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Week 9 Your Topic Assignment: Website (Input/Output Technologies)

Group 7: Jami Eubanks, Camen Quain, Ethan Hodge, Travis Limbaugh, Kyle Franks

Division of Computing Sciences, Arkansas Tech University

INFT-5413: Computer Systems and Architecture

Dr. Wendi Kappers

March 17, 2024

Week 9 Your Topic Assignment: Website

1. For this week’s assignment, please locate a website that pertains to your
team’s topic. What is the website address?

2. Why did you select the website?

We selected this website because it is the main webpage/homepage for the vendor we

chose to investigate in week eight. To learn more about the company, one
should first visit that company's website.

3. Briefly summarize the information provided on the website.

The official website of Zebra Technologies is Zebra

Technologies is a corporation that specializes in technological solutions for

organizations. The official website has details on Zebra Technologies offerings,
including RFID technology, printers, and barcode scanners. The website also
includes information on the sectors that Zebra Technologies services, case
studies, whitepapers, news, events, and client success stories. The website
offers customer support alternatives and contact information for customer
service. One majorly important section on this website is the industry
connections that the company has been utilized. For example, Zebra
Technologies has been utilizing their equipment in retail sales, hospitality,
healthcare, and transportation logistics.

4. How do you think this website pertains to your selected topic?

The website is the main webpage for a company who offers input device technology to

customers on a global scale. We were intrigued by this company because we

wanted to know more about the evolution of barcode technology, companies who
work with barcoding technology, and RFID chips. This company has figured out
how to make a complex issue usable for all walks of life in a multitude of
languages. It is a universal technology that we use daily and take for granted.
Without barcode technology input devices, people would be manually inputting
information for product sales and inventory management.

5. What questions did the website cause you to have after you selected it?

We would still love to know the history of the company and the evolution of their product

Week 9 Your Topic Assignment: Website

line. We would still like to know who founded the company and what were their
motivations. We would still like to know who are some of Zebra Technologies
major clients.

Week 9 Your Topic Assignment: Website


Zebra Technologies. (n.d.). Zebra Technologies | Visible. Connected. Optimized.

| Zebra. Retrieved March 12, 2024, from

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