CHEM 361 - Compiled Calculations

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1. 96% of a solute is removed from 100ml of an aqueous solution by extraction with two 50ml portions of an
organic solvent. What is the distribution ratio of the solute?

2. Assume that an extraction from water into toluene, analyte A has the distribution ratio D = 10. A 20ml
portion of an aqueous solution of A is extracted with toluene. Which of the following procedures will result
in the most efficient removal of A from the aqueous phase into toluene.

a. One extraction with 40ml of toluene b. Two extractions with 20ml of toluene each

c. Four extractions with 10ml of toluene each.

3. Arsenic(III) is 70% extracted from 7 M HCl into an equal volume of toluene. What percentage will remain
after three individual extractions with toluene.

4. For a solute with distribution ratio of 25.0 , show by calculation which is more effective; extraction of 10ml
of an aqueous solution with 10ml of organic solvent or extraction with two separate 5.0ml portions of
organic solvent.

5. a) A solute Q has a distribution ratio between water and toluene of 7.50. Calculate the extraction efficiency
of 50ml aqueous sample of Q extracted as;

i. A single portion of 50ml ii. Five portions, 10ml each.

6. b) Assume that the solute is not involved in any secondary equilibrium, what volume of ether is needed to
extract 99.9% of the solute when using five (5) extractions?

7. A separation method which is part of an analytical scheme for the isolation of a drug from serum that
contains an inferring endogenous substance was tested as follows; A 200ul portion of a solution that
contains 2000ug/ml of the radiolabelled drug was added to 4.0ml of serum which contains 300ug/ml of the
endogenous substance and the separation method under test was applied giving 10ml of a new solution.
When the new substance was analyzed by radiochemical and chromatographic methods, it was found to
contain 39.0ug/ml of the drug and 6.1ug/ml of the endogenous substance respectively. Calculate;

a) The recovery coefficient b) Extraction coefficient c) Evaluate the separation method

8. The distribution ratio of solute between n-hexane and water is 8. 100ml of a solution of 0.1M of the solute is
to be extracted with n-hexane and it is designed to reduce the concentration ofthe solute to 0.01M. What
total volume of n-hexane is needed if the extraction is done with;

a) 25ml of the organic solvent. b) two portions of 12.5ml of the organic solvent

9. Suppose that 50ml of water containing 0.1g of iodine is shaken with 25ml of CCl4. The distribution
coefficient of iodine between water and CCl4 at ordinary temperature is 1/85th of that in the CCl4 layer.
Calculate the weight of iodine remaining in the aqueous layer after one extraction with 25ml, and also after
three extraction with 8.33ml of the solvent.

10. What is the minimum distribution coefficient that permits removal of 99% of a solute from 50.0ml of water

a) two 25.0ml extractions with toluene? b) Five 10.0ml extractions with toluene?

11. The distribution ratio of solute X between benzene and H2O is 8. A solution of 100ml of 0.1M of the solute is
to be extracted with benzene and it is designed to reduce the concentration of the solute to 0.001M. What
total volume of benzene will be required if the extraction is done with;

a) 25ml of organic solvent b) two portions of 12.5ml of the organic solvent

12. A solute with KD= 4 was partitioned between water and chloroform. Calculate the concentration of solute
in chloroform if the concentration in water is 0.02M.

13. 1g of a weak acid is dissolved in 200ml of water. The weak acid is extracted with CCl4. Given that KD is 100
and Ka is 6.5x10-3. Calculate the value of D if the aqueous layer is at a pH of 3 and 5.
14. A separation method which is part of an analytical scheme for the isolation of a drug from serum that
contains an inferring endogenous substance was tested as follows; A 100ul portion of a solution that
contains 1000ug/ml of the radiolabelled drug was added to 2.00ml of serum which contains 150ug/ml of
the endogenous substance and the separation method under test was applied giving 5.00ml of a new
solution. When the new substance was analyzed by radiochemical and chromatographic methods, it was
found to contain 19.5ug/ml of the drug and 3.05ug/ml of the endogenous substance respectively. Calculate
the recovery and separation coefficient and evaluate the separation method.

15. A 0.100g sample of phthalic acid was dissolved in 100ml of water and 25ml of diethyl ether was used to
extract the phthalic acid. 0.042g of phthalic acid was recovered. What is the distribution coefficient for this

16. A sample contains a weak acid analyte HA and weak acid interferent HE. The acid dissociation constant
and partition coefficients for the weak acids are as follows; KaHA = 1.0 x 10-3 ; KaHA = 1.0 x 10-7 ; KDHA =
KDHB = 500. Calculate the extraction efficiency for HA and HB when 5.0ml of sample buffered to a pH of 7.0
is extracted with 50.0ml of the organic phase.

17. A solute S, has KD between water and chloroform of 5. A 50ml sample of a 0.050M aqueous solution of the
solute is extracted with 15ml of chloroform.

a) What is the final concentration of the solute in each phase?

b) What volume of chloroform is needed to extract 99% of the solute?

c) What will be the extraction efficiency for two and three extractions?

d) How many extractions are required to ensure 99.9% of the solute is extracted?

18. a.The distribution ratio of aspirin between toluene and water is 7. If 100ml of an aqueous solution of aspirin
is extracted with;

i) A single 120ml of toluene. ii) Four 30ml portions of toluene

Iii) Calculate the percentage of aspirin extracted in each case.

b) In a separation method, 905 of a metal chelate is extracted when equal volumes of aqueous and organic
phases are used. What will be the percentage extracted if the organic phase is doubled?

19. A weak acid, HA, with a Ka of 1.0 x 10-5 has a partition coefficient, KD of 1.2 x 103 between water and an
organic solvent.

a) What pH is necessary to ensure that 99.9% of the weak acid in a 50.0ml sample is extracted with a single
portion of the organic solvent?

b) How many extractions are needed if the sample's pH is 7.0?

20. A solute S, has a distribution ratio between water and chloroform of 5. A 50ml sample of a 0.05M aqueous
solution of the solute is extracted with 15ml of chloroform.

a) What is the extraction efficiency for this separation?

b) What volume of chloroform is needed to extract 99.9% of the solute?

c) What is the extraction efficiency for two extractions and for three extractions?

d) How many extractions are required to ensure 99.9% of the solute extracted with 15ml of chloroform?

e) Calculate the solute's final concentration in each phase.

21. A weak base, QB (Kb=1 x 10-8), equilibrates between water and chloroform phases. Calculate;

i) The distribution ratio, D @ pH = 8.0 ii) Will D be greater or less at pH=10 than at pH = 8? Why?

22. A solute has a KD between water and CHCl3 of 5.0. A 50ml sample of a 0.05M aqueous solution of the
solute is extracted with 15ml CHCl3.

i) What is the final concentration of the solute in each phase? ii) What volume of CHCl3 is needed to
extract 99.9% of the solute?

iii) Determine the extraction efficiency for two extractions and for three extractions.

iv) Find the number of extractions required to ensure 99.9% extraction of the solute.
23. The capacity factor of a given solute in a water-toluene system is 8. Calculate the percentage of the solute
extracted from 25ml of water by 100ml of toluene where;

i) the toluene was used all at once. ii) the 100ml toluene is divided into four 25ml portions which are used one
after the other

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