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N o r m a l A n a t o m y an d

A n a t o m i c Var i a n t s o f t h e
Paranasal Sinuses on Computed
Tom o g r a p h y
Sanjay Vaid, MD (Radiology)a,*, Neelam Vaid, MS, DNB (ENT)b

 Computed tomography (CT)  Paranasal sinuses  Anatomy  Anatomic variants
 Clinical implications

 The radiologist needs to be familiar with the complex sinonasal CT anatomy as visualized by an
endoscopic sinus surgeon.
 Multiplanar region-specific reporting and preoperative identification of anatomic variants provide
the endoscopic surgeon with a useful intraoperative roadmap and avoid intraoperative
 This article reviews the CT anatomy of the paranasal sinuses and discusses the clinical relevance of
the anatomic variants encountered in the sinonasal region.

A video showing a coronal CT depicting multiplanar attachments of the middle turbinate

accompanies this article at

But chiefly the anatomy imaging technology. Multiplanar high-resolution

You ought to understand CT (HRCT) of the paranasal sinuses provides a
If you will cure well anything precise and reliable preoperative roadmap for
That you do take in hand! the endoscopic sinus surgeon. All radiologists
—John Halle, British Surgeon, 1529–1568 should be familiar with the 3-D anatomy of the par-
anasal sinuses and the anatomic variants that sur-
geons are likely to encounter. This article reviews
INTRODUCTION the embryology of the paranasal sinuses and out-
Anatomic concepts of the paranasal sinuses have lines the CT technique/protocols for imaging this
been known since the late nineteenth and early region. CT anatomy of the nasal cavity and
twentieth centuries.1 These have assumed greater paranasal sinuses is described in detail together
significance in recent times due to advances in with the anatomic variants encountered in each

functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and region.

Disclosures: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Head Neck Imaging Division, Star Imaging and Research Center, Connaught Place, Bund Garden Road, Pune
411001, Maharashtra, India; b Department of Otorhinolaryngology, K.E.M. Hospital, 489 Rastapeth, Pune
411011, Maharashtra, India
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Neuroimag Clin N Am - (2015) -–-
1052-5149/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Vaid & Vaid


Table 1
Preoperative CT imaging of the paranasal sinuses is CT imaging protocol for paranasal sinuses
performed after completion of the medical treatment
Patient Position Supine
because up to 80% of patients suffering from acute
upper respiratory tract infection show evidence of Collimation 64  0.625
mucosal disease in the sinonasal region.2 Intranasal Reconstruction slice thickness 0.67 mm
decongestant drops are administered 15 to 20 mi- Increment 0.33 mm
nutes before commencing the examination and the Reconstruction capability 0.20 mm
patient is directed to clear the nasal cavities prior to
Resolution High
the scan to clear mucus discharge, which may inter-
Field of view 180 mm
fere with the radiologic interpretation. Postoperative
CT examinations are performed after a period of Pitch 0.641
8 weeks once the inflammatory changes have sub- mA/slice 200
sided and mucociliary clearance has returned to kV 120
normal.3 Table 1 outlines the CT protocols used at Rotation time 0.5 s
the first author’s center for pre-FESS examinations Filter Y-sharp
of the paranasal sinuses. All examinations are carried Image display matrix 512
out on a 64-channel CT scanner and viewed on a
workstation to facilitate multiplanar reconstructions
in standard orthogonal and nonorthogonal planes. EMBRYOLOGY
Customized low-dose CT protocols are used while
The embryo gets its first identifiable head and face
scanning pediatric population.4 Images are recon-
between the fourth and fifth weeks of gestational
structed in soft tissue windows to evaluate structures
age with a central orifice, called the stomodeum,
surrounding the paranasal sinuses (orbits, brain, and
which is surrounded by the mandibular, maxillary,
nasopharynx) and to document any extra sinus
and frontonasal prominences. The nasal placodes
extension of the pathology. Use of cone-beam CT
differentiate from the frontonasal prominence and
or digital volume CT is advised, if available, to mini-
later develop into the nasal cavity and choana.8 At
mize radiation doses in children and young adults.5,6
approximately 25 to 28 weeks of gestation, the
All routine pre-FESS CT examinations are per-
ethmoid bone begins to develop from the folding
formed without the use of intravenous contrast
of the cartilaginous olfactory capsule, a central
medium. Contrast-enhanced CT or MR imaging
structure in the forming skull base. The ethmoid si-
examinations are indicated in unilateral pathology,
nuses that develop within are present at birth
suspicion of neoplastic or vascular pathology, and
whereas the other sinuses (frontal, maxillary, and
fungal disease for identifying associated intracra-
sphenoid) develop due to pneumatization beyond
nial, intraorbital, and soft tissue extension.7
the confines of the olfactory capsule. Hence, the
ethmoid sinus is phylogenetically, anatomically,
embryologically, and functionally different from the
Box 1
other air-containing paranasal sinuses.9 The further
Learning points - 1
ossification pattern is complex and readers are
Multiplanar CT evaluation of paranasal sinuses referred to numerous excellent texts in the literature
in orthogonal and nonorthogonal planes is
for a more detailed discussion.10–12 The pneumati-
important to outline the anatomy and identify
zation pattern is unique to each group of sinuses
surgically important anatomic variants.
and the continuous change in the size and aeration
Pre-FESS CT examinations of the paranasal si- of the sinus as a child grows has a significant impact
nuses are usually non–contrast-enhanced on the treatment/surgery of sinus pathology in the
studies. Contrast examinations are reserved for
pediatric age group.13 Table 2 outlines the growth
evaluating specific pathologies (aggressive in-
fections, neoplasm, and vascular lesions) and
pattern of each sinus group and the ostiometal com-
for assessing extension into orbit, intracranial plex with the resultant clinical implications.10,14
compartment, and surrounding soft tissues. Fig. 1 depicts the childhood development of the par-
anasal sinuses and related structures.
Knowledge of relevant embryologic events in
paranasal sinus development can avoid pitfalls
in diagnosis. Sinus pathologies in children ANATOMY OVERVIEW OF THE SINONASAL
younger than 4 years are uncommon except in REGION
the ethmoid sinuses because these are the
only sinuses that are pneumatized at birth. The sinonasal region consists of the nose, nasal
cavities, and the paranasal sinuses (frontal,
Paranasal Sinuses Anatomy and Variants on CT 3

