CB Types12º34

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# -------------
# constructing_cb - default to yes. if "no", cant be picked for generation or as
add_wargoal if no CB already
# is_triggered_only - Triggered from within the code or by event effects. DO NOT
# mutual - The CB effects will also be used by the defender in peace treaties
# months - The number of months this CB will be valid. Only works for triggered
# prerequisites - A condition that automatically activates a CB. Does not work for
triggered CBs. 'THIS' scope is the target country.
# badboy_factor - Multiplied with any badboy increase normally associated with a
peace option.
# prestige_factor - Multiplied with any prestige increase normally associated with
a peace option.
# peace_cost_factor - Multiplied with the cost of the peace options in the peace
# po_xxx - Peace options. If toggled on, badboy_factor and prestige_factor are
multiplied with any associated base changes to these (see defines.txt.)
# allowed_states - If 'po_demand_states' is on, badboy_factor applies to these
provinces. 'THIS' scope is us.
# on_add - effect triggered when war goal added (triggering country's scope)
# construction_speed - base modifier for how long creating this CB will take.
default is 1. 1.2 means 20% faster
# great_war_obligatory - cb is always added to the peace offer/demand in great
# po_remove_cores - may be used only with: po_transfer_provinces, po_demand_state,
# crisis - can be offered as a wargoal in a crisis
# The peace options are:

# NOTE: The order in which the peace options are listed is the order in which the
AI will normally prioritize them in peace treaties

# TRIGGERED - Triggered from within the code or by event effects

# --------------------------------------------------------------

# Order that CBs are executed in a peace treaty

peace_order = {

gunboat = {
sprite_index = 1
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
constructing_cb = no
crisis = no

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
OR =
has_country_modifier = in_bankrupcy
has_country_modifier = generalised_debt_default

in_default = THIS

break_truce_prestige_factor = 0
break_truce_infamy_factor = 0
break_truce_militancy_factor = 0
truce_months = 0

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 5
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

po_gunboat = yes


status_quo = {
sprite_index = 1
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
constructing_cb = no

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
always = no

break_truce_prestige_factor = 5
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 0

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

po_status_quo = yes

war_name = WAR_NAME

# Conquest
conquest = {
sprite_index = 2
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 1
construction_speed = 10
crisis = no

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
# only one state or unciv
NOT = { number_of_states = 500 }
OR = {
AND = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { number_of_states = 200 }
AND = {
civilized = no
THIS = { civilized = no }
NOT = { number_of_states = 200 }
AND = {
civilized = no
number_of_states = 200
THIS = {
OR = {
NOT = { is_greater_power = yes }
NOT = { nationalism_n_imperialism = 1 }
is_independant = yes

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 0
peace_cost_factor = 0
penalty_factor = 0

break_truce_prestige_factor = 0
break_truce_infamy_factor = 0
break_truce_militancy_factor = 0
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 0
good_relation_infamy_factor = 0
good_relation_militancy_factor = 0

construction_speed = 0.5

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.0001

po_annex = yes


# Civil war
civil_war = {
sprite_index = 2
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 1
constructing_cb = no
crisis = no
can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
always = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1
is_civil_war = yes #this is a civil war

break_truce_prestige_factor = 5
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

po_annex = yes

war_name = CIVIL_WAR_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Sphere of Influence Gain

add_to_sphere = {
sprite_index = 3
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 2
peace_cost_factor = 50
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 5
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
this = { is_greater_power = yes }
is_greater_power = no
is_independant = yes
part_of_sphere = no

is_valid = {
this = { is_greater_power = yes }
is_greater_power = no

po_add_to_sphere = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

take_from_sphere = {
sprite_index = 4
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 3
peace_cost_factor = 20
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 5
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
this = { is_greater_power = yes }
is_greater_power = yes

