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MEANING OF PROPERTY The appellants are residents of Washington.

The in violation of the state constitution or of the act shall

Terraces are citizens of the United States and of thereby be forfeited to the state, and it is made a
Washington. Nakatsuka was born in Japan of gross misdemeanor, punishable by fine or
TERRACE et al. v. THOMPSON, Attorney General of Japanese parents and is a subject of the emperor of imprisonment or both, knowingly to transfer land or
Washington. Japan. The Terraces are the owners of a tract of land the right to the control, possession or use of land to
in King county which is particularly adapted to raising such an alien. It is also made a gross misdemeanor
TERRACE et al. vegetables, and which for a number of years had for any such alien having title to such land or the
v. been devoted to that and other agricultural purposes. control, possession or use thereof, to refuse to
THOMPSON, Attorney General of Washington. The complaint alleges that Nakatsuka is a capable disclose to the Attorney General or the prosecuting
farmer and will be a desirable tenant of the land, that attorney the nature and extent of his interest in the
the Terraces desire to lease their land to him for the land. The Attorney General and the prosecuting
No. 29. period of five years, that he desires to accept such attorneys of the several counties are charged with the
lease, and that the lease would be made but for the enforcement of the act.
Argued April 23, 24, 1923. act complained of; and it is alleged that the defendant,
as Attorney General, has threatened to and will take
steps to enforce the act against the appellants if they
Decided Nov. 12, 1923. enter into such lease, and will treat the leasehold
interest as forfeited to the state, and will prosecute the 1. The Attorney General questions the jurisdiction of
Mr. James B. Howe, of Seattle, Wash., for appellants. appellants criminally for violation of the act; that the the court to grant equitable relief even if the statute be
act is so drastic and the penalties attached to its unconstitutional. He contends that the appellants have
violation are so great that neither of the appellants a plain, adequate and speedy remedy at law; that the
[Argument of Counsel from pages 198-204 may make the lease even to test the constitutionality case involves but a single transaction, and that, if the
intentionally omitted] of the act; and that, unless the court shall determine proposed lease is made, the only remedy which the
its validity in this suit, the appellants will be compelled state has, so far as civil proceedings are concerned,
Mr. Lindsay L. Thompson, of Olympia, Wash., for to submit to it, whether valid or invalid, and thereby is an escheat proceeding in which the validity of the
appellee. will be deprived of their property without due process law complained of may be finally determined; that an
of law and denied the equal protection of the laws. acquittal of the Terraces of the criminal offense
created by the statute would protect them from further
[Argument of Counsel from pages 205-211 prosecution, and that Nakatsuka is liable criminally
intentionally omitted] 3
only upon his failure to disclose the fact that he holds
an interest in the land.
Mr. Justice BUTLER delivered the opinion of the The Attorney General made a motion to dismiss the
Court. amended complaint upon the ground that it did not
state any matters of equity or facts sufficient to entitle
the appellants to relief. The District Court granted the
1 motion and entered a decree of dismissal on the The unconstitutionality of a state law is not of itself
merits. The case is here on appeal from that decree. ground for equitable relief in the courts of the United
Appellants brought this suit to enjoin the Attorney States. That a suit in equity does not lie where there is
General of Washington from enforcing the Anti-Alien a plain adequate and complete remedy at law is so
Land Law of that state (chapter 50, Laws 1921), on well understood as not to require the citation of
the grounds that it is in conflict with the due process authorities. But the legal remedy must be as
and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Section 331 of article 2 of the Constitution of complete, practical and efficient as that which equity
Amendment, with the treaty between the United Washington prohibits the ownership of land by aliens could afford. Boise Artesian Water Co. v. Boise
States and Japan, and with certain provisions of the other than those who in good faith have declared City, 213 U. S. 276, 281, 29 Sup. Ct. 426, 53 L. Ed.
Constitution of the state. intention to become citizens of the United States, 796; Walla Walla v. Walla Walla Water Co., 172 U. S.
except in certain instances not here involved. The 1, 11, 12, 19 Sup. Ct. 77, 43 L. Ed. 341. Equity
act2 provides in substance that any such alien shall jurisdiction will be exercised to enjoin the threatened
2 not own, take, have or hold the legal or equitable title, enforcement of a state law which contravenes the
or right to any benefit of any land as defined in the federal Constitution wherever it is essential in order
act, and that land conveyed to or for the use of aliens effectually to protect property rights and the rights of
persons against injuries otherwise irremediable; and lease. The state act purports to operate directly upon were reserved at the time of the adoption of the
in such a case a person, who is an officer of the state the consummation of the proposed transaction Constitution. Barbier v. Connolly. And in the exercise
is clothed with the duty of enforcing its laws and who between them, and the threat and purpose of the of such powers the state has wide discretion in
threatens and is about to commence proceedings, Attorney General to enforce the punishments and determining its own public policy and what measures
either civil or criminal, to enforce such a law against forfeiture prescribed prevents each from dealing with are necessary for its own protection and properly to
parties affected, may be enjoined from such action by the other. Truax v. Raich, supra. They are not obliged promote the safety, peace and good order of its
a Federal court of equity. 7 to take the risk of prosecution, fines and imprisonment people.
and loss of property in order to secure an adjudication
of their rights. The complaint presents a case in which
The Terraces' property rights in the land include the 11
equitable relief may be had, if the law complained of is
right to use, lease and dispose of it for lawful
shown to be in contravention of the federal
purposes (Buchanan v. Warley, 245 U. S. 60, 74, 38
Constitution. And, while Congress has exclusive jurisdiction over
Sup. Ct. 16, 62 L. Ed. 149, L. R. A. 1918C, 210, Ann.
immigration, naturalization and the disposal of the
Cas. 1918A, 1201), and the Constitution protects
public domain, each state, in the absence of any
these essential attributes of property (Holden v. 8
treaty provision to the contrary, has power to deny to
Hardy, 169 U. S. 366, 391, 18 Sup. Ct. 383, 42 L. Ed.
aliens the right to own land within its borders.
780), and also protects Nakatsuka in his right to earn
2. Is the act repugnant to the due process clause or Hauenstein v. Lynham, 100 U. S. 483, 484, 488, 25 L.
a livelihood by following the ordinary occupations of
the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Ed. 628; Blythe v. Hinckley, 180 U. S. 333, 340, 21
life (Truax v. Raich, supra; Meyer v. State of
Amendment? Sup. Ct. 390, 45 L. Ed. 557; Mr. Justice Field,
Nebraska, 262 U. S. 390, 43 Sup. Ct. 625, 67 L. Ed.
speaking for this court (Phillips v. Moore, 100 U. S.
1042). If, as claimed, the state act is repugnant to the
208, at page 212, 25 L. Ed. 603), said:
due process and equal protection clauses of 9
the Fourteenth Amendment, then its enforcement will
deprive the owners of their right to lease their land to 12
Appellants contend that the act contravenes the due
Nakatsuka, and deprive him of his right to pursue the
process clause in that it prohibits the owners from
occupation of farmer, and the threat to enforce it
making lawful disposition or use of their land, and 'By the common law, an alien cannot acquire real
constitutes a continuing unlawful restriction upon and
makes it a criminal offense for them to lease it to the property by operation of law, but may take it by act of
infringement of the rights of appellants, as to which
alien, and prohibits him from following the occupation the grantor, and hold it until office found; that is, until
they have no remedy at law which is as practical,
of farmer; and they contend that it is repugnant to the the fact of alienage is authoritatively established by a
efficient or adequate as the remedy in equity. And
equal protection clause in that aliens are divided into public officer, upon an inquest held at the instance of
assuming, as suggested by the Attorney General, that
two classes,—those who may and those who may not the government.'3
after the making of the lease the validity of the law
become citizens, one class being permitted, while the
might be determined in proceedings to declare a
other is forbidden, to own and as defined.
forfeiture of the property to the state or in criminal 13
proceedings to punish the owners, it does not follow
that they may not appeal to equity for relief. No action 10
at law can be initiated against them until after the State legislation applying alike and equally to all
consummation of the proposed lease. The threatened aliens, withholding from them the right to own land,
enforcement of the law deters them. In order to obtain Alien inhabitants of a state, as well as all other cannot be said to be capricious or to amount to an
a remedy at law, the owners, even if they would take persons within its jurisdiction, may invoke the arbitrary deprivation of liberty or property, or to
the risk of fine, imprisonment and loss of property protection of these clauses. Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 transgress the due process clause.
must continue to suffer deprivation of their right to U. S. 356, 369, 6 Sup. Ct. 1064, 30 L. Ed. 220; Truax
dispose of or lease their land to any such alien until v. Raich, supra, 239 U. S. 39, 36 Sup. Ct. 7, 60 L. Ed.
one is found who will join them in violating the terms 131, L. R. A. 1916D, 545 Ann. Cas. 1917B, 283.
of the enactment and take the risk of forfeiture. The Fourteenth Amendment, as against the arbitrary
Similarly Nakatsuka must continue to be deprived of and capricious or unjustly discriminatory action of the This brings us to a consideration of appellants'
his right to follow his occupation as farmer until a land state, protects the owners in their right to lease and contention that the act contravenes the equal
owner is found who is willing to make a forbidden dispose of their land for lawful purposes and the alien protection clause. That clause secures equal
transfer of land and take the risk of punishment. The resident in his right to earn a living by following protection to all in the enjoyment of their rights under
owners have an interest in the freedom of the alien, ordinary occupations of the community, but it does not like circumstances. In re Kemmler, supra; Giozza v.
and he has an interest in their freedom, to make the take away from the state those powers of police that Tiernan, 148 U. S. 657, 662, 13 Sup. Ct. 721, 37 L.
Ed. 599. But this does not forbid every distinction in 17 a state law withholding from aliens the privilege of
the law of a state between citizens and aliens resident land ownership as defined in the act. We agree with
therein. In Truax v. Corrigan, 257 U. S. 312, at page the court below (274 Fed. 841, 846) that:
By the statute in question all aliens who have not in
337, 42 Sup. Ct. 124, at page 131 (66 L. Ed. 254), this
good faith declared intention to become citizens of the
court said:
United States, as specified in section 1(a), are called 19
'aliens,' and it is provided that they shall not 'own'
15 'land,' as defined in clauses (d) and (b) of section 1
'It is obvious that one who is not a citizen and cannot
respectively. The class so created includes all, but is
become one lacks an interest in, and the power to
not limited to, aliens not eligible to become citizens.
'In adjusting legislation to the need of the people of a effectually work for the welfare of, the state, and, so
Eligible aliens who have not declared their intention to
state, the legislature has a wide discretion and it may lacking, the state may rightfully deny him the right to
become citizens are included, and the act provides
be fully conceded that perfect uniformity of treatment own and lease real estate within its boundaries. If one
that unless declarants be admitted to citizenship
of all persons is neither practical nor desirable, that incapable of citizenship may lease or own real estate,
within seven years after the declaration is made, bad
classification of persons is constantly necessary. * * * it is within the realm of possibility that every foot of
faith will be presumed. This leaves the class permitted
Classification is the most inveterate of our reasoning land within the state might pass to the ownership or
so to own land made up of citizens and aliens who
processes. We can scarcely think or speak without possession of noncitizens.'
may, and who intend to, become citizens, and who in
consciously or unconsciously exercising it. It must
good faith have made the declaration required by the
therefore obtain in and determine legislation; but it
naturalization laws. The inclusion of good faith 20
must regard real resemblances and real differences
declarants in the same class with citizens does not
between things, and persons, and class them in
unjustly discriminate against aliens who are ineligible
accordance with thier pertinence to the purpose in And we think it is clearly within the power of the state
or against eligible aliens who have failed to declare
hand.' to include nondeclarant eligible aliens and ineligible
their intention. The classification is based on eligibility
aliens in the same prohibited class. Reasons
and purpose to naturalize. Eligible aliens are free
supporting discrimination against aliens who may but
16 white persons and persons of African nativity or
who will not naturalize are obvious.
descent.6 Congress is not trammeled, and it may
grant or withhold the privilege of naturalization upon
The rights, privileges and duties of aliens differ widely any grounds or without any reason, as it sees fit. But it 21
from those of citizens; and those of alien declarants is not to be supposed that its acts defining eligibility
differ substantially from those of nondeclarants. are arbitrary or unsupported by reasonable
Formerly in many of the states the right to vote and Truax v. Raich, supra, does not support the
consideration of public policy.
hold office was extended to declarants, and many appellants' contention. In that case the court held to
important offices have been held by them. But these be repugnant to the Fourteenth Amendment an act of
rights have not been granted to nondeclarants. By 18 the Legislature of Arizona making it a criminal offense
various acts of Congress,4 declarants have been for an employer of more than five workers at any one
made liable to military duty, but no act has imposed time, regardless of kind or class of work, or sex of
The state properly may assume that the
that duty on nondeclarants. The fourth paragraph of workers, to employ less than 80 per cent. qualified
considerations upon which Congress made such
article 1 of the treaty (37 Stat. 1504), invoked by the electors or native-born citizens of the United States. In
classification are substantial and reasonable.
appellants, provides that the citizens or subjects of the opinion it was pointed out that the legislation there
Generally speaking, the natives of European countries
each shall be exempt in the territories of the other in question did not relate to the devolution of real
are eligible. Japanese, Chinese and Malays are not.
from compulsory military service either on land or sea, property, but that the discrimination was imposed
Appellants' contention that the state act discriminates
in the regular forces, or in the national guard, or in the upon the conduct of ordinary private enterprise
arbitrarily against Nakatsuka and other ineligible
militia; also from all contributions imposed in lieu of covering the entire field of industry with the exception
aliens because of their race and color is without
personal service, and from all forced loans or military of enterprises that were relatively very small. It was
foundation. All persons of whatever color or race who
exactions or contributions. The alien's formally said that the right to work for a living in the common
have not declared their intention in good faith to
declared bona fide intention to renounce forever all occupations of the community is a part of the freedom
become citizens are prohibited from so owning
allegiance and fidelity to the sovereignty to which he which it was the purpose of the Fourteenth
agricultural lands. Two classes of aliens inevitably
lately has been a subject, and to become a citizen of Amendment to secure.
result from the naturalization laws those who may and
the United States and permanently reside
those who may not become citizens. The rule
therein5 markedly distinguishes him from an ineligible
established by Congress on this subject, in and of 22
alien or an eligible alien who has not so declared.
itself, furnishes a reasonable basis for classification in
In the case before us, the thing forbidden is very 27 But if the language left the meaning of its provisions
different. It is not an opportunity to earn a living in doubtful or obscure, the circumstances of the making
common occupations of the community, but it is the of the treaty, as set forth in the opinion of the District
For the purpose of bringing Nakatsuka within the
privilege of owning or controlling agricultural land Court (supra, 274 Fed. 844, 845), would resolve all
protection of the treaty, the amended complaint
within the state. The quality and allegiance of those doubts against the appellants' contention. The letter of
alleges that, in addition to being a capable farmer, he
who own, occupy and use the farm lands within its Secretary of State Bryan to Viscount Chinda, July 16,
is engaged in the business of trading, wholesale and
borders are matters of highest importance and affect 1913, shows that, in accordance with the desire of
retail, in farm products and shipping the same in
the safety and power of the state itself. Japan, the right to own land was not conferred. And it
intrastate, interstate and foreign commerce, and,
appears that the right to lease land for other than
instead of purchasing such farm products, he has
residential and commercial purposes was deliberately
23 produced, and desires to continue to produce, his own
withheld by substituting the words of the treaty, 'to
farm products for the purpose of selling them in such
lease land for residential and commercial purposes,'
wholesale and retail trade, and if he is prevented from
The Terraces, who are citizens, have no right for a more comprehensive clause contained in an
leasing land for the purpose of producing farm
safeguarded by the Fourteenth Amendment to lease earlier draft of the instrument, namely, 'to lease land
products for such trade he will be prevented from
their land to aliens lawfully forbidden to take or have for residential, commercial, industrial, manufacturing
engaging in trade and the incidents to trade, as he is
such lease. The state act is not repugnant to the and other lawful purposes.'
authorized to do under the treaty.
equal protection clause and does not contravene
the Fourteenth Amendment.
4. The act complained of is not repugnant to section
To prevail on this point, appellants must show conflict
33 of article 2 of the state Constitution.
between the state act and the treaty. Each state, in
3. The state act, in our opinion, is not in conflict with
the absence of any treaty provision conferring the
the treaty7 between the United States and Japan. The
right may enact laws prohibiting aliens from owning 31
preamble declares it to be 'a treaty of commerce and
land within its borders. Unless the right to own or
navigation,' and indicates that it was entered into for
lease land is given by the treaty, no question of
the purpose of establishing the rules to govern That section provides that 'the ownership of lands by
conflict can arise. We think that the treaty not only
commercial intercourse between the countries. aliens * * * is prohibited in this state. * * *' Appellants
contains no provision giving Japanese the right to own
assert that the proposed lease of farm land for five
or lease land for agricultural purposes, but, when
years is not 'ownership,' and is not prohibited by that
25 viewed in the light of the negotiations leading up to its
clause of the state Constitution and cannot be
consummation, the language shows that the high
forbidden by the state Legislature. That position is
contracting parties respectively intended to withhold a
The only provision that relates to owning or leasing untenable. In State v. O'Connell, 121 Wash. 542, 209
treaty grant of that right to the citizens or subjects of
land is in the first paragraph of article 1, which is as Pac. 865, a suit for the purpose of escheating to the
either in the territories of the other. The right to 'carry
follows: state an undivided one-half interest in land, or the
on trade' or 'to own or lease and occupy houses,
proceeds thereof, held in trust for the benefit of an
manufactories, warehouses and shops,' or 'to lease
alien, a subject of the British empire, decided since
26 land for residential and commercial purposes,' or 'to
this appeal was taken, the Supreme Court of
do anything incident to or necessary for trade' cannot
Washington held that the statute in question did not
be said to include the right to own or lease or to have
'The citizens or subjects of each of the high contravene this provision of the Constitution of that
any title to or interest in land for agricultural purposes.
contracting parties shall have liberty to enter, travel state. The question whether or not a state statute
The enumeration of rights to own or lease for other
and reside in the territories of the other to carry on conflicts with the Constitution of the state is settled by
specified purposes impliedly negatives the right to
trade, wholesale and retail, to own or lease and the decision of its highest court. Carstairs v.
own or lease land for these purposes. A careful
occupy houses, manufactories, warehouses and Cochran, 193 U. S. 10, 16, 24 Sup. Ct. 318, 48 L. Ed.
reading of the treaty suffices in our opinion to negative
shops, to employ agents of their choice, to lease land 596. This court 'is without authority to review and
the claim asserted by appellant that it conflicts with
for residential and commercial purposes, and revise the construction affixed to a state statute as to
the state act.
generally to do anything incident to or necessary for a state matter by the court of last resort of the state.'
trade upon the same terms as native citizens or Quong Ham Wah Co. v. Industrial Commission, 255
subjects, submitting themselves to the laws and 29 U. S. 445, 448, 41 Sup. Ct. 373, 374 (65 L. Ed. 723),
regulations there established.' and cases cited.
32 majority of whose capital stock is owned or controlled
by aliens or a majority of whose members are aliens; Art. 416. The following things are deemed to be personal
The decree of the District Court is affirmed. property:
(b) 'Land' does not include lands containing valuable
deposits of minerals, metals, iron, coal or fire clay or (1) Those movables susceptible of appropriation which
33 are not included in the preceding article;
the necessary land for mills and machinery to be used
in the development thereof and the manufacture of
Mr. Justice McREYNOLDS and Mr. Justice the products therefrom, but does include every other (2) Real property which by any special provision of law is
BRANDEIS think there is no justiciable question kind of land and every interest therein and right to the considered as personal property;
involved and that the case should have been control, possession, use, enjoyment, rents, issues or
dismissed on that ground. profits thereof. * * * (3) Forces of nature which are brought under control by
science; and
34 (d) To 'own' means to have the legal or equitable title
to or the right to any benefit of; (4) In general, all things which can be transported from
place to place without impairment of the real property to
Mr. Justice SUTHERLAND took no part in the
which they are fixed. (335a)
consideration or decision of this case. (e) 'Title' includes every kind of legal or equitable title.
Art. 417. The following are also considered as personal
1 property:
Section 2. An alien shall not own land or take or hold
title thereto. No person shall take or hold land or title (1) Obligations and actions which have for their object
Section 33. The ownership of lands by aliens, other to land for an alien. Land now held by or for aliens in movables or demandable sums; and
than those who in good faith have declared their violation of the constitution of the state is forfeited to
intention to become citizens of the United States, is and declared to be the property of the state. Land (2) Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial and
prohibited in this state, except where acquired by hereafter conveyed to or for the use of aliens in industrial entities, although they may have real
inheritance, under mortgage or in good faith in the violation of the constitution or of this act shall thereby
ordinary course of justice in the collection of debts; be forfeited to and become the property of the state. estate. (336a)
and all conveyances of lands hereafter made to any
alien directly or in trust for such alien, shall be void:
Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not 3 Republic of the Philippines
apply to lands containing valuable deposits of SUPREME COURT
minerals, metals, iron, coal, or fire clay, and the Manila
In Fairfax's Devisee v. Hunter's Lessee, 7 Cranch,
necessary land for mills and machinery to be used in
603, 609, 619, 620 (3 L. Ed. 453), it was said, per
the development thereof and the manufacture of the THIRD DIVISION
Story, J.: 'It is clear by the common law, that an alien
products therefrom. Every corporation, the majority of
can take lands by purchase, though not by descent; or
the capital stock of which is owned by aliens, shall be
in other words he cannot take by the act of law, but he G.R. No. 77859 May 25, 1988
considered an alien for the purposes of this
may by the act of the party. * * * In the language of the
ancient law, the alien has the capacity to take, but not
to hold lands, and they may be seized into the hands CENTURY TEXTILE MILLS, INC. and ALFREDO T.
2 of the sovereign.' See also 1 Cooley's Blackstone (4th ESCAÑO, petitioners,
Ed.) 315, *372; 2 Kent's Commentaries (14th Ed.) 80, vs.
Section 1. In this act, unless the context otherwise HON. LABOR ARBITER FELIPE P. PATI, and
requires. EDUARDO CALANGI, respondents.
(a) 'Alien' does not include an alien who has in good Melanio L. Zoreta for petitioners.
faith declared his intention to become a citizen of the
United States, but does include all other aliens and all
corporations and other organized groups of persons a The Solicitor General for public respondent.
Alfonso P. Ancheta, Jr. for private respondent. desire to avenge themselves upon Meliton and
Santos, both of whom had instigated their (i.e., 3 years 903.60
Torrena's and private respondent's) suspension from
work several times in the past. 4 These circumstances d)
moved petitioner Corporation preventively to suspend Vacatio
FELICIANO, J.: Torrena and private respondent Calangi, and n and
eventually to dismiss them from its employ. Sick
Additionally, criminal charges for attempted murder
Since 13 December 1974, private respondent Leave 627.00
were filed against these two employees with the
Eduardo Calangi had been employed at the factory of of 15
Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal.
petitioner Century Textile Mills, Inc. where he worked days
initially as an apprentice and later on as a machine each
operator in the Finishing Department. Effective 10 On 11 October 1983, private respondent Calangi filed
June 1983, however, petitioner Corporation, acting a Complaint 5 for illegal dismissal (docketed as Case
through its company officers, 1 placed him under No. NLRC-NCR-10-4518-83) with the Arbitration
preventive suspension and, on 27 July 1983, Branch, National Capital Region, of the then Ministry
completely terminated his services with the company. of Labor and Employment. Among other things,
Private respondent Calangi was accused of having private respondent alleged in his complaint that
masterminded a criminal plot against Melchor Meliton "[p]rior to his preventive suspension neither the
and Antonio Santos, two of his supervisors at his company nor any of its officers furnished him [with] a Attorne
place of work. copy of their charges, if any, nor afforded him the y's fees
opportunity to answer the same and defend himself."
Hence, private respondent claimed entitlement to the TOTAL
The events that led to private respondent's dismissal following:
are as follows:

According to Rodolfo Marin (a factory co-worker of A. A prayer for "such other reliefs and remedies
private respondent Calangi), at around 12:15 a.m. on Moral consequent upon the premises" was likewise set out
4 June 1983 and within company premises, he damag in the complaint.
chanced upon "Gatchie" Torrena (a machine operator es
at petitioner's factory) and noticed the latter mixing In a Decision 6 dated 16 August 1984, the Labor
some substance with the drinking water contained in a Actual Arbiter dismissed private respondent's Complaint. The
pitcher from which Meliton and Santos regularly damag Labor Arbiter found that not only was the evidence
drank. Before anyone could take a drink from the es against private respondent Calangi "so overwhelming"
pitcher, Marin reported what he had observed to and "sufficient enough" to justify his dismissal, but that
Meliton who, in turn, informed Santos of the same. a) P6,520 private respondent had himself failed inexplicably to
Soon after, Meliton and Santos took possession of the Wages .80 deny or controvert the charges against him.
pitcher of water and filed a formal report of the for 3
incident with company management. 2 The contents of years
the pitcher were subsequently brought to and An appeal was brought by private respondent Calangi
analyzed by chemists at the Philippine Constabulary before the public respondent National Labor Relations
b) 3, Commission, which agency, on 3 December 1985,
Crime Laboratory at Camp Crame, Quezon City who ECOLA 841.60
found the presence of a toxic chemical rendered a Decision, 7 the dispositive portion of which
for 3 reads:
(formaldehyde) therein. 3 years

In the police investigation that followed, Torrena c) 13th WHEREFORE, with all the
confessed that private respondent Calangi personally month foregoing considerations, let the
instructed him, and he agreed, to place formaldehyde pay for appealed decision dated 27
in the pitcher of water. Torrena also admitted that he August 1984 be, as it is hereby
and private respondent were then motivated by a REVERSED. Accordingly,
complainant's dismissal is hereby Public respondent Commission found that private union and
declared to be illegal, and respondent Calangi was effectively denied his right to the
consequently, respondents due process in that, prior to his preventive suspension management
[petitioners] are hereby ordered and the termination of his services, he had not been .
to reinstate Eduardo Calangi to given the opportunity either to affirm or refute the
his former or equivalent position charges proferred against him by petitioner
Be guided accordingly.
without loss of seniority and other Corporation. Petitioners allege however that private
benefits, with full backwages from respondent Calangi had been previously informed of
27 July 1983 until he is actually and given the chance to answer the company's MANAGEMENT
reinstated. accusations against him, but that he had "kept silent"
all the while. The following Memorandum issued by
(SGD.) Jovencio G. Tolentino
petitioner's Personnel Manager on 10 June 1983
(Calangi's first day of preventive suspension) was
cited in this connection: Personnel Manager
Petitioner Corporations' Motion for Reconsideration
was denied on 4 April 1986. Sometime in November
MEMO: TO ALL CONCERNED Petitioners contend that the above Memorandum
of 1986, the Labor Arbiter issued a writ of execution
"clearly shows that prior investigation and consultation
directing petitioners to pay private respondent Calangi
with the union was made," and "will therefore negate
the amount of P54,747.74 representing the latter's SUBJ.: Under Preventive
the theory of respondents that respondent Calangi
backwages, 13th month pay, living allowance, and Suspension Employees. Please
was not afforded the chance to present his side for
vacation and sick leave — i.e., actual damages. be advised that the following
the memo itself speaks otherwise."
employees are under preventive
suspension (indefinite) namely:
The present Petition for certiorari with Preliminary
The procedure that an employer wishing to terminate
Injunction or Restraining Order was filed with this
the services of an employee must follow, is spelled
Court on 3 April 1987. The Court issued a Temporary 1. Eduardo Calangi--effective
out in the Labor Code:
Restraining Orders 8 on 8 April 1987 and, on 24 June 10, 1983
August 1987, issued a Resolution 9 giving due course
to the Petition and directing the parties to submit their ART. 278. Miscellaneous
2. Gatchie Torrena--effective
respective memoranda. provisions. —
June 10, 1983

The Petition at bar raises the following issues for xxx xxx xxx
consideration: (1) whether or not private respondent
Calangi was illegally dismissed from his job as
machine operator; and (2) assuming he was illegally However, the employer shall
Policy Instruction No. 10 of the
dismissed, whether or not petitioner Corporation can fumish the worker whose
New Labor Code of the
be ordered legally (a) to reinstate private respondent employment is sought to be
Philippines, Revised Edition
Calangi to his former position in the company, with full terminated a written notice
backwages and without loss of seniority rights and containing a statement of the
other benefits, considering that such relief had not causes for termination and shall
NOTE: afford the latter ample
been sought by private respondent in his complaint,
Decision opportunity to be heard and to
and (b) to pay private respondent an amount for
about the defend himself with the
actual damages in excess of what had been claimed
indebtedness assistance of his representative if
by the latter in his Complaint.
suspension he so desires in accordance with
of concerned company rules and regulations
We sustain the ruling of public respondent employees promulgated pursuant to
Commission that private respondent Calangi had was reached guidelines set by the
been dismissed without just cause from his after the [Department] of Labor and
employment by petitioner Corporation. meeting Employment. Any decision taken
between the by the employer shall be without
prejudice to the right of the afford the worker ample levelled against him, are rights personal to the
worker to contest the validity and opportunity to be heard and to employee. Those rights were not satisfied by
legality of his dismissing by filing defend himself with the petitioner Corporation's obtaining the consent of or
a complaint with the regional assistance of his representative, consulting with the labor union; such consultation or
branch of the National Labor if he so desires. consent was not a substitute for actual observance of
Relations Commission. The those rights of private respondent Calangi. The
burden of proving that the employee can waive those rights, if he so chooses,
SEC. 6. Decision to dismiss.
termination was for a valid or but the union cannot waive them for him. That the
— The employer shall
authorized cause shall rest on private respondent simply 'kept silent" all the while, is
immediately notify a worker in
the employer. The [Department] not adequate to show an effective waiver of his rights.
writing of a decision to dismiss
may suspend the effects of the Notice and opportunity to be heard must be accorded
him stating clearly the reasons
termination pending resolution of by an employer even though the employee does not
the case in the event of a prima affirmatively demand them.
facie finding by the Ministry that
the termination may cause a xxx xxx xxx
Investigation of the alleged attempt to poison the
serious labor dispute or is in
drinking water of the two (2) supervisors of the private
implementation of a mass lay-off.
(Emphasis supplied) respondent was conducted by the Cainta police
authorities. These authorities interrogated and took
xxx xxx xxx the sworn statements of Messrs. Marin, Torrena,
The twin requirements of notice and hearing Meliton and Santos who, in one way or another, had
constitute essential elements of due process in cases been involved in such incident. Petitioners argue that
(Emphasis supplied) of employee dismissal: the requirement of notice is the decision to place private respondent Calangi
intended to inform the employee concerned of the under preventive suspension and subsequently to
employer's intent to dismiss and the reason for the
Rule XIV, Book V of the Rules and Regulations terminate his services was arrived at only after the
proposed dismissal; upon the other hand, the
Implementing the Labor Code reiterates the above incident complained of, and Mr. Calangi, had been
requirement of hearing affords the employee an
requirements: investigated by the company. There is, once again,
opportunity to answer his employer's charges against nothing in the record to show that private respondent
him and accordingly to defend himself therefrom Calangi been interrogated by the Cainta police
xxx xxx xxx before dismissal is effected. Neither of these two authorities or by anyone else; indeed, it appears that
requirements can be dispensed with without running practically everybody, save Calangi, was so
afoul of the due process requirement of the 1987
Sec. 2. Notice of dismissal. interrogated by the police. If petitioner Corporation did
— Any employer who seeks to notify and investigate private respondent and did hold
dismiss a worker shall furnish him a hearing, petitioners have succeeded in keeping
a written notice stating the The record of this case is bereft of any indication that such facts off the record. It needs no documentation,
particular acts or omission a hearing or other gathering was in fact held where but perhaps it should be stressed, that this Court can
constituting the grounds for his private respondent Calangi was given a reasonable act only on the basis of matters which have been
dismissal. In case of opportunity to confront his accuser(s) and to defend submitted in evidence and made part of the record.
abandomment of work, the notice against the charges made by the latter. Petitioner
shall be served at the worker's Corporation's "prior consultation" with the labor union Additionally, the Court notes that the application filed
last known address. with which private respondent Calangi was affiliated, by petitioner Corporation with the Ministry of Labor
was legally insufficient. So far as the record shows, and Employment for clearance to suspend or
neither petitioner nor the labor union actually advised
xxx xxx xxx terminate the services of Mr. Calangi, cited as ground
Calangi of the matters at issue. The Memorandum of therefor "[Calangi's] frustrated plan to poison Mr.
petitioner's Personnel Manager certainly offered no Antonio Santos and Mr. Melchor Meliton last June 5,
Sec. 5. Answer and hearing. — helpful particulars. It is important to stress that the 1983." This ground, so far as can be gathered from
The worker may answer the rights of an employee whose services are sought to the allegations of petitioners in their pleadings and
allegations stated against him in be terminated to be informed beforehand of his from the evidence of record, both in the public
the notice of dismissal within a proposed dismissal (or suspension) as well as of the respondent Commission and in this Court, is
reasonable period from receipt of reasons therefor, and to be afforded an adequate anchored mainly, if not wholly on Mr. Torrena's sworn
such notice. The employer shall opportunity to defend himself from the charges
statement, given to the Cainta police authorities, that that an employee has been illegaly dismissed, and SO ORDERED.
both he (Torrena) and private respondent had which remedies together make the dismissed
conspired with each other to inflict physical harm upon employee whole. 11 A finding of illegal dismissal
the persons of Messrs. Meliton and Santos. A finding having been correctly made in this case by public
of private respondent's participation in the alleged respondent Commission, private respondent is, as a
criminal conspiracy cannot, however, be made to rest matter of right, entitled to receive both types of relief
solely on the unilateral declaration of Mr. Torrena made available in Article 280 of the Labor Code, as
himself a confirmed "co-conspirator." Such declaration amended. It matters not that private respondent
must be corroborated by other competent and Calangi had omitted in his complaint filed in Case No.
convincing evidence. In. the absence of such other NLRC-NCR-10-4518-83 a claim for reinstatement
evidence, Mr. Torrena's "confession" implicating Mr. without loss of seniority rights for he is entitled to such
Calangi must be received with considerable caution. relief as the facts alleged and proved warrant. 12
The very least that petitioner Corporation should have
done was to confront private respondent with
In view of the finding of illegal dismissal in this case,
Torrena's sworn statement; the record does not show
petitioner Corporation is liable to private respondent
that petitioner Corporation did so. The burden of
Calangi for payment of the latter's backwages for
showing the existence of a just cause for terminating
three (3) years, without qualification and deduction.
the services of private respondent Calangi lay on the
Considering the circumstances of this case, however,
petitioners. Petitioners have not discharged that
the Court beheves that reinstatement of private
respondent to his former position—or to any other
equivalent position in the company — will not serve
It remains only to note that the criminal complaint for the best interests of the parties involved. Petitioner
attempted murder against Mr. Calangi was dismissed Corporation should not be compelled to take back in
by the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal. 10 its fold an employee who, at least in the minds of his
employers, poses a significant threat to the lives and
safety of company workers. Consequently, we hold
Coming now to the second issue raised by petitioners
that private respondent should be given his separation
in their Pleadings, Article 280 of the Labor Code, as
pay in lieu of such reinstatement. The amount of
amended states:
separation pay shall be equal to private respondent's
one-half (1/2) month's salary for every year of service,
Art. 280. -Security of Tenure. — to be computed from 13 December 1974 (date of first
In case of regular employment, employment) until 10 June 1986 (three years after
the employer shall not terminate date of illegal dismissal). 13
the services of an employee
except for a just cause or when
WHEREFORE, the Petition for certiorari is
authorized by this Title. An
DISMISSED. The Temporary Restraining Order and
employee who is unjustly
the Resolutions issued on 8 April 1987 and 24 August
dismissed from work shall be
1987, respectively, by the Court in this case are
entitled to reinstatement without
WITHDRAWN. The Decision of public rAshville
loss of seniority rights and to his
respondent Commission in Case No. NLRC-NCR-10-
backwages computed from the
4518-83 is hereby AFFIRMED, subject the the
time his compensation was
modifications that petitioners shall pay private
withheld from him up to the time
respondent Calangi: (a) three (3) years backwages
of his reinstatement. (Emphasis
without qualification or deduction, and (b) separation
pay, computed as above indicated, in lieu of
reinstatement. No pronouncement as to costs.
We have held in the past that both reinstatement,
without loss of seniority rights, and payment of
backwages are the normal consequences of a finding
DUE PROCESS indebtedness. After the execution of this instrument against him by default. Upon July 3, 1908, a decision
by the mortgagor, he returned to China which appears was rendered in favor of the plaintiff. In this decision it
Substantive due process involves determining to have been his native country; and he there died, was recited that publication had been properly made
whether a law is fair or if it violates constitutional upon January 29, 1810, without again returning to the in a periodical, but nothing was said about this notice
protections. Procedural due process is the method of Philippine Islands. having been given mail. The court, upon this
government action or how the law is carried out. occasion, found that the indebtedness of the
defendant amounted to P249,355. 32, with interest
As the defendant was a nonresident at the time of the
Substantive due process requires the intrinsic validity from March 31, 1908. Accordingly it was ordered that
institution of the present action, it was necessary for
of the law in interfering with the rights of the person to the defendant should, on or before July 6, 1908,
the plaintiff in the foreclosure proceeding to give
his life, liberty, or property, while procedural due deliver said amount to the clerk of the court to be
notice to the defendant by publication pursuant to
process consists of the two basic rights of notice and applied to the satisfaction of the judgment, and it was
section 399 of the Code of Civil Procedure. An order
declared that in case of the failure of the defendant to
hearing, as well as the guarantee of being heard by for publication was accordingly obtained from the
satisfy the judgment within such period, the mortgage
an impartial and competent tribunal.Sep 2, 2022 court, and publication was made in due form in a
property located in the city of Manila should be
newspaper of the city of Manila. At the same time that
exposed to public sale. The payment contemplated in
the order of the court should deposit in the post office
Republic of the Philippines said order was never made; and upon July 8, 1908,
in a stamped envelope a copy of the summons and
SUPREME COURT the court ordered the sale of the property. The sale
complaint directed to the defendant at his last place of
Manila took place upon July 30, 1908, and the property was
residence, to wit, the city of Amoy, in the Empire of
bought in by the bank for the sum of P110,200. Upon
China. This order was made pursuant to the following
August 7, 1908, this sale was confirmed by the court.
EN BANC provision contained in section 399 of the Code of Civil
About seven years after the confirmation of this sale,
G.R. No. L-11390 March 26, 1918 or to the precise, upon June 25, 1915, a motion was
In case of publication, where the residence
made in this cause by Vicente Palanca, as
of a nonresident or absent defendant is
EL BANCO ESPAÑOL-FILIPINO, plaintiff-appellant, administrator of the estate of the original defendant,
known, the judge must direct a copy of the
vs. Engracio Palanca Tanquinyeng y Limquingco,
summons and complaint to be forthwith
VICENTE PALANCA, administrator of the estate of wherein the applicant requested the court to set aside
deposited by the clerk in the post-office,
Engracio Palanca Tanquinyeng, defendant- the order of default of July 2, 1908, and the judgment
postage prepaid, directed to the person to
appellant. rendered upon July 3, 1908, and to vacate all the
be served, at his place of residence
proceedings subsequent thereto. The basis of this
application, as set forth in the motion itself, was that
Aitken and DeSelms for appellant. Whether the clerk complied with this order does not the order of default and the judgment rendered
Hartigan and Welch for appellee. affirmatively appear. There is, however, among the thereon were void because the court had never
papers pertaining to this case, an affidavit, dated April acquired jurisdiction over the defendant or over the
STREET, J.: 4, 1908, signed by Bernardo Chan y Garcia, an subject of the action.
employee of the attorneys of the bank, showing that
upon that date he had deposited in the Manila post-
This action was instituted upon March 31, 1908, by "El At the hearing in the court below the application to
office a registered letter, addressed to Engracio
Banco Espanol-Filipino" to foreclose a mortgage upon vacate the judgment was denied, and from this action
Palanca Tanquinyeng, at Manila, containing copies of
various parcels of real property situated in the city of of the court Vicente Planca, as administrator of the
the complaint, the plaintiff's affidavit, the summons,
Manila. The mortgage in question is dated June 16, estate of the original defendant, has appealed. No
and the order of the court directing publication as
1906, and was executed by the original defendant other feature of the case is here under consideration
aforesaid. It appears from the postmaster's receipt
herein, Engracio Palanca Tanquinyeng y Limquingco, than such as related to the action of the court upon
that Bernardo probably used an envelope obtained
as security for a debt owing by him to the bank. Upon said motion.
from the clerk's office, as the receipt purports to show
March 31, 1906, the debt amounted to P218,294.10 that the letter emanated from the office.
and was drawing interest at the rate of 8 per centum The case presents several questions of importance,
per annum, payable at the end of each quarter. It which will be discussed in what appears to be the
appears that the parties to this mortgage at that time The cause proceeded in usual course in the Court of
sequence of most convenient development. In the first
estimated the value of the property in question at First Instance; and the defendant not having
part of this opinion we shall, for the purpose of
P292,558, which was about P75,000 in excess of the appeared, judgment was, upon July 2, 1908, taken
argument, assume that the clerk of the Court of First
Instance did not obey the order of the court in the actual physical control over the property assumes, at It is true that in proceedings of this character, if the
matter of mailing the papers which he was directed to the instance of some person claiming to be owner, to defendant for whom publication is made appears, the
send to the defendant in Amoy; and in this connection exercise a jurisdiction in rem over the property and to action becomes as to him a personal action and is
we shall consider, first, whether the court acquired the adjudicate the title in favor of the petitioner against all conducted as such. This, however, does not affect the
necessary jurisdiction to enable it to proceed with the the world. proposition that where the defendant fails to appear
foreclosure of the mortgage and, secondly, whether the action is quasi in rem; and it should therefore be
those proceedings were conducted in such manner as considered with reference to the principles governing
In the terminology of American law the action to
to constitute due process of law. actions in rem.
foreclose a mortgage is said to be a proceeding quasi
in rem, by which is expressed the idea that while it is
The word "jurisdiction," as applied to the faculty of not strictly speaking an action in rem yet it partakes of There is an instructive analogy between the
exercising judicial power, is used in several different, that nature and is substantially such. The expression foreclosure proceeding and an action of attachment,
though related, senses since it may have reference "action in rem" is, in its narrow application, used only concerning which the Supreme Court of the United
(1) to the authority of the court to entertain a particular with reference to certain proceedings in courts of States has used the following language:
kind of action or to administer a particular kind of admiralty wherein the property alone is treated as
relief, or it may refer to the power of the court over the responsible for the claim or obligation upon which the
If the defendant appears, the cause
parties, or (2) over the property which is the subject to proceedings are based. The action quasi rem differs
becomes mainly a suit in personam, with
the litigation. from the true action in rem in the circumstance that in
the added incident, that the property
the former an individual is named as defendant, and
attached remains liable, under the control of
the purpose of the proceeding is to subject his interest
The sovereign authority which organizes a court the court, to answer to any demand which
therein to the obligation or lien burdening the property.
determines the nature and extent of its powers in may be established against the defendant
All proceedings having for their sole object the sale or
general and thus fixes its competency or jurisdiction by the final judgment of the court. But, if
other disposition of the property of the defendant,
with reference to the actions which it may entertain there is no appearance of the defendant,
whether by attachment, foreclosure, or other form of
and the relief it may grant. and no service of process on him, the case
remedy, are in a general way thus designated. The
becomes, in its essential nature, a
judgment entered in these proceedings is conclusive
proceeding in rem, the only effect of which
Jurisdiction over the person is acquired by the only between the parties.
is to subject the property attached to the
voluntary appearance of a party in court and his
payment of the defendant which the court
submission to its authority, or it is acquired by the
In speaking of the proceeding to foreclose a mortgage may find to be due to the plaintiff. (Cooper
coercive power of legal process exerted over the
the author of a well known treaties, has said: vs. Reynolds, 10 Wall., 308.)

