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Speaking Samples Part 1 01-04/2024


Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?

I'm actually a big fan of Ngo Thanh Van, who is a very talented actress and also gains her
reputation as a film producer. For me, she’s totally an inspiration in the entertainment scene
of our country.

Do you often pay attention to famous people in the news?

Well, I catch some celebrity news now and then, but it's not exactly a regular thing for me. If
there's something big happening or some juicy gossip, I might take a peek.

Would you like to become a famous person in the news?

I would say no, because being in the news all the time isn't really my thing. I like my privacy.
Having everyone watching every move just sounds overwhelming, so I'd rather keep it chill
and do my thing without all the spotlight.

Do you believe in the news about famous people in the media?

Maybe not, with celebrity news, I have always got to be a bit careful. Different outlets may
present information from their own perspective, so it's smart to check a few sources or you
might only get one side of the story.


Do you spend a lot of money?

Honestly, I'm not one to go all out and splurge money on everything. I'm more of a budget-
savvy person. I like putting my money towards things and experiences that really matter and
add value to my life.

What do you often spend your money on?

I usually spend a good amount of my money on the basics – you know, stuff like food,
housing, and education. Plus, I make sure to set aside some cash for hanging out with friends
and enjoying the weekend outings.

How do you save money?

Actually, I'm a bit of a saver. I keep things in check by making a budget and tracking my
daily expenses. And when I shop, I try to be smart about it to avoid those “spur-of-the-
moment” buys.

Did your parents give you allowances when you were a kid?
Yeah, for sure! When I was a kid, my parents gave me some. They were pretty clever,
though. They made me do chores around the house to earn my allowance, so I guess it kinda
taught me the whole deal about working for your money.


Do you like singing?

Well, singing isn't really my thing. I appreciate music, but I prefer enjoying it as a listener
rather than actively participating in singing myself since my voice is not that great.

Have you ever learnt how to sing?

No, I haven't really learnt how to sing. While I enjoy music, singing lessons just haven't been
on my radar. I enjoy listening more than trying to perfect my own singing skills.

Who do you want to sing for?

Despite not having a really fine voice, I'd love to sing for my close friends and family. I
believe singing for them would be a cool way to share good vibes and have a great bonding
time together.

Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?

Yeah, absolutely! I think singing has this magical way of lifting people's spirits. Whether
you're the one singing or just enjoying someone else's tune, there's this instant joy it brings.


Are you good at memorizing things?

Yeah, I'd say I'm good at memorizing things. Whether it's study materials, work-related
information, or even just random facts, I have a knack for retaining details. It's actually been
quite helpful.

Have you ever forgotten something important?

Oh, definitely! I think we've all been there. There have been times when I've forgotten
important stuff, like deadlines or appointments. I've learned to use reminders and jot things
down to avoid being absent-minded.
What do you need to remember in your daily life?
Every day, I've got to remember work deadlines, appointments, and all those tasks to keep
things running smoothly. I often use calendars and reminders to help jog my memory.

How do you remember important things?

As I told you, I rely on my phone's calendar and reminder apps to keep track of tasks and
appointments. Additionally, setting alarms can ensure that I don't forget crucial details in my
day-to-day life.


Is there any advertisement that made an impression on you when you were a child?
Oh, totally! I vividly remember this candy commercial with a catchy jingle from my
childhood. It had colorful animations, and every time it came on, I couldn't resist singing

Do you see a lot of advertising on trains or other means of transportation?

Yeah, for sure! Especially on buses and taxis, you can't escape the ads. They bombard you
with all sorts of products and services. Sometimes, I feel it's kinda annoying.

Do you like advertisements?

Yeah, it really depends on the advertisement. If they're creative and tell a good story, I enjoy
them. However, overly repetitive or intrusive ads can get on my nerves. So, it's a bit of a
mixed bag for me.

What kind of advertisement do you like?

I'm into advertisements that are creative and tell a compelling story. I appreciate ads that
stand out and leave a lasting impression rather than the ones that just focus on pushing a

Video games

Do you play video games?

Sometimes. It depends on my mood and availability, but when I do, it's a great way to relax
and enjoy some downtime. I like exploring different game genres and immersing myself in
the virtual worlds.

Would you watch others play video games?

Yeah, I do watch others play video games, especially if they're seasoned players or if it's a
game I'm interested in. It can be entertaining and a good way to pick up tips and strategies for
my own gameplay.

Do you think people spend too much time playing video games?
Well, I think it varies from person to person. While some may spend excessive time on video
games, others find a good balance. It's all about how responsibly each person manages their

Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others?

It really depends on the game and my mood. If it's a multiplayer game, I prefer playing with
my mates. But for single-player games with a captivating story, I enjoy playing alone to fully
immerse myself in the experience and storyline.

Feeling bored

Do you often feel bored?

Not really, I don't get bored much. I keep myself busy with work, hobbies, and hanging out
with friends. If I ever find a bit of free time, I just dive into new stuff or get creative to kill
the boredom.

When would you feel bored?

I start feeling bored when I've got too much free time with nothing specific going on. It's like
those moments when things get a bit too quiet. To beat it, I've got my list of hobbies to keep
me entertained and shake off the boredom.

What do you do when you feel bored?

When boredom hits, I usually turn to my hobbies or pick up a book. Sometimes, I also
explore new music or take a walk to change the scenery. It's all about finding something
interesting or refreshing to do.

Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is?

I don't find either of these life stages boring. Childhood is all about exploring, playing, and
having a blast, while adulthood throws in more life experiences. They both have their own
kind of excitement and are not boring at all.

Crowded place

Is the city where you live crowded?

Yeah, my city has its fair share of hustle and bustle, especially during peak hours. The streets,
public transport and everything gets buzzing with people going about their day.
Is there a crowded place near where you live?
Well, there's this cafe near my place that's always buzzing with people. It's like the go-to spot
for locals, especially during the weekends. You can feel the energy with everyone chatting,
and grabbing coffee. It's a pretty lively place.

Do you like crowded places?

It really depends. I enjoy crowded places when there's a vibrant atmosphere, like at concerts
or events. However, in some cases, like packed public transport during rush hours, it can be a
bit overwhelming.

When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

Well, the other day, I was at this super crowded street market. It was like a sea of people.
They all check out stalls and grab food. It was a bit hectic, but also kinda exciting to be part
of that energetic crowd.

Collecting things

Do you collect things?

Yeah, I'm into collecting stuff. I've got this growing collection of movie tickets from all the
films I've watched. It's like a fun way to remember all the cool films I've seen and the good
times that came with them.

Are there any things you keep from childhood?

Absolutely! I've kept a pile of comics from my childhood. It's like a time machine flipping
through those pages, bringing back so many nostalgic memories. And it's like holding onto a
piece of my younger self.

Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?

It really depends on the item. I tend to keep things that hold sentimental value, like gifts or
mementos from special occasions. For everyday items, though, I usually declutter to make
space for new experiences and memories.

Where do you usually keep the things you need?

I usually keep the things I need in specific spots at home. Important documents go in a
designated drawer while daily essentials are in easy-to-reach places. It helps me stay
organized and find things quickly when I need them.

Losing things
Do you often lose things?
Well, occasionally. I'm pretty good at keeping track of my stuff. I have a system in place, and
I try to put things back in their spots. Of course, sometimes, something decides to play hide
and seek on me, but it’s not regular.

What can we do to avoid losing things?

To avoid the whole 'lost and found' hassle, it's all about having a designated spot for your
belongings. It's a simple way to keep things in check and minimize the chances of losing

Why do some people tend to lose things more than others?

Well, it differs for everyone. But I guess some might have a lot on their plate, so it’s easy to
misplace things in the hustle while others are naturally organized and tend to keep better
track of their belongings.

What will you do if you find something that someone else has lost?
If I stumble upon something someone has lost, I'd do my best to track down the owner. If
there's a name or contact info, I'd use that to reach out. If not, I might hand it over to a nearby
authority or the lost and found section.


Do you like listening to music?

Yeah, I'm into music, but I wouldn't say I'm obsessed. I enjoy it now and then, especially
when I'm in the mood or during social gatherings. It's a nice way to spice up the atmosphere.

What kind of music do you listen to?

I listen to a mix of genres, from pop and rock to some indie and electronic beats. It really
depends on my mood and what I'm up to at the moment.

Did you have music lessons at school?

Yeah, back in school, I had some music lessons. It was part of the curriculum, and we got to
learn the basics of playing instruments and figuring out musical notes. It was a fun break
from the regular classes.

Is it easy for you to learn music?

Well, I wouldn't say it's a walk in the park, but I do enjoy learning music. It takes some effort
and practice and I might need to put in the time to really get the hang of it.

Cakes and other sweet things

Do you like cakes and other sweet foods?
Oh, absolutely. I've got a bit of a sweet tooth, so cakes and other sweet treats are right up my
alley. They're like a little slice of happiness in every bite.

Did you like to eat cakes as a child?

Definitely. As a kid, cakes were like the highlight of any celebration. Whether it was a
birthday or just a family get-together, there was always a yummy cake waiting, and I loved
every bite of it.

Do you like to have some desserts after meals?

Yeah, I'm all about having desserts after meals. A meal doesn't feel complete without a little
something sweet afterward. It's like the perfect way to wrap things up and satisfy the taste

Do you know how to make a cake?

Not really, baking isn't really my forte. I'm more of a cake enthusiast than a cake maker. I
would just leave that to the pros or the local bakery.


What is your favourite colour?

My go-to favorite is black. There's just this timeless and versatile quality to it that I really
like. It's like the cool, classic choice that never goes out of style.

Do you buy clothes based on colour?

Not entirely, I'm not a strict color-code person but color does influence my clothing
decisions. I usually go for black or white as they're easy to mix and match with anything.

What colours do you want to paint your house with?

I'd go for a combination of soothing tones like light blue and neutral shades. It creates a calm
and welcoming atmosphere, and it's a color palette I find appealing for a home.

What colour makes you feel uncomfortable in your room?

I'm not really into those super bright and bold colors in my room. I prefer more calming and
neutral tones to keep things comfy and laid-back.

Social media

When did you start using social media?

I started using social media when I was in my mid-teens, around 15 or 16. It was that age
when everyone around me was creating accounts, and it seemed like a fun way to stay in the
loop with friends and trends.

Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

I try to keep it balanced, but there are moments when I realize I've spent a bit too much time
scrolling. It's like this digital rabbit hole – you start with a quick check, and before you know
it, time has slipped away.

Do your friends use social media?

Yes, all my friends are active on social media. It's our main platform for sharing updates and
staying connected. It's like our virtual hangout spot.

What do people often do on social media?

People use social media for a variety of things. They use it to share their life moments, from
the big milestones to the everyday stuff. It's also a hub for discussions, finding interesting
content, and, of course, endless scrolling.


Do you often wear sunglasses?

Not really, I don't wear sunglasses often. I'm nearsighted, so I usually have my regular
glasses on, and swapping to sunglasses can be a bit of a hassle.

Have you ever lost your sunglasses?

Surprisingly, I haven't lost any sunglasses yet. I try to be mindful of where I put them,
especially after hearing about people misplacing theirs. Maybe I'm just lucky.

Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?

No, I'm not one to break the bank on sunglasses. I go for reasonably priced ones that look
good. You know, keeping it simple and budget-friendly.

Do you give sunglasses as gifts?

Not really, I haven't given sunglasses as gifts. I tend to go for different types of presents and
it depends on what I think the person would like.

Tea & Coffee

Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?
I am honestly more of a tea person. I mean, there’s nothing like kicking back with a cup of
tea after a long day of hard work. I drink coffee sometimes, but it is not really my thing.

When was the last time you had a cup of coffee / tea?
I just had a cup of tea last night. It’s my nightly ritual to relax with a cup of hot tea before
bed. The tea is really good at helping me drift off to sleep.

Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?

Well, I have a soft spot for coffee shops. There’s just something about sipping on a freshly
brewed cup that makes me keep coming back to a coffee place near my house.

Do you want to make your own cup of coffee at home?

Honestly, no. I mean, I’ve actually tried, but I can’t seem to get the hang of it. Every time I
try to make my own cup of coffee, it turns out to be a total disaster. I’d rather leave it to the
pros and just grab my cup from a local café.


What kind of films do you like?

I’m always head over heels for romantic comedies. They’re definitely my go-to when I’m
feeling blue or just need a good laugh. There’s really nothing like a rom com to lift your
spirits on a bad day.

Did you often watch films when you were a child?

Oh, absolutely! I remember eating up any film that came my way when I had time. I even
came to the cinema once or twice a month with my parents to catch the latest blockbusters.

Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

To be honest, not as much as I’d like to. Since we are all busy with our schedules, it’s quite
difficult for us to plan a cinema outing. I usually end up streaming films at home on Netflix.

Have you ever gone to the cinema alone?

Absolutely! As I told you previously, going to the cinema with my friends is not really easy.
So sometimes I would just take the chance to fly solo and immerse myself in the film.

Do you go running a lot?
Well, not as much as I should. I’ve been trying to get into the habit of running every day in
the morning. But life is just hard, and I often end up putting this activity on the back burner.

Where do you usually go running?

When I have the chance, I usually beat a path to the local park. It’s my favourite place
because it’s peaceful, and I can just get lost in nature, which can really recharge my batteries.

Did you go running when you were a child?

Not really though. I was not an active kid growing up. As a child, I was more of a bookworm,
who was happier to curl up in a good story than to put on my running shoes.

What do you prefer, running alone or running with friends?

I am actually a lone runner. Due to my busy schedule, I can only run in the early morning
when everyone is still in bed. But honestly, doing so gives me a chance to tune out the world
and focus on myself, which is difficult to do if I run with my buddies.


Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?

Well, not really. I don’t think I am cut out for any arts and crafts activity. I’d rather pick out
some unique gifts from a store than roll up my sleeves and get crafty.

Have you ever received a great gift?

Oh, absolutely! If I am not mistaken, it was in my sophomore year in university that a dear
friend of mine gave me a book that I’d been dying to read. It was probably because I was
rambling about it for a few weeks before that and they really knew what made me tick.

How do you often choose a gift?

I’m actually quite careful when choosing a gift for someone. I usually try to get a feel for
what the person is into at the moment. If it’s too hard, I will just go for classic gifts that never
go out of style like a notebook or some stickers.

Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?

Well, it’s hit or miss for me. Sometimes I could pick out some very great gifts for my friends.
But sometimes my gifts are too general and not as significant as I want, especially when it
comes to giving presents to the ones I don’t know too well.

Helping others
Do you usually help people around you? How?
I always try my best to. Sometimes it’s just the little things around me like offering a word of
advice to my friends or helping my old neighbours with their household chores. I am the kind
of person who is always ready to give a helping hand.

Did your parents teach you how to help others?

Without a doubt! My parents taught me so many lessons about how I could be kind and go
the extra mile for others, especially for those in need. I suppose this is mutual for all parents
to teach their kids about kindness.

What have you done to help the elderly?

So, whenever I come across an elderly person in need, I always try to help them carry
groceries or assist them across the street. I believe these small gestures can just brighten their
day by a whole lot.

Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
Oh, they definitely did. My parents always had my back through all the difficulties in my
childhood. I just can’t thank them enough for their unwavering support when I had a problem
at school or in life. They’ve really laid the groundwork for the person I am today.


Do you like eating fish?

Oh, I’m totally hooked on fish. I just can’t get enough of its fresh and delicate flavour. My
favourite dish is actually smoked salmon with some fresh herbs and sweet and sour dressing.

Have you ever gone fishing before?

I actually have never caught a fish in my life. While I know many people find it interesting to
go fishing on the weekends, I don’t think I have the patience to sit around waiting for fish for
several hours.

Have you ever been to a place where there are a lot of fish around you?
Yes, I once visited an aquarium during my trip to Busan, South Korea. I had a chance to see
so many kinds of fish with my own eyes and the experience was truly amazing.

Did you enjoy seeing fish when you were young?

Absolutely! I remember reading all kinds of books about fish back when I was a kid. I even
enjoyed watching TV programs about marine life on the weekends with my dad, who was
also very into the topic.

Do you like Geography?

Yeah, absolutely! Geography is right up my alley. It’s not just only about the lay of the land
itself but also about different cultures and the ways the world is shaped. I feel like a whole
world is opened when I read my geography books.

Do you think Geography is useful?

Well, yes. I know it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for me, it is the way that I can
learn about the lowdown on our planet, from natural phenomena to human interactions,
which is key to understanding the world around me.

Did you learn Geography when you were at school?

Yes. It was actually one of the mandatory subjects when I was at school. I appreciated all the
geography lessons that I had since they really reshaped my way of thinking about the world.

Do you want to be a Geography teacher?

Well, even though I have a passion for the subject itself, I don’t see myself in the shoes of a
Geography teacher. I am not too confident about my knowledge so I would just leave the task
to the pros.


Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?

Not really though. I prefer places where I can hear myself think. The constant noise can really
throw me off my game and make it hard to concentrate on what I need to do.

Do you think your city is too noisy?

Yes. It’s Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam that you are talking about. As one of the most densely
populated cities in Vietnam, you can just hear vehicular noise all the time, even at midnight
in some areas.

How do you feel about people making noise around you?

Well, I probably just feel quite annoyed since I prefer quietness. However, I always try not to
be so strict about it because I think it is too difficult to find absolute silence in a city like

What is the noisiest place you have been to?

It must be a bustling market in China that I went to when I was visiting the country with my
family. You could hear noises coming from everywhere, from the vendors yelling their prices
to the crow chattering. I honestly had a serious headache after the visit.


Are you interested in robots?

Absolutely! I am a tech guy and have always been into robots and artificial intelligence. It’s
just mind-blowing to think how robots can be programmed to do so many tasks just like a
human being.

Do you like robots to work at your home?

Yes. That would be a dream come true to me. I am always caught in a lot of deadlines so
having a robot to do things around the house for me could be a game changer.

Do you want to take a car in which a robot is the driver?

Well, yes. Many people might be a bit hesitant but not me. I will definitely try one of those
self-driving cars in the future when they become widely commercialised.

Have you ever watched a film about robots?

Yes, of course. My favourite is actually “Wall-E”. It really caught my eye from first sight
when it was first released as I loved how cute the couple was. It’s just purely riveting.

Public Transportation

Do you often use public transport?

Not really though, not as much as I’d like to. While I see why many people choose public
transport for their daily commute, I just prefer having my own vehicles. It’s just more
convenient and more flexible for me to come and go as I please.

What kind of public transportation do you usually take?

When I want to take public transport, I would just go for buses. That’s actually the only
available option for public transport for daily use in Vietnam though. So I have no choice but
to take it.

Did you take public transportation when you were a kid?

Rarely. My parents were always taking me to wherever I wanted on their motorbikes. Only
when my parents were busy would I have to take the bus.
Will there be more people taking public transportation in the future?
Well, I do believe so. As cities get more and more congested and people become more
environmentally conscious, we will probably need to use public transport as a way to reduce
carbon footprints and deal with traffic congestion.

Musical instruments

Did you ever learn a musical instrument as a child?