Table 2
Pneumatization/ossification pattern of paranasal sinuses and related structures Sinus/Structure Childhood Development Clinical Implications

1. Frontal sinus Not seen on imaging at birth Children cannot develop frontal
Present as a small pit or furrow at sinusitis before 4 y of age.
birth Frontal trephination procedures are
Slow pneumatization between 1 and contraindicated in an immature
4 y, rapid growth between 4 and frontal sinus (until it reaches the
8 y, reaching the orbital roof by orbital plate) due to risk of
5–7 y of age and attaining adult inadvertent intracranial
appearance by 12 y of age penetration, meningeal trauma
Narrower anteroposterior diameter and likely iatrogenic infection.
compared with adult
2. Ethmoid sinus Present and seen on imaging at birth Source of sinus/contiguous orbital
Rapid pneumatization between infection in young children
1 and 4 y Accessible to both internal and
Slow growth between 4 and 8 y external drainage procedures if
Adult appearance by 12 y of age required
3. Maxillary sinus Not seen on imaging at birth Present Height discrepancy between the
as a shallow rounded sac at birth inferior margins of the sinus and
Rapid pneumatization between the nasal cavity precludes the use of
1 and 4 y: floor of the sinus reaches certain surgical techniques in
level of the inferior meatus by 7 y of children. These procedures may
age damage developing teeth, cause
Adult appearance is attained by 12 inadvertent injury to lateral sinus
and 14 y when the floor of the sinus wall, or be ineffective in treating
reaches level of the nasal cavity the pathology completely.
Slow pneumatization continues until
20 y of age.
4. Sphenoid sinus Not seen on imaging at birth. Tiny Limited clinical significance before
mucosal sac posterior to the nasal the age of 10 y
capsule at birth. Because the posterior ethmoid sinus
Pneumatizes between 1 and 3 y of pneumatizes earlier, it can grow
age. Grows progressively between above the developing sphenoid
7 and 14 y and may continue to sinus to form the Onodi cell.
pneumatize further into Location of critical neurovascular
adulthood. structures around the sphenoid
sinus depends on the degree of
pneumatization of the sinus.
5. The ostiomeatal All components are developed and All the components of the
complex present in the newborn. ostiomeatal complex are packed
tightly together leading to a
narrow caliber of the
infundibulum, which must be
appreciated preoperatively.
Proximity of the uncinate osseous
to the lamina papyracea
predisposes to inadvertent
intraorbital penetration.
6. Anterior cranial The midline structures (crista galli, The lucent stripe should not be
fossa cribriform plates, and misinterpreted as a bony defect,
perpendicular ethmoid plate) are sinus tract, cephalocoele, or bony
cartilaginous at birth and ossify by destruction.
2 y of age. They represent the
lucent stripe on CT scans of infants
as the surrounding ethmoid bone,
vomer, and palate are ossified.
4 Vaid & Vaid

Fig. 1. Paranasal sinus development at birth (A–C): (A) unossified central anterior skull base structures resulting in
lucent stripes (arrows); (B) ethmoidal labyrinth (E) are the only pneumatized cells at birth (C) M, non-pneuma-
tized maxillary sinuses. Paranasal sinus development at birth at 1 year (D–F): (D) anterior skull base ossification
(arrow) is complete; (E) partially pneumatized maxillary sinus floor (arrows) extending to level of inferior turbi-
nates (asterisks); and (F) early sphenoid sinus (S) pneumatization. Paranasal sinus development at 5 years (G–I): (G)
frontal sinus (F) pneumatized to the orbital roof; (H) maxillary sinus floor (arrows) extends to the level of inferior
meatus; and (I) sphenoid sinus pneumatization progressively increases.

