A Study of The Schumann Resonances

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A Study of the Schumann Resonances

- Its Relevance to Human Life,

and Sound
© Thomas Schache
September 2020

This document is a fairly detailed introduction into the Schumann resonances, its characteristics,
and its strength compared to other electric fields. It explains what has been discovered by
describing several experiments that have been conducted, and looks at how these experiments
relate to the human body and the Schumann resonances. It then examines how the Schumann
resonances relate to sound, and identifies how they can be correctly used in sound work.

To assist in understanding the numbers given in this document, here is a reference chart to show
some of the metric prefixes and how they relate to each other: [ 1 ]

Prefix Prefix Base 10 Decimal

name symbol
giga G 109 1,000,000,000
mega M 106 1,000,000
kilo k 103 1,000
- - 100 1
milli m 10-3 0.001
micro μ 10-6 0.000,001
nano n 10-9 0.000,000,001
pico p 10-12 0.000,000,000,001

The Atmospheric Electromagnetic Field

The earth’s atmosphere has an electric charge. This charge flows as ions that are carried by the
atmosphere around the earth between the ground and the ionosphere. The ions are created
mainly by solar radiation and thunderstorms. So there is always an amount of charge in the
atmosphere. This permanent charge, or background electric charge, is called the Fair-weather
condition. It describes the normal state of the atmosphere without any spikes from any other
causes. It’s measured at around 100 - 150 Volts/m.

We don’t get electrocuted from this charge because we are standing on the ground. Our bodies
are grounded. The poorly conducting air cannot charge up a grounded object. When a
thunderstorm moves over us the electric charge increases dramatically to 10’s of kV/m. At this
level, there is a threat of a lightning strike.

Lightning strikes the earth at roughly 40,000 times per day. When lightning strikes,
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is released into the atmosphere moving at the speed of light. This
moving EMR creates an electromagnetic field (EMF) which propagates at about the speed of light.
This EMF peaks in the range of 3 Hz - 60 Hz. This range is called Extremely Low Frequency (ELF).
[ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]

When the EMF propagates around the earth, some frequencies resonate between the surface of
the earth and the ionosphere. These are called the Schumann Resonant Frequencies. The

basic resonant frequencies are roughly around 7.83 Hz (fundamental), 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, & 33.8 Hz.
Higher resonant frequencies exist, but are much weaker. [ 5 ]

The resonant frequencies bounce around the earth in the fashion as shown here in Figure 1.

Figure 1

The Schumann resonances are so small that special receivers and antennas are needed to detect
and record them.

Here is an example of a Schumann Resonance graph:

Figure 2

The vertical axis is measured in Hertz.

The horizontal axis is measured in hours, the date is along the top.
The intensity of the signal is shown by the colours, which is
measured in Decibels.
Figure 3

The table below shows various measurements for the Schumann Resonant electric field, and the
Static fair-weather electric field. To compare these reading with other readings we might be more
familiar with, there are two more columns. These are EMF measurements of household items, and
the Recommended levels of EMF allowed in our houses.

Schumann Static fair- Household Recommended

Resonance weather items levels of EMF in
electric field electric field our houses
[ 9 ][ 10 ][ 11 ]
In the
Electric Fields ~300 ~150 Volts/m Coffee maker: RF Radiation
microVolts/m At 1m: Daytime:
Measurements: approx 10 V/m 0.2 V/m
[ 12 ]
V/m = another source
Volt/metre another says Nighttime:
source says 120 Volts/m at Induction 0.06 V/m
220 - 1,120 sea level. [ 2 ] cooktop:
microVolts/m at 1 foot:
another source 100 V/m [ 9 ]
says approx Electric fields
100 Volts/m at Microwave: Daytime:
sea level. [ 4 ] at 1 foot: 10 V/m
40 V/m [ 9 ]
Contact with a 1.5 V/m
(Compare that to appliance:
under a ~ 50-1000V/m
[ 12 ]
10’s of kV/m[ 4 ] )
~ 1-5 V/m[ 12 ]

~ 50-3000
V/m[ 12 ]

~5-30 V/m[ 12 ]

Magnetic ~1 picoTesla Earth’s magnetic Fridge: 1 mG

Fields field: ~ 30-50 at 1 foot or
(= 10 nanoG) microTeslas less:
measurements: 1.5 mG,
T = Tesla (= 300-500 at 3 feet or
G = Gauss milliG) more:
[ 7 ][ 8 ]
less than 1 mG

at 1 foot:
10 mG [ 9 ]
at 1 foot:
80 mG [ 9 ]

House wiring:
0.01 mG - 10
mG [ 12 ]