As much as I wanted to, I never quite got around to it. I used to listen to a lot of classical
music when I was young, so I dreamt about playing some pieces with my own piano. But
guess I was carried away by other things.

Do you play any kind of musical instruments?

After missing the chance to learn how to learn the piano when I was a child, I don’t really
have an interest in any other instrument. I am just an appreciator of music now, not a player.

If you could learn a musical instrument, what would it be?

Now, if I could choose, I would go for the violin. There’s something so beautiful about the
notes it produces. I know it would be a tough nut to crack, but I think I would do well.


Have you ever done any voluntary work?

Oh yes, I’ve rolled up my sleeves and jumped into voluntary work a few times. For me, it’s a
good chance to give back to my community and I do feel good when I can fulfill my social

Would you like to work as a volunteer?

I actually do. I have done some voluntary work so far and it’s always been on my bucket list
to support people in need.

Would you volunteer to help people outside your community?

Yes, of course. I would love to lend a hand to anyone in need, regardless of their locations.
Borders and boundaries shouldn’t really be a barrier when it comes to helping others.

What types of voluntary work would be unpleasant for you?

I don’t think I should feel unpleasant when doing any voluntary work. But to be honest, I’m
not really a morning person, so I’d struggle to be fully ready for early shifts.

Do you like vacations? Why?

I mean, who doesn’t love a great vacation? I mean, apart from the workaholics, I think
everyone would enjoy the perfect opportunity to break away from the daily grind and
recharge the batteries for a few days.

Who do you like to spend your vacations with friends or family?

I would probably just spend my vacations with my family. It's great to have some quality
time with your family and make some precious memories.

Where do you usually go on vacations?

Well, I am always in for a great beach vacation. I would certainly enjoy the sound of waves
while chilling on a sandy shore. There’s something so therapeutic about the sea that draws me
in every single time.

When was your last vacation?

Just a couple of months back. I had a long vacation to spare, so I took a road trip with my
parents to Hai Phong. It was an unplanned trip, but we totally enjoyed it.

Speaking Samples Part 2 01-04/2024

1. Describe an activity you enjoyed most in your primary school

You should say:

What the activity was

How often you did the activity

Who you did it with

And explain why it was your favourite activity.

Well, even though I don’t remember much when it comes to my primary school years, I can
still vividly recall one activity that I relished so much. It was our excursion to the Ho Chi
Minh Museum, which often rolled around our last semester as primary school students.
Everyone at my school would often count down the days with much excitement to this event.

So, as you may know, this museum was the perfect place for anyone wanting to know more
about the unique life story of Ho Chi Minh and his significance in the Vietnam war. To be
honest, I was not exactly keen on history when I was in primary school but somehow all the
small stories about our venerated president just kept me hooked. I could totally immerse
myself in the intriguing anecdotes about his life along with the detailed explanations given by
our homeroom teacher, who doubled as our guide. Trust me, this experience really made
history come alive since the stories were extended far beyond the confines of our textbooks. I
actually learnt a lot about Vietnamese history in the 20th century and the pivotal role of Ho
Chi Minh in our battles for independence.

Plus, the trip was not only informative but also fun as I usually embarked on this journey with
my classmates, who were always open to share their ideas and show their appreciation for the
historical knowledge we learnt. I felt like our friendships were forged and strengthened every
time we went on this trip.

Looking back, I think it’s the nostalgia and the wonderful information that make this activity
so dear to me. Such a trip really shaped my appreciation for my country’s past and
contributed significantly to my personal growth. Not gonna lie, this trip really left an
indelible mark on me.

Part 3:

What are the activities that children enjoy doing in your country?
Based on my own observation, children in Vietnam enjoy a blend of traditional and modern
pastimes. Some of them, especially the ones living in the countryside, love flying kites in the
open fields or finding themselves engrossed in some traditional games that are both fun and
engaging. But many kids today are keen on video games or playing sports, depending on their
personality and the availability of entertainment options around them.

What are the differences between the activities children enjoy at school and the ones
they enjoy at home?
Well, I think the greatest difference between home activities and school activities for children
is the number of participants. I mean, children at home might dive into their own world by
reading books, playing video games or watching TV. Meanwhile, at school, children tend to
participate in more communal activities like team sports, group work, or even club activities.

Do you think technology has changed the types of activities that children enjoy?
Absolutely, I think it has turned the playfield on its head. Back in the day, children enjoyed
traditional games or physical activities like sports alone or with some of their friends. But
today, the digital age has opened the door to virtual worlds where children can immerse
themselves in all kinds of online activities. Even some of the traditional games have changed
to fit the new digitised world, as some of them are now able to be played online.

Why do most people enjoy spending time with other people?

I think it all boils down to our need for a sense of belonging and community since we were
born. According to many scientists, we are born social creatures, so interactions with other
people are absolutely needed for us to feel safe, secure, and even happy. That’s why you can
see how most people try their best to fit them to at least one community or a social group of

2. Describe a great team member you worked with

You should say:

Who this person is

When you worked together

What team project you worked on

And explain why you think he/she was a great team member

Well, group work is never an easy task and I have to tell you I don’t exactly have many good
teammates. But there is one remarkable person whom I had the pleasure of working with
when I was in high school. We were participating in a team project focused on environmental
protection measures for high school students and he was the leader of my team.
I have to say that this guy was the epitome of an ideal team player; he was dedicated,
innovative, and always willing to go the extra mile when needed. I could still remember how
she would stay back after school to come up with creative ideas to engage every member of
our group. So instead of just thinking about all the traditional ideas of collecting trash or
recycling used boxes, he suggested we use recycled materials to create informative art
installations around the school. This initiative not only caught the attention of our fellow
students but also received accolades from the teachers and other school staff.

To be honest, before this project, I knew that he was a very smart kid but I had never
expected him to be this good at managing everything. So usually, he would hold a weekly
group meeting and delegate us some new tasks while keeping track of all the on-going ones
seamlessly. That’s not to mention how he really inspired us to keep working on this project
despite all the obstacles we had. I think it was his inspiration that really brought out the best
in us.

Looking back, had it not been for his outstanding contribution, we would have won the first
prize for the project. Even though I lost contact with her as she moved to the US right after
graduation, she still held a very special place in my heart as one of the best team members
that I’ve ever had.

Part 3:

What are the advantages of being a part of a team?

Well, being part of a team definitely brings a lot of benefits to us as individuals. I think one
can find the support and resources needed to help them overcome difficulties while doing a
task. But it’s not just about splitting the workload, though. It’s also about learning and
growing together as we know how other people manage their time, handle their tasks, and
even do their own research. This is something that’s hardly done if you only work alone.

Why do some people not enjoy being in a team?

Despite all the benefits that I’ve mentioned above, I think teamwork isn’t everyone’s cup of
tea. Some people just thrive on solitude as they could single-handedly do everything on their
own. Without anyone bothering them while they work, these people can put themselves in an
ultra-focus state of mind, which really gives them the brain power to finish tasks even faster
than a team. And let’s not forget that the different working styles can create unwanted
conflicts between team members, so some just want to be a lone wolf to avoid such
Do you think young children learn better when they work in teams at school?
Well, when it comes to young children, I think teaming up with other kids can be a real
game-changer for them. They will be able to communicate, listen, and show empathy to other
members in their team, which are the very important parts of their social and emotional skills.
If the young are equipped with these sets of skills early in life, they would possess many
essential interpersonal skills in the future and become more socially-capable individuals later
in life.

What are the qualities of a good team leader?

I suppose that in order to lead a team successfully, a person needs to have certain things in
them. First of all, I think they need the ability to see the big picture without losing sight of the
details. This is quite important for them to be a visionary leader who can make wise decisions
for the whole team. And apart from all the visions, a good team leader must be a great listener
as well, as they would learn about the difficulties of each team member and at the same time,
recognise their achievements. This sounds quite basic but I think it’s absolutely needed for
stronger bonds between team members, which builds the foundation for a collective success
of the team itself.

3. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew this person

What he/she usually talks about

And explain how you felt about him/her

Well, the person who instantly springs to my mind when I think of this topic is my high
school English teacher, Mr. Mike. I first crossed paths with him in my sophomore English
class where he taught the English literature module. As he fully embraced the idea of
communicative language learning, we actually had a lot of interesting discussions and that’s
how we knew our teacher really had a penchant for sharing unconventional ideas.
So basically, every week, we were assigned some reading materials for us to read and prepare
some discussion questions, which would be asked during a 2-hour long session. These
materials covered various topics, ranging from classic literature to contemporary social
issues, but our teacher always got his own ways to connect the dots between seemingly
unrelated fields. I could still remember the time when he spent almost one hour breaking
down the underlying meaning of Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the way these lessons are still
relevant in dealing with modern day’s issues.

But I mean, he wasn’t the only one that did all the talking though. Most of his discussions
were held with a very open manner as students like us could give our own inputs. He even
encouraged us to chime in to foster an inclusive classroom environment where everyone’s
voice was heard and valued. That’s why even though he really talked a lot, we all enjoyed the
lessons with him and we even developed our own critical thinking and articulation skills.

Looking back, I think the loquacious nature of Mr. Mike has ignited in us the interest in
English literature. But more importantly, I think he inspired us to freely express our ideas
with an open mindset and trust me, that’s something I feel extremely important when I start
my work life.

Part 3:

What are the reasons why some children talk more than other children?
Oh, when it comes to chatterboxes, it’s a bit of a mixed bag, don’t you think so? I mean,
some kids are just naturally talkative. Their minds are just always full of thoughts and tales
that they want to express. And there’s also the environment factor. If their parents or their
siblings talk a lot at home, they are more likely to participate in conversations and want to
initiate the same environment with other people. On the other hand, kids who are not as
enthusiastic about sharing their ideas and feelings or live in a quiet home might not want to
talk as much.

Why should parents encourage children to express their opinions?

I think it’s all about allowing children to feel more confident in their views. They would
know that what they think actually matters and people are willing to listen to their thoughts. It
also teaches children the way to weave their thoughts into words, which are quite important
for them later on when they have to navigate social instances on their own.
In what situations do children have to learn not to talk?
Despite all the benefits of teaching kids to express their opinions, sometimes we have to let
them know that their silence is more important. For example, in a library or in a classroom,
they should not become the chatty one as their talking can distract and bother others. If they
know when to keep their words to their own, they can show respect and understanding
towards others, which is indeed important la

What are the kinds of jobs that involve talking to groups of people?
Well, first of all, we’ve got our teachers, who often have to use words to impart wisdom to
the kids all day long. And then there are the tour guides, who usually use their tales and facts
to help people understand more about a place. Also, we should not forget the sales and
marketing people, who I prefer to call the masters of the art of persuasion, pitching ideas, and
fuelling dreams. All these people have the gift of the gab and they certainly know how to
keep the crowd hooked with their words.

4. Describe a time when you used a map

You should say:

When you used the map

Where you were

Why you used a map

And explain how you felt about the experience

Well, to be honest, I would never imagine myself using a physical map before since I usually
find anything I need in the Google Map application. However, during my solo trekking trip to
Ha Giang last year, I had to rely entirely on a paper map as there was barely any cell phone
signal up there.

As I can vividly recall, I used a map of Ha Giang to chart my course through the winding
trails of the area. Even though we had a local guide who supposedly knew the area like the
back of his hands, he couldn’t help us much due to some language barriers. That’s why the
physical map was our life saver as we traced the route and identified landmarks on the way.

I mean, this experience was totally new to me. Yet, it was also a refreshing throwback to my
childhood when my parents still had to use one every time we were on vacation or to a new
area. Thanks to this, I now know that I am not that bad at navigating as I managed to make all
the decisions at crossroads based on my interpretation of the map.

Looking back, I think the absence of my map application actually made the journey much
more intimate and rewarding. It was truly an exercise in self-reliance and adaptability, which
boosted my self-confidence by a bunch. If you have never had an experience like this, I
would highly recommend you try it once. It would probably give you a sense of novelty and

Part 3:

Do you think everyone should learn how to read maps?

Well, definitely. I mean, sure, we’ve got all sorts of tech at our fingertips, but there’s
something about map reading that sharpens your sense of direction and spatial awareness.
Reading a map is like a brain workout, isn’t it? You have the chance to look at different
points on the map and try to map out the best route in your mind, which I think is quite fun.
And plus, it’s a handy skill to have when you’re off the beaten path and there’s no technology

Do you think most people prefer using a paper map, or a map on a phone?
When it comes to maps, I think most people today would lean towards the convenience of the
application on their phones. That’s quite obvious since there’s barely any good reason for us
to trace the routes with our fingers and map out every direction in our mind. We could just
put in the starting point and the destination and the technology will take care of the rest.

Do you think navigation systems in cars are always a good thing?

Well, I suppose they are a bit of a double-edged sword. On the sunny side, they’re truly a
blessing as it could guide you through all the unfamiliar territories and relieve your stress
from navigating everything on your own. But sometimes these systems might lead you on a
wild goose chase as not all areas are updated on the virtual map. That’s why you still should
have a certain level of navigation skills so you won’t be always relying on a digital co-pilot.
Why are some cities easier to get lost in than other cities?
I mean, isn’t that obvious? Some cities are like a maze with all the twisting lanes, dead ends,
or streets whose names are so confusing. Take Hanoi as an example. If you have been to the
city, you know how complicated it’s to navigate around the Old Quarter. But on the flip side,
some cities are very well-planned with a grid-like structure, so finding your way there is quite
straightforward, I suppose.

5. Describe an occasion when there were a lot of noise

You should say:

Where you heard the noise

Who / What made the noise

How you reacted to the noise

And explain how you felt about the noise

Well, this topic immediately transported me back to the time when I attended the Kumbh
Mela festival in India a few years back. I was there with a friend of mine who also had a
profound interest in cultural and religious studies. And trust me, this is one of the noisiest
places I’ve been to in my life.

So basically, this festival is the largest religious gathering in the world with thousands of
Hindus from all walks of life converging on the banks of a sacred river in India. They come
there with the hope that they can wash away their own sins by dipping in the holy water of
the river. At that time, we couldn’t fully understand all the activities people were doing there
but we were sure that the noise level was overwhelming.

I mean, just imagine having almost a million people coming to one place for the same
practice. The sound of people humming their conversations, chanting some kinds of religious
hymns, or praying as they partook in ritualistic baths were all combined into a cacophony. As
a non-religious person, I had never witnessed any event with so much noise like this before. I
didn’t really know if other religious events would be like this but after doing some research
after the trip, I now know that’s not so uncommon.

But despite the noise, we both agreed that the experience was totally enriching. I mean it was
so special to culture lovers like us to be a part of something so significant to another culture.
And the noise itself wasn’t just something random. For me, it was like an indispensable part
of any religious gathering, making it even more remarkable for participants.

Part 3:

What are the types of public places where there should be no noise?
Oh, there are certain spots that keeping it down is part of the deal. For example, libraries are
like the places of ultimate silence, where even whispers are considered too loud. Then you’ve
got theatres or cinemas during a show. It would be so rude if you make noise that can distract
people from appreciating the art on the stage or screen.

Do you think young children shouldn’t be allowed in places where everyone has to be
I mean, I do know that some kids are very well-behaved as they already learn the ropes of
social dos and don’ts. But, you know, expecting a child to sit through a three-hour opera, for
example, without a peep might be too much. So I would just recommend parents only bring
their kids to kid-friendly performances or sections to make sure that they would not ruin the
mood of others.

Why do crowds often become very noisy in public places?

I mean, isn’t that a quite natural phenomenon? When you put a bunch of people together like
in a concert, a festival, or even a bustling market, it’s often the excitement of each individual
to be a part of something bigger that encourages them to talk. And it’s also very easy to get
carried away in the crowd and your voice would just join the chorus.

Do you think it is important for people to behave well in public?

Yes. I believe that people should really mind their manners in public. It’s about respect, isn’t
it? All the small gestures like giving space, keeping the noise down, or just offering a smile
are quite important to make a shared space more pleasant for everyone. If just one individual
behaves improperly, the harmony will be ruined and problems might break out.
6. Describe a place you would like to go to relax

You should say:

Where it is

When you would like to go there

What you would do there

And explain why you would like to go to this place to relax.

Well, the place that I always yearn to visit for relaxation is a cosy book cafe, which is nestled
in an old alley near my house. It’s an almost hidden gem that I stumbled upon online while
looking for a tranquil retreat from the bustling life in Hanoi.

As a person working a full time job, I can only make use of my weekends to go there alone or
with my best friend. But it doesn’t matter whether I have a companion or not since I will
always carry out my “rituals” of immersing myself in this world of books and aromatic
coffee. This place offers a wide range of books, from Vietnamese classic novels to some self-
help books, which makes me feel like I’m gonna embark on a new reading adventure when I
am there.

And I think it’s the unique combination of literature and a warm, welcoming atmosphere here
that makes it an ideal spot for me to relax in. I can already imagine myself curling up in a
comfy corner with a novel from their collection and would stay there for the whole day.
Many people might find this too tedious but I mean, I just want to appreciate every chance to
wind down, and spending a whole day at this book cafe would provide me with a much-
needed respite from the daily grind.

I just can’t wait to go there this Sunday to savour the small joys of life at this cafe. And I
would definitely recommend it to any book lovers like me.

Part 3:
Where do people often go to relax after school or work in Vietnam?
Well, in my country, people love to wind down in a variety of chill spots. After the daily
grind, you’ll find many drifting into cosy cafes to sip on a cup of local coffee. Or you may
also find others taking a leisurely walk or join a team sport at parks. And of course, we
should not forget the ultimate place for us to relieve stress, the buzzing malls. We,
Vietnamese people, love going to the mall for all kinds of recreational activities like
shopping, dining, or playing arcane games.

Do you think there are enough places to relax in most towns and cities?
Well, it’s a bit hit and miss, isn’t it? In bustling cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh city, you’ve
got a ton of hangouts at every corner. But when you venture into smaller towns, their choices
of recreation might be quite limited. Sure, you may find some community hubs where people
come to enjoy outdoor activities together. But you might barely catch sight of any big
shopping malls or buzzing streets.

Why are some places better than other places for relaxing?
I think it all comes down to the vibe. I bet no one can resist the temptation to just sit down
and chill in a serene garden full of trees or in a cosy cafe that offers you a warm cup of latte
on a winter day. And sometimes it’s also about the company. Some places just allow people
to connect with many like-minded individuals and a sense of belonging is indeed great to
make people feel secure and allow them to unwind.

Do you think the best way to relax is to do physical exercise?

I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to relaxation. I mean, many will
find physical exercise so great to shake off their stress as your endorphin levels will go up
significantly after a workout. However, there are also people who find their bliss while
reading a book or taking care of their plants in a garden. It’s all about our references.