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal is scope
allowed_countries = {
is_sphere_leader_of = FROM
OR = {
FROM = { is_vassal = no }
THIS = { is_our_vassal = FROM }

po_add_to_sphere = yes

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Acquire Core State

acquire_core_state = {
sprite_index = 5
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

construction_speed = 0.8

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 5
peace_cost_factor = 0.7
penalty_factor = 1
always = yes

break_truce_prestige_factor = 5
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
number_of_states = 2 # annex if you want their last state
any_owned_province = {
is_core = THIS

allowed_states = {
any_owned_province = {
is_core = THIS
not = { any_owned_province = { is_capital = yes } }

po_demand_state = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Annex Core Country

annex_core_country = {
sprite_index = 5
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 5
peace_cost_factor = 0.7
penalty_factor = 1
always = yes

break_truce_prestige_factor = 5
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
any_owned_province = {
is_core = THIS
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
NOT = {
is_core = THIS

po_annex = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Gain control of Substate region

acquire_substate_region = {
sprite_index = 6
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
construction_speed = 0.5
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 2
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
num_of_substates = 1 # if has any substate
any_substate = {
number_of_states = 1
any_owned_province = {
not = { is_core = THIS }
is_colonial = no

allowed_substate_regions = {
is_colonial = no
owner = { NOT = { in_sphere = THIS } }
any_owned_province = {
not = { is_core = THIS }
is_colonial = no

po_demand_state = yes

war_name = WAR_TAKE_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Gain control of State

acquire_state = {
sprite_index = 6
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
construction_speed = 0.5

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 2
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
number_of_states = 2 # annex if you want their last state
any_owned_province = {
not = { is_core = THIS }
is_colonial = no
OR = {
AND = {
civilized = yes
THIS = {
civilized = yes
AND = {
civilized = no
THIS = {
civilized = no
is_independant = yes

allowed_states = {
is_colonial = no
any_owned_province = {
not = { is_core = THIS }
is_colonial = no
not = { any_owned_province = { is_capital = yes } }

allowed_states_in_crisis = {
any_owned_province = {
any_neighbor_province = {
owner = { tag = THIS }

po_demand_state = yes

war_name = WAR_TAKE_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Place in the Sun

place_in_the_sun = {
sprite_index = 7
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 2
peace_cost_factor = 0.9
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
any_owned_province = {
is_colonial = yes

allowed_states = {
is_colonial = yes

allowed_states_in_crisis = {
any_owned_province = {
OR = {
is_coastal = yes
any_neighbor_province = {
owner = { tag = THIS }

po_demand_state = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Colonial competition
colonial_competition = {
sprite_index = 7
is_triggered_only = yes
constructing_cb = no # only used in crises
crisis = no
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 2
peace_cost_factor = 0.9
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

po_colony = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Cut Down to size

cut_down_to_size = {
sprite_index = 8
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 25
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1
po_disarmament = yes
po_reparations = yes

war_name = WAR_NAME

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
is_disarmed = no

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

cut_down_to_size_boxer = {
sprite_index = 8
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
constructing_cb = no
crisis = no

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
is_disarmed = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 25
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

po_disarmament = yes
po_reparations = yes

war_name = WAR_BOXER_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25
# Free Peoples
free_peoples = {
sprite_index = 9
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal is scope
allowed_countries = {
number_of_states = 2
NOT = {
tag = FROM
this_culture_union = FROM
from = {
OR = {
exists = yes
NOT = {
OR = {
tag = GER
tag = SCA
tag = ITA
tag = YUG
tag = ROM
tag = CZH

any_owned_province = {
is_core = FROM
is_core = THIS
is_releasable_vassal = FROM

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal's state
allowed_states = {
any_owned_province = {
is_core = FROM

po_transfer_provinces = yes

war_name = WAR_FREE_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Liberate country
liberate_country = {
sprite_index = 15
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal is scope
allowed_countries = {
number_of_states = 2
NOT = {
tag = FROM
this_culture_union = FROM
from = {
OR = {
exists = yes
NOT = {
OR = {
tag = GER
tag = SCA
tag = ITA
tag = YUG
#tag = ROM # TODO: shoudl we let the rest
be liberated too?
tag = CZH

