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After making the move to working virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, your

diverse team does not seem to be functioning as well as it did when you were all in the

office. You believe that this is related to failures in communication. How will you improve

communication within your team?

McShane, Tesa, and Steen (233) Effective communication is very important for a team and a

company as a whole because Team members have to work intermediately towards a certain

purpose, Therefore, there is a need for good communication to achieve this purpose. My team is

falling behind due to communication failures, here are a few ways I would improve


Firstly, as suggested by McShane, Tesa, and Steen (242), selecting the most suitable

communication channel for our team is crucial. In the realm of remote work, this becomes even

more significant. By carefully evaluating the various communication options available to us,

such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and email, we can identify the most effective

channel for different types of communication. This will ensure that our messages are conveyed

accurately and promptly, fostering better understanding and collaboration among team members.

Lastly, McShane, Tesa, and Steen (221) emphasize the importance of utilizing multiple

communication channels to support remote teams. Recognizing this, I will encourage our team to

explore and utilize a diverse range of communication tools. By diversifying our communication

methods, we can cater to different preferences and needs within our team, ultimately enhancing

overall communication effectiveness.

In conclusion, recognizing the impact of communication failures on our team's performance, I

am committed to improving communication within our virtual and diverse team. By carefully

selecting the most suitable communication channels, diversifying our communication methods,

2. Read Global Connections 11.2: Open Office, Hidden Conflict in your textbook (Chapter

11). You lead a team that works in a similar open office. Recently,two staff

members each came to you with complaints about the other. One worker feels their co-

worker is too noisy, while the other states that her co-worker does not respect her privacy

and listens to all her phone calls. What will you do to resolve this workplace conflict?

The first step in addressing the conflict is to understand its source. McShane, Tesa, and Steen

(2021, p.287-292) emphasize the importance of identifying the underlying cause of the conflict.

In this particular case, the conflict was found to stem from poor communication between the

team members. Therefore, as the team leader, I will schedule a meeting with both parties in my

office to discuss the issue. During this meeting, I will encourage open dialogue and active

listening to ensure that both perspectives are understood.

In order to address the issues of noise and privacy, I will implement practical solutions. For the

team member who is bothered by noise, I will provide noise-reducing devices such as

headphones or white noise cancellation devices. This will help create a more comfortable

working environment for everyone. Additionally, regarding the issue of privacy, I will establish

clear guidelines that emphasize respect for each team member's personal space. By creating a
shared understanding of privacy boundaries, I aim to prevent any future conflicts related to

invading personal space.

Another effective approach to resolving conflicts, as discussed by McShane, Tesa, and Steen

(2021, p.304), is negotiation. Negotiation involves finding mutually beneficial agreements

between interdependent parties with differing goals. In this case, I will follow the negotiation

process by gathering information from both parties and managing concessions. By incorporating

time management techniques and building relationships, I will work towards finding a solution

that benefits both team members. Communication will be key in this process, as I will explain

the decision reached through negotiation and ensure that both parties understand the reasoning

behind it.

To sustain the resolution and prevent future conflicts, I will advise the team members to enhance

their communication skills and address any issues through open and respectful dialogue. Regular

check-ins and follow-up meetings will be scheduled to monitor the progress of the conflict

resolution and address any concerns that may arise.

In conclusion, conflict within a team can be detrimental to its effectiveness and harmony. As a

team leader, it is essential to address conflicts promptly and fairly. By utilizing strategies such as

understanding the source of conflict, collaborative problem-solving, and negotiation, conflicts

can be resolved in a manner that benefits all parties involved. Open communication and the

implementation of practical solutions will help to maintain a positive working environment and

foster a culture of respect and cooperation within the team.

3. Your textbook suggests that extraversion is predictive of leadership success (see

Chapters 1 and 12). Do you agree? Why or why not? Can you give an example of an

introverted leader who has been successful? What might an introverted personcontribute

to the leadership role?