7. Describe an unusual holiday you had

You should say:

When and where you went

Who you went with

What you did there

And explain why it was unusual

Well, I have to tell you I mostly enjoy my holidays, as I tend to cherish every moment I can
escape from the daily grind. And there is an unusual yet very interesting trip that I had a few
years ago. It was my getaway to Cao Bang, which is a stunningly picturesque region in

So I embarked on this adventure with a group of friends from university, who shared the
same quest not just to explore new places in my country but also to immerse ourselves in
local cultures and lifestyles. We don’t consider ourselves travel-holics but we have actually
made trips to nearly all famous destinations in our country already.

Even though we often go for the conventional tourist itineraries to save time, for this trip, we
decided to go off the well-trodden paths and challenged ourselves to experience the local life
on a deeper level. That’s why instead of just ticking off famous tourist spots, we opted for
connection with the local people by becoming active participants in their daily life. I could
still remember eating all the local dishes, which were exotic at first sight but tasted really
phenomenal, and also going to the old ethnic villages to really know the life of people here.

Looking back, I do believe that this trip was not your run-of-the-mill getaway; it really
offered us a deeper understanding of a way of life so different from our own. In other words,
this journey went beyond our expectations and I would just love to have a similar one in the

Part 3:

Updating …

8. Describe a time when you offered to help someone.

You should say:

Who you helped

Why helped him/her

How you helped him/her

And explain how you felt about the experience

Well, this topic immediately travelled me back to my days as a senior student in highschool
when I spent almost three months helping my best friend prepare for her IELTS Speaking
test. As a person who had gone through the test myself not long before that, I was well-aware
of the challenges and ready to help my friend overcome all of them.

So basically, my friend was finishing her documents and certificates for her university
application when she realised that she was missing an IELTS score. You know, as any other
standardised test, we had to prepare for it quite thoroughly before entering the test room. And
little did my friend know she would struggle with the speaking section. I mean, according to
her, whenever she had to speak in English, she would feel so overwhelmed and anxious about
her ability that she could barely maintain her fluency.

This problem really resonated with me as I also struggled with the same issue when learning
English and preparing for the IELTS exam. That’s why I decided to share all the tips and
strategies that worked for me like always trying to stay calm or structuring responses
logically. Along with that, I also helped my friend with some mock test sessions where I
would give her a risk-free environment so she wouldn’t get too nervous while speaking.

And after three months of intense preparation, my friend gained confidence in her abilities
and got a 7.5 for her Speaking skill. When she told me her test results, I was immediately
showered with a sense of pride and satisfaction that I would be able to help my friend when
she was in need.

Part 3:

What types of housework can children help their parents with?

I do think kids can chip in around the house with various tasks. The little ones can make a
game out of tidying up their toys or feeding the family pet. The older kids can start setting the
table or may even lend a hand with the dishes. It really depends on how willing the parents
are to let their children help them.

Should parents avoid helping children with their schoolwork?

I suppose there should be a balance. Sure, it’s quite important for parents to help them with
some tricky questions by giving suggestions or nudging the young in the right direction. But
when parents hover over every assignment, this can stifle the chances for children to struggle
and sprout, a very essential part of learning and growing as individuals. So instead of taking
the wheel, parents might want to limit their help to only guidance and suggestions.

Is it easier to help a friend than to help a stranger?

Yes, indeed. Helping a friend is like second nature to many. Since there’s already a trusty
bond between you and your friends, it’s much easier for you to step in and offer help.
However, with strangers, it’s a whole different story. I suppose there’s always an initial
hesitance that prevents people from helping someone they don’t know in person.

Do you think parents need to teach their children to be kind and help others?
Yes, I think this is indeed important to foster a sense of compassion in the kids. Some small
gestures like sharing a snack, comforting a friend, or even giving a smile to someone are
enough for children to know the value of kindness in society. If they are taught to be
compassionate from a young age, there’s a higher chance they would become much more
responsible and have a community-oriented mindset in the future.

9. Describe a job that you do not like to do

You should say:

What it is

How do you knew about this job

Whether the job is difficult or not

And why you do not like to do it

To be honest, I am actually quite open to trying new things in life. You know, venturing out
of my comfort zone is not something too intimidating for me. But there’s one job that I find
particularly unappealing is hosting a livestream on e-commerce platforms to sell products.

As we all may know, with the rise of many online shopping sites, this modern profession has
become one of the most lucrative sources of income for many people. It is basically the job of
marketing products while engaging with a live audience in real-time. I mean, it sounds
dynamic and exciting, right? But it’s also incredibly demanding. You can just imagine
streamers often need to be on air for long hours, yet they still have to maintain high energy
levels and a charismatic persona throughout. Trust me, that constant pressure to be “on” all
the time can be mentally and physically taxing.

And that’s not the end of it. Another huge challenge for any streamer is the need to constantly
keep up with trends and understand their products in-depth. Because obviously they are
playing the role of a salesperson, who should be capable of convincingly promoting items to
a diverse audience. If they fail to do so, I don’t think they would be able to generate any sales
at all.

So all in all, while I do know that livestreaming on e-commerce platforms may offer a lot of
financial rewards, it’s the nature of the job that really puts me off. And that’s why I also
admire people who consider live streaming their career. They must have a very high level of
resilience, I suppose.

Part 3:

What are the jobs that young people in Vietnam want to do?
I think my country is a melting pot with diverse career choices for the young. Many are keen
on tech gigs and they would opt for coding or app development jobs. If you've got the
creative soul, you might want to make your mark in design or marketing. And let’s not forget
the entrepreneurial spirits who are always buzzing with new startup ideas and ready to take
on new challenges.

Which is more important to most young people: an interesting job or a job that pays a
high salary?
I think it’s often a tug-of-war between passion and the paycheck. Sure, everyone needs to
make ends meet and having a high salary will reduce any kind of money-related stress.
However, many are chasing the thrill of a gig that gets them all excited. This is definitely
more fun than just clocking in and out, waiting for the monthly paycheck.

How usually is it for young people to move to another city to find a job?
That’s something quite common among the young today I suppose. I mea, young folks born
in small towns might want to pack up and chase some job prospects in a new city where
many more opportunities are available. For example, if you want to work in finance or
customer service in Vietnam, you would probably need to move to Hanoi, the capital city,
instead of staying in your hometown in Ha Nam or Thai Binh right? In case you still want to
stay in your hometown, you would have to limit your career choices by a lot.

Do you think jobs in the past required more physical effort than today’s jobs?
Well, I do think so. Back in the day, jobs were often labour-intensive since we hadn’t got the
help from technology yet. However, fast forward to today, and you can see it’s a different
ball game. I mean, we’ve still got jobs that’ll require some muscle strength, but technology
has already shouldered a good chunk of the grunt work and sometimes you are only left with
the more cognitive tasks.

10. Describe something you do regularly that helps you work or study
You should say:
What it is
How you do it
When you do it
And explain how you feel about the method

Well, I don’t wanna call myself a productivity expert, but there are a few strategies that I
regularly employ to optimise my work and study routine. And today I would like to talk
about the Eisenhower Matrix, a time management tool that has truly been a game changer for

I first learnt about this a few years ago when I was searching for some productivity boosters.
And after some hours of researching, I found this method being recommended by many
experts. So basically, the Eisenhower Matrix breaks down tasks into different categories
based on their importance and urgency. From that point, you can easily clear your mind and
create a visual roadmap of what needs your immediate attention and what can wait or should
be delegated.
Since I started doing this for all of my tasks, I feel like I have entered the real work of
productivity. I can feel that many things can be done in just one day, which always gives me
a good feeling of accomplishment. This is totally different from my situation a few years ago
when I still had to struggle with managing my time for different tasks but nothing got done.
And the boost to my productivity has been recognised by others as some of my colleagues
have expressed their surprise upon seeing my finishing my daily workload quite smoothly.

I think this method has really changed my approach to work and study. It not only gives me a
sense of control and calm but also allows me to focus my energies in the right direction. Had
it not been for it, I don’t think I could get all my work and study achievements.

Part 3:

What are the things people do every day as part of their personal routine?
I suppose that daily personal routines can vary from one person to the other. But most
routines probably share the same morning drill with brushing one’s teeth, showering, and
fueling up with some breakfast. Apart from that, I say most of us want to include some
exercising time to our to-do list of the day, by hitting the gym for a quick workout or taking a
leisurely stroll at the park. And at night, it’s usually winding down time when we are often
ready to recharge by doing some recreational activities.

Do you think it is necessary for young children to have a routine?

For the young, I suppose that having a routine is highly recommended, as it can give the kids
a sense of security and structure so they would not have to spend too much time deciding
what to do. And it’s not just about keeping the chas at bay; it’s also a stepping stone for the
young to learn the ropes of time management and discipline, which are all quite important for
them later on.

How important is it for people to have routines in their leisure time?

Well, I mean, a bit of structure can be a godsend so leisure time doesn’t just slip through
without having any trace in your life. But, let’s be real, it’s the spontaneity of leisure that
makes it so great and invigorating. Where’s the fun when you cannot really break free from
the clock?

Why are routines essential in some jobs?

I do believe that some jobs absolutely require fixed routines as their backbone, especially the
ones that must be done with utmost precision. For example, pilots should be extremely
careful with their pre-flight checks, or nurses have to stick to their rounds without a slip. It’s
all about precision, efficiency, and sometimes safety, I suppose.

11. Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved

You should say:

What the facility is

When it was renovated and improved

What has been renovated and improved

And explain how you feel about it

The public facility that immediately comes to mind is the central garden in my hometown. So
this garden has just undergone a significant renovation that really transformed the way we, as
citizens, experience it.

So before the renovation, the garden was a quite modest place with a few ageing benches and
a children’s playground that had seen better days. And even the pathways were uneven,
which made it difficult for us to stroll around or have a jog. This situation prolonged for a
while before the local council considered a comprehensive project to breathe new life into
this public space.

And they actually did. The old playground was replaced with modern and safer equipment
while the pathways were relaid to make it easier for people to move around. But perhaps the
most striking change to the garden was the enhanced landscaping, which included the
planting of additional trees and flowers.

I myself feel incredibly positive about these changes to be honest. From a seemingly
abandoned place, this garden has become a hub of activity for citizens of all ages. I mean,
now I can see families having their picnic on the weekends here while older residents can
fully enjoy their leisurely walks. I think this is not just a physical improvement of the place
but also an enhancement to our quality of life. I hope that in the future, there will be more and
more improvements like this to our neighbourhood.

Part 3:

What are the kinds of public facilities that many people use where you live?
Around my neighbourhood, public facilities are often the hubs of the community. We've got
parks, which are always the dream destination for anyone yearning for some relaxation after
work or school. And we also love our gyms and sport centres where people come to do a
quick workout or play sports together.

Do you think younger and older people use the same kinds of public facilities?
I mean, it’s a bit of a mixed bag, isn’t it. I know that the young ones might flock to parks or
some digital hubs where they can find their peers and all the activities of their taste.
Meanwhile, the older crowd might lean towards tranquil gardens or community centres where
they can immerse themselves in peace. But there are always crossroads like libraries, parks,
or sport facilities that both the young and the old might want to visit.

Are new public facilities always better than old ones?

When it comes to quality, I must say new public facilities are much better than the old ones.
People can enjoy the highest quality facilities for their comfort and convenience. However,
it’s not always about the quality that keeps people attached to a place. Sometimes the old
facilities have their own stories and a sense of familiarity that’s irreplaceable. That’s why
many people, especially the old, always come back to their old places of comfort.

Why do towns and cities need good facilities for the public?
For me, towns and cities are like living organisms and good facilities are the healthy veins
that keep these places alive. Without good facilities, the residents might lack communal
spaces to connect with one another. In other words, high-quality facilities are not just
amenities but also community hubs for social bonds, which are certainly important for the
well-being of the community and the cities or towns themselves.

12. Describe an interesting conversation you had with a very old


You should say:

Who this person is

Where you had the conversation

What you talked about

And explain how you felt about the experience

This topic immediately transported me back to the day that I participated in a wellness
seminar at our school. During that session, we had a wonderful conversation with the guest
speaker, a renowned health expert who is now in her late seventies.

Our conversation was mostly centred around how we can live a healthier life by forming
small habits like exercising for 15 minutes a day or getting enough sleep every day. As a
person who suffers from lack of sleep all the time, I was particularly interested in the
importance of sleep so I asked some questions about how we can have deeper sleep sessions
and how we can go into sleep more easily at night.

And to my surprise, instead of delving too deep into the theories, she managed to summarise
the theories in just a few minutes and spent the rest of her talk giving us all the practical tips
for improving sleep quality. She used some anecdotes from her own life and professional
experiences, which made the conversation not just informative but also personal and

Looking back, I think this conversation left a lasting impression on me. It was a powerful
reminder that small habits can really change your life. I hope that in the future, I will be able
to have more meaningful conversations with people like this expert.

Part 3:

What can young people learn from older people?

A lot of things, I must say. Young people can really learn about history and culture through
the “back in my day” kind of stories from the older generation. These are not like the ones
you find in history books. They are drawn from real experiences, with real emotions and
reflections from the old. And on top of that, patience, resilience, and perseverance are often
part of the package. These lessons may help the young navigate through different life
occurrences, allowing them to make the right decisions.

What are the advantages of living with people of different ages?

When living in a multi-generational environment, people might find themselves in a mix of
perspectives about different things in life, and this is like a crash course in patience,
understanding, and mutual respect. They could learn how to listen to others’ views and give
proper reactions in a respectful way. This is certainly very important for our personal growth,
regardless of our age.

Do you think older people can do some jobs better than younger people?
Of course. I mean, older individuals might have the upper hand in jobs that require wisdom,
personal experience, or a nuanced touch like mentors, counsellors, or artisans. Their years of
experience would definitely allow them to give more valuable advice to others. If you put a
younger person in the same position, the job might not be done with the same quality due to
the potential lack of experience, unless that individual is extremely talented for their young

What is the best age for people to stop working and retire?
Well, I doubt there’s a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Depending on their health
conditions and desires to continue working, many would choose to retire at the golden years
of sixty, while others whose spark stays kindled much longer might not retire at all. You can
see a lot of people working until the age of eighty or ninety in Japan, a country well famous
for their aged workforce.

13. Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome

in his/her home

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

How he/she makes you feel welcome

And how you feel about this person

The person who immediately comes to mind when I think about this topic is Mrs. Hoa, my
homeroom teacher during high school. She was in charge of our class for three years but until
the very last semester did I know that she was a gracious host.

As I can vividly recall, Mrs. Nguyen invited us to her home on Teachers’s Day for a cosy
dinner. There were only ten students who managed to make it to the dinner. However, Mrs.
Lan still managed to make us feel welcome. As soon as we entered, she would greet us with
the warmest smile while the aroma of home-cooked food wafted through the air. At that
moment, we knew that she had prepared a feast. And one thing that I noticed is that she paid
attention to the little things like the background music. I honestly enjoyed the soothing
classical music that she put on, which helped us feel so calm and relaxed.

And that’s not everything great about her dinner. Her conversation we had that day also made
us feel at ease. I mean, she had something unique in her that made the whole talk so
engaging. We were given the opportunity to share some stories in our lives and also listen to
some funny anecdotes from my teacher. This really made us feel valued and heard.

Looking back, I think the visit to Mrs. Lan’s house really changed my perceptions of her. I
mean, in class, she was a quite strict and demanding teacher, which was probably for our own
good. But she was actually so nice and kind to us. That’s why I always hold her in the highest
regard as a teacher.

Part 3:

Why do people sometimes offer food when visitors come to their home?
I think it’s a language of hospitality in many countries, including Vietnam. It’s not just about
filling people up with food though. I believe in many cultures, offering food is a way to
express your generosity and show the guest that they are “part of the family” without uttering
a word. That’s why many people just choose this method to leave a good impression on their

How important is making a visitor feel welcome in Vietnam?

Well, I must say in my country, making visitors feel welcome is not just important. It’s
ingrained in our culture. Since a young age, we are often taught to perfect the virtues of
hospitality to make people around us feel at ease. We do that by giving a warm smile or
offering a feast to make the guests feel cherished. You can see this quite apparently in many
travel blogs, where tourists often praise Vietnamese people for our generosity and

How common is it for people in Vietnam to invite visitors to their home?

It’s pretty much the bread and butter of our socialising philosophy. We often want to invite
visitors over for a meal or just a cup of tea to show our sincerity and friendliness. You know,
the home is often a very personal space, so when you are willing to let others in, they would
feel our sense of respect and that’s what we, Vietnamese people, want our guests to feel.

Is it more important for countries to welcome tourists now than it was in the past?
I do believe that this has pretty much taken the centre stage now, more than ever. In the past,
countries were more divided in terms of economy, culture, and lifestyles. However,
globalisation and cultural exchange have motivated countries to open doors to tourists.
Sometimes it’s about the economic benefits from the tourism industry, but it’s also about
cultural understanding and respect.

14. Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve

You should say:

How long you have had this goal

What the goal is

How you will achieve it

And explain why you set this goal

Well, I do set a lot of goals in my life and today I would like to share with you one of them.
It’s to learn a new language apart from English. This is a goal that I have harboured for quite
some time since my trip to China a few years ago. During that trip, I realised that having only
English as my second language might not be enough for me to survive when travelling in a
non-English speaking country. That’s how the idea of becoming fluent in a new language,
particularly Chinese started to simmer in the back of my mind.
So basically, in order to achieve this goal, I’ve been subscribing to some online courses and
language learning apps to build a foundation. As a person who has some experience in
language learning, I know that learning the basics of a language would be the most difficult
part of the whole process so I’ve earmarked at least one hour daily in the morning for this.

Once I’ve learned the ropes of Chinese, I suppose that the next phase is to immerse myself in
the language. I plan to consume all the Chinese media, including movies, music, and books,
that I can find. You know, this exposure will definitely help me acclimatise my ear to the
nuances of the language and enhance my vocabulary.

With all the energy and effort that I have and will put into learning Chinese, I hope that I will
be able to reach the intermediate level of proficiency in the near future. This would be a
personal challenge for me but I believe the experience of learning a new language would be
so rewarding in the end. I just can’t wait for the day that I can speak with Chinese people
without any hesitation.

Part 3:

What are the kinds of goals that young people often have?
It’s hard to tell since I know that young people today are often setting their sights on a whole
spectrum of goals. Some are aiming for academic success by pursuing their Master’s degree
and more. Then there’s the dream chasers who are willing to turn their passions into careers
and these people often work in arts, tech, or entrepreneurship. I can’t just list them all here,
but you know how diverse people’s goals are today.

How can schools help young people to achieve their goals?

Schools can certainly aid young folks in achieving their goals in multiple ways. First of all,
obviously, they equip the young with knowledge to help them build a foundation for their
future career. And more importantly, schools also offer a mix of mentorship, practical skills,
and opportunities for the young to experience the real-world in a way. These are extremely
vital for them in the future when they have to navigate their path themselves. Getting some
training in advance is surely a boost, I think.

Is it always important for young people to have goals?

While I know that having goals can give direction and a sense of purpose for the young so
they would not get lost, I don’t think setting a fixed goal is not always a must. I mean, it’s not
a race, and it’s sometimes okay to not have it all mapped out. Many people would like to
explore and find their own ways through their own experience. For these people, I think it’s
more about enjoying the process rather than finding satisfaction from achieving the final

What can people do to prepare for their life in the future?

