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Training program:
Final Project NLP
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ENEB Business School

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Scared of speaking in public

Justification: Many people have a fear of public speaking. This can negatively
impact career advancement, social interactions, and personal development. In
my current job position, I must engage with stakeholders through conferences,
meetings, online sessions, training, etc. and I constantly need to rely on some
techniques to be able to fight the anxiety, and nervousness, among other things
that speaking in public make me feel.

Definition: There is a problem called glossophobia, the fear of speaking in

public. Consequently, speaking before an audience causes anxiety,
nervousness, and avoidance behaviour. People with glossophobia may miss
out on opportunities to share their ideas, and connect with others, they can find
difficulties in explaining the matter which they are trying to talk about and
achieve their objectives.

Theoretical approach: Public speaking anxiety is a type of social anxiety,

characterized by negative self-evaluation and fear of being judged by others. It
can stem from various factors, including past unpleasant experiences, lack of
knowledge or skill, and cognitive distortions. Glossophobia strategies include
cognitive-behavioural therapy, relaxation techniques, and exposure therapy.
Additionally, improving communication skills, practising in safe environments,
and reframing negative thoughts can also reduce public speaking anxiety.

Page 2
Desired State Have confidence and calm
Present State Experiencing intense fear, anxiety and physical symptoms communication
when En
speaking in pu


Main Goal: Overcome the fear of speaking in public and develop confidence in
public speaking.

Secondary Goals:
Improve public speaking skills and effectiveness.
Reduce the physical symptoms of fear and anxiety while speaking in public.
Increase comfort level and confidence when speaking in public.

Page 3
POSPERS Strategies

Strategy Positive Own Part Specificity Evidence Resources Size

Overcome the
fear of Specific Success will be
speaking in I am behaviours and measured by Resources will
public and responsible for actions will be increased include books,
develop my own identified and comfort and online
confidence in actions and practised to effectiveness in courses, and
public progress in improve public public speaking practice Realistic, yet
Main Goal speaking this area speaking skills opportunities opportunities challenging

I am Specific areas Success will be Resources will

responsible for for measured by include books,
identifying improvement increased online
Improve my areas for will be identified effectiveness courses, and
public improvement and practised, and feedback from
speaking skills and practising such as vocal engagement in trusted
Secondary and new projection and public speaking colleagues Realistic and
Goal 1 effectiveness techniques body language opportunities and mentors specific

Success will be
measured by
Reduce the I am Specific reduced Resources will
physical responsible for strategies will physical include books,
symptoms of identifying be identified symptoms and online
fear and strategies that and practised, increased resources, and
anxiety while work for me such as deep comfort in professional
Secondary speaking in and practising breathing and public speaking support as Realistic and
Goal 2 public them regularly visualization opportunities needed measurable

Page 4
Strategy Positive Own Part Specificity Evidence Resources Size

I am for public
responsible for speaking will be
Increase my actively identified and Success will be Resources will
comfort level seeking out pursued, such measured by include books,
and and as presenting increased online
confidence participating in at work comfort and resources, and
when public meetings, confidence in support from
Secondary speaking in speaking conferences, public speaking colleagues Realistic and
Goal 3 public opportunities training, etc opportunities and mentors specific


Reformation: Using this technique, you will be able to alter the perspective or
meaning of a situation. A reframing technique can be used to change negative
thoughts and beliefs associated with public speaking into positive ones.

Anchoring: The anchoring process will assist you in associating specific feelings
or states with a specific trigger. A positive anchor can be created to associate
positive feelings and confidence with the act of speaking when a person is afraid
of speaking.

Visualization: When using visualization, you can create a mental image of a

positive scene when speaking. You could use this technique to visualize giving a
successful speech and receiving positive feedback from the audience.

Modelling: This technique is to imitate the behaviour and actions of someone.

You can use this technique to observe and imitate the behaviour of a skilled
public speaker.

Page 5
Action Plan

8 sessions
Duration of sessions: 1 hour each
Schedule: Every Wednesday and Friday from 5 pm to 6 pm

Practical Application

Technical Explanation:

Session 1:
Fear of speaking root cause identification
Discussions associated with negative beliefs and thoughts regarding public
Introducing reframing techniques and practising them with negative beliefs of
one's own
Anchor setting for positive feelings and confidence

Session 2:
Review and discuss the progress of the reframing technique and anchor
Introducing visualization technique and practice with the positive scenario of
successful speech
Perform exercises to visualize a successful speech scenario

Session 3:
Exercises discuss and review
Introducing modelling techniques Observe and analyse successful public
Assign homework to practice imitating the behaviour of a successful speaker

Page 6
Session 4:
Exercises discuss and review
Practice modelling technique in session
Introduce breathing and relaxation techniques to manage anxiety during public

Session 5:
Review and discuss the progress of modelling and relaxation techniques.
Introduce physical techniques for confident body language during public
Assign homework to practice confident body language.

Session 6:
Review and discuss homework assignments.
Practice physical techniques for confident body language in the session
Introduce self-talk techniques to manage negative thoughts during public

Session 7:
Review and discuss the progress of the self-talk technique.
Introduce gradual exposure techniques to practice public speaking in a safe and
controlled environment.
Assign homework to practice the gradual exposure technique.

Session 8:
Review and discuss the progress of the gradual exposure technique.
Summarize and review all techniques learned throughout the sessions.
Create a personalized plan for continued practice and improvement.

Page 7
Keeping a diary
Throughout the sessions, you will track the progress and record any thoughts or
feelings related to public speaking in a diary. This will also be used to record all
exercises that have been assigned and to reflect on the effectiveness of the
techniques learned and applied. At the end of the sessions, the diary will serve
as a tool to review progress and create a personalized plan for continued

Results and findings:

At the end of the program, the attendee reported a significant improvement and
a considerable decrease in anxiety and fear which were associated with public
speaking. It also reported feeling more confident and prepared when speaking in
public. The techniques learned throughout the program, such as reframing,
anchoring, visualization, modelling, breathing and relaxation techniques,
physical techniques for confident body language, self-talk, and gradual
exposure, were effective in helping the client overcome their fear of speaking.
The client's diary entries reflected a positive outlook on public speaking and
continued motivation to practice and improve their skills.

Page 8
[Rosemary Black]. (2019). Glossophobia (Fear of Public Speaking).
[Mariana Casillas]. (2023 Final Project NLP).
[Andy Smith]. (2011). Present to Desired State model (is a problem focus built
into NLP?).

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