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Neurochem Res (2014) 39:1847–1849

DOI 10.1007/s11064-014-1437-5


Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen: A Giant in Medicinal Chemistry

Klaus P. Bøgesø

Published online: 18 September 2014

 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen is a true giant in medicinal (SAR) of GABA receptors and uptake sites. This work
chemistry and without doubt the person that has had the made the foundation of his doctoral thesis from 1980 [1].
greatest impact on this discipline in Denmark. During the following years, Povl extended his research area
I got to know Povl in the spring of 1970. After I had to also encompass the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and
finished my chemical engineer education, I had to serve glutamic acid.
20 months in the Danish Civil Defense corpse. The last Povl’s ambition has not been to make drugs but to
10 months were spent at The Royal Danish School of explore the pharmacology and SAR of the three neuro-
Pharmacy (at that time this was an independent university, transmitters mentioned above. He has done this by making
today it is School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Faculty of a large number of invaluable tool compounds which
Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen) facilitated not only his own research, but also the research
in The Civil Defense analytical laboratory. Povl was doing of hundreds of researchers all over the world to whom he
his PhD project during that period and his lab was in the has generously donated his tools.
same building. We met during coffee breaks, symposia, Nevertheless, several compounds with drug potential
etc. After finishing my service in the Civil Defense corpse, have emerged over the years (the most famous example is
I started as a medicinal chemist at the Danish pharma- Gaboxadol, see below).
ceutical company H. Lundbeck A/S. Lundbeck was known Povl’s strategy for handling the development of these
for its antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs, and I quickly lead compounds has always been a trustful collaboration
became involved in research projects aiming at discovering with the industry, in many cases with Lundbeck. He
new, improved drugs within these classes. However, I kept strongly believes that patenting and development should be
a close connection to Povl and, as described below, we done by professionals, i.e. the industry. Many years ago,
have over the years collaborated on a number of different Lundbeck made a framework agreement with Povl that
projects and topics. regulated such a collaboration. In essence, Lundbeck could
Povl first became interested in the inhibitory neuro- in-license a new project if they were interested, and the
transmitter c-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and, during the new project and structures were added to the agreement in
next decade, he and his group designed a large number of an appendix. Subsequently, the parties collaborated with
compounds to map the structure–activity relationships further syntheses, testing, and patenting.
The keyword here is trust. For Povl, it is essential that
the collaboration is open, trustful and with respect for each
Special Issue: In honor of Krogsgaard-Larsen.
other’s expertise, and that, at any time, information can be
This is a commentary article to the Preface article DOI 10.1007/ given without fearing that it is leaked to the outside.
s11064-014-1408-x. This type of collaboration can be very beneficial for
both parties. For Lundbeck, it gave access to new CNS
K. P. Bøgesø (&)
areas where we had no previous expertise, including sub-
R&D External Affairs, H. Lundbeck A/S, Ottiliavej 7-9,
2500 Valby, Denmark stantial knowledge and technology transfer. Furthermore,
e-mail: through mutual PhD students and involvement in the