ethmoid, maxillary, and sphenoid). The sinonasal drainage pathway (FSDP), the maxillary sinus via
anatomy is discussed in the order of visualization the maxillary ostium, and the anterior ethmoidal
during endoscopic surgery. air cells. The inferior meatus drains the nasolacri-
mal apparatus via the nasolacrimal duct.15
The Nose and Nasal Cavities
Fig. 2 depicts the imaging anatomy of the surface
of the nose. The nasal cavities are triangular struc-
tures separated by the nasal septum in the midline,
limited superiorly by the cribriform plate and inferi-
orly by the hard and soft palate. Lateral walls of the
nasal cavities are complex structures that support
the inferior, middle, and superior nasal turbinates
and, occasionally, a fourth turbinate, known as
the supreme turbinate. The middle and inferior
nasal turbinates usually have a similar shape ex-
hibiting a convex margin medially and a concave
margin laterally. These turbinates divide the nasal
cavity into the superior, middle, and inferior meati.
The superior meatus drains the posterior
ethmoidal air cells and the sphenoid sinus through
the sphenoethmoidal recess. The middle meatus Fig. 2. 3-D volume-rendered CT image depicting sur-
drains the frontal sinus via the frontal sinus face anatomy of the nose.
Paranasal Sinuses Anatomy and Variants on CT 5

The Nasal Cycle comprising the vomer and the perpendicular plate
of the ethmoid.17
The mucosal lining over the nasal septum and the
Anatomic variations and the implications
nasal turbinates is influenced by the nasal cycle,
(Fig. 3):
which is responsible for alternating changes in
the turbinate sizes due to mucosal engorgement.16 1. Septal deviation: Seen in 20% to 79% of the
This cyclic and physiologic enlargement of the tur- population.18 The septum is commonly devi-
binates alternates between both nasal cavities ated in its inferior portion near the chondrovom-
every 45 minutes to 1 hour and should not be eral junction and can also assume an S-shaped
mistaken for pathology. configuration with an undulating deviation onto
both sides of the midline. Gross septal devia-
THE NASAL SEPTUM tions can displace the middle turbinate and
interfere with surgical access to the middle
The nasal septum consists of an anterior cartilagi- meatus. Septal deviations must be addressed
nous component (the septal cartilage) and a to improve surgical exposure.19
posterior bony component (the bony septum) Septal spurs may be associated with septal

Fig. 3. Coronal CT images showing nasal septum variants (arrows) (A) Vomero-septal junction deviation, (B)
S-shaped undulating deviation, (C) bony septal spur with adhesion to inferior turbinate, and (D) posterior septal
6 Vaid & Vaid

deviations and may form adhesions with the compartments.14,23 The lamellae course through
adjacent turbinates. the ethmoidal air cells and extend superiorly up to
2. Septal pneumatization: pneumatization may the skull base from the lateral nasal wall. These
occur anteriorly from the crista galli or posteri- structures are best seen in the parasagittal planes
orly from the sphenoid sinus. Posterior septal (Fig. 5) and from anterior to posterior include the
pneumatization may occasionally narrow the uncinate process, anterior margin of the bulla eth-
sphenoethmoidal recess and impede access moidalis, lamella of the middle turbinate (basal
to the sphenoid ostium. lamella), lamella of the superior turbinate, and, if
present, the lamella of the supreme turbinate. If
THE MIDDLE TURBINATE the supreme turbinate is absent, the anterior face
of the sphenoid sinus is considered the fifth lamella.
The middle turbinate is a part of the ethmoid bone Anatomic variants and the implications:
with attachments in all 3 planes (ie, sagittal, coro-
nal, and axial).20 The anterior part of the middle 1. The lamellae may be displaced, distorted, re-
turbinate is oriented vertically and is attached su- modeled, or attenuated by a variety of disease
periorly to the anterior skull base at the lateral processes. Visualization of intact lamellae indi-
border of the cribriform plate. Posteriorly, the cates, however, a benign pathology in most
attachment becomes oblique attaching to the lam- cases. The lamellae are destroyed or eroded by
ina papyracea and further posteriorly lies in a cor- malignant neoplastic lesions or aggressive infec-
onal plane attaching to the medial wall of the tive pathologies like invasive fungal disease.24
maxillary sinuses (Video 1). The obliquely directed 2. The fifth lamella is not identified in case of a
midportion of the middle turbinate is known as the nonpneumatized sphenoid sinus.
basal lamella, which is a surgical landmark 3. The suprabullar and retrobullar recesses can be
marking the division between the anterior and pos- identified while viewing the lamellar anatomy in
terior ethmoidal sinuses.17 the sagittal plane.
Anatomic variants and the implications (Fig. 4):
1. Concha bullosa: pneumatization of the inferior
bulbous portion of the middle turbinate occurs The uncinate process is a thin crescent-shaped
in approximately 24% to 55% of the population bone, which runs in a sagittal plane from anterosu-
and is usually bilateral.18,21 If the pneumatiza- perior to posteroinferior. It is attached anteriorly to
tion is restricted to the vertical lamella of the the lacrimal bone and inferiorly to the ethmoidal
turbinate above the level of the ostiomeatal process of the inferior turbinate as well as to the
unit, it is termed an interlamellar cell of Grun- perpendicular process of the palatine bone.25 Pos-
wald, lamellar bulla, or conchal neck air cell. teriorly the uncinate has a free concave margin. The
This cell generally does not disturb sinonasal superior attachment of the uncinate process may
physiology. A large concha bullosa may cause be variable. On coronal CT scan, the space be-
septal deviation and obstruct the ethmoidal tween the uncinate process and the medial wall of
infundibulum.17 the orbit denotes the ethmoidal infundibulum.26
2. Paradoxic middle turbinate: in 26% of the pop- Anatomic variants and the implications:
ulation, the middle turbinate exhibits a para-
doxic lateral convexity,22 which can impede 1. Variable attachments: the uncinate process
surgical access to the ostiomeatal unit and may attach superiorly to the lamina papyracea,
contribute to recurrent rhinosinusitis. the anterior skull base, or the middle turbinate
3. Turbinate sinus: occasionally the inferior and may also have multiple attachments to
portion of the middle turbinate curves acutely these structures. The pattern of attachment de-
on itself producing a deep invagination called termines the position of the FSDP (Fig. 6,
a turbinate sinus. Table 3).
4. Pneumatized basal lamella: may be mistaken for 2. The uncinate process may be pneumatized
an anterior ethmoidal air cell leading to incomplete (Fig. 7A) in 4% of the population28 or everted.29
exploration of the posterior ethmoid sinuses. A pneumatized uncinate process (uncinate
bulla) can narrow the infundibulum and impair
LAMELLAR ANATOMY normal sinus ventilation.30 An everted uncinate
process may be mistaken for a double middle
Lamellae are organizational plates, which turbinate on endoscopy.
develop within the cartilaginous olfactory capsule. 3. An atelectatic uncinate process (see Fig. 7B),
They are important surgical landmarks and commonly seen in maxillary sinus hypoplasia
partition the sinonasal cavity into well-defined and silent sinus syndrome, is closely related
Paranasal Sinuses Anatomy and Variants on CT 7