any_owned_province = {
is_core = FROM
is_core = THIS
is_releasable_vassal = FROM

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal's state
allowed_states = {
any_owned_province = {
is_core = FROM
all_allowed_states = yes
po_transfer_provinces = yes
po_remove_cores = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Dismantle fortifications (forts + naval bases)

dismantle_forts = {
sprite_index = 16
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 5
penalty_factor = 1
break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal's state
allowed_states = {
any_owned_province = {
OR = {
has_building = fort
has_building = naval_base

po_destroy_forts = yes
po_destroy_naval_bases = yes

war_name = WAR_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Release Puppet
release_puppet = {
sprite_index = 10
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 15
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
num_of_vassals_no_substates = 1

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal is scope
allowed_countries = {
is_our_vassal = FROM
FROM = { is_substate = no }

po_release_puppet = yes
po_add_to_sphere = yes

war_name = WAR_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Make Puppet
make_puppet = {
sprite_index = 10
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
NOT = { number_of_states = 4 }
is_greater_power = no
is_vassal = no

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal is scope
#allowed_countries = {
# NOT = { is_our_vassal = FROM }
#FROM = { is_substate = no }

po_make_puppet = yes

war_name = WAR_PUPPET_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Become Independent
become_independent = {
sprite_index = 10
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
crisis = no

always = yes

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 15
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
is_our_vassal = THIS

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal is scope
allowed_countries = {
OR = {
FROM = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
war_with = THIS

po_release_puppet = yes
po_add_to_sphere = yes

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25
add_war_goal = {
casus_belli = make_puppet
leave_alliance = FROM
release_vassal = THIS

# Humiliate
humiliate = {
sprite_index = 11
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 15
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

po_remove_prestige = yes

tws_battle_factor = 2.0


can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
has_recently_lost_war = no
on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Demand Concession
demand_concession_casus_belli = {
sprite_index = 7
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 0
construction_speed = 1.2
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 0.1
peace_cost_factor = 0.6
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 12

good_relation_prestige_factor = 0
good_relation_infamy_factor = 0
good_relation_militancy_factor = 0

always = no

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
THIS = {
civilized = yes
civilized = no
number_of_states = 2

allowed_states = {
any_owned_province = {
is_colonial = no
not = { any_owned_province = { is_capital = yes } }

po_demand_state = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.1

# Establish Protectorate
establish_protectorate_casus_belli = {
sprite_index = 7
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 0
construction_speed = 1.2
crisis = no
badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 5
break_truce_infamy_factor = 2
break_truce_militancy_factor = 2
truce_months = 12

good_relation_prestige_factor = 0
good_relation_infamy_factor = 0
good_relation_militancy_factor = 0

always = no

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
THIS = {
civilized = yes
OR = {
NOT = {
number_of_states = 2
AND = {
THIS = {
AND = {
is_greater_power = yes
nationalism_n_imperialism = 1
NOT = { number_of_states = 5 }
civilized = no

po_annex = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.1

# Unification Humiliate
unification_humiliate_cb = {
sprite_index = 11
is_triggered_only = no
months = 12
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 10
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

always = yes

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
THIS = {
culture_has_union_tag = yes
nationalism_n_imperialism = 1
is_greater_power = yes
is_greater_power = yes
is_culture_group = THIS
NOT = { is_cultural_union = THIS }
has_cultural_sphere = yes

po_clear_union_sphere = yes

tws_battle_factor = 2.0 # battle score twice that of oppenent


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.1

# Release Puppet
unification_release_puppet_cb = {
sprite_index = 10
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 15
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0
good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

always = yes

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
num_of_vassals_no_substates = 1
THIS = {
culture_has_union_tag = yes
nationalism_n_imperialism = 1
is_greater_power = yes
is_cultural_union = no
NOT = {
is_culture_group = THIS

