Reflection 3

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Name: Bailey Anderson

Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade

Technology Used: Google Docs

ISTE Standard:

2.3 Citizen - Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in

the digital world.

2.3.c Teach Safe, Legal, Ethical Practices - Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices

with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property.

Description of Artifact:

My artifact for this standard is screenshots. My first screenshot is from my presentation that I

would use to teach students about how to use intellectual property. It shows how to properly cite

a website. The second screenshot shows how I cited the source that I used to create a worksheet

for students. The third screenshot shows how the students would practice citing their sources for

a project.

Explanation of how the artifact meets the standard:

My artifacts meet the standard 2.3 because I would teach my students how to responsibly engage

online and they would also meet many of the parts of 2.3.c. First, I would mentor my students

through the process of understanding what intellectual property is and what plagiarism is. This

will help them understand that they cannot just copy and paste information and use it as their

own. I would then teach my students that if they use someone else's information that they need to

create a citation. Then, I would show students how I use citations when using information or

pictures that are not my own. I would then teach them how to write a citation by showing them

all of the things that are included in one. I would also show them how they could use the internet
as a digital tool to create a citation for them. Finally, I would have the students create a research

project to show how they would create citations for their sources that they use for their research

about a state.

This reflection -- not including the works cited entry -- is 317 words in length.

Credit to Sources:

ISTE, and Viget. “2. Educators.” ISTE, 28 Apr. 2023,

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