Fig. 4. Coronal CT images showing middle turbinate variants (arrows). (A) Bilateral concha bullosa, (B) bilateral
interlamellar cells of Grunwald, (C) bilateral paradoxic turbinates, (D) right turbinate sinus, and (E) bilateral pneu-
matized basal lamella (arrows). (From [A] Vaid S, Vaid N, Rawat S, et al. An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT:
framing a surgically relevant report. Clin Radiol 2011;66(5):466; with permission.)
8 Vaid & Vaid

Fig. 5. Sagittal oblique (A) and sagittal (B) CT images showing lamellar anatomy. 1: Uncinate process (UP) (white
arrow [A], oblique white line in [B]); 2: anterior margin of bulla ethmoidalis (BE); 3: basal lamella; 4: lamella of the
superior turbinate (ST); and 5: anterior margin of the sphenoid sinus (SS). IT, inferior turbinate; MT, middle
turbinate. Insets in figures (A) and (B) are coronal CT reference images.Yellow lines denote plane of the sagittal
images (angulated obliquely in [A] and vertical in [B]).

to the inferior and medial wall of the ipsilateral floor and the floor is formed by the alveolar pro-
orbit.31 This increases the risk of inadvertent cess of the maxilla. The infraorbital nerve (a branch
orbital penetration during FESS. of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve)
4. Rarely, the uncinate process may be entirely runs in a bony canal along the roof of the maxillary
absent.32 sinus. The maxillary ostium is located along the su-
perior aspect of the medial wall of the sinus and
drains into the base of the ethmoidal infundib-
ulum.16 The size of the ostium varies between 3
and 10 mm33 and it can exhibit variable shapes
The maxillary sinus occupies the body of the and position. The components of the ostiomeatal
maxillary bone. The roof is formed by the orbital complex as identified on coronal CT (Fig. 8)

Fig. 6. Coronal CT images showing unicate process attachments. (A) Left uncinate process (UP) attached to lamina
papyracea (arrow) with the FSDP (dashed lines) draining into the medial meatus (MM). (B) Right uncinate process
attaching to the middle turbinate (arrow) with the FSDP (dashed lines) draining into the ethmoidal infundibulum
(EI). RT, recessus terminalis.
Paranasal Sinuses Anatomy and Variants on CT 9

Table 3
Pattern of superior attachment of the uncinate process

Lamina Seen in more than 50% of individuals,27 resulting in a medial FSDP draining into the
papyracea middle meatus, creating a blind pouch laterally termed the recessus terminalis
Anterior Results in a lateral FSDP opening into the ethmoidal infundibulum, increasing chances of
skull base retrograde spread of infection into the frontal sinus from the ethmoidal sinus
Middle FSDP is displaced posterior to the agger nasi cell, which needs to be fractured to access
turbinate the FSDP.17

comprise the maxillary ostium, the middle meatus,

the ethmoidal infundibulum, the bulla ethmoidalis,
the uncinate process, and the hiatus semilunaris.34
Anatomic variants and the implications (Fig. 9):

1. Maxillary sinus hypoplasia is seen in up to 10%

of the population. Other conditions with a
reduced size of the maxillary sinus are silent si-
nus syndrome, posttraumatic, and postopera-
tive sequelae. There is a higher incidence of
orbital penetration during endoscopic surgery
if the size of the maxillary sinus is small.32
2. In hyperpneumatized maxillary sinuses, there is
a thin mucosal lining between the maxillary
antrum and the dental roots. This can predis-
pose to recurrent sinusitis from dental infec-
tions and to oroantral fistulas after dental Fig. 8. Coronal CT image showing components of the
extraction.35 ostiomeatal complex. BE, bulla ethmoidalis; EI,
3. Septae within the maxillary sinuses are com- ethmoidal infundibulum; HS: hiatus semilunaris; MO,
mon and may be fibrous or bony. They usually maxillary ostium; MM, middle meatus; UP, uncinate
extend from the infraorbital nerve canal to the process.

