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DATE: 11.09.2023
Time allowed: Three hours Max. Marks: 80
Name:………………………………………. Roll No.: ………..
Invigilator’s signature:…………………….

General Instruction:
1. The question paper contains three sections- READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:

The Great Barrier Reef, one of the natural wonders of the world, is a vast and stunning
ecosystem located off the northeastern coast of Australia. Stretching over 2,300
kilometers (1,430 miles) and covering an area of approximately 344,400 square
kilometers, the reef is composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands. This
magnificent structure is situated in the Coral Sea, parallel to the coast of Queensland.

The Great Barrier Reef is a haven of biodiversity, with its mesmerizing landscapes both
above and below the water's surface. This marine wonderland is home to a vast array of
marine life, including more than 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral, various
mollusks, sharks, dolphins, and six of the world's seven species of marine turtles. The
reef's dazzling coral formations range from hard corals that build the foundation of the
reef to delicate soft corals that sway with the ocean currents.

One of the most remarkable features of the Great Barrier Reef is its intricate symbiotic
relationship between corals and tiny algae called zooxanthellae. Corals provide shelter
for the algae, while the algae give corals their vibrant colors through photosynthesis.
However, this delicate balance is under threat due to rising sea temperatures caused by
climate change. When the water becomes too warm, corals expel the algae, leading to
coral bleaching—a phenomenon where corals turn pale and lose their vibrant colors.

The Great Barrier Reef isn't just a tourist attraction; it plays a crucial role in supporting
various marine species. Many fish species use the reef as a breeding and feeding ground,
while sea turtles lay their eggs on the sandy beaches of the islands. The reef also acts as a
natural barrier, protecting the coastline from the force of waves and storms.

Despite its significance and beauty, the Great Barrier Reef faces several challenges.
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Climate change, with its associated rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification, poses
a major threat. Pollution from coastal development and agricultural runoff can degrade
water quality and harm marine life. Overfishing, coral mining, and shipping accidents are
also concerns that impact the delicate balance of this ecosystem.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect and preserve the Great Barrier Reef. These
efforts include marine protected areas, sustainable fishing practices, and initiatives to
reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The future of this natural wonder
depends on global cooperation to address the factors contributing to its decline and
ensure its survival for generations to come.
i. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located? 1
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Coral Sea
d) Mediterranean Sea
ii. Based on the passage, what is the primary role of the zooxanthellae algae in the coral 1
a) They provide food for fish.
b) They give corals their vibrant colors.
c) They protect corals from predators.
d) They create physical structures of the reefs.
iii. Which of the following is a likely consequence of coral bleaching on the marine 1
a) An increase in fish population due to less competition.
b) Improved water quality and clarity.
c) Reduced availability of food for marine species.
d) Enhanced growth of corals in warmer waters.
iv. If pollution from coastal development is reduced, what positive impact is most likely to 1
occur on the Great Barrier Reef?
a) Increase in coral bleaching events.
b) Decline in marine biodiversity.
c) Restoration of water quality.
d) Decrease in sea turtle nesting.
v. Which of the following is a shared characteristic between coral bleaching and rising sea 1
a) They both enhance coral growth.
b) They both lead to increased fish population.
c) They both contribute to higher water acidity.
d) They both negatively impact coral health.
vi. How many individual reefs make up the Great Barrier Reef? 1
Answer- Over 2,900 individual reefs.
vii. What is one consequence of rising sea temperatures on the reef? 1
Ans- c) Loss of coral colors due to stress
viii. Name one type of marine life found in the reef.
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Ans- Dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, etc.
ix. Find synonym of the word ‘splendid’ from the passage. 1
Answer- magnificent
x. Find antonym of the word ‘unattractive’ from the passage. 1
Answer- stunning
2. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:
In a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, lived a young girl
named Lily. Lily was known for her boundless curiosity and adventurous spirit. One day,
while exploring the forest, she stumbled upon an old oak tree, its branches heavy with
acorns. As she reached out to touch one, a voice emanated from the tree, "Pick me,
young one, and your greatest wish shall be granted."

Lily was taken aback but intrigued. She plucked the acorn and closed her eyes, making
her wish for a world full of kindness. When she opened her eyes, to her amazement, the
forest seemed to shimmer with a new light. Birds sang melodies of harmony, and even
the air felt different.

As time went on, Lily realized that the acorn had indeed granted her wish. People in the
village started helping one another, and acts of kindness became a way of life. The
village transformed into a haven of compassion and friendship.

However, there were those who grew envious of Lily's newfound power. The village had
caught the attention of neighboring regions, and some wished to possess the magical
acorn for themselves. A group of villagers, led by a man named Tobias, devised a plan to
steal the acorn from Lily.

One moonlit night, they snuck into Lily's home and took the acorn. The next morning, as
Lily discovered the acorn missing, the forest began to lose its glow. Birds stopped
singing, and the air grew heavy.

