Units

Figure 1-5. The relative magnitudes of the force units Newton (N), kilogram-force
(kgf), and pound-force (lbf).
Task 1

“Tuliskan besaran-besaran dimensi dan satuan Termodinamika dalam Satuan

International dari berbagai sumber”
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-Tugas Individu-
Thank you J

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