Fig. 7. Coronal CT images showing uncinate process variants (arrows). (A) Bilateral pneumatized uncinate pro-
cesses (UP) and (B) left atelectatic uncinate process (arrows) due to left maxillary sinus hypoplasia (MS). (From
[A] Vaid S, Vaid N, Rawat S, et al. An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT: framing a surgically relevant report.
Clin Radiol 2011;66(5):462; with permission.)
10 Vaid & Vaid

Fig. 9. Coronal CT images showing maxillary sinus variants (arrows). (A) Bilateral accessory ostia, (B) hyperpneu-
matized sinuses with exposed dental roots; normal infraorbital nerve canals (block arrows), (C) bilateral dehiscent
infraorbital nerve canals, and (D) intrasinus septum attaching to the dehiscent canal on the left side.

lateral wall. These can affect the drainage of the 5% and hypoplastic in 4% of the population.38
maxillary sinuses.18 Well-pneumatized frontal sinuses show typical
4. Accessory ostia are seen in 10% to 25% of the scalloped margins with intact internal septae.
population, located within the region of the pos- Focal dehiscences within the posterior wall of the
terior fontanelle, behind the natural ostia.36 It is frontal sinuses can be identified on sagittal
important to surgically connect both the natural imaging.
and the accessory ostia to prevent chronic The frontal beak (frontonasal process of the
recurrent sinusitis.37 maxilla) forms an important surgical and imaging
5. Bony margins of the infraorbital nerve canal landmark in the anatomy of the FSDP.39 It is iden-
may be dehiscent in up to 14% of cases, which tified on both coronal and parasagittal images
exposes the nerve to sinus pathology.8 (Fig. 10) with the frontal sinus superiorly and the
FSDP inferiorly.40 The frontal beak corresponds
THE FRONTAL SINUS AND FRONTAL SINUS to the level of the frontal ostium and hence its
DRAINAGE PATHWAY thickness determines the size of the ostium.
The agger nasi cell is the anterior most extra-
The frontal sinuses develop as extensions from the mural ethmoidal air cell, seen in 93% of the popu-
anterior ethmoidal air cells. They may be absent in lation,28 and lies within the anterior portion of the
Paranasal Sinuses Anatomy and Variants on CT 11

Fig. 10. Parasagittal (A) and coronal (B) CT images showing frontal beak (FB) separating the frontal sinus (FS)
from the FSDP (arrows, curved arrow). Parasagittal CT sections (C, D) depict impact of the FB thickness on the
size of the frontal sinus ostium (asterisk). (From Vaid S, Vaid N, Rawat S, et al. An imaging checklist for pre-
FESS CT: framing a surgically relevant report. Clin Radiol 2011;66(5):463; with permission.)

FSDP. It is best viewed on parasagittal images and 2. A small agger nasi cell is associated with a
serves as an important surgical landmark.41 This thickened frontal beak with a resultant narrow
cell is in close proximity to the nasolacrimal duct. frontal ostium forming an anatomic tight spot,
The classification of frontal cells was first which is a cause for recurrent frontal sinusitis.39
described by Kuhn in 1996.42 This article dis- Proximity of the agger nasi to the nasolacrimal
cusses the modified classification of frontoethmoi- duct can result in cross-infection between
dal cells by Wormald39 (Fig. 11, Table 4). these 2 structures.
Anatomic variants and the implications: 3. Type I and type II frontal cells do not require
1. Variability in size of the frontal sinus and prom- surgery of the frontal ostium or drilling of the
inent posterior wall dehiscences need preoper- frontal beak, which is unavoidable in type III
ative documentation in case an external and type IV frontal cells.
drainage procedure, like frontal sinus trephina- 4. The floor of the anterior cranial fossa forms the
tion, is considered, to prevent inadvertent intra- posterior border of the frontal bullar cell
cranial penetration.23 (Fig. 12A), and caution must be exercised while
12 Vaid & Vaid

Fig. 11. Sagittal CT images (A–C) showing types 1 to 3 frontal cells (arrows). Coronal CT image (D) shows bilateral
isolated type 4 frontal cells (arrows). Dotted line depicts the midpoint of the height of the frontal sinus. an, Agger
nasi; FB, frontal beak (asterisks). (From Vaid S, Vaid N, Rawat S, et al. An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT:
framing a surgically relevant report. Clin Radiol 2011;66(5):465; with permission.)

Table 4
Classification of frontoethmoidal cells

Type 1 frontal Single cell above the agger nasi and below the frontal beak (below the frontal ostium)
Type 2 frontal Two or more cells above the agger nasi and below the frontal beak (below the frontal
cells ostium)
Type 3 frontal Single cell above the agger nasi with extension through the frontal ostium into the
cell frontal sinus not exceeding 50% of the vertical height of the ipsilateral frontal sinus
Type 4 frontal Single cell above the agger nasi with extension through the frontal ostium into the
cell frontal sinus exceeding 50% of the vertical height of the ipsilateral frontal sinus or an
isolated cell within the frontal sinus
Frontal bullar Single cell extending from the suprabullar region along the undersurface of the
cell anterior skull base into the frontal sinus (anterior margin lies within the frontal sinus)
Interfrontal A cell associated with the frontal intersinus septum and may compromise the frontal
sinus septal ostium
Paranasal Sinuses Anatomy and Variants on CT 13