Though nominally against person, such In an ordinary attachment proceeding, if the defendant
Jurisdiction over the property which is the subject of
suits are to vindicate liens; they proceed is not personally served, the preliminary seizure is to,
the litigation may result either from a seizure of the
upon seizure; they treat property as be considered necessary in order to confer jurisdiction
property under legal process, whereby it is brought
primarily indebted; and, with the upon the court. In this case the lien on the property is
into the actual custody of the law, or it may result from
qualification above-mentioned, they are acquired by the seizure; and the purpose of the
the institution of legal proceedings wherein, under
substantially property actions. In the civil proceedings is to subject the property to that lien. If a
special provisions of law, the power of the court over
law, they are styled hypothecary actions, lien already exists, whether created by mortgage,
the property is recognized and made effective. In the
and their sole object is the enforcement of contract, or statute, the preliminary seizure is not
latter case the property, though at all times within the
the lien against the res; in the common law, necessary; and the court proceeds to enforce such
potential power of the court, may never be taken into
they would be different in chancery did not lien in the manner provided by law precisely as
actual custody at all. An illustration of the jurisdiction
treat the conditional conveyance as a mere though the property had been seized upon
acquired by actual seizure is found in attachment
hypothecation, and the creditor's right ass attachment. (Roller vs. Holly, 176 U. S., 398, 405; 44
proceedings, where the property is seized at the
an equitable lien; so, in both, the suit is real L. ed., 520.) It results that the mere circumstance that
beginning of the action, or some subsequent stage of
action so far as it is against property, and in an attachment the property may be seized at the
its progress, and held to abide the final event of the
seeks the judicial recognition of a property inception of the proceedings, while in the foreclosure
litigation. An illustration of what we term potential
debt, and an order for the sale of suit it is not taken into legal custody until the time
jurisdiction over the res, is found in the proceeding to
the res. (Waples, Proceedings In Rem. sec. comes for the sale, does not materially affect the
register the title of land under our system for the
607.) fundamental principle involved in both cases, which is
registration of land. Here the court, without taking
that the court is here exercising a jurisdiction over the must be limited to such as can be enforced against confined to the res, and the court cannot lawfully
property in a proceeding directed essentially in rem. the property itself. render a personal judgment against him. (Dewey vs.
Des Moines, 173 U. S., 193; 43 L. ed., 665; Heidritter
vs. Elizabeth Oil Cloth Co., 112 U. S., 294; 28 L. ed.,
Passing now to a consideration of the jurisdiction of It is important that the bearing of these propositions
729.) Therefore in an action to foreclose a mortgage
the Court of First Instance in a mortgage foreclosure, be clearly apprehended, for there are many
against a nonresident, upon whom service has been
it is evident that the court derives its authority to expressions in the American reports from which it
effected exclusively by publication, no personal
entertain the action primarily from the statutes might be inferred that the court acquires personal
judgment for the deficiency can be entered. (Latta vs.
organizing the court. The jurisdiction of the court, in jurisdiction over the person of the defendant by
Tutton, 122 Cal., 279; Blumberg vs. Birch, 99 Cal.,
this most general sense, over the cause of action is publication and notice; but such is not the case. In
obvious and requires no comment. Jurisdiction over truth the proposition that jurisdiction over the person
the person of the defendant, if acquired at all in such of a nonresident cannot be acquired by publication
an action, is obtained by the voluntary submission of and notice was never clearly understood even in the It is suggested in the brief of the appellant that the
the defendant or by the personal service of process American courts until after the decision had been judgment entered in the court below offends against
upon him within the territory where the process is rendered by the Supreme Court of the United States the principle just stated and that this judgment is void
valid. If, however, the defendant is a nonresident and, in the leading case of Pennoyer vs. Neff (95 U. S. because the court in fact entered a personal judgment
remaining beyond the range of the personal process 714; 24 L. ed., 565). In the light of that decision, and against the absent debtor for the full amount of the
of the court, refuses to come in voluntarily, the court of other decisions which have subsequently been indebtedness secured by the mortgage. We do not so
never acquires jurisdiction over the person at all. Here rendered in that and other courts, the proposition that interpret the judgment.
the property itself is in fact the sole thing which is jurisdiction over the person cannot be thus acquired
impleaded and is the responsible object which is the by publication and notice is no longer open to
In a foreclosure proceeding against a nonresident
subject of the exercise of judicial power. It follows that question; and it is now fully established that a
owner it is necessary for the court, as in all cases of
the jurisdiction of the court in such case is based personal judgment upon constructive or substituted
foreclosure, to ascertain the amount due, as
exclusively on the power which, under the law, it service against a nonresident who does not appear is
prescribed in section 256 of the Code of Civil
possesses over the property; and any discussion wholly invalid. This doctrine applies to all kinds of
Procedure, and to make an order requiring the
relative to the jurisdiction of the court over the person constructive or substituted process, including service
defendant to pay the money into court. This step is a
of the defendant is entirely apart from the case. The by publication and personal service outside of the
necessary precursor of the order of sale. In the
jurisdiction of the court over the property, considered jurisdiction in which the judgment is rendered; and the
present case the judgment which was entered
as the exclusive object of such action, is evidently only exception seems to be found in the case where
contains the following words:
based upon the following conditions and the nonresident defendant has expressly or impliedly
considerations, namely: (1) that the property is consented to the mode of service. (Note to Raher vs.
located within the district; (2) that the purpose of the Raher, 35 L. R. A. [N. S. ], 292; see also 50 L .R. A., Because it is declared that the said
litigation is to subject the property by sale to an 585; 35 L. R. A. [N. S.], 312 defendant Engracio Palanca Tanquinyeng y
obligation fixed upon it by the mortgage; and (3) that Limquingco, is indebted in the amount of
the court at a proper stage of the proceedings takes P249,355.32, plus the interest, to the
The idea upon which the decision in Pennoyer vs.
the property into custody, if necessary, and expose it 'Banco Espanol-Filipino' . . . therefore said
Neff (supra) proceeds is that the process from the
to sale for the purpose of satisfying the mortgage appellant is ordered to deliver the above
tribunals of one State cannot run into other States or
debt. An obvious corollary is that no other relief can amount etc., etc.
countries and that due process of law requires that
be granted in this proceeding than such as can be
the defendant shall be brought under the power of the
enforced against the property.
court by service of process within the State, or by his This is not the language of a personal judgment.
voluntary appearance, in order to authorize the court Instead it is clearly intended merely as a compliance
We may then, from what has been stated, formulated to pass upon the question of his personal liability. The with the requirement that the amount due shall be
the following proposition relative to the foreclosure doctrine established by the Supreme Court of the ascertained and that the evidence of this it may be
proceeding against the property of a nonresident United States on this point, being based upon the observed that according to the Code of Civil
mortgagor who fails to come in and submit himself constitutional conception of due process of law, is Procedure a personal judgment against the debtor for
personally to the jurisdiction of the court: (I) That the binding upon the courts of the Philippine Islands. the deficiency is not to be rendered until after the
jurisdiction of the court is derived from the power Involved in this decision is the principle that in property has been sold and the proceeds applied to
which it possesses over the property; (II) that proceedings in rem or quasi in rem against a the mortgage debt. (sec. 260).
jurisdiction over the person is not acquired and is nonresident who is not served personally within the
nonessential; (III) that the relief granted by the court state, and who does not appear, the relief must be
The conclusion upon this phase of the case is that with judicial power to hear and determine the matter notice does not absolutely require the mailing of
whatever may be the effect in other respects of the before it; (2) jurisdiction must be lawfully acquired notice unconditionally and in every event, but only in
failure of the clerk of the Court of First Instance to mail over the person of the defendant or over the property the case where the defendant's residence is known. In
the proper papers to the defendant in Amoy, China, which is the subject of the proceeding; (3) the the light of all these facts, it is evident that actual
such irregularity could in no wise impair or defeat the defendant must be given an opportunity to be heard; notice to the defendant in cases of this kind is not,
jurisdiction of the court, for in our opinion that and (4) judgment must be rendered upon lawful under the law, to be considered absolutely necessary.
jurisdiction rest upon a basis much more secure than hearing.
would be supplied by any form of notice that could be
The idea upon which the law proceeds in recognizing
given to a resident of a foreign country.
Passing at once to the requisite that the defendant the efficacy of a means of notification which may fall
shall have an opportunity to be heard, we observe short of actual notice is apparently this: Property is
Before leaving this branch of the case, we wish to that in a foreclosure case some notification of the always assumed to be in the possession of its owner,
observe that we are fully aware that many reported proceedings to the nonresident owner, prescribing the in person or by agent; and he may be safely held,
cases can be cited in which it is assumed that the time within which appearance must be made, is under certain conditions, to be affected with
question of the sufficiency of publication or notice in a everywhere recognized as essential. To answer this knowledge that proceedings have been instituted for
case of this kind is a question affecting the jurisdiction necessity the statutes generally provide for its condemnation and sale.
of the court, and the court is sometimes said to publication, and usually in addition thereto, for the
acquire jurisdiction by virtue of the publication. This mailing of notice to the defendant, if his residence is
It is the duty of the owner of real estate,
phraseology was undoubtedly originally adopted by known. Though commonly called constructive, or
who is a nonresident, to take measures that
the court because of the analogy between service by substituted service of process in any true sense. It is
in some way he shall be represented when
the publication and personal service of process upon merely a means provided by law whereby the owner
his property is called into requisition, and if
the defendant; and, as has already been suggested, may be admonished that his property is the subject of
he fails to do this, and fails to get notice by
prior to the decision of Pennoyer vs. Neff (supra) the judicial proceedings and that it is incumbent upon him
the ordinary publications which have usually
difference between the legal effects of the two forms to take such steps as he sees fit to protect it. In
been required in such cases, it is his
of service was obscure. It is accordingly not surprising speaking of notice of this character a distinguish
misfortune, and he must abide the
that the modes of expression which had already been master of constitutional law has used the following
consequences. (6 R. C. L., sec. 445 [p.
molded into legal tradition before that case was language:
decided have been brought down to the present day.
But it is clear that the legal principle here involved is
. . . if the owners are named in the
not effected by the peculiar language in which the It has been well said by an American court:
proceedings, and personal notice is
courts have expounded their ideas.
provided for, it is rather from tenderness to
their interests, and in order to make sure If property of a nonresident cannot be
We now proceed to a discussion of the question that the opportunity for a hearing shall not reached by legal process upon the
whether the supposed irregularity in the proceedings be lost to them, than from any necessity constructive notice, then our statutes were
was of such gravity as to amount to a denial of that that the case shall assume that form. passed in vain, and are mere empty
"due process of law" which was secured by the Act of (Cooley on Taxation [2d. ed.], 527, quoted legislative declarations, without either force,
Congress in force in these Islands at the time this in Leigh vs. Green, 193 U. S., 79, 80.) or meaning; for if the person is not within
mortgage was foreclosed. (Act of July 1, 1902, sec. the jurisdiction of the court, no personal
5.) In dealing with questions involving the application judgment can be rendered, and if the
It will be observed that this mode of notification does
of the constitutional provisions relating to due process judgment cannot operate upon the property,
not involve any absolute assurance that the absent
of law the Supreme Court of the United States has then no effective judgment at all can be
owner shall thereby receive actual notice. The
refrained from attempting to define with precision the rendered, so that the result would be that
periodical containing the publication may never in fact
meaning of that expression, the reason being that the the courts would be powerless to assist a
come to his hands, and the chances that he should
idea expressed therein is applicable under so many citizen against a nonresident. Such a result
discover the notice may often be very slight. Even
diverse conditions as to make any attempt ay precise would be a deplorable one. (Quarl vs.
where notice is sent by mail the probability of his
definition hazardous and unprofitable. As applied to a Abbett, 102 Ind., 233; 52 Am. Rep., 662,
receiving it, though much increased, is dependent
judicial proceeding, however, it may be laid down with 667.)
upon the correctness of the address to which it is
certainty that the requirement of due process is
forwarded as well as upon the regularity and security
satisfied if the following conditions are present,
of the mail service. It will be noted, furthermore, that It is, of course universally recognized that the
namely; (1) There must be a court or tribunal clothed
the provision of our law relative to the mailing of statutory provisions relative to publication or other
form of notice against a nonresident owner should be It will be observed that in considering the effect of this An application to open or vacate a judgment because
complied with; and in respect to the publication of irregularity, it makes a difference whether it be viewed of an irregularity or defect in the proceedings is
notice in the newspaper it may be stated that strict as a question involving jurisdiction or as a question usually required to be supported by an affidavit
compliance with the requirements of the law has been involving due process of law. In the matter of showing the grounds on which the relief is sought,
held to be essential. In Guaranty Trust etc. Co. vs. jurisdiction there can be no distinction between the and in addition to this showing also a meritorious
Green Cove etc., Railroad Co. (139 U. S., 137, 138), it much and the little. The court either has jurisdiction or defense to the action. It is held that a general
was held that where newspaper publication was made it has not; and if the requirement as to the mailing of statement that a party has a good defense to the
for 19 weeks, when the statute required 20, the notice should be considered as a step antecedent to action is insufficient. The necessary facts must be
publication was insufficient. the acquiring of jurisdiction, there could be no escape averred. Of course if a judgment is void upon its face
from the conclusion that the failure to take that step a showing of the existence of a meritorious defense is
was fatal to the validity of the judgment. In the not necessary. (10 R. C. L., 718.)
With respect to the provisions of our own statute,
application of the idea of due process of law, on the
relative to the sending of notice by mail, the
other hand, it is clearly unnecessary to be so rigorous.
requirement is that the judge shall direct that the The lapse of time is also a circumstance deeply
The jurisdiction being once established, all that due
notice be deposited in the mail by the clerk of the affecting this aspect of the case. In this connection we
process of law thereafter requires is an opportunity for
court, and it is not in terms declared that the notice quote the following passage from the encyclopedic
the defendant to be heard; and as publication was
must be deposited in the mail. We consider this to be treatise now in course of publication:
duly made in the newspaper, it would seem highly
of some significance; and it seems to us that, having
unreasonable to hold that failure to mail the notice
due regard to the principles upon which the giving of
was fatal. We think that in applying the requirement of Where, however, the judgment is not void
such notice is required, the absent owner of the
due process of law, it is permissible to reflect upon the on its face, and may therefore be enforced
mortgaged property must, so far as the due process
purposes of the provision which is supposed to have if permitted to stand on the record, courts in
of law is concerned, take the risk incident to the
been violated and the principle underlying the many instances refuse to exercise their
possible failure of the clerk to perform his duty,
exercise of judicial power in these proceedings. Judge quasi equitable powers to vacate a
somewhat as he takes the risk that the mail clerk or
in the light of these conceptions, we think that the judgement after the lapse of the term ay
the mail carrier might possibly lose or destroy the
provision of Act of Congress declaring that no person which it was entered, except in clear cases,
parcel or envelope containing the notice before it
shall be deprived of his property without due process to promote the ends of justice, and where it
should reach its destination and be delivered to him.
of law has not been infringed. appears that the party making the
This idea seems to be strengthened by the
application is himself without fault and has
consideration that placing upon the clerk the duty of
acted in good faith and with ordinary
sending notice by mail, the performance of that act is In the progress of this discussion we have stated the
diligence. Laches on the part of the
put effectually beyond the control of the plaintiff in the two conclusions; (1) that the failure of the clerk to
applicant, if unexplained, is deemed
litigation. At any rate it is obvious that so much of send the notice to the defendant by mail did not
sufficient ground for refusing the relief to
section 399 of the Code of Civil Procedure as relates destroy the jurisdiction of the court and (2) that such
which he might otherwise be entitled.
to the sending of notice by mail was complied with irregularity did not infringe the requirement of due
Something is due to the finality of
when the court made the order. The question as to process of law. As a consequence of these
judgments, and acquiescence or
what may be the consequences of the failure of the conclusions the irregularity in question is in some
unnecessary delay is fatal to motions of this
record to show the proof of compliance with that measure shorn of its potency. It is still necessary,
character, since courts are always reluctant
requirement will be discussed by us further on. however, to consider its effect considered as a simple
to interfere with judgments, and especially
irregularity of procedure; and it would be idle to
where they have been executed or
pretend that even in this aspect the irregularity is not
The observations which have just been made lead to satisfied. The moving party has the burden
grave enough. From this point of view, however, it is
the conclusion that the failure of the clerk to mail the of showing diligence, and unless it is shown
obvious that any motion to vacate the judgment on the
notice, if in fact he did so fail in his duty, is not such affirmatively the court will not ordinarily
ground of the irregularity in question must fail unless it
an irregularity, as amounts to a denial of due process exercise its discretion in his favor. (15 R. C.
shows that the defendant was prejudiced by that
of law; and hence in our opinion that irregularity, if L., 694, 695.)
irregularity. The least, therefore, that can be required
proved, would not avoid the judgment in this case.
of the proponent of such a motion is to show that he
Notice was given by publication in a newspaper and
had a good defense against the action to foreclose It is stated in the affidavit that the defendant, Engracio
this is the only form of notice which the law
the mortgage. Nothing of the kind is, however, shown Palanca Tanquinyeng y Limquingco, died January 29,
unconditionally requires. This in our opinion is all that
either in the motion or in the affidavit which 1910. The mortgage under which the property was
was absolutely necessary to sustain the proceedings.
accompanies the motion. sold was executed far back in 1906; and the
proceedings in the foreclosure were closed by the
order of court confirming the sale dated August 7, introduced in order to show the propriety of applying Cruz Herrera and Wy Piaco, 11 Phil. Rep., 402;
1908. It passes the rational bounds of human credulity to this situation the legal presumption to which Banco-Español Filipino vs. Donaldson, Sim and Co., 5
to suppose that a man who had placed a mortgage allusion has been made. Upon that presumption, Phil. Rep., 418.) In both the cases here cited the
upon property worth nearly P300,000 and had then supported by the circumstances of this case, ,we do property was purchased at the foreclosure sale, not
gone away from the scene of his life activities to end not hesitate to found the conclusion that the by the creditor or mortgagee, but by a third party.
his days in the city of Amoy, China, should have long defendant voluntarily abandoned all thought of saving Whether the same rule should be applied in a case
remained in ignorance of the fact that the mortgage his property from the obligation which he had placed where the mortgagee himself becomes the purchaser
had been foreclosed and the property sold, even upon it; that knowledge of the proceedings should be has apparently not been decided by this court in any
supposing that he had no knowledge of those imputed to him; and that he acquiesced in the reported decision, and this question need not here be
proceedings while they were being conducted. It is consequences of those proceedings after they had considered, since it is evident that if any liability was
more in keeping with the ordinary course of things that been accomplished. Under these circumstances it is incurred by the bank by purchasing for a price below
he should have acquired information as to what was clear that the merit of this motion is, as we have that fixed in the stipulation, its liability was a personal
transpiring in his affairs at Manila; and upon the basis already stated, adversely affected in a high degree by liability derived from the contract of mortgage; and as
of this rational assumption we are authorized, in the the delay in asking for relief. Nor is it an adequate we have already demonstrated such a liability could
absence of proof to the contrary, to presume that he reply to say that the proponent of this motion is an not be the subject of adjudication in an action where
did have, or soon acquired, information as to the sale administrator who only qualified a few months before the court had no jurisdiction over the person of the
of his property. this motion was made. No disability on the part of the defendant. If the plaintiff bank became liable to
defendant himself existed from the time when the account for the difference between the upset price
foreclosure was effected until his death; and we and the price at which in bought in the property, that
The Code of Civil Procedure, indeed, expressly
believe that the delay in the appointment of the liability remains unaffected by the disposition which
declares that there is a presumption that things have
administrator and institution of this action is a the court made of this case; and the fact that the bank
happened according to the ordinary habits of life (sec.
circumstance which is imputable to the parties in may have violated such an obligation can in no wise
334 [26]); and we cannot conceive of a situation more
interest whoever they may have been. Of course if the affect the validity of the judgment entered in the Court
appropriate than this for applying the presumption
minor heirs had instituted an action in their own right of First Instance.
thus defined by the lawgiver. In support of this
to recover the property, it would have been different.
presumption, as applied to the present case, it is
permissible to consider the probability that the In connection with the entire failure of the motion to
defendant may have received actual notice of these It is, however, argued that the defendant has suffered show either a meritorious defense to the action or that
proceedings from the unofficial notice addressed to prejudice by reason of the fact that the bank became the defendant had suffered any prejudice of which the
him in Manila which was mailed by an employee of the purchaser of the property at the foreclosure sale law can take notice, we may be permitted to add that
the bank's attorneys. Adopting almost the exact words for a price greatly below that which had been agreed in our opinion a motion of this kind, which proposes to
used by the Supreme Court of the United States in upon in the mortgage as the upset price of the unsettle judicial proceedings long ago closed, can not
Grannis vs. Ordeans (234 U. S., 385; 58 L. ed., 1363), property. In this connection, it appears that in article be considered with favor, unless based upon grounds
we may say that in view of the well-known skill of nine of the mortgage which was the subject of this which appeal to the conscience of the court. Public
postal officials and employees in making proper foreclosure, as amended by the notarial document of policy requires that judicial proceedings be upheld.
delivery of letters defectively addressed, we think the July 19, 1906, the parties to this mortgage made a The maximum here applicable is non quieta movere.
presumption is clear and strong that this notice stipulation to the effect that the value therein placed As was once said by Judge Brewer, afterwards a
reached the defendant, there being no proof that it upon the mortgaged properties should serve as a member of the Supreme Court of the United States:
was ever returned by the postal officials as basis of sale in case the debt should remain unpaid
undelivered. And if it was delivered in Manila, instead and the bank should proceed to a foreclosure. The
Public policy requires that judicial
of being forwarded to Amoy, China, there is a upset price stated in that stipulation for all the parcels
proceedings be upheld, and that titles
probability that the recipient was a person sufficiently involved in this foreclosure was P286,000. It is said in
obtained in those proceedings be safe from
interested in his affairs to send it or communicate its behalf of the appellant that when the bank bought in
the ruthless hand of collateral attack. If
contents to him. the property for the sum of P110,200 it violated that
technical defects are adjudged potent to
destroy such titles, a judicial sale will never
Of course if the jurisdiction of the court or the realize that value of the property, for no
sufficiency of the process of law depended upon the It has been held by this court that a clause in a prudent man will risk his money in bidding
mailing of the notice by the clerk, the reflections in mortgage providing for a tipo, or upset price, does not for and buying that title which he has
which we are now indulging would be idle and prevent a foreclosure, nor affect the validity of a sale reason to fear may years thereafter be
frivolous; but the considerations mentioned are made in the foreclosure proceedings. (Yangco vs. swept away through some occult and not
readily discoverable defect. (Martin vs. judgment or decree rendered in the various stages of was void for lack of jurisdiction. But the Supreme
Pond, 30 Fed., 15.) the proceedings from their initiation to their completion Court of the United States said:
(Voorhees vs. United States Bank, 10 Pet., 314; 35 U.
S., 449); and if the record is silent with respect to any
In the case where that language was used an attempt The court which made the decree . . . was a
fact which must have been established before the
was made to annul certain foreclosure proceedings on court of general jurisdiction. Therefore
court could have rightly acted, it will be presumed that
the ground that the affidavit upon which the order of every presumption not inconsistent with the
such fact was properly brought to its knowledge. (The
publication was based erroneously stated that the record is to be indulged in favor of its
Lessee of Grignon vs. Astor, 2 How., 319; 11 L. ed.,
State of Kansas, when he was in fact residing in jurisdiction. . . . It is to be presumed that the
another State. It was held that this mistake did not court before making its decree took care of
affect the validity of the proceedings. to see that its order for constructive service,
In making the order of sale [of the real state on which its right to make the decree
of a decedent] the court are presumed to depended, had been obeyed.
In the preceding discussion we have assumed that
have adjudged every question necessary to
the clerk failed to send the notice by post as required
justify such order or decree, viz: The death
by the order of the court. We now proceed to consider It is true that in this case the former judgment was the
of the owners; that the petitioners were his
whether this is a proper assumption; and the subject of collateral , or indirect attack, while in the
administrators; that the personal estate was
proposition which we propose to establish is that there case at bar the motion to vacate the judgment is direct
insufficient to pay the debts of the
is a legal presumption that the clerk performed his proceeding for relief against it. The same general
deceased; that the private acts of
duty as the ministerial officer of the court, which presumption, however, is indulged in favor of the
Assembly, as to the manner of sale, were
presumption is not overcome by any other facts judgment of a court of general jurisdiction, whether it
within the constitutional power of the
appearing in the cause. is the subject of direct or indirect attack the only
Legislature, and that all the provisions of
difference being that in case of indirect attack the
the law as to notices which are directory to
judgment is conclusively presumed to be valid unless
In subsection 14 of section 334 of the Code of Civil the administrators have been complied with.
the record affirmatively shows it to be void, while in
Procedure it is declared that there is a presumption . . . The court is not bound to enter upon the
case of direct attack the presumption in favor of its
"that official duty has been regularly performed;" and record the evidence on which any fact was
validity may in certain cases be overcome by proof
in subsection 18 it is declared that there is a decided. (Florentine vs. Barton, 2 Wall.,
extrinsic to the record.
presumption "that the ordinary course of business has 210; 17 L. ed., 785.) Especially does all this
been followed." These presumptions are of course in apply after long lapse of time.
no sense novelties, as they express ideas which have The presumption that the clerk performed his duty and
always been recognized. Omnia presumuntur rite et that the court made its decree with the knowledge that
Applegate vs. Lexington and Carter County Mining
solemniter esse acta donec probetur in contrarium. the requirements of law had been complied with
Co. (117 U. S., 255) contains an instructive discussion
There is therefore clearly a legal presumption that the appear to be amply sufficient to support the
in a case analogous to that which is now before us. It
clerk performed his duty about mailing this notice; and conclusion that the notice was sent by the clerk as
there appeared that in order to foreclose a mortgage
we think that strong considerations of policy require required by the order. It is true that there ought to be
in the State of Kentucky against a nonresident debtor
that this presumption should be allowed to operate found among the papers on file in this cause an
it was necessary that publication should be made in a
with full force under the circumstances of this case. A affidavit, as required by section 400 of the Code of
newspaper for a specified period of time, also be
party to an action has no control over the clerk of the Civil Procedure, showing that the order was in fact so
posted at the front door of the court house and be
court; and has no right to meddle unduly with the sent by the clerk; and no such affidavit appears. The
published on some Sunday, immediately after divine
business of the clerk in the performance of his duties. record is therefore silent where it ought to speak. But
service, in such church as the court should direct. In a
Having no control over this officer, the litigant must the very purpose of the law in recognizing these
certain action judgment had been entered against a
depend upon the court to see that the duties imposed presumptions is to enable the court to sustain a prior
nonresident, after publication in pursuance of these
on the clerk are performed. judgment in the face of such an omission. If we were
provisions. Many years later the validity of the
to hold that the judgment in this case is void because
proceedings was called in question in another action.
the proper affidavit is not present in the file of papers
Other considerations no less potent contribute to It was proved from the files of an ancient periodical
which we call the record, the result would be that in
strengthen the conclusion just stated. There is no that publication had been made in its columns as
the future every title in the Islands resting upon a
principle of law better settled than that after required by law; but no proof was offered to show the
judgment like that now before us would depend, for its
jurisdiction has once been required, every act of a publication of the order at the church, or the posting of
continued security, upon the presence of such
court of general jurisdiction shall be presumed to have it at the front door of the court-house. It was insisted
affidavit among the papers and would be liable at any
been rightly done. This rule is applied to every by one of the parties that the judgment of the court
moment to be destroyed by the disappearance of that
piece of paper. We think that no court, with a proper erroneously sent a notification to the defendant at a SEC. 113. Upon such terms as may be just
regard for the security of judicial proceedings and for mistaken address affords in our opinion very slight the court may relieve a party or legal
the interests which have by law been confided to the basis for supposing that the clerk may not have sent representative from the judgment, order, or
courts, would incline to favor such a conclusion. In our notice to the right address. other proceeding taken against him through
opinion the proper course in a case of this kind is to his mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or
hold that the legal presumption that the clerk excusable neglect; Provided, That
There is undoubtedly good authority to support the
performed his duty still maintains notwithstanding the application thereof be made within a
position that when the record states the evidence or
absence from the record of the proper proof of that reasonable time, but in no case exceeding
makes an averment with reference to a jurisdictional
fact. six months after such judgment, order, or
fact, it will not be presumed that there was other or
proceeding was taken.
different evidence respecting the fact, or that the fact
In this connection it is important to bear in mind that was otherwise than stated. If, to give an illustration, it
under the practice prevailing in the Philippine Islands appears from the return of the officer that the An additional remedy by petition to the Supreme
the word "record" is used in a loose and broad sense, summons was served at a particular place or in a Court is supplied by section 513 of the same Code.
as indicating the collective mass of papers which particular manner, it will not be presumed that service The first paragraph of this section, in so far as
contain the history of all the successive steps taken in was also made at another place or in a different pertinent to this discussion, provides as follows:
a case and which are finally deposited in the archives manner; or if it appears that service was made upon a
of the clerk's office as a memorial of the litigation. It is person other than the defendant, it will not be
When a judgment is rendered by a Court of
a matter of general information that no judgment roll, presumed, in the silence of the record, that it was
First Instance upon default, and a party
or book of final record, is commonly kept in our courts made upon the defendant also (Galpin vs. Page, 18
thereto is unjustly deprived of a hearing by
for the purpose of recording the pleadings and Wall., 350, 366; Settlemier vs. Sullivan, 97 U. S., 444,
fraud, accident, mistake or excusable
principal proceedings in actions which have been 449). While we believe that these propositions are
negligence, and the Court of First Instance
terminated; and in particular, no such record is kept in entirely correct as applied to the case where the
which rendered the judgment has finally
the Court of First Instance of the city of Manila. There person making the return is the officer who is by law
adjourned so that no adequate remedy
is, indeed, a section of the Code of Civil Procedure required to make the return, we do not think that it is
exists in that court, the party so deprived of
which directs that such a book of final record shall be properly applicable where, as in the present case, the
a hearing may present his petition to the
kept; but this provision has, as a matter of common affidavit was made by a person who, so far as the
Supreme Court within sixty days after he
knowledge, been generally ignored. The result is that provisions of law are concerned, was a mere
first learns of the rendition of such
in the present case we do not have the assistance of intermeddler.
judgment, and not thereafter, setting forth
the recitals of such a record to enable us to pass upon
the facts and praying to have judgment set
the validity of this judgment and as already stated the
The last question of importance which we propose to aside. . . .
question must be determined by examining the
consider is whether a motion in the cause is
papers contained in the entire file.
admissible as a proceeding to obtain relief in such a
It is evident that the proceeding contemplated in this
case as this. If the motion prevails the judgment of
section is intended to supplement the remedy
But it is insisted by counsel for this motion that the July 2, 1908, and all subsequent proceedings will be
provided by section 113; and we believe the
affidavit of Bernardo Chan y Garcia showing that upon set aside, and the litigation will be renewed,
conclusion irresistible that there is no other means
April 4, 1908, he sent a notification through the mail proceeding again from the date mentioned as if the
recognized by law whereby a defeated party can, by a
addressed to the defendant at Manila, Philippine progress of the action had not been interrupted. The
proceeding in the same cause, procure a judgment to
Islands, should be accepted as affirmative proof that proponent of the motion does not ask the favor of
be set aside, with a view to the renewal of the
the clerk of the court failed in his duty and that, being permitted to interpose a defense. His purpose is
instead of himself sending the requisite notice through merely to annul the effective judgment of the court, to
the mail, he relied upon Bernardo to send it for him. the end that the litigation may again resume its
We do not think that this is by any means a necessary regular course. The Code of Civil Procedure purports to be a
inference. Of course if it had affirmatively appeared complete system of practice in civil causes, and it
that the clerk himself had attempted to comply with contains provisions describing with much fullness the
There is only one section of the Code of Civil
this order and had directed the notification to Manila various steps to be taken in the conduct of such
Procedure which expressly recognizes the authority of
when he should have directed it to Amoy, this would proceedings. To this end it defines with precision the
a Court of First Instance to set aside a final judgment
be conclusive that he had failed to comply with the method of beginning, conducting, and concluding the
and permit a renewal of the litigation in the same
exact terms of the order; but such is not this case. civil action of whatever species; and by section 795 of
cause. This is as follows:
That the clerk of the attorneys for the plaintiff the same Code it is declared that the procedure in all
civil action shall be in accordance with the provisions alleged by the proponent of this motion, the proper fruit to the plaintiff, but is a constant menace to the
of this Code. We are therefore of the opinion that the remedy was by an original proceeding and not by defendant." (Mills vs. Dickons, 6 Rich [S. C.], 487.)
remedies prescribed in sections 113 and 513 are motion in the cause. As we have already seen our
exclusive of all others, so far as relates to the opening Code of Civil Procedure defines the conditions under
and continuation of a litigation which has been once which relief against a judgment may be productive of
concluded. conclusion for this court to recognize such a DOCTRINE
proceeding as proper under conditions different from
those defined by law. Upon the point of procedure
The motion in the present case does not conform to
here involved, we refer to the case of People vs. Jurisdiction over the property which is the subject of the
the requirements of either of these provisions; and the
Harrison (84 Cal., 607) wherein it was held that a litigation may result either from a seizure of the property
consequence is that in our opinion the action of the
motion will not lie to vacate a judgment after the lapse under legal process, where it is brought into actual custody
Court of First Instance in dismissing the motion was
of the time limited by statute if the judgment is not of the law, or may result from the institution of legal
void on its face; and in all cases, after the lapse of the proceedings which gives the court has power over the
time limited by statute if the judgment is not void on its property under special provisions of the law.
If the question were admittedly one relating merely to face; and all cases, after the lapse of such time, when
an irregularity of procedure, we cannot suppose that an attempt is made to vacate the judgment by a
this proceeding would have taken the form of a motion proceeding in court for that purpose an action
in the cause, since it is clear that, if based on such an regularly brought is preferable, and should be FACTS
error, the came to late for relief in the Court of First required. It will be noted taken verbatim from the
Instance. But as we have already seen, the motion California Code (sec. 473).
attacks the judgment of the court as void for want of Engracio Palanca entered into a mortgage agreement with
jurisdiction over the defendant. The idea underlying Plaintiff-Appellee El Banco Español, secured by various
The conclusions stated in this opinion indicate that the
the motion therefore is that inasmuch as the judgment parcels of real property. After the execution of the
judgment appealed from is without error, and the
is a nullity it can be attacked in any way and at any agreement, Engacio left the Philippines for China where he
same is accordingly affirmed, with costs. So ordered.
time. If the judgment were in fact void upon its face, lived and died. Thereafter, the mortgage defaulted,
that is, if it were shown to be a nullity by virtue of its prompting the Plaintiff-Appellee to institute an action for
own recitals, there might possibly be something in Separate Opinions foreclosure of the mortgaged property before the Court of
this. Where a judgment or judicial order is void in this First Instance (CFI). Since Engracio was a non-resident at
sense it may be said to be a lawless thing, which can the time of the action, the Plaintiff-Appellee made the
MALCOLM, J., dissenting:
be treated as an outlaw and slain at sight, or ignored necessary notice by publication, and deposited in the post
wherever and whenever it exhibits its head. office a copy of the summons and complaint to Engracio’s
I dissent. It will not make me long to state my reasons. last known residence. The action proceeded before the CFI
An immutable attribute — the fundamental idea — of with Engracio failing to appear. As such, a judgment by
But the judgment in question is not void in any such
due process of law is that no man shall be default was rendered in favor of Plaintiff-Appellee,
sense. It is entirely regular in form, and the alleged
condemned in his person or property without notice ordering Engracio to deliver the amount of the mortgage.
defect is one which is not apparent upon its face. It
and an opportunity of being heard in his defense. Failure to comply shall result in the public sale of the
follows that even if the judgment could be shown to be
Protection of the parties demands a strict and an mortgaged property. The payment was never made. Thus,
void for want of jurisdiction, or for lack of due process
exact compliance with this constitutional provision in the CFI ordered the sale of the mortgaged property.
of law, the party aggrieved thereby is bound to resort
our organic law and of the statutory provisions in
to some appropriate proceeding to obtain relief. Under
amplification. Literally hundreds of precedents could
accepted principles of law and practice, long
be cited in support of these axiomatic principles.
recognized in American courts, a proper remedy in
Where as in the instant case the defendant received After seven (7) years, Defendant-Appellant Vicente
such case, after the time for appeal or review has
no notice and had no opportunity to be heard, Palanca, the administrator of the estate of Engracio, filed a
passed, is for the aggrieved party to bring an action to
certainly we cannot say that there is due process of motion to set aside the order of the CFI on the ground that
enjoin the judgment, if not already carried into effect;
law. Resultantly, "A judgment which is void upon its it never acquired jurisdiction over Engracio or over the
or if the property has already been disposed of he
face, and which requires only an inspection of the subject of the action. The CFI denied the motion; hence, the
may institute suit to recover it. In every situation of this
judgment roll to demonstrate its want of vitality is a present Petition.
character an appropriate remedy is at hand; and if
dead limb upon the judicial tree, which should be
property has been taken without due process, the law
lopped off, if the power so to do exists. It can bear no
concedes due process to recover it. We accordingly
old that, assuming the judgment to have been void as ISSUE
Whether or not the CFI acquired jurisdiction over the action cases is vested with the power to subject property to
for foreclosure. the obligation created by the mortgage. In such case
Engracio Palanca was indebted to El Banco and he personal jurisdiction over the non-resident defendant
had his parcel of land as security to his debt which is non-essential and in fact cannot be acquired.
amounted to 218, 294. 10 Php while his property was
worth 75, 000 Php more than what he owed. Due to Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to
his failure to pay, El Banco executed an instrument to FacebookShare to Pinterest
mortgage the former's property. However, Engracio
YES. The Supreme Court held that jurisdiction over the left for Amoy, China and eventually died there. The Ang Tibay v. CIR, 69 Phil 635 (1940)
property which is the subject of the litigation may result mortgagor then instituted foreclosure proceeding but
either from a seizure of the property under legal process, since defendant is a non-resident, it was necessary to
where it is brought into actual custody of the law, or may give notice by publication. The Clerk of Court was also 10/28/2020
result from the institution of legal proceedings which gives directed to send copy of the summons to the
the court has power over the property under special 0 COMMENTS
defendant's last known address but it was not shown
provisions of the law. An example of the latter
whether the Clerk complied with this requirement.
is jurisdiction over the res whereby the court assumes to
Nevertheless, after publication in a newspaper of the
exercise jurisdiction in rem over the property, and to
adjudicate the title in favor of the petitioner against all the City of Manila, the cause proceeded and judgment by Ang Tibay v. CIR, 69 Phil 635 (1940)
world, without even taking actual physical control over the default was rendered. The decision was likewise
property. Further, in an action to foreclose a mortgage published and afterwards sale by public auction was
against a non-resident, the relief must be confined to the res held with the bank as the highest bidder and the same
and not against the person himself. was confirmed by the court. However, about seven FACTS:
years after the confirmation of this sale, a motion was
made by Vicente Palanca, as administrator of the
estate of the original defendant, wherein he requested
In the present case, the mortgaged property is the sole thing
the court to set aside the order of default and the
which is impleaded and is the responsible object which is
the subject of the exercise of judicial power. The judgment, and to vacate all the proceedings
jurisdiction of the CFI is based exclusively on the power subsequent thereto. On the ground that the order of  Toribio Teodoro, owner of Ang Tibay, a leather
which it possesses over the property under the law on land default and the judgment rendered thereon were void
registration. because the court had never acquired jurisdiction over company which supplies the Philippine Army,
the defendant or over the subject of the action.
averred that a number of his employees were

DISPOSITIVE PORTION temporarily laid off due to alleged shortage of

leather soles.
Whether or not the court acquired jurisdiction over
Judgment appealed is AFFIRMED. the defendant and the subject matter or the action.
 On the other hand, the National Labor Union,

Inc prayed for the vacation of the judgement

CaseDig: El Banco Espanol vs. Palanca
G.R. No. L-11390; March 26, 1918 rendered by the majority of this Court and the
Where the defendant in a mortgage foreclosure lives
Posted by: Rianne Fernandez outside of the country and refuses to appear or remanding of the case to the Court of Industrial
otherwise submit himself to the authority of the court,
the jurisdiction of the latter is limited to the Relations for a new trial, contended that:
mortgaged property, with respect to which
jurisdiction of the court is based upon the fact that the  The reason for employees lay off is
property is located within the district and that the
FACTS: court, under the provisions of law applicable in such entirely false and unsupported by the
records of the BOC and the Books of admission would necessarily mean the accordance with, the provisions of Commonwealth Act No.

Accounts of native dealers in leather. modification and reversal of the judgment 103 (section 1).

 The supposed lack of leather rendered therein. The SC had occasion to point out that the Court of

materials was but a sched to Industrial Relations is not narrowly constrained by

systematically prevent the forfeiture ISSUE: Whether or not the National Labor Union Inc, was technical rules of procedure, and the Act requires it to "act

of the bond with the Philippine deprived of due process according to justice and equity and substantial merits of the

Army, despite the breach of contract case, without regard to technicalities or legal forms and

