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Name: Emma Knaub

Professor: Adrienna Viramontes

Class: Senior Seminar

Date: 04/09/2024

Diversity Learning Goal:

How can we define what diversity is? The communications program defines this

as “integrating race, class, gender, sexuality and other forms of difference in his/her

personal and professional communication”. For me, I think of it as a group of people or

just the whole world in general where it has a mix of race, gender, class, sexuality,

religion, etc., but no matter where you go there's always some form of diversity around


While at UW-Parkside in the Communications program, I wrote about this

learning goal in a sophomore seminar. Since then, I have gained more experience,

knowledge, and understanding of this learning goal in my final year at the university. I

have seen this many times where diversity has been a part of my academic journey.

Each class that I have been to each year even now in our class senior seminar. I can

see how each of my classmates express themselves each day either through clothing,

religion, sexuality, or even their race. That said, we as a community can learn new

things that we may not have known about from the other person with different values or


Now when it comes to my personal and professional life, I can say that I have

used or seen this learning goal in my personal and professional life. In my personal life,
every day in my day-to-day life, I have crossed paths with all different types of diversity.

I even have friends or acquaintances in my life with different diversity from me and I

love to see them expressing that through anything they wear/or do. Now in my

professional life, I have experienced diversity when I’m at work. Anytime I’m scheduled

for a shift, I am always communicating with all sorts of diverse people even if it’s for a

few seconds. This doesn't matter what store I go to or work at, I am always in some type

of way seeing or interacting with different diversities.

In conclusion, when it comes to diversity, I can say without a doubt I have used

this learning in the past and I will continue to do so in the future. There's frankly no way

for you not to be able to use this anytime you're interacting with someone because we

all have our diversity within us.

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