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Bigbang Theory- the leading explanation for how the universe began. Simply put, it says the universe as
we know it started with an infinitely hot and dense single point that inflated and stretched — first at
unimaginable speeds, and then at a more measurable rate — over the next 13.7 billion years to the still-
expanding cosmos that we know today.

Nuclear Fussion- formation of heavier elements during star formation

Stellar evolution is the process by which a star undergoes a sequence of radical changes during its
Low-mass star- Main sequence star> protostar> red giant> white dwarf

High-mass star- Main sequence star> red super giant> supernova> neutron star or black hole

Atomic number= No. of protons and electrons. It led to the synthesis of new elements

Synthesis of new elements is accomplished by bombarding target atoms of heavy elements with ions.

Hydrogen fused into helium, fusion stops, and the pressure in the core decreases.

How to determine polarity- Electronegativity or VESPRY Theory

Intermolecular forces- forces that hold molecules together in a substance

Different macromolecules/biomolecules:

Carbohydrates- for producing energy

Proteins- serve as biochemical catalysts, hormones, enzymes. Peptide bond exist in this macromolecule

Lipids- for storing energy, absorbing vitamins. Contains a glycerol molecule and three fatty acid chains.

Nucleic Acids- storage and expression of genomic information.

Elements may have same IMFA but different boiling points because of Electronegativity
F2 and Cl2 are gases, Br2 is a liquid, and I2 is a solid- They have different intermolecular forces present.

Solid- Strongest IMFA

Intermolecular forces - the forces that hold molecules together in a substance

The sequence of amino acids determines the protein's three-dimensional shape and therefore its function

Change in sequence of DNA- altering its structure and function.

New type of lipid molecule- It may alter the fluidity of the membrane, affecting the cell's ability to transport

Lipids are hydrophobic, while carbohydrates are hydrophilic

Collision Theory- Colliding with one another

Concentration- amount of substance per unit volume

temperature increase= increasing the kinetic energy of molecules

Exothermic reaction- Energy absorbed is less than the energy released. Hence, heat of reaction is

Catalyst- speeds up a chemical reaction.

Coal- Fossil fuel

Fossil fuels have a higher environmental impact than renewable sources of energy.

Hydropower- An energy from falling or fast-running water

Solar cells- directly converting the light energy of the sun into electrical energy.

Ammonia- active ingredient in most glass cleaners

alcohol kill microorganisms- By denaturing the proteins of microorganisms.

The additives enhance the product

Oil spill in tiles- best cleaning agent is detergent

Ph level below 7- acidic Ph level above 7- basic

the function of citric acid- To act as a disinfectant

use of bleach- Whitening agent

use of baking soda- To remove stains and odors

function of surfactants- To remove dirt and oil

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