RULING: shall not be bound by any technicalities or legal forms and

 The National Worker’s Brotherhood
YES. The SC concluded that the Court of Industrial shall not be bound by any technical rules of legal evidence
registered employee’s union
Relations is a special court whose functions are specifically but may inform its mind in such manner as it may deem
dominated by Teodoro is illegal for
stated in the law of its creation (Commonwealth Act No. just and equitable." (Section 20, Commonwealth Act No.
its existence and functions.
103). Unlike a court of justice which is essentially passive, 103.)
 Teodoro was guilty of unfair labor
acting only when its jurisdiction is invoked and deciding
practice for discriminating against
only cases that are presented to it by the parties litigant, the Further the SC enumerated the requisites of administrative
the NLU Inc. and unjustly favoring
function of the Court of Industrial Relations, as will appear due process embodied as primary rights:
the National Worker’s Brotherhood
from perusal of its organic law, is more active, affirmative 1. The right to a hearing, which includes the right of the
 Ang Tibay, has filed an opposition both to the
and dynamic. It not only exercises judicial or quasi-judicial party interested or affected to present his own case and
motion for reconsideration of the respondent
functions in the determination of disputes between submit evidence in support thereof.
National Labor Union, Inc.
employers and employees but its functions in the
 The case then reached the CIR and eventually
determination of disputes between employers and
elevated to the SC, but a motion for new trial by 2. the tribunal must consider the evidence presented
employees but its functions are far more comprehensive
the NLU contending there were inaccessible 3. The decision must have something to support itself
and expensive. It has jurisdiction over the entire
documents which could not be offered in the 4. the evidence must be "substantial"
Philippines, to consider, investigate, decide, and settle any
CIR. That these documents, which NLU have 5. The decision must be rendered on the evidence
question, matter controversy or dispute arising between,
now attached as exhibits are of such far- presented at the hearing, or at least contained in the record
and/or affecting employers and employees or laborers, and
reaching importance and effect that their and disclosed to the parties affected
regulate the relations between them, subject to, and in
The Solicitor-General in behalf of the respondent 1. That Toribio Teodoro's claim that on
6. The CIR or any of its judges, therefore, must act on Court of Industrial Relations in the above-entitled case September 26, 1938, there was shortage of
has filed a motion for reconsideration and moves that, leather soles in ANG TIBAY making it
its or his own independent consideration of the law and for the reasons stated in his motion, we reconsider the necessary for him to temporarily lay off the
following legal conclusions of the majority opinion of members of the National Labor Union Inc.,
facts of the controversy, and not simply accept the views of this Court: is entirely false and unsupported by the
records of the Bureau of Customs and the
a subordinate in arriving at a decision. Books of Accounts of native dealers in
1. Que un contrato de trabajo, asi individual
como colectivo, sin termino fijo de duracion
7. The CIR should, in all controversial questions, render o que no sea para una determinada,
its decision in such a manner that the parties to the termina o bien por voluntad de cualquiera 2. That the supposed lack of leather
proceeding can know the various issues involved, and the de las partes o cada vez que ilega el plazo materials claimed by Toribio Teodoro was
fijado para el pago de los salarios segun but a scheme to systematically prevent the
reasons for the decision rendered.
costumbre en la localidad o cunado se forfeiture of this bond despite the breach of
The Court held that the motion for a new trial should be
termine la obra; his CONTRACT with the Philippine Army.
and the same is hereby granted, and the entire record of this
case shall be remanded to the Court of Industrial Relations,
with instruction that it reopen the case, receive all such 2. Que los obreros de una empresa fabril, 3. That Toribio Teodoro's letter to the
evidence as may be relevant and otherwise proceed in que han celebrado contrato, ya individual Philippine Army dated September 29, 1938,
accordance with the requirements set forth here in above. ya colectivamente, con ell, sin tiempo fijo, y (re supposed delay of leather soles from the
que se han visto obligados a cesar en sus States) was but a scheme to systematically
tarbajos por haberse declarando paro prevent the forfeiture of this bond despite
Republic of the Philippines forzoso en la fabrica en la cual tarbajan, the breach of his CONTRACT with the
SUPREME COURT dejan de ser empleados u obreros de la Philippine Army.
Manila misma;
4. That the National Worker's Brotherhood
EN BANC 3. Que un patrono o sociedad que ha of ANG TIBAY is a company or employer
celebrado un contrato colectivo de trabajo union dominated by Toribio Teodoro, the
con sus osbreros sin tiempo fijo de duracion existence and functions of which are illegal.
G.R. No. L-46496 February 27, 1940
y sin ser para una obra determiminada y (281 U.S., 548, petitioner's printed
que se niega a readmitir a dichos obreros memorandum, p. 25.)
ANG TIBAY, represented by TORIBIO TEODORO, que cesaron como consecuencia de un
manager and propietor, and paro forzoso, no es culpable de practica
5. That in the exercise by the laborers of
NATIONAL WORKERS injusta in incurre en la sancion penal del
their rights to collective bargaining, majority
BROTHERHOOD, petitioners, articulo 5 de la Ley No. 213 del
rule and elective representation are highly
vs. Commonwealth, aunque su negativa a
essential and indispensable. (Sections 2
THE COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS and readmitir se deba a que dichos obreros
and 5, Commonwealth Act No. 213.)
NATIONAL LABOR UNION, INC., respondents. pertenecen a un determinado organismo
obrero, puesto que tales ya han dejado
deser empleados suyos por terminacion del 6. That the century provisions of the Civil
Office of the Solicitor-General Ozaeta and Assistant contrato en virtud del paro. Code which had been (the) principal source
Attorney Barcelona for the Court of Industrial
of dissensions and continuous civil war in
Spain cannot and should not be made
Antonio D. Paguia for National Labor Unon. The respondent National Labor Union, Inc., on the
applicable in interpreting and applying the
Claro M. Recto for petitioner "Ang Tibay". other hand, prays for the vacation of the judgement
salutary provisions of a modern labor
Jose M. Casal for National Workers' Brotherhood. rendered by the majority of this Court and the
legislation of American origin where the
remanding of the case to the Court of Industrial
industrial peace has always been the rule.
Relations for a new trial, and avers:
7. That the employer Toribio Teodoro was statements and expressions of views of counsel have locality a minimum wage or share of laborers or
guilty of unfair labor practice for no evidentiary value. tenants, or a maximum "canon" or rental to be paid by
discriminating against the National Labor the "inquilinos" or tenants or less to landowners.
Union, Inc., and unjustly favoring the (Section 5, ibid.) In fine, it may appeal to voluntary
The Court of Industrial Relations is a special court
National Workers' Brotherhood. arbitration in the settlement of industrial disputes; may
whose functions are specifically stated in the law of its
employ mediation or conciliation for that purpose, or
creation (Commonwealth Act No. 103). It is more an
recur to the more effective system of official
8. That the exhibits hereto attached are so administrative than a part of the integrated judicial
investigation and compulsory arbitration in order to
inaccessible to the respondents that even system of the nation. It is not intended to be a mere
determine specific controversies between labor and
with the exercise of due diligence they receptive organ of the Government. Unlike a court of
capital industry and in agriculture. There is in reality
could not be expected to have obtained justice which is essentially passive, acting only when
here a mingling of executive and judicial functions,
them and offered as evidence in the Court its jurisdiction is invoked and deciding only cases that
which is a departure from the rigid doctrine of the
of Industrial Relations. are presented to it by the parties litigant, the function
separation of governmental powers.
of the Court of Industrial Relations, as will appear
from perusal of its organic law, is more active,
9. That the attached documents and
affirmative and dynamic. It not only exercises judicial In the case of Goseco vs. Court of Industrial Relations
exhibits are of such far-reaching importance
or quasi-judicial functions in the determination of et al., G.R. No. 46673, promulgated September 13,
and effect that their admission would
disputes between employers and employees but its 1939, we had occasion to joint out that the Court of
necessarily mean the modification and
functions in the determination of disputes between Industrial Relations et al., G. R. No. 46673,
reversal of the judgment rendered herein.
employers and employees but its functions are far promulgated September 13, 1939, we had occasion to
more comprehensive and expensive. It has point out that the Court of Industrial Relations is not
The petitioner, Ang Tibay, has filed an opposition both jurisdiction over the entire Philippines, to consider, narrowly constrained by technical rules of procedure,
to the motion for reconsideration of the respondent investigate, decide, and settle any question, matter and the Act requires it to "act according to justice and
National Labor Union, Inc. controversy or dispute arising between, and/or equity and substantial merits of the case, without
affecting employers and employees or laborers, and regard to technicalities or legal forms and shall not be
regulate the relations between them, subject to, and in bound by any technicalities or legal forms and shall
In view of the conclusion reached by us and to be accordance with, the provisions of Commonwealth Act not be bound by any technical rules of legal evidence
herein after stead with reference to the motion for a No. 103 (section 1). It shall take cognizance or but may inform its mind in such manner as it may
new trial of the respondent National Labor Union, Inc., purposes of prevention, arbitration, decision and deem just and equitable." (Section 20,
we are of the opinion that it is not necessary to pass settlement, of any industrial or agricultural dispute Commonwealth Act No. 103.) It shall not be restricted
upon the motion for reconsideration of the Solicitor- causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout, arising to the specific relief claimed or demands made by the
General. We shall proceed to dispose of the motion from differences as regards wages, shares or parties to the industrial or agricultural dispute, but may
for new trial of the respondent labor union. Before compensation, hours of labor or conditions of tenancy include in the award, order or decision any matter or
doing this, however, we deem it necessary, in the or employment, between landlords and tenants or determination which may be deemed necessary or
interest of orderly procedure in cases of this nature, in farm-laborers, provided that the number of expedient for the purpose of settling the dispute or of
interest of orderly procedure in cases of this nature, to employees, laborers or tenants of farm-laborers preventing further industrial or agricultural disputes.
make several observations regarding the nature of the involved exceeds thirty, and such industrial or (section 13, ibid.) And in the light of this legislative
powers of the Court of Industrial Relations and agricultural dispute is submitted to the Court by the policy, appeals to this Court have been especially
emphasize certain guiding principles which should be Secretary of Labor or by any or both of the parties to regulated by the rules recently promulgated by the
observed in the trial of cases brought before it. We the controversy and certified by the Secretary of labor rules recently promulgated by this Court to carry into
have re-examined the entire record of the as existing and proper to be by the Secretary of Labor the effect the avowed legislative purpose. The fact,
proceedings had before the Court of Industrial as existing and proper to be dealth with by the Court however, that the Court of Industrial Relations may be
Relations in this case, and we have found no for the sake of public interest. (Section 4, ibid.) It shall, said to be free from the rigidity of certain procedural
substantial evidence that the exclusion of the 89 before hearing the dispute and in the course of such requirements does not mean that it can, in justifiable
laborers here was due to their union affiliation or hearing, endeavor to reconcile the parties and induce cases before it, entirely ignore or disregard the
activity. The whole transcript taken contains what them to settle the dispute by amicable agreement. fundamental and essential requirements of due
transpired during the hearing and is more of a record (Paragraph 2, section 4, ibid.) When directed by the process in trials and investigations of an
of contradictory and conflicting statements of President of the Philippines, it shall investigate and administrative character. There are primary rights
opposing counsel, with sporadic conclusion drawn to study all industries established in a designated which must be respected even in proceedings of this
suit their own views. It is evident that these locality, with a view to determinating the necessity and character:
fairness of fixing and adopting for such industry or
(1) The first of these rights is the right to a mind accept as adequate to support a Boards of inquiry may be appointed for the
hearing, which includes the right of the conclusion." (Appalachian Electric Power v. purpose of investigating and determining
party interested or affected to present his National Labor Relations Board, 4 Cir., 93 the facts in any given case, but their report
own case and submit evidence in support F. 2d 985, 989; National Labor Relations and decision are only advisory. (Section 9,
thereof. In the language of Chief Hughes, Board v. Thompson Products, 6 Cir., 97 F. Commonwealth Act No. 103.) The Court of
in Morgan v. U.S., 304 U.S. 1, 58 S. Ct. 2d 13, 15; Ballston-Stillwater Knitting Co. v. Industrial Relations may refer any industrial
773, 999, 82 Law. ed. 1129, "the liberty and National Labor Relations Board, 2 Cir., 98 or agricultural dispute or any matter under
property of the citizen shall be protected by F. 2d 758, 760.) . . . The statute provides its consideration or advisement to a local
the rudimentary requirements of fair play. that "the rules of evidence prevailing in board of inquiry, a provincial fiscal. a justice
courts of law and equity shall not be of the peace or any public official in any part
controlling.' The obvious purpose of this and of the Philippines for investigation, report
(2) Not only must the party be given an
similar provisions is to free administrative and recommendation, and may delegate to
opportunity to present his case and to
boards from the compulsion of technical such board or public official such powers
adduce evidence tending to establish the
rules so that the mere admission of matter and functions as the said Court of Industrial
rights which he asserts but the
which would be deemed incompetent inn Relations may deem necessary, but such
tribunal must consider the evidence
judicial proceedings would not invalidate the delegation shall not affect the exercise of
presented. (Chief Justice Hughes in Morgan
administrative order. (Interstate Commerce the Court itself of any of its powers.
v. U.S. 298 U.S. 468, 56 S. Ct. 906, 80 law.
Commission v. Baird, 194 U.S. 25, 44, 24 (Section 10, ibid.)
ed. 1288.) In the language of this court
S. Ct. 563, 568, 48 Law. ed. 860; Interstate
in Edwards vs. McCoy, 22 Phil., 598, "the
Commerce Commission v. Louisville and
right to adduce evidence, without the (6) The Court of Industrial Relations or any
Nashville R. Co., 227 U.S. 88, 93 33 S. Ct.
corresponding duty on the part of the board of its judges, therefore, must act on its or
185, 187, 57 Law. ed. 431; United States v.
to consider it, is vain. Such right is his own independent consideration of the
Abilene and Southern Ry. Co. S. Ct. 220,
conspicuously futile if the person or persons law and facts of the controversy, and not
225, 74 Law. ed. 624.) But this assurance
to whom the evidence is presented can simply accept the views of a subordinate in
of a desirable flexibility in administrative
thrust it aside without notice or arriving at a decision. It may be that the
procedure does not go far as to justify
consideration." volume of work is such that it is literally
orders without a basis in evidence having
Relations personally to decide all
rational probative force. Mere
controversies coming before them. In the
(3) "While the duty to deliberate does not uncorroborated hearsay or rumor does not
United States the difficulty is solved with the
impose the obligation to decide right, it does constitute substantial evidence.
enactment of statutory authority authorizing
imply a necessity which cannot be (Consolidated Edison Co. v. National Labor
examiners or other subordinates to render
disregarded, namely, that of having Relations Board, 59 S. Ct. 206, 83 Law. ed.
final decision, with the right to appeal to
something to support it is a nullity, a place No. 4, Adv. Op., p. 131.)"
board or commission, but in our case there
when directly attached." (Edwards vs.
is no such statutory authority.
McCoy, supra.) This principle emanates
(5) The decision must be rendered on the
from the more fundamental is contrary to
evidence presented at the hearing, or at
the vesting of unlimited power anywhere. (7) The Court of Industrial Relations should,
least contained in the record and disclosed
Law is both a grant and a limitation upon in all controversial questions, render its
to the parties affected. (Interstate
power. decision in such a manner that the parties
Commence Commission vs. L. & N. R. Co.,
to the proceeding can know the various
227 U.S. 88, 33 S. Ct. 185, 57 Law. ed.
issues involved, and the reasons for the
(4) Not only must there be some evidence 431.) Only by confining the administrative
decision rendered. The performance of this
to support a finding or conclusion (City of tribunal to the evidence disclosed to the
duty is inseparable from the authority
Manila vs. Agustin, G.R. No. 45844, parties, can the latter be protected in their
conferred upon it.
promulgated November 29, 1937, XXXVI O. right to know and meet the case against
G. 1335), but the evidence must be them. It should not, however, detract from
"substantial." (Washington, Virginia and their duty actively to see that the law is In the right of the foregoing fundamental principles, it
Maryland Coach Co. v. national labor enforced, and for that purpose, to use the is sufficient to observe here that, except as to the
Relations Board, 301 U.S. 142, 147, 57 S. authorized legal methods of securing alleged agreement between the Ang Tibay and the
Ct. 648, 650, 81 Law. ed. 965.) It means evidence and informing itself of facts National Worker's Brotherhood (appendix A), the
such relevant evidence as a reasonable material and relevant to the controversy. record is barren and does not satisfy the thirst for a
factual basis upon which to predicate, in a national Republic of the Philippines the Manila International Container Port, Bureau of
way, a conclusion of law. SUPREME COURT Customs informing the former that seizure
Manila proceedings were being initiated against the said
Mercedes Benz for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg.
This result, however, does not now preclude the
73 in relation to Section 2530(F) of the Tariff and
concession of a new trial prayed for the by respondent EN BANC
Customs Code of the Philippines (TCCP), as
National Labor Union, Inc., it is alleged that "the
amended, and Central Bank Circular (CBC) 1069.
supposed lack of material claimed by Toribio Teodoro
G.R. Nos. 90660-61 January 21, 1991
was but a scheme adopted to systematically
discharged all the members of the National Labor While the said case was pending, the petitioner
Union Inc., from work" and this avernment is desired UTE PATEROK, petitioner-appellant, received only on April, 1988, a letter4 informing her
to be proved by the petitioner with the "records of the vs. that a decision ordering the forfeiture of her Mercedes
Bureau of Customs and the Books of Accounts of BUREAU OF CUSTOMS and HON. SALVADOR N. Benz had been rendered on December 16, 1986 by
native dealers in leather"; that "the National Workers MISON, respondents-appellees. the District Collector of Customs. The petitioner had
Brotherhood Union of Ang Tibay is a company or not been informed that a separate seizure case was
employer union dominated by Toribio Teodoro, the filed on the same Mercedes Benz in question before
Untalan, Trinidad, Razon, Santos & Associate Law
existence and functions of which are illegal." the said District Collector, an office likewise under the
Offices for petitioner-appellant.
Petitioner further alleges under oath that the exhibits Bureau of Customs.
attached to the petition to prove his substantial
avernments" are so inaccessible to the respondents
The petitioner later found out that on November 13,
that even within the exercise of due diligence they
1986, a Notice of Hearing set on December 2, 1986,
could not be expected to have obtained them and
concerning the said Mercedes Benz, was posted on
offered as evidence in the Court of Industrial
the bulletin board of the Bureau of Customs at Port
Relations", and that the documents attached to the SARMIENTO, J.:
Area, Manila.
petition "are of such far reaching importance and
effect that their admission would necessarily mean the
modification and reversal of the judgment rendered Before us is a special civil action for certiorari filed by
The petitioner, thereafter, filed a motion for new
herein." We have considered the reply of Ang Tibay Ute Paterok the petitioner herein, seeking the
trial5 before the Collector of Customs, Port of Manila,
and its arguments against the petition. By and large, annulment of the decision1 rendered by the public
but the latter, in an order6 dated May 30, 1988, denied
after considerable discussions, we have come to the respondent, the Bureau of Customs, through its
the same, invoking the failure of the former to appear
conclusion that the interest of justice would be better Commissioner, the Hon. Salvador N. Mison,
in the said hearing despite the posting of the notice on
served if the movant is given opportunity to present at approving the order2 of forfeiture issued by the District
the bulletin board.
the hearing the documents referred to in his motion Collector of Customs against the shipment of one (1)
and such other evidence as may be relevant to the unit of Mercedes Benz of the petitioner in favor of the
government. Moreover, the Collector of Customs contended that a
main issue involved. The legislation which created the
reopening of the case was an exercise in futility
Court of Industrial Relations and under which it acts is
considering that the forfeited property, a Mercedes
new. The failure to grasp the fundamental issue The antecedent facts are as follows:
Benz 450 SLC, had an engine displacement of more
involved is not entirely attributable to the parties
than 2800 cubic centimeters and therefore was under
adversely affected by the result. Accordingly, the
In March 1986, the petitioner shipped from Germany the category of prohibited importation pursuant to B.P.
motion for a new trial should be and the same is
to the Philippines two (2) containers, one with used Blg. 73.
hereby granted, and the entire record of this case
shall be remanded to the Court of Industrial Relations, household goods and the other with two (2) used
with instruction that it reopen the case, receive all automobiles (one Bourgetti and one Mercedes Benz
Subsequently, the petitioner filed a petition for
such evidence as may be relevant and otherwise 450 SLC). The first container was released by the
review7 with the Department of Finance, which petition
proceed in accordance with the requirements set forth Bureau of Customs and later on, the Bourgetti car,
the latter referred to the public respondent. The
hereinabove. So ordered. too. The Mercedes Benz, however, remained under
petitioner likewise addressed a letter8 to the Hon.
the custody of the said Bureau.
Cancio Garcia, the Assistant Executive Secretary for
Avanceña, C. J., Villa-Real, Imperial, Diaz, Legal Affairs, Office of the President, Malacañang,
In December 1987, after earnest efforts to secure the requesting the latter's assistance for a speedy
Concepcion and Moran, JJ., concur.
release of the said Mercedes Benz, the petitioner resolution of the said petition.
received a notice3 of hearing from the legal officer of
Finally, the public respondent rendered a decision on In the present case, although there was a notice of Sec. 3. Towards the same end and to
September 22, 1989 affirming the previous order of hearing posted on the bulletin board, the said develop a more dynamic and effective
the Collector of Customs for the Forfeiture of the procedure is premised on the ground that the party or program for the rational use of energy, the
Mercedes Benz in question in favor of the owner of the property in question is unknown. This is following acts are hereby prohibited:
government. clear from the provisions of the TCCP relied upon by
the public respondent, namely, Sections 2304 and
(a) The importation, manufacture or
2306, captioned "Notification of Unknown Owner and
Hence, this petition for certiorari alleging that: assembling of gasoline-powered passenger
"Proceedings in Case of Property Belonging to
motor cars with engine displacement of
Unknown Parties," respectively, wherein the posting
over 2,800 cubic centimeters or Kerbweight
III-1. THE RESPONDENT-APPELLEE of the notice of hearing on the bulletin board is
exceeding 1,500 kilograms, including
(Bureau of Customs) ERRED IN THE specifically allowed.
But in the case at bar, the facts evidently show that
IS SUFFICIENT NOTICE AND FAILURE The petitioner does not dispute the fact that the motor
the petitioner could not have been unknown. The
OF PETITIONER-APPELLANT TO car in question, a Mercedes Benz 450 SLC, has an
petitioner had previous transactions with the Bureau
APPEAR CAUSED HER DECLARATION engine displacement of over 2,800 cubic centimeters
of Customs and in fact, the latter had earlier released
IN DEFAULT; which clearly falls within the prohibited importation
the first container consisting of household goods and
specified in the law aforequoted and as such, is liable
the Bourgetti car to the former at her address (as
for seizure and forfeiture by the public respondents.
III-2. ERRED IN RULING THAT THEIR stated in the Bill of Lading). Moreover, there was a
OFFICE WAS LEFT WITH NO similar seizure case12 that had been instituted by the
ALTERNATIVE BUT TO FORFEIT THE Manila International Container Port, docketed as S.I. On the other hand, the petitioner claims that the said
SHIPMENT AS MANDATED BY BATAS No. 86-224, covering the same Mercedes Benz in prohibition involves only "direct" and not 'indirect"
PAMBANSA BLG. 73; question and involving the same owner, the petitioner importation as when both the shipper and the
herein. consignee are one and the same person which is the
case at bar. Be that as it may, the law is clear and
when it does not make any distinction on the term
RESPONDENT OF OFFICE FINDS THE If only the public respondents had exercised some
"importation", we likewise must not distinguish. "Ubi
RE-OPENING OF THE CASE AN reasonable diligence to ascertain from their own
lex non distinguit nec nos distinguiere debemus."
EXERCISE IN FUTILITY AND THAT records the identity and address of the petitioner as
THERE IS NO POINT IN DISTURBING the owner and the consignee of the property in
THE DECISION DECREEING THE question, the necessary information could have been Finally, the petitioner invokes Sec. 2307 of the TCCP,
FORFEITURE OF THE SHIPMENT.9 easily obtained which would have assured the as amended by Executive Order No. 38, dated August
sending of the notice of hearing properly and legally. 6, 1986, which provides an alternative in lieu of the
Then, the petitioner would have been afforded the forfeiture of the property in question, that is, the
As regards the first assignment of error, we agree with opportunity to be heard and to present her defense payment of fine or redemption of the forfeited
the petitioner that a notice of hearing posted on the which is the essence of procedural due process. But property. But the last paragraph of the said section, as
bulletin board of the public respondent in a forfeiture the public respondent regrettably failed to perform amended, categorically states that:
proceeding where the owner of the alleged prohibited such basic duty.
article is known does not constitute sufficient
compliance with proper service of notice and Redemption of forfeited property shall not
procedural due process. Notwithstanding the procedural infirmity be allowed in any case where the
aforementioned, for which the Court expresses its importation is absolutely prohibited or
rebuke, the petition nonetheless can not be granted. where the surrender of the property to the
Time and again, the Court has emphasized the
person offering to redeem the same would
imperative necessity for administrative agencies to
be contrary to law. (Emphasis ours)14
observe the elementary rules of due process.10 And This brings us to the second and third assignments of
no rule is better established under the due process error raised by the petitioner.
clause of the Constitution than that which requires Inasmuch as it would be contrary to law, i.e., B.P. Blg.
notice and opportunity to be heard before any person 73, to allow the petitioner to redeem the Mercedes
Batas Pambansa Blg. 73, a law intended to promote
can be lawfully deprived of his rights.11 Benz in question, there is therefore no alternative, as
energy conservation, provides that:
correctly claimed by the public respondents, but to In all cases, forfeiture is a must. (a) The importation, manufacture or
forfeit the same. assembling of gasoline-powered passenger
motor cars with engine displacement of
WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is
over 2,800 cubic centimeters or Kerbweight
We can not agree with the proposition that the DISMISSED. No costs.
exceeding 1,500 kilograms, including
Collector of Customs is authorized to release the
motor vehicle in question to the petitioner which, in
effect, would absolve the latter from any liability.
But, Sec. 11 of the same BP 73 provides that:
Fernan, C.J., Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez,
In the matter of disposing of contrabands, Section
Jr., Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, Gancayco, Bidin, Grino-
2609(c) of the Tariff and Customs Code specifically Any person who willfully violates any
Aquino, Medialdea and Regalado, JJ., concur.
provides that the prerogative of the Collector of provision of Section three hereof or any rule
Customs is not the release of the contraband like the or regulation promulgated pursuant to the
Mercedes Benz in question but its sale, which authority granted in this Act shall, upon
presupposes a prior custody pursuant to forfeiture and The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation conviction, be punished by a fine of not less
seizure proceedings as in the case at bar. than one thousand pesos but not more than
five thousand pesos, or by imprisonment of
not less than one month nor more than one
As thus worded:
year, or both, in the discretion of the
court: Provided, That if the violation is
Separate Opinions
Sec. 2609. Disposition of Contraband. committed by a juridical person, the penalty
— Article of prohibited importation or herein provided shall be imposed on the
exportation, known as contraband, shall, in official and/or employee thereof responsible
the absence of special provision, be dealt for the violation: Provided, further, That if
with as follows: the violation is committed by a government
official or employee including those in
PADILLA, J., dissenting: government-owned or controlled
xxx xxx xxx corporations, he shall, in addition to the
penalty provided above, be subject to
I am constrained to dissent from the, as usual, well-
(c) Other contraband of disciplinary administrative proceedings and
written decision of Mr. Justice Sarmiento. The
commercial value and capable of penalties: Provided, finally, That any
reasons for my dissent are as follows:
legitimate use may be sold under passenger motor vehicle manufactured or
such restrictions as will insure its assembled in violation of Section 3(a)
use for legitimate purposes The decision states: hereof shall, after proper proceedings, be
only . . . confiscated and forfeited in favor of the
Government. (Emphasis supplied.)
"The petitioner does not dispute the fact that the
There is nothing in the Code that authorizes the motor car in question, a Mercedes Benz 450 SLC, has
Collector to release the contraband in favor of an an engine displacement of over 2,800 cubic It would thus appear that, under the forequoted
importer.1âwphi1 The Code, on the other hand, is centimeters which clearly falls within the prohibited provisions of Sec. 11 of BP 73, only passenger motor
clear that the thing may be disposed of by sale alone importation specified in the law aforequoted and as vehicles manufactured or assembled in violation of
"under such restrictions as will insure its use for such, is liable for seizure and forfeiture by the public Section 3(a) thereof shall be confiscated and forfeited
legitimate purposes." To be sure, the restrictions to be respondents." (pp. 6-7, decision) The law relied upon in favor of the Government.
prescribed by the Collector must coincide with the is Section 3(a) of BP 73 which provides:
purpose underlying Batas Blg. 73, that is, to conserve The Mercedes Benz in the case at bar, having been
energy. Hence, he can not allow its use (after sale), in
Sec. 3. Towards the same end and to admittedly imported, but not manufactured or
this case a Mercedes Benz with an engine
develop a more dynamic and effective assembled in violation of Sec. 3(a) of BP 73, is not,
displacement of more than 2,800 cubic centimeters,
program for the rational use of energy, the therefore, subject to confiscation and forfeiture in
that would set at naught that purpose. He must make
following acts are hereby prohibited: favor of the Government.
sure that the engine is changed before it is allowed to
ply Philippine soil.
On the other hand, Sec. 2609 of the Tariff and The seizure and forfeiture proceedings was based on a
Customs Code provides: violation of B.P. 73, specifically a law that promotes
energy conservation and prohibits the importation,
Sec. 2609. Disposition of Contraband. — o Seizure and forfeiture proceedings: requirement manufacture or assembling of gasoline-powered passenger
Article of prohibited importation or motor cars with engine displacement of over 2,800 cubic
of notice
exportation, known as contraband, shall, in centimeters.
the absence of special provision, be dealt FACTS:
with as follows: The Mercedes Benz subject of this case has an engine
In March 1986, petitioner shipped from Germany to the displacement of over 2,800 cubic centimeters, which
xxx xxx xxx Philippines two containers, one with used household goods clearly falls within the prohibited importation and as such,
and the other two used automobiles (one Bourgetti and one is liable for seizure and forfeiture by the public
Mercedes Benz). The first container and the Bourgetti car respondents.
c. Other contraband of commercial value
and capable of legitimate use may be sold were released by the BOC, but not the Mercedes Benz,
under such restrictions as will insure its use which remained in custody of the Bureau.
for legitimate purposes only; but if the thing G.R. No. 150732 - TOMAS G. VELASQUEZ, ET
is unfit for use or the Collector is of the Petitioner then received a notice of hearing, informing him
opinion that, if sold, it would be used for that seizure proceedings were being initiated against the
unlawful purposes, it shall be destroyed in said Mercedes Benz. While this case was pending,
such manner as the Collector shall direct. petitioner received a letter from the District Collector of
(Emphasis supplied) Customs, informing her that a decision ordering the
forfeiture of her Mercedes Benz had been rendered.
The questioned Mercedes Benz is decidedly of
commercial value and capable of legitimate use, Petitioner did not know that the same Mercedes Benz was
which may be sold under such restrictions as will subject to two different forfeiture proceedings. He only
insure its use for a legitimate purpose, by changing its found out later that the Notice of Hearing for the forfeiture
engine with an engine with a displacement of not proceedings before the District Collector was posted on the
more than 2,800 cubic centimeters or the vehicle may EN BANC
bulletin board of the BOC, at Port Area, Manila.
be ordered re-exported to Germany.
ISSUE: [G.R. NO. 150732 : August 31, 2004]
In short, the petitioner may be criminally prosecuted
for the act of importing the subject motor vehicle but, TOMAS G. VELASQUEZ, Officer-In-Charge,
at the same time, the vehicle may be released to her Office of the School Superintendent, DECS
subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be
o Whether or not the posting on the bulletin board - Division of Abra; MARIETTA BERSALONA,
imposed by the Collector of Customs, one of which
of the public respondent was sufficient Chairperson, DECS - Fact Finding
should be the changing of the engine of the vehicle
with an engine with a displacement of not more than compliance with proper service of notice and Committee; EDUARDO RUPERTO, JOAQUIN
2,800 cubic centimeters or that the vehicle may be procedural due process PILIEN and LUZ CURBI, Members, DECS -
ordered re-exported to Germany at the expense of o Whether or not seizure and forfeiture was proper Fact Finding
petitioner-importer. in the instant case Committee, Petitioners v. HELEN B.
HERNANDEZ, Respondent.
[G.R. NO. 151095 : August 31, 2004]
The Court held that there was no sufficient compliance with
Ute Paterok vs. Bureau of Customs requirement of notice and hearing under the due process
on 7:00 AM in Case Digests, Taxation clause. But notwithstanding the procedural infirmity, the CIVIL SERVICE
0 Court ruled that the petition cannot be granted. COMMISSION, Petitioner, v. HELEN B.
HERNANDEZ, Respondent.
193 SCRA 132 (1991)
DECISION Division of Abra, summoned to a meeting the the complaining teachers, indicted respondent
teachers who have grievances against and a certain Luzviminda de la Cruz for
respondent. Based on the sworn statements of violation of Section 3(b), Republic Act No. 3019
the teachers, namely: Elena Princena, Myrna otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Bayabos, Mildred Millare, Ofrina Benabese, Practices Act. The Resolution of the Provincial
Subject of the consolidated petitions is Emilia Beralde, Ruby Bringas, Regina Potolin, Prosecutor was affirmed with modification by
the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. spouses Ernesto Callena, Jr. and Ma. Louisa the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon
SP No. 61081, entitled Helen B. Hernandez v. Callena, Irene Bermudez, Francisco Castillo, in its Review Action dated 6 November 1997.
Tomas G. Velasquez, promulgated on 07 Elizabeth Castillo, Maribel Medrano, Benigna Under the modified indictment, respondent and
November 2001.1 The Bulda, Irenea Viado, Cecilia Turqueza, dela Cruz were charged with direct bribery.
assailed Decision annulled and set aside the Catherine Badere, Rosalinda Bilgera, Nardita However, upon motion filed by respondent and
twin resolutions issued by the Civil Service Tuscano, Henry Bisquera, Melba Linggayo, and her co-accused, the Office of the Deputy
Commission (CSC for brevity), in Maritess Navarro, it appears that respondent Ombudsman in its Order dated 24 February
Administrative Case No. 97-45 filed against demanded and/or received money in various 1998, reconsidered and set aside its Review
respondent Hernandez. The CSC, in amounts from the teachers in consideration of Action dated 6 November 1997, and ordered
its Resolution No. 00-1375 dated 13 June their appointment, promotion, and transfer the withdrawal of Informations for direct
2000, found respondent Hernandez guilty of from one school to another. bribery filed against respondent and de la Cruz.
dishonesty and grave misconduct and ordered
her dismissal from the service, with all the
On 15 November 1996, the Committee issued After due proceedings, the CSC
accessory penalties including her perpetual
an Investigation Report recommending the issued Resolution No. 00-1375, dated 13 June
disqualification from holding public office.
filing of administrative and criminal complaints 2000, finding respondent guilty of the charges
In Resolution No. 00-2064 dated 07
against respondent. On 14 March 1997, a against her and ordering her dismissal from
September 2000, the CSC denied respondent's
formal charge for Grave Misconduct, Conduct the service. The motion for reconsideration
motion for reconsideration of Resolution No.
Grossly Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the filed by respondent was denied by the CSC in
Service, Abuse of Authority, and Violation of its Resolution No. 00-2064 dated 7 September
Section 22 (k) Omnibus Rules Implementing 2000.
Stripped of non-essentials, the following are Book V of E.O. 292 and other related laws was
the factual antecedents: filed against respondent.
Respondent appealed to the Court of Appeals
raising the following issues:
In a letter dated 25 September 1996, the On 24 March 1997, respondent filed
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent of her Answer to the charges. In the main, she
1) Whether or not the CSC erred in assuming
the DECS-CAR, (Cordillera Administrative contended that the charges are brazen
jurisdiction and/or in rendering judgment
Region) sent a letter to petitioner (in G.R. No. fabrications and falsehoods made by parties
adverse to her;
150732) Tomas G. Velasquez, informing him of with ulterior motives which are designed to
the alleged infractions committed by harass her in a systematic campaign to
respondent, Helen B. Hernandez, such as discredit her. Respondent likewise alleged that 2) Whether or not the CSC erred in rendering
soliciting, accepting, and receiving sums of the preparation and taking of the statements of judgment against her in violation of her right
money, in exchange for transfer or promotion the supposed 23 counts of irregularity leveled to due process in administrative proceedings;
of complainant teachers. Acting on the letter, against her were attended by coercion and
petitioner Velasquez convened a fact-finding fraud. 3) Whether or not the CSC erred in its
committee to determine the veracity of the
appreciation of the evidence on record and;
alleged violations of respondent and to render
Meanwhile, the Office of the Provincial
a formal report and recommendation.
Prosecutor of Abra issued a Resolution in I.S. 4) Whether or not the CSC erred in imposing
No. 97-003 entitled, "People of the Philippines the penalty of dismissal.2
On 26 September 1996, the Committee v. Helen Hernandez," This Resolution,
composed of members assigned at the DECS- which arose from the sworn complaints filed by
The appellate court, in its now induced to testify against respondent. It also ADMINISTRATIVE DUE PROCESS WAS
assailed Decision, reversed the resolutions of noted that some of the complaining teachers VIOLATED.
the CSC. It opined that when petitioners filed a even failed to appear in the investigation to
formal charge against respondent, it was confirm their respective sworn statements. The
incumbent upon them to inform the Civil appellate court, therefore, annulled and set
Service Commission that another case was aside the Resolutions of the CSC and ordered
filed before the Office of the Deputy the payment of backwages to respondent. THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
Ombudsman for Luzon considering that the DECLARING THAT THE EVIDENCE AGAINST
facts and circumstances from which both THE RESPONDENT WAS INSUFFICIENT.
Separate appeals via Petition for Review were
complaints stem are the same. Citing Section
filed before this Court by petitioner Velasquez,
13 (1) of Article XI of the 1987 Constitution, IV.
in his capacity as Officer-in Charge, Office of
and Section 19 and 21 of Republic Act No.
the School Superintendent, DECS-Division of
6770, the appellate court added that the CSC
Abra (G.R. No.150732) and the Civil Service THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
and the Office of the Ombudsman have
Commission (G.R. No. 151095), assailing the ORDERING THE REINSTATEMENT OF THE
concurrent original jurisdiction over
decision of the appellate court. The two RESPONDENT AND THE PAYMENT OF HER
administrative cases filed against any
petitions were ordered consolidated in BACKWAGES.3
government employee. Thus, it ruled that the
a Resolution of this Court dated 25 June 2002.
effects of res judicataor litis pendentia may not
G.R. No. 150732, assigned to the Third
be avoided by varying the designation of the On the other hand, the following issues were
Division of this Court, was ordered
parties, changing the form of the action, or raised by the CSC in G.R. No. 151095:
consolidated with G.R. No. 151095, an En
adopting a different mode of presenting one's
Banc case even if the first mentioned petition
has a lower docket number considering that I.
both cases involve resolutions of the Civil
Anent the issue of violation of respondent's Service Commission.
right to due process, the appellate court WHETHER OR NOT THE FORMAL CHARGE
stressed that it is not enough that the twin SHOULD CONTAIN A CERTIFICATE AGAINST
The issues in both petitions are substantially FORUM SHOPPING;
requisites of notice and hearing be present. It
the same.
is important that the tribunal hearing the case
must be unbiased; indeed, if the government II.
official or employee under investigation is not In G.R. No. 150732, petitioner raised the
afforded the opportunity to present his case following issues:
before a fair, independent, and impartial
tribunal, the hearing would be futile. I. RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE LATTER'S
Considering that the composition of the fact-
finding Committee is in question, the appellate
court concluded that it cannot properly be said
that there was a fair and impartial hearing of DECLARING THAT THE FORMAL CHARGE
The appellate court also ruled that petitioner WHETHER OR NOT THE CSC ERRED IN ITS
failed to discharge the burden of proving by APPRECIATION OF THE EVIDENCE ON RECORD
substantial evidence the averments of the II. AND FINDING RESPONDENT GUILTY OF THE
complaint because it appears that some OFFENSES CHARGED.4
affiants who executed sworn statements to THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
support the charges against respondent later DECLARING THAT RESPONDENT'S RIGHT TO In both cases, petitioners asseverate that
retracted their statements and executed new under Section 21 of the Uniform Rules of
statements, alleging that they were merely
Procedure in the Conduct of Administrative respondent which, unfortunately, was found In support of the appellate court's Decision,
Investigations (CSC Resolution No. 99-1936, wanting. respondent maintains that it correctly ruled
dated 31 August 1999), it is the complaint and that there was no fair and impartial hearing of
the not the formal charge which should contain her case before the fact-finding committee.
Succinctly, petitioners argue that the appellate
a certification of non-forum shopping. The She contends that the integrity of the fact-
court erred in holding that the evidence they
Office of the Solicitor General strongly argues finding committee is questionable considering
presented to establish the culpability of the
that the formal charge was filed, not by the that the chairperson of the committee is a
respondent is insufficient. The finding is based
complaining teachers or the DECS Fact-Finding relative of one of the complainant teachers,
merely on the retraction of the sworn
Committee, but by the CSC-CAR and it would Ms. Immaculada Bringas, who incidentally
statements of some three teachers and the
thus be unnecessary to require a certification would be the next in rank if she is ousted from
failure of three others to appear during the
of non-forum shopping considering that the her position. Finally, she adds that petitioners
formal investigation. Petitioners stress that a
CSC is the sole arbiter of all contests relating are urging this Court to review the factual
majority of the complainant teachers remained
to the Civil Service and it would be absurd for findings of the appellate court which cannot be
consistent in their claim that respondent
the CSC-CAR to file the same administrative done in the instant petition which must raise
actually and directly received from them
case against respondent in another forum. The only questions of law.
various amounts of money in exchange for
OSG adds that there was no need for the CSC-
their appointment, promotion, or transfer.
CAR to inform the CSC about the criminal
They add that the dismissal of the criminal The Court rules for the petitioners.
action for Direct Bribery in OMB-1-96-2757
action against respondent in OMB-1-96-2757
because the said action was not filed by the
cannot be treated as a bar to the
CSC-CAR. CSC Resolution No. 95-3099 dated 9 May 1995
administrative case primarily because
(Further Amended by CSC Resolution No. 99-
administrative liability is distinct from penal
1936, dated 31 August 1999), amending
The CSC on the other hand, argues that what liability. In conclusion, petitioners fault the
Section 4 of CSC Resolution No. 94-0521,
was filed with the Office of the Ombudsman is appellate court for reversing the factual
Series of 1994, provides:
a criminal case and while the facts therein may findings of the CSC, ordering the reinstatement
be similar to the pending administrative case, of respondent, and awarding backwages in her
the Office of the Ombudsman and the CSC will favor. "Section 4. Complaint in Writing and Under
not rule on the same cause of action or grant Oath - No complaint against a civil servant
the same relief. According to the CSC, there is shall be given due course, unless the same is
Upon the other hand, respondent would have
no possibility of having conflicting decisions as in writing and under oath.
the Court sustain the Decision of the appellate
the two cases are distinct from each other.
court exonerating her of all the charges in the
administrative case. Citing CSC Resolution No. The complaint should be written in a clear,
Petitioners dispute the Court of Appeals' finding 95-3099, respondent argues that even on the simple and concise language and in a
that respondent's right to administrative due assumption that a certificate of non-forum systematic manner as to apprise the civil
process was violated. Respondent can hardly shopping is not necessary in the formal charge, servant concerned of the nature and cause of
be said to have been deprived of due process petitioners nevertheless failed to show that the the accusation against him and to enable him
as she was given the chance to answer the complaint filed by the teachers contained the to intelligently prepare his defense or answer.
charges, to submit countervailing evidence, required certification of non-forum shopping.
and to cross-examine the witnesses against She theorizes that since it is the CSC-CAR The complaint shall also contain the following:
her. The mere fact that respondent questioned which filed the formal charge against her, it
the impartiality of the fact finding committee would be difficult to imagine that the CSC will
will not automatically result in a denial of due make a turn around and take a position (a) xxx xxx xxx xxx
process because what matters is that contrary to its earlier findings that a prima
respondent had actively participated in the faciecase against her exists. Respondent insists (b) xxx xxx xxx xxx
proceedings against her. Petitioners add that that to allow the CSC to exercise jurisdiction
respondent's culpability was not based solely over the case would be similar to allowing one
on the report of the fact-finding committee, person to act as prosecutor and judge at the (c) xxx xxx xxx xxx
but also on the evidence submitted by the same time.
(d) a statement that no other administrative cause of action, either simultaneously or incidentally was not initiated by herein
action or complaint against the same party successively, for the purpose of obtaining a petitioners but by the complainant teachers,
involving the same acts or omissions and favorable judgment.5 It may also consist in a deals with the criminal accountability of the
issues, has been filed before another agency or party against whom an adverse judgment has respondent for violation of the Anti-Graft and
administrative tribunal. In the absence of any been rendered in one forum, seeking another Corrupt Practices Act. Unmistakably, the rule
one of the requirements therein stated, the and possibly favorable opinion in another on forum shopping would find no proper
complaint shall be dismissed. (Underscoring forum other than by appeal or special civil application since the two cases although based
supplied)cralawlibrary action of certiorari .6 on the same essential facts and circumstances
do not raise identical causes of action and
issues.10 It would, therefore, be absurd to
The appellate court placed much reliance on The most important factor in determining the
require the certification of forum shopping to
the above-quoted provision of CSC Resolution existence of forum shopping is the vexation
be attached to the formal charge filed before
No. 95-3099 in relation to Section 5, Rule 7 of caused the courts and parties-litigants by a
the CSC, for the evil sought to be curbed by
the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, when it party who asks different courts to rule on the
the proscription against forum shopping is
ruled that it was incumbent upon petitioner (in same or related causes or grant the same or
simply not extant in the instant case.
G.R. No. 150732) to inform that another case substantially the same reliefs. A party,
was filed before the Office of the Deputy however, cannot be said to have sought to
Ombudsman for Luzon. Strikingly, the improve his chances of obtaining a favorable On the issue of her having been denied
appellate court failed to state in decision or action where no unfavorable administrative due process, the Court likewise
its Decision the person or entity which decision has ever been rendered against him in finds respondent's claim untenable.
petitioner must notify of the pending case with any of the cases he has brought before the
the Ombudsman. The appellate court then courts.7
The essence of due process is that a party be
cited a litany of cases on forum shopping and
afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard
concluded that petitioner's failure to state in
In not a few cases, this Court has laid down and to present any evidence he may have in
the formal charge that there is no other action
the yardstick to determine whether a party support of his defense or simply an opportunity
or complaint pending against herein
violated the rule against forum shopping as to be heard;11 or as applied to administrative
respondent constitutes a violation of the rule
where the elements of litis pendentia are proceedings, an opportunity to seek a
against forum shopping that merited the
present or where a final judgment in one case reconsideration of the action of ruling
dismissal of the complaint. It ratiocinated that
will amount to res judicatain the other.8 Stated complained of.12 One may be heard, not solely
since the facts and circumstances from which
differently, there must be between the two by verbal presentation but also, and perhaps
both complaints stem from are the same,
cases (a) identity of parties; (b) identity of even many times more creditably than oral
petitioners should have attached in their
rights asserted and reliefs prayed for, the relief argument, through pleadings. Technical rules
complaint the certificate of non-forum
being founded on the same facts; and (c) that of procedure and evidence are not even strictly
shopping. Inconsistently, however, the
the identity of the two preceding particulars is applied to administrative proceedings, and
appellate court was quick to add that the cause
such that any judgment rendered in the other administrative due process cannot be fully
of action in the CSC and the Office of the
action will, regardless of which party is equated to due process in its strict judicial
Deputy Ombudsman are distinct; nevertheless,
successful, amount to res judicata in the action sense.13
it said that in order to obviate the risk of
under consideration.9
violating the rule, petitioners should have
attached the certification against non-forum In fact in Pefianco v. Moral ,14 the Court had
shopping. It is significant to note that the action filed the occasion to rule that a respondent in an
before the CSC-CAR is administrative in administrative case is not entitled to be
nature, dealing as it does with the proper informed of the findings and recommendations
The Court finds the above disquisition
administrative liability, if any, which may have of any investigating committee created to
been incurred by respondent for the inquire into charges filed against him - he is
commission of the acts complained of. In stark entitled only to the administrative decision
Forum shopping consists of filing of multiple contrast, the case filed before the Office of the based on substantial evidence made of record,
suits involving the same parties for the same Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon, which and a reasonable opportunity to meet the
charges and the evidence presented against standard of proof required in administrative EBREO, YANIE A. PITLONGAY, and
him during the hearing of the investigation cases. The desistance executed by three (3) VIRGILIO MAGPOC, Respondents.
committee. It is the administrative resolution, out of the twenty-three(23) original
not the investigation report, which should be complainants is of no moment since
the basis of any further remedies that the administrative actions cannot be made to
losing party in an administrative case might depend upon the will of every complainant who
wish to pursue. may, for one reason or another, condone a AZCUNA, J.:
detestable act.17
Respondent had been amply accorded the This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari 1 of
opportunity to be heard. She was required to All told, the Court holds that respondent's guilt the Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA)
answer the formal charge against her and in the administrative case has been sufficiently promulgated on January 7, 2005 affirming the
given the chance to present evidence in her established and pursuant to existing Civil Decision of the Civil Service Commission (CSC)
behalf. She actively participated in the Service Rules and Regulations,18 her dismissal which found petitioner Atty. Romeo L. Erece
proceedings and even cross-examined the from the service is warranted. guilty of dishonesty and conduct prejudicial to
witnesses against her. Clearly, based on the the best interest of the service.
above jurisprudential pronouncements the
WHEREFORE, the instant consolidated
appellate court's finding that respondent was The facts are as follows:
petitions are hereby GRANTED. The
denied due process is utterly without basis.
assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals is
hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Costs Petitioner is the Regional Director of the
Administrative proceedings are governed by against the respondent. Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Region I,
the "substantial evidence rule."15 A finding of whose office is located in San Fernando City,
guilt in an administrative case would have to La Union. Respondent employees of the CHR
be sustained for as long as it is supported by Region I filed an Affidavit-Complaint dated
substantial evidence that the respondent has October 2, 1998 against petitioner alleging that
committed the acts stated in the complaint or G.R. No. 166809 - ATTY. ROMEO L. ERECE v.
he denied them the use of the office vehicle
formal charge. As defined, substantial evidence LYN B. MACALINGAY, ET AL.
assigned to petitioner, that petitioner still
is such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind claimed transportation allowance even if he
may accept as adequate to support a was using the said vehicle, and that he
conclusion.16 This is different from the quantum certified that he did not use any government
of proof required in criminal proceedings which vehicle, when in fact he did, in order to collect
necessitates a finding of guilt of the accused transportation allowance.
beyond reasonable doubt. The Ombudsman, in
ordering the withdrawal of the criminal
complaints against respondent was simply The Affidavit-Complaint reads:
saying that there is no evidence sufficient to
establish her guilt beyond reasonable doubt EN BANC xxx
which is a condition sine qua non for
conviction. Ergo, the dismissal of the criminal
[G.R. NO. 166809 : April 22, 2008] 4. That on September 10, 1998, we, Atty. Lynn
case will not foreclose administrative action
against respondent. Macalingay and Mr. Lyman Salvador were
ATTY. ROMEO L. ERECE, Petitioner, v. LYN denied the use of the office vehicle as
B. MACALINGAY, JOCELYN BASTIAN, evidenced by the hereto attached copy of our
In the instant case, this Court is of the view denied Itinerary of Travel marked as Annex 'B';
that the sworn complaints of the twenty
remaining complainants coupled with their
JEAN CORTEZ-MARZAN, FRANCISCO M. 5. That on August 5, 1998, I, Brigida Abratique
positive testimonies in the proceedings below,
BILOG, ROSA P. ESPIRITU, ROLANDO requested for the use of the government
more than adequately complies with the
vehicle but the same was denied by Atty. Erece
for the reason that we would be using the and September 1998 [are] hereto attached 5. That I have issued a guideline that the
same to Teachers Camp as evidenced by a xxx; official vehicle will not be used for the
copy of the denied trip ticket with the marginal Mountain Provinces and Halsema
notes of Atty. Erece hereto attached as Annex Highway/Mountain Trail because of the poor
14. That despite regular receipt of his RATA,
'C'; road condition and to prevent breakdown and
Atty. Erece still prioritizes himself in the use of
early deterioration of same xxx;
the office vehicle to the detriment of the public
6. That on May 29, 1998, the request of service;
Brigida Cecilia Abratique and Francisco Bilog to 6. That Atty. Lynn B. Macalingay, one of the
use the vehicle within the City for field work complainants had gone to Mt. Province to
15. That to compound things, he certifies in his
purposes was again denied by Atty. Erece as attend the Provincial Peace and Order Council
monthly liquidation of his RATA that 'HE DID
he will accordingly use the same; meetings, conduct jail visitations and follow-up
cases on many occasions using the regular bus
SAID MONTH' xxx which is a big lie because as
trips in the spirit of the policy as mentioned in
7. That on April 20, 1998, a proposed trip was already stated, he is the regular user of the
paragraph 4 xxx;
likewise postponed by Atty. Erece on the government vehicle issued to CHR, Region I;
ground that he will be using the vehicle as
evidenced by a copy of the proposed Itinerary 7. That all employees had used the vehicle on
16. That I, Rolando C. Ebreo, the disbursing
of Travel with marginal note of Atty. Erece xxx; official business without exception, all
officer of the Regional Field Office hereby
complainants included xxx;
attest to the fact that no deductions in the
8. That on April, 1997, I, Atty. Jocelyn Bastian RATA of Atty. Romeo L. Erece was ever done in
requested for the use of the vehicle as I connection with his regular use of the 8. On September 10, 1998, Atty. Lynn
need[ed] to go to the Benguet Provincial Jail government vehicle x x x."2 Macalingay and Lyman Salvador had the use of
but I was instructed to commute because he the vehicle disapproved for the reasons
will use the vehicle. To my dismay, I found him conforming to paragraph 4 xxx;
The CSC-Cordillera Administrative Region
still in the office when I returned from the
issued an Order dated October 9, 1998,
Provincial Jail;
directing petitioner to comment on the 9. On August 5, 1998, Atty. Erece disapproved
complaint. the use of vehicle for use of Brigida Abratique
9. That such denials of the use of the vehicle because:
are not isolated cases but were just a few of
In compliance, petitioner countered, thus:
the numerous instances of conflicts of
'a) The vehicle was available since July 30,
schedules regarding the use of the government
1998 for use in Happy Hallow but not utilized
vehicle and where we found ourselves always xxx
earlier xxx;
at the losing end because we are the
subordinate employees; 4. In relation to paragraphs 2-D, 2-E and 2-G
b) On August 6, 1998, a DECS-CHR Seminar
above cited, it is among the duties as per
on Use Human Rights Exemplar was held at the
xxx management supervisory function of the
Teacher's Camp Baguio City and the vehicle
Regional HR Director to approve use or non-
was used to transport HR materials, overhead
use of the official vehicle of the Region as it
13. That Atty. Erece regularly receives and projector and for the overall use of the seminar
was memorandum receipted to him and the
liquidates his Representation and upon the request of the Public Information and
non-approval of the use of the same if it is not
Transportation Allowances (RATA) which at Education Office, Central Office, Commission
arbitrary and for justifiable reasons; said
present is in the amount of FOUR THOUSAND on Human Rights through Susan Nuguid of
function of approval and disapproval rests on
PESOS (P4,000.00), the payroll of such and its CHR, Manila;
the Regional Human Rights Director and that
liquidation could be made available upon
function is not merely ministerial;
request by an authority to the Resident Auditor
but his liquidations for the month of April 1998
d) That Mrs. Abratique and Co. were asked to cognate reading of same does not reflect that I 3. That he certified in his monthly liquidation of
explain the unreasonable delay to attend to the checked/marked the use of government vehicle his RATA that he did not use any government
case of Cherry Esteban which was subject of in the certification and as such no dishonesty is vehicle for the corresponding month, which is
the disapproved travel;' involved; the documents speak for themselves. not true because he is the regular user of the
x x x Annex 'E' is for the month of April, 1998 government vehicle issued to CHR-Region I.
where the check marks are clear. On Annex 'F'
10. On April 20, 1998, the itinerary of travel of
of the complaint, no reference is made as to
Lyman Salvador was RESCHEDULED from April The foregoing facts and circumstances indicate
the fact that I did not use the government
22 & 23, 1998 to April 23 & 24, 1998 as the that government service has been prejudiced
vehicle, if so, no allegation as to when I did
vehicle was used by Atty. Erece on an by the acts of Erece.
use same for my personal use."3
important travel to Manila upon order of no
less than the Honorable Chairperson, Aurora
WHEREFORE, Romeo L. Erece is hereby
Navarette-Reciña of Commission on Human After a fact-finding investigation, the CSC
formally charged with Dishonesty and Grave
Rights xxx; Proper in CSC Resolution No. 99-1360 dated
Misconduct. Accordingly, he is given five (5)
July 1, 1999 charged petitioner with
days from receipt hereof to submit his Answer
Dishonesty and Grave Misconduct for using a
xxx under oath and affidavits of his witnesses, if
government vehicle in spite of his receipt of
any, to the Civil Service Commission-Cordillera
the monthly transportation allowance and for
Administrative Region (CSC-CAR). On his
12. As to the use of the vehicle by the Regional certifying that he did not use any government
Answer, he should indicate whether he elects a
HR Director, same shall be subject to the vehicle, when in fact, he did, in order to
formal investigation or waives his right thereto.
allowance/disallowance of the COA Resident receive the transportation allowance.
Any Motion to Dismiss, request for clarification
Auditor, likewise the Regional HR Director in all
or Bills of Particulars shall not be entertained
his travels outside Baguio City, he does not
Pertinent portions of the formal charge read: by the Commission. Any of these pleadings
claim bus and taxi fares per certification of
interposed by the respondent shall be
Danilo Balino, the Administrative Officer
considered as an Answer and shall be
Designate and Mr. Rolando Ebreo, the Cash 1. That despite the regular receipt of Erece of
evaluated as such. Likewise, he is advised of
Disbursing Officer, Annex 'Z'; his monthly Representation and Transportation
his right to the assistance of counsel of his
Allowance (RATA) in the amount of P4,000.00,
he still prioritizes himself in the use of the
13. In many cases, Atty. Romeo L. Erece has
office vehicle (Tamaraw FX) in spite of the
to maintain the vehicle including car washing
directive from the Central Office that he cannot After a formal investigation of the case, the
thereof, garage parking at his residence to
use the service vehicle for official purposes and CSC issued Resolution No. 020124, dated
maintain and upkeep the vehicle and same is
at the same time receive his transportation January 24. 2002, finding petitioner guilty of
still in premium condition to the satisfaction of
allowance; dishonesty and conduct prejudicial to the best
the office at no extra cost to the Commission;
interest of the service and penalizing him with
dismissal from the service.
2. That Erece did not comply with the directive
of the Central Office addressed to all Regional
Human Rights Directors, as follows: 'to Petitioner filed a Petition for Review of the CSC
15. In support thereof, we move to dismiss this regularize your receipt of the transportation Resolution with the CA.
case as pure question on supervisory and allowance component of the RATA to which you
management prerogative, which is reserved for are entitled monthly, you are hereby directed
In the Decision promulgated on January 7,
the Office Head and a harassment move by to immediately transfer to any of your staff,
2005, the CA upheld the CSC Resolution, the
disgruntled employees who are counter- preferably one of your lawyers, the
dispositive portion of which reads:
charged hereof; memorandum receipt of the vehicle(s) now still
in your name;'
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the
16. Annexes 'E' and 'F' of the complaint [are]
petition is DENIED and the assailed
misplaced and misleading because a clear and
Resolutions of the Civil Service Commission are The Court agrees with the CA that petitioner did not use the vehicle regularly. The evidence
hereby AFFIRMED.5 was not denied due process when he failed to showed that the service vehicle was being used
cross-examine the complainants and their by the employees of the regional office for
witnesses since he was given the opportunity official purposes. He argues that although the
Hence, this petition.
to be heard and present his evidence. In service vehicle is still in his name, it should not
administrative proceedings, the essence of due be concluded that it is assigned to him as his
Petitioner raises these issues: process is simply the opportunity to explain service vehicle, thus disqualifying him from
one's side.6 receiving transportation allowance.
1. Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in
ruling that petitioner was not denied due Velez v. De Vera7 held: The Court is not persuaded. The pertinent
process despite the admitted facts that conclusion of the CSC referred to by petitioner
respondents failed to identify and testify on reads:
Due process of law in administrative cases is
their Affidavit-Complaint and that petitioner
not identical with "judicial process" for a trial in
was denied of his right to cross-examine
court is not always essential to due process. At the outset, it must be stated that the
respondents on their Affidavit-Complaint.
While a day in court is a matter of right in entitlement to transportation allowance by
judicial proceedings, it is otherwise in certain officials and employees pursuant to RA
2. Whether or not the Court of Appeals was administrative proceedings since they rest 6688 presupposes that they are not assigned
correct in adopting in toto the conclusions of upon different principles. The due process government vehicles. This was clarified by the
the CSC although they were based on mere clause guarantees no particular form of Supreme Court in the case of Aida Domingo v.
assumptions. procedure and its requirements are not COA, G.R. No. 112371, October 7, 1998, where
technical. Thus, in certain proceedings of it ruled, as follows:
Petitioner contends that he was denied due administrative character, the right to a notice
process as he was not afforded the right to or hearing are not essential to due process of
'The provision of law in point is found in
cross-examine his accusers and their law. The constitutional requirement of due
Section 28 of Republic Act 6688, otherwise
witnesses. He stated that at his instance, in process is met by a fair hearing before a
known as the General Appropriations Act of
order to prevent delay in the disposition of the regularly established administrative agency or
1989, to wit:
case, he was allowed to present evidence first tribunal. It is not essential that hearings be
to support the allegations in his Counter- had before the making of a determination if
thereafter, there is available trial and tribunal Sec. 28. Representation and Transportation
Affidavit. After he rested his case, respondents
before which all objections and defenses to the Allowances. ... The transportation allowance
did not present their evidence, but moved to
making of such determination may be raised herein authorized shall not be granted to
submit their position paper and formal offer of
and considered. One adequate hearing is all officials who are assigned a government
evidence, which motion was granted by the
that due process requires. . . . vehicle or use government motor
CSC over his (petitioner's) objection.
transportation, except as may be approved by
Respondents then submitted their Position
the President of the Philippines. Unless
Paper and Formal Offer of Exhibits. The right to cross-examine is not an
otherwise provided by law, no amount
indispensable aspect of due process. Nor is
appropriated in this Act shall be used to pay for
Petitioner submits that although he was an actual hearing always essential. . . . 8
representation and/or transportation
allowed to present evidence first, it should not allowances, whether commutable or
be construed as a waiver of his right to cross- Next, petitioner contends that the CA erred in reimbursable, which exceed the rates
examine the complainants. Although the order adopting in toto the conclusions of the CSC. authorized under this Section. Previous
of presentation of evidence was not in administrative authorization not consistent with
conformity with the procedure, still petitioner the rates and conditions herein specified shall
Petitioner contends that the conclusion of the
should not be deemed to have lost his right to no longer be valid and payment shall not be
CSC proceeded from the premise that the
cross-examine his accusers and their allowed.
petitioner was using the subject vehicle as his
witnesses. This may be allowed only if he
service vehicle, which he disputes, because he
expressly waived said right.
xxx and September 1998, as reflected in the No costs.
Certification/s signed by him. This clearly
resulted in undue prejudice to the best interest
In the case of Bustamante v. Commission on SO ORDERED.
of the service.
Audit, 216 SCRA 134, decided by this Court on
November 27, 1992, COA also disallowed the Republic of the Philippines
claim for transportation allowance of the legal The foregoing facts logically lead to the SUPREME COURT
counsel of National Power Corporation because conclusion that the act of Erece in certifying Manila
he was already issued a government vehicle. that he has not used any government vehicle
Involving the circular aforementioned and and consequently collecting Transportation
almost the same facts as in this case, it was Allowance despite the fact that a government FIRST DIVISION
therein held that COA Circular No. 75-6 is vehicle was assigned to him constitutes the
categorical in prohibiting the use of offenses of Dishonesty and Conduct Prejudicial
government vehicles by officials receiving to the Best Interest of the Service.9
transportation allowance and in stressing that G.R. No. 128508 February 1, 1999
the use of government motor vehicle and claim
The above conclusion,as well as the
for transportation allowance are mutually
Memorandum dated February 27, 1998 issued DANIEL G. FAJARDO, petitioner,
exclusive and incompatible.
by Director Ancog to the CHR Regional vs.
Directors, are both very clear. Once a vehicle is COURT OF APPEALS, HON. FLORENTINO P.
The issue need no longer be belabored for no assigned to a regional director, like petitioner, PEDRONIO, in his capacity as Presiding Judge,
less than this Court ruled in the aforesaid case he is no longer entitled to transportation Regional Trial Court, Branch 31, Iloilo City;
that a government official, to whom a motor allowance unless he assigns the vehicle to PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES and STATION
vehicle has been assigned, cannot, at the same another staff/lawyer. Since petitioner did not COMMANDER OF ILOILO CITY, respondent.
time, claim transportation allowance. assign the subject vehicle assigned to him to
(Underscoring supplied)cralawlibrary someone else, he is not entitled to
transportation allowance.
It is clear from the records that Director PARDO, J.:
Edmundo S. Ancog, CHR-Central office (Field Contrary to the argument of petitioner, there is
Operations office), issued a Memorandum no qualification that the assigned vehicle
dated February 27, 1998, addressed to all CHR should be for the exclusive use of the service The case is an appeal via certiorari taken by petitioner
Regional Directors in respect to Transportation vehicle of the regional director alone to from a decision of the Court of Appeals that denied
Allowance. The Memorandum states that disqualify him from receiving transportation due course to his motion for probation in Criminal
Case No. 14196 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch
transportation allowance shall not be granted allowance.
31, Iloilo City, arising from his conviction of violation of
to Regional Directors whenever a government
Batas Pambansa Bilang 22, for which he was
vehicle or use of government motor
Since the records show that petitioner collected sentenced to imprisonment of eight (8) months.
transportation is already assigned to them. It
transportation allowance even if a government
further emphasized that should they want to
vehicle had been assigned to him, the CA did We deny the petition.
"avail regularization of their RATA," the
not err in sustaining the decision of the CSC
Regional Directors must immediately transfer
finding petitioner guilty of dishonesty and
the vehicle to any of their staff/lawyer. On May 26, 1988, the Regional Trial Court, Branch
conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the
service and penalizing him with dismissal from 33, Iloilo City, convicted petitioner of violation of Batas
Pambansa Bilang 22, and sentenced him to suffer the
Records show that Erece was issued a the service.
penalty of eight (8) months imprisonment and to pay
government vehicle since August 10, 1997 and
the costs, in Criminal Case No. 14196. He appealed
he did not transfer the vehicle to any of his
WHEREFORE, the petition is denied. The to the Court of Appeals. 1 By decision promulgated on
staff. Notwithstanding this fact and the said
Decision of the Court of Appeals promulgated February 27, 1990, the Court of Appeals affirmed the
memorandum, he received transportation conviction.
on January 7, 2005 is AFFIRMED.
allowance particularly for the months of April
On August 20, 1990, the Supreme Court denied a Gazette dated December 30, 1985 but said issue was WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the petition for
petition for review on certiorari of the conviction. 2 released for circulation only on July 1, 1986; hence, P review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of
D 1990 became effective after fifteen (15) days from Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 41447. Costs against
July 1, 1986, in accordance with Article 2 of the Civil petitioner.
Upon the remand of the record to the lower court, on
Code, or on July 16, 1986." 8 It is not ex post facto in
June 2, 1995, petitioner filed a motion for probation
its application. The law applies only to accused
contending that he was eligible for probation because SO ORDERED.
convicted after its effectivity. 9 An ex post facto law is
at the time he committed the offense in 1981, an
one that punishes an act as a crime which was
accused who had appealed his conviction was still
innocent at the time of its commission. 10 Presidential Davide, Jr., C.J., Melo and Martinez, JJ., concur.
qualified to apply for probation and that the law that
Decree No. 1990, like the Probation Law that it
barred an application for probation of an accused who
amends, is not penal in character. 11 It may not be
had interposed an appeal was ex post facto in its Kapunan, J., took no part.
considered as an ex post facto law. 12
application, and, hence, not applicable to him.