1848 Neurochem Res (2014) 39:1847–1849

education of researchers, Lundbeck got close access to new board of Carlsberg breweries where the deed of the
talent when recruiting. Carlsberg Foundation demands that the board includes five
For Povl, it gave him the freedom to concentrate on Professors, all being members of the Royal Danish Acad-
basic research which was further qualified by extensive emy of Sciences and Letters. In 2001, he became Rector of
testing (especially in vivo) in industry, development of key the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, but after
compounds, funding, and an insight in drug discovery and 2 years in this role, he was appointed Chairman of the
development in industry. Board of the Carlsberg Foundation. Also in this role which
Today, there is much focus on improving industry– he kept to 2012, he impressed everybody by his leadership
academia collaboration through public–private partnerships that also was acknowledged officially by appointing him as
(PPP), not only in Denmark, but all over the world. I Chairman of The Year in 2010. During his leadership,
believe that the type of collaboration described above show Carlsberg made the biggest deal ever in Denmark by
that Povl has always been ahead of his time in this respect. acquiring the Scottish Brewery, Scottish & Newcastle.
Inspired by this, Lundbeck has favored this adaptive col- Finally, a few words about Gaboxadol. This compound
laboration structure through what we call adaptive frame- is a bicyclic analogue of muscimol, a natural compound
work collaboration. We have recently described this in isolated form the mushroom Amanita muscaria, and it was
more detail [2]. synthesized already in 1973 [4]. Originally, it was named
Povl’s dedication to the academia–industry integration THIP (an acronym for its chemical name 4,5,6,7-tetra-
is clearly seen by his strong engagement in the establish- hydroisoxazolo[5,4-c]pyridine-3-ol). THIP is a GABA
ment and management of a series of biotech centers at the agonist which proved to be much more tolerable than
University over a period of more than 25 years. These muscimol in vivo, making it a potential candidate for
centers have been funded partly by the government, partly clinical investigation. There was a theoretical possibility
by the university, and partly by industry. They have that a GABA agonist might be useful in certain CNS dis-
included research schools, symposia (with funding for eases for example schizophrenia, Huntington’s disease, and
external teachers and speakers), and a large number of PhD epilepsy. Therefore, Lundbeck became interested, in
students. The topics of the majority of the PhD projects are licensing the compound and started development of it.
defined together with an industry partner, and part of the THIP was chemically a challenge, being very different
practical work was often done in industry with surveillance from the antipsychotic and antidepressant compounds
of an industry supervisor. Industry was also represented in Lundbeck usually worked with then. Upscaling the THIP
the board of the center. Today, the Danish politicians call synthesis was a major undertaking, involving both Povl and
for more and improved PPPs, but it is acknowledged that several Lundbeck chemists.
precisely the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is a role THIP was clinically tested in a number of small studies.
model in this respect. To a large degree, this is due to In the end, it was discovered to have an excellent analgesic
Povl’s engagement in this matter over many years. effect. Lundbeck made a co-development agreement with
Another example of Povl’s engagement in putting sci- the Swiss company Sandoz, but after a few years the pro-
ence to work is that he has been calling to arms for an ject was terminated due to a fast hydrolysis of the com-
increased focus of university researchers on Scientific pound in the intestines. However, many years later Povl
Social responsibility (SSR) [3]. He is arguing that the was approached by Dr Marike Lancel from the Max Planck
concept of basic versus strategic research is artificial, not Institute in Munich. She had already shown the utility of
only in an operational sense, but also in a value-for-money THIP as a hypnotic agent, both in animals and a small
perspective. This is because money allocated by politicians phase I study. The very short half-life mentioned above
to rather narrow defined ‘‘strategic’’ areas lead mostly to was ideal for a hypnotic. So Lundbeck, this time together
incremental improvements of existing technologies. What with MSD, developed THIP, now named Gaboxadol, for
is needed are technological breakthrough discoveries sleep disturbances. Unfortunately, despite a good effect on
through dynamic and visionary ‘‘basic’’ research which sleep, the compound failed very late in a dose response trial
then result in a ‘‘strategic’’ output by visionary scientists on drug abusers due to psychiatric and other side-effects in
who understand SSR. SSR is defined as ‘‘…the responsi- high doses [5]. It was of course a great pity, because with
bility of scientists…to position and define their research this compound Povl had created a truly unique drug, a drug
activities in a context where they are able to contribute to with no obvious back-ups. The story has recently been
the betterment of society and to help meet the Grand published [5].
Challenges of our time’’. In conclusion, Povl has been extremely influential in a
However, what many had not seen coming for a brilliant number of very different fields. When appointed Chairman
scientist as Povl was that he should become an industrial of the Year in 2010, the nomination statement describes
leader himself. Povl had since 1993 been a member of the him as a listening, curious, and seeking soul who under

Neurochem Res (2014) 39:1847–1849 1849

pressure show the necessary courage to make really big father was a farmer). I feel that a good deal of the expla-
decisions. This is true. For example, Povl will anytime nation of his diligence and success in many different fields
prefer a telephone conversation to a mail. In the conver- can be ascribed to this role as the pattern breaker. Con-
sation, he will listen to arguments and explore his own cerning role models, I am fortunate to actually have one:
thoughts. He has an impressive memory, and his way of Povl!
keeping order of publications and records of any kind is
legendary. Furthermore, he is very polite, but has a unique
way of having his way in the end—by convincing argu-
ments. He has recently published his autobiography (in References
Danish) [6]. As an example of his listening behavior, he
1. Krogsgaard-Larsen P (1980) Specific GABA receptor agonists and
says in one place ‘‘I like the position as the fly on the wall’’. uptake inhibitors: design, development and structure–activity
In another place, he says that while he has never looked for studies. FADLs Forlag, Denmark
money, general public recognition, or outwards things, he 2. Vedel JB, Irwin A, Andersen PH (2013) Externalizing research
does appreciate to be recognized for his research. Povl has through adaptive frameworks. Nat Rev Drug Discov 12:723–724
3. Krogsgaard-Larsen P, Thostrup P, Besenbacher F (2011) Scientific
received a long row of awards and prizes as signs of sci- social responsibility: a call to arms. Angew Chem Int Ed
entific recognition. He is also Doctor Honoris Causa at the 50:10738–10740
Uppsala, the Milan, and the Louis Pasteur Universities. 4. Krogsgaard-Larsen P (1977) Muscimol analogues. II. Synthesis of
Presently, he is on the Board of the Lundbeck Foundation some bicyclic 3-isoxazolol zwitterions. Acta Chem Scand B
and is the Chairman of the Grete Lundbeck Brain Research 5. Morris H (2013) Gaboxadol. Harpers Mag 327:43–47
Foundation. 6. Bjerager A-L (2011) Bryggerens lærling. Povl Krogsgaard-Larsens
On the question of role models, he says he had none erindringer. Gyldendal, Denmark
because this is the conditions of the pattern breaker (his


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