Up to 5mG [ 12 ]

0.01 mG - 10
mG [ 12 ]

Amount of ~1000-1800 Body averaged

electricity in amps globally current
the and about density:[ 12 ]
atmosphere 3.5 microamps
And current per square Appliance
density. kilometre. [ 2 ] contact:
1 - 20
Measurements: nA/square cm
Amps per
square metre Electric shaver:
1 - 30
nA/square cm

1 - 5 nA/
square cm

1 - 3 nA/
square cm

Figure 4

The following table shows how much bigger other EMF’s are, compared to the Schumann

Relative size Schumann Static fair- Household Recommended

of strength of Resonance weather items levels of EMF in
other EMF electric field electric field our houses
examples to In the
Schumann atmosphere
Electric Fields -- Approx range: Approx RF Radiaton:
90,000x to 1,000x to Approx
700,000x 13,000,000x 54x to

Electric fields:
1,300x to

Magnetic -- Approx Approx Approx

Fields 30,000,000x to 100,000x to 100,000x
50,000,000x 8,000,000x

Figure 5

Figure 5 shows just how small the Schumann Resonant Electric Field is. The size of the static Fair-
weather electric field is roughly 90,000 to 700,000 times larger than the size of the Schuman
Resonant Electric Field.

Household items have an electric field approximately 1,000 - 13,000,000 times the size of the
Schumann resonances, depending on their size and their proximity. And the recommended sizes of
household fields are roughly 55 (RF at night) to 45,000 (electric field during the day) times the
size of Schumann resonances.

You can see even bigger differences for the various sizes of Magnetic Fields when compared to the
Schumann Resonances.

Studies on how we are affected by the Schumann resonance
Schumann predicted that EMF resonated around the earth in 1952. These resonances were found
and measured by Balser & Wagner in 1960-63. [ 5 ] There have been many experiments conducted
that have measured global atmospheric and environmental conditions and measured and tested
their effects on the human body.

The following presents some of the experiments conducted in chronological order, and looks at
what ideas were developed.

1967 - Michael Persinger

Michael Persinger was an American-Canadian professor whose fields of study included finding
explanations for experiencing mystical experiences, parapsychological phenomena, UFO’s, and the
effect of the change of small magnetic field intensities integrating cellular activity, and human
thought. He also conducted a number of experiments on a “God Helmet” amongst other things. He
was attempting to see whether a weak magnetic field could affect a person’s brain. Opponents to
his work said that the results were predicted by suggestibility. [ 14 ]

There is a story (and some variants) made by many websites that he developed a Schumann wave
generator to overcome the loss of bone density of the early cosmonauts due to a lack of action of
the Schumann resonance in space. And some websites also say that he worked with NASA to
develop it. One website quotes a paper “Persinger 1967” However I could find no evidence that
this existed.[ 13 ] And in 1967 Persinger had just graduated from University. [ 13 ][ 14 ]

1981 - “Biologic Effects of Environmental Electromagnetism”

Harold König et al, wrote a book in 1981 entitled “Biologic Effects of Environmental
Electromagnetism”, [ 15 ] and on page 13, used a graph from a paper by Schneider in 1964, which
shows the visual similarities between the fundamental Schumann resonant frequency and an EEG
of a person in Theta/Alpha mode. Schneider then hypothesized that a human’s brain must be
somehow entrained to the Schumann frequency.

In the same book, on page 222, König then quoted an experiment done by Maxey in 1976, that
tested that out, and the result was that in 10% of the subjects, the brainwaves seemed to be
affected by the EMF that was induced (In order of 10-6 T). Maxey then went on to compare it to
atmospheric magnetic storms and aircraft accidents (“pilot-error weather”).

The amplitude of the Schumann Resonant Frequency is about 300 microVolts/m as displayed
above, and the average EEG reading of a person is roughly 10-100 microVolts/m [ 16 ] Both are
fairly similar to each other, although the EEG reading is smaller. Also, the signal within the brain of
a person may be higher than this number as the signal has to go through the scalp before it
reaches the electrodes.

The magnetic field that was induced by Maxey (10-6 T) is about 106 times greater than the
Schumann Resonance, and a storm is many many more times stronger again!

1981 - “Simulated VLF-fields as a risk factor of thrombosis”

In 1981, E. Jacobi conducted an experiment at the University of Düsselforf entitled “Simulated

VLF-fields as a risk factor of thrombosis”. [ 17 ] The experiment analyses the effect of VLF (very low
frequencies) created by the movement from anticyclones to new frontal zones as a risk factor on
thrombosis. The frequency of the impulses used to replicate this was 10 Hz, and the amplitude of
the electrical field used was 400 mV/m.