At the time of the commission of the offense charged

On January 5, 1996, the trial court denied petitioner's Fajardo vs. CA Case Digest
—violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22—in 1981,
motion for probation.
petitioner could have appealed if convicted and still
availed himself of probation. However, petitioner was 0
On July 29, 1996, petitioner filed with the Court of convicted on May 26, 1988, and he appealed. At that
Appeals a petition for certiorari to annul the lower time, petitioner no longer had the option to appeal and
court's denial of his application for probation. 3 On still apply for probation if unsuccessful in the
November 12, 1996, the Court of Appeals denied due appeal. 13 Presidential Decree No. 1990 was then in
course to the petition. 4 full effect. Hence, he could no longer apply for
probation since he had appealed.
Hence, this appeal. 5 In 1981, Fajardo was charged with violation of BP 22. At
On October 13, 1997, the Solicitor
General 14 submitted a manifestation positing the view the time he committed the offense, PD No. 968 allows an
At issue in this case is whether petitioner could qualify that petitioner's application for probation may still be
to apply for probation under Presidential Decree No. accused who appeals his conviction to still apply for
considered because when petitioner committed the
968 since he had appealed from his conviction in offense in 1981, he could avail himself of probation
1988, after Presidential Decree No. 1990 amending probation.
since the law as it stood at that time provided that an
Presidential Decree No. 968, became effective in accused convicted of a crime may apply for probation
1986, providing that "no application for probation shall even if he had appealed the conviction. 15 We do not
be entertained or granted if the defendant has share his view. The case he cited is a Court of
perfected the appeal from the judgment of In 1988, the trial court convicted Fajardo of the crime
Appeals decision, and, hence, not a precedent. What
conviction." 6 Petitioner maintains the view that is more, it is inapplicable because there, the
Presidential Decree No. 1990, issued on October 5, charged and sentenced him to suffer the penaltyPD No.
accused's conviction became final on October 14,
1985, is null and void on the ground that at that time 1985. Presidential Decree No. 1990 although enacted
President Ferdinand E. Marcos could no longer 968, became effective (in 1986), providing that no
on October 5, 1985, was published in the Official
exercise legislative powers as the Batasan Pambansa Gazette on December 30, 1985, 16 and, hence, was
was functioning and exercising sole legislative application for probation shall be entertained or granted if
not yet applicable at the time the accused was finally
powers. convicted. Regrettably, the Solicitor General has cited
the defendant has perfected the appeal from the judgment
a Court of Appeals decision that is inapplicable to this
The contention is without merit. At that time, President case because the facts were not similar.
of conviction. Fajardo, however, still appealed his
Marcos was vested with legislative powers
concurrently with the Batasan Pambansa. 7 conviction.
We find it unnecessary to resolve the other issues that
petitioner has raised questioning the constitutionality
Consequently, Presidential Decree No. 1990, is valid. and wisdom of Presidential Decree No. 1990,
Presidential Decree No. 1990, enacted on October 5, amending the probation law.
1985, "was printed in Volume 81 of the Official When he lost the appeal, he filed motion for probation
contained in two (2) separate complaints, in
before the trial court contending that he was eligible for violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22--in 1981, petitioner addition to several others previously filed
against him, as will be discussed hereunder.
probation because at the time he committed the offense in could have appealed if convicted and still availed himself
A.M. No. RTJ-1390
1981, an accused who had appealed his conviction was still of probation. However, petitioner was convicted on May

qualified to apply for probation and that the law that barred 26, 1988, and he appealed. At that time, petitioner no
On 16 May 1996 respondent Judge issued
an application for probation of an accused who had longer had the option to appeal and still apply for probation Search Warrant No. 20-M-96 against a certain
Thomas Jay of Lalakhan, Sta. Maria, Bulacan,
interposed an appeal was ex post facto in its application and if unsuccessful in the appeal. Presidential Decree No. 1990 for illegal possession of 3,000 board feet of
narra lumber valued more or less at
hence, not applicable to him. The trial court was then in full effect. Hence, he could no longer apply for P360,000.00 in violation of Sec. 68, PD 705, as
amended by EO 277, otherwise known as
denied Fajardo’s motion for probation and so did CA. probation since he had appealed. Fajardo vs. Court of the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines.
The warrant was served immediately the
Appeals, G.R. No. 128508. February 1, 1999 following day. On 20 May 1996 EIIB Operation
Officer Baltazar B. Dulalia filed a Return,
Compliance and Inventory (re search warrant).
On 21 May 1996 Thomas Jay filed a Motion to
Quash Search Warrant No. 20-M-96 on the
ground that the facts charged did not
Whether P.D. 1990 is an ex post facto law. constitute an offense and that the warrant
contained averments which if true would make
up legal excuses or justifications. Appended to
the motion were photocopies of the following
documents: (a) Certificate of Transport
Held: A.M. No. RTJ-97-1390 & A.M. No. RTJ-98- Agreement issued by CENRO, Bayombong,
1411. August 5, 1998 Nueva Viscaya, dated 22 January 1996, re
conveyance of the narra lumber (Annex
CESAR B. MERIS, complainant, vs. JUDGE "4");1 (b) Certificate of Lumber Origin issued
It is not ex post facto in its application. The law applies
CARLOS C. OFILADA, Respondent. by CENRO, Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya, in
favor of Remitans Enterprises, 12 Agueda St.,
only to accused convicted after its effectivity. An ex post Project 8, Q.C., for 11,754 bd. ft. = 27.71 cu.
FRANCISCO R. HERNANDEZ, complainant, M. under Auxiliary Invoice No. 180795 and
facto law is one that punishes an act as a crime which was vs. JUDGE CARLOS C. Official Receipt No. 4529171 dated 22 January
OFILADA, respondent. 1996 issued by DENR-CENRO, Bayongbong,
innocent at the time of its commission. Presidential Decree
Nueva Voscaya (annexes "5" and "5-1");2 (c)
No. 1990, like the Probation Law that it amends, is not DECISION Certificate of Registration of Business Name
No. 0298450 issued by the Department of
penal in character. It may not be considered as an ex post Trade and industry, NCR, on 26 September
PER CURIAM 1955, for TJ Furniture owned by Tomas Jay
facto law. (Annex "1");3 (d) Mayor's Permit No. 16840
JUDGE CARLOS C. OFILADA of the Regional issued by the Office of the City Mayor of Manila
Trial Court, Branch 15, Malolos, Bulacan, was on 18 January 1996 (Annex "2");4 (e) Delivery
charged with various administrative offenses Receipt for narra lumber dated 21 March 1996
At the time of the commission of the offense charged--
issued by Remitans Enterprises to TJ Furniture the pieces of lumber which were already long Counsel attended the scheduled hearing of the
(Annex "3");5 and, (f) Tally Sheets of narra exposed to the elements. Motion to Quash on May 31, 1996 but sad to
lumber (Annexes "7", "7-1", "7-2" and "7- note Judge Ofilada already quashed to Search
3").6cräläwvirtualibräry Warrant No. 20-M-96 on May 28, 1996 without
On 5 June 1996 complainant, in his capacity as
affording a day in Court on the part of the
Regional Director for Region III of EIIB, wrote
Government. Attached hereto are xerox copies
The motion to quash was set for hearing on 31 a letter to Chief Justice Andres R. Narvasa
of Search Warrant No. 20-M-96, application for
May 1996 at 8:30 in the morning. However, on which is textually quoted hereunder -
Search Warrant, marked as Annex "A" and "B,"
21 May 1996 Jay, through his counsel, Atty.
Motion to Quash filed by respondent thru
Romeo Y. De Jesus, moved to have the hearing
THE HONORABLE ANDRES R. NARVASA counsel marked as ANNEX "C," Court Order
advanced to 28 May 1996 on the ground that,
Quashing Search Warrant No. 20-M-96 dated
according to him, he was informed that "the
Chief Justice May 28, 1996 marked as ANNEX "D," Motion
calendar of the Court is not available;"
for reconsideration marked as ANNEX "E."
consequently, he requested for 28 May 1996 at
8:30 in the morning, undertaking at the same Supreme Court
time to "notify the parties concerned." But May I request your Honor to look into the
counsel for respondent, despite his matter with the aim in view to enhance the
undertaking, failed to notify complainant Cesar Sir: good image of the Judiciary. Likewise, to
B. Meris, Regional Director, EIIB, who as a encourage the public to report erring Judges to
result failed to appear on 28 May 1996. I wish to report to HIS HONOR about the Supreme Court and not to the media xxxx
actuation of Honorable Judge Carlos Ofilada,
On 27 May 1996 Atty. Salome T. Cansino, regional trial Court, Branch 15, Malolos, V
Special Counsel of the Department of Justice, Bulacan which is prejudicial to the interest of ery respectfully yours,
filed an opposition to the motion to quash the the government by issuing an Order of Release
search warrant contending that (a) the pieces of Seized/Confiscated Narra Lumber with a
commercial value of P150,000.00 by virtue of ATTY. CESAR B. MERIS
of narra lumber seized were not covered by
any legal documents required by the Revised Search Warrant No. 20-M-96 for violation of
Forestry Code of the Philippines; (b) the Section 68, PD 705 as amended by Executive Regional Director, Counsel for EIIB3
documents submitted by Jay did not cover the Order No. 277 without hearing of the case on
lumber seized; and, (c) a criminal complaint the merits.
Cabanatuan City
had already been filed against Jay by the DENR
for Illegal Possession of Forest Products in Records show that respondent/owner of seized
violation of Sec. 68, PD 705, as amended by On 3 July 1996 Regional Director Cesar B.
narra lumber thru Counsel filed a Motion to
EO 277. Meris, who was also acting as counsel for EIIB,
Quash Search Warrant before the Court and
filed an Answer (actually an opposition to the
set the case for hearing on May 31, 1996 at
motion to quash search warrant). On 10 July
On 28 May 1996, despite the opposition of the 8:30 in the morning.
1996 he filed his motion for reconsideration (of
special counsel of the Department of Justice, the order quashing the search warrant) where
respondent Judge granted the motion to quash It is sad to note, however, Honorable Judge he claimed that he attended the hearing on the
and ordered the immediate release of the narra Carlos Ofilada quashed the Search Warrant on motion to quash previously scheduled on 31
lumber seized from Thomas Jay. The May 28, 1996 motu propio and ordered the May 1996 only to be informed that respondent
explanation of respondent was that the pieces release of seized narra lumber to the Judge had already quashed the search warrant
of lumber seized were owned by a legitimate respondent herein, which is two (2) days prior on 28 May 1996 even without the presence of
enterprise and covered by proper documents, to the scheduled hearing, May 31, 1996. either the complainant EIIB Regional Director
emphasizing that he took into consideration or the Special Counsel representing the
not only the opposition of the Department of Government. His motion for reconsideration
Justice but also the deteriorating condition of That Economic intelligence and Investigation
Bureau (EIIB) Region III represented by the and that of Special Counsel Salome T. Cansino,
Regional Director ATTY. CESAR B. MERIS as who protested the hearing of the motion
without proper service and notice, were denied as they may seem, these rules were introduced to quash, inquire from the other party or verify
by respondent Judge. to avoid a capricious change of mind in order from the records the proof of service of notice
to provide due process to both parties and rather than proceed with the hearing. This is
ensure impartiality in the trial. but an elementary notion of fair play. He
Complainant claims that by ordering the
should not rely on a party's undertaking to
release of the confiscated narra lumber without
notify the adverse party of a scheduled
hearing the case on the merits and without Due process demands proper obedience to
hearing. The judge must demand what the rule
affording the prosecution a day in court, procedural rules especially when the subject
requires, i.e., proof of such notice on the
respondent Judge committed rave abuse of matter of motion to quash is search warrant.
adverse party, otherwise, a contentious
authority prejudicial to the interest of the Since searches are in derogation of the
motion, as the motion to quash in the case
Government. Section 5, Rule 15, of the Rules inviolable right of the people to be secure in
before respondent Judge, should be considered
of Court states- their persons, houses, papers and effects, 11 it
a mere scrap of paper which should not have
necessarily follows that the applicant should
even been received for filing.
rely on the strength of his evidence to support
Sec. 5. Contents of notice. - The notice shall
the application or the subsequent legal custody
directed to the parties concerned, and shall
of the seized articles. Otherwise, upon prima Respondent's culpability is further compounded
state the time and place for the hearing of the
facie proof that the movant for the quashal of by his misrepresentation in the order he issued
the warrant was the owner of the seized on 14 August 1996 (denying the motion of the
lumber and that he lawfully acquired them, he public prosecutor for reconsideration) that he
A perusal of the request for advanced resetting is entitled to the quashal of the search warrant was on extended leave of absence from 29 May
of the motion to quash search warrant would and the restoration to him of the seized 1996 to 22 July 1996 when the records show
show that although it stated the time and date articles.12 It is clear therefore that the that he actually applied for leave only from 29
of hearing, it failed to comply with Sec. 5 of exception in Sec. 6, Rule 15, of the Rules of May 1996 to 3 July 1996 (not up to 22 July
Rule 15 as the notice was addressed only to Court cannot apply in a motion to quash search 1996).
the clerk of court and not to the parties warrant. For without the proper notice of
concerned as required.8 Neither was there hearing and proof of service thereof, the rights A.M. No. RTJ-981411
proof of service of the motion on the adverse of either party will be adversely affected.
party despite the undertaking of counsel for Moreover, the ground invoked by movant was
movant to notify the public prosecutor of the that the warrant charged no offense. The On 18 April 1994 an Information for murder
request as required by Sec. 6 of Rule 15 - fundamental test in considering motion to was filed with the Regional Trial Court of
quash on this ground is whether the facts Bulacan against four (4) accused, namely,
alleged, if hypothetically admitted, will Rolando Garcia, Lopito Gumasing, Eric
Sec. 6. Proof of service, to filed with motion. -
establish the essential elements of the offense Gumasing and Eduardo Gumasing. The
No motion shall be acted upon by the court,
as defined by the law.13cräläwvirtualibräry Information stated that all the accused were at
without proof of service of the notice thereof,
large. No bail was recommended. On 22 April
except when the court is satisfied that the
1994 warrants of arrest were issued against
rights of te adverse party or parties are not A cursory examination of the search warrant
the four (4) accused.
affected.9cräläwvirtualibräry will disclose that the essential elements of the
offense charge are sufficiently alleged. It is not
right; therefore, to resolve the charges at the On 7 June 1995, or more than one (1) year
In Manakil v. Revilla10 we held that the court
very outset without any notice of hearing, or to that the accused remained at large, Atty.
will not act on the motion if there is no proper
hear the motion ex parte. The issues require a Eufrocio Marquez appeared before the trail
notice and/or proof of service of the notice on
fuller examination especially since a criminal court as counsel for the accused and submitted
the adverse party. It is nothing but a useless
complaint had already been filed in court. The a "Motion to Voluntarily Surrender the Accused
piece of paper filed with the court. It is not
prosecution, too, must be given its day in court with Motion to Bail" praying that the accused
motion. It presents no question which the court
- the burden of proof thereof being placed be allowed to post bail in the amount of
could decide. The court has no reason to
squarely on its shoulders. A prudent judge P10,000.00 each in cash. At the bottom of
consider it and the clerk had no right to receive
would, in the absence of the opposing party in page 2 of the motion, the public prosecutor
it without that compliance with the rules. Harsh
the hearing of a motion as pivotal as a motion manifested in writing that he was submitting
the matter to the sound discretion of the court 1997 respondent Judge ordered the release of court has no right to receive and the court has
provided that the bail be increased to P15,000 the cash bond posted by the accused for their no authority to act upon.14cräläwvirtualibräry
in cash for each accused. provisional liberty.
The records shows that respondents Judge had
On 16 June 1995 respondent Judge granted Francisco R. Hernandez, uncle of the deceased not been as zealous as he should been
the motion and allowed the four (4) accused to victim, filed a complaint-affidavit before this observing the standard and fundamental
post bail in the amount of P10,000.00 each. Court charging respondent Judge with procedure mandated by the Rules of Court in
After the accused had posted bail, respondent knowingly rendering unjust orders and for criminal cases. In granting bail to the four (4)
Judge lifted the warrant of arrest and set the improperly granting bail, manifest bias and accused who were at large, respondent Judge
arraignment on 16 August 1995. partiality in favor of the accused in the conduct violated the rule that bail is unavailing to the
of the proceedings. After respondent Judge accused who has not voluntarily surrendered or
filed his comment to the complaint, we to one who has yet to be placed under legal
At the hearing of 17 July 1995, which does not
referred the case to Associate Justice Fermin A. custody.15cräläwvirtualibräry
appear on record to have been previously
Martin Jr. of the Court of Appeals for
scheduled, respondent Judge issued an order
investigation, report and recommendation.
citing as grounds for the grant of bail (a) The refusal of the prosecution to adduce
voluntary surrender of the accused; (b) no evidence that the guilt of the accused was
evidence was presented by the public In his report dated 1 June 1998 Justice Martin strong or its failure to interpose an objection to
prosecutor that the evidence of guilt was found respondent Judge guilty of gross the motion for bail was not a justifiable reason
strong; (c) the public prosecutor did not object incompetence and recommended that he be for respondent Judge to grant bail. It is still
to the granting of bail; and, (d) the meted the penalty of suspension for six (6) mandatory for the court to conduct a hearing
complainant, wife of the victim, had submitted months with stern warning that commission of and ask searching and clarificatory
an affidavit of desistance. The four (4) accused similar offense in the future would be dealt questions16 for the purpose of determining the
were later arraigned, and the affidavit of with more severely. existence of a strong evidence against the
desistance executed by the complainant was accused.17 On the face of his orders dated 16
marked during the pre-trial. June 199518 July 199519 which granted bail to
The actuations of respondent Judge in Crim.
the accused, respondent Judge did not make
Case No. 1441-M-94 showed his utter
any finding that the evidence against the
After the prosecution rested, the defense disregard of the rules and settled jurisprudence
accused was not strong as to warrant the grant
manifested its intention to file demurrer to thus constituting gross ignorance of the law. In
of bail. Hence, the order should not be
evidence. In an order dated 20 January 1997, granting the motion for application of bail
sustained or given any semblance of validity. 20
respondent Judge gave the accused five (5) which did not contain a notice of hearing
days within which to file the intended demurrer directed to the parties and where the accused
and the prosecution the same period to had never been placed under the custody of Conclusion