Plenty of things I suppose. People can start with building a foundation for their future by
acquiring the skills, the knowledge, and also the experience of the things they want to do.
And from that base, they can start to build a network of connections that can open doors and
offer them more opportunities in life, making their life much easier. During the process, one
must also arm themselves with a strong mentality, because resilience is one of the most
important factors for people to continue their path and not just throw in the towel when they
encounter difficulties.

15. Describe a period of time that you were busy

You should say:

When it was

What you did during the period

What made you busy

And explain how you felt about the experience

Well, we all have some periods that are particularly hectic right? I am not an exception since
I always feel like I am inundated with so many things in life. One period like that was during
the final semester of my university studies a few years ago.

So basically, during this time, I was juggling two major responsibilities: finding a job and
completing my graduation thesis. I mean, the latter was obvious since in my university, we
were all required to do extensive research on our subject, which would be both mentally-
taxing and time-consuming. I was even exploring a rather complex topic, meaning that I had
to dive deep into literature reviews, conduct interviews, and also synthesise information to
form a compelling argument. Just so you know, gathering the data alone took me two months.
And to add to this whirlwind of activity, I was also on the job hunt at that moment as I knew
that the job market would be extremely competitive when I graduated. I remember spending
days scouring job listings, tailoring my resume and cover letters, and of course preparing for
interviews. I mean, balancing these tasks was no joke and I was seriously exhausted.

But looking back, I feel a mix of pride and relief. I was so proud that even though I was
sometimes spreading myself too thin, I managed to receive commendable feedback for my
thesis and also some offers from several companies that I had applied for. This experience
really taught me valuable lessons in time management, resilience, and also the importance of
staying focused under pressure.

Part 3:

What are the things that make people’s lives busy nowadays?
The answer to this is quite obvious right. Work today is often demanding so people always
have to be on the clock to answer emails or meet their deadlines. Then when they come back
from work, they have to deal with the juggle of family life like taking care of their children,
spending time with their other half, and sometimes thinking about difficult family decisions.
Everything seems so overwhelming already, right? Let’s not forget social life as people often
try to squeeze in time for friends, hobbies, or a bit of self-care.

Why do some people feel their lives are busier now than in the past?
Probably because they’re running on a faster treadmill these days. With the faster pace of life,
they might find themselves inundated with too many tasks at work and at home. And even
though we have technology to assist us along the way, technological devices also blur the
lines between work and home, which means there’s barely any work-life balance in one’s life
anymore. Compared to the past, people today barely have time to pause and catch their

Do you think people will be more or less busy in the future?

I mean, no one can predict the future precisely but based on my observation, I think the hustle
and bustle won’t be letting up anytime soon. With technology advancing at breakneck speed
and the world getting more interconnected, the pace of life is more likely to rev up. We may
have more awareness about the importance of downtime, but eventually the rat race would
catch us up and trap us there. There might be a balance, and there might be not.
What can busy people do to help themselves organise their time well?
I think time management is key in this case. It’s about working smarter, not harder, right?
Busy folks can try setting priorities, breaking their daily tasks into chunks, and sticking to a
schedule. These methods are proven to boost one’s productivity and help them organise their
time much more effectively. And one important thing that they should remember, saying no.
It’s an art to block people off distractions and turn down tasks when you are feeling you’ve
already been spreading yourself too thin. All of these things together can probably make the
lives of busy bees more bearable.

16. Describe a skill that you learned in your childhood

You should say:
What the skill is
When and how you learned it
Who you learned it from
And explain why you learned it

Well, I think there is one common skill that many of us learnt in our childhood. It’s
swimming, an invaluable skill that I think everyone should possess.

As I can recall, this skill was imparted to me when I was around five years old. My parents,
particularly my dad, wanted to ensure my safety around water and also understood the health
benefits of swimming so they enrolled me in swimming lessons with some other kids in my

I can still remember grappling with the basics of swimming like keeping afloat and mastering
proper breathing techniques. We, the kids, were a bit shy and it took us a lot of time to learn
the ropes of swimming, but our instructor at that time was very patient and encouraging. She
really had a knack for making learning fun with a lot of games and exercises to build our
confidence in the water. And by the third lesson, we had already been able to move from the
shallow end of the pool to the deeper parts with confidence.

And you know, we all learn swimming firstly for its health benefits right? It’s like a way for
many of us to become more active, which is so important in today’s sedentary world. But
more importantly, I think we learn how to swim to ensure our own safety around water
bodies, especially when you go to the beach. So for all of those benefits, I am sure that my
parents have made the right choice to send me to swimming lessons, haven’t they?
Part 3:

What are the things children should learn to do when they are very young?
At a young age, I suppose there are two things that a person needs to learn, basic hygiene and
basic manners. Apparently, taking care of one’s hygiene by brushing one’s teeth, washing up
before going to bed, and so on, is very important for a kid to ensure their own well-being.
And with the help of their parents, children can also learn to share, to play nicely with others,
and to show respect to everyone. These are the ropes of social manners that everyone needs
to acquire as soon as possible.

Do you think children and adults learn in different ways?

I do believe so. The little ones might find it easy to comprehend new knowledge since their
brains are still available to soak up new information. That’s why the young often learn
through hands-on experience and activities. But this is probably not the case for adults who
might need a bit more structure while learning. So they would prefer something well-planned
and reasonable rather than something too spontaneous like children’s activities. Their
learning process is also quite different, as adults often learn through connecting the dots,
which means that they would build new knowledge based on what they have accumulated in

What can children and older people learn from each other?
There’s a bunch of things that the young and the old can swap. While youngsters can give the
seniors a crash course in technology and today’s smart devices, the old can share their
wisdom and experience to the kids through their stories and real-life events. It’s a two-way
street and each party will reap certain benefits along the way.

What is the best way of learning a practical skill?

When it comes to practical skills, I think diving headfirst into the matter is often the best way.
I mean, it might be too challenging for people to just stick to theories and learn how to
execute something with their hands. So most people would just prefer learning through trial
and error instead of just merely memorising the theory. You can’t ride a bike by reading
about balance all day right? You have to hop on and pedal to really get the hang of it.

17. Describe a useful object in your home that you cannot live

You should say:

What it is

How long you have had it

What can do with it

How often you use it

And explain why you cannot live without it

Well, with the current air quality in Hanoi, I think one indispensable object in my home is my
air purifier. I bought this vital piece of equipment for around three years now and it has
become an absolute necessity in my home for maintaining a healthy living environment.

So as its name suggests, the air purifier works by filtering out pollutants and particulates from
the indoor air. I am not entirely sure how it works but I think it has some special kind of filter
that can capture the tiniest particles, including microdust, pollen, and even smoke.

You know, the air quality of Hanoi is constantly so bad for our respiratory health so I always
leave my air purifier on, almost 24/7 actually. I mean, I feel like being able to breathe fresh
and clean air is surely important for my health and I don’t wanna risk getting all the harmful
toxins and dust into my body. Before I had it, I frequently suffered from allergies and
respiratory irritations, but after having this purifier in my home, there’s been a noticeable
improvement in my overall health and well-being. Trust me, the air feels fresher, and my
allergy symptoms have really decreased.

To be honest, had it not been for this air purifier, I would never be able to survive in the
heavily polluted city of Hanoi. I would highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from the
same problem as mine and I am sure they will also consider this piece of equipment
irreplaceable in their life.

Part 3:
Which equipment in the home do people use most frequently?
I think all the kitchen appliances will be in use most of the time. Like the fridge for example;
it’s probably always on. And the stove or the airfryer will fire up at least two times a day for
lunch and dinner. Also, let’s not forget the dishwasher in many families working as hard as it
can to make dishes clean and fresh.

Do you think people sometimes have too much equipment in their homes?
It’s easy to go overboard with household appliances, isn’t it? Sometimes we just love the
thrill of getting something new, and by the time we realise, we might have already filled our
home with a bunch of equipment that might not always serve a good purpose. So that’s why
people should really consider which is necessary and which is not before making a purchase
decision, I think.

Do you think cheap equipment can be better than more expensive equipment?
Sometimes, yes. The price tags don’t always call the shots. I mean, the pricey stuff might
come with all new features and designs that may promise a better user’s experience.
However, the simpler gadgets may just serve the purpose well already and they are
sometimes more durable thanks to their simplicity. You can see many kitchen equipment like
an old rice cooker lasting for more than ten years while a new one might need a replacement
after just two or three years.

What are some benefits of using technology in the workplace [e.g. laptops, security
cameras, etc]?
I think tech in the workplace is a game-changer. Laptops, for example, make working much
more seamless. You can work from basically anywhere, and anytime as long as you have an
Internet connection. And there’s software that can streamline tasks effectively to keep the
wheels turning. It’s all about efficiency, flexibility and freedom right?

18. Describe a piece of work you did quickly

You should say:

What it was

When it happened
Why you had to do it quickly

And explain how you felt about it

Well, even though I am not a professional procrastinator, sometimes I am just too lazy to do
something and probably wait until the day before the deadline to finish it. And today I would
like to talk about the time when I had to design a PowerPoint presentation at lightning speed
just a few hours before the deadline.

As I vividly remember, this happened during my final year in university when I was assigned
to present a critical analysis of one research paper in front of my class. Even though I had
already finished the analysis and submitted the review to my professor, I was due to make a
presentation. But unfortunately, I had completely miscalculated the presenting date and it was
not until the night before it was due did I realise my error.

With the clock ticking, I sprang into action immediately and tried my best to gather all of my
research notes and distil them into key points, which would be very important for making a
well-designed and concise slide. Also, as my research topic was a bit complex, I had to use
charts and bullet points as well as some images to break up the text and add visual interest,
making my presentation less boring I suppose. Thanks to the PowerPoint slide making skills
that I had learnt in a workshop, I managed to maintain a coherent flow throughout the
presentation even though I was not given too much time.

To be honest, this whole experience was both frustrating and rewarding at the same time.
While I actually had some time to reflect on myself and my lack of planning, I was also
brimming with a sense of accomplishment as I was able to race against the clock and
complete the task on time. But if you ask me whether I would like to do this again, I would
probably say no. The frustration was too overwhelming and the sense of satisfaction
afterwards was not worth it at all.

Part 3:

On what occasions do people have to do things in a hurry?

I think people find themselves rushing around for all sorts of reasons, you know? Like, for
example, they might be running late for work, trying to beat the clock, or they’ve got several
deadlines waiting to be met. In those situations, people would have no choice but to hurry up
and finish their tasks with speed to meet the required deadlines.

Why do some people spend a long time on a meal?

I bet they must be relishing the experience of eating. Instead of rushing through a meal, these
people might just want to take their sweet time over a meal to savour every bite and
appreciate the taste of each ingredient and the dish as a whole. Or maybe some people would
like to use their meal time to bond with their family or friends, who are often quite inundated
with their own tasks and find barely any time for companionship.

Would people feel more satisfied if they finished doing something quickly?
I bet they would. Being able to zip through all the tasks of the day can really give you a bit of
a buzz, like you’ve really nailed it. But, it’s not always about the speed that makes you feel
satisfied, is it? Sometimes I think it’s more about the quality of the job done. Finishing a
bang-up job is probably always better than rushing through something and missing the mark.

What might make some people more productive than others in completing tasks?
Well, I think it’s a bit of a mixed bag, really. Some folks are just natural go-getters and they
are always on the ball. However, others might have a knack for organising their ducks in a
row and trying to prioritise more carefully before getting things done. And also let’s not
overlook motivation, which could fire you up and help you maintain your focus on your tasks

19. Describe something that people easily lose

You should say:

What the item is

What the item is used for

Why people often lose it

And explain what people should do to keep it

Well, I bet many people would share the same feeling with me when it comes to how easy it
is for people to lose their Airpods, a very popular wireless earbuds from Apple. Trust me, it’s
a good thing as they are tiny but I myself have lost two pairs and I am just simply frustrated
with these earbuds.

As I have mentioned, Airpods are incredibly compact and fit snugly in the ear to provide a
seamless and hands-free audio experience. But that portability is a double-edged sword, as
these earbuds are extremely hard to notice and misplaced. People often lose them while going
out, at gyms, or simply by leaving them in pockets of clothing that then go through laundry
cycles, which was my case actually.

And even when not in use, AirPods are usually stored in their charging case, which is also
small and can easily slip out of pockets or bags. I mean, the lack of wires may bring us
convenience but without anything to physically tether the earbuds to the user or their devices,
they are likely to be left behind unnoticed.

So in order to prevent losing AirPods, I often have to place the case in a designated spot, like
a specific compartment of my bag or a particular place at home or work. Also I have to turn
on the “Find My” feature so that I can track its last known location by using an app on my
iPhone. I would just do everything that I can but honestly, I don’t think they would guarantee
that I would not have to buy a new pair of AirPods again in the future.

Part 3:

What kind of people tend to lose things more often than others?
Definitely the scatterbrains or the daydreamers, I think. They’re usually juggling a million
things at once or getting their head on the clouds so I suppose it would be much harder for
them to remember where they have put their things. And we should not forget the busy bees
who are always inundated with too many tasks in a day, which makes it way more difficult
for them to track their belongings.

What kind of things do people often lose?

Well, I suppose we often lose things that are small and easy to miss when we are in a hurry.
Keys are notorious for playing hide and seek all the time. Wallets also have a knack for
disappearing just when you’re about to foot the bill right? And our phones, of course, are
slipping out of pockets and getting buried under piles of clutter all the time.
Why do some people find lost things easier than others?
They must have a knack for finding things, I suppose. Those people probably get an eagle eye
to help them spot things that others would walk right past. And more importantly, I think they
are also good at keeping their cool, which helps them trace back their steps and find where
they’ve left their stuff. It’s like they’ve got a mental map and the only thing that they have to
do is to piece together the puzzle.

What are the reasons why some people pick up lost things and don’t give them back?
Well, that’s a tricky one, I think. Sometimes, it’s the temptation of finders keepers, especially
when it comes to a valuable item. But you know, there’s always the hassle factor. I mean,
some might think about returning it but get bogged down by the thought of going all the way
to find the owner. If you think about it, it’s not always easy to find the owner of a random
thing you’ve found on the street.

Bonus questions:

Do you think museums are the best places to put collections of objects from the past?

Why do some people like to collect things from the past?

Where can people find things from the past to collect?

20. Describe an occasion you met someone complaining in the

public (such as in the restaurant or other places)

You should say:

When and where it happened

What he/she complained about

What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience

This topic immediately transported me back to one year ago when I witnessed a significant
complaint at an international airport while waiting for my flight to Tokyo.

As I can recall, the complaint came from a mother who was travelling with her son, who had
a disability. So based on her complaint, she had already requested some special assistance
well in advance but upon their arrival, they found that the necessary facilities and support
were severely lacking. Looking at the expression on the mother’s face, I knew that she was
extremely distressed and frustrated. You know, travelling with a child is already hard enough,
let alone travelling with someone experiencing physical difficulties, so I did understand why
she reacted so.

But I also had to compliment the airport staff at that moment for their prompt actions to
address the situation. Despite their initial mistakes, they managed to arrange the required
assistance just after a few phone calls to avoid further delay and inconvenience to the family.
Eventually, after about half an hour, the issue was successfully resolved, but the mother still
expressed her disappointment and concern about how such a situation could have been better
handled from the start.

As a witness, I felt empathetic towards the mother and her some and at the same time, felt
frustrated at the lack of preparation and consideration by the airport authorities. This is really
a reminder of the need for better awareness and infrastructure to accommodate the needs of
individuals with disabilities.

Part 3:

How do companies train their staff to deal with complaints?

Well, companies have multiple ways to train their staff to handle complaints, but I think they
all boil down to keeping their cool. When the staff get the lowdown on active listening, they
can make sure the customer feels heard and understood when they voice their problem. Also
it’s gonna be easier for the staff to find the solutions and alternatives to the problems if the
key issues are well-understood.

What do people usually complain about?

Oh, the list might be as long as my arm, but top of the charts are usually issues like poor
service, or products not living up to the hype. People just get disappointed quite easily if their
expectations are not met, so one way to express their disappointment is through complaints.
And who knows, maybe some people just want to make a fuzz out of everything to gain
attention. We might never be sure.

How do most people complain, in writing or by other methods?

These days, I suppose it’s a bit of a mixed bag, right? I mean, you’ve always got the
traditionalists who would put pen to paper and voice their complaints through some written
forms. But then, the tech-savvy crowd are more into firing off emails or airing their
complaints on social media, where they can obviously make a splash out of their situation.

How do people often respond to poor customer service?

Well, I think reactions can vary depending on how poor the service is. If it’s something
tolerable, people might just let it slide and may still come back. However, if the situation is
too bad, some might just choose to spread their word of the bad experience and this may
travel through the Internet like wildfire. This might deal a fatal blow to the business but most
of the time it just leaves a bit of a strain on the company’s reputation.

Who is more likely to make complaints, older people or younger people?

It is hard to tell though. Well, I know that the older crowd often have high standards and
aren’t shy about expressing their disappointment directly. But at the same time, the younger
guys today also don’t hesitate to raise their voice when it comes to any issues. Instead of
beating around the bush, they would just be really quick to tweet or post when things go

21. Describe an outdoor activity that you recently did in a new place

You should say:

What the activity was

When and where you did it

Who you did it with

And explain how you felt about doing it in a new place

Well, I immediately think of my exhilarating adventure of parachuting in Pu Luong, which is
a breathtaking nature reserve in Vietnam, just a few months ago. This adventure was a totally
new experience to me compared to my previous parachuting experience in Hoa Binh, another
very prominent spot for this activity.

Unlike Hoa Binh, where the landscape was more about vast expanses of water and low hills,
Pu Luong offered me a dramatic backdrop of towering mountains and valleys. To be honest,
when I was waiting for my turn, the sense of anticipation built up to the point that I could
barely breathe. But at the moment of jumping out the aircraft, I was feeling my adrenaline
rush so vividly upon beholding the panoramic view of Pu Luong beneath us. It was a starkly
different sensation from my previous trip to Hoa Binh, where the scenery was more familiar
and somewhat not as exciting.

To add to the excitement of the trip, I was joined by a group of like-minded friends who
shared the same love for outdoor activities and parachuting. We had also embarked on the
trip to Hoa Binh and this was the second time we had been on a parachuting trip together.
And as we had expected, we all fell in love with Pu Luong.

Looking back, doing this activity in a new place like Pu Luong really injected an extra dose
of thrill and novelty in me. It was not about the parachuting itself but also soaking in the new
surroundings. I would highly recommend this place for any adventure lover who is seeking a
totally exhilarating experience.

Part 3:

Do people go outdoors more or less now?

It’s hard to tell actually. With the digital age keeping people on their devices all the time,
many people would just stay indoors for days. But there’s been a bit of a change, as many
people are itching to unplug and get a breath of fresh air after locking themselves in their
room for too long. It would probably help them clear their tangled minds due to all the stress
they get from school or work. That’s not to mention the on-going trend of participating in
team sports and forming a community of “healthy” individuals. I think this would surely push
many people out of their sedentary lifestyle.