Many websites quote this experiment and say that it shows that the absence of Schumann waves
creates mental and physical health problems in the human body. This experiment does not do
that. In fact, it doesn’t mention the Schumann resonances at all.

The energy field used is similar to twice the amount of RF radiation that is recommended during
the daytime in the table above, and is roughly 360-1,800 times the size of a Schumann resonance.
The frequency of 10 Hz is not a Schumann resonance, but it does fall in the same range.

It is possible that the people who quote this confuse the actual VLF produced with the VLF waves
that start to resonate.

1989 - “Biological Effects of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields”

In 1989, the Office of Technology Assessment, of the Congress of the United States, had a
Background Paper made available. The subject was “Biological Effects of Power Frequency Electric
and Magnetic Fields” [ 12 ]

This article quotes two of Wever’s experiments.[ 18 ][ 19 ] In those experiments, subjects were placed
in bunkers - one was shielded from natural EMF, and the other wasn’t. The subjects that were
placed in the shielded bunker developed longer circadian rhythms. The subjects that were placed
in the non-shielded bunker didn’t change. Then the subjects that were placed in the shielded
bunker were exposed to a small electric field of 2.5V/m at 10 Hz. When these were applied in 12
hour cycles, the circadian rhythm returned to its natural value. When a 600 V/m Direct Current
(DC) was applied it didn’t have any effect.

Their conclusion on the effect of EMF on the human body, including the brain, central nervous
system, and circadian variations stated, amongst other things, that the central nervous system
may have dependencies which are at very specific frequencies and intensities, and may vary with
the environment. The effects may be latent, and the effects of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
fields are specific, with respect to the regions of the brain affected, and the point of administration
in the circadian rhythm.)

The electric field used here is many times larger than the Schumann resonance, and 10 Hz is not
one of the Resonant frequencies, however it is within the range of the Schumann resonances.
However, no mention was made of the Schumann resonances in this 110-page paper. It is
interesting to note that it was mentioned that the central nervous system may have dependencies
which are at very specific frequencies and intensities.

1992 - “Clinical Case Report: Successful Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis With Magnetic

In 1992, Reuven Sandyk conducted an experiment entitled “Clinical Case Report: Successful
Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis With Magnetic Fields”. [ 20 ] In this case, Sandyk exposes a patient
with a picoTesla magnetic field.

This is within a similar strength and range of the Schumann resonances.

1993 - “Magnetic Fields Normalize Visual Evoked Potentials and Brainstem Auditory
Evoked Potentials in Multiple Sclerosis”

In 1993, Reuvan Sandyk & Kyriakos Derpapas conducted an experiment entitled “Magnetic Fields
Normalize Visual Evoked Potentials and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Multiple Sclerosis”.
[ 21 ]

In this case, Sandyk and Derpapas use a magnetic field of 7.5 picoTesla at 5Hz with positive
results. 7.5 pT is about 7.5 times the Magnetic Field strength of a Schumann Resonance. 5Hz is
not a Schumann Resonance.

1994 - “Pineal-hypothalamic tract mediation of picotesla magnetic fields in the

treatment of neurological disorders”

In 1994, J.I. Jacobson wrote “Pineal-hypothalamic tract mediation of picotesla magnetic fields in
the treatment of neurological disorders”. [ 22 ] He was looking at the clinical efficacy of picotesla
magnetic fields in the treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. He used a
magnetic field ranging from about 50 nanoGauss to about 250 nG at frequencies of 2 to 7 Hz. He
used a sinusoidal wave. A positive amelioration or palliation was observed over an extended period
of time in most cases.

Again, Schumann’s Resonances, again are much weaker (10nG) and are just above this frequency

Many more small experiments

Many small experiments were conducted on this type of procedure. A list can be found on the
website “Altered States”. [ 23 ] Another list can be found at “Earth Pulse”. [ 24 ] The ones that state
what size and frequency of Magnetic Field all state numbers similar to the ones above. “Altered
States” also quotes another experiment done by Lappin MS et al, [ 25 ] which has a test group of
117 subjects, and the results confirmed the smaller experiments.

2002 - “Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human

health effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Activity”

Neil Cherry collated and analysed a large number of studies to examine whether Solar and
Geomagnetic Activity (S-GMA) (Including Schumanns resonances) affects the physical and
biological health of life on earth. [ 6 ] He used statistical, graphical, and analytical methods to
conclude that there is robust evidence that the Schumann hypothesis contains plausible biological
mechanisms for observed health effects caused by Solar/Geomagnetic Activity.