comment thereon. the court, respondent Judge again

demonstrated his lack of knowledge and
The unseemly haste with which respondent
understanding of the basic principles of law
In an order dated 30 January 1997 respondent Judge granted the motions filed y the accused
and procedures. A perusal of the Motion to
Judge admitted the demurrer filed by the (a) to quash search warrant ex parte in A.M.
Voluntarily Surrender the Accused with Motion
accused and submitted the same for resolution No. RTJ-98-1411 and (b) for bail in A.M. No.
to Bail shows that the notice of hearing was
there being no comment from the public RTJ-97- 1390 and (b) for bail in A.M. No. RTJ-
directly solely to the clerk of court and did not
prosecutor. 981411 is indicative of his patent injustice,
contain a place and time of hearing. A motion
partiality, nay, his gross ignorance of the law
that does not meet the requirements of Secs. 4
bordering on incompetence. It should be
On 20 February 1997 respondent Judge and 5 of Rule 15 of the Rules of Court,
mentioned that respondent Judge was
granted the demurrer to evidence and particularly that the notice be directed to the
previously charged with eight (8) other
acquitted all four (4) accused for failure of the parties concerned and stating the time and
administrative cases ranging from gross
prosecution to establish their guilt beyond place for the hearing of the motion, is a
ignorance of the law, grave abuse of authority
reasonable doubt. Consequently, on 19 March worthless piece of paper which the clerk of
and discretion , incompetence, dishonesty,
dereliction of duty, misconduct, conduct respondent Judge for gross ignorance of the Court judge of Malolos, Bulacan, and to turn
unbecoming of a judge, oppression and direct law and conduct unbecoming of a member of over all records and property responsibilities to
bribery. Although seven (7) of the eighth (8) the bench.22 Thereafter, in an endorsement the Clerk of Court of that court who shall issue
cases were dismissed without hearing for dated 14 April 1998 by Deputy Ombudsman for that corresponding receipt thereof.
various reasons, in Santos v. Ofilada,21 the Luzon Jesus P. Guerrero, another complaint
Court through Senior Associate Justice Florence which was filed with the Ombudsman against
D. Regalado found the same respondent Judge respondent Judge for violation of the Anti Graft
to have whimsically and arbitrarily granted bail and Corrupt Practices Act and Art. 315 of the
in Crim. Case No. 1433-M-94 for murder and in Revised Penal Code was referred to this Court Narvasa Chief Justice, Regalado, Davide,
Crim. Case No. 1434-M-94 for illegal for appropriate action.23 Respondent has yet to Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug,
possession of firearm without notice to the submit his comments on both charges against Kapunan, Mendoza, Panganiban, Martinez,
prosecution in both cases, for which he was him. Quisumbing and Purisima, JJ., concur.
fined P20,000.00 and sternly warned that a
repetition of the same or similar acts in the SECOND DIVISION
Be that as it may, this Court finds that
future would definitely warrant a more severe
respondent Judge has failed to conduct himself
sanction. Those administrative cases are also
in a manner that will justify his continued stay
enumerated in the Report and
in the judiciary. The Code of Judicial Conduct
Recommendation of the Office of the Court
enjoins a judge to perform his official duties
Administrator dated 15 July 1996 thus- [A.M. No. MTJ-01-1377. June 17, 2004]
competently, honestly , with diligence and
impartially. Regretfully, respondent Judge is
It is also worthy to inform the Honorable Court found miserably short of the standards set for
that there are at least eight (8) administrative appropriate judicial conduct, which leaves the
complaints filed against herein respondents Court no choice but to cut short his MERIAM BALAGTAS, complainant, vs. OLEGARIO
Judge charging him with gross ignorance of the membership in and terminate his official R. SARMIENTO, JR. Judge, MTCC,
law, grave abuse of authority and discretion, relations with the judiciary. Branch 2 Cebu City, respondent.
incompetence, dishonesty, dereliction of duty,
misconduct, conduct unbecoming (of a Judge),
ACCORDINGLY, the Court finds respondents DECISION
oppression and direct bribery (RTJ-90-588,
RTJ-91-639, RTJ-92-882, RTJ-93-1040, RTJ- TINGA, J.:
Trial Court, Branch 15, Malolos, Bulacan,
93-1219, RTJ-94-1250, RTJ-94-1267 and RTJ-
GUILTY in A.M. No. RTJ-97-1390 for grave
94-1281). However , these complaints were
abuse of authority and evident partiality, and The essence of due process is the right to be
subsequently dismissed by this Court. But in
in A.M. No. RTJ-98-1411, for gross heard. Therefore, every motion which may prejudice
RTJ-94-1217 respondent Judge was charged
incompetence, ignorance of the law and the rights of a party should be set for hearing. The
with incompetence, gross ignorance of the law, intendment of the law will never be achieved if notice
evident partially, all prejudicial to the interest
oppression and grave misconduct relative to is not served, such as in this case.
of the Government and the judicial service.
criminal cases filed before this Court wherein
These being his second and third offenses,
he granted bail to the accused without hearing. On November 27, 1998, the Office of the Court
respondent is ordered DISMISSED immediately
In the Resolution of the Court En Banc dated Administrator (OCA) received the sworn Letter-
from the service with forfeiture of all his Complaint[1] of Ms. Meriam Balagtas (Balagtas) dated
June 16, 1995, the Court imposed on Judge
retirement benefits and leave credits with November 11, 1998 accusing Judge Olegario R.
Carlos C. Ofilada a FINE of P20,000.00 with aw
prejudice to his reemployment in any public Sarmiento, Jr., MTCC, Branch 2, Cebu City, of
STERN WARNING that a repetition of the same
office including any government owned or knowingly rendering an unjust interlocutory order,
or similar acts in the future shall be dealt with
controlled corporation. gross ignorance of the law and serious irregularities in
more seriously.
the performance of judicial duties in connection with
JUDGE CARLOS C. OFILADA is directed to Criminal Cases Nos. 82863-R and 83186-R, entitled
It may also be worth to mention that on 17 “People of the Philippines versus Hermann Peith,” for
immediately cease and desist from performing
March 1998 another sworn administrative violation of B.P. 22.
the functions of the Office of Regional Trial
complaint was filed before this Court against
Balagtas was the private complainant in the be an instrument of the misgivings, sourgrapings and motion, she could have opposed the motion with the
aforementioned criminal cases. importunings of complainant.”[10] following points, to wit: Peith has no legal wife but
only a live-in-partner in Cebu; as a foreigner, Peith
In the Letter-Complaint she submitted, Balagtas Balagtas now asserts that the respondent cannot own real property anywhere in the Philippines;
alleges that on May 25, 1998, accused Hermann judge’s Orders dated May 25, 1998 and August 31, and the value of the mortgaged real estate is not
Peith (Peith) filed an Urgent Ex-Parte Motion to Leave 1998 are unjust and amount to gross ignorance of the sufficient to satisfy Peith’s monetary obligation. She
for Abroad[2] which was granted by the respondent law. She also claims that the respondent judge adds that the respondent judge delved into irrelevant
judge on the same day it was filed without notice to committed serious irregularities in the performance of issues when he stated in his August 31,
her or the prosecution.[3] Moreover, as shown in his duties. 1998 Order that he was “informed that the herein
the Order[4] dated May 25, 1998, the respondent judge parties have had a special personal relationship only
granted the motion simply because Peith executed Balagtas essentially contends that the that the accused married another woman.”[15]
a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage covering the value of respondent judge should not have allowed Peith to
the bounced checks. leave the country since, as the accused in two In a Resolution[16] dated September 17, 2001,
criminal cases, he is not only liable for the amount of the Court referred the complaint to Executive Judge
Consequently, Balagtas filed an Urgent Motion the checks that bounced but also for the imposable Galicano C. Arriesgado of RTC, Cebu City for
for Reconsideration of the Order Dated May 25, penalty for violation of the Bouncing Checks investigation, report and recommendation. During the
1998 dated May 26, 1998, arguing that the fact that Law. She likewise objects to what she claims to be pendency of the investigation, Judge Pampio A.
Peith executed a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage to derogatory remarks made by the respondent judge Abarintos took over from Judge Arriesgado as
secure the payment of the checks is of no against her in his Order of August 31, 1998. Executive Judge. Thus, Judges Abarintos and
consequence, the cases being criminal in nature. Arriesgado conducted the investigation with 1st Vice
Besides, Peith cannot own real properties in In his Letter-Comment[11] dated May 24, 1999, Executive Judge Isaias P. Dicdican.
the Philippines since he is a foreigner.[6] the respondent judge explains that he allowed Peith to
leave the country for one month to avail of his The investigating judges submitted their report
The respondent judge denied the motion for retirement benefits in Switzerland for the following and recommendation[17] dated August 1, 2003 to the
reconsideration in his Order[7] dated May 28, 1998. reasons: (a) Peith has properties, family and a OCA finding as follows: (1) as a first level court judge,
reputation to maintain in Cebu City; (b) he was the respondent is not authorized to issue hold
Balagtas then filed a Motion for the Inhibition of appreciative of Peith’s gesture of asking permission to departure orders as this power is vested in a Regional
Judge Olegario Sarmiento[8] dated August 24, travel because Peith need not have done so; (c) he Trial Court judge; (2) Balagtas erred in filing
1998 on grounds of bias and partiality. She claimed was hoping that Peith can bring in money to pay his her Motion for the Issuance of a Hold Departure
therein that she filed a Motion for the Issuance of a obligation under the checks; (d) Peith had already Order against Peith before the respondent judge’s
Hold Departure Order against Peith which the been arraigned; hence, he may be tried in court, hence, she is not entirely blameless; (3) upon
respondent judge did not act upon. However, in a absentia; and (e) Peith executed a Deed of Real the inhibition of the respondent judge, the cases were
move evincing bias in favor of Peith, the respondent Estate Mortgage in favor of Balagtas to secure the transferred to MTCC, Branch 5, Cebu City, presided
judge granted his Urgent Ex-Parte Motion to Leave payment of his obligation. Besides, Balagtas had over by Judge Oscar D. Andrino, who rendered a
for Abroad. allegedly already foreclosed Peith’s property and the judgment on the cases on November 11, 2002; and
value of the bounced checks had already been (4) Peith was acquitted but was ordered to indemnify
The respondent judge granted the motion for satisfied. Balagtas for the face value of the checks with interest
inhibition in his Order[9] dated August 31, 1998. In the
same Order, he stated that he cannot act upon thereon. In view of these findings, the investigating
The respondent judge also claims that the case
Balagtas’ Motion for the Issuance of a Hold Departure judges recommend that the charges against the
is already before another judge since he inhibited
Order against Peith since he is prohibited from doing respondent judge be dismissed and the case
himself from hearing the cases in
so by Circular No. 39-97 of the Supreme Court which considered closed and terminated.
his Order dated August 31, 1998. Lastly, the
limits such authority to criminal cases within the respondent judge avers that Balagtas “can push In its Memorandum[18] dated March 16, 2004,
jurisdiction of second level courts. Moreover, through with her personal agenda of vendetta without the OCA sustains with modification the findings and
Balagtas had already foreclosed Peith’s property and unnecessarily dragging” him into it once Peith sets recommendation of the investigating judges. The
the value of the bounced checks had already been foot on Philippine soil.[12] He further states that he OCA notes that since Peith was charged with two
satisfied. He further remarked that “[H]erein judge is “cannot act as ‘Berdugo’ for complainant’s personal ill counts of violation of B.P. 22, which is under the
responsibly informed that the herein parties have had motive and selfish interest.”[13] exclusive jurisdiction of first level courts and not
a special personal relationship only that accused among the criminal cases covered by Circular No. 39-
married another woman. This Court does not want to In her Letter-Reply[14] dated June 26, 1999, 97 dated June 19, 1997 of this Court where hold
Balagtas insists that had she been notified of Peith’s departure orders may be issued, the respondent
judge may not deny his Urgent Ex-parte Motion to been notified, failing which, the respondent judge language in his future judicial actions, with a
Leave for Abroad or grant Balagtas’ Motion for should not have acted upon the motion. WARNING that a repetition of the same or similar acts
Issuance of a Hold Departure Order against him. The will be dealt with more severely.
OCA, therefore, recommends the dismissal of the The Rules of Court is explicit on this point. [23] A
case against the respondent judge but admonishes motion without notice of hearing is pro forma, a mere SO ORDERED.
him to refrain from resorting to insulting and offensive scrap of paper. It presents no question which the
court could decide. The court has no reason to Puno, (Chairman), Quisumbing, and Callejo,
language in his future judicial actions.
consider it and the clerk has no right to receive it. The Sr., JJ., concur.
The Court agrees that the remark of the rationale behind the rule is plain: unless the movant Austria-Martinez, J., on leave.
respondent judge in his Order dated August 31, 1998, sets the time and place of hearing, the court will be
aside from being totally irrelevant, was improper, unable to determine whether the adverse party agrees
offensive and uncalled for. He insinuated that the or objects to the motion, and if he objects, to hear him
reason for Balagtas’ filing of criminal cases against on his objection. The objective of the rule is to avoid
Peith was she was incensed for being dumped by the a capricious change of mind in order to provide due
latter in favor of another woman. The respondent process to both parties and to ensure impartiality in
judge repeated his tirade against Balagtas in the trial.[24]
his Letter-Comment[19] dated May 24, 1999 where he
stated that Balagtas has a “personal agenda of In granting Peith’s Urgent Ex-Parte Motion to
vendetta” against Peith and that she was motivated by Leave for Abroad, the respondent judge violated a
“personal ill motive and selfish interest.” basic and fundamental constitutional principle, due
process. When the law is elementary, not to be
The respondent judge deserves the sternest aware of it constitutes gross ignorance thereof. After
reproof for making these remarks. Judges should all, judges are expected to have more than just a SECOND DIVISION
refrain from expressing irrelevant opinions in their modicum of acquaintance with the statutes and
decisions which may only reflect unfavorably upon procedural rules.[25] Hence, the respondent judge is
G.R. No. 115324 February 19, 2003
their competence and the propriety of their judicial guilty of gross ignorance of the law.
actuations.[20] Moreover, intemperate speech detracts
from the equanimity and judiciousness that should be Gross ignorance of the law is classified as a PRODUCERS BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES (now
the constant hallmarks of a dispenser of justice.[21] serious charge[26] for which any of the following FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK), petitioner,
sanctions may be imposed: (a) dismissal from service vs.
The Court, however, deviates from the with forfeiture of benefits and disqualification from HON. COURT OF APPEALS AND FRANKLIN
conclusion of both the OCA and the investigating reinstatement or appointment to any public office VIVES, respondents.
judges that the respondent judge should not be held including a government-owned or controlled
liable for gross ignorance of the law. corporation; (b) suspension for three to six months
without salary and benefits; or (c) a fine of not less DECISION
The OCA and the investigating judges than P20,000.00 but not more than P40,000.00.
overlooked the fact that when Peith requested [27]
However, in the case of De Jesus v. Obnamia, Jr. CALLEJO, SR., J.:
permission to leave for abroad on May 25, 1998, the [28]
where the respondent judge failed to ensure
latter filed a motion without the required notice to the compliance with the three (3)-day notice rule, the
parties. The Urgent Ex-Parte Motion to Leave for Court ordered him to pay a fine of Three Thousand This is a petition for review on certiorari of the
Abroad attached as Annex “A” to the Letter- Pesos (P3,000.00) with a warning that a repetition of Decision1 of the Court of Appeals dated June 25, 1991
Complaint even states that the motion was to be the same or similar acts will be dealt with more in CA-G.R. CV No. 11791 and of its Resolution2 dated
submitted for resolution of the court “without further severely. This Court finds the respondent judge herein May 5, 1994, denying the motion for reconsideration
argument.”[22] This was never denied by the similarly situated. of said decision filed by petitioner Producers Bank of
respondent judge. the Philippines.
ACCORDINGLY, respondent Judge Olegario R.
Considering the litigious nature of Peith’s Sarmiento, Jr., Presiding Judge of the Municipal Trial
motion and the fact that the criminal and civil aspects Court in Cities, Branch 2, Cebu City, is hereby Sometime in 1979, private respondent Franklin Vives
of the cases were simultaneously instituted, the public ordered to pay a FINE in the amount of THREE was asked by his neighbor and friend Angeles
prosecutor and the private offended party should have THOUSAND PESOS (P3,000.00) and ADMONISHED Sanchez to help her friend and townmate, Col. Arturo
to refrain from resorting to insulting and offensive Doronilla, in incorporating his business, the Sterela
Marketing and Services ("Sterela" for brevity).
Specifically, Sanchez asked private respondent to In opening said current account, Sterela, through interest at the legal rate from the filing of the
deposit in a bank a certain amount of money in the Doronilla, obtained a loan of ₱175,000.00 from the complaint until the same is fully paid;
bank account of Sterela for purposes of its Bank. To cover payment thereof, Doronilla issued
incorporation. She assured private respondent that he three postdated checks, all of which were dishonored.
(b) the sum of ₱50,000.00 for moral
could withdraw his money from said account within a Atienza also said that Doronilla could assign or
damages and a similar amount for
month’s time. Private respondent asked Sanchez to withdraw the money in Savings Account No. 10-1567
exemplary damages;
bring Doronilla to their house so that they could because he was the sole proprietor of Sterela.5
discuss Sanchez’s request.3
(c) the amount of ₱40,000.00 for attorney’s
Private respondent tried to get in touch with Doronilla
fees; and
On May 9, 1979, private respondent, Sanchez, through Sanchez. On June 29, 1979, he received a
Doronilla and a certain Estrella Dumagpi, Doronilla’s letter from Doronilla, assuring him that his money was
private secretary, met and discussed the matter. intact and would be returned to him. On August 13, (d) the costs of the suit.
Thereafter, relying on the assurances and 1979, Doronilla issued a postdated check for Two
representations of Sanchez and Doronilla, private Hundred Twelve Thousand Pesos (₱212,000.00) in
respondent issued a check in the amount of Two favor of private respondent. However, upon
Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱200,000.00) in favor of presentment thereof by private respondent to the
Sterela. Private respondent instructed his wife, Mrs. drawee bank, the check was dishonored. Doronilla Petitioner appealed the trial court’s decision to the
Inocencia Vives, to accompany Doronilla and requested private respondent to present the same Court of Appeals. In its Decision dated June 25, 1991,
Sanchez in opening a savings account in the name of check on September 15, 1979 but when the latter the appellate court affirmed in toto the decision of the
Sterela in the Buendia, Makati branch of Producers presented the check, it was again dishonored.6 RTC.9 It likewise denied with finality petitioner’s motion
Bank of the Philippines. However, only Sanchez, Mrs. for reconsideration in its Resolution dated May 5,
Vives and Dumagpi went to the bank to deposit the 1994.10
Private respondent referred the matter to a lawyer,
check. They had with them an authorization letter
who made a written demand upon Doronilla for the
from Doronilla authorizing Sanchez and her
return of his client’s money. Doronilla issued another On June 30, 1994, petitioner filed the present petition,
companions, "in coordination with Mr. Rufo Atienza,"
check for ₱212,000.00 in private respondent’s favor arguing that –
to open an account for Sterela Marketing Services in
but the check was again dishonored for insufficiency
the amount of ₱200,000.00. In opening the account,
of funds.7
the authorized signatories were Inocencia Vives I.
and/or Angeles Sanchez. A passbook for Savings
Account No. 10-1567 was thereafter issued to Mrs. Private respondent instituted an action for recovery of
Vives.4 sum of money in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
Pasig, Metro Manila against Doronilla, Sanchez, UPHOLDING THAT THE TRANSACTION BETWEEN
Dumagpi and petitioner. The case was docketed as THE DEFENDANT DORONILLA AND
Subsequently, private respondent learned that Sterela RESPONDENT VIVES WAS ONE OF SIMPLE LOAN
Civil Case No. 44485. He also filed criminal actions
was no longer holding office in the address previously AND NOT ACCOMMODATION;
against Doronilla, Sanchez and Dumagpi in the RTC.
given to him. Alarmed, he and his wife went to the
However, Sanchez passed away on March 16, 1985
Bank to verify if their money was still intact. The bank
while the case was pending before the trial court. On II.
manager referred them to Mr. Rufo Atienza, the
October 3, 1995, the RTC of Pasig, Branch 157,
assistant manager, who informed them that part of the
promulgated its Decision in Civil Case No. 44485, the
money in Savings Account No. 10-1567 had been THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
dispositive portion of which reads:
withdrawn by Doronilla, and that only ₱90,000.00 UPHOLDING THAT PETITIONER’S BANK
remained therein. He likewise told them that Mrs. MANAGER, MR. RUFO ATIENZA, CONNIVED WITH
Vives could not withdraw said remaining amount IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby THE OTHER DEFENDANTS IN DEFRAUDING
because it had to answer for some postdated checks rendered sentencing defendants Arturo J. Doronila, PETITIONER (Sic. Should be PRIVATE
issued by Doronilla. According to Atienza, after Mrs. Estrella Dumagpi and Producers Bank of the RESPONDENT) AND AS A CONSEQUENCE, THE
Vives and Sanchez opened Savings Account No. 10- Philippines to pay plaintiff Franklin Vives jointly and PETITIONER SHOULD BE HELD LIABLE UNDER
1567, Doronilla opened Current Account No. 10-0320 severally – THE PRINCIPLE OF NATURAL JUSTICE;
for Sterela and authorized the Bank to debit Savings
Account No. 10-1567 for the amounts necessary to
(a) the amount of ₱200,000.00, III.
cover overdrawings in Current Account No. 10-0320.
representing the money deposited, with
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN present: first, what was delivered by private and neither may it be held liable for moral and
ADOPTING THE ENTIRE RECORDS OF THE respondent to Doronilla was money, a consumable exemplary damages as well as attorney’s fees.20
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT AND AFFIRMING THE thing; and second, the transaction was onerous as
JUDGMENT APPEALED FROM, AS THE FINDINGS Doronilla was obliged to pay interest, as evidenced by
Private respondent, on the other hand, argues that the
OF THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT WERE BASED the check issued by Doronilla in the amount of
transaction between him and Doronilla is not a
ON A MISAPPREHENSION OF FACTS; ₱212,000.00, or ₱12,000 more than what private
mutuum but an accommodation,21 since he did not
respondent deposited in Sterela’s bank
actually part with the ownership of his ₱200,000.00
account.15 Moreover, the fact that private respondent
IV. and in fact asked his wife to deposit said amount in
sued his good friend Sanchez for his failure to recover
the account of Sterela so that a certification can be
his money from Doronilla shows that the transaction
issued to the effect that Sterela had sufficient funds
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN was not merely gratuitous but "had a business angle"
for purposes of its incorporation but at the same time,
DECLARING THAT THE CITED DECISION IN to it. Hence, petitioner argues that it cannot be held
he retained some degree of control over his money
SALUDARES VS. MARTINEZ, 29 SCRA 745, liable for the return of private respondent’s
through his wife who was made a signatory to the
UPHOLDING THE LIABILITY OF AN EMPLOYER ₱200,000.00 because it is not privy to the transaction
savings account and in whose possession the savings
FOR ACTS COMMITTED BY AN EMPLOYEE IS between the latter and Doronilla.16
account passbook was given.22
It argues further that petitioner’s Assistant Manager,
He likewise asserts that the trial court did not err in
V. Mr. Rufo Atienza, could not be faulted for allowing
finding that petitioner, Atienza’s employer, is liable for
Doronilla to withdraw from the savings account of
the return of his money. He insists that Atienza,
Sterela since the latter was the sole proprietor of said
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN petitioner’s assistant manager, connived with
company. Petitioner asserts that Doronilla’s May 8,
UPHOLDING THE DECISION OF THE LOWER Doronilla in defrauding private respondent since it was
1979 letter addressed to the bank, authorizing Mrs.
COURT THAT HEREIN PETITIONER BANK IS Atienza who facilitated the opening of Sterela’s
Vives and Sanchez to open a savings account for
JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY LIABLE WITH THE current account three days after Mrs. Vives and
Sterela, did not contain any authorization for these
OTHER DEFENDANTS FOR THE AMOUNT OF Sanchez opened a savings account with petitioner for
two to withdraw from said account. Hence, the
P200,000.00 REPRESENTING THE SAVINGS said company, as well as the approval of the authority
authority to withdraw therefrom remained exclusively
ACCOUNT DEPOSIT, P50,000.00 FOR MORAL to debit Sterela’s savings account to cover any
with Doronilla, who was the sole proprietor of Sterela,
DAMAGES, P50,000.00 FOR EXEMPLARY overdrawings in its current account.23
and who alone had legal title to the savings
DAMAGES, P40,000.00 FOR ATTORNEY’S FEES account.17 Petitioner points out that no evidence other
AND THE COSTS OF SUIT.11 than the testimonies of private respondent and Mrs. There is no merit in the petition.
Vives was presented during trial to prove that private
Private respondent filed his Comment on September respondent deposited his ₱200,000.00 in Sterela’s
At the outset, it must be emphasized that only
23, 1994. Petitioner filed its Reply thereto on account for purposes of its incorporation.18 Hence,
questions of law may be raised in a petition for review
September 25, 1995. The Court then required private petitioner should not be held liable for allowing
filed with this Court. The Court has repeatedly held
respondent to submit a rejoinder to the reply. Doronilla to withdraw from Sterela’s savings
that it is not its function to analyze and weigh all over
However, said rejoinder was filed only on April 21, account.1a\^/
again the evidence presented by the parties during
1997, due to petitioner’s delay in furnishing private
trial.24 The Court’s jurisdiction is in principle limited to
respondent with copy of the reply12 and several Petitioner also asserts that the Court of Appeals erred reviewing errors of law that might have been
substitutions of counsel on the part of private in affirming the trial court’s decision since the findings committed by the Court of Appeals.25 Moreover,
respondent.13 On January 17, 2001, the Court of fact therein were not accord with the evidence factual findings of courts, when adopted and
resolved to give due course to the petition and presented by petitioner during trial to prove that the confirmed by the Court of Appeals, are final and
required the parties to submit their respective transaction between private respondent and Doronilla conclusive on this Court unless these findings are not
memoranda.14 Petitioner filed its memorandum on was a mutuum, and that it committed no wrong in supported by the evidence on record.26 There is no
April 16, 2001 while private respondent submitted his allowing Doronilla to withdraw from Sterela’s savings showing of any misapprehension of facts on the part
memorandum on March 22, 2001. account.19 of the Court of Appeals in the case at bar that would
require this Court to review and overturn the factual
Petitioner contends that the transaction between findings of that court, especially since the conclusions
Finally, petitioner claims that since there is no
private respondent and Doronilla is a simple loan of fact of the Court of Appeals and the trial court are
wrongful act or omission on its part, it is not liable for
(mutuum) since all the elements of a mutuum are the actual damages suffered by private respondent,
not only consistent but are also amply supported by agreed upon, the loan is a commodatum and not a factual circumstances of the case clearly show that
the evidence on record. mutuum. petitioner, through its employee Mr. Atienza, was
partly responsible for the loss of private respondent’s
money and is liable for its restitution.
No error was committed by the Court of Appeals when The rule is that the intention of the parties thereto
it ruled that the transaction between private shall be accorded primordial consideration in
respondent and Doronilla was a commodatum and not determining the actual character of a contract.27 In Petitioner’s rules for savings deposits written on the
a mutuum. A circumspect examination of the records case of doubt, the contemporaneous and subsequent passbook it issued Mrs. Vives on behalf of Sterela for
reveals that the transaction between them was a acts of the parties shall be considered in such Savings Account No. 10-1567 expressly states that—
commodatum. Article 1933 of the Civil Code determination.28
distinguishes between the two kinds of loans in this
"2. Deposits and withdrawals must be made by the
As correctly pointed out by both the Court of Appeals depositor personally or upon his written authority duly
and the trial court, the evidence shows that private authenticated, and neither a deposit nor a withdrawal
By the contract of loan, one of the parties delivers to respondent agreed to deposit his money in the will be permitted except upon the production of the
another, either something not consumable so that the savings account of Sterela specifically for the purpose depositor savings bank book in which will be entered
latter may use the same for a certain time and return of making it appear "that said firm had sufficient by the Bank the amount deposited or withdrawn."30
it, in which case the contract is called a commodatum; capitalization for incorporation, with the promise that
or money or other consumable thing, upon the the amount shall be returned within thirty (30)
Said rule notwithstanding, Doronilla was permitted by
condition that the same amount of the same kind and days."29 Private respondent merely "accommodated"
petitioner, through Atienza, the Assistant Branch
quality shall be paid, in which case the contract is Doronilla by lending his money without consideration,
Manager for the Buendia Branch of petitioner, to
simply called a loan or mutuum. as a favor to his good friend Sanchez. It was however
withdraw therefrom even without presenting the
clear to the parties to the transaction that the money
passbook (which Atienza very well knew was in the
would not be removed from Sterela’s savings account
Commodatum is essentially gratuitous. possession of Mrs. Vives), not just once, but several
and would be returned to private respondent after
times. Both the Court of Appeals and the trial court
thirty (30) days.
found that Atienza allowed said withdrawals because
Simple loan may be gratuitous or with a stipulation to
he was party to Doronilla’s "scheme" of defrauding
pay interest.
Doronilla’s attempts to return to private respondent private respondent:
the amount of ₱200,000.00 which the latter deposited
In commodatum, the bailor retains the ownership of in Sterela’s account together with an additional
the thing loaned, while in simple loan, ownership ₱12,000.00, allegedly representing interest on the
passes to the borrower. mutuum, did not convert the transaction from a
commodatum into a mutuum because such was not But the scheme could not have been executed
the intent of the parties and because the additional successfully without the knowledge, help and
The foregoing provision seems to imply that if the ₱12,000.00 corresponds to the fruits of the lending of cooperation of Rufo Atienza, assistant manager and
subject of the contract is a consumable thing, such as the ₱200,000.00. Article 1935 of the Civil Code cashier of the Makati (Buendia) branch of the
money, the contract would be a mutuum. However, expressly states that "[t]he bailee in commodatum defendant bank. Indeed, the evidence indicates that
there are some instances where a commodatum may acquires the use of the thing loaned but not its fruits." Atienza had not only facilitated the commission of the
have for its object a consumable thing. Article 1936 of Hence, it was only proper for Doronilla to remit to fraud but he likewise helped in devising the means by
the Civil Code provides: private respondent the interest accruing to the latter’s which it can be done in such manner as to make it
money deposited with petitioner. appear that the transaction was in accordance with
Consumable goods may be the subject of banking procedure.
commodatum if the purpose of the contract is not the Neither does the Court agree with petitioner’s
consumption of the object, as when it is merely for contention that it is not solidarily liable for the return of To begin with, the deposit was made in defendant’s
exhibition. private respondent’s money because it was not privy Buendia branch precisely because Atienza was a key
to the transaction between Doronilla and private officer therein. The records show that plaintiff had
Thus, if consumable goods are loaned only for respondent. The nature of said transaction, that is, suggested that the ₱200,000.00 be deposited in his
purposes of exhibition, or when the intention of the whether it is a mutuum or a commodatum, has no bank, the Manila Banking Corporation, but Doronilla
parties is to lend consumable goods and to have the bearing on the question of petitioner’s liability for the and Dumagpi insisted that it must be in defendant’s
very same goods returned at the end of the period return of private respondent’s money because the branch in Makati for "it will be easier for them to get a
certification". In fact before he was introduced to neither Mrs. Vives nor Sanchez had given Doronilla caused by their employees acting within the scope of
plaintiff, Doronilla had already prepared a letter the authority to withdraw. their assigned tasks. To hold the employer liable
addressed to the Buendia branch manager under this provision, it must be shown that an
authorizing Angeles B. Sanchez and company to employer-employee relationship exists, and that the
Moreover, the transfer of fund was done without the
open a savings account for Sterela in the amount of employee was acting within the scope of his assigned
passbook having been presented. It is an accepted
₱200,000.00, as "per coordination with Mr. Rufo task when the act complained of was
practice that whenever a withdrawal is made in a
Atienza, Assistant Manager of the Bank x x x" (Exh. committed.32 Case law in the United States of America
savings deposit, the bank requires the presentation of
1). This is a clear manifestation that the other has it that a corporation that entrusts a general duty to
the passbook. In this case, such recognized practice
defendants had been in consultation with Atienza from its employee is responsible to the injured party for
was dispensed with. The transfer from the savings
the inception of the scheme. Significantly, there were damages flowing from the employee’s wrongful act
account to the current account was without the
testimonies and admission that Atienza is the brother- done in the course of his general authority, even
submission of the passbook which Atienza had given
in-law of a certain Romeo Mirasol, a friend and though in doing such act, the employee may have
to Mrs. Vives. Instead, it was made to appear in a
business associate of Doronilla.1awphi1.nét failed in its duty to the employer and disobeyed the
certification signed by Estrella Dumagpi that a
latter’s instructions.33
duplicate passbook was issued to Sterela because
Then there is the matter of the ownership of the fund. the original passbook had been surrendered to the
Because of the "coordination" between Doronilla and Makati branch in view of a loan accommodation There is no dispute that Atienza was an employee of
Atienza, the latter knew before hand that the money assigning the savings account (Exh. C). Atienza, who petitioner. Furthermore, petitioner did not deny that
deposited did not belong to Doronilla nor to Sterela. undoubtedly had a hand in the execution of this Atienza was acting within the scope of his authority as
Aside from such foreknowledge, he was explicitly told certification, was aware that the contents of the same Assistant Branch Manager when he assisted Doronilla
by Inocencia Vives that the money belonged to her are not true. He knew that the passbook was in the in withdrawing funds from Sterela’s Savings Account
and her husband and the deposit was merely to hands of Mrs. Vives for he was the one who gave it to No. 10-1567, in which account private respondent’s
accommodate Doronilla. Atienza even declared that her. Besides, as assistant manager of the branch and money was deposited, and in transferring the money
the money came from Mrs. Vives. the bank official servicing the savings and current withdrawn to Sterela’s Current Account with petitioner.
accounts in question, he also was aware that the Atienza’s acts of helping Doronilla, a customer of the
original passbook was never surrendered. He was petitioner, were obviously done in furtherance of
Although the savings account was in the name of
also cognizant that Estrella Dumagpi was not among petitioner’s interests34 even though in the process,
Sterela, the bank records disclose that the only ones
those authorized to withdraw so her certification had Atienza violated some of petitioner’s rules such as
empowered to withdraw the same were Inocencia
no effect whatsoever. those stipulated in its savings account passbook.35 It
Vives and Angeles B. Sanchez. In the signature card
was established that the transfer of funds from
pertaining to this account (Exh. J), the authorized
Sterela’s savings account to its current account could
signatories were Inocencia Vives &/or Angeles B. The circumstance surrounding the opening of the
not have been accomplished by Doronilla without the
Sanchez. Atienza stated that it is the usual banking current account also demonstrate that Atienza’s active
invaluable assistance of Atienza, and that it was their
procedure that withdrawals of savings deposits could participation in the perpetration of the fraud and
connivance which was the cause of private
only be made by persons whose authorized deception that caused the loss. The records indicate
respondent’s loss.
signatures are in the signature cards on file with the that this account was opened three days later after
bank. He, however, said that this procedure was not the ₱200,000.00 was deposited. In spite of his
followed here because Sterela was owned by disclaimer, the Court believes that Atienza was The foregoing shows that the Court of Appeals
Doronilla. He explained that Doronilla had the full mindful and posted regarding the opening of the correctly held that under Article 2180 of the Civil
authority to withdraw by virtue of such ownership. The current account considering that Doronilla was all the Code, petitioner is liable for private respondent’s loss
Court is not inclined to agree with Atienza. In the first while in "coordination" with him. That it was he who and is solidarily liable with Doronilla and Dumagpi for
place, he was all the time aware that the money came facilitated the approval of the authority to debit the the return of the ₱200,000.00 since it is clear that
from Vives and did not belong to Sterela. He was also savings account to cover any overdrawings in the petitioner failed to prove that it exercised due
told by Mrs. Vives that they were only accommodating current account (Exh. 2) is not hard to comprehend. diligence to prevent the unauthorized withdrawals
Doronilla so that a certification can be issued to the from Sterela’s savings account, and that it was not
effect that Sterela had a deposit of so much amount to negligent in the selection and supervision of Atienza.
Clearly Atienza had committed wrongful acts that had
be sued in the incorporation of the firm. In the second Accordingly, no error was committed by the appellate
resulted to the loss subject of this case. x x x.31
place, the signature of Doronilla was not authorized in court in the award of actual, moral and exemplary
so far as that account is concerned inasmuch as he damages, attorney’s fees and costs of suit to private
had not signed the signature card provided by the Under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, employers shall respondent.
bank whenever a deposit is opened. In the third place, be held primarily and solidarily liable for damages
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. The the action taken on respondents’ request for
assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court of reconsideration of the detail order.
Appeals are AFFIRMED. Petitioner Panfilo V. Villaruel, Jr. ("petitioner")
is the former Assistant Secretary of the Air On 22 November 1995, Secretary Garcia
SO ORDERED. Transportation Office ("ATO"), Department of replied to the Ombudsman that he had issued
Transportation and Communication ("DOTC"). a memorandum dated 9 November 1995
Respondents Reynaldo D. Fernando, Modesto directing petitioner to recall respondents to
Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza, Quisumbing and E. Abarca, Jr. ("Abarca"), and Marilou M. their mother unit. Secretary Garcia declared
Austria-Martinez, JJ., concur.
Cleofas are the Chief, Chief Administrative that the law does not sanction the continuous
Assistant, and Administrative Assistant, detail of respondents.
respectively, of the Civil Aviation Training
Center ("CATC"). The CATC is an adjunct Despite repeated demands by respondents,
agency of the ATO tasked to train air traffic petitioner failed and refused to reinstate
controllers, airway communicators and related respondents to their mother unit.
civil aviation personnel for the local aviation
industry as well as for the Southeast Asian and On 24 January 1996, respondents filed a
Pacific region. Petition for Mandamus and Damages with
FIRST DIVISION Prayer for a Preliminary Mandatory Injunction
Petitioner issued a memorandum dated 27 against petitioner with the Regional Trial Court
[G.R. No. 136726. September 24, 2003.] April 1995 addressed to the respondents, of Pasay City docketed as Civil Case No. 96-
detailing them to the Office of DOTC 0139. Respondents prayed for the
PANFILO V. VILLARUEL, JR., Petitioner, v. Undersecretary Primitivo C. Cal effective 2 May following:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
REYNALDO D. FERNANDO, MODESTO 1995.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary
CLEOFAS, Respondents. On 29 April 1995, respondents wrote to DOTC
Secretary Jesus B. Garcia and Undersecretary WHEREFORE, premises considered, petitioners
DECISION Josefina T. Lichauco through petitioner herein respectfully pray of this Honorable Court
requesting for reconsideration of the detail that:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
1. Pending the determination of the merits of
CARPIO, J.: On 7 May 1995, in compliance with the detail this petition, a writ of preliminary mandatory
order, respondents reported to the Office of injunction be issued ex parte directing
Undersecretary Cal at DOTC. respondent Panfilo V. Villaruel, Jr., to recall the
The Case petitioners herein within twenty four (24)
Without acting on respondents’ request for hours from receipt hereof to their mother unit,
reconsideration, petitioner issued a the Civil Aviation Training Center, Air
This petition for review on certiorari 1 seeks to memorandum on 19 July 1995 addressed to Transportation Office, DOTC, and to forthwith
reverse the Decision 2 of the Court of Appeals Abarca placing him under "preventive allow them to assume, perform and discharge
in CA-G.R. SP No. 48233 3 dated 30 suspension" for 90 days without pay pending the functions, duties and responsibilities
September 1998 denying due course to the investigation for alleged grave misconduct. inherent, appurtenant and incident to their
petition for certiorari 4 filed by Panfilo V. respective offices.
Villaruel, Jr. and the Resolution dated 3 On 10 August 1995, respondents requested
December 1998 denying the motion for Secretary Garcia to lift the detail order and to 2. After hearing on the merits, judgment be
reconsideration. order their return to their mother unit since rendered confirming the writ of preliminary
more than 90 days had already lapsed. mandatory injunction earlier issued by this
The Facts Respondents also sought the intervention of Honorable Court and declaring the same
the Ombudsman in their case. As a result, the permanent, and ordering the respondent
Ombudsman inquired from Secretary Garcia Panfilo Villaruel, Jr., to pay petitioners herein
the following damages, to wit:chanrob1es order of 26 January 1996. was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 42447. 9 With
virtual 1aw library the filing of the appeal, the Court of Appeals
On 28 May 1996, the trial court granted the granted respondents’ motion for the dismissal
a) to pay petitioner Reynaldo D. Fernando the motion and declared petitioner guilty of indirect of the petition for certiorari in CA-G.R. SP No.
amount of P50,000 as actual and contempt. The trial court issued a bench 41263 for being moot and academic.
compensatory damages; warrant against petitioner.
The Court of Appeals granted the OSG a non-
b) to pay petitioners herein moral, exemplary Petitioner, through the Office of the Solicitor extendible extension until 13 December 1996
and temperate damages, in such amounts as General ("OSG"), filed a special civil action within which to file petitioner’s memorandum.
may hereafter be proven in the course of trial, for certiorari with the Court of Appeals 7 However, the OSG failed to file the
which petitioners herein are leaving to the assailing the trial court’s order finding memorandum. Subsequently, Solicitor
sound discretion of this Honorable Court to petitioner guilty of indirect contempt. The case Restituto Tuando, Jr. who was handling the
determine and adjudge; was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 41263. case was appointed Regional Trial Court judge
of Dumaguete City. The case was re-assigned
c) to pay petitioners herein attorney’s fees in Meanwhile, the trial court declared petitioner in to Assistant Solicitor Luciano Joson, Jr. On 13
the amount of P100,000; default for his failure to file an answer to the March 1997, the Court of Appeals issued a
petition for mandamus and damages. Resolution dismissing petitioner’s appeal for
d) to pay petitioners herein the costs of suit. Accordingly, respondents adduced their failure to file the required memorandum. The
evidence ex-parte before the Clerk of Court. OSG, through Assistant Solicitor Luciano Joson,
Petitioners herein pray for such other and Jr., filed a Motion for Reconsideration, but the
further relief as may be just and equitable in On 11 July 1996, the trial court rendered a Court of Appeals denied the same. The
the premises. 5 Decision the dispositive portion of which Resolution became final and executory on 14
reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library June 1997.
On 23 February 1996, the trial court granted
respondents’ prayer for a preliminary Wherefore, considering the foregoing premises, Consequently, the respondents filed a Motion
mandatory injunction. judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the for Execution with the trial court. Although
petitioners and against the respondent served a copy of the motion for execution, the
Meanwhile, Judge Aurora Navarette-Reciña of declaring mandamus permanent and thereby OSG did not file any opposition.
the trial court was appointed Chairman of the ordering respondent Panfilo V. Villaruel, Jr., to
Commission on Human Rights. Consequently, pay the following:chanrob1es virtual 1aw Acting on the motion for execution, the trial
the case was re-raffled and assigned to Branch library court issued a Writ of Execution on 22
231 of the Regional Trial Court, Pasay City. 6 September 1997. On 3 February 1998, the
(1) One hundred thousand pesos Sheriff issued Notice of Sheriff’s Sale setting on
On 12 April 1996, the trial court issued an (P100,000.00) each as moral damages; 23 February 1998 the sale of petitioner’s real
order modifying the 23 February 1996 order of property covered by Transfer Certificate of Title
Judge Reciña. The trial court issued a writ of (2) Twenty five thousand pesos (P25,000.00) No. 83030.
preliminary mandatory injunction ordering each as exemplary damages;
petitioner to comply with the 9 November 1995 On 17 February 1998, Petitioner, through his
order of Secretary Garcia directing petitioner to (3) Twenty five thousand pesos (P25,000.00) new counsel, 10 filed a Motion to Quash the
recall respondents to their mother unit until each as temperate damages, and; Writ of Execution and to Suspend Sheriff’s
further orders by the trial court. Sale. In his motion, petitioner alleged that the
(4) Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) as trial court’s decision never became final and
For petitioner’s continued failure to comply attorney’s fees. executory as the trial court deprived him of his
with the writ of preliminary injunction, right to due process. Petitioner claimed that
respondents moved to cite petitioner in SO ORDERED. 8 the OSG failed to file petitioner’s memorandum
contempt. Respondents also moved to declare in CA-G.R. SP No. 42447 resulting in the
petitioner in default for not filing an answer Aggrieved, Petitioner, represented by the OSG, dismissal of his appeal. Furthermore, petitioner
within the period prescribed in the trial court’s appealed to the Court of Appeals. The appeal alleged that the OSG failed to inform him of
the dismissal of his appeal and of the trial findings of the trial court, as the two forums
court’s order granting respondents’ motion for Petitioner raised before the Court of Appeals are separate and distinct from each other.
execution. Petitioner further asserted that the the following issues:chanrob1es virtual 1aw
Resolution of the Ombudsman in OMB-ADM 0- library Moreover, the Court of Appeals opined that
96-0090 11 superseded the decision of the trial petitioner failed to prove that the trial court
court. The Ombudsman’s Resolution approved 1. THE TRIAL COURT’S DECISION DATED JULY committed grave abuse of discretion to warrant
the following recommendation of the reviewing 11, 1996 IS VOID FOR LACK OF DUE PROCESS the writ of certiorari. The appellate court ruled
Assistant Ombudsman:chanrob1es virtual 1aw AND COULD NOT HAVE BECOME FINAL AND that the trial court acted in accord with law and
library EXECUTORY. prevailing jurisprudence in issuing the
questioned orders.
GUILTY of violation of Section 7(d) of Republic RENDERED EXECUTION OF THE JUDGMENT
Act 6713, for which the penalty of Suspension UNJUST AND INEQUITABLE. 13
Without Pay for Six (6) Months is hereby Petitioner presents the following issues for
recommended pursuant to Section 10(b), Rule On the first issue, the Court of Appeals ruled resolution of this Court: 16
III of Administrative Order No. 07, in relation that the negligence of the OSG could not
to Section 25(2) of Republic Act No. 6770. relieve petitioner of the effects of such 1. Whether the award of moral, exemplary and
negligence and prevent the decision of the trial temperate damages to respondents has legal
It is also respectfully recommended that the court from becoming final and executory. In basis.
charge against respondents REYNALDO short, the OSG’s negligence binds petitioner.
FERNANDO and MARY LOU CLEOFAS be 2. Whether the trial court correctly ruled that
DISMISSED. 12 The Court of Appeals admonished petitioner for the negligence of the OSG could not relieve
his failure to ascertain periodically from the petitioner of the effects of such negligence and
On 23 February 1998, the trial court issued an OSG or from the Court of Appeals the status of prevent the decision of the trial court from
Order quashing the Writ of Execution because his appeal. The appellate court cited Reyes v. becoming final and executory.
the Sheriff failed to follow Section 9, Rule 39 of Court of Appeals, 14 which held that it is the
the Rules of Court. The trial court, however, duty of a party litigant to make inquiries to his 3. Whether petitioner was denied of his right to
issued an Alias Writ of Execution. Petitioner counsel on matters concerning his case. A due process when the appellate court
filed a Motion for Reconsideration but the trial party litigant bears the responsibility of dismissed his appeal for failure of the OSG to
court denied the same on 28 April 1998. contacting his lawyer periodically to apprise file the memorandum.
himself of the progress of the case. A lawyer’s
Dissatisfied with the trial court’s orders, negligence binds a party litigant who must 4. Whether the resolution of the Ombudsman
petitioner filed a special civil action suffer the consequences of such negligence. finding Modesto Abarca, Jr. guilty of violating
for certiorari with the Court of Appeals The Court of Appeals further held that there Section 7 of RA 6713 rendered the execution of
docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 48233 assailing was no proof that the OSG failed to inform the trial court’s decision unjust and inequitable.
the execution of the trial court’s decision of 11 petitioner of the dismissal of his appeal.
July 1996. The Court of Appeals denied due The main issue to resolve is whether the Court
course to the petition for certiorari and On the second issue, the Court of Appeals of Appeals erred in dismissing the petition
dismissed the same in the Decision dated 30 concurred with the trial court’s ruling that the for certiorari assailing the trial court’s orders
September 1998. Petitioner moved for nature of the case before the Ombudsman is dated 23 February 1998 and 28 April 1998.
reconsideration but the appellate court denied different from the case before the trial court. Resolving this issue necessarily determines the
the motion in a Resolution of 3 December The former deals with a violation of Republic validity of the questioned orders. This in turn
1998. Act No. 6713 ("RA 6713") 15 punished with resolves the questions of whether the trial
suspension from office while the latter deals court denied petitioner of his right to due
Hence, the instant petition. with an ultra vices act punished with damages. process and whether the Ombudsman’s
The appellate court ruled that the findings of resolution rendered the execution of the trial
The Ruling of the Court of Appeals the Ombudsman had nothing to do with the
court’s decision unjust and inequitable. 0139 is void for lack of due process. Petitioner obtaining in this case, no undue prejudice
alleges that the trial court never gave him the against the petitioner has been satisfactorily
We can no longer resolve the issue regarding chance to be heard and to submit his evidence. demonstrated. At most, there is only an
the validity and reasonableness of the award of Petitioner, formerly represented by the OSG, unsupported claim that the petitioner had been
damages for three reasons. First, the decision failed to file an answer to respondents’ petition prejudiced by the negligence of its counsel,
of the trial court dated 11 July 1996 is already for mandamus and damages. Consequently, without an explanation to that effect.
final and executory. Second, the petition the trial court declared petitioner in default. (Emphasis supplied)
for certiorari filed by petitioner was simply a While the OSG filed a notice of appeal of the
direct consequence of the trial court’s issuance judgment by default, it failed to file with the In the present case, there was no proof that
of the writ of execution and notice of sheriff’s Court of Appeals the required memorandum petitioner suffered serious injustice to exempt
sale. In other words, petitioner merely resulting in the dismissal of the appeal. In him from the general rule that the negligence
questioned the execution of the trial court’s petitioner’s words, the OSG "virtually of the counsel binds the client. Petitioner did
decision in his petition for certiorari. Third, abandoned" 18 his case. Petitioner argues that not even attempt to refute the respondents’
petitioner did not raise the issue of the validity the inexcusable negligence of the OSG did not allegations in the petition for mandamus and
and reasonableness of the award of damages bind him and prevented the decision of the trial damages.
before the Court of Appeals. 17 court from becoming final and executory.
Moreover, petitioner is not entirely blameless
The Court’s Ruling We do not agree. for the dismissal of his appeal. After the OSG’s
failure to file the answer to the petition for
Due process, in essence, is simply an mandamus and damages and to have the order
The petition has no merit. opportunity to be heard 19 and this declaring petitioner in default lifted, petitioner
opportunity was not denied petitioner. should have already replaced the OSG with
We begin by pointing out that petitioner failed Throughout the proceedings in the trial court another lawyer. However, petitioner still
to allege the essential requisites under Section as well as in the Court of Appeals, petitioner retained the services of the OSG, despite its
1, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court for a petition had the opportunity to present his side but he apparent lack of interest in petitioner’s case,
for certiorari to prosper. Specifically, petitioner failed to do so. Clearly, petitioner’s former until the trial court’s decision became final. In
never alleged that the trial court acted without counsel, the OSG, was negligent. This Salva v. Court of Appeals, 22 the Court
or in excess of its jurisdiction in issuing the negligence, however, binds petitioner. The trial declared:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
questioned orders. Neither did petitioner allege and appellate courts correctly ruled that the
that the trial court gravely abused its discretion negligence of the OSG could not relieve Respondent’s reliance on Legarda is inapropos.
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and petitioner of the effects such negligence 20 and Notably, the decision in said case was not yet
there is no appeal, or any plain, speedy, and prevent the decision of the trial court from final in 1991. The private respondent therein
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. becoming final and executory. then filed a timely motion for reconsideration.
In other words, there is no issue that the trial In granting the motion for reconsideration, the
court committed grave abuse of discretion In Villa Rhecar Bus v. De la Cruz, 21 which Court en banc held:chanrob1es virtual 1aw
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in petitioner himself cited, the Court library
handing down the questioned orders. On this ruled:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
score alone, the dismissal of the petition x x x
for certiorari before the Court of Appeals is in It is unfortunate that the lawyer of the
order. However, in disposing of the instant petitioner neglected his responsibilities to his
case, we shall still resolve the principal issues client. This negligence ultimately resulted in a Neither Cathay nor Cabrera should be made to
raised by petitioner. judgment adverse to the client. Be that as it suffer for the gross negligence of Legarda’s
may, such mistake binds the client. the herein counsel. If she may be said to be ‘innocent’
No Denial of Petitioner’s Right to Due Process petitioner. As a general rule, a client is bound because she was ignorant of the acts of
by the mistakes of his counsel. Only when the negligence of her counsel, with more reason
Petitioner essentially contends that the application of the general rule would result in are respondents truly ‘innocent.’ . . . In this
judgment of the trial court in Civil Case No. 96- serious injustice should an exception thereto case, it was not respondents, but Legarda, who
be called for. Under the circumstances
misjudged and hired the services of the lawyer Section 7(d) of RA 6713 superseded the trial whether respondents were entitled to the
who practically abandoned her case and who court’s decision finding petitioner liable for issuance of the writ of mandamus and
continued to retain him even after his proven damages. Petitioner insists that the damages.
apathy and negligence."cralaw virtua1aw Ombudsman’s resolution rendered the
library execution of the trial court’s decision unjust The findings of the Ombudsman did not render
and inequitable. the execution of the trial court’s decision
At any rate, we find that respondent Governor unjust and inequitable. The resolution of the
Sato, as well as the Province of Occidental We are not persuaded. Ombudsman finding Abarca guilty of violating
Mindoro which she represents, were not denied Section 7(d) of RA 6713 did not state that
their day in court. Responsive pleadings were Settled is the rule that a judgment that has petitioner had a valid reason to detail
filed before the lower courts, and respondent acquired finality becomes immutable and respondents to the Office of Undersecretary
was given all the opportunities to prove her unalterable and may no longer be modified in Cal. In fact, the Ombudsman dismissed the
case. Her chosen counsel did not diligently any respect except only to correct clerical charges against Reynaldo Fernando and Mary
exhaust all legal remedies to advance errors or mistakes. 27 True, this rule admits of Lou Cleofas. Thus, the trial court correctly
respondent’s cause, yet respondent did not certain exceptions. One of these exceptions is awarded damages to respondents. Contrary to
terminate his services. She was aware of the whenever circumstances transpire after the petitioner’s contention, awarding damages to
repeated negligence of her counsel and cannot finality of the decision rendering its execution respondents does not amount to rewarding
now complain of counsel’s errors. Hence, there unjust and inequitable. 28 This, however, is respondents for their alleged wrongdoing. The
is no justifiable reason to exempt her from the not the case here. In the present case, the award merely compensates respondents for
general rule that clients should suffer the Ombudsman issued his Resolution prior to the petitioner’s own unlawful acts. Clearly illegal
consequences of the negligence, mistake or finality of the trial court’s decision. The were petitioner’s acts of unjustifiably detailing
lack of competence of the counsel whom they Ombudsman issued his Resolution on 22 respondents to the office of DOTC
themselves hired and had the full authority to January 1997 while the trial court’s decision Undersecretary Cal and refusing to comply with
fire at any time and replace with another even became final and executory on 14 June 1997. the 9 November 1995 directive of Secretary
without justifiable reason. (Emphasis supplied) Therefore, the resolution of the Ombudsman is Garcia to recall immediately respondents to
not a supervening event to warrant the stay of their mother unit.
Furthermore, petitioner cannot now complain the execution of the decision of the trial court.
of the OSG’s errors. Petitioner should have WHEREFORE, we DENY the instant petition.
taken the initiative of making periodic inquiries Furthermore, the resolution of the Ombudsman The Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA G.R.
from the OSG and the appellate court about finding Abarca guilty of violating Section 7(d) SP No. 48233 dated 30 September 1998 and
the status of his case. 23 Litigants represented of RA 6713 did not and could not supersede the Resolution dated 3 December 1998 are
by counsel should not expect that all they need the decision of the trial court holding petitioner AFFIRMED. No costs.
to do is sit back, relax and await the outcome liable for damages. The action filed by the
of their case. 24 To agree with petitioner’s petitioner before the Ombudsman is completely SO ORDERED.
stance would enable every party to render different from the action instituted by
inutile any adverse order or decision through respondents before the trial court. The two Davide, Jr., C.J., Vitug and Ynares-
the simple expedient of alleging negligence on actions, which are clearly separate and distinct Santiago, JJ., concur.
the part of his counsel. 25 The Court will not from each other, presented two different
countenance such ill-founded argument which causes of action. Petitioner’s cause of action Azcuna J., is on leave.
contradicts long-settled doctrines of trial and arose from respondents’ alleged violation of
procedure. 26 certain provisions of RA 6713 whereas Republic of the Philippines
respondents’ cause of action resulted from SUPREME COURT
The Ombudsman’s Resolution Does Not Render petitioner’s refusal to recall respondents to Manila
the Execution of the Trial Court’s Decision their mother unit at CATC. In the
Unjust and Inequitable administrative case before the Ombudsman,
the issue was whether respondents were guilty FIRST DIVISION
Petitioner contends that the Ombudsman’s of violating RA 6713. In contrast, the issue in
Resolution finding Abarca guilty of violating the civil action before the trial court was
G.R. No. 77656 August 31, 1987 would be deemed a waiver of their right to question On February 23, 1987, the petitioners, through their
the act of the GSIS in selling the property and would new counsel, filed an "Appearance And Motion For
adversely affect their offer to buy the same. Leave To Admit Motion For Reconsideration, together
with the Motion For Reconsideration With Prayer For
Issuance Of Temporary Restraining Order," with the
DIMACUHA, PROCOPIO ESPEJON, RODRIGO The award or sale of the property to the private
respondent Court of Appeals. They moved that the
FORBES, MANITO FUENTES, ET AL., petitioners, respondent was duly approved by the GSIS Board of
respondent Court of Appeals admit their motion for
vs. Trustees in its Resolution No. 772 adopted on August
reconsideration, which was obviously filed beyond the
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, 20, 1982. It was then certified that the possession and
reglementary period for filing the same, alleging that
SPECIAL ELEVENTH DIVISION, HON. ANTONIA C. administration of the property had been transferred to
their counsel of record abandoned them and migrated
MACANDOG, in her capacity as then presiding the private respondent A conditional deed of sale was
to the United States without at least informing them
judge of the Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City, executed in favor of private respondent by the GSIS
that a decision was rendered against them.
Branch CXX and ALICIA BILAN, respondents. stating that for all intents and purposes, the private
respondent is the owner of the property.
The petitioners' motion was denied by the respondent
Court of Appeals in the Resolution dated March 10,
The GSIS advised the petitioners that they should
1987, now put in issue. It is hereunder reproduced,
now pay their rent and arrearages to the private
GANCAYCO, J: thus:
respondent. But despite repeated written demands,
the petitioners failed and refused to settle their
This is a petition for certiorari and mandamus with a accounts. Now before this Court is an
prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction. It seeks to Appearance and Motion for
annul the Resolution of the Court of Leave to Admit Motion for
After a barangay conciliation proceeding proved futile,
Appeals 1 promulgated on March 10, 1987 which Reconsideration' filed by
the private respondent filed a complaint for ejectment
denied the admission of the petitioners' Motion for petitioners in the above-entitled
against the petitioners with the Metropolitan Trial
Reconsideration of the decision 2 earlier rendered. case on February 23, 1987 on the
Court in that locality. Said court rendered judgment on
Also, it prays that a writ of preliminary injunction be ground that their former counsel
January 8, 1985, ordering the petitioners to vacate the
immediately issued to restrain the respondent Atty. Funelas had abandoned the
premises occupied by them and to pay certain
Regional Trial Court in Caloocan City, Branch CXX, case and is now abroad, together
amounts as damages.
from implementing its Order dated March 6, 1987, with the corresponding Motion
which issued a writ of execution in accordance with For Reconsideration With Prayer
the Court of Appeals decision on the case, thereby Not satisfied therewith, the petitioners appealed to the for Issuance of Temporary
asking that said court be directed to defer or stay the respondent Regional Trial Court which, on August 20, Restraining Order.
execution pending the resolution of this petition and 1985, rendered a decision affirming in toto the
an annulment case allegedly appealed with the Court judgment of the Metropolitan Trial Court.
Considering that the decision
of Appeals.
sought to be reconsidered dated
The petitioners then filed a petition for review on December 5, 1986 had become
The petitioners are lessees of an apartment building certiorari with the respondent Court of Appeals. This final, entry of judgment having
located in No. 121, 2nd Street, 9th Avenue, Caloocan case was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 07828. been issued on February 3, 1987
City. This property was foreclosed by the Government and the records remanded to the
Service Insurance System (GSIS) after its original court a quo on February 11,
On December 5, 1986, the respondent Court of
owner failed to pay back his loan. 1987, for which reason the said
Appeals rendered a decision dismissing the petitioner decision has become final and
for review. Later an entry of judgment dated February this Court has become bereft of
After due notice to the petitioners and all others 3, 1987, was duly certified thereupon by the Clerk of jurisdiction to act thereupon, the
concerned, the property was sold to the private Court attesting to the fact that the judgment became abovementioned Motions are
respondent at a public bidding held on July 29, 1982. final and executory as of January 22, 1987. The hereby noted. Parenthetically,
It appears, petitioners deliberately did not participate records of the case were consequently, remanded to and merely for purposes of
in the said bidding because they believed that, as the respondent Regional Trial Court on February 11, record, it is observed that counsel
tenants therein, they have priority in law to acquire the 1987. of record of petitioners is the law
property. Their thinking was that their participation office Funelas, Perez and
Associates and not Atty. Funelas We agree with the Court of Appeals in denying the And if it is true that this law office was earlier
alone. Therefore, the fact that petitioners' motion for reconsideration. It is well-settled dissolved, the winding up process is presumed to
Atty. Funelas has abandoned the that after the lapse of fifteen (1 5) days from notice of have been performed in a regular manner, with all the
case and is now abroad is not a judgment, the same becomes final and the Court of obligations properly accounted for. Very concrete
valid ground for the late filing of Appeals loses, jurisdiction over the case. And the evidence must be presented in order that these
the motion for reconsideration. 3 subsequent filing of a motion for reconsideration presumptions may be rebutted.
cannot disturb the finality of the judgment nor restore
jurisdiction which had already been lost. 5 The court a
Earlier, on March 6, 1987, the respondent Regional At most, the affidavit must be classified as a mere
quo cannot decide the case anew. decision rendered
Trial Court issued an order 4 for a writ of execution to afterthought and a futile attempt to contradict the
anew notwithstanding the finality of the original one is
be issued against the petitioners for the enforcement findings of the respondent Court of Appeals.
null and void. 6
of the decision in CA-G.R. No. 07828.
Recently, this Court laid down a ruling that is
In this case, the messenger, Mr. Obligar, received a
Henceforth, the petitioners, believing that they were applicable to this case. It reads:
copy of the decision on January 6, 1987. This
deprived of their day in court when the respondent
decision became final and executory on January 22,
Court of Appeals denied their motion for
1987. Thus, the motion for reconsideration filed by the When a party appears by
reconsideration, instituted this petition.
petitioners on February 23, 1987, could not be acted attorney in an action or
upon on the merits and could only be noted by the proceeding all court, all notices
As their initial argument in this petition and as respondent Court of Appeals. It was properly denied. required to be given therein must
contained in their "Appearance And Motion For Leave be given to their attorney and not
To Admit Motion For Reconsideration," the petitioners to the client. Hence, a notice
The negligence attributed by the petitioners to their
maintain that they were deprived of their day in court- given to the client and not to his
then counsel, Atty. Funelas, is not excusable. Clear
equivalent to a denial of due process of law-when attorney is not a notice in law.
and as it can be seen from the pleadings filed that the
their motion for reconsideration was refused due
petitioners' counsel of record is the law office of
course by the respondent Court of Appeals. They
Funelas Perez and Associates and not Atty. Funelas The rule in this jurisdiction is that
alleged that their counsel at that time, Atty. Pitty A.
alone. Atty. Funelas signed the documents in his the client is bound by the
Funelas, virtually abandoned them by leaving abroad
capacity as the representative of the said law firm. negligence or failings of counsel.
without at least notifying them. So when the Court of
The respondent Court of Appeals made this same It is the duty of an attorney to
Appeals decision was rendered and a copy was sent
observation in its questioned resolution. himself and to his clients to
to Atty. Funelas, no notice thereof was ever received
invariably adopt a system
by the petitioners. The petitioners only had knowledge
whereby he can be sure of
of the judgment against them after it was eventually In an attempt to belie the preceding observation, the
receiving promptly all judicial
entered in the Book of Entries Of Judgments for being petitioners submitted to this Court another affidavit
notices during his absence from
final and executory. executed by Mr. Obligar dated March 17, 1987. This
his address of record. The
affidavit stated that the law firm of Funelas, Perez and
attorney must so arrange matters
Associates was actually composed of only Atty.
A certain Romeo S. Obligar, representing himself as that communications sent by mail
Funelas; that Atty. Perez was only a partner in name,
the former messenger of Atty. Funelas, executed an addressed to his office or
never handled any case of the law office, and did not
affidavit on February 19, 1987 stating among others residence, may reach him
actually report in said office; that there were no
that while getting the mails from the Post Office last promptly. ... 7
associates of Atty. Funelas; and that said law firm was
January 6, 1987, for his new employer, he received
dissolved in August, 1986. This affidavit has no
the decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 07828; that since the
evidentiary value. It was executed and submitted after In the motion for reconsideration, the sole issue
records of that case was with Atty. Funelas, he was
the questioned resolution was already promulgated. presented for reconsideration was a mere
not able to contact the petitioners herein; and that he
Hence, it could not have affected or influenced the amplification of one argument already passed upon by
forgot all about said decision until a secretary
adjudication of the said resolution. the respondent Court of Appeals in its decision.
informed him that the petitioners were verifying the
said case when they happened to visit the office of his
new employer. It is safe to presume that a law firm which registered On January 18, 1983 before the ejectment case was
and represented itself as such, with at least two instituted, the petitioners filed a complaint in the then
named partners, is composed of at least two lawyers. Court of First Instance to annul the award in a public
auction of the leased premises by the GSIS to the presently pending in another forum must necessarily The following are the subjects of this Resolution:
private respondent for they claimed that as tenants be rejected.
therein, they have the priority in law over the same.
1) a Motion, dated 9 February 1988, to Cite in
The court, in a decision rendered on January 28,
The order of the respondent Regional Trial Court for Contempt filed by petitioner Enrique A. Zaldivar
1985, dismissed the case for lack of a cause of action.
the issuance of a writ of execution was because the against public respondent Special Prosecutor
Now, this case is allegedly pending appeal in the
decision in the ejectment case had already become (formerly Tanodbayan) Raul M. Gonzalez, in
Court of Appeals.
final and executory. Its implementation cannot be connection with G.R. Nos. 79690-707 and G.R. No.
stayed. 80578. and 2) a Resolution of this Court dated 2
The issue, thus, advanced in the motion for May 1988 requiring respondent Hon. Raul
reconsideration is whether the pendency of an Gonzalez to show cause why he should not be
WHEREFORE, the instant petition for certiorari and
annulment case of an award in public auction is punished for contempt and/or subjected to
mandamus with preliminary injunction is hereby
prejudicial to an ejectment suit as to warrant the administrative sanctions for making certain public
DISMISSED for lack of merit. With costs against
suspension of the latter proceeding. statements.
petitioners. This is immediately executory.