What can people do outdoors besides exercising?

Oh, plenty actually. Aside from breaking a sweat with a jog or a hike, people can just kick
back with a picnic with their friends or family. And let’s not forget the simple joy of a
leisurely stroll, which helps people untangle their minds and feel invigorated.

When do people usually go outdoors to get close to nature?

Obviously on weekends or holidays when people have some time off work or school to
immerse themselves in nature. I mean, many of us today live in big cities, which are quite
distant from nature, so we might have to spare a few days for travelling. But honestly,
anytime people want to take a break from the daily grind, they might just want to pack their
bags and go. Nothing complicated.

Do people in Vietnam like doing outdoor activities in the winter time?

Well, I cannot speak for everyone in my country. But I think the cold doesn’t really put a
damper on the outdoor spirit of us, especially the elderly. Sure, it's very cold outside and you
might stand a high chance of getting sick by going out. But we might bundle up just a bit
before moving on with our daily exercises or any outdoor activities.

22. Describe a uniform you have worn (such as a school or

company uniform)

You should say:

Where you wear the uniform

How long you need to wear it

What it looks like

And explain how you feel about it

Well, for this topic, I would like to talk about a very memorable uniform that I wore when I
was in high school. It’s a unique uniform worn by every member of our school clubs during
some events of our school. Since we were the organiser for those events, we would like to
stand out in the crowd a little bit.
As I can recall, the uniform was a blend of comfort and style. I mean, it is quite obvious that
if we hadn’t worn something comfortable, it would have been so difficult for us to run around
managing various activities of the event. But that doesn’t mean we had to sacrifice the
aesthetic of the uniform for comfort. Our club mixed a vibrant red T-shirt with dark jeans to
create a semi-formal look. Plus, the material of the T-shirt was light and quite breathable,
which was essential considering all the running around and the various tasks we had to
handle at the event.

I remember the day of the event when I had to wear the uniform for more than ten hours. It
was not what I had expected. Apart from the comfort that it brought, I also felt a profound
sense of responsibility and unity. It was like knowing that you’re part of something bigger,
which constantly reminded me that I had a huge role to play and the success of the event
would be determined by the work of each member of the team, including me. That’s why I
felt compelled to do great through the whole event.

Looking back, I think wearing this uniform was a rewarding experience. I mean, it was not
just about the outfit that made us feel great but also about the emotions that it invoked in us -
a sense of unity, belonging to the club and also the pride for organising a successful event.

Part 3:

Why should students wear uniforms?

I think that’s a bit of a tradition in many schools, including the ones in Vietnam and it’s not
just for show, I suppose. It’s great in taking the pressure off having to dress to impress or
keep up with the latest fashion trends. Also, when students in the same school wear the same
kind of clothes, this would help knit a sense of unity and school pride to each individual
student, which is indeed important for the formation of students’ identity.

Why do some students not like wearing uniforms?

I mean, we have talked about the benefits of wearing uniforms for students. But despite those,
you’ve got students who feel a bit stifled by uniforms. Forcing these students to wear
uniforms every day to school is like putting a wet blanket on expressing their individuality or
style. And let’s not forget the fact that not all uniforms are made of high-quality materials,
which makes them quite uncomfortable to wear for daily activities of students.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform at work?

Well, on the bright side, they could save you a bundle of time and brainpower in the
mornings, so you can give off a slick and professional vibe quite effortlessly. But some
people might find uniforms a little bit off as they might not be able to follow the fashion
styles that they like. And if the fit or design is off, it can be like wearing a straightjacket all

Can people tell a person’s personality by his or her clothes?

Well, I think one’s choices of clothing can speak volumes about who they are or at least give
you some hints about it. In most cases, people would like to express their personality through
what they wear, the kind of fashion style that they follow, and even the colour of their
garments. For example, a person wearing full black can have a little more reserved
personality while the ones putting on colourful clothes could possess a sunny disposition.

23. Describe a street market you have visited

You should say:

When it was

Where the street market was

What you bought

And how you felt about the experience

Well, for this topic, I would love to share with you my visit to a vibrant street market during
my trip to Cairo, the capital of Egypt a few years ago.

As I vividly remember, it was during my second day in Cairo that I had a chance to explore
the local area on my own. I decided to wander around the city and somehow I got inside this
very special street market. The first thing that came to mind when I thought of this market
was the cacophony. The air was filled with the lively banter of haggling, which is a very
common thing to behold in street markets like these. I had a chance to explore different
vendors with an array of goods to offer to not only the locals but also tourists like me. Among
all the treasures in this market, I found myself drawn to a stall brimming with handcrafted
antiques. I mean, it’s not really common to see shops like these in my country so I
immediately seized the chance to look at all those remnants of a bygone era while listening to
stories about them from the seller.

And as you may guess, I ended up buying a beautifully intricate lamp, for only about 60
bucks, which was really a bargain I suppose. But that’s not the only thing that I got from my
visit to the street market. It also broadened my cultural horizons as it put me through hands-
on experiences of the vibrant energy, the rich aromas and the array of colours, all the
elements needed for an authentic Egyptian environment. If you have a chance to come to
Cairo, I would definitely recommend this street market as a must-visit destination.

Part 3:

What are the differences between shopping in small shops and big shopping malls?
Well, there are certainly several differences in this case. Most obvious one might be the kind
of products that you may find in these places. While a diverse range of items can be found in
shopping malls, only a limited number of goods can be stumbled upon in small shops, which
often specialise in one or two kinds of stuff. But when you think about it, it’s actually the
person-to-person connection that makes people keep coming back to small stores where the
shopkeeper might know your story and your style. You can barely find the same connection
when going on a shopping spree in large shopping centres.

Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?

While I do acknowledge the allure of major shopping centres, there’s something about small
markets that allow them to stick around in the near future. Maybe it’s the sense of nostalgia
people feel when shopping at these small stores. Or it could be the personal touch that
shopkeepers of these markets offer to their customers, making the shopping experience much
more intimate.

Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years?

I do think so, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Back in the day, people often needed to
go to stores and experience the products first-hand to test their quality and compatibility
before making their purchase decision. However, with the rise of e-commerce platforms,
online shopping has become the norm, and people barely have to step out of their house to
test the quality of something they purchase. They have the feedback section on e-commerce
websites to do their research now.
Do you think the goods sold at discount stores do not have good values or qualities?
I mean, sure, all the goods at discount stores might be budget-friendly but that doesn’t
automatically mean the quality hits rock bottom. Sometimes those products are transported
directly from the production site to the shop, which cuts down most of the transportation fees.
And perhaps the shopkeeper has managed to get a great deal from the manufacturers to get
their items in bulk with a much lower price. No one knows but it would be a bit unfair to link
the places goods are sold and their qualities.

24. Describe a trip that was delayed for some reason

You should say:
What the journey was
When it got delayed
What you did when you knew it was delayed
And explain how you felt about the experience

This topic immediately reminded me of my trip to Kyoto, Japan last year, which faced an
unexpected delay due to extreme weather conditions at the destination. This journey was
supposed to occur last spring, which would be the perfect time for us to enjoy the cherry
blossom season.

However, as luck would have it, just a day before our departure, we were informed that a
severe storm had hit Kyoto, and no flight would be allowed to land. That’s why all flights
were being rescheduled, including ours. Upon receiving the news, I was in total disbelief and
felt so disappointed, since we had prepared so meticulously for this trip.

But I quickly came to terms with the situation. I mean, such unforeseen events were a part of
travel and we could barely do anything but wait. I ended up spending the next few hours on
the phone with the airline and our accommodation, trying to reschedule our flights and extend
our hotel bookings. It was a flurry of calls, emails, and coordination, but I had no choice but
to salvage what we could of our well laid plans.

Finally, after around five hours waiting at the airport, the storm cleared and we finally
embarked on our journey. Thankfully, the trip turned out to be a memorable and enriching
experience, but looking back, I would not want to experience any similar delay in the future.
One time like this already gave me enough frustration for a whole year, honestly.
Part 3:

What can the government do to improve transport in your country?

I believe that infrastructure upgrade is key to change the transportation systems in Vietnam
for the better. Imagine wider roads, studier bridges, and more reliable public transportation;
these are all needed for an improvement in the overall quality of commuting. And let’s not
forget about investing in eco-friendly options like electric buses or bike lanes that could
certainly help in tackling all the buzz and fumes of traffic in many areas.

Do you think travelling was better in the past than it is now?

There's no doubt that travelling back then really had its charm. I mean, the pace was much
slower, the journeys were more about the experience than just hopping from one attraction to
another, and most importantly, places were less crowded. But let's not overlook the strides
we’ve made – today, travelling is a whole lot faster, more comfortable, and you've got the
world at your fingertips with digital maps and apps. This makes it quite complicated to
compare travelling now and in the past, I have to say.

What difficulties do people often face when travelling in your country?

I suppose travellers in Vietnam can sometimes hit a few bumps on their journey. First of all,
if you don’t really know Vietnamese, you will find it quite difficult to navigate the language
barrier or understand local customs. And on top of that, the road systems here are somewhat
inadequate for convenient trips, which means you might have to rely on a motorbike or your
own feet to get around.

Do you think that tourist attractions help people learn about new cultures?
Absolutely, tourist attractions are like living books that offer visitors a peek into the essence
of a new culture. Take Sapa, Vietnam as an example. When tourists visit the town and the
nearby area, they may get to know the stories behind ethnic cultures of some minority groups
there. Or when you go to Hanoi, a visit to some ancient pagodas can allow you to have a
glance at our spiritual life, an important part of our culture.

25. Describe something in your country that you are interested in

You should say:

What it is
Where you can find it

What it is used for

And explain why you are interested in it

Well, I honestly cannot list enough interesting things about my country since I just love
Vietnam so much. However, a few months ago, I stumbled upon a documentary about a very
fascinating product of my home country and I would love to share it with you today. It’s lotus
silk, an organic material quite unique to some Asian countries and Vietnam in particular. This
kind of fabric is often considered luxurious as it is derived from the stems of lotus flowers
through a very labour-intensive process, but trust me, it’s not that expensive.

So, as I know, lotus silk can be primarily found in some rural areas of Vietnam, especially in
regions where lotus flowers are abundant. You can actually find one not really far from
Hanoi, I think. According to the video that I saw, the process of extracting and weaving lotus
silk is extremely intricate and labour-intensive. If I am not mistaken, the artisans have to
carefully cut and draw out fine threads from the lotus stems, which is an extremely
meticulous and time-consuming task. These threads are then spun into silk to produce a
material that is both delicate and durable.

Actually, I have not seen or touched a garment made of lotus silk before since this kind of
fabric is often reserved for bespoke luxury garments, which means that there are only a few
of them and you have to order it a few months in advance to get it tailor-made for you. This is
not really a surprise to me since I know this is the norm for the high-end clothing industry.

But that doesn’t stop my desire to see the process of making and the products made of lotus
silk with my own eyes. I believe this kind of fabric represents a shift towards eco-friendly
fashion practices in the world full of fast fashion items like today. It’s also a reflection of the
rich cultural heritage of my country as well as the huge potential of traditional Vietnamese
techniques being used in modern and luxurious fashion, which surely deserves our accolades

Part 3:

Updating …
26. Describe a film/movie you saw that you felt strongly about.

You should say:

When and where you saw the film/movie

Why you decided to see the film/movie

What it was about

And explain why you felt strongly about this film/movie

Updating …

Part 3: Updating …

What are the kinds of films/movies that young people like to watch?

Do you think watching a film/movie is the best way to spend time with friends?

Do you think it’s better for people to watch films/movies from their own countries or
from other countries?

Is it more enjoyable to watch films/movies at the cinema / movie theatre than at home?

27. Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work

You should say:

What the rule is about

What happens when people break the rule

Why you think it is an important rule

And explain how you feel about the rule

Well, there are always certain rules in our work and school that we always have to follow.
But one peculiar rule that really catches everyone’s attention at my school is that students are
strictly prohibited from dyeing their hair with unconventional colours.

So basically, my school is quite lenient in this regard as it still allows students to go for
browns and blacks, but hair colours like neon pinks or electric blues should not be seen in the
class. If someone was caught red-handed with a rebellious hair colour, they would probably
face consequences like getting their parents called to the headmaster’s office or being sent
home to sort it out. As I know, if a student was constantly playing fast and loose with this
rule, they might even get suspended.

I personally believe that the reasons why this rule is important are manifold. First of all, I
know that self-expression is being championed today, especially among youngsters, but I feel
there’s a time and place for everything. You can call me strict or even narrow-minded, but I
don’t think giving students free rein to do whatever they desire at school would be a wise

But I mean, that being said, I suppose that we are actually biting off more than we can chew
with such stringent rules. After all, it’s just a hair colour, which is probably just a way for the
young to break away from the mould and express their own uniqueness. Maybe in the future,
the rule will be loosened a bit so as not to make students feel oppressed at school, which
might lead to higher levels of stress.

Part 3:

What rules should children follow at home in your country?

Well, you know, in Vietnam, children should follow a series of rules at home. So, typically,
children are often told to show respect to elders and they would be punished quite seriously if
they had any disrespectful behaviours. And on top of that, many parents also lay down the
law about screen time, which means that their children shouldn’t be glued to their phones or
tablets all day long. I think these are quite important since many kids these days are addicted
to smart devices and could even spend half a day playing video games or watching YouTube

On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don’t follow some rules?
Well, I mean, kids will be kids. So, sometimes parents should not be too strict with their
children and just forgive their mistakes. For example, if the young broke the rules by mistake,
many parents would let them off the hook, but the kids would have to promise not to repeat
the same mistake again. Also, if a kid’s been getting good grades at school, maybe on the
weekends, their parents could turn a blind eye to their extended screen time. It’s just a reward
to the kids, I think.

What rules should people follow when using public transport?

So when it comes to using public transport, I think there is an unwritten rule book everyone’s
expected to follow. For one, it’s a common courtesy to give up your seat for the elderly,
pregnant women, or anyone in need if the bus or train is packed. And one important thing that
people should remember when riding a bus or a train is to keep the noise down, whether it’s
your voice or your music. It’s all about not rubbing people the wrong way and being
considerate, I suppose.

Do you think Vietnamese follow traffic rules?

Well, sadly no. While I do know many people try their best to stick to the rules, you’ll often
come across folks who just consider breaking traffic rules their hobbies. They would not stop
at traffic lights and would weave in and out without a second thought, which might be quite
dangerous for other commuters. But I think each place is quite different, especially in cities
where traffic regulations are more strictly enforced.

28. Describe a period of time that changed your life

You should say:

When it was

Who you were with

What happened during that period of time

And explain why it changed your life

Well, to talk about a monumental period of my life, I think I would probably go for the two-
week vacation that I had a few years ago. It was actually nowhere near an ordinary holiday. I
basically chose to sign up for a retreat at a secluded temple nestled in the mountains about
100 kilometres away from my city.

Initially, I thought I would just embark on this spiritual journey alone. But I soon found
myself in the company of other like-minded souls, who also share with me the tiredness of
the hustle and bustle of the city. We all went there to temporarily escape from the rat race, but
we hadn’t really expected the trip to be so enlightening. So basically, instead of looking at
our phones all day for work and entertainment, we actually immersed ourselves in the life of
a Buddhist monk, which included waking up at the crack of dawn, engaging in several hours
of meditation a day, and spending some time bonding with others. At first, I felt a bit strange
to engage in such activities because I had been so used to using my phone every day. But
eventually, I got well-accustomed to the new routine, and trust me, I had never felt better in
my life.

And after two weeks, the whole experience was like a wake-up call that really shifted my
perspective on life. I had developed an enriched appreciation for the present moment and
learnt how to look back inside and reflect on every single experience that I had. I would
recommend this kind of experience to anyone who is still caught up in the rat race and would
love to break away from their tedious daily routine.

Part 3:

Why do some people change their jobs often?

Well, in today’s fast-paced world, you probably cannot expect people to stay in the same job
for too long. I mean, some are on the lookout for better opportunities or a bigger pay packet
while others just simply feel dissatisfied with their current position, which means a lot of
stress. That’s why they would just move on with the hope for greater job satisfaction in other

Which do young people in your country prefer, changing their jobs frequently or
staying in a job for a long time?
To be completely honest, I think it’s a mixed bag. While a good chunk of the younger crowd
would try their hand at various roles to gain a broad range of experiences, there’s still a
sizable group that just craves stability. They would be happy with a monthly salary and some
fringe benefits coming from their long-term commitment to the job instead of throwing
themselves out there and constantly looking out for new gigs.

What skills do employees need to learn in the future?

Well, that’s a loaded question! I suppose that there are a few key skills that people should
start to pick up to prepare for the future. First of all, with the current tech landscape, I believe
that the ability to pick up new tools and technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and apply
them to improve one’s productivity is essential. Also, some soft skills like adaptability and
critical thinking will remain important in the future job market, with employers seeking
candidates with exceptional cognitive skills to always stay ahead of the curve.

Do you think companies should be willing to change?

Absolutely! I mean, let’s be real, if you’re not moving forward in today’s world, you’re
definitely going to fall behind. Without adaptability, I believe that companies might just find
themselves digging their own graves, as their competitors are moving in tune with market
demands to churn out new products while embracing new technologies to fuel more

29. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy

You should say:

When and where you took the photo

What the photo is like

How often you look at the photo

And explain why it makes you feel happy

Well, seeing this topic immediately reminds me of a photo that never fails to bring a smile to
my face. It is a photo of me and my best friend, which was snapped on my graduation, right
after the commencement ceremony.
As I can remember, we were standing in the grand hall of our university with both of us
wearing our graduation robe and cap. We were filled with immense joy and pride after the
event so we decided to take a photo of us to retain such a wonderful moment together.

Even though the photo was quite simple with us holding our degree and smiling at the
camera, I tend to pull out this picture every now and then. For me, it is not just a throwback
to a significant milestone in my life but also a testament to the challenges that I overcame
during my academic journey. To be honest, it was such a rough period of my life, as I
struggled a lot with my studies and experienced numerous mental breakdowns. Fortunately,
my friend was always a trusty companion who played such a big part in helping me iron out
my difficulties, both academic and personal. Had it not been for her unwavering support, I
would have thrown in the towel already.

That’s why whenever I look at this photo, I am showered with a sense of happiness and
gratitude. It will always be a treasured keepsake of mine.

Part 3:

Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?
Oh, without a doubt! I mean, back in the day, people had to use film rolls, and every snap
literally came at a price. But now, with smartphones, we’re all snapping away like there’s no
tomorrow. Whether it’s a selfie or a pic of your lunch, I don’t think people would just feel
satisfied with only one photo. They would probably just take a bunch of photos and spend
some more time to pick the best one for social media.

Do you think equipment is important for photography?