Leadership plays a critical role in motivating and influencing employees to contribute effectively

towards achieving organizational goals. According to McShane, Tesa, and Steen (2021, p. 317-

318), leaders utilize their communication skills, rewards, and other resources to inspire their

employees. Extraversion individuals are described as energetic, outgoing, talkative, and

assertive, while introverts possess traits that are the opposite of extraverts (McShane, Tesa, and

Steen, 2021, p. 319-331). After reviewing the textbook reading, I am inclined to agree that

extraversion leadership is often more successful.

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, serves as an example of a successful introverted leader

(McShane, Tesa, and Steen, 2021, p. 32-37). He established one of the most successful tech

companies in the world, showcasing that introverted leaders can also excel. Introverted leaders

tend to be more creative, self-reflective, focused, and possess a greater ability to concentrate.

These traits enable them to tackle complex problems and provide innovative solutions.

A comparison between Bill Gates and Marc Benioff, the co-founder of Salesforce, highlights the

differences in personality traits between introverted and extraverted CEOs. Bill Gates exhibits

more introverted traits, evident in his less talkative and soft-spoken nature during interviews. In
contrast, Marc Benioff displays extraverted characteristics such as being talkative, energetic, and

outspoken. Both leaders demonstrate that success is not solely dependent on personality traits.

In conclusion, while extraverted leaders may possess certain advantages due to their outgoing

traits, introverted leaders can also bring their own unique perspectives and qualities to the

leadership role. The success of a leader is not solely determined by their personality traits but

also their abilities, knowledge, and drive.

4. You recognize that you prefer to work at an organization that has an adaptive

culture. You are currently looking for a new job. How will you determine whether the

company you are interviewing with has an adaptive culture?

Understanding the organizational culture of a company is crucial in determining its adaptability

in the ever-changing business landscape. Organizational culture, as defined by McShane, Tesa,

and Steen (2021), refers to the values and behaviors that characterize an organization and its

employees. To assess a company's culture and its potential for adaptability, it is necessary to

examine both its artifacts and shared assumptions.

Artifacts of organizational culture encompass the physical structures, language, rituals and

ceremonies, stories, and legends within the organization (McShane, Tesa, & Steen, 2021). These

external manifestations provide valuable insights into the company's values and norms. By

observing how employees interact and make decisions, one can gain an understanding of the
shared assumptions that underpin the organization's culture. These assumptions, which are often

non-conscious, shape employees' behavior and attitudes towards decision-making.

Additionally, artificial organizational culture plays a significant role in shaping external

perceptions and internal dynamics. Artificial culture includes elements such as organizational

symbols, greetings, rewards, and the physical layout of the workplace (McShane, Tesa, & Steen,

2021). For instance, an organization that embraces an open-door policy, where top management

is easily accessible to all employees, signals a culture of open communication and inclusivity.

Recognizing how employees are treated and rewarded for their achievements is another essential

aspect of understanding organizational culture and its potential for adaptability. McShane, Tesa,

and Steen (2021) emphasize the importance of shared values and recognition within the

organization. A company that values teamwork and recognizes individuals or teams for their

accomplishments fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and adaptability.

Moreover, stories told within the organization can have a significant impact on shaping its

culture. Expected stories can invoke emotions and provide insight into the organization's

expectations and values (McShane, Tesa, & Steen, 2021). Positive stories that highlight the

experiences and successes of employees can contribute to a sense of identity and purpose within

the organization.

In conclusion, to assess a company's adaptability, it is imperative to analyze its organizational

culture. Understanding the artifacts, shared assumptions, artificial culture, recognition practices,
and storytelling can provide valuable insights into a company's values, norms, and potential for

adaptability. By carefully evaluating these elements, individuals can make informed decisions

about the company they choose to be a part of and its ability to thrive in the future.

Steen, S.L., Tasa, K., & Steen, S.L. (2021). Canadian Organizational Behaviour (Canadian
Edition) (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

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