Fig. 12. Parasagittal CT image (A) showing a frontal bullar cell (asterisk), above the bulla ethmoidalis (B) with
anterior margin related to the frontal sinus (arrows) and posterior margin formed by the anterior skull base (ar-
rowheads). Coronal CT image (B) showing an interfrontal sinus septal cell (arrow). (From Vaid S, Vaid N, Rawat S,
et al. An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT: framing a surgically relevant report. Clin Radiol 2011;66(5):465; with

fracturing this cell to avoid inadvertent intracra- between the anterior margin of the bulla and the
nial penetration.39,40 uncinate process is called the hiatus semilunaris
5. An interfrontal sinus septal cell (see Fig. 12B) and this further opens into a triangular cavity called
may cause obstruction of the frontal ostium. the ethmoidal infundibulum.43
Anatomic variants and the implications:
Anterior ethmoid sinuses:
The anterior ethmoid sinuses are located ante- 1. An underdeveloped bulla ethmoidalis predis-
rior to the basal lamella. The largest cell in this poses to inadvertent injury to the orbit.
group is the bulla ethmoidalis, which is a key sur- 2. The suprabullar recess lies between the supe-
gical landmark during endoscopic sinus surgery. rior wall of the bulla ethmoidalis and the roof
It is of variable size and underdeveloped in of the ethmoid sinus. This recess can extend
approximately 8% of the population.9 The cleft laterally as supraorbital cells (Fig. 13A). Large

Fig. 13. Coronal CT images showing (A) bilateral supraorbital cells (arrows) and (B) bilateral Haller cells (arrows).
14 Vaid & Vaid

Fig. 14. Axial (A) and coronal (B) CT images showing focal dehiscence of the right lamina papyracea (arrow).

supraorbital cells can displace the bony canal of the medial orbital wall behind the bulla ethmoi-
for anterior ethmoidal artery posteriorly and dalis (Fig. 16A).26
may also be mistaken for frontal sinus cells.34 Anatomic variants and the implications:
3. A retrobullar recess is formed if the posterior
margin of the ethmoidal bulla does not reach 1. Defects in the posterior lamina papyracea are
the basal lamella. The bulla ethmoidalis drains more significant because there is a relatively
into this recess. thinner fat pad between the medial rectus mus-
4. Anterior ethmoidal air cells extending along the cle and the lamina papyracea with increased
floor of the orbits, lateral to the sagittal plane of chances of muscle laceration, orbital hema-
the lamina papyracea are called Haller cells toma, and orbital fibrosis.45
(see Fig. 13B), reported in 10% to 45% of the
patients.28 These cells narrow the maxillary si-
nus ostium. The inferior walls of the Haller cells
are at times extremely thin and seen only after
adjusting the CT window settings.38


The lamina papyracea forms the lateral walls of the
ethmoid sinuses separating them from the
adjacent orbits. Focal small corticated defects in
the lamina papyracea are seen in up to 0.5% to
10% of the population and are not clinically
significant.34 Larger defects (congenital, post-
traumatic, or postoperative) in the lamina (Fig. 14)
need preoperative documentation to avoid inad-
vertent orbital injury. On coronal CT, the maxillary
ostium and the lamina papyracea are aligned in
the same sagittal plane (Fig. 15). A medially posi-
Fig. 15. Coronal CT image with dashed vertical line
tioned lamina papyracea predisposes to orbital
representing sagittal plane of the right lamina papyra-
penetration.44 cea passing medial to the sagittal plane of the right
The anterior ethmoidal artery (branch of the maxillary ostium (dotted line). (From Vaid S, Vaid N,
ophthalmic artery) courses in a bony canal through Rawat S, et al. An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT:
the upper one-third of the lamina papyracea. This framing a surgically relevant report. Clin Radiol
canal can be identified on coronal CT by a beaking 2011;66(5):469; with permission.)
Paranasal Sinuses Anatomy and Variants on CT 15

Fig. 16. Coronal CT images showing (A) normal bony canal for the anterior ethmoidal arteries (arrows) and (B)
both arteries (arrows) suspended in a mesentery without bone cover. (From [B] Vaid S, Vaid N, Rawat S, et al.
An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT: framing a surgically relevant report. Clin Radiol 2011;66(5):468; with

2. Normal bony covering of the anterior ethmoidal THE ANTERIOR SKULL BASE: OLFACTORY
artery may be absent and the canal may be FOSSA AND HEIGHT OF THE ETHMOID
dehiscent inferiorly into the anterior ethmoidal SKULL BASE
air cells in up to 40% of cases.46 In these cases, The Olfactory Fossa
the artery is suspended on a mucous mem-
The olfactory fossa, containing the olfactory bulbs
brane mesentery and can be injured during sur-
and tracts, is formed by the crista galli medially,
gery (see Fig. 16B).
16 Vaid & Vaid

Fig. 17. Coronal CT images depicting Keros classification of olfactory fossae (A–C). (D) Asymmetric levels of the
olfactory fossae (arrows).