I mean, it’s quite hard to deny the importance of gear in photography. If you have top-notch
gear, you already put yourself in a very good spot to capture professional-level shots. But
sometimes I think the eye behind the lens is even more important. A skilled photographer can
probably work wonders even with just an old digital camera while a poorly-skilled one can
barely take a good shot with a high-end DSLR.

Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job?

Well, I don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all answer to that. For those with a burning passion
for photography, doing what they love and getting paid for that can be a dream come true.
Plus, being a photographer means you may get to travel a lot and meet new people, which is
also quite great for many people. However, it’s just not always the case. With the competition
in that market, making a name for yourself is not a walk in the park and you might find
yourself getting barely any gig. It’s definitely not fun to be financially unstable.
What are the qualities of a professional photographer?
I think one should possess a few qualities to work as a professional photographer but I can
only think of two right now. First of all, a keen eye for detail is a must. Sometimes it’s all
about finding the perfect angle for a shot and you would already crave your name in the hall
of fame. Then, there’s patience. I mean, I have seen many photographers, especially the
nature ones, wait years to get a candid shot of an animal or the galaxy. They must have
perfected their waiting game, I suppose.

30. Describe a place in your country that you are interested in

You should say:

Where it is

How you knew it

What people do there

And explain why you are interested in it

Well, as a frequent traveller, I have been to many places in my country and even in some
neighbouring countries. But there is one particular destination that’s been on my radar for
quite some time. It’s Mu Cang Chai, which is tucked away in the Yen Bai province of
Vietnam. I first chanced upon it while scrolling through a travel blog of a quite famous
blogger who describes this place with immense joy and excitement.

As a disclaimer, Mu Cang Chai isn’t your run-of-the-mill tourist spot, which means that you
probably won’t find many tourists there, even the most adventurous ones. With its signature
terraced rice fields, you would expect a trip filled with bucolic beauty and sights of the locals
going about their day-to-day farming activities. Maybe for many tourists, this doesn’t not
sound like an interesting place to visit. But for me personally, that’s like a breath of fresh air
that could help me get away from the concrete jungle I’m living in.
But that’s not actually the main reason why I yearn for a trip to Mu Cang Chai. It’s actually
paragliding that’s been drawing my attention. To be honest, I am itching to try such an
adrenaline-packed activity after seeing the blogger I mentioned above do that on their trip.

Just imagining myself paragliding over this breathtaking landscape gets me all geared up to
set foot in this wonderland. I can’t wait to tick off this place from my bucket list in the near

Part 3:

Do Vietnamese people like travelling?

Absolutely! It’s a common thing in Vietnamese families to go on a trip together a few times a
year, especially during the summer. As you can see, domestic travel is quite popular since my
country is home to diverse landscapes and picturesque / majestic scenery and most of us
would like to explore new places in our motherland. On top of that, we also like to venture
abroad, especially to nearby Asian countries like China or Thailand. It’s just a way for us to
unwind and broaden our horizons at the same time.

Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?

Well, that’s a tricky one. While a top tourist spot often has some stunning attractions, I don’t
think living there is a good idea. I mean, if you think about it, those places are definitely so
crowded with tourists and the living expenses would be much higher than other areas. People
should probably take those into consideration before deciding to settle down at a tourist

What is the difference in the attitude of young people and older people towards trying
new things?
I think there is a clear difference in this regard. You see, young people are often willing to
dive into new experiences since they tend to be more adventurous and ready to step out of
their comfort zone. Meanwhile, that’s not really the case with older individuals who might
have already settled into their routines and feel quite hesitant to venture into the uncertainty.

Why do some people not want to try new things?

I think it’s the fear of the unknown that prevents people from trying new things in life. For
many, sticking to the familiar feels safe and comfortable for them. That’s why they may find
no good reason to venture into something uncertain and unpredictable. Also, the fear of
failure could make people more hesitant to try something new, especially if they see the risk
of getting embarrassed or disappointed.
31. Describe someone you know who is good at cooking

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What he/she likes to cook

And explain why you think he/she is good at cooking

Well, I do call myself a food lover and I have several culinary experiences at many
restaurants, from the high-end ones to some local diners. However, there is one particular
elderly lady that is the best chef I have ever met. She is actually a seasoned pastry chef with
around 20 years of experience under her belt and she is the owner of a local pastry shop near
my house.

I have known her since the day I was born because she is my neighbour and obviously quite
famous for her knack for whipping up the most delectable pastries you could imagine. I could
remember the first time I tried an egg tart made by her when I was only a six-year-old child.
It just went beyond my expectation and I have never tasted any egg tart that could surpass
that one.

Apart from the egg tart, her talents also spread across many different types of baked goods,
but she is most well-known for her unmatched croissants. As I know, she has perfected her
croissant-making techniques over the years and her croissants even won her several awards in
the national baking competitions. That probably explains why her local bakery is always full
of customers queuing to get fresh croissants every morning, including me.

Well, to describe her as a good cook would be just simply an understatement. I would prefer
to think of her as a passionate and talented chef who always sprinkles a touch of sweetness
into every day of my life. I hope that she will continue her baking business so more and more
people will be able to try her delicacies.
Part 3:

Do people in your country like cooking their meals at home?

Absolutely! I think people in Vietnam or any other Asian country take their home-cooked
meals quite seriously. You see, it’s not just about making sure the ingredients are fresh and
the seasonings are on point; it’s also about creating a bonding time for family members to
cook some dishes and share them with their loved ones. This speaks a lot about the
importance of familial values in my country.

What do people need to prepare when they want to cook?

So, before diving into cooking, people probably have to go through a lot of preparations. First
of all, you’d need a good recipe to guide you, and it must be a step by step guide so you
won’t get lost in the cooking process. Then, gathering fresh and appropriate ingredients is
also essential since quality ingredients would make a huge difference in the final outcome of
many dishes.

What are the differences in the way people cook their food today and in the past?
I am not really sure about other countries but in Vietnam, I think the methods and tools
people use to cook their meals have changed quite a lot. In the past, we used to use only some
simple tools and rely heavily on open-flame cooking. However, with new technologies today,
modern kitchens in Vietnam might be equipped with some new appliances like electric or gas
stoves and air fryers, which could certainly streamline and speed up the cooking process.

Do you think food is an important part of festivals in Vietnam?

Yes, indeed. In my country, food and festivals go hand in hand. In most cases, traditional
dishes play an integral part in the celebration of various festivals. For example, Tet will not
be Tet without “Banh Chung” or some spring rolls being served on the table. For us, these
dishes are not just simply food; they actually carry deep cultural and historical significance
and could really amplify the festive spirit on some occasions.

32. Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more

You should say:

Who this person is

How you first knew about him/her

What interesting things he/she has done

And explain why you want to know more about him/her

Well, I would love to talk about a very interesting person that I would love to learn more
about. He is the barista of a specialty coffee shop that I visit almost on a daily basis.

Funnily, I didn’t really notice him when I was at the coffee shop for the first time since he
was like any other barista that you can find in a coffee place. However, one day, I came
across an Instagram story of one of my friends, with him and his intricate latte art being the
stars. I was immediately hooked and decided to follow his Instagram for more and what I
found was beyond just brewing up cappuccinos and lattes.

That guy is actually a seasoned coffee brewer with several years of experience in the field. I
even came to know that he even won several awards in international barista championships,
which really surprised me since I hadn’t known any Vietnamese coffee brewer being that

Even though I have followed him on social media and we’ve even had a chance to exchange
ideas about coffee, I still think this person is a wealth of knowledge that I would be able to
learn a lot from. As a coffee lover, I have always wanted to get to know the best of the best in
this industry, not just to appreciate their works but also to understand the motivations and
inspirations behind all of their magic. For this guy, particularly, there’s a burning curiosity in
me to peel back the layers of his coffee story. Things like how he fell head over heels for
coffee and what he has been through to achieve such success.

Maybe next time, when I have enough courage, I would love to ask him some deeper
questions about coffee and his life as a barista, to somewhat quench my thirst for knowledge.

Part 3:

Is it difficult to make friends today?

Well, I don’t really think so. I mean, it’s true that people are spending time in their home with
their phones or computers instead of going out there to make new friends. But, social media
platforms like Facebook or Instagram are providing us with more opportunities to meet like-
minded individuals, maybe even in other parts of the world. That’s why I think the
possibilities to forge new friendships are still plentiful.

Are there any differences in the way people treat their friends and the way they treat
Absolutely! You know, friends often share a bond of trust and understanding so interactions
with friends tend to be more open and relaxed. But it’s a whole different story when it comes
to talking to strangers. I mean, while many people might still be courteous and kind to
strangers, there’s often a certain level of caution, simply because the relationship lacks that
foundation of trust.

Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?

Ironically, yes. Even though there are so many people living in crowded urban areas, the fast-
paced life can actually make it difficult for many people to find the time and energy to
nurture relationships. That’s why even when they are surrounded by countless people, they
might still feel a sense of loneliness due to the lack of emotional connections with others.

Do you think technology has changed the way people connect with one another?
Of course, with the rise of the Internet and social media, people can now connect
instantaneously to others without leaving their home. That’s why they would not bother
having face-to-face interactions anymore and start to build some new ways to talk to others
online. I mean, I know for many, that’s a plus point due to increased connectivity, but for me,
it can sometimes lead to superficial relationships or create a sense of detachment with the real
world, which may make real-life conversations extremely awkward.

33. Describe a foreigner who speaks your language well

You should say:

Who this person is

Where he/she is from

How he/she learns your language

And explain why he/she can speak your language well

Well, as a person who likes to hang out with the expats here in Vietnam, I have many people
in mind right now. But if I really need to choose one who is fluent in my language, it’s my
pleasure to talk about Dave, a stand-up comedian from Australia who now calls Vietnam his
second home.

According to another foreign friend of mine who has known Dave for a while now, this
brilliant comedian arrived in Vietnam almost 15 years ago and fell in love with my country
immediately. It was love at first sight, not just for the country and the people but also for the
Vietnamese language. That’s why he spent around 4 or 5 years perfecting his Vietnamese and
now I am quite confident to say that people would be surprised at his almost impeccable
command over the language.

You know, for a foreigner, especially the ones from a Western country like Dave, learning
Vietnamese is nowhere near a walk in the park. The language is different, the grammar is
different, and you should also have to mention how our language changes with different
tonalities, which probably comes as the most challenging part for all learners. But Dave never
threw in the towel. He ventured out and mingled with the locals to naturally absorb our
language instead of only learning through books or formal courses. I think this is the key to
his success in learning Vietnamese and his amazing Vietnamese accent.

For me, I believe that Dave is a shining beacon of what one can achieve with their passion
and determination. It was his love for the country and the language as well as his hard work
and effort that pushed him forwards in his Vietnamese learning journey. I would honestly
love to see more foreigners speaking our language.

Part 3:

What foreign languages do Vietnamese children learn?

In Vietnam, English is probably by far the most popular foreign language taught in schools.
You can easily see young children at the age of 3 or 4 starting to learn English in an English
centre and Vietnamese parents today also feel the urge to send their kids to English classes so
that the young will not fall behind compared to their peers.

Why are so many people learning English?

I think the answer is rather straightforward. English has become the main language in many
international domains like business, travel or education. So, in the globalised world today,
learning English for many people is the gateway to better job opportunities, international
education, or broader cultural understanding. Without English, it’s gonna be harder and
harder to stay relevant in an interconnected world, I suppose

How can parents help their children learn English?

Well, I suppose parents can play a quite important role in their child’s language journey. I
mean, the easiest thing that they can do is to create an immersive environment at home in
which their offspring can be exposed to English books, music, films, or even apps. Children
can probably “absorb” the language naturally when they are surrounded by it all day long.
Apart from that, Vietnamese parents, specifically, often send their kids to English centres or
sign them up for English-speaking clubs, which is a pretty nice way to help the young
practice speaking English regularly.

Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?
Definitely. With technology playing an important role in the language learning process, more
and more people are taking advantage of online resources, apps, and interactive platforms
online to fit their learning styles. I suppose this is quite different from the past when most of
the time, learning just revolved around textbooks and memorisation, which seemed quite
boring, to be honest.

34. Describe a painting you like

You should say:

When you first saw this painting

What the painting is about

Who the painter is

And explain how you feel about this painting

Well, I don’t really consider myself an art connoisseur but I do visit the National Arts
Museum quite often. And in one of my visits a couple of years ago, I had a chance to stumble
upon a lacquer painting that pulled me like a magnet. For me, the magnetism of this artwork
was something that I’d never experienced before.
So as I can remember, the piece that I laid eyes on was carefully crafted by none other than
the master of lacquer painting, Nguyen Gia Tri, who had dedicated his whole life to the art
scene of Vietnam in the 20th century. Much like other pieces by this painter, this painting
also portrayed a normal day in a Vietnamese village, where people were enjoying a festival.

However, there were still some differences between this particular work of art and its
siblings. First of all, I was riveted by the mastery of lacquer painting technique applied to this
painting. As you already know, the whole process of using lacquer in painting is always
laborious and it may take around several months to even a year for a seasoned artist to make a
piece. For this piece of art with such delicate texture and depth, I suppose the painter must
have put a lot of time and effort just in this painting alone.

And on top of that, I think the reason why I always find myself drifting back to this first
moment seeing this painting is actually the cocktail of emotions that it stirred in me. I mean,
apart from the great sense of appreciation for the artistic values of it, I also felt a strong sense
of nostalgia, specifically about the old days when people could still enjoy community
celebrations together, which is not easy to see today in such a fast-paced world.

Looking back, I still think this piece of art is the most impressive one that I have ever seen in
my life. And I would highly recommend this one to any lover who wants to appreciate an
outstanding piece of lacquer painting.

Part 3:

What are the differences between a painting and a drawing?

Well, I am not entirely sure but it’s probably the techniques and the materials used in the
process that differentiate drawings and paintings. I mean, when it comes to drawing, people
can immediately think of dry media such as pencils or charcoal. But paintings are often
linked to wet media like oils, acrylics, or water colours that are applied on surfaces such as
canvas or paper.

Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

Well, I suppose it goes beyond just the monetary or artistic values of the painting itself. I
guess some paintings can evoke very strong emotions, memories, or even personal
connections. That’s why some individuals may hold onto a painting because it reminds them
of a specific moment or a loved one that is utterly significant in their life.
Do you think all children should have art lessons in primary and secondary school?
Yes, of course. While I know not all children are fond of sitting still for hours to draw a
picture, art classes can actually train their patience and provide them with a new medium to
express their emotions. Those are all important in the holistic development of the young. But
we should remember to just make these classes somewhat optional since we cannot strictly
force children to do what they dislike. That’s probably against children’s rights.

What are the benefits of having art lessons as an adult?

I think for adults, having art lessons brings different benefits from those of the young. It’s
more like a self-therapy session for them, since they can take a respite from the daily grind
and have some time to focus solely on painting instead of other things in life. Plus, attending
art classes can offer adults opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and bond over
shared interests in art. The whole experience could be quite rewarding, I think.

35. Describe a park or a garden in your city that you often visit

You should say:

When you often go there

Where it is

Who you often go there with

And explain how you feel about it

Well, living in the city makes it quite hard for people to enjoy green spaces like a park or a
garden. But fortunately, I actually live in a neighbourhood where everyone can enjoy nature
and temporarily escape the hustle and bustle of city life in a local park.

I always find myself drawn to the beauty of the place, with all the different plants and flowers
as well as people taking their leisure walk around the park. That’s why I often just come to
the park on my own to fully immerse myself in such a peaceful atmosphere. Sometimes I
have my close friend as company, but we would just sit on the bench and enjoy the
surroundings instead of having a chitchat, which I think would ruin the whole vibe.
What surprises me the most about the park is how it manages to shut out all the noises of the
city. The moment I step in, I can always feel myself detached from the fast-paced life out
there. It’s just purely perfect to dip yourself in the tranquillity of the place to relieve all the
stress you have accumulated so far. Thanks to the quietness of this place, I can just lay back
and enjoy my favourite book without being distracted by all the ambient noises out there.

To be honest, the feeling that you get when staying in this park is just unmatched. I wish
there would be more and more green spaces like this in my city so that all of us can live a
happier life.

Part 3:

Do young people like to go to the park?

I think they do though. Many young people today spend too much time in front of a screen,
so they might want to take a break from screen time and be able to hang out with friends, do
some sports, or just simply soak in the outdoors. When you go to a park anywhere in
Vietnam, you may easily catch sight of some youngsters enjoying a casual picnic with a
couple of friends or playing badminton. That’s to show how the young in Vietnam today love
the park.

What do old people like to do in the park?

I am not entirely sure about how older individuals often use parks but I suppose that they
would treat these public spaces as a place for relaxation and social interaction. I mean, in the
morning or late afternoon, you’ll find some seniors catching up with their peers while playing
chess or just taking a leisurely walk. On top of that, they might also enjoy some yoga or Tai
Chi sessions in the park but that’s probably the case in Vietnam only, I believe.

What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?
Well, I suppose that for each age group, the park would serve a different purpose but in
general, both the young and the old probably consider it a tranquil place that provides a
respite from urban hustle. Young people might be too tired of the rat race they are in so they
go to the park just to temporarily stay away from their busy life. Meanwhile, older people
would enjoy the nostalgic feeling they have in the park, thinking about the time when their
neighbourhoods were not as crowded.

Why do some people like planting flowers at home?

You know, gardening can be a therapeutic and fulfilling hobby for many people. I mean,
nurturing plants from seeds to full bloom can definitely provide a sense of accomplishment,
which is quite important for one’s self-esteem and life motivation. And of course, some
people might consider flowers a meditative tool to elevate their moods, especially when they
are under a lot of pressure in life, either from their work or their school.

36. Describe a party that you enjoyed

You should say:

When you went to the party

Where the party was held

What kind of party it was

And explain why you enjoyed this party

Well, I am not really a party animal, but I do enjoy going to one occasionally. But today, I
would love to talk about one party that left an indelible mark on me. It was actually the after-
event party of my university graduation day years ago.

Let me be honest with you, this wasn’t just any run-of-the-mill party. It was the grand finale
of my academic journey and I’d been looking forward to it ever since I heard about it a few
months before the day. However, I hadn’t expected it to be so great.

The moment I arrived at the party; I was immediately blown away by how vibrant the venue
was. Everyone was so well-dressed that it reminded me of my high school ball. It was not to
mention the music, with a playlist full of the latest chartbusters, which had us all grooving
and letting our hair down.

And on top of the energy, I think the close bond shared among us attendees was the thing that
sets this party apart. You know, we had been a quite close-knit class since day one and we
supported one another a lot both academically and personally. That’s why the party really
stirred a cocktail of emotions in us. While it was great to have some kind of celebration for
our academic achievements, we were also showered with a sense of sadness since this event
would probably be the last time we could vibe together. After the event, obviously our lives
would be branching out and there would be no promise of our bonds being maintained.
With that being said, I still enjoyed myself to the fullest at the party. But whenever I think of
it, I am still teeming with a sense of nostalgia. There would probably be no party that could
top this.

Part 3:

Why do people like going to parties?

