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Monzo SWOT matrix

Strengths Weaknesses
Consumer-friendly features and Lack of human interaction, which has been
application ease of use, include real- shown to be valued (Farrell, 2020).
time expenditure alerts and an easy-to-
use budgeting system (Nic & Anu, Monzo is now losing money, which is
2021). extremely risky for a business, and it looks
like this pattern of loss will continue due to
Among the security precautions that costs associated with hiring staff and
might reassure clients are options for purchasing technology (Withers, 2021).
card freezing (Monzo, 2017).
The company had a security breach that
A novel energy-switching system that may have damaged its reputation and cast
might help Monzo stand out from doubt on the security procedures used by
rival businesses (Monzo, 2017). digital banks (FinTech, 2019).

One of the best ethical contemporary

accounts is Monzo (Jones, 2018).

Because they are covered by FSCS

deposit protection, Monzo customers
may feel even more reassured about
the security of their money (Monzo,

Capable of using the app on an iPad,

iPhone, iPod touch, and Apple Watch
(Monzo, 2017).
Opportunities Threats
According to Fawthrop (2019), 40% Challenger banks are forcing incumbent
of people in the 18–27 age range banks to cooperate with and invest in new
prefer to use a mobile banking app as technology suppliers in an attempt to better
their primary bank over a more well- compete; this might hurt digital-only banks
known brand. (Thales, 2022).

Mimiro impersonation and fraud Fewer people are using digital banks as
prevention using artificial intelligence their main source of banking, and those
(Fawthrop, 2019). who do often have lower balances (less
than £1000 in their account is the case for
Expanding their influence 47% of digital bank users) (Greaves, 2019).
internationally, especially into Asian
countries where digital banks are
starting to take off (Raj, 2023).

Monzo TOWS matrix

Construct and implement long-term company plans. Pay attention to
developing a devoted
In order to supplement the word-of-mouth aspect of clientele and word-of-
company, increase your visibility on traditional marketing mouth marketing.
platforms like Google, Youtube, and Facebook.
Gatherings in the
community and
hackathons to raise
introduces a number of solutions to assist customers in redefining the meaning
managing their finances more effectively. of dealing with
customers' money
offers a wider range of account types and more mobile wherever they may be.
banking possibilities than traditional banks. These choices
include Monzo Plus, a premium account that offers creating innovative
comprehensive financial insight with all other bank items that actually
accounts and credit cards in one place, along with address issues raised by
company, junior, and joint accounts. customers.

putting all of your

money on "radical
transparency" to draw
in new clients.

Andrew Fawthrop. Rise of digital banks in the UK is gaining momentum, finds FIS
survey. Available from: https://www.nsbanking.com/analysis/rise-digital-banks-fis/. [16
April 2019].

Aaron Raj. Digital banks: What’s driving success in Southeast Asia?. Available from:
[3 October 2023].

Colm Farrell. Monzo: A digital offering that has traditional UK banks scrambling.
Available from: https://d3.harvard.edu/platform-digit/submission/monzo-a-digital-
offering-that-has-traditional-uk-banks-scrambling/. [9 February 2020].

Withers. Monzo discloses money laundering probe, losses increase. Available from:
losses-increase-2021-07-30/. [30 July 2021].

FinTech Futures. Almost half a million Monzo customers affected by data breach.
Available from: https://www.fintechfutures.com/2019/08/almost-half-a-million-monzo-
customers-affected-by-data-breach/. [6 August 2019].


payment/magazine/how-traditional-banks-can-counter-neo. [21 February 2022].

Edmund Greaves. The digital banking revolution is here. So why are so few people
putting their salaries into app-only bank accounts?. Available from:
so-few-people-putting-their-salaries-app-only-bank-accounts-ii512930. [28 May 2019].

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