medial lamella of the cribriform plate inferiorly, and and lateral lamella of the cribriform plate is
lateral lamella of the cribriform plate laterally. also variable.26 Inadvertent intracranial pene-
There are 3 types of olfactory fossae described tration is more common on the side where the
by Keros47 based on the length of the lateral olfactory fossa is lower and on the side where
lamella of the cribriform plate (Fig. 17, Table 5). the angle between the medial and lateral
Because the lateral lamella of the cribriform plate lamella of the cribriform plate is greater.
is structurally the thinnest bone in the anterior skull 3. An aerated crista galli is seen in 13% of patients
base and dehiscent in up to 14% of patients,48 with pneumatization occurring from the frontal
there is a greater risk of intraoperative injury and sinuses.50 When aerated, the crista galli is likely
iatrogenic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak in this to communicate with the frontal recess and can
region.49 obstruct the frontal ostium leading to chronic
Anatomic variants and implications: infections and mucocoele formation.51

1. Both the type 1 and the type 3 olfactory fossae

Height of the Ethmoid Skull Base
are more prone to intraoperative injury.
2. Asymmetry in the level of the olfactory fossa The roof of the anterior ethmoid sinus is formed by
occurs in up to 10% to 30% of the population the fovea ethmoidalis laterally and the cribriform
(see Fig. 17D). The angle between the medial plate medially. It is important to identify a low

Table 5
Keros classification of the olfactory fossa

Type 1 Length of the lateral lamella is 1–3 mm, indicating a shallow or flat olfactory fossa seen in 30%
of cases.
Type 2 Length of the lateral lamella is 4–7 mm, indicating a moderately deep olfactory fossa seen in
49% of cases.
Type 3 The lateral lamella is longer, measuring 8–16 mm with a resultant deep olfactory fossa seen in
21% of cases.26
Paranasal Sinuses Anatomy and Variants on CT 17

Fig. 18. ESB height. Coronal CT image (A) showing a normal ESB height with the vertical distance (D) between the
midorbital plane (MOP) (dashed line) and the anterior skull base (dotted line) measuring more than 8.5 mm (see
Table 6). Coronal CT image (B) showing a low-lying foveal plane (arrow) reaching the midorbital plane (horizon-
tal white line). The dotted line depicts the vertical height of the right orbit. (From [B] Vaid S, Vaid N, Rawat S,
et al. An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT: framing a surgically relevant report. Clin Radiol 2011;66(5):467;
with permission.)

ethmoid skull base (ESB) preoperatively to prevent 1. A low ESB indicates a dangerously low lying
potentially catastrophic intraoperative injuries.52 and medially sloping anterior skull base with
The height of the ESB can be assessed by 2 higher chances intraoperative intracranial
methods proposed by Myers and Valvasorri44 penetration.53
and more recently by Rudmik and Smith53 2. A low-lying anterior skull base also indicates
(Fig. 18, Table 6). reduced height of the posterior ethmoid
Anatomic variants and implications: sinuses.44

Table 6
Estimation of the height of the ethmoidal skull base

Authors Methodology Interpretation

Myers & Valvasorri,44 The vertical height of the orbit is If the ESB passes above the upper third
1998 divided into 3 equal sections. The of the vertical height of the
position of the ESB is documented ipsilateral orbit, it indicates a
in reference to upper, middle, or normal and hence a surgically safe
lower third of the vertical orbital ESB. An ESB passing through or
height. below the midorbital plane is
considered a low ESB.
Rudmik & Smith,53 The vertical distance between the In their study, the mean height of the
2012 height of the ESB and the ESB was found to be 8.5 mm. A
midorbital plane is measured in a vertical height of more than 8.5 mm
coronal CT image showing the canal was considered a safe and high ESB;
for the anterior ethmoidal artery. a measurement between 4 and
7 mm was considered a moderately
safe ESB; and a height less than
4 mm was deemed a low and
surgically unsafe ESB with high
chances of inadvertent intracranial
18 Vaid & Vaid


The Posterior Ethmoid Sinus
The posterior ethmoidal air cells are located be-
tween the basal lamella and the sphenoid sinus
and are fewer in number1–4 than the anterior
ethmoidal cells. The lamina papyracea lies laterally
and the superior turbinate forms the medial
boundary of this sinus group, which drain into
the superior meatus. It is important to document
the height of the posterior ethmoid sinus, which
is the vertical distance between the superior
margin of the maxillary sinus and roof of the poste-
rior ethmoid sinus on coronal CT images.
Anatomic variants and implications:
1. Sphenoethmoidal cell (Onodi cell): Because the
posterior ethmoidal cells pneumatize before the
sphenoid sinus, they have a high propensity to
Fig. 19. Coronal CT image showing bilateral Onodi grow above and lateral to the developing sphe-
cells (O), the cruciform sign, with both optic nerves noid sinus forming the Onodi cell. This is seen in
coursing through the cells (arrows). 3.4% to 14% of the general population.54 An
Onodi cell should be suspected on coronal CT
Box 2 images, which show an obliquely oriented or
Learning points - 2 horizontal septum within the sphenoid sinus
Although the middle turbinate is an exception- (Fig. 19). Some investigators have proposed a
ally stable structure, its superior attachment to cruciform sign to help diagnose bilateral Onodi
the anterior skull base is most vulnerable to in- cells, in which a coronal CT image at the level of
traoperative injury and resultant CSF leak. the posterior choana demonstrates the sphe-
Identification of lamellar anatomy in sinus pa- noid air cell showing cruciform septation.17
thologies is important to formulate a reason- Important critical relationships of the sphenoid
ably accurate differential diagnosis. An sinus, namely the optic nerves and internal ca-
atelectatic uncinate process and a dehiscent rotid arteries, are directly related to the poste-
medially located lamina papyracea are critical rior ethmoid sinuses and hence are at risk
anatomic variants needing preoperative CT
during surgery.
identification to avoid inadvertent orbital
penetration during FESS.
2. Reduction in the height of the posterior ethmoid
sinus can lead to inadvertent intracranial
Inadvertent intracranial penetration can be penetration.
avoided during FESS by preoperative CT identi-
fication of a low ethmoid skull base, presence of
a frontal bullar cell, Keros type 1 and type 3 ol-
factory fossae and asymmetric olfactory fossae.