# THIS - us
# FROM - country scope is possible match?
# war target country of goal is scope
allowed_countries = {
is_our_vassal = FROM
FROM = { is_culture_group = THIS is_substate = no }

po_release_puppet = yes
po_add_to_sphere = yes

war_name = WAR_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Unification Demand State

unification_casus_belli = {
sprite_index = 5
is_triggered_only = no
months = 12
construction_speed = 1
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 12

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

always = yes

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
THIS = {
culture_has_union_tag = yes
nationalism_n_imperialism = 1
is_greater_power = yes
is_cultural_union = no
NOT = {
is_culture_group = THIS
number_of_states = 2
any_state = {
any_owned_province = {
any_core = {
this_culture_union = this_union
is_cultural_union = yes
not = { any_owned_province = { is_capital = yes } }
allowed_states = {
any_owned_province = {
any_core = {
this_culture_union = this_union
is_cultural_union = yes
not = { any_owned_province = { is_capital = yes } }

po_demand_state = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.1

#Unification Annex
unification_annex_casus_belli = {
sprite_index = 5
is_triggered_only = no
months = 12
crisis = no
badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 0
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 12

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

always = yes

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
THIS = {
culture_has_union_tag = yes
nationalism_n_imperialism = 1
is_greater_power = yes
is_cultural_union = no
NOT = {
is_culture_group = THIS
NOT = {
number_of_states = 2
any_owned_province = {
any_core = {
this_culture_union = this_union
is_cultural_union = yes

po_annex = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.1

# Bad Boy
rude_boy = {
sprite_index = 11
is_triggered_only = no
months = 12
construction_speed = 2
crisis = no
badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 0.5
peace_cost_factor = 1.5
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 0
good_relation_infamy_factor = 0
good_relation_militancy_factor = 0

always = yes

can_use = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
badboy = 1

po_remove_prestige = yes
po_disarmament = yes
po_reparations = yes


on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.1

# Install Communist Government

install_communist_gov_cb = {
sprite_index = 12
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
crisis = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
THIS = {
# If actor is a great power
is_greater_power = yes

# If actor gov truly communist

government = proletarian_dictatorship

# If actor ruling party is communist

ruling_party_ideology = communist

AND = {
# If reciever ruling party is not a communist
#NOT = {
# ruling_party_ideology = communist

# There are some amount of communist already in the country

communist = 0.1

# If reciever current gov is not proletarian_dictatorship

NOT = {
government = proletarian_dictatorship

# If reciever is not a great power

is_greater_power = no

po_install_communist_gov_type = yes

war_name = WAR_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

on_po_accepted = {
political_reform = none_voting
political_reform = party_appointed
political_reform = no_meeting
political_reform = state_press
political_reform = state_controlled
political_reform = underground_parties

# Revert from Communist Government

uninstall_communist_gov_cb = {
sprite_index = 13
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 12
crisis = no
# Is automatically added to countries that intervened at while
# so they can revert those countries government.
constructing_cb = no

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1
peace_cost_factor = 5
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

can_use = {
THIS = {
# If actor ruling party is not communist
NOT = {
ruling_party_ideology = communist

# If reciever current gov is proletarian_dictatorship

government = proletarian_dictatorship

po_uninstall_communist_gov_type = yes

war_name = WAR_NAME

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

# Great War Penalty

great_war_penalty_cb = {
sprite_index = 14
is_triggered_only = yes
months = 0
crisis = no

constructing_cb = no

great_war_obligatory = yes

badboy_factor = 0
prestige_factor = 1.8
peace_cost_factor = 1
penalty_factor = 1

break_truce_prestige_factor = 1
break_truce_infamy_factor = 1
break_truce_militancy_factor = 1
truce_months = 0

good_relation_prestige_factor = 1
good_relation_infamy_factor = 1
good_relation_militancy_factor = 1

po_disarmament = yes
po_reparations = yes

war_name = WAR_NAME

#can_use = {
# NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
# is_disarmed = no

on_add = {
move_issue_percentage = {
from = jingoism
to = pro_military
value = 0.25

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