We quote with approval the holding of the respondent I

Teehankee, C.J., Narvasa and Cruz, JJ., concur.
Court of Appeals on this matter, thus:
The pertinent facts are as follows:
Paras, J., took no part.
The pendency of an action for
title filed by the defendants (now
Petitioner Zaldivar is one of several defendants in
petitioners) with the Regional Republic of the Philippines
Criminal Cases Nos.
Trial Court does not have the SUPREME COURT
12159-12161 and 12163-12177 (for violation of the
effect of removing the ejectment Manila
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) pending
case from the jurisdiction of the
before the Sandiganbayan. The Office of the
Metropolitan Trial Court. The rule
EN BANC Tanodbayan conducted the preliminary
is well- settled that an action for
investigation and filed the criminal informations in
ownership or annulment of title is
those cases (originally TBP Case No. 86-00778).
not a bar to an action for forcible G.R. Nos. 79690-707 October 7, 1988
entry and detainer (Alviar, et al.
vs. Pampolina, et al., 84 Phil. 45, On 10 September 1987, petitioner filed with this
at p. 47; Padilla vs. de Jesus, et ENRIQUE A. ZALDIVAR, petitioner, Court a Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and
al., 95 Phil. 688, at p. 691; Aguilar vs. mandamus (G.R. Nos. 79690-707) naming as
vs. Cabrera, et al., 74 Phil. 658, THE HONORABLE SANDIGANBAYAN and respondents both the Sandiganbayan and Hon.
at p. 868.) 8 HONORABLE RAUL M. GONZALEZ, claiming to be Raul M. Gonzalez. Among other things, petitioner
and acting as Tanodbayan-Ombudsman under the assailed: (1) the 5 February 1987 Resolution 1 of
1987 Constitution, respondents. the "Tanodbayan" recommending the filing of
In an ejectment case, the issue is possession, while in
criminal informations against petitioner Zaldivar
an annulment case the issue is
G.R. No. 80578 October 7, 1988 and his co-accused in TBP Case No. 86-00778;
ownership. 9 Therefore, an ejectment case can very
and (2) the 1 September 1987 Resolution 2 of the
well proceed independently of an annulment case.
Sandiganbayan in Criminal Cases Nos. 12159-
The only recognized exception to the preceding ENRIQUE A. ZALDIVAR, petitioner, 12161 and 1216312177 denying his Motion to
doctrine is the situation wherein the question of vs. Quash the criminal informations filed in those
possession is so intertwined with the question of HON. RAUL M. GONZALEZ, claiming to be and cases by the "Tanodbayan." In this respect,
ownership to the effect that the question of acting as Tanodbayan-Ombudsman ombudsman petitioner alleged that respondent Gonzalez, as
possession cannot be resolved without resolving the under the 1987 Constitution, respondent. Tanodbayan and under the provisions of the 1987
question of ownership. This case at bar does not fall
Constitution, was no longer vested with power
within the exception. Accordingly, the petitioners'
and authority independently to investigate and to
position that this ejectment proceeding should be
institute criminal cases for graft and corruption
suspended in deference to an annulment proceeding
against public officials and employees, and hence
PER CURIAM: that the informations filed in Criminal Cases Nos.
12159-12161 and 12163-12177 were all null and Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez as respondent. That Acting on the manifestation with
void. Petition assailed the 24 September 1987 motion to treat the
Resolution 3 of the "Tanodbayan" in TBP Case No. Sandiganbayan as party-
87- 01304 recommending that additional criminal respondent, the Court Resolved
On 11 September 1987, this Court issued a
charges for graft and corruption be filed against to (a) Consider IMPLEADED the
Resolution, which read:
petitioner Zaldivar and five (5) other individuals. Once Sandiganbayan as party
again, petitioner raised the argument of the respondent; and (b) In pursuance
G.R. Nos. 79690-707 (Enrique Tanodbayan's lack of authority under the 1987 of and supplementing the
A. Zaldivar vs. The Honorable Constitution to file such criminal cases and to Temporary Restraining Order of
Sandiganbayan and Honorable investigate the same. Petitioner also moved for the November 24, 1987 "ordering
Raul M. Gonzalez, Claiming To consolidation of that petition with G.R. No. 79690-707. respondent Hon. Raul M.
Be and Acting as Tanodbayan- Gonzalez to CEASE and DESIST
Ombudsman under the 1987 from further acting in TBP Case
In a Resolution dated 24 November 1987, 4 this Court,
Constitution ).—Acting on the No. 87-01304 entitled,
without giving due course to the second petition: (1)
special civil action for "Commission on Audit vs. Gov.
required respondent Gonzalez to submit a comment
certiorari, prohibition and Enrique Zaldivar, et al." and
thereon: and (2) issued a temporary restraining order
mandamus under Rule 65 of particularly, from filing the
"ordering respondent Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez to
the Rules of Court, with urgent criminal information consequent
CEASE and DESIST from further acting in TBP Case
motion for preliminary thereof and from conducting
No. 87-01394 ... and particularly, from filing the
elimination injunction, the preliminary investigation therein"
criminal information consequent thereof and from
Court Resolved, without giving ISSUE a TEMPORARY
conducting preliminary investigation therein." In a
due course to the petition, to RESTRAINING ORDER effective
separate resolution of the same date, 5 G.R. Nos.
require the respondents to immediately and continuing until
79690-707 and G.R. No. 80578 were ordered
COMMENT thereon, within ten further orders from this Court,
consolidated by the Court.
(10) days from notice. ordering respondents Hon. Raul
M. Gonzalez and Sandiganbayan
In the meantime, however, on 20 November 1987 or to CEASE and DESIST from
The Court further Resolved to
four (4) days prior to issuance by this Court of a further acting in Criminal Case
temporary restraining order in G.R. No. 80578, the No. 12570, entitled, "People of
Office of the Tanodbayan instituted Criminal Case No. the Philippines vs. Enrique M.
effective immediately and
12570 6 with the Sandiganbayan which issued on 23 Zaldivar, et al." and from
continuing until further orders
November 1987 an Order of Arrest 7 for petitioner enforcing the order of arrest
from this Court, ordering
Zaldivar and his co-accused in Criminal Case No. issued by the Sandiganbayan in
respondent Sandiganbayan to
12570. Upon Motion 8 of petitioner Zaldivar, this Court said case.
issued the following Resolution on 8 December 1987:
hearing and trying Criminal
Cases Nos. 12159 to 12161 and The Solicitor General filed a Comment 9 on the
12163 to 12177 insofar as G.R. No. 80578 (Enrique A. petition in G.R. No. 80578, and we required the
petitioner Enrique Zaldivar is Zaldivar vs. Hon. Raul M. petitioner to submit a Reply 10 thereto.
concerned and from hearing Gonzalez and Sandiganbayan).
and resolving the Special The motion filed by the Solicitor
Prosecutor's motion to General for respondents for an
suspend dated September 3, extension of thirty (30) days from
1987. the expiration of the original
period within which to file
comment on the petition for
The parties later filed their respective pleadings.
certiorari and prohibition with
prayer for a writ of preliminary
Petitioner Zaldivar filed with this Court a second injunction or restraining order is
Petition for certiorari and Prohibition (G.R. No. GRANTED.
80578) on 19 November 1987, initially naming only
On 9 February 1988, petitioner Zaldivar filed with the from investigating graft cases He disclosed that he had a talk
Court a Motion to Cite in Contempt 11 directed at filed against him. with the Chief Executive over the
respondent Gonzalez. The Motion cited as bases the weekend and that while she
acts of respondent Gonzalez in: (1) having caused the symphatizes with local officials
Zaldivar had charged that
filing of the information against petitioner in Criminal who are charged in court during
Gonzalez was biased in his
Case No. 12570 before the Sandiganbayan; and (2) election time, 'She said that it
investigations because the latter
issuing certain allegedly contemptuous statements to might be a disservice to the
wanted to help promote the
the media in relation to the proceedings in G.R. No. people and the voters who are
political fortunes of a friend from
80578. In respect of the latter, petitioner annexed to entitled to know their candidates.
Antique, lawyer Bonifacio
his Motion a photocopy of a news article, reproduced
here in toto, which appeared in the 30 November
Gonzalez said that while some
1987 issue of the "Philippine Daily Globe:"
cases filed against local officials
Acting on Zaldivar's petition, the
during election time could be
high court stopped Gonzalez from
Tanod Scores SC for Quashing mere harassment suits, the
investigating a graft charge
Graft Case Constitution makes it a right of
against the governor, and from
every citizen to be informed of the
instituting any complaint with the
character of tile candidate, who
TANODBAYAN Justice Raul M. Sandiganbayan.
should be subject to scrutiny.
Gonzalez said yesterday the
(Emphasis supplied)
Supreme Court order stopping
While President Aquino had been
him from investigating graft cases
prodding me to prosecute graft
involving Antique Gov. Enrique Acting on petitioner's Motion to Cite in Contempt, the
cases even if they involve the
Zaldivar can aggravate the Court on 16 February 1988 required respondent
high and mighty, the Supreme
thought that affluent persons "an Gonzalez "to COMMENT on aforesaid Motion within
Court had been restraining
prevent the progress of a trial." ten (10) days from notice." 12 On 27 April 1988, the
me. Gonzalez said.
Court rendered its Decision 13 (per curiam) in the
Consolidated Petitions. The dispositive portion thereof
What I am afraid of (with the
In accordance with the read:
issuance of the order) is that it
President's order, Gonzalez said
appears that while rich and
he had filed graft cases against
influential persons get favorable WHEREFORE, We hereby:
two "very powerful" officials of the
actions from the Supreme Court,
Aquino government-
it is difficult for an ordinary litigant
Commissioner Quintin Doromal of (1) GRANT the consolidated
to get his petition to be given due
the Presidential Commission on petitions filed by petitioner
course. Gonzalez told the Daily
Good Government and Secretary Zaldivar and hereby NULLIFY the
Globe in an exclusive interview.
Jiamil I.M. Dianlan of the Office of criminal informations filed against
Muslim Affairs and Cultural him in the Sandiganbayan; and
Gonzalez said the high tribunal's Communities.
order '"eightens the people's
(2) ORDER respondent Raul
apprehension over the justice
While I don't wish to discuss the Gonzalez to cease and desist
system in this country, especially
merits of the Zaldivar petition from conducting investigations
because the people have been
before the Supreme Court, I am a and filing criminal cases with the
thinking that only the small fly can
little bit disturbed that (the order) Sandiganbayan or otherwise
get it while big fishes go scot-
can aggravate the thinking of exercising the powers and
some people that affluent functions of the Ombudsman.
persons can prevent the progress
Gonzalez was reacting to an of a trial, he said.
order issued by the tribunal last
week after Zaldivar petitioned the
court to stop the Tanodbayan
A Motion for Reconsideration 14 was filed by 1. Acting on the Motion for (b) That no less than six of the
respondent Gonzalez the next day, 28 April 1988. In Reconsideration filed by members of the Court "interceded
his Motion, respondent Gonzalez, after having argued respondent Gonzalez under date for and on behalf of persons with
the legal merits of his position, made the following of April 28, 1988, the Court pending cases before the
statements totally unrelated to any legal issue raised Resolved to REQUIRE the Tanodbayan," or sought "to
either in the Court's Decision or in his own Motion: petitioner to COMMENT thereon pressure him to render decisions
within ten (10) days from notice favorable to their colleagues and
hereof. friends;"
1. That he "ha(d) been
approached twice by a leading
member of the court ... and he 2. It appearing that respondent (c) That attempts were made to
was asked to 'go slow on Zaldivar Raul M. Gonzalez has made influence him to go slow on
and 'not to be too hard on him;' " public statements to the media Zaldivar and not to be too hard on
which not only deal with him and to refrain from
matters subjudice but also appear investigating the Commission on
2. That he "was approached and
offensive to and disrespectful of Audit report on illegal
asked to refrain from investigating
the Court and its individual disbursements in the Supreme
the COA report on illegal
members and calculated, directly Court because it will embarass
disbursements in the Supreme
or indirectly, to bring the Court the Court;
Court because 'it will embarass
into disrepute, discredit and
the Court;" and
ridicule and to denigrate and
(d) That there were also attempts
degrade the administration of
to cause the dismissal of cases
3. That "(i)n several instances, justice, the Court Resolved to
against two Associate Justices;
the undersigned respondent was require respondent Gonzalez to
called over the phone by a explain in writing within ten (10)
leading member of the Court and days from notice hereof, why he
was asked to dismiss the cases should not be punished for (e) That the Court had dismissed
against (two Members of the contempt of court and/or judges' without rhyme or reason'
Court)." subjected to administrative and disbarred lawyers 'without
sanctions for making such public due process.
statements reported in the media,
Respondent Gonzalez also attached three (3) among others, in the issues of the
handwritten notes 15 which he claimed were sent by 3. It further appearing that three
"Daily Inquirer," the "Journal," the
"some members of this Honorable Court, interceeding (3) affidavits relative to the
"Manila Times," the "Philippine
for cases pending before this office (i.e., the purpose of and circumstances
Star," the "Manila Chronicle" the
Tanodbayan)." He either released his Motion for attendant upon the notes written
"Daily Globe" and the "Manila
Reconsideration with facsimiles of said notes to the to said public respondent by three
Standard" of April 29 and 30, and
press or repeated to the press the above extraneous (3) members of the Court have
May 1, 1988, to wit:
statements: the metropolitan papers for the next since been submitted to the Court
several days carried long reports on those statements and now form part of its official
and variations and embellishments thereof On 2 May (a) That the Court resolution in records, the Court further
1988, the Court issued the following Resolution in the question is merely "an offshoot of Resolved to require the Clerk of
Consolidated Petitions: the position he had taken that the Court to ATTACH to this
SC Justices cannot claim Resolution copies of said sworn
immunity from suit or statements and the annexes
G.R. No. 79690-707 (Enrique investigation by government thereto appended, and to
Zaldivar vs. The Hon. prosecutors or motivated by a DIRECT respondent Gonzalez
Sandiganbayan, et al. G.R. No. desire to stop him 'from also to comment thereon within
80578 (Enrique A. Zaldivar vs. investigating cases against some the same period of ten (10) days.
Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez, etc). of their proteges or friends;"
4. It finally appearing that notice 3. Urgent Motion for Additional We begin by referring to the authority of the Supreme
of the Resolution of February 16, Extension of Time to File Court to discipline officers of the court and members
1988 addressed to respondent Explanation Ex Abundante of the Bar. The Supreme Court, as regulator and
Gonzalez was misdelivered and Cautelam, 22 dated 26 May 1988; guardian of the legal profession, has plenary
therefore not served on him, the disciplinary authority over attorneys. The authority to
Court Resolved to require the discipline lawyers stems from the Court's
4. Urgent Ex-Parte Omnibus
Clerk of Court to CAUSE constitutional mandate to regulate admission to the
SERVICE of said Resolution on practice of law, which includes as well authority to
the respondent and to REQUIRE regulate the practice itself of
the latter to comply therewith. (a) For Extension of Time law. 31 Quite apart from this constitutional mandate,
the disciplinary authority of the Supreme Court over
members of the Bar is an inherent power incidental to
Respondent Gonzalez subsequently filed with this (b) For Inhibition and the proper administration of justice and essential to an
Court on 9 May 1988 an Omnibus Motion for
orderly discharge of judicial functions. 32 Moreover,
Extension and Inhibition 16 alleging, among other
(c) For Transfer of Administrative the Supreme Court has inherent power to punish for
things: that the above quoted 2 May 1988 Resolution
Proceedings to the IBP, Under contempt, to control in the furtherance of justice the
of the Court "appears to have overturned that
Rule 139-B 23 dated 4 June 1988 conduct of ministerial officers of the Court including
presumption [of innocence] against him:" and that "he
(with Annex "A;" 24 an anonymous lawyers and all other persons connected in any
gravely doubts whether that 'cold neutrality [of an
letter dated 27 May 1988 from the manner with a case before the Court. 33 The power to
impartial judge] is still available to him" there being
alleged Concerned Employees of punish for contempt is "necessary for its own
allegedly "at least 4 members of this Tribunal who will
the Supreme Court and protection against an improper interference with the
not be able to sit in judgment with substantial sobriety
addressed to respondent): due administration of justice," "(it) is not dependent
and neutrality." Respondent Gonzalez closed out his
upon the complaint of any of the parties litigant. 34
pleading with a prayer that the four (4) Members of
the Court Identified and referred to there by him inhibit 5. Ex-Parte Manifestation 25 dated
themselves in the deliberation and resolution of the 7 June 1988; There are, in other words, two (2) related powers
Motion to Cite in Contempt. which come into play in cases like that before us here;
the Court's inherent power to discipline attorneys and
6. Urgent Ex-Parte Motion for the contempt power. The disciplinary authority of the
On 19 May 1988 17 after receipt of respondent's Reconsideration 26 1988; and Court over members of the Bar is broader than the
Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration. 18 this
power to punish for contempt. Contempt of court may
Court in an extended per curiam Resolution 19 denied
7. Urgent Ex-Parte Manifestation be committee both by lawyers and non-lawyers, both
the Motion and Supplemental Motion for
with Motion 27 member 1988. in and out of court. Frequently, where the contemnor
Reconsideration. That denial was made "final and
is a lawyer, the contumacious conduct also
immediately executory.
constitutes professional misconduct which calls into
In compliance with the 2 May 1988 Resolution of this play the disciplinary authority of the Supreme
Respondent Gonzalez has since then filed the Court quoted earlier, respondent Gonzalez submitted Court. 35 Where the respondent is a lawyer, however,
following pleadings of record: on 17 June 1988 an Answer with Explanation and the Supreme Court's disciplinary authority over
Comment 28 offering respondent's legal arguments lawyers may come into play whether or not the
and defenses against the contempt and disciplinary misconduct with which the respondent is charged also
1. Manifestation with charges presently pending before this Court. Attached constitutes contempt of court. The power to punish for
Supplemental Motion to to that pleading as Annex "A" thereof was contempt of court does not exhaust the scope of
Inhibition 20 dated 23 May 1988; respondent's own personal disciplinary authority of the Court over lawyers. 36 The
Explanation/Compliance 29 second explanation called disciplinary authority of the Court over members of the
"Compliance," 30 with annexes, was also submitted by Bar is but corollary to the Court's exclusive power of
2. Motion to Transfer
respondent on 22 July 1988. admission to the Bar. A lawyer is not merely a
Administrative Proceedures to the
Integrated Bar of the professional but also an officer of the court and as
Philippines 21 dated 20 May 1988 II such, he is called upon to share in the task and
responsibility of dispensing justice and resolving
disputes in society. Any act on his part which visibly
tends to obstruct, pervert, or impede and degrade the
administration of justice constitutes both professional criminal, this proceeding is not— court, the individual members act
misconduct calling for the exercise of disciplinary and does not involve—a trial of not as such individuals but only
action against him, and contumacious conduct an action or a suit, but is rather as a duly constituted court. The
warranting application of the contempt power. an investigation by the Court into distinct individualities are lost in
the conduct of its officers. Not the majesty of their office. So
being intended to inflict that, in a very real sense, if there
It is sometimes asserted that in the exercise of the
punishment, it is in no sense a be any complainant in the case at
power to punish for contempt or of the disciplinary
criminal prosecution. Accordingly, bar, it can only be the Court itself,
authority of the Court over members of the Bar, the
there is neither a plaintiff nor a not the individual members
Court is acting as offended party, prosecutor and
prosecutor therein. It may be thereof—as well as the people
arbiter at one and the same time. Thus, in the present
initiated by the Court motu themselves whose rights,
case, respondent Gonzalez first sought to get some
proprio. Public interest is its fortunes and properties, nay,
members of the Court to inhibit themselves in the
primary objective, and the real even lives, would be placed at
resolution of this case for alleged bias and prejudice
question for determination is grave hazard should the
against him. A little later, he in effect asked the whole
whether or not the attorney is still administration of justice be
Court to inhibit itself from passing upon the issues
a fit person to be allowed the threatened by the retention in the
involved in this proceeding and to pass on
privileges as such. Hence, in the Bar of men unfit to discharge the
responsibility for this matter to the Integrated Bar of
exercise of its disciplinary solemn responsibilities of
the Philippines, upon the ground that respondent
powers, the Court merely calls membership in the legal
cannot expect due process from this Court, that the
upon a member of the Bar to fraternity.
Court has become incapable of judging him impartially
account for his actuations as an
and fairly. Respondent Gonzalez misconceives the
officer of the Court with the end
nature of the proceeding at bar as well as the function Finally, the power to exclude
in view of preserving the purity of
of the members of the Court in such proceeding. persons from the practice of law
the legal profession and the
is but a necessary incident of the
property and honest
power to admit persons to said
Respondent's contention is scarcely an original one. administration of justice by
practice. By constitutional
In In Re Almacen, 37 then Associate (later Chief) purging the profession of
precept, this power is vested
Justice Fred Fruiz Castro had occasion to deal with members who by their
exclusively in this Court. This
this contention in the following lucid manner: misconduct have proved
duty it cannot abdicate just as
themselves no longer worthy to
much as it cannot unilaterally
be entrusted with the duties and
xxx xxx xxx renounce jurisdiction legally
responsibilities pertaining to the
invested upon it. So that even if it
office of an attorney. In such
be conceded that the members
It is not accurate to say, nor is it posture, there can thus be no
collectively are in a sense the
an obstacle to the exercise of our occasion to speak of a
aggrieved parties, that fact alone
authority in the premises, that, as complainant or a prosecutor.
does not and cannot disqualify
Atty. Almacen would have it them from the exercise of the
appear, the members of the Undeniably, the members of the power because public policy
Court are the 'complainants, Court are, to a certain degree, demands that they, acting as a
prosecutors and judges' all rolled aggrieved parties. Any tirade Court, exercise the power in all
up into one in this instance. This against the Court as a body is cases which call for disciplinary
is an utter misapprehension, if not necessarily and inextricably as action. The present is such a
a total distortion, not only of the much so against the individual case. In the end, the imagined
nature of the proceeding at hand members thereof But in the anomaly of the merger in one
but also of our role therein. exercise of its disciplinary entity of the personalities of
powers, the Court acts as an complainant, prosecutor and
Accent should be laid on the fact entity separate and distinct from judge is absolutely inexistent.
that disciplinary proceedings like the individual personalities of its
the present are sui generis. members. Consistently with the
xxx xxx xxx. 38
Neither purely civil nor purely intrinsic nature of a collegiate
It should not be necessary for the members of this proteges or friends (of some Supreme Court A second charge that respondent Gonzalez hurled
Court expressly to disclaim any bias or prejudice Justices)." The Court cannot, of course, and will not against members of the Supreme Court is that they
against the respondent that would prevent them from debate the correctness of its Decision of 27 April 1988 have improperly Id pressured" him to render decisions
acting in accordance with the exacting requirements and of its Resolution dated 19 May 1988 (denying favorable to their "colleagues and friends," including
of their oaths of office. It also appears to the Court respondent Gonzalez Motion for Reconsideration) in dismissal of "cases" against two (2) members of the
that for all the members to inhibit themselves from the consolidated Zaldivar cases. Respondent Court. This particularly deplorable charge too is
sitting on this case is to abdicate the responsibility Gonzalez, and anyone else for that matter, is free entirely baseless, as even a cursory examination of
with which the Constitution has burdened them. intellectually to accept or not to accept the reasoning the contents of the handwritten notes of three (3)
Reference of complaints against attorneys either to of the Court set out in its per curiam Decision and members of this Court addressed to respondent
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines or to the Solicitor Resolution in the consolidated Zaldivar cases. This (which respondent attached to his Motion for
General is not mandatory upon the Supreme Court; should not, however, obscure the seriousness of the Reconsideration of the Decision of this Court of 27
such reference to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines assault thus undertaken by respondent against the April 1988 in the consolidated Petitions) win show. It
or to the Solicitor General is certainly not an exclusive Court and the appalling implications of such assault is clear, and respondent Gonzalez does not pretend
procedure under the terms of Rule 139-B of the for the integrity of the system of administration of otherwise, that the subject matters of the said notes
Revised Rules of Court, especially where the charge justice in our country. Respondent has said that the had no relation at all to the issues in G.R. Nos. 79690-
consists of acts done before the Supreme Court. Court rendered its Decision and Resolution without 707 and 80578. This charge appears to have been
There is no need for further investigation of facts in regard to the legal merits of the Zaldivar cases and made in order to try to impart some substance (at
the present case for it is not substantially disputed by had used the judicial process to impose private least in the mind of respondent) to the first accusation
respondent Gonzalez that he uttered or wrote certain punishment upon respondent for positions he had made by respondent that the Court had deliberately
statements attributed to him. In any case, respondent taken (unrelated to the Zaldivar cases) in carrying out rendered a wrong decision to get even with
has had the amplest opportunity to present his his duties. It is very difficult to imagine a more serious respondent who had, with great fortitude, resisted
defense; his defense is not that he did not make the affront to, or a greater outrage upon, the honour and "pressure" from some members of the Court. Once
statements ascribed to him but that those statements dignity of this Court than this. Respondent's statement again, in total effect, the statements made by
give rise to no liability on his part, having been made is also totally baseless. Respondent's statements respondent appear designed to cast the Court into
in the exercise of his freedom of speech. The issues were made in complete disregard of the fact that his gross disrepute, and to cause among the general
which thus need to be resolved here are issues of law continuing authority to act as Tanodbayan or public scorn for and distrust in the Supreme Court
and of basic policy and the Court, not any other Ombudsman after the effectivity of the 1987 and, more generally, the judicial institutions of the
agency, is compelled to resolve such issues. Constitution, had been questioned before this Court Republic.
as early as 10 September 1987 in the Petition for
Certiorari, Prohibition and mandamus filed against
III Respondent Gonzalez has also asserted that the
him in these consolidated Petitions 40 that is, more
Court was preventing him from prosecuting "rich and
than seven (7) months before the Court rendered its
powerful persons," that the Court was in effect
It is necessary to become very explicit as to what Decision. Respondent also ignores the fact that one
discrimination between the rich and powerful on the
respondent Gonzalez was saying in his statements day later, this Court issued a Temporary Restraining
one hand and the poor and defenseless upon the
set out above. Respondent has not denied making the Order effective immediately ordering
other, and allowing "rich and powerful" accused
above statements; indeed, he acknowledges that the the Sandiganbayan to cease and desist from hearing
persons to go "scot-free" while presumably allowing or
newspaper reports of the statements attributed to him the criminal cases filed against petitioner Zaldivar by
affirming the conviction of poor and small offenders.
are substantially correct. 39 respondent Gonzalez. Respondent also disregards
This accusation can only be regarded as calculated to
the fact that on 24 November 1987, upon the filing of
present the Court in an extremely bad light. It may be
a second Petition for certiorari for Prohibition by Mr.
Respondent Gonzalez was in effect saying, firstly, that seen as intended to foment hatred against the
Zaldivar, the Court issued a Temporary Restraining
the Supreme Court deliberately rendered an Supreme Court; it is also suggestive of the divisive
Order this time requiring the respondent to cease and
erroneous or wrong decision when it rendered its per tactics of revolutionary class war.
desist from further acting in TBP Case No. 87-0934.
curiam Decision dated 27 April 1988 in G.R. Nos. Thus, the decision finally reached by this Court in
79690-707 and 80578. That decision according to April 1988 on the constitutional law issue pending Respondent, finally, assailed the Court for having
respondent Gonzalez, was issued as an act of before the Court for the preceding eight (8) months, allegedly "dismissed judges 'without rhyme or reason'
retaliation by the Court against him for the position he could scarcely have been invented as a reprisal and disbarred lawyers 'without due process.'" The
had taken "that the (Supreme Court) Justices cannot simply against respondent. Court notes that this last attack is not without relation
claim immunity from suit or investigation by
to the other statements made by respondent against
government prosecutors," and in order to stop
the Court. The total picture that respondent clearly
respondent from investigating against "some of (the)
was trying to paint of the Court is that of an resolution on the Motion for still more opprobrium upon the Court, accusing it of
"unjudicial" institution able and willing to render Reconsideration;" being incapable of judging his acts and statements
"clearly erroneous" decisions by way of reprisal justly and according to law. Once again, he paints this
against its critics, as a body that acts arbitrarily and Court as a body not only capable of acting without
(b) That "the entire membership
capriciously denying judges and lawyers due process regard to due process but indeed determined so to
of the court has already lost that
of law. Once again, the purport of respondent's attack act. A grand design to hold up this Court to public
'cold neutrality of an impartial
against the Court as an institution unworthy of the scorn and disrespect as an unworthy tribunal, one
judge' [to] be able to allow
people's faith and trust, is unmistakable. Had obfuscated by passion and anger at respondent,
fairness and due process in the
respondent undertaken to examine the records 'of the emerges once more. It is very difficult for members of
contempt citation as well as in the
two (2) judges and the attorney he later Identified in this Court to understand how respondent Gonzalez
possible administrative charge;
one of his Explanations, he would have discovered could suppose that judges on the highest tribunal of
that the respondents in those administrative cases the land would be ready and willing to violate their
had ample opportunity to explain their side and submit (c) That "respondent honestly most solemn oath of office merely to gratify any
evidence in support thereof. 41 He would have also feels that this court as angry and imagined private feelings aroused by respondent. The
found that there were both strong reasons for and an prejudiced as it is, respondent universe of the Court revolves around the daily
insistent rhyme in the disciplinary measures there has no china man's chance to get demands of law and justice and duty, not around
administered by the Court in the continuing effort to fair hearing in the contempt and respondent nor any other person or group of persons.
strengthen the judiciary and upgrade the membership possible administrative charges;"
of the Bar. It is appropriate to recall in this connection
Whether or not the statements made by respondent
that due process as a constitutional precept does not,
(d) That one must consider "the Gonzalez may reasonably be regarded by this Court
always and in all situations, require the trial-type
milieu before this Tribunal with, as contumacious or as warranting exercise of the
proceeding, 42 that the essence of due process is to
perhaps passion and obfuscation disciplinary authority of this Court over members of
be found in the reasonable opportunity to be heard
running riot;" the Bar, may best be assayed by examining samples
and to submit any evidence one may have in support
of the kinds of statements which have been held in
of one's defense. 43 "To be heard" does not only mean
our jurisdiction as constituting contempt or otherwise
verbal arguments in court; one may be heard also (e) That respondent, "after having warranting the exercise of the Court's authority.
through pleadings. Where opportunity to be heard, been castigated with
either through oral arguments or pleadings, is such venom by the entire Court in
accorded, there is no denial of procedural due its decision denying the Motion 1. In Montecillo v. Gica, 45 Atty. Quirico del Mar as
process. 44 for Reconsideration, does not counsel for Montecillo, who was accused in a slander
have confidence in the case, moved to reconsider a decision of the Court of
impartiality of the entire Court" Appeals in favor of the complainant with a veiled
As noted earlier, respondent Gonzalez was required
and that he "funds it extremely threat that he should interpose his next appeal to the
by the Court to explain why he should not be
difficult to believe that the President of the Philippines. In his Motion for
punished for contempt and/or subjected to
members of this Tribunal can still Reconsideration, he referred to the provisions of the
administrative discipline for making the statements
act with unbiased demeanor Revised Penal Code on "knowingly rendering an
adverted to above. In his subsequent pleadings where
towards him;" and unjust judgment," and "judgment rendered through
he asked the full Court to inhibit itself and to transfer
negligence" and implied that the Court of Appeals had
the administrative proceedings to the Integrated Bar
allowed itself to be deceived. Atty. del Mar was held
of the Philippines, respondent made, among others, (f) That "the Tribunal is guilty of contempt of court by the Court of Appeals. He
the following allegations: determined to disbar [respondent] then sued the three (3) justices of the Court of
without due process" and that a Appeals for damages before the Court of First
specified Member of the Court
(a) That the Members of the Instance of Cebu, seeking to hold them liable for their
"has been tasked to be
Court "should inhibit [themselves] decision in the appealed slander case. This suit was
the ponente, or at least prepare
in the contempt and terminated, however, by compromise agreement after
the decision." (Underscoring in
administrative charges against Atty. del Mar apologized to the Court of Appeals and
the original)
the respondent, in the light of the the justices concerned and agreed to pay moral
manifest prejudice and anger damages to the justices. Atty. del Mar some time later
they hold against respondent as Thus, instead of explaining or seeking to mitigate his filed with this Court a Petition for Review on certiorari
shown in the language of the statements earlier made, respondent sought to heap of a decision of the Court of Appeals in a slander
case. This Court denied the Petition for Review. Atty. manifestation to you, I have always remember that he is an
del Mar then filed a Motion for Reconsideration and already decided to retire from a officer of the court exercising a
addressed a letter to the Clerk of the Supreme Court life of militancy to a life of high privilege and serving in the
asking for the names of the justices of this Court who seclusion, leaving to God the noble mission of administering
had voted in favor of and those who had voted against filling up deficiencies. (60 SCRA justice.
his Motion for Reconsideration. After his Motion for at 242)
Reconsideration was denied for lack of merit, Atty. del
xxx xxx xxx.
Mar filed a Manifestation in this Court saying:
The Court suspended Atty. del Mar, "until further
orders," from the practice of law saying:
As already stated, the decision of
I can at this time reveal to you
the Court of Appeals in C.A G.R.
that, had your Clerk of Court
... Respondent is utilizing what No. 46504-R was based on its
furnished me with certified true
exists in his mind as state of evaluation of the evidence on
copies of the last two Resolutions
graft, corruption and injustice only one specific issue. We in
of the Supreme Court confirming
allegedly rampant in and outside turn denied in G.R. No. L-36800
the decision of the Court of
of the government as justification the petition for review on
Appeals in the case
for his contemptuous statements. certiorari of the decision because
entitled Francisco M. Gica vs.
In other words, he already We found no reason for
Jorge Montecillo, I would have
assumed by his own disturbing the appellate court's
filed against the Justices
contemptuous utterances that finding and conclusion. In both
supporting the same, civil and
because there is an alleged instances, both the Court of
criminal suits as I did to the
existence of rampant corruption, Appeals and this Court exercised
Justices of the Court of
graft and injustice in and out of judicial discretion in a case under
Appeals who, rewarding the
the government, We, by Our act their respective jurisdiction. The
abhorent falsification committed
in G.R. No. L-36800, are among intemperate and imprudent act of
by Mr. Gica, reversed for him the
the corrupt, the grafters and respondent del Mar in resorting
decisions of the City Court and
those allegedly committing to veiled threats to make both
the Court of First Instance of
injustice. We are at a complete Courts reconsider their respective
Cebu, not with a view to
loss to follow respondent del stand in the decision and the
obtaining a favorable judgment
Mar's logic ... resolution that spelled disaster for
therein but for the purpose of
his client cannot be anything but
exposing to the people the
pure contumely for aid tribunals.
corroding evils extant in our xxx xxx xxx
Government, so that they may
well know them and work for their It is manifest that respondent del
To aged brethren of the bar it
extermination. (60 SCRA at Mar has scant respect for the two
may appear belated to remind
240;emphasis supplied) highest Court of the land when
them that second only to the duty
on the flimsy ground of alleged
of maintaining allegiance to the
error in deciding a case, he
Counsel was asked to explain why he should not be Republic of the Philippines and to
proceeded to challenge the
administratively dealt with for making the above support the Constitution and
integrity of both Courts by
statements. In his additional explanation, Atty. del Mar obey the laws of the Philippines,
claiming that they knowingly
made the following statements: is the duty of all attorneys to
rendered unjust judgment. In
observe and maintain the respect
short, his allegation is that they
due to the courts of justice and
... Graft, corruption and injustice acted with intent and malice, if
judicial officers (Sec. 20 (b) Rule
are rampant in and outside of the not with gross ignorance of the
138, Rules of Court). But We do
Government. It is this state of law, in disposing of the case of
remind them of said duty to
things that convinced me that all his client.
emphasize to their younger
human efforts to correct and/or
brethren its paramount
reform the said evils will be
importance. A lawyer must xxx xxx xxx
fruitless and, as stated in my
... To those who are in the They were also asked to explain the statements made decision
practice of law and those who in in their Motion to Inhibit filed on 21 September 1968 (31 SCRA at 6-7)
the future will choose to enter this asking
profession, We wish to point to
Another attorney entered his appearance as new
this case as a reminder for them
Mr. Chief Justice Roberto counsel for MacArthur and filed a fourth Motion for
to imprint in their hearts and
Concepcion and Mr. Justice Fred Reconsideration without leave of court, which Motion
minds that an attorney owes it to
Ruiz Castro to inhibit themselves contained the following paragraphs:
himself to respect the courts of
from considering, judging and
justice and its officers as a fealty
resolving the case or any issue or
for the stability of our democratic 4. The said decision is illegal
aspect thereof retroactive to
institutions. (60 SCRA at 242- because it was penned by the
January 11, 1967. The motion
247: emphasis supplied) Honorable Chief Justice Roberto
charges "It that the brother of the
Concepcion when in fact he was
Honorable Associate Justice
outside the borders of the
2. In Surigao Mineral Reservation Board v. Castro is a vice-president of the
Republic of the Philippines at the
Cloribel, 46 four (4) members of the bar, acting as favored party who is the chief
time of the Oral Argument of the
counsel for MacArthur International Minerals beneficiary of the false,
above-entitled case—which
Company were required by this Court to explain erroneous and illegal decision
condition is prohibited by the New
certain statements made in MacArthur's third Motion dated January 31, 1968" and
Rules of Court—Section 1, Rule
for Reconsideration: the ex-parte preliminary injunction
51, and we quote: "Justices; who
rendered in the above-entitled
may take part—... . Only those
case, the latter in effect
d. ...; and I the Supreme Court I members present when any
prejudging and predetermining
has overlooked the applicable law matter is submitted for oral
this case even before the joining
due to the mis-representation and argument will take part in its
of an issue. As to the Chief
obfuscation of the petitioners' consideration and
Justice, the motion states [t]hat
counsel. (Last sentence, par. 1, adjudication ... ." This
the son of the Honorable Chief
Third Motion for Reconsideration requirement is especially
Justice Roberto Concepcion was
dated Sept. 10, 1968). significant in the present instance
given a significant appointment in
because the member who
the Philippine Government by the
penned the decision was the very
e. ... Never has any civilized President a short time before the
member who was absent for
democratic tribunal ruled that decision of July 31, 1968 was
approximately four months or
such a gimmick (referring to the rendered in this case. The
more. This provision also applies
"right to reject any and all bids") appointment referred to was as
to the Honorable Justices Claudio
can be used by vulturous secretary of the newly-created
Teehankee and Antonio Barredo.
executives to cover up and Board of Investments. The motion
excuse losses to the public, a presents a lengthy discourse on
government agency or just plain judicial ethics, and makes a xxx xxx xxx
fraud ... and it is thus difficult, in number of side comments
the light of our upbringing and projecting what is claimed to be
6. That if the respondent
schooling, even under many of the patent wrongfulness of the
MacArthur International Minerals
the incumbent justices, that the July 31, 1968 decision. It
Company abandons its quest for
Honorable Supreme Court enumerates "incidents" which,
justice in the Judiciary of the
intends to create a decision that according to the motion, brought
Philippine Government, it will
in effect does precisely that in a about respondent MacArthur's
inevitably either raise the graft
most absolute manner. (Second belief that unjudicial prejudice
and corruption of Philippine
sentence, par. 7, Third Motion for had been caused it and that there
Government officials in the
Reconsideration dated Sept. 10, was 'unjudicial favoritism' in favor
bidding of May 12, 1965, required
1968). (31 SCRA at 6) of 'petitioners, their appointing
by the Nickel Law to determine
authority and a favored party
the operator of the Surigao nickel
directly benefited by the said
deposits, to the World Court on two justices of this Court for being 'although the process has already
grounds of deprivation of justice interested in the decision of this begun.
and confiscation of property case: Associate Justice Fred Ruiz
and/or to the United States Castro, because his brother is the
xxx xxx xxx
Government, either its executive vice president of the favored
or judicial branches or both, on party who is the chief beneficiary
the grounds of confiscation of of the decision, and Chief Justice What is disconcerting is that Atty.
respondent's proprietary vested Roberto Concepcion, whose son Santiago's accusations have no
rights by the Philippine was appointed secretary of the basis in fact and in law. The slur
Government without either newly-created Board of made is not limited to the Chief
compensation or due process of Investments, 'a significant Justice and Mr. Justice Castro. It
law and invoking the appointment in the Philippine sweepingly casts aspersion on
Hickenlooper Amendment Government by the President, a the whole court. For, inhibition is
requiring the cutting off of all aid short time before the decision of also asked if, we repeated any
and benefits to the Philippine July 31, 1968 was rendered.' In other justices who have received
Government, including the sugar this backdrop, he proceeds to favors or benefits directly or
price premium, amounting to state that 'it would seem that the indirectly from any of the
more than fifty million dollars principles thus established [the petitioners or any members of
annually, until restitution or moral and ethical guidelines for any board-petitioner or their
compensation is made. inhibition of any judicial authority agents or principals, including the
(31 SCRA at 10-11) by the Honorable Supreme Court president.' The absurdity of this
should first apply to itself.' He posture is at once apparent. For
puts forth the claim that lesser one thing, the justices of this
Finding their explanations unsatisfactory, the Court,
and further removed conditions Court are appointed by the
speaking through Mr. Justice Sanchez, held three (3)
have been known to create President and in that sense may
attorneys guilty of contempt:
favoritism, only to conclude that be considered to have each
there is no reason for a belief that received a favor from the
1. We start with the case of Atty. the conditions obtaining in the President. Should these justices
Vicente L. Santiago. In his third case of the Chief Justice and inhibit themselves every time a
motion for reconsideration, we, Justice Castro would be less case involving the Administration
indeed, find language that is not likely to engender favoritism and crops up? Such a thought may
to be expected of an officer of the prejudice for or against a not certainly be entertained. The
courts. He pictures petitioners as particular cause or party.' Implicit consequence thereof would be to
'vulturous executives.' He speaks in this at least is that the Chief paralyze the machinery of this
of this Court as a 'civilized, Justice and Justice Castro are Court. We would in fact, be
democratic tribunal,' but by insensible to delicadeza, which wreaking havoc on the tripartite
innuendo would suggest that it is could make their actuation system of government operating
not. suspect. He makes it plain in the in this country. Counsel is
motion that the Chief Justice and presumed to know this. But why
Justice Castro not only were not the unfounded charge? There is
In his motion to inhibit, his first free from the appearance of the not too-well concealed effort
paragraph categorizes our impropriety but did arouse on the part of a losing litigant's
decision of July 31, 1968 as suspicion that their relationship attorney to downgrade this Court.
'false, erroneous and illegal' in a did affect their judgment. He
presumptuous manner. He then points out that courts must be
charges that the ex parte The mischief that stems from all
above suspicion at all times like
preliminary injunction we issued of the foregoing gross disrespect
Ceasar's wife, warns that loss of
in this case prejudiced and is easy to discern. Such
confidence for the Tribunal or a
predetermined the case even disrespect detracts much from
member thereof should not be
before the joining of an issue. He the dignity of a court of justice.
allowed to happen in our country,
accuses in a reckless manner Decidedly not an expression of
faith, counsel's words are This is a clear attempt to Court [was) not only blind, but also deaf and dumb."
intended to create an influence or bend the blind of this Atty. Almacen vowed to argue the cause of his client
atmosphere of distrust, of Court to decide the case' in its "in the people's forum" so that "the people may know
disbelief. favor. A notice of appeal to the of this silent injustice committed by this Court' and that
World Court has even been "whatever mistakes, wrongs and injustices that were
embodied in Meads return. There committed [may] never be repeated." Atty. Almacen
xxx xxx xxx
is a gross inconsistency between released to the press the contents of his Petition and
the appeal and the move to on 26 September 1967, the "Manila Times" published
The precepts, the teachings, the reconsider the decision. An statements attributed to him as follows:
injunctions just recited are not appeal from a decision
unfamiliar to lawyers. and presupposes that a party has
Vicente Raul Almacen, in an
yet, this Court finds in the already abandoned any move to
unprecedented petition, said he
language of Atty. Santiago a style reconsider that decision. And
did not expose the
that undermines and degrades yet, it would appear that the
tribunal's 'unconstitutional and
the administration of justice. The appeal to the World Court is
obnoxious' practice of arbitrarily
stricture in Section 3 (d) of Rule being dangled as a threat to
denying petitions or appeals
71 of the Rules against improper effect a change of the decision of
without any reason.
conduct tending to degrade the this Court. Such act has no
administration of justice is thus aboveboard explanation.
transgressed. Atty. Santiago is Because of the tribunal's 'short-
guilty of contempt of court. cut justice.' Almacen deplored,
xxx xxx xxx
his client was condemned to pay
P120,000, without knowing why
xxx xxx xxx
The dignity of the Court, he lost the case.
experience teaches, can never
Third. The motion contained an be protected where infraction of
xxx xxx xxx
express threat to take the case to ethics meets with complacency
the World Court and/or the United rather than punishment. The
States government. It must be people should not be given cause There is no use continuing his
remembered that respondent to break faith with the belief that law practice, Almacen said in this
MacArthur at that time was still a judge is the epitome of honor petition, 'where our Supreme
trying to overturn the decision of amongst men. To preserve its Court is composed of men who
this Court of July 31, 1968. In dignity, a court of justice should are calloused to our pleas of
doing so, unnecessary not yield to the assaults of justice, who ignore without
statements were in ejected. More disrespect. Punctilio of honor, we reason their own applicable
specifically, the motion prefer to think, is a standard of decisions and commit culpable
announced that McArthur 'will behavior so desirable in a lawyer violations of the Constitution with
inevitably ... raise the graft and pleading a cause before a court impunity.'
corruption of the Philippine of justice. (31 SCRA at 13-23;
government officials in the emphasis supplied)
xxx xxx xxx
bidding of May 12, 1965 ... to the
World Court' and would invoke
3. In In re Almacen, supra, Atty. Vicente Raul
'the Hickenlooper Amendment He expressed the hope that by
Almacen, in protest against what he asserted was "a
requiring the cutting off of all aid divesting himself of his title by
great injustice committed against his client by the
and benefits to the Philippine which he earns his living, the
Supreme Court," filed a Petition to Surrender Lawyer's
Government, including the sugar present members of the Supreme
Certificate of Title. He alleged that his client was
price premium, amount to more Court 'will become responsible to
deeply aggrieved by this Court's "unjust judgment,"
than fifty million dollars all cases brought to its attention
and had become "one of the sacrificial victims before
annually ... without discrimination, and will
the altar of hypocrisy," saying that "justice as
purge itself of those
administered by the present members of the Supreme
unconstitutional and obnoxious ourselves to have faith and not want Verzosa and Reyes
"lack of merit' or "denied confidence in the members of the repeated again and again, killed
resolutions. (31 SCRA at 565566; Court but disregard our in the premises of the Supreme
emphasis supplied) Constitution and to uphold the Court and in those of the City Hall
Constitution and be condemned of Manila. Educated people
by the members of this Court, should keep their temper under
Atty. Almacen was required by this Court to show
there is no choice, we must control at all times! But justice
cause why disciplinary action should not be taken
uphold the latter. (31 SCRA at should be done to all concerned
against him. His explanation, which in part read:
572; emphasis supplied) to perpetuate the very life of
Democracy on the face of the
xxx xxx xxx earth. (14 SCRA at 810;
was found by the Court to be "undignified and cynical"
emphasis supplied)
and rejected. The Court indefinitely suspended
The phrase, Justice is blind is Almacen from the practice of law holding, through Mr.
symbolized in paintings that can Justice Fred Ruiz Castro, that Almacen had exceeded The Court considered the above statements as
be found in all courts and the boundaries of "fair criticism." derogatory to the dignity of the Court and required
government offices. We have counsel to show cause why administrative action
added only two more symbols, should not be taken against him. Counsel later
4. In Paragas V. Cruz, 47 Counsel, whose Petition for
that it is also deaf and dumb. explained that he had merely related factual events
Ceriorari ran was dismissed by this Court, made the
Deaf in the sense that no (i.e., the killing of Verzosa and Reyes) and to express
following statements in his Motion for
members of this Court has ever his desire to avoid repetition of such acts. The Court,
heard our cries for charity, through Mr. Justice J.B.L. Reyes, found these
generosity, fairness, explanations unsatisfactory and the above statements
understanding, sympathy and for The petitioner respectfully prays contumacious.
justice; dumb in the sense, that for a reconsideration of the
inspire of our beggings, resolution of this Honorable Court
supplications, and pleadings to dated April 20,1966 on the
give us reasons why our appeals ground that it constitutes a
has been DENIED, not one word violation of Section 14 of Rule 11
was spoken or given ... We refer 2 of the Rules of Court
to no human defect or ailment in promulgated by this very Hon.
the above statement. We only Supreme Court, and on the
described the impersonal state of further ground that it is likewise a
Things and nothing more. violation of the most important
right in the Bill of Rights of the
Constitution of the Philippines, a
xxx xxx xxx
culpable violation which is a
ground for impeachment.
As we have stated, we have lost
our faith and confidence in the
... The rule of law in a democracy
members of this Court and for
should always be upheld and
which reason we offered to
protected by all means, because
surrender our lawyer's certificate,
the rule of law creates and
IN TRUST ONLY. Because what
preserves peace and order and
has been lost today may be
gives satisfaction and
regained tomorrow. As the offer
contentment to all concerned. But
was intended as our self-imposed
when the laws and the rules are
sacrifice, then we alone may
violated, the victims resort,
decide as to when we must end
sometimes, to armed force and to
our self- sacrifice. If we have to
the ways of the cavemen We do
choose between forcing
... The expressions contained in Hernandez, [In re Francisco], 61 memorable times of Cayetano
the motion for reconsideration ... Phil. 729)' (1 4 SCRA at 811-812; Arellano, Victorino Mapa, Manuel
are plainly contemptuous and emphasis supplied) Araullo and other learned jurists
disrespectful, and reference to who were the honor and glory of
the recent killing of two the Philippine Judiciary. (82 Phil.
5. In In re Sotto, 48 a newspaper reporter, Mr. Angel
employees is but a covert threat at 597-598; emphasis supplied)
Parazo, invoking the Press Freedom Law, refused to
upon the members of the
divulge the source of the news item which carried his
Court. ... That such threats and
by-line and was sent to jail for so refusing. Atty. In finding Atty. Sotto in contempt,
disrespectful language contained
Vicente Sotto, a senator and author of said law, despite his avowals of good faith
in a pleading filed in courts are
caused the publication of the following item in a and his invocation of the
constitutive of direct contempt
number of daily newspapers in Manila: constitutional guarantee of free
has been repeatedly
speech and in requiring him to
decided (Salcedo vs. Hernandez,
show cause why he should not be
61 Phil. 724; People vs. As author of the Press Freedom
disbarred, the Court, through Mr.
Venturanza, 52 Off. Gaz. 769; Law (Republic Act No. 53),
Justice Feria, said-
Medina vs. Rivera, 66 Phil. 151; interpreted by the Supreme Court
De Joya vs. Court of First in the case of Angel Parazo,
Instance of Rizal, 1, 9785, reporter of a local daily, who now To hurl the false charge that this
September 19,1956; Sison vs. has to suffer 30 days Court has been for the last years
Sandejas L- 9270, April 29,1959; imprisonment, for his refusal to committing deliberately so many
Lualhati vs. Albert, 57 Phil. divulge the source of a news blunders and injustices that is to
86). What makes the present published in his paper, I regret to say, that it has been deciding in
case more deplorable is that the say that our High Tribunal has favor of one party knowing that
guilty party is a member of the not only erroneously interpreted the law and justice is on the part
bar; for, as remarked in People said law, but that it is once more of the adverse party and not on
vs. Carillo, 77 Phil. 580- putting in evidence the the one in whose favor the
incompetency or narrow decision was rendered, in many
mindedness of the majority of its cases decided during the last
Counsel should conduct himself
members. In the wake of so years, would tend necessarily to
towards the judges who try his
many blunders and injustices undermine the coincidence of the
cases with that courtesy all have
deliberately committed during people in the honesty and
a right to expect. As an officer of
these last years, I believe that the integrity of the members of this
the court, it is his sworn and
only remedy to put an end to so Court, and consequently to lower
moral duty to help build and not
much evil, is to change the and degrade the administration of
destroy unnecessarily that high
members of the Supreme justice by this Court. The
esteem and regard towards the
Court. To this effect, I announce Supreme Court of the Philippines
courts so essential to the proper
that one of the first measures, is, under the Constitution, the last
administration of justice.
which I will introduce in the bulwark to which the Filipino
coming congressional sessions, people may repair to obtain relief
It in light and plausible that an will have as its object the for their grievances or protection
attorney in defending the cause complete reorganization of the of their rights when these are
and rights of his client, should do Supreme Court. As it is now trampled upon, and if the people
so with all the fervor and energy constituted, the Supreme Court lose their confidence in the
of which he is capable, but it is of today constitutes a constant honesty and integrity of the
not, and never will be so, for him peril to liberty and democracy. It members of this Court and
to exercise said right by resorting need be said loudly, very loudly, believe that they cannot expect
to intimidation or proceeding so that even the deaf may hear: justice therefrom, they might be
without the propriety and respect The Supreme Court of today is a driven to take the law into their
which the dignity of the courts far cry from the impregnable hands, and disorder and perhaps
require. (Salcedo vs. bulwark of Justice of those chaos might be the result. As a
member of the bar and an officer sincerely that erroneous special way to the essential
of the courts Atty. Vicente Sotto, decisions like these, which the points relied upon in his argument
like any other, is in duty bound to affected party and his thousands and to emphasize the force
uphold the dignity and authority of voters will necessarily consider thereof, the many reasons stated
of this Court, to which he owes unjust, increase the proselytes of in his said motion were sufficient
fidelity according to the oath he sakdalism and make the public and the phrases in question were
has taken as such attorney, and lose confidence in the superfluous. In order to appeal to
not to promote distrust in the administration of justice. (61 Phil. reason and justice, it is highly
administration of justice. Respect at 726; emphasis supplied) improper and amiss to make
to the courts guarantees the trouble and resort to threats, as
stability of other institutions, Attorney Vicente J. Francisco has
When required by the Court to show cause why he
which without such guaranty done, because both means are
should not be declared in contempt, Atty. Francisco
would be resting on a very shaky annoying and good practice can
responded by saying that it was not contempt to tell
foundation. (82 Phil. at 601-602; ever sanction them by reason of
the truth. Examining the statements made above, the
emphasis supplied) their natural tendency to disturb
Court held:
and hinder the free exercise of a
serene and impartial judgment,
6. In Salcedo v. Hernandez, 49 Atty. Vicente Francisco
... [they] disclose, in the opinion particularly in judicial matters, in
filed a Motion before the Supreme Court which
of this court, an inexcusable the consideration of questions
contained the following paragraph (in translation):
disrespect of the authority of the submitted for resolution.
court and an intentional contempt
We should like frankly and of its dignity, because the court is
There is no question that said
respectfully to make it of record thereby charged with no less
paragraph of Attorney Vicente J.
that the resolution of this court, than having proceeded in utter
Francisco's motion contains a
denying our motion for disregard of the laws, the rights
more or less veiled threat to the
reconsideration, is absolutely of the parties, and of the
court because it is insinuated
erroneous and constitutes an untoward consequences, or with
therein, after the author shows
outrage to the rights of the having abused its power and
the course which the voters of
petitioner Felipe Salcedo and a mocked and flouted the rights of
Tiaong should follow in case he
mockery of the popular will Attorney Vicente J. Francisco's
fails in his attempt, that they will
expressed at the polls in the client, because the acts of
resort to the press for the
municipality of Tiaong, Tayabas. outraging and mocking from
purpose of denouncing, what he
We wish to exhaust all the means which the words 'outrage' and
claims to be a judicial outrage of
within our power in order that this mockery' used therein are
which his client has been the
error may be corrected by the derived, means exactly the same
victim; and because he states in
very court which has committed as all these, according to the
a threatening manner with the
it, because we should not want Dictionary of the Spanish
intention of predisposing the
that some citizen, particularly Language published by the
mind of the reader against the
some voter of the municipality of Spanish Academy (Dictionary of
court, thus creating an
Tiaong, Tayabas, resort to the the Spanish Language, 15th ed.,
atmosphere of prejudices against
press publicly to denounce, as he pages 132-513).
it in order to make it odious in the
has a right to do, the judicial
public eye, that decisions of the
outrage of which the herein
The insertion of the phrases in nature of that referred to in his
petitioner has been the victim,
question in said motion of motion to promote distrust in the
and because it is our utmost
Attorney Vicente J. Francisco, for administration of justice and
desire to safeguard the prestige
many years a member of the increase the proselytes
of this honorable court and of
Philippine bar, was neither of sakdalism a movement with
each and every member thereof
justified nor in the least seditious and revolutionary
in the eyes of the public. But, at
necessary, because in order to tendencies the activities of which,
the same time we wish to state
call the attention of the court in a as is of public knowledge,
occurred in this country a few 1) In re Wenceslao Laureta, 148 Supreme Court. Respondent's statements, especially
days ago. This cannot mean SCRA 382 (1987); the charge that the Court deliberately rendered an
otherwise than contempt of the erroneous and unjust decision in the Consolidated
dignity of the court and Petitions, necessarily implying that the justices of this
2) Borromeo v. Court of
disrespect of the authority thereof Court betrayed their oath of office, merely to wreak
appeals, 87 SCRA 67 (1978);
on the part of Attorney Vicente J. vengeance upon the respondent here, constitute the
Francisco, because he presumes grossest kind of disrespect for the Court. Such
that the court is so devoid of the 3) Rheem of the Philippines v. statements very clearly debase and degrade the
sense of justice that, if he did not Ferrer, 20 SCRA 441 (1967); Supreme Court and, through the Court, the entire
resort to intimidation, it would system of administration of justice in the country. That
maintain its error notwithstanding respondent's baseless charges have had some
4) Malolos v. Reyes, 1 SCRA 559
the fact that it may be proven, impact outside the internal world of subjective intent,
with good reasons, that it has is clearly demonstrated by the filing of a complaint for
acted erroneously. impeachment of thirteen (13) out of the then fourteen
5) De Joya, et al. v. Court of First (14) incumbent members of this Court, a complaint
Instance of Rizal, Pasay City the centerpiece of which is a repetition of the
As a member of the bar and an
Branch, 99 Phil. 907 (1956); appalling claim of respondent that this Court
officer of this court, Attorney
deliberately rendered a wrong decision as an act of
Vicente J. Francisco, as any
reprisal against the respondent.
attorney, is in duty bound to 6) People v. Venturanza, et
uphold its dignity and authority al., 98 Phil. 211 (1956);
and to defend its integrity, not IV
only because it had conferred
upon him the high privilege, not a 7) In re Suzano A. Velasquez,
per curiam Resolution The principal defense of respondent Gonzalez is that
right (Malcolm, Legal Ethics, 158
(unreported), Promulgated 29 he was merely exercising his constitutional right of
and 160), of being what he now
April 1955; free speech. He also invokes the related doctrines of
is: a priest of justice (In re
qualified privileged communications and fair criticism
Thatcher, 80 Ohio St., Rep., 492,
in the public interest.
669), but also because in so 8) Cornejo v. Tan, 85 Phil. 772
doing, he neither creates nor (1950);
promotes distrust in the Respondent Gonzalez is entitled to the constitutional
administration of justice, and guarantee of free speech. No one seeks to deny him
prevents anybody from harboring 9) People v. Carillon, 77 Phil. 572 that right, least of all this Court. What respondent
and encouraging discontent (1946); seems unaware of is that freedom of speech and of
which, in many cases, is the expression, like all constitutional freedoms, is not
source of disorder, thus 10) Intestate Estate of Rosario absolute and that freedom of expression needs on
undermining the foundation upon 0lba; Contempt Proceedings occasion to be adjusted to and accommodated with
which rests that bulwark called against Antonio Franco, 67 Phil. the requirements of equally important public interests.
judicial power to which those who 312 (1939); and One of these fundamental public interests is the
are aggrieved turn for protection maintenance of the integrity and orderly functioning of
and relief (61 Phil. at 727-728; the administration of justice. There is no antinomy
emphasis supplied) 11) Lualhati v. Albert, 57 Phil. 86 between free expression and the integrity of the
(1932). system of administering justice. For the protection and
maintenance of freedom of expression itself can be
It should not be supposed that the six (6) cases above
Considering the kinds of statements of lawyers secured only within the context of a functioning and
discussed exhaust our case law on this matter. In the
discussed above which the Court has in the past orderly system of dispensing justice, within the
following cases, among others, the Supreme Court
penalized as contemptuous or as warranting context, in other words, of viable independent
punished for contempt or administratively disciplined
application of disciplinary sanctions, this Court is institutions for delivery of justice which are accepted
lawyers who had made statements not very different
compelled to hold that the statements here made by by the general community. As Mr. Justice Frankfurter
from those made in the cases discussed above:
respondent Gonzalez clearly constitute contempt and put it:
call for the exercise of the disciplinary authority of the
... A free press is not to be embarassment of the parties and administration of justice. Hence,
preferred to an independent the courts. 51 (Emphasis supplied) in the assertion of their clients'
judiciary, nor an independent rights, lawyers even those gifted
judiciary to a free press. Neither with superior intellect are
Only slightly (if at all) less important is the public
has primacy over the other; both enjoined to rein up their tempers.
interest in the capacity of the Court effectively to
are indispensable to a free
prevent and control professional misconduct on the
society. The freedom of the press
part of lawyers who are, first and foremost, xxx xxx xxx 54
in itself presupposes an
indispensable participants in the task of rendering
independent judiciary through
justice to every man. Some courts have held,
which that freedom may, if (Emphasis supplied)
persuasively it appears to us, that a lawyer's right of
necessary be vindicated. And one
free expression may have to be more limited than that
of the potent means for assuring
of a layman. 52 The instant proceeding is not addressed to the fact
judges their independence is a
that respondent has criticized the Court; it is
free press. 50
addressed rather to the nature of that criticism or
It is well to recall that respondent Gonzalez, apart
comment and the manner in which it was carried out.
from being a lawyer and an officer of the court, is also
Mr. Justice Malcolm of this Court expressed the same
a Special Prosecutor who owes duties of fidelity and
thought in the following terms:
respect to the Republic and to this Court as the Respondent Gonzalez disclaims an intent to attack
embodiment and the repository of the judicial power in and denigrate the Court. The subjectivities of the
The Organic Act wisely the government of the Republic. The responsibility of respondent are irrelevant so far as characterization of
guarantees freedom of speech the respondent "to uphold the dignity and authority of his conduct or misconduct is concerned. He will not,
and press. This constitutional this Court' and "not to promote distrust in the however, be allowed to disclaim the natural and plain
right must be protected in its administration of justice 53 is heavier than that of a import of his words and acts. 55 It is upon the other
fullest extent. The Court has private practicing lawyer. hand, not irrelevant to point out that respondent
heretofore given evidence of its offered no apology in his two (2) explanations and
tolerant regard for charges under exhibited no repentance. 56
Respondent Gonzalez claims to be and he is, of
the Libel Law which come
course, entitled to criticize the rulings of this Court, to
dangerously close to its
point out where he feels the Court may have lapsed Respondent Gonzalez also defends himself
violation. We shall continue in this
into error. Once more, however, the right of criticism is contending that no injury to the judiciary has been
chosen path. The liberty of the
not unlimited. Its limits were marked out by Mr. Justice shown, and points to the fact that this Court denied
citizens must be preserved in all
Castro in In re Almacen which are worth noting his Motion for Reconsideration of its per
of its completeness. But license
curiam Decision of 27 April 1988 and reiterated and
or abuse of liberty of the press
amplified that Decision in its Resolution of 19 May
and of the citizens should not be But it is the cardinal condition of
1988. In the first place, proof of actual damage
confused with liberty ill its true all such criticism that it shall be
sustained by a court or the judiciary in general is not
sense. As important as is the bonafide and shall not spill over
essential for a finding of contempt or for the
maintenance of an unmuzzled the walls of decency and
application of the disciplinary authority of the Court.
press and the free exercise of the propriety. A wide chasm exists
Insofar as the Consolidated Petitions are concerned,
rights of the citizens is the between fair criticism, on the one
this Court after careful review of the bases of its 27
maintenance of the hand, and abuse and slander of
April 1988 Decision, denied respondent's Motion for
independence of the courts and the judges thereof, on
Reconsideration thereof and rejected the public
Judiciary. Respect for the the other. Intemperate and unfair
pressures brought to bear upon this Court by the
Judiciary cannot be had if criticism is a gross violation of the
respondent through his much publicized acts and
persons are privileged to scorn a duty of respect to courts. It is
statements for which he is here being required to
resolution of the court adopted for such a misconduct that subjects
account. Obstructing the free and undisturbed
good purposes, and if such a lawyer to disciplinary action.
resolution of a particular case is not the only species
persons are to be permitted by
subterranean means to diffuse of injury that the Court has a right and a duty to
The lawyer's duty to render prevent and redress. What is at stake in cases of this
inaccurate accounts of
respectful subordination to the kind is the integrity of the judicial institutions of the
confidential proceedings to the
courts is essential to the orderly country in general and of the Supreme Court in
particular. Damage to such institutions might not be G.R. No. 152991 July 21, 2008 retirement, the employee gets both amounts standing
quantifiable at a given moment in time but damage in his name in Trust Fund A and Trust Fund B.
there will surely be if acts like those of respondent
ALBERTO P. OXALES, Petitioner,
Gonzalez are not effectively stopped and countered.
vs. As retirement benefits, the employee receives (1)
The level of trust and confidence of the general public
UNITED LABORATORIES, INC., Respondent. from Trust Fund A a lump sum of 1½ month’s pay per
in the courts, including the court of last resort, is not
year of service "based on the member’s last or
easily measured; but few will dispute that a high level
terminal basic monthly salary,"5 and (2) whatever the
of such trust and confidence is critical for the stability DECISION
employee has contributed to Trust Fund B, together
of democratic government.
with the income minus any losses incurred. The URP
REYES, R.T., J.: excludes commissions, overtime, bonuses, or extra
Respondent Gonzalez lastly suggests that compensations in the computation of the basic salary
punishment for contempt is not the proper remedy in for purposes of retirement.
HOW should a private company retirement plan for
this case and suggests that the members of this Court
employees be implemented vis-à-vis The Retirement
have recourse to libel suits against him. While the
Pay Law (Republic Act No. 7641)? Oxales joined UNILAB on September 1, 1968. He was
remedy of libel suits by individual members of this
compulsorily retired by UNILAB when he reached his
Court may well be available against respondent
60th birthday on September 7, 1994, after having
Gonzalez, such is by no means an exclusive remedy. Papaano ipapatupad ang isang plano ng rendered service of twenty-five (25) years, eleven (11)
Moreover, where, as in the instant case, it is not only pribadong kompanya para sa pagreretiro ng mga months, and six (6) days. He was then Director of
the individual members of the Court but the Court empleyado sa harap ng Batas ng Pagbabayad sa Manufacturing Services Group.
itself as an institution that has been falsely attacked, Pagreretiro (Batas Republika Blg. 7641)?
libel suits cannot be an adequate remedy. 57
In computing the retirement benefits of Oxales based
We address the concern in this appeal by certiorari of on the 1½ months for every year of service under the
The Court concludes that respondent Gonzalez is the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) affirming URP, UNILAB took into account only his basic
guilty both of contempt of court in facie curiae and of the Resolution2 and Decision3 of the Labor Arbiter and monthly salary. It did not include as part of the salary
gross misconduct as an officer of the court and the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), base the permanent and regular bonuses, reasonable
member of the Bar. respectively, dismissing petitioner Alberto P. Oxales’ value of food allowances, 1/12 of the 13th month pay,
complaint for additional retirement benefits, recovery and the cash equivalent of service incentive leave.
of the cash equivalent of his unused sick leaves,
ACCORDINGLY, the Court Resolved to SUSPEND
damages, and attorney’s fees, against respondent
Atty. Raul M. Gonzalez from the practice of law
United Laboratories, Inc. (UNILAB). Thus, Oxales received from Trust Fund A
indefinitely and until further orders from this Court, the
₱1,599,179.00, instead of ₱4,260,255.70. He also
suspension to take effect immediately.
received ₱176,313.06, instead of ₱456,039.20 as
The Facts cash equivalent of his unused sick leaves. Lastly, he
Let copies of this Resolution be furnished received ₱397,738.33 from his contributions to Trust
the Sandiganbayan, the Ombudsman, the Secretary Sometime in 1959, UNILAB established the United Fund B. In sum, Oxales received the total amount
of Justice, the Solicitor General and the Court of Retirement Plan (URP).4 The plan is a comprehensive of ₱2,173,230.39 as his retirement benefits.
Appeals for their information and guidance. retirement program aimed at providing for retirement,
resignation, disability, and death benefits of its On August 21, 1997, Oxales wrote UNILAB, claiming
members. An employee of UNILAB becomes a
Fernan C.J., Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, that he should have been paid ₱1,775,907.23 more in
member of the URP upon his regularization in the
Jr., Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin, retirement pay and unused leave credits. He insisted
company. The URP mandates the compulsory
Sarmiento, Cortes, Griño-Aquino, Medialdea and that his bonuses, allowances and 13th month pay
retirement of any member-employee who reaches the
Regalado, JJ., concur. should have been factored in the computation of his
age of 60. retirement benefits.6
Republic of the Philippines
Both UNILAB and the employee contribute to the
URP. On one hand, UNILAB provides for the account
of the employee an actuarially-determined amount to
Trust Fund A. On the other hand, the employee chips
THIRD DIVISION in 2½% of his monthly salary to Trust Fund B. Upon
On September 9, 1997, UNILAB wrote7 back and the trustees of the URP to liabilities and prejudice the Just like the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC, the CA also
reminded Oxales about the provision of the URP other employees. Worse, the BIR might even held that R.A. No. 7641 is applicable only in the
excluding any commissions, overtime, bonuses or withdraw the tax exemption granted to the absence of a retirement plan or agreement providing
extra compensations in the computation of the basic URP.10 Lastly, the Labor Arbiter opined that the URP for the retirement benefits of employees in an
salary of the retiring employee. precludes the application of the provisions of R.A. No. establishment.16
Disgruntled, Oxales filed a complaint with the Labor Finally, the CA denied the claim of Oxales to moral
Arbiter for (1) the correct computation of his Oxales appealed to the NLRC. On February 8, 1999, and exemplary damages. According to the appellate
retirement benefits, (2) recovery of the cash the NLRC affirmed the decision of the Labor Arbiter, court, he failed to prove the presence of bad faith or
equivalent of his unused sick leaves, (3) damages, disposing as follows: fraud on the part of UNILAB. His mere allegations of
and (4) attorney’s fees. He argued that in the having suffered sleepless nights, serious anxiety, and
computation of his retirement benefits, UNILAB mental anguish are not enough. No premium should
WHEREFORE, in view thereof, the instant appeal is
should have included in his basic pay the following, to be placed on the right to litigate.17
hereby dismissed for lack of merit and the appealed
wit: (a) cash equivalent of not more than five (5) days
decision is ordered affirmed.
service incentive leave; (b) 1/12th of 13th month pay;
Left with no other option, Oxales filed the present
and (c) all other benefits he has been receiving.
recourse under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Efforts were exerted for a possible amicable
settlement. As this proved futile, the parties were The NLRC ruled that the interpretation by Oxales of
required to submit their respective pleadings and R.A. No. 7641 is selective. He only culled the
position papers. provisions that are beneficial to him, putting in grave
doubt the sincerity of his motives. For instance, he In his Memorandum,19 Oxales raises the following
claims that the value of the food benefits and other issues for Our disposition, to wit:
Labor Arbiter, NLRC and CA Dispositions
allowances should be included in his monthly salary
as multiplicand to the number of his years of service
On June 30, 1998, Labor Arbiter Romulus A. Protasio with UNILAB. At the same time, however, he does not
rendered a decision dismissing the complaint, thus: intend to reduce the 1½ month salary as multiplier
under the URP to ½ under R.A. No. 7641.13
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is ERRORS IN THE COMPUTATION OF
hereby rendered dismissing the instant complaint for The NLRC agreed with the Labor Arbiter that the RETIREMENT BENEFITS OF
lack of merit. provisions of R.A. No. 7641 do not apply in view of the PETITIONER SHOULD BE CORRECTED
URP. The NLRC also took into account the fact that IN A SPECIAL ACTION FOR
the benefits granted to Oxales by virtue of the URP CERTIORARI;
was even higher than what R.A. No. 7641 requires.14
The Labor Arbiter held that the URP clearly excludes
His motion for reconsideration having been denied, APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED IN NOT
commission, overtime, bonuses, or other extra
Oxales filed with the CA a petition for certiorari under FINDING THAT THE NLRC COMMITTED
compensation. Hence, the benefits asked by Oxales
to be included in the computation of his retirement
benefits should be excluded.9
In a decision promulgated on April 12, 2002, the CA
dismissed the petition. The CA ruled that the petition
The Arbiter also held that the inclusion of the fringe SALARY BASE;
of Oxales calls for a review of the factual findings of
benefits claimed by Oxales would put UNILAB in
the Labor Arbiter as affirmed by the NLRC. It is not
violation of the terms and conditions set forth by the
the normal function of the CA in a special civil action 3. WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) when it approved
for certiorari to inquire into the correctness of the APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED AND
the URP as a tax-qualified plan. More, any
evaluation of the evidence by the Labor Arbiter. Its COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF
overpayment of benefits would adversely affect the
authority is confined only to issues of jurisdiction or DISCRETION IN TOTALLY IGNORING
actuarial soundness of the plan. It would also expose
grave abuse of discretion.15 THE ISSUE AND IN NOT FINDING THAT
The issues posed by Oxales may be compressed as
10. WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF follows: first, whether in the computation of his
APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED IN NOT retirement and sick leave benefits, UNILAB should
RULING THAT THE NLRC COMMITTED have factored such benefits like bonuses, cash and
GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN NOT meal allowances, rice rations, service incentive
REINSTATING THE MEDICAL leaves, and 1/12 of the 13th month pay; second,
RETIREMENT BENEFITS OF whether R.A. No. 7641 is applicable for purposes of
PETITIONER; computing his retirement benefits; and third, whether
UNILAB is liable for moral damages, exemplary
6. WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF damages, and attorney’s fees.
ABSENCE OF RETIREMENT PLAN OR The clear language of the URP should be
CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS A retirement plan in a company partakes the nature
WHICH IN EFFECT DENIED of a contract, with the employer and the employee as
7. WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF PETITIONER’S RIGHT TO DUE the contracting parties. It creates a contractual
APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED IN NOT PROCESS; obligation in which the promise to pay retirement
FINDING THAT THE DEFINITION OF benefits is made in consideration of the continued
"SALARY" UNDER THE IMPLEMENTING faithful service of the employee for the requisite
RULES OF R.A. NO. 7641 SHOULD BE period.21
LIKEWISE RENDERING A DECISION IN The employer and the employee may establish such
VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL stipulations, clauses, terms, and conditions as they
may deem convenient.22 In Allgeyer v. computation of the basic monthly salary. However, a employment contract providing for retirement benefits
Louisiana,23 New York Life Ins. Co. v. close reading of its provisions would reveal otherwise. for an employee; or (2) there is a collective bargaining
Dodge,24 Coppage v. Kansas,25 Adair v. United We quote with approval the explanation of the NLRC agreement or other applicable employment contract
States,26 Lochner v. New York,27 and Muller v. in this regard, viz.: providing for retirement benefits for an employee, but
Oregon,28 the United States Supreme Court held that it is below the requirements set for by law. The
the right to contract about one’s affair is part and reason for the first situation is to prevent the absurd
x x x the United Retirement Plan of the
parcel of the liberty of the individual which is protected situation where an employee, who is otherwise
respondent [Unilab] has a one and one-half months
by the "due process of law" clause of the Constitution. deserving, is denied retirement benefits by the
salary for every year of service as the basis of
nefarious scheme of employers in not providing for
entitlement. Under the new law, only one-half month
retirement benefits for their employees. The reason
The obligations arising from the agreement between of the retiree’s salary inclusive however, of not more
for the second situation is expressed in the latin
the employer and the employee have the force of law than five (5) days of service incentive leave and one-
maxim pacta privata juri publico derogare non
between them and should be complied with in good twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month pay are used as the
possunt. Private contracts cannot derogate from the
faith.29 However, though the employer and the bases in the retirement benefits computation.
public law. Ang kasunduang pribado ay hindi
employee are given the widest latitude possible in the
makasisira sa batas publiko. Five (5) reasons support
crafting of their contract, such right is not absolute.
Mathematically speaking therefore, this conclusion.
There is no such thing as absolute freedom of
complainant’s [Oxales] benefits received amounting to
contract. A limitation is provided for by the law itself.
₱1,599,179.00 under Trust Fund A together with the
Their stipulations, clauses, terms, and conditions First, a plain reading of the Retirement Pay Law. R.A.
cash equivalent of his unused leaves which has an
should not be contrary to law, morals, good customs, No. 7641 originated from the House of
amount of ₱176,313.06 and his contribution in the
public order, or public policy.30 Indeed, the law Representatives as House Bill 317 which was later
Trust Fund B amounting to ₱397,738.33 are way
respects the freedom to contract but, at the same consolidated with Senate Bill 132. It was approved on
above the entitlement he could have received under
time, is very zealous in protecting the contracting December 9, 1992 and took effect on January 7,
Republic Act 7641, otherwise known as the New
parties and the public in general. So much so that the 1993.38 Amending Article 287 of the Labor Code, it
Retirement Law.32 (Underscoring supplied)
contracting parties need not incorporate the existing provides as follows:
laws in their contract, as the law is deemed written in
every contract. Quando abest, proviso parties, adest Both law33 and jurisprudence34 mandate that if the
Art. 287. Retirement. – Any employee may be retired
proviso legis. When the provision of the party is terms of a contract are clear and leave no doubt upon
upon reaching the retirement age established in the
lacking, the provision of the law supplies it. Kung may the intention of the contracting parties, the literal
collective bargaining agreement or other applicable
kulang na kondisyon sa isang kasunduan, ang meaning of its stipulations shall control. Thus, if the
employment contract.
batas ang magdaragdag dito. terms of a writing are plain and unambiguous, there is
no room for construction, since the only purpose of
judicial construction is to remove doubt and In case of retirement, the employee shall be entitled to
Viewed from the foregoing, We rule that Oxales is not
uncertainty.35 Only where the language of a contract is receive such retirement benefits as he may have
entitled to the additional retirement benefits he is
ambiguous and uncertain that a court may, under earned under existing laws and any collective
asking. The URP is very clear: "basic monthly salary"
well-established rules of construction, interfere to bargaining agreement and other agreements:
for purposes of computing the retirement pay is "the
reach a proper construction and make certain that Provided, however, that an employee’s retirement
basic monthly salary, or if daily[,] means the basic rate
which in itself is uncertain.36 Where the language of a benefits under any collective bargaining and other
of pay converted to basic monthly salary of the
contract is plain and unambiguous, its meaning agreements shall not be less than those provided
employee excluding any commissions, overtime,
should be determined without reference to extrinsic herein.
bonuses, or extra compensations."31 Inclusio unius est
facts or aids.37
exclusio alterius. The inclusion of one is the exclusion
of others. Ang pagsama ng isa, pagpwera naman sa
iba. R.A. No. 7641 does not apply in view of the URP
which gives to the retiring employee more than
what the law requires; the supporting cases cited
The URP is not contrary to law, morals, good
by Oxales are off-tangent.
customs, public order, or public policy to merit its
nullification. We, thus, sustain it. At first blush, the
URP seems to be disadvantageous to the retiring R.A. No. 7641, otherwise known as "The Retirement
employee because of the exclusion of commissions, Pay Law," only applies in a situation where (1) there is
overtime, bonuses, or extra compensations in the no collective bargaining agreement or other applicable
In the absence of a retirement plan or agreement collective bargaining agreement or retirement plan of workers during their twilight years soon following their
providing for retirement benefits of employees in the the establishment.1avvphil life of labor."44
establishment, an employee upon reaching the age of
sixty (60) years or more, but not beyond sixty-five (65)
At present, however, such benefit of retirement pay is In Pantranco North Express, Inc. v. National Labor
years which is hereby declared the compulsory
no longer available where there is no collective Relations Commission,45 the Court held that Article
retirement age, who has served at least five (5) years
agreement thereon or any retirement plan at all. This 287 of the Labor Code "makes clear the intention and
in the said establishment, may retire and shall be
is so because, in a decision of the Supreme Court spirit of the law to give employers and employees a
entitled to retirement pay equivalent to at least one-
(Llora Motors vs. Drilon and NLRC, et al., G.R. No. free hand to determine and agree upon the terms and
half (1/2) month salary for every year of service, a
82895, November 7, 1989), it was held that the grant conditions of retirement,"46 and that the law "presumes
fraction of at least six (6) months being considered as
of such benefit under the rules implementing the that employees know what they want and what is
one whole year.
Labor Code is not supported by any express provision good for them absent any showing that fraud or
of the Labor Code itself. In short, there is no specific intimidation was employed to secure their consent
Unless the parties provide for broader inclusions, the statutory basis for the grant of retirement benefits for thereto."47
term ‘one-half (1/2) month salary shall mean fifteen employees in the private sector reaching the age of
(15) days plus one-twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month 60 years.
Lastly, in Brion v. South Philippine Union Mission of
pay and the cash equivalent of not more than five (5)
the Seventh Day Adventist Church,48 the Court ruled
days of service incentive leaves. (Underscoring
Since the time of such nullification by the Supreme that a reading of Article 287 of the Labor Code would
Court of said implementing rules on retirement pay for reveal that the "employer and employee are free to
private sector employees, many employers simply stipulate on retirement benefits, as long as these do
Second, the legislative history of the Retirement Pay refuse or neglect to adopt any retirement plan for their not fall below floor limits provided by law."49
Law. It may be recalled that R.A. No. 7641 traces workers, obviously emboldened by the thought that,
back its history in the case of Llora Motors, Inc. v. after said ruling, there is no longer any legal
We are aware of the several cases cited by Oxales to
Drilon.39 In this case, the Court held that the then compulsion to grant such retirement benefits. In our
support his claim that the computation of his
Article 287 of the Labor Code40 and its Implementing continuous quest to promote social justice, unfair
retirement benefits should not have been limited to
Rules41 may not be the source of an employee’s situations like this, productive of grievance or irritants
the basic monthly salary as defined by the URP.
entitlement to retirement pay absent the presence of a in the labor-management relations, must immediately
However, these cases negate, rather than support, his
collective bargaining agreement or voluntary company be corrected or remedied by legislation.
policy that provides for retirement benefits for the (Underscoring supplied)
In Villena v. National Labor Relations
Fourth, the title of the Retirement Pay Law. The
Commission,50 the "compulsory retirement" of Villena
Third, the legislative intent of the Retirement Pay complete title of R.A. No. 7641 is "An Act Amending
was, in fact, an illegal dismissal in disguise. Thus, the
Law. A reading of the explanatory note of Article 287 of Presidential Decree No. 442, As
Court ordered the Batangas, Laguna, Tayabas Bus
Representative Alberto S. Veloso would show why Amended, Otherwise Known as the Labor Code of the
Co. to pay Villena "his full backwages, allowances,
Congress sought to pass the Retirement Pay Law: Philippines, By Providing for Retirement Pay to
and other benefits for a period of three (3) years after
many employers refuse or neglect to adopt a Qualified Private Sector in the Absence of Any
his illegal dismissal on April 24, 1987, until he reached
retirement plan for their employees because of the Retirement Plan in the Establishment." Res ipsa
the compulsory retirement age plus his retirement
absence of any legal compulsion for them to do so, loquitur. The thing speaks for itself. Isang bagay na
benefits equivalent to his gross monthly pay,
thus: nangungusap na sa kanyang sarili.
allowances and other benefits for every year of
service up to age sixty (60), which is the normal
When the Labor Code came into effect in 1974, Fifth, jurisprudence. In Oro Enterprises, Inc. v. retirement age for him."51
retirement pay had, as a matter of course, been National Labor Relations Commission,43 the Court
granted to employees in the private sector when they held that R.A. No. 7641 "is undoubtedly a social
The distinction between Villena with the instant case
reach the age of sixty (60) years. This had practically legislation. The law has been enacted as a labor
is readily apparent. The Court used the regular
been the rule observed by employers in the country protection measure and as a curative statute that –
compensation of Villena in computing his retirement
pursuant to the rules and regulations issued by the absent a retirement plan devised by, an agreement
benefits because the provision of the CBA for rank-
then Minister of Labor and Employment to implement with, or a voluntary grant from, an employer – can
and-file employees is inapplicable to him, being a
the provisions of the Labor Code, more particularly, respond, in part at least, to the financial well-being of
managerial employee. The Villena case was also
where there is no provision for the same in the
decided before the passage of R.A. No. 7641.
In Planters Products, Inc. v. National Labor Relations compared to the minimum ½ month salary for every benefits. A careful examination of the URP would
Commission,52 the petitioning employees were given year of service set forth by R.A. No. 7641. show that medical benefits are not included in the
termination benefits based on their basic salary. URP.
However, Planters Products, Inc. had integrated the
Oxales is trying to have the best of both worlds. He
allowances of its remaining employees into their basic
wants to have his cake and eat it too: the 1½ months Indeed, while there is nothing wrong in the act of
salary. Thus, it was the basic salary that increased.
formula under the URP, and the inclusion of the value Oxales in joining a rival company after his retirement,
Also, it was the basic salary as increased (not the
of food benefits and other allowances he was entitled justice and fair play would dictate that by doing so, he
basic salary and allowances) which still formed the
to as employee of UNILAB with his monthly salary as cannot now legally demand the continuance of his
basis for the computation of the termination benefits
the multiplicand of his number of years in the service. medical benefits from UNILAB. To rule otherwise
of the remaining employees of the company. The
This he should not be permitted to do, lest a grave would result in an absurd situation where Oxales
Court held that fairness demanded that the terminated
injustice is caused to UNILAB, and its past and future would continue to receive medical benefits from
employees receive the same treatment.53 Clearly,
retirees. UNILAB while working in a rival company. We note
such situation is absent here.
that these medical benefits are merely unilaterally
given by UNILAB to its retired employees.
We agree with the NLRC observation on this score:
In Manuel L. Quezon University v. National Labor
Relations Commission,54 the issue raised was whether
We are not unaware of this Court’s pronouncement
respondents are entitled to the retirement benefits As an illustration, Complainant claims that his monthly
in Brion v. South Philippine Union Mission of the
provided for under R.A. No. 7641, even if petitioner salary as the multiplicand of his number of years in
Seventh Day Adventist Church.60 However, Oxales’
has an existing valid retirement plan. The Court held the service should include the value of the food
plight differs from Brion because the URP does not
that the coverage of the law "applies to benefits and other allowances he was entitled while in
expressly cover medical benefits to retirees. In
establishments with existing collective bargaining or the employ of respondent. However, he did not even,
contrast, the retired employee in Brion had acquired a
other agreements or voluntary retirement plans whose by implication, intend to reduce the 1½ month salary
vested right to the withheld benefits.
benefits are less than those prescribed under the as multiplier under the URP to ½ under the law he
proviso in question."55 invoked. This is a sign of covetousness, unfair both to
the employer and those employees who have earlier The claim of Oxales to moral damages, exemplary
retired under said plan.58 damages, and attorney’s fees must also be denied for
Admittedly, this Court held in the case of Songco v.
want of basis in law or jurisprudence. On this score,
National Labor Relations Commission56 that not only
We echo the pronouncement of the Court in Audion v.
the basic salary but also the "allowances" (like Oxales is not entitled to the reinstatement of his
Electric Co., Inc. v. National Labor Relations
transportation and emergency living allowances) and medical benefits, which are not part of the URP.
Commission,61 to wit:
"earned sales commissions" should be taken into Corollarily, he is not also entitled to moral
consideration in computing the backwages and damages, exemplary damages, and attorney’s
separation pay of the employee. However, a closer fees. Moral and exemplary damages are recoverable only
examination of the case would show that the where the dismissal of an employee was attended by
CBA57 between Zuellig and F.E. Zuellig Employees bad faith or fraud, or constituted an act oppressive to
Oxales claims that UNILAB unilaterally revoked his
Association, in which Songco was a member, did not labor, or was done in a manner contrary to morals,
medical benefits, causing him humiliation and anxiety.
contain an explicit definition of what salary is. Neither good customs or public policy. The person claiming
This, he argues, entitles him to moral damages,
was there any inclusions or exclusions in the moral damages must prove the existence of bad faith
exemplary damages, plus attorney’s fees.
determination of the salary of the employee. Here, the by clear and convincing evidence for the law always
URP has an explicit provision excluding any presumes good faith. It is not enough that one merely
commissions, overtime, bonuses, or extra We cannot agree. The records bear out that after suffered sleepless nights, mental anguish, serious
compensations for purposes of computing the basic Oxales retired from UNILAB, he chose to join a rival anxiety as the result of the actuations of the other
salary of a retiring employee. Too, the Songco case company, Lloyds Laboratories, Inc. As UNILAB party. Invariably, such action must be shown to have
was decided before the passage of R.A. No. 7641. correctly puts it, "[i]f any employer can legally and been willfully done in bad faith or with ill motive, and
validly do the supreme act of dismissing a disloyal bad faith or ill motive under the law cannot be
employee for having joined or sympathized with a rival presumed but must be established with clear and
Clearly then, R.A. No. 7641 does not apply because
company, with more reason may it do the lesser act of convincing evidence. Private respondent predicated
the URP grants to the retiring employee more than
merely discontinuing a benefit unilaterally given to an his claim for such damages on his own allegations of
what the law gives. Under the URP, the employee
already-retired employee."59 As a retired employee, sleepless
receives a lump sum of 1½ pay per year of service,
Oxales may not claim a vested right on these medical
nights and mental anguish, without establishing bad RUBEN T. REYES ROGER C. SMITH, RUFINO B. JOAQUIN,
faith, fraud or ill motive as legal basis therefor. Associate Justice NOLASCO L. DIAZ, and RUFINO
IBE, Petitioners, v. SANDIGANBAYAN
Private respondent not being entitled to award of WE CONCUR: (SECOND DIVISION), PEOPLE OF THE
moral damages, an award of exemplary damages is PHILIPPINES, and the KILUSANG BAYAN
likewise baseless. Where the award of moral and SA PAGLILINGKOD NG MGA MAGTITINDA
exemplary damages is eliminated, so must the award
Associate Justice
for attorney’s fees be deleted. Private respondent has MUNTINLUPA, INC.,
not shown that he is entitled thereto pursuant to Art. (KBMBPM), Respondents.
2208 of the Civil Code.62 (Citations omitted)
Here, there was no dismissal, as Oxales was retired QUISUMBING* MARTINEZ
by UNILAB by virtue of the URP. He was also paid his Associate Justice Associate Justice DECISION
complete retirement benefits.
Epilogue Associate Justice PURISIMA, J.:

It is not disputed that Oxales has worked tirelessly for ATTESTATION

UNILAB. For one thing, he has spent a considerable Docketed as Criminal Case No. 13966 before
amount of years with the company. For another, he I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had the Second Division 1 of the Sandiganbayan,
has contributed much to its growth and expansion. been reached in consultation before the case was the Amended Information charging the herein
However, even as We empathize with him in his time assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court’s petitioners with a violation of Section 3,
of great need, it behooves Us to interpret the law Division. paragraph (e) of R.A. No. 3019, 2
according to what it mandates.
We reiterate the time-honored principle that the law, in Associate Justice "That on or about August 1988, in the
protecting the rights of the laborer, authorizes neither Chairperson Municipality of Muntinlupa, Metro Manila,
oppression nor self-destruction of the employer. While Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
the Constitution is committed to the policy of social Honorable Court, the above-named accused all
justice and the protection of the working class, CERTIFICATION
public officers being the Mayor (Ignacio R.
management also has its own rights, which are Bunye), Vice Mayor (Jaime D. Fresnedi),
entitled to respect and enforcement in the interest of Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution Municipal Attorney (Victor C. Aguinaldo),
fair play. Out of its concern for those with less and the Division Chairperson’s Attestation, I certify Municipal Councilors (Carlos C. Tensuan,
privilege in life, this Court has inclined more often than that the conclusions in the above Decision had been Alejandro L. Martinez, Epifanio A. Espeleta, Rey
not toward the employee and upheld his cause with reached in consultation before the case was assigned E. Bulay, Lucio B. Constantino, Roman E.
his conflicts with the employer. Such favorable to the writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division. Niefes, Nemesio Q. Mozo, Rufino J. Joaquin,
treatment, however, has not blinded the Court to rule
that justice is in every case for the deserving. Justice Nolasco L. Diaz and Roger C. Smith, Barangay
should be dispensed in the light of the established REYNATO S. PUNO Chairman of Putatan (Rufino Ibe) and
facts and applicable law and doctrine.63 Chief Justice Barangay Chairman of Alabang (Nestor
Santos), all in the municipality of Muntinlupa,
Metro Manila, said accused while in the
performance of their official functions in
No costs.
conspiracy with one another and taking
[G.R. No. 122058. May 5, 1999.]
advantage of their official positions, did then
SO ORDERED. and there wilfully, unlawfully, and feloniously
enact Kapasiyahan Bilang 45 on August 1,
1988, and on the basis thereof, forcibly took
possession of the New Public Market in of official duties." 3chanrobles lawlibrary : share of the costs of this
Alabang, Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, and rednad action.chanroblesvirtual|awlibrary
thereafter took over the operation and
management of the aforesaid public market On July 24,1992, petitioners interposed a x x x
starting August 19, 1988, despite the fact that, Motion to Dismiss, 4 placing reliance on the
there was a valid and subsisting lease contract September 23, 1991 Decision 5 of the Court of
executed on September 2, 1985 for a term of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 16930 6 "that SO ORDERED."cralaw virtua1aw library
25 years, renewable for another 25 years, unless and until declared to be unconstitutional
between the Municipality of Muntinlupa, Metro and expressly annulled" Resolution No. 45 7 With the denial of their Motion for
Manila, represented by the former Municipal "deserves the presumption of constitutionality Reconsideration, 11 petitioners found their way
Mayor Santiago Carlos, Jr. and the Kilusang and therefore is entitled to obedience and to this Court via the present Petition for Review
Bayan sa Paglilingkod ng mga Magtitinda sa respect." 8 on Certiorari anchored on the following
Bagong Pamilihang Bayan ng Muntinlupa, Inc. submissions:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
(Kilusang Magtitinda, for brevity), a On September 23, 1992, the respondent court
Cooperative, represented by its General denied petitioners’ motion to dismiss on the
Manager then, Amado G. Perez, and despite ground that the C.A. Decision cited by movants
also the warnings from COA Chairman did not touch squarely on the constitutionality
Domingo and MMMC Governor Cruz ‘that of the subject Resolution No. 45. 9
appropriate legal steps be taken by the MMC
toward the rescission/annulment of the After trial on the merits, the Sandiganbayan
contract . . . to protect the interest of the came out with its July 26, 1995 Decision, 10
Government,’ and ‘. . . to evaluate thoroughly finding petitioners guilty of a violation of the
and study further the case to preclude possible Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act and
damages of financial liabilities which the Court sentencing them,
may adjudge against that municipality as an
off-shoot of the case, which forcible take-over "WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered
had caused undue injury to the aforesaid finding accused Ignacio Bunye y Rivera, Jaime
Cooperative members, and in effect, the herein Fresnedi y de la Rosa, Victor Aguinaldo y II.
accused themselves, unwarranted benefits, Duliabi, Carlos Tensuan y Gutierrez, Roman
advantage or preference in the discharge of Niefes y Esporlas, Nemesio Mozo y Rillana,
their official functions as aforesaid, through Rufino Joaquin y Bunye, Nolasco Diaz y WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, THE HONORABLE
evident bad faith or gross inexcusable Lampito, Roger Smith y de la Cruz and Rufino COURT SHOULD HAVE RENDERED A
negligence, considering that, the Cooperative Ibe y Lacanilao GUILTY beyond reasonable JUDGMENT OF ACQUITTAL SINCE
members had introduced improvements, doubt as co-principals in the violation of KAPASIYAHAN BILANG 45 (EXHIBIT ‘K’ and ‘K-
including the construction of the ‘KBS’ Building, Section 3, paragraph (e) of Republic Act No. 1’) HAS NOT BEEN DECLARED
RR Section-Phases I and II, asphalting of the 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the UNCONSTITUTIONAL WHICH IS THEREFORE
roads surrounding the market place, and for Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, and each ENTITLED TO OBEDIENCE AND RESPECT;
the purpose, the cooperative had invested of them are hereby sentenced to suffer the THUS, ALL OFFICIAL ACTS DONE PURSUANT
Thirteen Million Four Hundred Seventy Nine indeterminate penalty of imprisonment ranging THERETO, SUCH AS THE CHALLENGED ACTS
Thousand Nine Hundred Pesos from SIX (6) YEARS and ONE (1) MONTH, as OF THE ACCUSED-MOVANTS, ARE VALID AND
(P13,479,900.00) in connection therewith, the minimum, to TEN (10) YEARS and ONE (1) LEGAL.
which had been deposited in trust to the DAY, as the maximum, to indemnify, jointly
Municipal Government, and in consideration and severally, the offended party, the Kilusang III.
thereof, the cooperative was extended the Bayan sa Paglilingkod Ng Mga Magtitinda ng
above long term lease to manage and operate Bagong Pamilihang Bayan ng Muntinlupa, Inc.
the public market and to pay a monthly rental (KBMBPM) in the amount of P13,479,900.00 as WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, THE RECORDS SHOW
of P35,000.00 only — said offense having been actual damages, and to pay their proportionate THAT THE ACCUSED-MOVANTS DID NOT
committed by the accused in their performance VIOLATE SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH (E) OF
REPUBLIC ACTS NO. 3019, AS AMENDED (THE revocation or cancellation is justified should be TWENTY FIVE (25) years to commence on
ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT), judicially determined. September 2, 1985 renewable for another
SINCE ELEMENTS OF THE OFFENSE HAVE NOT twenty five (25) years unless sooner
BEEN ESTABLISHED. In the case at bar, the situation is very much terminated and/or rescinded by the mutual
worse, aggravated by the accused’s wilful and agreement of the parties;
A. THE ACCUSED-MOVANTS DID NOT COMMIT deliberate disregard of pertinent legal advice
ANY PROHIBITED ACTS. and directives of the Metro Manila Commission That the GOVERNMENT and the COOPERATIVE
and the Commission on Audit to take the have agreed that the latter shall pay unto the
B. NO UNDUE INJURY WAS CAUSED TO ANY necessary legal steps to rescind the contract of former a monthly consideration of THIRTY FIVE
PARTY. lease and which course of action was even THOUSAND (P35,000.00) PESOS, Philippine
prescribed in the grant of authority to accused Currency, payable in advance within the first
C. NO UNWARRANTED BENEFITS, ADVANTAGE Bunye in Kapasiyahan Bilang No. 45. Thus, the five (5) days of every month, provided that the
OR PREFERENCE WAS GIVEN TO ANY PARTY. conspiracy to take over the management and consideration herein agreed shall be increased
operation of the new public market was by ten percent (10%) each year during the
D. THE ACCUSED-MOVANTS DID NOT ACT initiated by the enactment of Resolution No. 45 first five years only;
WITH MANIFEST PARTIALITY, EVIDENT BAD on August 1, 1988, followed by the forcible
FAITH OR GROSS INEXCUSABLE NEGLIGENCE. take-over of the leased premises on August 19, That the GOVERNMENT shall assist the
1988. In the implementation of the conspiracy, COOPERATIVE in the maintenance of peace
E. THE ACCUSED-MOVANTS CLEARLY ACTED the accused acted clearly in evident bad faith, and order and in such other facilities as may be
IN GOOD FAITH IN REVOKING AND if not with gross inexcusable negligence, totally necessary and requested by the latter for the
CANCELLING THE LEASE CONTRACT DATED 02 ignoring the rights of the officers and members effective management and operation of the
SEPTEMBER 1985 (EXHIBIT ‘D-5’) AND IN of the KBMBPM arising out of a valid and market;
IMPLEMENTING KAPASIYAHAN BILANG 45 subsisting lease contract which had not been
(EXHIBITS ‘K’ AND ‘K-1’). bilaterally cancelled or judicially rescinded and That the COOPERATIVE shall at all times and at
which acts caused undue injury to said its exclusive expense maintain the
IV. cooperative and its members." 12 following:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