Well, obviously, parties can act as a social hub for people to have social interactions with
their friends or strangers. People come there to catch up with their friends, meet new people,
and probably take a break from the daily grind. And also, parties often have very good music
and food, which can help people let their hair down more easily and charge their batteries
after a long period of hard work.

Why do some people not like going to parties?

While I know that many people love parties for their festive and joyous atmosphere, not
everyone is born to enjoy large gatherings or loud environments. They probably find those
places overwhelming or draining, especially if they are introverts who often prefer more
intimate, one-on-one interactions. And of course, we have to take into account people with
social anxieties. Such settings will put them in an uncomfortable state and I am sure they will
not feel relaxed at all.

Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?

Well, for most parties, yes. Music and dancing are staple elements to make a party a real
party. But I guess there are some party hosts or party-goers who want to enjoy a calmer kind
of setting. Maybe a small dinner gathering with some close friends and intimate
conversations suit their tastes better.

What are the problems that may come up at a party?

Uninvited guests, of course. Those might just gatecrash and cause a lot of discomfort to not
only the host but also other guests. And also, if it’s an alcohol-friendly party, people might
indulge themselves a bit too much and have some unruly behaviours or health concerns.
That’s not to mention some disagreements or conflicts among attendees due to them being
too drunk to control their actions. It’s honestly just not a fun thing to see when you want to
enjoy yourself and relax.

37. Describe an activity that made you feel tired

You should say:

When it happened

Where it took place

What the activity was

And explain why it made you feel tired

Well, for this topic, I would like to talk about the time that I signed up for an exchange
program in Singapore a few years ago. At first, I thought this trip would be just a leisure trip,
but it turned out to be an activity that left me both mentally and physically drained.

From the very first day, we had to participate in several workshops and seminars with a lot of
new information about the life and the culture of this country. We even had to go on a field
trip to several different attractions of the country to soak up as much of Singapore as we
could in a short span, which really wore me out. I could still remember myself trying my best
to walk for miles under the sweltering heat and humidity before hopping on and off the MRT.

Apart from the huge number of physical activities that we had; the load of new information
just pushed my mentality under a lot of stress. We were not just merely participating in
lectures. There were a lot of reflections and critical reviews of the place that we needed to
write, which left us barely any time to rest and recharge our batteries.

Even though, to be fair, the trip was enriching since it really pushed my boundaries to
immerse myself in a totally strange culture and environment. But I think the organisers could
have done a better job by making the trip more suitable for most people instead of making it
too physically and mentally demanding.

Part 3:

Do you think learning makes students more tired today than it did in the past?
Well, I am quite sure that there’s certainly been a ramp-up in academic pressures for students.
You know, students these days are juggling not just traditional schoolwork but are also
spending their time doing the work from online courses or extra classes after school. I don’t
know about other countries but in Vietnam, that sheer volume can be so overwhelming for
the young. In the past, like fifteen or twenty years ago, as long as you could get good grades
at school, you were good to go.

When do people usually feel tired?

I suppose that people get tired from all things in life. Pulling all-nighters at work or maybe
even partying too hard can make people feel taxed, both mentally and physically. And that’s
not to mention how people have to handle multiple personal issues or stress as well.
Everything just seems so tiring these days, I swear.

Why is it difficult for some people to achieve work-life balance?

You see, with the fast pace of life today, many people just get caught in the rat race and they
would have to try their best to climb the corporate ladder or simply make ends meet. That
means they have to put in extra hours for work and should take too many breaks. Also, with
the popularity of remote working, it’s getting even harder for people to switch off from work,
as they are constantly updated with their work news and their managers can just call them
anytime. And, yes, this kind of constant juggling act can make striking a work-life balance
feel like an uphill battle.

What are the problems of work-life imbalance?

Well, there’s the obvious risk of burning out. When you’re constantly on the clock, your
health might not be able to keep up with the workload and your body just shut down. And on
top of that, failing to strike a balance between work and life can be the main reasons behind
sour relationships between you and your loved ones. As you are always at work, you just
don’t have enough time to participate in family events or have some quality time with your
family members or friends.

38. Describe a science subject that you are interested in

You should say:

Which subject it is

When and where you came to know this subject

How you get information about this subject

And explain why you are interested in this subject

Well, to be honest, I don’t call myself a man of science. But there is one particular science
subject that has always tickled my fancy. It’s Genetics, which I prefer to call “The blueprint
of life”.

I first stumbled upon the mesmerising world of genetics in high school, as it was a mandatory
module in our Biology class. And at the very first Genetics lesson, I was hooked by the
intricacy of our genetic mechanisms, which I had never expected to be so carefully planned
and structured.

Ever since that day, I have always been keeping up with the latest breakthroughs and
developments in this field. Even though sometimes fully comprehending the scientific
research papers of this subject are not a walk in the park, I tried my best to wrap my head
around the protocols and the interpretation of meta-data in them, which, for me, are even
more important on the results themselves. Whenever I encounter some problems while
reading, maybe just a hole in the big picture, I would still go back and do my own research to
fill in the blank. That’s why I have been digging through so many online journals and even
following some leading geneticists on social media.

I have to say that the deeper I delve into genetics, the more I realise that it’s not just about
understanding past scientific results, but also about learning about the on-going projects,
which would probably shape our future in one way or another. I hope that I can learn more
about the subject and maybe make use of my understanding someday.

Part 3:

Why do some children not like taking science subjects at school?

Well, you see, science can sometimes come across as a tough nut to crack for some kids. I
mean, the intricate details and abstract concepts can be daunting for even adults, let alone the
young minds. And also due to the systematic nature of most science subjects, if you fail to get
the hang of the basics, you just miss the whole picture. That’s why it can become a torture for
some children to sit in a science class.

Is it important for students to take science subjects at school?

While I know science is not for everyone, students should at least take a stab at science
subjects. It’s not just about atoms and molecules; it’s actually about fostering critical thinking
and problem-solving skills, which are certainly required in almost all aspects of life today.
Without science subjects, students might have to hone those skills from other sources, which
is not always optimal.
Should people continue to study science after graduating from school?
Well, it really depends on individual interests and career paths. If you are pursuing a science-
related career, it’s a must for you to continue studying any related scientific field. However, if
you are not, there might not be any good reason for you to keep diving deep into science
textbooks. Just staying in the loop about science through some basic science magazines
would be more than enough.

Do you think scientists should explain their research process to the public?
Oh, for sure! When scientists can break things down and don’t keep the public in the dark
about their research, it surely fosters trust and understanding. It’s all about transparency that
makes the difference between a good and a bad research project. Plus, it’s also important to
see if pharmaceutical companies or the media are hiding anything unfavourable to their
products from the public. No one likes to get prescribed an ineffective drug with tons of side

39. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited

You should say:

What it is

When you visited it

Who you visited it with

And explain how you feel about it

Well, I don’t really call myself an avid traveller, but there is one city that I feel extremely
fortunate to have visited. It’s the city of Kyoto, a place I went to a few years ago on a trip
with some of my college buddies.

The first thing that impressed me when I first stepped foot in this city was the historical
scene. I hadn’t expected this place to preserve so many historical structures, from the ancient
temples to the old tea houses. Everything was so enchanting that I felt I was transported to
another realm, maybe back to some old Japanese era. Compared to the modernity that I had
witnessed in other cities of Japan like Tokyo; I could tell from the first sight that the local
authorities in Kyoto had done a great job in maintaining the traditional values of their city.

On top of the harmonious blend of tradition and modernity here, I also appreciated the beauty
of slowing down when I came to this tranquil city. Unlike the hustle and bustle of
metropolises, Kyoto instilled in me a great sense of calmness, which allowed me to fully
immerse myself in the moment, instead of ramping up all my energy to catch up with the fast
pace of life. That’s why I felt like I was having a much-needed retreat with my friends after a
long semester.

Looking back, I think the city of Kyoto is one of the best places that I’ve been to. I would
honestly jump at any chance to revisit this place and its timeless beauty.

Part 3:

What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?
Alright, I think the most obvious difference between towns and cities is their size and scale. I
suppose that modern cities are often bustling hubs with a lot of high-rise buildings, dense
populations, and amenities. However, modern towns have a more laid-back vibe with a
tighter-knit community and fewer infrastructural developments. Also, maybe the noise level
is different as well, since cities tend to have more construction sites and private vehicles on
the road.

What are the difficulties that people might face when living in modern cities?
Despite the convenience of having everything at your fingertips, urban living still has some
downsides to it. For one, it’s the exorbitant cost of living that can make many people struggle
to make ends meet. And that’s not to mention the traffic jams, which are quite common on
and off peak hours. Urban citizens seem to endure a lot of problems as trade-offs.

Why do some people like to visit historical sites?

Well, I suppose historical sites offer a window into bygone eras, which are quite appealing to
many visitors, especially the ones interested in past stories and cultures of the past. There’s
just something so magical about stepping back in time when you visit those places. As I
know, many people describe such a feeling as having a deeper connection with history, which
is quite hard to replicate by just watching historical videos or photos.

How can people preserve historical buildings?

Such an act of preservation is definitely no walk in the park and it necessitates the
involvement of many parties. Well, first of all, there should be strict regulations by the
government against any act of destruction or harm to the old structures. And at the same time,
the public should start to value and take real actions to preserve the buildings while
advocating against any destructive intentions from external forces.

40. Describe a successful businessperson that you know (e.g

running a family business)

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know him/her

What he/she does

And explain why you think he/she is successful

Well, in the age of entrepreneurship, it’s not really difficult to find a successful
businessperson at every corner. But there is one business owner I know who’s been making
quite a splash in the business scene of my neighbourhood. He’s the second-generation owner
of a moon cake store, which is quite well-known for not only the locals but also people of
other cities.

Honestly, I don’t really remember the first time that we met. I think we crossed paths at a
local community event where I worked as an organiser and he was in charge of catering. We
struck up a conversation on the way and gradually I had more chances to learn about him and
his family business.

One interesting thing that I know about this guy is that he has a very innovative business
mindset. So instead of trying to change the original flavours of his core products, the moon
cakes, to fit the taste buds of a wider range of audience, he actually tried to educate and train
his potential customers’ palette to get used to the traditional flavours. And his approach was
actually successful and now his moon cake shop has carved its reputation as a place where
traditional culinary values are preserved.
On top of that, I do think he is a very visionary business owner, as he has started branching
out his business in the neighbouring areas. I have caught sight of many shoppers who
travelled across the town to just buy his mooncakes, which really proves the magnetism of his
products. And I should also mention how he has even taken leverage of online platforms like
Facebook or Instagram to reach out to a broader audience.

I suppose that it’s his brilliant tactics that really help his family’s heritage skyrocket and I just
can’t wait to see how he would expand his business further.

Part 3:

What are the qualities needed to run a successful business?

Well, I believe that running a successful business calls for a lot of qualities but I can only
think of a few right now. As I know, most entrepreneurs must possess strong leadership skills
to guide their team and make sound decisions under pressure. And this skill set should go
hand in hand with a deep understanding of the target market. You know, products are the key
success of a business and having a grasp at the demands of the market means it’s much easier
for business owners to devise a fast-selling product line.

In what ways can people be successful at work?

I suppose that people can cultivate success at work through various avenues. One essential
way that I can think of is nurturing professional relationships. It’s not easy to maintain a good
rapport with every co-worker but if a person can do so, they can enjoy a harmonious
workplace environment, which might enhance their productivity. And on top of that, I think
it’s equally important to show good work ethics to ensure excellent work performance. I
mean, at the end of the day, you won’t be considered a successful employee or boss if you
can barely get anything done.

How can employees be rewarded for their success?

Well, right off the bat, I think financial incentives such as bonuses or raises are the common
choices of many companies to reward their employees. But another great option is showing
signs of recognition through awards, commendations, or public acknowledgements. The title
“Employee of the month”, for example, can surely fertilise an employee’s motivation and job
satisfaction, which would help them maintain their performance in the future.

Do you believe "being successful" and "making a lot of money" are the same thing?
Not necessarily though. I mean, I do acknowledge that many people would consider material
abundance the symbol of success. But for many others, accumulated wealth is not their exact
definition of success. They might already feel the sweet taste of success when they achieve
their long-term goals or are able to strike a balance between work and life. That’s why I think
different people might have different views of what it’s like to be successful.

41. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a

sports event

You should say:

Who this person is

Which sport he/she plays

Which sports event he/she did well in

And explain how you and other people feel about him/her

Well, I have to say that I am not a big fan of sports at all, and I don’t really follow any
particular sports events. But I do watch sports news from time to time and from what I’ve
seen, there’s an athlete who’s been the talk of the town for her phenomenal performance on
the track. Her name is Oanh, who is a national sensation, especially after clinching the first
prize in running at the 32nd Sea Games.

To be honest, I hadn’t known about her before the event, but my sport-loving friends are all
aware of her as she is a quite prominent name in the running community. However, the first
time that I saw her performance on screen, I was totally taken aback by her lightning speed.
The way she tore up the track was so awe-inspiring that I was constantly sitting on the edge
of my seat while watching her. You know, the Sea Games brings together all the best of the
best athletes from Southeast Asia, so I could imagine how much time and effort that she had
put in training, to reign as the queen of the track like this.

When she crossed the finish line at the final race, I was immediately showered with a great
sense of joy and pride. Not only did she get first place, but she’s also smashed previous
records to really put her name in the history books of my country. For me, she didn’t just win
a race. She has actually inspired a generation of young people who have little understanding
and interest in sports like me, to learn and feel proud of their country’s sport scene. I think
that’s more meaningful than just getting a gold medal.

I hope that she will be able to get more achievements in her career and further make her mark
in the sporting realm.

Part 3:

Should students have physical education and do sports at home?

Absolutely! I see no reason why they shouldn’t. The thing is, physical activities don’t just
make children improve their physical health. They also sharpen the mind of the young, which
is especially crucial if children are at home and not academically stimulated. Also, playing
sports is obviously better than just sitting still in front of a TV or a computer screen and
playing games.

Which sport is most popular in your country?

In many countries, including Vietnam, soccer often takes the cake as the most popular sport.
It’s so popular that people of all ages either play or watch the sport when they have some free
time. And every time a major tournament takes place like the World Cup or Champion
League, Vietnamese people from all walks of life just come together and enjoy the sport and
it says a lot about our love for soccer, doesn’t it?

What are the qualities of an athlete?

Well, you know, being an athlete isn’t just about physical prowess. There are a bunch of
qualities that each professional sports player needs to possess and among those, I think
discipline is very important. I mean, without a rigorous routine and a strict training schedule,
I doubt they could make any progress in their game. That’s not to mention resilience, which
is certainly required for any athlete to bounce back from setbacks and try everything to reach
their ultimate goals.

Is talent important in sports?

To be honest, I don’t want to deny the importance of talent in giving athletes a leg up when
acquiring new skills and abilities for a sport. But I have to say the world of sports is a little bit
more complicated than that. Even if you have a natural affinity for a sport, if you don’t hone
that talent and remain resilient in the face of challenges, I don’t think you will ever get your
hands on the gold medal.

42. Describe a time you gave good advice to someone

You should say:

Who the person you gave advice to is

When you gave the advice

Why you gave the advice

And explain why you think the advice was good

Well, I would like to talk about the time when I found myself deep in conversation with my
close friend, Minh, who was hitting a crossroads in his life. So basically, he was between two
minds whether he should continue to pursue his master’s degree abroad or just stay in
Vietnam and run his family business.

As I can remember, it was only a couple of years ago just before the Covid-19 pandemic. My
friend and I were having a discussion about post-graduate studies. Even though I thought he
would definitely opt for studying in the UK to finish his degrees as he was the top of my class
in university, he was actually having a hard time considering the option. According to him,
his parents were close to retirement age, and they would want him to oversee the family

Honestly speaking, I did know that managing a business could give him some practical skills
that he would need for his future career as well as the means for him to start his own
company. However, I chose to talk him into studying abroad since I knew that there would be
unique benefits that he could never reap if he had stayed in Vietnam, such as global exposure,
networking opportunities, or even the chance to be mentored by world-class faculty.

And in the end, after a two-hour talk, he finally decided to take my advice and applied for a
scholarship in the UK. He eventually got in and is now staying in London, running his own

We still catch up from time to time and in every conversation, he always thanks me for my
advice, which has led to a life-changing move in his life. Well, I mean, I don’t want to take
credit for anyone’s success but this case is definitely an exception.
Part 3:

Should people prepare before giving advice?

Oh, of course. Giving advice isn’t just something to be taken lightly, especially when it can
impact someone’s important decisions in life. So that’s why when you’re about to give advice
to anyone, it should be well-thought-out and fully informed. That’s just a way for people to
show their responsibility when making changes in others’ opinions, decisions, or even their

Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?

That’s actually hard to say. I mean strangers might not be the best advice giver since they
might not have a comprehensive understanding of your situation, and sometimes they might
not even have the needed credentials to tell you what to do. But let’s be real, sometimes you
might find some hidden gems online as there are people who come with good intentions and
would be willing to lend you a helping hand.

What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?
Giving others advice is far from an easy task. That’s why I think there are a few personality
traits that you can find in any good advice giver. For example, they would certainly be
empathetic in order to truly comprehend others’ situations and difficulties. From that base,
they would be able to give great advice. And on top of that, wisdom and experience is also
needed. How can you give people advice when you don’t even know what you are talking

What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?
While I know that seeking advice is prudent, asking too many people can actually muddle the
waters. You see, everyone has their own lens through which they view the world, and too
many perspectives can lead to confusion and indecision. That will totally defeat the original
purpose of solving the problem and you just get further stuck in the situation.

43. Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a


You should say:

Where it happened

When it happened
What happened

And explain how you felt about it

Well, I must confess that sometimes I would pick a fancy restaurant and indulge myself in a
high-end culinary experience. However, not all restaurants I went to live up to their
reputations and prices. And today, I would like to talk about the time when my family and I
were totally disappointed at the service in a place called “La Vista”.

It was a couple of months back when I took my family to this restaurant to celebrate my dad’s
birthday. At first, I was extremely taken aback by the enchanting ambiance of the place. It
was filled with wooden furniture in a post-modernist style, which was honestly the perfect
setting for a culinary delight. Little did I know, I was in for something terrible.

The service I received that night was a stark contrast to the beauty of the restaurant. We
ordered our food and actually waited for more than one hour for our appetisers to arrive.
Honestly, that one hour seemed like an eternity because we were so hungry at that time. If
that wasn’t bad enough, our main dishes were messed up, and we had to stay there for
another 30 minutes to get the food, which was disappointingly bland. This is not to mention
the fact that we had to pay nearly 500$ for such a terrible dish, which would probably
guarantee us a much better meal in other restaurants.

Eventually, we couldn’t finish the dish and had to walk out of the restaurant feeling cheated. I
mean, the place was listed as a top-tier restaurant in the area, but I guess I won’t be making a
second trip there anytime soon.

Part 3:

How do most people respond to bad services?