Table 7
Classification of type of sphenoid sinus

Sphenoid sinus A nonpneumatized sphenoid sinus seen in <0.7% of individuals

Conchal sphenoid A small rudimentary air cavity within the sphenoid bone, not reaching up to the
sinus anterior wall of the sella tursica, seen in 1%–4% of the population
Presellar sphenoid The posterior sinus wall extends up to the anterior wall of the sella tursica seen in
sinus 35%–40% of the population.
Sellar sphenoid The sinus cavity extends beyond the anterior wall of the sella tursica below the
sinus pituitary fossa seen in 55%–60% of the population. Wang and colleagues56
further classified this type of sphenoid sinus more recently based on the direction
of pneumatization into sphenoid body, lateral clivus, lesser sphenoid wing,
anterior rostral, and the combined variety.
Table 8
Critical neurovascular/congenital channels related to the sphenoid sinus

Optic nerve canals Related to the roof of the sphenoid sinus. Bony walls can be dehiscent in up
to 24% of cases.57 Delano and colleagues classified the optic nerves into 4
categories based on the relationship of the nerve with the sphenoid and
posterior ethmoid sinuses.58
The internal carotid Located along the posterolateral wall of the sphenoid sinus, and the bony
artery canals coverings may be dehiscent in up to 25% of cases.43
The pterygoid canals Along the inferior sinus walls, which transmit the combined great petrosal
(vidian canals) and deep petrosal nerve complex as well as the artery and vein of the
pterygoid canal59
Foramen rotundum Along the lateral sinus walls, which transmit the maxillary division of the
trigeminal nerve, artery of the foramen rotundum, and an emissary vein
Lateral craniopharyngeal Represents a congenital bony defect in the lateral wall of the sphenoid
canal (Sternberg canal) sinus situated further lateral to the maxillary nerve

Fig. 20. Coronal CT images (A–D) showing sphenoid sinus variants. (A) Bilateral optic nerve dehiscence (arrows)
with intrasinus septum attaching to right optic nerve canal (block arrow). (B) Prominent lateral recesses (asterisk)
with endosinal vidian canals (arrows). (C) Endosinal right foramen rotundum. (D) Widened lateral craniopharyng-
eal canal on right side (arrows) with coronal T1W MR image (E) showing an associated sphenoid sinus menin-
goencephalocoele (asterisks). (From Vaid S, Vaid N, Rawat S, et al. An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT:
framing a surgically relevant report. Clin Radiol 2011;66(5):467; with permission.)
20 Vaid & Vaid

Box 3 5. In approximately 80% of cases of anterior cli-

Learning points - 3 noid process pneumatization, the optic nerve
is dehiscent into the superolateral aspect of
Important nerves and vessels related to the par- the sphenoid sinus.
anasal sinuses include
1. Infraorbital nerves along the roof of the
maxillary sinus
Box 4
2. Optic nerves Learning points - 4
3. Internal carotid arteries
The FESS surgeon’s basic preoperative imaging
4. Pterygoid artery and vein and the great checklist should include (CLOSE):
petrosal-deep petrosal nerve complex in
C: Cribriform plate anatomy
the vidian canal
L: Lamina papyracea integrity
5. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve in
the foramen rotundum O: Optic nerve anatomy
S: Sphenoid sinus anatomy, internal carotid ar-
tery anatomy, and presence of the Onodi cell
E: Ethmoidal (anterior) artery anatomy

The Sphenoid Sinus

The sphenoid sinus develops in the body of the SUMMARY
sphenoid bone and is generally bilateral although
asymmetric in size.8 The septae within the sphe- A structured approach to reading CT scans of the
noid sinus are usually vertical in orientation. The paranasal sinuses using multiplanar imaging en-
sphenoid sinus is classified into 4 types depending ables a better understanding of the complex anat-
on the degree of pneumatization55 (Table 7). There omy of this region and its numerous anatomic
are several bony canals and foramina transmitting variants. It is important for radiologists to be aware
critical neurovascular structures related to the of the critical clinical implications of identifying
sphenoid sinus (Table 8). these anatomic variations. A continuing interaction
The anterior clinoid processes may be pneu- between the radiologist and surgeon improves the
matized in up to 6% to 13% of cases18,28 form- overall quality of the scan reports, resulting in bet-
ing the opticocarotid recess between the optic ter surgical outcomes.
nerve above and the internal carotid artery
Anatomic variants and the implications (Fig. 20): SUPPLEMENTARY DATA

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transsphenoidal endoscopic skull base surgery. 2015.07.002.
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