Gleanable from the aforecited ratiocination by 1. Health and sanitation of the market in
WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, THERE IS NO BASIS respondent court is the crucial factual issue of accordance with existing laws and rules and
IN HOLDING THE ACCUSED-MOVANTS LIABLE whether or not the unilateral revocation of regulations and those which the GOVERNMENT
FOR ACTUAL DAMAGES.chanroblesvirtual| subject lease contract was effected with shall promulgate from time to time;
awlibrary evident bad faith?chanrobles virtual lawlibrary
2. Payment of electric bills;
To support its verdict of conviction under On September 2, 1985, a lease contract
scrutiny, the Sandiganbayan denominated as Contract To Manage and 3. Security problems and orderliness with the Operate the New Muntinlupa Public Market 13 market premises;
was entered into by the Municipal Government
"Stripped to its barest essentials, the actuation of Muntinlupa, represented by the then Mayor 4. Payment of monthly dues as herein before
projected by the evidence on record is very Santiago V. Carlos, Jr., and the Kilusang Bayan mentioned; and
much akin to a contract of leasehold with a sa Panglilingkod ng mga Magtitinda ng Bagong
definite term and fixed consideration, but Pamilihang Bayan ng Muntinlupa, Inc., 5. As the sole spokesman and representative of
which the landlord unilaterally decided to (KBMBPM), represented by its former General the market vendors in the New Muntinlupa
revoke and cancel and thereafter physically Manager Amado G. Perez. Public Market, to adapt such rules and
take over the leased premises. In wanton regulations not contrary to existing laws and
disregard of existing laws on obligations and The said contract stipulated, among regulations for the successful operation and
contracts, he bypasses the courts wherein the management of the market." cralawnad
legal issue as to whether or not such
"That the term of this Contract shall be for Section 149, paragraph (3) of Batas Pambansa
Blg. 337, 14 the law in force at the time of the former to the latter. In the case of Municipality ended if not earlier rescinded. Indeed, the
execution of subject contract, of San Luis v. Ventura, 16 this Court rescinded lease contract was grossly disadvantageous to the Municipality of
Muntinlupa, which later metamorphosed into a
"When any ferry, market, or slaughterhouse ". . . [W]hen the council grants the exclusive metropolis.chanrobles law library
belonging to a municipality is to be leased to a privilege of fishery or the right to conduct a
private party, it shall be awarded to the fish-breeding ground to any private property, it What is more, too evident to be overlooked is
highest bidder for a period of not less than one should do so through a public auction, letting it the failure of KBMBPM to comply with the
year but not exceeding five years. The lease to the highest bidder, in the same manner as is contractual stipulations under the Health and
may be reviewed for a period not exceeding being done in exploiting a ferry, a market, or a Sanitation Clause 19 of subject lease contract.
the original lease and under such terms as the slaughterhouse belonging to the In open court, Accused Ignacio Bunye
sangguniang bayan may impose."cralaw municipality."cralaw virtua1aw library (petitioner here)
virtua1aw library
In its assailed Resolution, the respondent
Explicit in the aforecited provision of law is the Sandiganbayan concluded that the absence of "x x x
requirement of public bidding before a public bidding did not render the lease contract
government contract may be awarded, and the in question null and void because "the ATTY. ALAMPAY :chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
term of the contract is not to exceed five (5) KBMBPM, being a duly-registered cooperative
years. under P.D. No. 175, [it] is exempted from Q: The other portion of Exhibit 2 that you said
bidding requirements pursuant to Regulation upon review, you concluded disadvantageous
The term of twenty-five (25) years of the lease No. 40 of Letter of Implementation (LOI) No. to the government was the provision thereof
contract involved violates Section 149, 23. . ." 17 marked as Exhibit 2-c to the effect that the
paragraph (3) of B.P. Blg. 337. In Spouses Perez Cooperative undertook to maintain the
Terrado v. Court of Appeals, 15 the Court But there is tenability in petitioners’ submission health and sanitation facilities of the public that subject lease contract was grossly market. What specifically did you find to be
disadvantageous to the government. For irregular or compelling of redress against this
"Neither can the Municipality grant the instance, the monthly rental paid thereunder provision?
exclusive privilege of fishing for a period more by the KBMBPM to the Municipal government of
than five (5) years, whereas in the instant Muntinlupa amounted to a measly five percent WITNESS (MAYOR BUNYE):chanrob1es virtual
case, the period granted the Manager- (5%) of the total monthly income of KBMBPM. 1aw library
Administrator was for twenty-five (25) years, The lease contract stipulated for a monthly
renewable for another twenty-five (25) years. rental of Thirty-Five Thousand (P35,000.00) A: One thing, the garbage are not collected on
Pesos only although records show that in 1987, a regular basis and in our several ocular
x x x the monthly income of the public market inspection, we found there were maggots
contracted for was no less than Seven Hundred under the pile of garbage and we also found
Thousand (P700,000.00) Pesos. While the said out, there was sno (sic) sufficient ventilation in
Since Ordinance No. 8 granted fishery contract had a provision for a ten (10%) the market so much so that the odor inside the
privileges exclusively to the private respondent percent increase in the rental each year during market sticks to the clothes of the persons
without the benefit of public bidding and for a the first five (5) years, the same contract was inside the market and when you go out, you
period exceeding (5) years, the said ordinance silent on any increase of the rent during its smell like fish and also we found out that the
and the contract of management executed in remaining twenty (20) years. The Court not supply of water was inadequate. There was no
accordance therewith were null and void ab being unmindful of economic realities, such as running water in the wet section as a result of
initio . . . ." chanrobles virtual lawlibrary inflation and the depreciation of the Philippine which, the wet section is always muddy and
peso which diminish the purchasing value of the remnants of the fish, the scales, the
It may be argued that "fishery" is entirely the local currency, it perceives that the intestines of the fish are found on the floor.
different or distinct from "market" to warrant projected monthly rental of P51,243.50 18 in There was also no adequate safeguard as far
the application of the laws regulating the 1990 would have been greatly reduced by year as fire exits are concerned and there was only
2015, when the lease contract would have one toilet and it was . . .
immediate transfer/take-over of the
Q: Now, after the municipality took over the possession, management and operation of the Section 3, paragraph (e) of Republic Act No.
management and operation thereof specifically New Muntinlupa Market to the Municipal 3019,
the Interim Market Commission, What did you Government of Muntinlupa. . . . ."cralaw
do interim about these problems in the health virtua1aw library "Corrupt Practices of Public Officers — In
and sanitation? addition to acts or omissions of public officers
In finding and concluding that the accused already penalized by existing law, the following
A: We took necessary corrective measures as (petitioners here) acted in evident bad faith in shall constitute corrupt practices of any public
far as water problemis (sic) concerned, the the implementation of the aforesaid directives, officer and are hereby declared to be
Interim Market Commission directed this over- the respondent court equated "legal steps" to unlawful:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
head water tank, the IMC provided this over- "legal actions" so much so that the failure of
head water tank and the IMC bought high petitioners to sue the Cooperative for the x x x
speed spray so that the wet market floor could rescission of subject contract was adjudged by
be washed on a regular basis and in order to the Sandiganbayan as non-compliance with the
improve the ventilation, the commission said directives of the Metro Manila Commission (e) Causing any undue injury to any party,
installed over-head fans and blowers so the (MMC) and Commission on Audit including the Government, or giving any
stale could be removed regularly and toilets (COA).chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary private party any unwarranted benefits,
were constructed so that there was regular advantage or preference in the discharge of his
water rinsing and we provided regular persons The aforementioned directives of MMC and official administrative or judicial functions
to maintain this. We provided fire . . . COA could not be taken as instruction for the through manifest partiality, evident bad faith
[extinguishers] to safeguard safety against bringing of an action against the KBMBPM for or gross inexcusable negligence. This provision
fire. We caused the assignment of one the rescission of subject lease contract. shall apply to officers and employees of offices
municipal fire truck in the immediate vicinity Contrary to the conclusion reached by the or government corporations charged with the
and lastly, we have this parking area which respondent court, petitioners did not ignore or grant of licenses or permits or other
was provided for the market goers." disregard the said directives of MMC and COA. concessions."
20chanrobles virtualawlibrary As regards the finding a quo that the In Domingo Ingco, Et. Al. v. Sandiganbayan,
revocation or rescission of subject contract was 25 this court held that the elements of the
In a letter 21 dated March 14, 1988, former effected sans any notice, suffice it to invite offense charged are as follows:chanrob1es
COA Chairman Eufemio C. Domingo attention that prior to the symbolic and virtual 1aw library ceremonial take-over of the new public market
of Muntinlupa by the petitioners herein, a lot of 1. That the accused are public officers or
". . . [W]e recommend that immediate posters 23 announcing the intention of the private persons charged in conspiracy with
appropriate legal steps be taken by the Metro Municipality of Muntinlupa to take over the them;
Manila Commission (MMC) toward the management and operation of the New
rescission/annulment of the contract in Muntinlupa Public Market, were posted in the 2. That said public officers commit the
question to protect the interest of the vicinity of the market place, where the officers prohibited acts during the performance of their
Government."cralaw virtua1aw library of KBMBPM were then holding office. Moreover, official duties or in relation to their public
having actively participated in the public positions;
The response of then Chairman of Metro Manila hearing on the enactment and implementation
Commission Elfren S. Cruz was to the following of Resolution No. 45, Mr. Amado Perez, the 3. That they cause undue injury to any party,
effect: 22 General Manager of KBMBPM at the time, had whether the Government or a private party;
actual knowledge of the impending take-over
". . . [T]his commission hereby grants the 24 of the Muntinlupa public market by the local 4. That such injury is caused by giving
authority to that Municipality to take the government. Undoubtedly, KBMBPM was duly unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference
necessary legal steps for the notified of such development and could not to such parties; and
cancellation/rescission of above cited contract validly feign any denial of their right to due
and make representation, with KBMBPM for the process.
5. That the public officers have acted with conclude that no undue injury was caused by FRESNEDI, CARLOS G. TENSUAN, ROMAN E.
manifest partiality, evident bad faith or gross the petitioners herein to subject market NIEFES, ROGER C. SMITH, RUFINO B.
inexcusable negligence.chanroblesvirtual| vendors or to the respondent KBMBPM. In light JOAQUIN, NOLASCO L. DIAZ, and RUFINO IBE,
awlibrary of the foregoing, there is no therefore are hereby ACQUITTED of the offense charged.
sustainable basis or ground for requiring the With costs de oficio.
That conviction must be based on evidence Municipality (now City) of Muntinlupa to
beyond reasonable doubt is a well-entrenched reimburse the aforesaid amount of SO ORDERED.
principle and doctrine in this jurisdiction. P13,479,000.00 supposedly collected from the
Pursuant thereto, all elements of the market vendors involved. Consequently, the Romero and Gonzaga-Reyes, JJ., concur.
accusation must be proved beyond reasonable P13,479,000.00 awarded below for actual
doubt. Failure or inability of the prosecution to damages in favor of respondent KBMBPM Vitug, J., I concurs in the result. I am not
substantiate any of the elements of the offense cannot be upheld.chanrobles virtual lawlibrary morally convinced that petitioners have acted
charged is fatal to the cause of the People; it with manifest partiality, evident bad faith or
renders inevitable the acquittal of the accused. Absent any undue damage or injury suffered gross inexcusable negligence.
by the KBBPM by reason of the enactment and
That petitioners are public officers within legal implementation of Resolution No. 45, the Panganiban, J., I concur but only on the
contemplation is beyond cavil. But are the fourth element of the offense charged is grounds that the prosecution failed to prove
other elements of the offense complained of wanting. (1) undue injury and (2) manifest partiality,
attendant? evident bad faith or gross inexcusable
All things studiedly viewed in proper negligence on petitioners’ part.
As regards the amount of P13,479,000.00 perspective and it appearing that the
allegedly received by the government of inculpatory facts and circumstances are Republic of the Philippines
Muntinlupa from the market vendors, there is capable of two or more interpretations, one of SUPREME COURT
no clear evidence as to its exact nature. While which is consistent with the innocence of the Manila
Mr. Amado Perez, former General Manager of accused and the other consistent with their
KBMBPM, testified that the said amount of guilt, we are of the irresistible finding and
P13,479,000.00 was collected as a trust fund, conclusion that the evidence cannot hurdle the EN BANC
26 the said witness failed to produce any test of moral certainty required for conviction.
documentary evidence on the matter because (People of the Philippines v. Danny Godoy,
according to him, no receipt therefor was G.R. Nos. 115908-09, December 6, 1995, 250
issued. Then, on the witness stand, Mrs. SCRA 676, 704-705; People of the Philippines G.R. No. 85439 January 13, 1992
Nayesda Ponzones, Chair of the Board of v. Pedro Pagaura y Ticling, G.R. No. 95353,
Directors of KBMBPM, theorized that subject January 28, 1997, 267 SCRA 17, 25)
amount represented" [advanced] payment of KILUSANG BAYAN SA PAGLILINGKOD NG MGA
the stalls they (vendors) want to get . . ." 27 To the fore, once again, is what Alfonso El MAGTITINDA NG BAGONG PAMILIHANG BAYAN
Sabio said long time ago, as quoted by the late NG MUNTINLUPA, INC. (KBMBPM), TERESITA A.
Records on hand reveal, however, that the Justice Conrado V. Sanchez in People v. Nicolas FAJARDO, NADYESDA B. PONSONES, MA. FE V.
contract for the management and operation of Cunanan, Et Al., No. L-17599, April 24, 1967,
the New Muntinlupa Public Market was awarded 19 SCRA 769, 784: "Mas vale que queden sin
G. GARCIA, incumbent members of the Board,
to "the same KBMBPM but with a new set of castigar diez reos presuntos, que se castigue AMADO G. PEREZ and MA. FE V. BOMBASE,
duly elected officers." 28 Thus, as it can be uno inocente." chanrobles virtual lawlibrary incumbent General Manager and Secretary-
gleaned unerringly that the business interest of Treasurer, respectively, petitioners,
the stallholders concerned has never been WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED, the vs.
adversely affected, and no market vendor was judgment of conviction rendered by the HON. CARLOS G. DOMINGUEZ, Secretary of
displaced or prevented from operating in the Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case No. 13966 is Agriculture, Regional Director of Region IV of the
New Muntinlupa Public Market, as a result of SET ASIDE and for want of evidence to prove Department of Agriculture ROGELIO P.
the implementation of the challenged their guilt beyond reasonable doubt, the MADRIAGA, RECTO CORONADO and Municipal
Resolution No. 45, it stands to reason and petitioners, IGNACIO R. BUNYE, JAIME R. Mayor IGNACIO R. BUNYE, both in his capacity as
Municipal Mayor of Muntinlupa, Metro Manila and upon receipt of the order, (3) the disbandment of the Following his assumption into office as the new mayor
as Presiding Officer of Sangguniang Bayan ng Board of Directors, and (4) the turn over of all assets, succeeding Santiago Carlos, Jr., petitioner Ignacio
Muntinglupa, and JOHN DOES, respondents. properties and records of the KBMBPM the Bunye, claiming to be particularly scandalized by the
Management Committee. "virtual 50-year term of the agreement, contrary to the
provision of Section 143, paragraph 3 of Batas
G.R. No. 91927 January 13, 1992
Pambansa Blg. 337," and the "patently inequitable
The second case. G.R. No. 91927 (hereinafter
rental," directed a review of the aforesaid
referred to as the Bunye case), seeks the nullification
IGNACIO R. BUNYE, JAIME R. FRESNEDI, contract. 3 He sought opinions from both the
of the Resolution of 4 January 1990 of the
CARLOS G. TENSUAN, VICTOR E. AGUINALDO, Commission on Audit and the Metro Manila
Sandiganbayan admitting the Amended Information
ALEJANDRO I. MARTINEZ, EPIFANIO A. Commission (MMC) on the validity of the instrument.
against petitioners in Criminal Case No. 13966 and
ESPELETA, REY E. BULAY, LUCIO B. In separate letters, these agencies urged that
denying their motion to order or direct preliminary
CONSTANTINO, ROMAN E. NIEFES, NEMESIO O. appropriate legal steps be taken towards its
investigation, and its Resolution of 1 February 1990
MOZO, ROGER SMITH, RUFINO B. JOAQUIN, rescission. The letter of Hon. Elfren Cruz of the MMC
denying the motion to reconsider the former.
NOLASCO I. DIAZ, RUFINO IBE and NESTOR even granted the Municipality authority "to take the
SANTOS, petitioners, necessary legal steps for the cancellation/recission of
vs. The procedural and factual antecedents are not the above cited contract and make representations
THE SANDIGANBAYAN, THE OMBUDSMAN and disputed. with KBMBPM for the immediate transfer/takeover of
ROGER C. BERBANO, Special Prosecutor the possession, management and operation of the
III, respondents. New Muntinlupa Market to the Municipal Government
On 2 September 1985, the Municipal Government of of Muntinlupa." 4
Muntinlupa (hereinafter, Municipality), Metro Manila,
Jose O. Villanueva and Roberto B. Romanillos for thru its then Mayor Santiago Carlos, Jr., entered into a
petitioners in G.R. No. 85439. contract with the KILUSANG BAYAN SA Consequently, upon representations made by Bunye
PAGLILINGKOD NG MGA MAGTITINDA SA with the Municipal Council, the latter approved on 1
BAGONG PAMILIHANG BAYAN NG MUNTINLUPA, August 1988 Resolution No. 45 abrogating the
Alampay & Manhit Law Offices for petitioners in G.R.
INC. (KBMBPM) represented by its General Manager, contract. To implement this resolution, Bunye,
No. 91927.
Amado Perez, for the latter's management and together with his co-petitioners and elements of the
operation of the new Muntinlupa public market. The Capital Command of the Philippine Constabulary,
contract provides for a twenty-five (25) year term proceeded, on 19 August 1986, to the public market
commencing on 2 September 1985, renewable for a and announced to the general public and the
like period, unless sooner terminated and/or stallholders thereat that the Municipality was taking
DAVIDE, JR., J.: over the management and operation of the facility,
rescinded by mutual agreement of the parties, at a
monthly consideration of Thirty-Five Thousand Pesos and that the stallholders should henceforth pay their
These cases have been consolidated because they (P35,000) to be paid by the KBMBPM within the first market fees to the Municipality, thru the Market
are closely linked with each other as to factual five (5) days of each month which shall, however, be Commission, and no longer to the KBMBPM. 5
antecedents and issues. increased by ten percent (10%) each year during the
first five (5) years only. 1
On 22 August 1988, the KBMBPM filed with Branch
The first case, G.R. No. 85439 (hereinafter referred to 13 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati a complaint
as the Kilusang Bayan case), questions the validity of The KBMBPM is a service cooperative organized by for breach of contract, specific performance and
the order of 28 October 1988 of then Secretary of and composed of vendors occupying the New damages with prayer for a writ of preliminary
Agriculture Hon. Carlos G. Dominguez which ordered: Muntinlupa Public Market in Alabang, Muntinlupa, injunction against the Municipality and its officers,
(1) the take-over by the Department of Agriculture of Metro Manila pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 175 which was docketed as Civil Case No. 88-1702. 6 The
the management of the petitioner Kilusang Bayan sa and Letter of Implementation No. 23; its articles of complaint was premised on the alleged illegal take-
Paglilingkod Ng Mga Magtitinda ng Bagong incorporation and by-laws were registered with the over of the public market effected "in excess of his
Pamilihang Bayan ng Muntilupa, Inc. (KBMBPM) then Office of the Bureau of Cooperatives (Bunye's) alleged authority" and thus "constitutes
pursuant to the Department's regulatory and Development (thereafter the Bureau of Agricultural breach of contract and duty as a public official."
supervisory powers under Section 8 of P.D. No. 175, Cooperatives Development or BACOD and now the
as amended, and Section 4 of Executive Order No. Cooperative Development Authority). 2
The writ applied for having been denied, 7 the
13, (2) the creation of a Management Committee KBMBPM officers resisted the attempts of Bunye and
which shall assume the management of KBMBPM company to complete the take-over; they continued
holding office in the KBS building, under their 1988, and to implement the same, by taking over and WHEREAS, the interest of the
respective official capacities. The matter having been assuming the management of KBMBPM, disbanding public so demanding it is evident
elevated to this Court by way of certiorari, 8 We the then incumbent Board of Directors for that and urgently necessary that the
remanded the same to the Court of Appeals which purpose and excluding and prohibiting the General KBMBPM MUST BE PLACED
docketed it as C.A.-G.R. No. L-16930. 9 Manager and the other officers from exercising their UNDER MANAGEMENT TAKE-
lawful functions as such. 14 The Order of the Secretary OVER of the Department of
reads as follows: 15 Agriculture in order to preserve
On 26 August 1988, Amado Perez filed with the Office
the financial interest of the
of the Ombudsman a letter-complaint charging Bunye
members of the cooperative and
and his co-petitioners with oppression, harassment, ORDER
to enhance the cooperative
abuse of authority and violation of the Anti-Graft and
development program of the
Corrupt Practices Act 10 for taking over the
WHEREAS, the KILUSANG government;
management and operation of the public market from
WHEREAS, it is ordered that the
Department of Agriculture in the
In a subpoena dated 7 October 1988, prosecutor NG MUNTINLUPA, INC.,
exercise of its regulatory and
Mothalib C. Onos of the Office of the Special (KBMBPM), Alabang, Muntinlupa,
supervisory powers under
Prosecutor directed Bunye and his co-petitioners to Metro Manila is a Cooperative
Section 8 of PD 175, as
submit within ten (10) days from receipt thereof registered under the provisions of
amended, and Section 4 of
counter-affidavits, affidavits of their witnesses and Presidential Decree No. 175, as
Executive Order No. 113, take
other supporting documents. 12 The subpoena and amended;
over the management of
letter-complaint were received on 12 October 1988.
KBMBPM under the following
WHEREAS, the Department of directives:
On 20 October 1988, two (2) days before the Agriculture is empowered to
expiration of the period granted to file said regulate and supervise
1. THAT a
documents, Bunye, et al. filed by mail an urgent cooperatives registered under the
motion for extension of "at least fifteen (15) days from provisions of Presidential Decree
Committee is
October 22, 1988" within which to comply 13 with the No. 175, as amended;
WHEREAS, the general composed of
Thereafter, the following transpired which membership of the KBMBPM has the following:
subsequently gave rise to these petitions: petitioned the Department of
Agriculture for assistance in the
a) Reg. Dir.
removal of the members of the
G.R. No. 85439 or OIC RD —
Board of Directors who were not
DA Region
elected by the general
In the early morning of 29 October 1988, a Saturday, membership of said cooperative;
respondent Madriaga and Coronado, allegedly
accompanied by Mayor Bunye and the latters' heavily b) Atty.
WHEREAS, the on-going
armed men, both in uniform and in civilian clothes, Rogelio P.
financial and management audit
together with other civilians, namely: Romulo Bunye Madriaga —
of the Department of Agriculture
II, Alfredo Bunye, Tomas Osias, Reynaldo Camilon, BACOD
auditors show (sic) that the
Benjamin Taguibao, Benjamin Bulos and other
management of the KBMBPM is
unidentified persons, allegedly through force, violence
not operating that cooperative in c) Mr. Recto
and intimidation, forcibly broke open the doors of the
accordance with PD. 175, LOI Coronado —
offices of petitioners located at the second floor of the
No. 23, the Circulars issued by KBMBPM
KBS Building, new Muntinlupa Public Market,
DA/BACOD and the provisions of
purportedly to serve upon petitioners the Order of
the by-laws of KBMBPM;
respondent Secretary of Agriculture dated 28 October
d) Mrs. herein election of a
Nadjasda created; new set of
Ponsones — Board of
KBMBPM Director (sic).
4. THAT the
e) One (1) Committee is This Order takes effect
from the hereby immediately and shall continue to
Municipal empowered be in force until the members of
Government to the Board of Directors shall have
of Muntinlupa promulgate been duly elected and qualified.
to be rules of
designated procedure to
Done this 28th day of October,
by the govern its
1988 at Quezon City.
Sangguniang workings as
Pambayan a body;
ng As claimed by petitioners, the Order served on them
Muntinlupa; was not written on the stationary of the Department,
5. THAT the
does not bear its seal and is a mere xerox copy.
2. THAT the Committee
Management shall submit The so-called petition upon which the Order is based
Committee to the appears to be an unverified petition dated 10 October
shall, upon undersigned 1988 signed, according to Mayor Bunye, 16 by 371
receipt of this thru the members of the KBMBPM.
Order, Director of
assume the BACOD
On 2 November 1988, petitioners filed the petition in
management monthly
this case alleging, inter alia, that:
of KBMBPM; reports on
operations of (a) Respondent Secretary acted
3. THAT the
KBMBPM; without or in excess of jurisdiction
in issuing the Order for he
Board of
arrogated unto himself a judicial
Directors is 6. THAT the
function by determining the
hereby Management
alleged guilt of petitioners on the
disbanded Committee
strength of a mere unverified
and the shall call a
petition; the disbandment of the
officers and General
Board of Directors was done
Manager of Assembly of
without authority of law since
the KBMBPM all registered
under Letter of Implementation
are hereby members of
No. 23, removal of officers,
directed to the KBMBPM
directors or committee members
turnover all within Ninety
could be done only by the
assets, (90) days
majority of the members entitled
properties from date of
to vote at an annual or special
and records this Order to
general assembly and only after
of the decide such
an opportunity to be heard at said
KBMBPM to matters
the affecting the
Management KBMBPM,
Committee including the
(b) Respondent Secretary acted "newly elected Board of Directors be ordered to cease A motion to dismiss the instant petition was filed on 30
in a capricious, whimsical, and desist from assuming, performing or exercising March 1989. 29 On 19 April 1989, We resolved to
arbitrary and despotic manner, so powers as such, and/or from removing or replacing dismiss the case and consider it closed and
patent and gross that it amounted the counsels of petitioners as counsels for KBMBPM terminated. 30 Thereupon, after some petitioners filed
to a grave abuse of discretion. and for Atty. Fernando Aquino, Jr., to cease and a motion for clarification and reconsideration, We set
desist from unduly interfering with the affairs and aside the dismissal order and required the new
business of the cooperative." directors to comment on the Opposition to Motion to
(c) The Order is a clear violation
Dismiss filed by the former. 31
of the By-Laws of KBMBPM and
is likewise illegal and unlawful for Respondent Bunye, by himself, filed his Comment on
it allows or tolerates the violation 23 January 1989. 21 He denies the factual allegations The new board, on 14 June 1989, prayed that its
of the penal provisions under in the petition and claims that petitioners failed to Manifestation of 6 June 1989 and Opposition dated 9
paragraph (c), Section 9 of P.D. exhaust administrative remedies. A reply thereto was June 1989, earlier submitted it response to petitioners'
No. 175. filed by petitioners on 7 February 1989. 22 motion for reconsideration of the order dismissing the
instant petition, be treated as its Comment. 32 Both
parties then continued their legal fencing, serving
(d) The Order is a clear violation Respondent Recto Coronado filed two (2) Comments.
several pleadings on each other.
of the constitutional right of the The first was filed on 6 February 1989 23 by his
individual petitioners to be counsel, Atty. Fernando Aquino, Jr., and the second,
heard. 17 which is for both him and Atty. Madriaga, was filed by In Our Resolution of 9 August 1989, 33 We gave the
the latter on 10 February 1989. 24 petition due course and required the parties to submit
their respective Memoranda.
They pray that upon the filing of the petition,
respondents, their agents, representatives or persons On 20 February 1989, petitioners filed a Reply to the
acting on their behalf be ordered to refrain, cease and first Comment of Coronado 25 and an Ex-Parte Motion On 14 August 1989, petitioners filed an urgent ex-
desist from enforcing and implementing the for the immediate issuance of a cease and desist parte motion for the immediate issuance of a cease
questioned Order or from excluding the individual order 26 praying that the so-called new directors and and desist order 34 in view of the new board's plan to
petitioners from the exercise of their rights as such officers of KBMBPM, namely: Tomas M. Osias, enter into a new management contract; the motion
officers and, in the event that said acts sought to be Ildefonso B. Reyes, Paulino Moldez, Fortunato M. was noted by this Court on 23 August 1989. A
restrained were already partially or wholly done, to Medina, Aurora P. del Rosario, Moises Abrenica, and second ex-parte motion, noted on 18 October 1989,
immediately restore the management and operation of Lamberto Casalla, be ordered to immediately cease was filed on 19 September 1989 asking this court to
the public market to petitioners, order respondents to and desist from filing notices of withdrawals or consider the "Invitation to pre-qualify and bid" for a
vacate the premises and, thereafter, preserve motions to dismiss cases filed by the Cooperative now new contract published by respondent Bunye. 35
the status quo; and that, finally, the challenged Order pending before the courts, administrative offices and
be declared null and void. the Ombudsman and Tanodbayan, and that if such
In a belated Comment 36 for the respondent Secretary
motions or notices were already filed, to immediately
of Agriculture filed on 22 September 1989, the Office
withdraw and desist from further pursuing the same
In the Resolution of 9 October 1988, 18 We required of the Solicitor General asserts that individual
until further orders of this Court. The latter was
the respondents to Comment on the petition. Before petitioners, who were not allegedly elected by the
precipitated by the Resolution No. 19 of the "new"
any Comment could be filed, petitioners filed on 2 members or duly designated by the BACOD Director,
board of directors withdrawing all cases filed by its
January 1989 an Urgent Ex-Parte Motion praying that have no right or authority to file this case; the assailed
predecessors against Bunye, et al., and more
respondent Atty. Rogelio Madriaga, who had Order of the Secretary was issued pursuant to P.D.
particularly the following cases: (a) G.R. No. 85439
assumed the position of Chairman of the No. 175, more particularly Section 8 thereof which
(the instant petition), (b) Civil Case No. 88-1702, (c)
Management Committee, be ordered to stop and/or authorizes him "(d) to suspend the operation or cancel
OSP Case No. 88-2110 before the Ombudsman, (d)
cancel the scheduled elections of the officers of the the registration of any cooperative after hearing and
IBP Case No. 88-0119 before the Tanodbayan, and
KBMBPM on 6 January 1989 and, henceforth, desist when in its judgment and based on findings, such
Civil Case No. 88-118 for Mandamus. 27
from scheduling any election of officers or Members of cooperative is operating in violation of this Decree,
the Board of Directors thereof until further orders on rules and regulations, existing laws as well as the by-
the Court. 19 The elections were, nevertheless, held On 1 March 1989, We required the Solicitor General laws of the cooperative itself;" the Order is reasonably
and a new board of directors was elected. So, on 19 to file his Comment to the petition and the urgent necessary to correct serious flaws in the cooperative
January 1989, petitioners filed a supplemental motion for the immediate issuance of a cease and and provide interim measures until election of regular
motion 20 praying that respondent Madriaga and the desist order. 28 members to the board and officers thereof; the
elections conducted on 6 January 1989 are valid; and Petitioners claim that without ruling on their 20 Consequently, Bunye, et al. were served arrest
that the motion to dismiss filed by the new board of October 1988 motion for an extension of at last 15 warrants issued by the Sandiganbayan. Detained at
directors binds the cooperative. It prays for the days from 22 October 1988 within which to file their the NBI on 9 October 1989, they claim to have
dismissal of the petition. counter-affidavits, which was received by the Office of discovered only then the existence of documents
the Special Prosecutor on 3 November 1988, Special recommending and approving the filing of the
Prosecutor Onos promulgated on 11 November 1988 complaint and a memorandum by special prosecutor
Respondent Secretary of Agriculture manifested on
a Resolution finding the evidence on hand sufficient to Bernardita G. Erum proposing the dismissal of the
22 September 1989 that he is adopting the Comment
establish a prima facie case against respondents same. 51
submitted by the Office of the Solicitor General as his
(herein petitioners) and recommending the filing of the
memorandum; 37 petitioners and respondents
corresponding information against them before the
Coronado and Madriaga filed their separate Arraignment was set for 18 October 1989. 52
Sandiganbayan. 42 Petitioners also claim that they
Memoranda on 6 November 1989; 38 while the new
submitted their counter-affidavits on 9 November
board of directors submitted its Memorandum on 11
1988. 43 However, on 14 October 1989, petitioners filed with
December 1989. 39
the Sandiganbayan an "Omnibus Motion to Remand
to the Office of the Ombudsman; to Defer Arraignment
In their motion dated 2 December 1988, petitioners
The new KBMBPM board submitted additional and to Suspend Proceedings." 53
move for a reconsideration of the above
pleadings on 16 February 1990 which it deemed
Resolution, 44 which was denied by Onos 45 in his 18
relevant to the issues involved herein. Reacting,
January 1989 Order. The information against the Subsequently, through new counsel, petitioners filed
petitioners filed a motion to strike out improper and
petitioners was attached to this order. on 17 October 1989 a Consolidated Manifestation and
inadmissible pleadings and annexes and sought to
Supplemental Motion 54 praying, inter alia, for the
have the pleaders cited for contempt. Although We
quashal of the information on the ground that they
required respondents to comment, the latter did not Upon submission of the records for his approval, the
were deprived of their right to a preliminary
comply. Ombudsman issued a first indorsement on 4 April
investigation and that the information did not charge
1989 referring to "Judge Gualberto J. de la Llana,
an offense.
Acting Director , IEO/RSSO, this Office, the within
Nevertheless, a manifestation was filed by the same
records of OSP Case No. 88-02110 . . . for further
board on 25 February 1991 40 informing this Court of
preliminary investigation . . ." 46 The Sandiganbayan issued an order on 18 October
the holding, on 9 January 1991, of its annual general
1989 deferring arraignment and directing the parties
assembly and election of its board of directors for
to submit their respective memoranda, 55 which
1991. It then reiterates the prayer that the instant Thereafter, on 28 April 1989, Bunye and company
petitioners complied with on 2 November 1989. 56 On
petition be considered withdrawn and dismissed. received a subpoena from de la Llana requiring them
16 November 1989, special Prosecutor Berbano filed
Petitioners filed a counter manifestation alleging that to appear before the latter on 25 April 1989, 47 submit
a motion to admit amended
the instant petition was already given due course on 9 a report and file comment. After being granted an
information. 57
August 1989. 41 In its traverse to the counter extension, Bunye and company submitted their
manifestation, the new board insists that it "did not comment on 18 May 1989. 48
derive authority from the October 28, 1988 Order, the On 17 November 1989, the Sandiganbayan handed
acts of the Management Committee, nor (sic) from the down a Resolution 58 denying for lack of merit the
On 22 August 1989, de la Llana recommended the
elections held in (sic) January 6, 1989," but rather Omnibus Motion to Remand the Case To The Office
filing of an information for violation of section 3 (e) of
from the members of the cooperative who elected of the Ombudsman, to Defer Arraignment and to
the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. 49 The case
them into office during the elections. Suspend Proceedings. Petitioners then filed a motion
was referred to special prosecuting officer Jose
to order a preliminary investigation 59 on the basis of
Parentela, Jr. who, in his Memorandum 50 to the
the introduction by the amended information of new,
Petitioners filed a rejoinder asserting that the election Ombudsman through the Acting Special Prosecutor,
material and substantive allegations, which the
of new directors is not a supervening event likewise urged that an information be filed against
special prosecutor opposed, 60 thereby precipitating a
independent of the main issue in the present petition herein petitioners. On 3 October 1989, the
rejoinder filed by petitioners. 61
and that to subscribe to the argument that the issues Ombudsman signed his conformity to the
in the instant petition became moot with their Memorandum and approved the 18 January
assumption into office is to reward a wrong done. information prepared by Onos, which was then filed On 4 January 1990, the Sandiganbayan handed down
with the Sandiganbayan. a Resolution 62 admitting the Amended Information
and denying the motion to direct preliminary
G. R. NO. 91927
investigation. Their motion to reconsider this
Resolution having been denied in the Resolution of 1 order the instant petition consolidated with G.R. No. office to which he is entitled, to file suit. 68 Petitioners,
February 1990, 63 petitioners filed the instant petition 85439. as ousted directors of the KBMBPM, are questioning
on 12 February 1990. precisely the act of respondent Secretary in
disbanding the board of directors; they then pray that
The present dispute revolves around the validity of the
this Court restore them to their prior stations.
Petitioners claim that respondent Sandiganbayan antecedent proceedings which led to the filing of the
acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or with original information on 18 January 1989 and the
manifest grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack amended information afterwards. As to failure to exhaust administrative remedies, the
of jurisdiction in denying petitioners their right to rule is well-settled that this requirement does not
preliminary investigation and in admitting the apply where the respondent is a department secretary
Amended Information. whose acts, as an alter ego of the President, bear the
implied approval of the latter, unless actually
1. G. R. No. 85439. disapproved by him. 69 This doctrine of qualified
They then pray that: (a) the 4 January and 1 February
political agency ensures speedy access to the courts
1990 Resolutions of the Sandiganbayan, admitting the
when most needed. There was no need then to
amended information and denying the motion for As adverted to in the introductory portion of this appeal the decision to the office of the President;
reconsideration, respectively, be annulled; (b) a writ Decision, the principal issue in G.R. No. 85439 is the recourse to the courts could be had immediately.
be issued enjoining the Sandiganbayan from validity of the 28 October 1988 Order of respondent Moreover, the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
proceeding further in Criminal Case No. 13966; and Secretary of Agriculture. The exordium of said Order remedies also yields to other exceptions, such as
(c) respondents be enjoined from pursuing further unerringly indicates that its basis is the alleged when the question involved is purely legal, as in the
actions in the graft case. petition of the general membership of the KBMBPM instant case, 70 or where the questioned act is patently
requesting the Department for assistance "in the illegal, arbitrary or oppressive. 71 Such is the claim of
removal of the members of the Board of Directors who
We required the respondents to Comment on the petitioners which, as hereinafter shown, is correct.
were not elected by the general membership" of the
cooperative and that the "ongoing financial and
management audit of the Department of Agriculture And now on the validity of the assailed Order.
On 21 February 1990, petitioners' counsel filed a auditors show (sic) that the management of the
motion to drop Epifanio Espeleta and Rey E. Dulay as KBMBPM is not operating that cooperative in
Regulation 34 of Letter of Implementation No. 23
petitioners, 64 and in the Comment they filed on 30 accordance with P.D. 175, LOI 23, the Circulars
(implementing P.D. No. 175) provides the procedure
March 1990, in compliance with Our Resolution of 1 issued by DA/BACOD and the provisions and by-laws
for the removal of directors or officers of cooperatives,
March 1990, they state that they do not interpose any of KBMBPM." It is also professed therein that the
objection to the motion. Order was issued by the Department "in the exercise
of its regulatory and supervisory powers under
Section 8 of P.D. 175, as amended, and Section 4 of An elected officer, director or
On 20 March 1990, the Office of the Solicitor General
Executive Order No. 113." committee member may be
moved that it be excused from filing comment for the
removed by a vote of majority of
respondents as it cannot subscribe to the position
the members entitled to vote at
taken by the latter with respect to the questions of law Respondents challenge the personality of the
an annual or special general
involved. 65 We granted this motion in the resolution of petitioners to bring this action, set up the defense of
assembly. The person involved
8 May 1990. non-exhaustion of administrative remedies, and assert
shall have an opportunity to be
that the Order was lawfully and validly issued under
the above decree and Executive Order.
Respondent Berbano filed his comment on 10
September 1991 and petitioners replied on 20
A substantially identical provision, found in Section
December 1990; Berbano subsequently filed a We find merit in the petition and the defenses
17, Article III of the KBMBPM's by-laws, reads:
Rejoinder thereto on 11 January 1991. 66 The interposed do not persuade Us.
Sandiganbayan then filed a manifestation proposing
that it be excused from filing comment as its position Sec. 17. Removal of Directors
Petitioners have the personality to file the instant
on the matters in issue is adequately stated in the and Committee Members. — Any
petition and ask, in effect, for their reinstatement as
resolutions sought to be annulled. 67 On 7 March elected director or committee
Section 3, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, defining an
1991, We resolved to note the manifestation and member may be removed from
action for mandamus, permits a person who has been
office for cause by a majority vote
excluded from the use and enjoyment of a right or
of the members in good standing activities; (2) require the submission of reports and which is the right to a hearing, which includes the right
present at the annual or special cause the conduct of management audit, performance to present one's case and submit evidence in support
general assembly called for the evaluation and inspection to determine compliance thereof. The need for notice and the opportunity to be
purpose after having been given with policies, standards and guidelines of the heard is the heart of procedural due process, be it in
the opportunity to be heard at the department; (3) take such action as may be either judicial or administrative
assembly. necessary for the proper performance of official proceedings. 77 Nevertheless, a plea of a denial of
functions, including rectification of violations, abuses procedural due process does not lie where a defect
and other forms of mal-administration; (4) review and consisting in an absence of notice of hearing was
Under the same article are found the requirements for
pass upon budget proposals of such agencies but thereafter cured by the aggrieved party himself as
the holding of both the annual general assembly and
may not increase or add to them. 74 when he had the opportunity to be heard on a
a special general assembly.
subsequent motion for reconsideration. This is
consistent with the principle that what the law
The power to summarily disband the board of
Indubitably then, there is an established procedure for prohibits is not the absence of previous notice but the
directors may not be inferred from any of the
the removal of directors and officers of cooperatives. absolute absence thereof and lack of an opportunity
foregoing as both P.D. No. 175 and the by-laws of the
It is likewise manifest that the right to due process is to be heard. 78
KBMBPM explicitly mandate the manner by which
respected by the express provision on the opportunity
directors and officers are to be removed. The
to be heard. But even without said provision,
Secretary should have known better than to disregard In the instant case, there was no notice of a hearing
petitioners cannot be deprived of that right.
these procedures and rely on a mere petition by the on the alleged petition of the general membership of
general membership of the KBMBPM and an on-going the KBMBPM; there was, as well, not even a
The procedure was not followed in this case. audit by Department of Agriculture auditors in semblance of a hearing. The Order was based solely
Respondent Secretary of Agriculture arrogated unto exercising a power which he does not have, expressly on an alleged petition by the general membership of
himself the power of the members of the KBMBPM or impliedly. We cannot concede to the proposition of the KBMBPM. There was then a clear denial of due
who are authorized to vote to remove the petitioning the Office of the Solicitor General that the Secretary's process. It is most unfortunate that it was done after
directors and officers. He cannot take refuge under power under paragraph (d), Section 8 of P.D. No. 175 democracy was restored through the peaceful people
Section 8 of P.D. No. 175 which grants him authority above quoted to suspend the operation or cancel the revolt at EDSA and the overwhelming ratification of a
to supervise and regulate all cooperatives. This registration of any cooperative includes the "milder new Constitution thereafter, which preserves for the
section does not give him that right. authority of suspending officers and calling for the generations to come the gains of that historic struggle
election of new officers." Firstly, neither suspension which earned for this Republic universal admiration.
nor cancellation includes the take-over and ouster of
An administrative officer has only such powers as are incumbent directors and officers, otherwise the law
expressly granted to him and those necessarily If there were genuine grievances against petitioners,
itself would have expressly so stated. Secondly, even
implied in the exercise thereof. 72 These powers the affected members should have timely raise these
granting that the law intended such as postulated,
should not be extended by implication beyond what issues in the annual general assembly or in a special
there is the requirement of a hearing. None was
may to necessary for their just and reasonable general assembly. Or, if such a remedy would be
execution. 73 futile for some reason or another, judicial recourse
was available.
Likewise, even if We grant, for the sake of argument,
Supervision and control include only the authority to: that said power includes the power to disband the
(a) act directly whenever a specific function is Be that as it may, petitioners cannot, however, be
board of directors and remove the officers of the
entrusted by law or regulation to a subordinate; (b) restored to their positions. Their terms expired in
KBMBPM, and that a hearing was not expressly
direct the performance of duty; restrain the 1989, thereby rendering their prayer for reinstatement
required in the law, still the Order can be validly
commission of acts; (c) review, approve, reverse or moot and academic. Pursuant to Section 13 of the by-
issued only after giving due process to the affected
modify acts and decisions of subordinate officials or laws, during the election at the first annual general
parties, herein petitioners.
units; (d) determine priorities in the execution of plans assembly after registration, one-half plus one (4) of
and programs; and (e) prescribe standards, the directors obtaining the highest number of votes
guidelines, plans and programs. Specifically, Due process is guaranteed by the Constitution 75 and shall serve for two years, and the remaining directors
administrative supervision is limited to the authority of extends to administrative proceedings. In the (3) for one year; thereafter, all shall be elected for a
the department or its equivalent to: (1) generally landmark case of Ang Tibay vs. Court of Industrial term of two years. Hence, in 1988, when the board
oversee the operations of such agencies and insure Relations, 76 this Court, through Justice Laurel, laid was disbanded, there was a number of directors
that they are managed effectively, efficiently and down the cardinal primary requirements of due whose terms would have expired the next year (1989)
economically but without interference with day-to-day process in administrative proceedings, foremost of and a number whose terms would have expired two
years after (1990). Reversion to the status dismissing the case as it did in Petitioners were provided a reasonable period within
quo preceding 29 October 1988 would not be feasible the order appealed from. which to submit their counter-affidavits; they did not
in view of this turn of events. Besides, elections were avail of the original period; they moved for an
held in 1990 and 1991. 79 The affairs of the extension of at least fifteen (15) days from 22 October
This doctrine was thereafter reiterated or affirmed in
cooperative are presently being managed by a new 1988. Despite the urgency of its nature, the motion
several case. 84
board of directors duly elected in accordance with the was sent by mail. The extension prayed for was good
cooperative's by-laws. up to 6 November 1988. But, as admitted by them,
In the instant case, even if it is to be conceded for they filed the Counter-Affidavits only on 9 November
argument's sake that there was in fact no preliminary 1988. Yet, they blamed prosecutor Onos for
2. G. R. No. 91927.
investigation, the Sandiganbayan, per Doromal promulgating the 11 November 1989 Resolution and
vs. Sandiganbayan, 85 "should merely suspend or for, allegedly, not acting on the motion. Petitioners
The right of an accused to a preliminary investigation hold in abeyance proceedings upon the questioned then should not lay the blame on Onos; they should
is not among Amended Information and remand the case to the blame themselves for presuming that the motion
the rights guaranteed him in the Bill of Rights. As Office of the Ombudsman for him to conduct a would be granted.
stated in Marcos, et al. vs. Cruz, 80 "the preliminary preliminary investigation."
investigation in criminal cases is not a creation of the
This notwithstanding, petitioners were able to file a
Constitution; its origin is statutory and it exists and the
It is Our view, however, that petitioners were not Motion for Reconsideration on 13 December 1988
right thereto can be invoked when so established and
denied the right to preliminary investigation. They, requesting that the reviewing prosecutor consider the
granted by law. It is so specifically granted by
nevertheless, insist that the preliminary investigation belatedly filed documents; 86 thus, there is the
procedural law. 81 If not waived, absence thereof may
conducted by the Office of the Special Prosecutor recommendation of prosecutor Bernardita Erum
amount to a denial of due process. 82 However, lack
existed more in form than in substance. This is calling for the dismissal of the charges on 2 March
of preliminary investigation is not a ground to quash or
anchored on the failure by prosecutor Onos to 1989, which, however, was not sustained upon
dismiss a complaint or information. Much less does it
consider the counter-affidavits filed by petitioners. The subsequent review. The Sandiganbayan, in its 17
affect the court's jurisdiction. In People
same sin of omission is ascribed to Acting Director de November 1989 Resolution, succinctly summed up
vs. Casiano, 83 this Court ruled:
la Llana who purportedly failed to consider the the matter when it asserted that "even granting, for
comments submitted by the petitioners pursuant to a the sake of argument, that prosecutor Onos . . . failed
Independently of the foregoing, subpoena dated 13 April 1989. The failure of special to consider accused-movants' counter-affidavits, such
the absence of such investigation prosecutor Berbano to conduct a preliminary defect was cured when a "Motion for Reconsideration"
[preliminary] did not impair the investigation before amending the information is also was filed, and
validity of the information or challenged. which . . . de la Llana took into account upon review."
otherwise render it defective.
Much less did it affect the
It is finally urged that the Sandiganbayan completely It may not then be successfully asserted that the
jurisdiction of the court of first
disregarded the "glaring anomaly that on its face the counter-affidavits were not considered by the
instance over the present case.
Information filed by the Office of the Special Ombudsman in approving the information. Perusal of
Hence, had the defendant-
Prosecutor" was prepared and subscribed on 18 the factual antecedents reveals that a second
appellee been entitled to another
January 1989, while the records indicate that the investigation was conducted upon the "1st
preliminary investigation, and had
preliminary investigation was concluded on 3 October Indorsement" of the Ombudsman of 4 April 1989. As a
his plea of not guilty upon
1989. result, subpoenas were issued and comments were
arraignment not implied a waiver
asked to be submitted, which petitioners did, but only
of said right, the court of first
after a further extension of fifteen (15) days from the
instance should have, either In his Comment, respondent Berbano dispassionately expiration of the original deadline. From this
conducted such preliminary traces the genesis of the criminal information filed submission the matter underwent further review.
investigation, or ordered the before the Sandiganbayan. His assessment that a
Provincial Fiscal to make it, in preliminary investigation sufficient in substance and
pursuance of section 1687 of the manner was conducted prior to the filing of the Moreover, in the 18 January 1989 Order of prosecutor
Revised Administrative Code (as information reflects the view of the Sandiganbayan, Onos, there was an ample discussion of the defenses
amended by Republic Act No. maintained in both the 17 November 1989 and 4 raised by the petitioners in their counter-affidavits,
732), or remanded the record for January 1990 resolutions, that there was compliance thus negating the charge that the issues raised by
said investigation to the justice of with the requirements of due process. them were not considered at all. 87
the peace court, instead of
It is indisputable that the respondents were not remiss CONCLUSION
in their duty to afford the petitioners the opportunity to
contest the charges thrown their way. Due process
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
does not require that the accused actually file his
counter-affidavits before the preliminary investigation
is deemed completed. All that is required is that he be 1. GRANTING the petition in G.R. No. 85439;
given the opportunity to submit such if he is so declaring null and void the challenged Order of 28
minded. 88 October 1988 of the respondent Secretary of
Agriculture; but denying, for having become moot and
academic, the prayer of petitioners that they be
In any event, petitioners did in fact, although
restored to their positions in the KBMBPM.
belatedly, submit their counter-affidavits and as a
result thereof, the prosecutors concerned considered
them in subsequent reviews of the information, 2. DISMISSING, for lack of merit, the petition in G.R.
particularly in the re-investigation ordered by the No. 91927.
No pronouncement as to costs.
And now, as to the protestation of lack of preliminary
investigation prior to the filing of the Amended
Information. The prosecution may amend the
information without leave of court before
arraignment, 89 and such does not prejudice the
accused. 90 Reliance on the pronouncements
in Doromal vs. Sandiganbayan 91 is misplaced as
what obtained therein was the preparation of an
entirely new information as contrasted with mere
amendments introduced in the amended information,
which also charges petitioners with violating Section 3
(e) of the Anti-Graft Law.

In Gaspar vs. Sandiganbayan, 92 We held that there is

no rule or law requiring the Tanodbayan to conduct
another preliminary investigation of a case under
review by it. On the contrary, under P.D. No. 911, in
relation to Rule 12, Administrative Order No. VII, the
Tanodbayan may, upon review, reverse the findings
of the investigator and thereafter "where he finds
a prima facie case, to cause the filing of an
information in court against the respondent, based on
the same sworn statements or evidence submitted,
without the necessity of conducting another
preliminary investigation."

Respondent Sandiganbayan did not then commit any

grave abuse of discretion in respect to its Resolutions
of 4 January 1990 and 1 February 1990.

The petition then must fail.

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