I think there are two main ways that people behave when they receive bad services. Some
might simply choose not to return to the place and consider it bad luck. However, others
might speak up there and then to address the issue head-on. And if they are not satisfied with
the outcome of their complaints, they might even take the problem online by leaving
unfavourable reviews of the service on their social media feeds or even on the main channels
of the business.
Do you think services are better now than in the past?
I definitely think they are. You know these days, most business owners are well apprised of
the importance of delivering a good service. Plus, they are afraid that their services might
receive bad publicity if they fail to do so. That’s why you can see many businesses these days
try their best to streamline their services and craft the best customer experience. I don’t think
that was the case back in the day when people only had a few service choices and had to
come to terms with anything, whether it was good or bad.

How can business owners guarantee the quality of their services?

Obviously, they need to have continuous attention and care, even for the littlest details. I
mean, when business owners create a customer-centric culture for their companies, they
would constantly remind themselves to improve their services, either through employee
training programs or rigorous quality control checks. That’s to ensure every employee is on
the same page when it comes to delivering stellar service.

Is it important for businesses to listen to customers’ feedback?

Yes, of course. It’s actually an indispensable step in the improvement of a company’s
products. If companies listen to their customers, they would know where to find
improvements and innovations. When businesses turn a deaf ear to their clientele, they might
risk becoming obsolete as they would miss out on opportunities to enhance their offerings.
That’s the first step towards failure.

44. Describe a piece of information that you think is not correct

You should say:

What information is

Where you heard/read this information

When you heard/read it

And explain why you think it is incorrect.

Well, I remember about two years ago, while I was scrolling through my social media feed, I
stumbled upon a piece of information that made me sit up in my chair. It was a shared post on
Facebook claiming that consuming raw garlic with a bit of honey in the morning could ward
off all kinds of viruses, including the Covid-19 virus. If I am not wrong, the post was quite
viral at that time, with nearly a hundred thousand reactions, shares, and comments. You know
at that time when the Covid-19 pandemic was a global concern, information like this would
spread like wildfire.

However, with a habit of fact-checking all kinds of information I see on the Internet,
especially the health-related ones, I found out that the claim was based on no scientific
research or reference. I even went the extra mile and asked some of my friends who work in
the medical field to confirm this for me. And obviously as you may expect, they all told me
that the combination of garlic and honey could only play a minor role as a natural immune
system booster instead of a cure or preventive measure against such a dangerous virus like
the Covid-19 one.

Even though there was hardly any evidence-based research on this, many people were totally
believing in this piece of false news. I mean, it’s easy to understand why though, since many
of us were desperate to find something to cling to and find a sense of security during the
pandemic. But I still think information like this could even do more harm than good. You see,
people might take their guard down and become extremely susceptible to the dangerous
viruses, which was quite serious because we all know how deadly the Covid-19 virus was.

That’s why I think in a world riddled with false news today, people should have a habit of
checking things they see on the Internet twice, in order not to fall for some unreasonable
claims like this.

Part 3: Updating …

45. Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with

someone else

You should say:

What the activity was

Who you were with

Why you went for it

And explain how you felt about it

Well, this topic immediately reminds me of the flower arrangement workshop that I joined a
few months back with my best friend, who also has a knack for doing creative things. We
stumbled upon this workshop on our Facebook newsfeed a while back and decided to sign up
right away since we’d always been captivated by the delicate artistry behind this activity.

Before joining the workshop, we thought flower arrangement was a very challenging activity
that required people to show extreme creativity and intricacy. However, when we rolled up
our sleeves and got our hands on the work, the activity was not as hard as we’d expected.
First, we got the chance to work with a seasoned florist who’d been in the game for several
years. She walked us through the whole process step by step to let us learn the ropes of
flower arrangement. After just about 30 minutes, we had already got our first flower bouquets
with many different types of flowers.

Honestly, I didn’t think we could get the hang of this so quickly. And I did know that our
skills still needed honing, but seeing our arrangements come to life was definitely exciting.
On top of that, the whole experience was such a great bonding time between my best friend
and I. We really had a good time while crafting some shared memories.

If anyone asks me for a pastime activity recommendation, I will not hesitate to point them to
this workshop.

Part 3:

What kinds of activities do young people like to do?

Well, a bunch of activities, I suppose. While some might explore new music and the latest
trends in the music industry, others might get their game faces on in esports. And it’s also not
uncommon to see young people who love immersing themselves in the world of social media
and start to make new friends online. As you can see, most of these activities are engaging
and allow the young to find a sense of novelty in what they do.

Why can exciting activities relieve people’s stress?

I think it’s the adrenaline rush from those activities that allows people to let loose and
immerse in the moment. They would be totally immersing themselves in the sheer joy of
doing the activity instead of facing the mundane worries in other aspects of life. That’s how
they can destress and feel invigorated.

What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?

Well, I suppose people need to possess several skills before they embark on adventurous
activities. For starters, they would probably need a certain level of physical fitness and some
risk-assessment abilities to know when to go all the way with their adventures. This is crucial
as they would not take things that would do them a disservice or even harm. And on top of
that, people should really have perseverance with what they are engaging in. Obviously,
adventurous activities would take multiple tries to finish and without perseverance, one might
just throw in the towel after a few failures.

Do you think old people would like to have changes in their life?
I think it’s a mixed bag. While some elders might bask in the comfort of their accustomed
routine, there are many who still seek change and a sense of adventure in their life. These
people have probably always been adventurous souls and they can’t just live without some
novelties in their life. That’s why changes are crucial for these people to not get bored to

46. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice

You should say:

When it happened

What the nice thing was

Why you waited for a long time

And explain how you felt about the experience

Well, I am honestly not a patient person, but sometimes I do have to wait and today I would
like to talk about the occasion when I needed to wait for around 2 months for an overseas
order. It’s a vinyl album of my all-time favourite singer, Lana Del Rey.
Well, this wasn’t just any vinyl. It was actually a limited-edition release with some exclusive
artwork of the artist. That’s why the moment I laid eyes on it online, I knew it was something
I had to have in my collection, even though I probably had to wait several months for it.

You know, I was in Vietnam and the album was ordered from the States, so I expected the
delivery time to be about 2 or 3 weeks at most. However, it was during the holiday season so
the estimated wait time was extended to 6 to 8 weeks, which would be around 2 months. And
trust me, every day, I’d keep an eye out with the hope that the delivery time would somehow
be shortened, and I would get the album earlier.

I mean, the waiting game was nothing short of exciting. But honestly, it gave me an
opportunity to truly soak in the anticipation and train my patience. I told myself that waiting
would make the album even more special, and I was right. When the vinyl finally arrived, I
was showered with joy. Every detail of the album cover was right on spot and even the extra
photos were impressive. That’s not to mention the high quality of the vinyl, which was totally
worth the price.

Now, every time I play the record, it’s not just the music that I vibe with, but also the sweet
memory of anticipation and reward.

Part 3:

On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?

I can immediately think of countless scenarios where peopl;e find themselves in the waiting
game. For example, people often bide their time in queues, whether it’s for a hot new
restaurant, a much anticipated concert or a sports match. And also, people would have to wait
in their professional lives as well, such as awaiting a job offer or a promotion. That’s why
patience is always key.

Why are some people willing to wait for a long time for something?
Well, I suppose some people are willing to wait for an eternity for something just to taste the
sweetness of the eventual payoff. With the anticipation building up day by day, hour by hour,
the feelings when people get what they want after a long time of waiting are just joy and
satisfaction. Those can really outweigh the temporary discomfort of waiting, I suppose.

Why are some people impatient?

Somehow I think people are getting more and more impatient due to the current fast pace of
life. I mean, with the world constantly changing, there are many societal pressures that would
push people forward and leave them no time to wait. But we should not undermine the fact
that some individuals might just have a need for instant gratification, which always nudges
them to keep getting new possessions or doing new things immediately.

Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?

Well, I suppose that children often struggle with waiting because their understanding of time
and self-control is still in the budding stages of development. That’s why the immediate
desires tend to overshadow the forthcoming benefits of patience, meaning that children might
find no good reason to stay put while they can just snatch anything right away. And I would
also blame technologies for making everything seem so easy and fast to achieve for children,
which gives the young false impressions that everything can be done quickly and patience is

47. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful

You should say:

Where you can see it

What it shows

Why you think it is useful

And explain how you feel about it

Among all the advertisements that I have seen, I think there is only one or two significant
enough for me to consider useful. And the one that I would like to talk about today is the
advertisement of Dove’s body wash that I stumbled upon on YouTube a few years ago.

So basically, the advertisement showcases a few women of different ages, ethnicities, sizes
and even skin types. All of them are confident to show their own beauty and do not shy away
from showing their imperfections like stretch marks, scars, or wrinkles. The video really
embodies the tagline, which is “beauty is not one-size-fits-all”, a very powerful message to
all women.
For me, this advertisement is incredibly important in today’s world where beauty standards
have been boxed into a specific mould. And Dove has done a great job in breaking away and
conveying a more inclusive understanding of beauty. Thanks to the message, I think women
around the world would be more willing to embrace their imperfections and wear them with

Even though it’s only a short advertisement of less than 60 seconds, it has actually received a
million views across all platforms, which is a significant number for any product
advertisement of this kind. And it’s a positive thing indeed, since many women have been
empowered to be more confident and happier with their own beauty. I hope that in the future,
more and more advertisements will be able to not just sell the products but to contribute to
the movement toward a more accepting and understanding world.

Part 3:

What products are often advertised online?

Well, honestly I think everything can now be advertised online. But the most common items
found in online advertisements are probably fashion apparel, tech gadgets, and beauty
products, I believe. And I suppose that things like online courses, mobile apps, and some
other online services also appear on Internet adverts. With the current development of e-
commerce platforms and online businesses, I am pretty sure more and more products of other
kinds will be on display in the near future.

What do people usually buy from online advertisements?

Oh, what a wide-ranging shopping cart we might end up with from online advertisements. I
mean, people love seeing all the discounts and exclusive deals on those adverts and are
willing to buy all kinds of things, from clothing, electronics to household goods. I actually
have seen people buying a lot of weird things online just from some random advertisements
on Facebook or Tiktok, like a motorbike. What a surprise to see how people are lured by the
siren call of those tempting offers!

Do you think people often buy products on advertisements?

Yes, of course. With the allure of advertisements, I think it’s just irresistible to not fill your
virtual shopping carts with all kinds of items being showcased. And we have to acknowledge
that the people behind those advertisements really know how to target our emotions and
needs, which can lead to our impulsive buying behaviours. But, obviously, the wise
consumers are still quite careful and they might double check the information on those items
before opening their wallets. That’s why they might not fall for any consuming traps set by
Why do buying new things make people happy?
I suppose it’s the joy of acquisitions that gives people an immediate feeling of excitement and
novelty. As they introduce something fresh and delightful into people’s life, those new
purchases really boost our mood and make us yearn for more. And also on top of that, maybe
for some people, buying new things may fill a void or act as a self-prescribed reward. You
know, we all love unwrapping a gift as the anticipation, the surprise may give us an
immediate dash of happiness.

48. Describe a time you had a problem using the computer

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

What the problem was

And explain how you solved the problem at last.

Well, honestly, I am not a tech-savvy person and I do sometimes get into some troubles while
using my computer. Today, I would like to talk about the occasion when my PC suddenly
froze while I was trying to meet a pressing deadline.

As I can remember vividly, it was about 2 years ago when I was still working from home due
to the Covid-19 pandemic. Everything started off on a high note as I was sprinting through all
the tasks without any problem. But out of the blue, my screen totally froze, and I couldn’t do
anything like typing or moving the cursor with my mouse.

I was honestly so panicked at that moment since the deadline was approaching. I tried so
many things to snap my computer out of this like switching it off and on, unplugging and
plugging it back again, or even the almighty Asian method of tapping. Nothing worked and I
was deep in my panic mode as the clock was ticking away.
Luckily, I reached out to one of my tech friends who had previously dug me out of similar
problems before. And after about 30 minutes of booting up the computer and running several
anti-malware programs, my computer came to life again. I finally got to finish my deadline
on time, which was extremely fortunate.

Looking back, I think I have learnt the lesson the hard way. Now, I always need to make sure
that my computer’s security is up to date so that I won’t be caught off guard again.

Part 3:

What do people use computers for?

Well, computers can help us do so many different tasks and activities. But most people today,
I think, use computers as portals to the Internet where they could work, gather new
information, entertain themselves and even interact with others. And I also have to mention
the use of computers as colossal databases for online services or apps, which is quite
important for the stability of many businesses.

Should students be allowed to use computers at school?

Well, with the blended learning classroom models today, I see no reason why they shouldn’t.
I mean, students can obviously use computers as rich educational tools with which they could
search for new information or join interactive learning platforms. But of course, the teachers
need to ensure that their students are striking a balance between their screen time and social
interactions as well as physical activities in their school life.

Why do people often have problems when using new products?

Well, I suppose it boils down to a gap between user expectations and the actual
functionalities of the product. What I mean is that sometimes the design of a new item might
not be as user-friendly as it should be, and people are dealing with unfamiliar interfaces or
mechanisms, which might cause them some troubles at first. And also, we all know that
sometimes the instruction manuals are not helpful at all, and they can cause even more

What should companies do to help their customers use their products?

Oh right. Let’s be real. Customer support would probably be the backbone of product
usability. If companies craft very clear and comprehensive guides or online tutorials for their
products, I don’t think any customer will be grappling with functional problems. Apart from
that, they could actually go the extra mile and have robust customer service channels, where
users can find helpful assistance when they hit a roadblock. It’s how the company makes their
customers feel supported and appreciated, I believe.
49. Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that
you felt proud of

You should say:

What the task was

How you completed it

Why the task was difficult

Why you were proud of the completion of the task

Well, I would like to talk about the time I was tasked with single-handedly hosting an event
for my school. I mean, I did get help from some of my friends, but the scale of the event was
massive as it was a cultural showcase meant to put our school on the map in the local
community. That’s why I had the responsibility to ensure everything ran like clockwork.

To be honest, prior to this, I’d never managed an event of such scale. You know, it wasn’t
just about the event’s success, but it was also about upholding the school’s reputation. At
some point, I felt like I had no fallback so the only option for me was to try my best dive
headfirst into.

To pull this off, I had to work late into the night to line up performances, manage logistics,
and even coordinate with various departments while trying to handle all the academic work at
school. I knew that I was biting off more than I could chew but something about this event
just kept me motivated. Even when I had to deal with some last-minute dropouts and some
technical issues, I still somehow managed to keep calm instead of throwing in the towel.

And everything went smoothly. When the curtain finally came down on the event, I was
showered with a sense of pride. For a high school student, being in charge and successfully
hosting an event like this was definitely not a walk in the park. So, the applause and
appreciative comments from the audience were testament to the success of the show and
more importantly, my determination to conquer any uphill task.
Part 3:

What are the things that make people feel proud of themselves?
Oh, I think there are a few things that make people swell with pride. Generally speaking,
when one nails a personal achievement or overcomes a hefty challenge in their life, they
would be filled with a sense of immediate pride as they know that their hard work and
perseverance have paid off. For example, a student would be so proud of themselves when
they finally get into university after months of studying hard for the entrance exam. And the
same thing can be seen in hardworking employees finally reaching a managerial position
after years of constant effort.

Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?
Absolutely, wouldn’t you agree? There’s this undeniable sense of satisfaction and pride that
people can feel when they finish a tough task. Their completion not only validates their skills
and efforts but also serves as a testament to their tenacity and capabilities. And it can make
people even more proud of themselves if only a few people can tackle the same challenge,
which indeed leads to a boost in their self-esteem.

How can children make their parents proud?

Well, I mean, the answer to this is going to change depending on the culture. You know,
Asian parents often attach a lot of importance to academic accomplishments or financial
prowess when judging the status of their children. Only those factors can make them proud of
their kids. However, this might not be the case in some Western households, where parents
already beam with pride when witnessing their children navigate through life’s ups and
downs with immense resilience and morality. Those simple things would already be enough
to fill them with joy and pride, I suppose.

What are the differences between things that make older and young people proud?
Oh, I think there are clear differences here. You know, young individuals might derive pride
from milestones in life like acing an exam, earning a reward at school, or even just showing a
small act of independence. It’s like the immense joy and pride when they tick a box in their
bucket list. However, older individuals might find pride in other things. Maybe they would
get such a feeling from the achievements of their children, or from the contributions that they
have made to the community.

50. Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person does

How you knew him/her

And explain how you think his/her ideas or opinions are interesting

Well, one person that came immediately to my mind when I saw this topic was Mr. Duc, my
history teacher from high school. He was quite well-known in our school for his innovative
approach to education and history, in particular.

To be honest, he wasn’t just your run-of-the-mill educator. So, instead of merely relying on
textbooks to teach history, he’d cook up some interactive sessions that threw us back in time
and let us have the chance to raise our opinions. I can still remember vividly one occasion
when he transformed the classroom into a peace convention about World War II and divided
us into two sides. It was such an innovative lesson that I can still recall many facts and
important dates of the Second World War now.

Besides the way he organised our class, he also helped us to look at one historical event from
multiple perspectives, obviously in order to gain a deeper understanding of the subject. For
example, instead of just learning the date that The Cold War ended in 1991, he actually gave
us some extra materials that further explained the economic situation of the Soviet Union at
that time with a lot of illustrations and comparisons to other powerhouses of the world. This
really broadened my horizon and made me learn the lesson that there would always be more
than one factor contributing to a single event in history.

Looking back, I think Mr. Duc’s ideas and opinions really fuelled his innovative approach to
history. I must admit that his lessons really transformed the way I perceived history and even
the way I learn new information. It’s always about thinking outside of the box.

Part 3:

When do you think children start to have their own opinions?

I am not really sure, to be honest. I’d say they probably form their own opinions quite early
on, don’t they? I know that even toddlers showcase their preferences towards different things
their parents and other people do around them. But obviously, the only way for them to show
which one they like or dislike is through crying and later in life when they grow up, they
would probably show their thoughts and perspectives more clearly with their actions and

Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?

Indeed. I think parents are the primary caregivers and role models for their offspring and it’s
the nature of the young to imitate what their parents do and think. That’s how they form their
own core beliefs and other cognitive things would be formed around such ideologies and
viewpoints. But you see, parental influence might not last long as their children grow up and
get exposed to external interactions and experiences with people at school. At that moment,
their core beliefs might change and so do their opinions.

How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?

To be honest, I have never asked myself that question before. I mean the genesis of new ideas
by the great minds is actually a mystery to me. I guess they would brew those new ideas
when they get curious and start to wonder about some obvious things or widely-accepted
norms in life. That’s probably when they would go back to the root of any belief, try to peel
back layers and start to venture into the realm of new ideas.

What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?

Well, I think the answer is not much different from that in other countries. I suppose that
entrepreneurs and scientists are often great thinkers. While the business owners might
constantly plough into new innovative ideas for their products to cater the public demands for
comfort and convenience, the science guys would challenge some existing problems from a
scientific approach and make many seemingly impossible things possible. Those are all the
great ideas that benefit our society, I suppose.
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