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The answers to the following questions can be found in "Clause 6 - Piping and Tubing
Systems, Hose and Fittings" of the B149.1-05 Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.

4. Propane vapour phase piping with operating pressures up to and

includin g 125 psig (860 kPa) shall be at le ast Schedule 40 . Vapour
phase piping with operating pressures exceeding 125 psig (860 kPa),
and all liquid piping shall be at least Schedule - - - -

Index Page Category Sub Category Clause# Page# Answer?

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The answers to the following questions can be found in "Clause 6 - Piping and Tubing
Systems, Hose and Fittings" of the B149.1-05 Natural -Gas and Propane Installation Code.

5. What must type Lor G copper tub ing that is used un d e rg roun d ,
be externally coated with?

Index Page Category Sub Category Clause# Page # _Answer ?

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The answers t0 the folloWing questions can be found in "Clause 6 - Piping and Tubing
Systems, Hose and Fittings" of the 8149.1-05 Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.

6. Tubing must be made of which materials?

Index Page Category Sub Category Clause# Page# Answer?

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The answers to the following questions can be found in "Clause 6 - Piping and Tubing
Systems, Hose and Fittings" of the 8149.1-05 Natural Gas and Propane ,installation Code.

7. Every hose and hose fitt ing sha ll hav e a minimum workin g
pressure of wh ich oP

Index Page Category Sub Category Clause# Page# Answer?

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