Determined to reclaim the acorn, Lily set off to find Tobias and the villagers. With her
unwavering determination and the support of her kindhearted neighbours, she confronted
Tobias and explained that true power lay not in possessing magic, but in spreading

Touched by her words, Tobias returned the acorn. As Lily placed the acorn back in the
oak tree, the forest regained its enchantment. From that day forward, the village and its
people continued to thrive in kindness, realizing that the real magic was in their hearts.
i. What led Lily to discover the magical acorn? 1
A) A hidden map
B) A talking bird
C) Her adventurous nature
D) A dream
ii. What effect did the acorn have on the village? 1
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A) It brought darkness and despair.
B) It made people envious of Lily.
C) It transformed the village into a kind and compassionate place.
D) It caused conflict among the villagers.
iii. Why did Tobias and his group steal the acorn? 1
A) They wanted to keep the magical power for themselves.
B) They believed it was cursed and needed to be destroyed.
C) They were trying to protect the village from its influence.
D) They thought the acorn was valuable and wanted to sell it.
iv. How did Lily convince Tobias to return the acorn? 1
A) By threatening him with magic
B) By appealing to his sense of greed
C) By explaining the true power of kindness
D) By challenging him to a duel
v. What did Lily realize about the magic of the acorn? 1
A) It was dangerous and needed to be destroyed.
B) It was the source of all problems in the village.
C) True power was in spreading goodness and kindness.
D) It could only be used by those with pure intentions.
vi. What did Lily wish for when she picked the magical acorn? 1
Ans-Lily wished for a world full of kindness.
vii. How did Lily convince Tobias to return the acorn? 1
Ans- Lily explained that true power lay in spreading goodness and kindness, not in
possessing magic.
viii. synonym-determined 1
ix. Make a sentence with the word ‘possessing’. 1
x. envious- jealous 1

3. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences: 1x5=5

i. She ____________ her homework and she is now going to visit her aunt. a)complete 1
b)is completed
c)has completed d)completing
ii. Last Monday, they _______ to the picnic. 1
a) gone b)went
c) have gone d) are going
iii. I ________ to my teacher yesterday. 1
a) spoke b) speak
c) have spoke d) speaking
iv. We ________this book last Sunday. 1
a)bought b)is bringing
c)bring d) None of these
v. Reena _________the work just now. 1


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a)finished b)has finished
c)finish d) finishing
4.i. Fill in the blanks in the sentences given below with appropriate phrasal 1x3=3
verbs from the box below:

turn down break down cut off get over cut back

a. Ravi is disappointed but he has to ____ get over ____it. 1

b. He _turned down ___ the offer as it was not an ethical one. 1

c. She must be strong and not __break down___ now. 1

ii. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the correct prepositions: 1x2=2

a. The children threw stones ______(into/between) the pond. 1

b. They arrived _______(at/in) four o’clock. 1

5. Format-1 5



6. Format-1 5




7. Read the extract below and answer the following questions: 1x5=5
“Members of Mirza’s family were far from pleased. Even the neighbours and servants
made uncharitable comments.”
i) What event caused Mir sahib and Mirza sahib to leave their homes before dawn? 1
a) A royal wedding
b) A city festival
c) A political uprising
d) The approach of an enemy army
ii) What is the main theme of this story “The Chess Players”? 1
a) The art of playing chess
b) The downfall of a kingdom
c) The loyalty between friends
d) The impact of sensuality on society
iii) How did Mir and Mirza react when their argument escalated during their chess game? 1


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a) They called for a referee to mediate.
b) They challenged each other to a duel.
c) They drew their swords and fought.
d) They decided to settle their differences later.
iv) What did Mir and Mirza's dedication to chess reveal about their priorities? 1
Ans- They ignored their responsibilities, even forgot to eat their meals.
v) What consequences did Mirza and Mir sahib face due to their preoccupation with playing 1
Ans- They drew their swords and fought each other to their deaths.
8. Read the extract below and answer the following questions: 1x5=5
“Our teacher told us one day he would leave the school
And sail across a warm blue sea
To places he had only known from maps,..”
i) What did the teacher dream of doing? 1
a) Becoming a famous writer
b) Travelling to far-off lands
c) Becoming a successful businessman
d) Building a big house
ii) What does the poem suggest about the teacher's dreams? 1
a) They were impossible to achieve.
b) They were shared by many others.
c) They remained unfulfilled due to his illness.
d) They were realized after his death.
iii) What message does the poem convey to the readers? 1
a) Dreams are meant to be forgotten.
b) It's important to travel to as many places as possible.
c) Pursuing one's dreams is important before it's too late.
d) Illness can prevent people from achieving their goals.
iv) What lesson did the teacher unknowingly teach the speaker? 1
Ans- Love for travel and adventure and also to follow his dreams and travel to the places
that he wanted to see.
v) What is the speaker's response to the teacher's lesson? 1
Ans- The poet travels to those places.
9. Answer the following questions: (in 40-50 words) 3x6=18
a. Explain what you think the poet means by ‘a lesson he never knew he taught.’ 3
Ans- Unknowingly he had given the poet the lesson of visiting new places.
b. How did the boy help Harjit feel more comfortable and confident about his new life in 3
Ans- He told Harjit all about what to expect at his new school and introduced him to lots
of new friends.
c. Describe the effect of the gunfire that was directed towards the charging British cavalry. 3
Ans- Few survived the gunfire. Although the Light Brigade fouht valiantly, they were no
match for the gunners.
d. Apart from tigers, what other animals can be found at the Ranthambore National Park? 3
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Ans- leopards, nilgais, wild boars, chitals etc.
e. Describe the difficulties faced by the men as they tried to fix the metal arches into their 3
sockets on the boat.
Ans- The men had to jump on the hoops, kick them, and hammer at them with the boat-
hook to get them into their sockets.
f. Do you think the manner in which British army captured Wajid Ali Shah was strange and 3
unusual? Why?
Ans- They captured him peacefully, without any bloodshed.
g. The poet was thoroughly disappointed with himself, for having missed such an easy
catch. He resolved to give up the game of cricket for good.
10. Answer the following question: (in 60-70 words) 6x2=12
a. How did Mir and Mirza's obsession with playing chess contribute to their downfall? 6
Explain the sequence of events and the consequences of their actions.
Ans-Students will write their own answers.
b. The teacher's dreams and plans are never realized because of his illness. How does the 6
poem make you feel about missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams, both for the
teacher and in general?
Ans-Students will write their own answers.
c. Students will write their own answers. 6


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