Eng2 PT2

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Urgent Report on Community Preparedness for upcoming typhoon

Dear Hon. Alberto Pugang,

I am writing to bring your attention on a critical importance that demands immediate action
to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. Our PAGASA forecast indicates an
impending typhoon that poses a significant threat to our community in the coming days.
To address this possible risk in our community, I recommend bringing up our community
emergency response plan.
Public Awareness Campaign: Inform the residents about the approaching typhoon, it's forecasted
impact and the necessary safety precautions. Utilize various communication channels like radio,
social media etc. to reach broad audience.

Evacuation Plans: Collaborate with local government units to find safe places for evacuation and
ensure that residents are well-informed about the evacuation procedures.

Community engagement aid: Utilize community volunteers to assist in evacuation efforts,

preparing emergency kit and follow recommended safety guidelines.

I stand ready to assist in collaboration with the barangay in our community. By prioritizing these
actions, we can avoid potential damages and provide safety for our community.


Keith Bumaat
TCC Student

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