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Term 3 - Sem 2 A.Y.

Vocabulary List – Secondary 1

Date: Friday, January 26th 2024 Name:______________

Week 2 (Making sentence)

1. charge /tʃɑːdʒ/ verb

to ask an amount of money for goods or a service
 The restaurant charges £40 for the set menu.

2. bias /ˈbaɪəs/ noun

a strong feeling in favour of or against one group of people, or one side in an
argument, often not based on fair judgement
 Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.

3. succeed /səkˈsiːd/ verb

to achieve something that you have been trying to do or get
 He succeeded in getting a place at art school.

4. emphasize /ˈemfəsaɪz/ verb

to make something easier to notice
 The rising tone of his voice emphasized his panic.

5. clerk /klɜːrk/ noun

a person whose job is to do routine duties in an office, shop, etc.
 The sales clerk answered all our questions.

6. stay in shape /steɪ ɪn ʃeɪp/ idiom

to stay in good physical condition
 You don't have to spend a fortune on gym membership to get in shape.

7. nettle /ˈnetl/ noun

a wild plant with leaves that have pointed edges, are covered in fine hairs
and sting (= cause you pain) if you touch them
 The nettles had spread and now covered half the garden.

8. triathlon /traɪˈæθlən/ noun

a sporting event in which people compete in three different sports, usually
swimming, cycling and running
 The triathlon is the ultimate endurance test.

9. track and field /ˌtræk ən ˈfiːld/ noun

sports such as running, jumping and throwing that people compete in
 My daughter wants to compete in track and field.

10. weightlifter /ˈweɪtlɪftər/ noun

a person who takes part in the sport or activity of lifting heavy weights
 He was a very strong weightlifter who had broken many records.

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