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A.Y. 2023-2024

NAME: _______________________ DATE: _____________

SECTION: ____________________ SCORE: ____________

I. Multiple Choice
A. Directions. Read and analyze each statement. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct

1. What is the system that coordinates with skeletal, integumentary, and nervous system for
movement of body parts and locomotion?

A. Immune System B. Circulatory System C. Muscular System D. Digestive System

2. Which of the following is responsible for voluntary movements, which connects with and pulls the
bones in skeleton which enables movement?

A. Myofibril B. Skeletal Muscle C. Muscle Fiber D. Muscle

3. What do you call a model that is used to portray how muscle fibers contract and relax to allow

A. Torso Model B. Heart Model C. Brain Model D. Sliding Filament Model

4. What do you call the major building block of muscle cells or muscle fiber?

A. Myofibril B. Skeletal Muscle C. Muscle Fiber D. Muscle

5. Which part of the skin is layer of fibrous connective tissue that many structures are located?

A. Dermis B. Epididymis C. Epidermis D. Skin

6. Which system is responsible for preventing water loss and the invasion of pathogens?

A. Nervous System B. Integumentary System C. Excretory System D. Digestive System

II. Identification
A. Directions. Read each statement carefully. Identify the words or phrases being described
in the sentence.

____________7. It is composed of bones joined together at joins and is commonly found mostly in
vertebrates. Endoskeleton
____________8. It works by utilizing fluid pressure to change the shape of an organism’s body
structures allowing for movement. Hydrostatic Skeletons
____________9. It functions as the entrance for sperms to enter the uterus and it slightly opens to
allow menstrual blood to flow out of the uterus. Cervix
____________10. It is a long muscular tube that travels from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity,
just behind the urinary bladder. Vas Deferens
____________11. It is a walnut-sized gland that rests below your bladder, in front of your rectum.

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____________12. It moves through your prostate, where they collect fluid to add to semen that
emptied into your urethra. Ejaculatory Ducts
____________13. It is the important passageway for an egg and a sperm to meet and for fertilized
egg to make its way to your uterus. Fallopian Tube
____________14. It involves defenses that target specific pathogens by recognizing a specific foreign
substance by its antigen, and the marshalling appropriate defenses. Adaptive of Specific
____________15. It is responsible for producing and storing gametes, fertilization, and fetal
development. Reproductive System

III. Enumeration
A. Direction. List down or enumerate what is being asked on each of the following items.

16-19. List the main components of the immune system.

B. Directions. Observe the illustration below. Label the parts of the plants and write your
answer to the box provided.





A. Directions. Read the following questions and explain them clearly and briefly. Write your
answer on the space provided.

25-28. How does the muscular system help the body in doing motor skills as well as controlling the
entire movement of the body?

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29-32. How important is the skeletal system not just as the support system of the body but also as
the protection of other organ systems?
33-36. How can you relate the layers of the skin to the degree of the burn that person can received
in times of fire?
37-40. Why does immune system is considered as the internal shield and guard of the body?
A. Directions. Read the following questions and explain them clearly and briefly. Write your
answer on the space provided.

41-44. The journey of adolescence is marked by significant changes in the reproductive system that
give rise to secondary sexual characteristics. By examining the biological mechanisms involved,
understanding the psychological implications, and considering the long-term effects on health and
identity formation, we gain insight into the complex interplay between biology, environment, and
individual experience during this transformative period of development. In what ways does the
reproductive system contribute to the development of secondary sexual characteristics in individuals
during adolescence?
45-48. The various parts of the plant play crucial roles in facilitating the process of photosynthesis
and sustaining plant growth in diverse environmental conditions. By examining the specific structures
and functions of leaves, stems, and roots, we gain insight into the complex mechanisms underlying
photosynthetic efficiency and resource allocation within plants. How do the specific structures and
functions of different plant parts, such as leaves, stems, and roots, contribute to the process of

Directions: Read and analyze the informative articles below then answer the question by completing
the C-E-R Table.

Questions: How important it is to assure that all the system in the body are functioning and working
well together?
Claims or Answer: (49-51.)

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Informative Article 1:

All the organs and organ systems of the human body work together like a well-oiled machine. This is
because they are closely regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems. The nervous
system controls virtually all body activities, and the endocrine system secretes hormones that
regulate these activities. Functioning together, the organ systems supply body cells with all the
substances they need and eliminate their waste. They also keep temperature, pH, and other
conditions at just the right levels to support life processes. Some processes in the body are regulated
by positive feedback. Positive feedback is when a response to an event increases the likelihood of the
event continuing. An example of positive feedback is milk production in nursing mothers. As the baby
drinks her mother's milk, the hormone prolactin, a chemical signal, is released. The more the baby
suckles, the more prolactin is released, which causes more milk to be produced. Other examples of
positive feedback include contractions during childbirth. When constrictions in the uterus push a baby
into the birth canal, additional contractions occur. Many homeostatic mechanisms such as these work
continuously to maintain stable conditions in the human body. Sometimes, however, the mechanisms
fail. When they do, cells may not get everything they need, or toxic wastes may accumulate in the
body. If homeostasis is not restored, the imbalance may lead to disease or even death. Another
example of negative feedback has to do with blood glucose levels. When glucose (sugar) levels in the
blood are too high, the pancreas secretes insulin to stimulate the absorption of glucose and the
conversion of glucose into glycogen, which is stored in the liver. As blood glucose levels decrease,
less insulin is produced. When glucose levels are too low, another hormone called glucagon is
produced, which causes the liver to convert glycogen back to glucose.
Informative Article 2:

Just like workers on an assembly line, the organs of an organ system must work together for the
system to function. For instance, the function of the digestive system—taking in food, breaking it
down into molecules small enough to be absorbed, absorbing it, and eliminating undigested waste
products—depends on each successive organ doing its individual job. Digestion is the breakdown of
food so that its nutrients can be absorbed. It includes both mechanical digestion and chemical
digestion. In mechanical digestion, chunks of food are broken into smaller pieces. In chemical
digestion, large molecules like proteins and starches are broken into simpler units that can be readily
absorbed. Mechanical digestion, along with some initial chemical digestion, takes place in the mouth
and stomach. Chewing breaks food into smaller pieces, and the stomach churns the food up into a
fluid mixture. The stomach also acts as a storage tank, releasing partially digested food into the small
intestine at a rate the small intestine can handle. Although we often talk about the different organ
systems as though they were distinct, parts of one system may play a role in another system. The
mouth, for instance, belongs to both the respiratory system and the digestive system. There's also a
lot of functional overlap among the different systems. For instance, while we tend to think of the
cardiovascular system as delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, it also plays a role in maintaining
temperature. The blood also transports hormones produced by the glands of the endocrine system,
and white blood cells are a key component of the immune system.
Cite from each article one evidences that support your claim or answer.
Evidence 1: (52.)

Evidence 2:(53.)

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Explain how your pieces of evidence support your claim.
REASONING (54.-56.)
My chosen pieces of evidence support my claim because…

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from
– Colin Powell


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