2003 - “Physiological and Molecular Genetic Effects of Time-Varying Electromagnetic
Fields on Human Neuronal Cells”

Thomas J. Goodwin. 2003 wrote an experiment about the “Physiological and Molecular Genetic
Effects of Time-Varying Electromagnetic Fields on Human Neuronal Cells”. [ 26 ] He was using cells
in petri dishes and exposing them to weak magnetic fields. It was under the auspices of the NASA
Scientific and Technical Information Program Office. They were trying to regenerate neuronal
tissues. In that experiment, it states that Borgens et al. (1994) confirmed that low-level electric
fields and physiological voltage gradients have importance in the regenerative process. In this
experiment he used electromagnetism to stimulate growth. He also uses a time-varying current to
induce a corresponding time-varying electromagnetic field to increase and align cell growth.
He used 1-6mA square wave with a pulse-width modulated 10Hz variable duty cycle. So the
current was basically a square wave that was oscillating at 10Hz. The cells were exposed to ELF
waves of ~10-200 mGauss. There were positive results. The affected cells grew at 2.5-4.0 times
the rate of the control cells.

The strength of these ELF waves is about 1,000,000 to 20,000,000 times bigger than the
Schumann resonances, and once again, 10 Hz is not a Schumann resonance.

2013 - “Greater electroencephalographic coherence between left and right temporal

lobe structures during increased geomagnetic activity”

In 2013, Kevin S Saroka et al, (including Michael A Persinger) seemed to show in the paper
“Greater electroencephalographic coherence between left and right temporal lobe structures
during increased geomagnetic activity” [ 27 ] that the human brain may still be influenced by
geomagnetic activity based around the 11Hz area during increased global geomagnetic activity
(>~8nT). They correlated 184 men and women over a period of three years, and found a “weak
but reliable” correlation.

The “global geomagnetic activity, >~8nT” is still about 8,000 times larger than Schumann’s
resonance, which is about 1pT.

2016 - “Similar Spectral Power Densities Within the Schumann Resonance and a Large
Population of Quantitative Electroencephalographic Profiles: Supportive Evidence for
Koenig and Pobachenko”

In 2016, Saroka, Vares and Persinger in their article “Similar Spectral Power Densities Within the
Schumann Resonance and a Large Population of Quantitative Electroencephalographic Profiles:
Supportive Evidence for Koenig and Pobachenko” [ 28 ] seemed to have verified that there is slight
evidence of phase shift in QEEG (quantitative electroencephalography) readings to the Schumann
Resonances. They measured 184 individuals over a 3.5 year time period, and noticed it in some
but not all of the participants. Two of the participants in particular were in phase with one or more
of the Schumann resonances for a maximum of 38 ms and 57 ms.

How the Schumann Resonances Relate to Sound
The Schumann Resonances are electromagnetic waves. They are photons that move through
space. A photon is a quantum of the electromagnetic field that always moves at the speed of
light.[ 29 ][ 30 ] It doesn’t need air, and in fact, can be stopped or hindered by matter, depending on
its frequency and the type of matter it encounters. Sound is acoustic waves that are transmitted
through a medium such as a gas, liquid, or solid. Acoustic waves propagate by oscillations in
particle displacement, velocity etc, and its speed depends on the medium it is travelling through.
[ 31 ]
So they are inherently two different types of waves. And no scientific evidence could be found
to say that the Schumann Resonance affects or influences the audio field, or vice versa.

The only similarity then, is that they can both be defined as waves. Because of this, some
measurements use the same terms.

Some examples of measurements that are similar in both EMR and sound include:
Frequency: measured in Hertz
Time: measured in Seconds
Distance: measured in Metres
Power Density or Intensity: measured in Watts per square metre [ 32 ]
Relative Amplitude or Relative Intensity: measured in Decibels [ 32 ][ 33 ]

Some examples of measurements of EMR that are different to sound include measurements like:
Electric Fields: Volts per metre
Magnetic fields: Gauss or Tesla
Current Density: Amps per square metre

Aside from science, and their physically incompatible differences, it is quite acceptable to use the
Schumann resonances as inspiration for creative works of art, or to inspire a state of being
through artistic expression. As long as it doesn’t ignore the artistic licence and say that the piece
uses the science directly.

Examples of the Misuse of Applying the Schumann Resonances to

To become more aware of false claims, here are some examples of claims found on websites, with
reasons given as to why they are false:

1. When using binaural beats with a difference of 7.83 Hz, the brain computes the difference,
and creates a pulsing sound. Because of this, you are entraining with the Schumann

No evidence has been found to verify that having a 7.83 Hz binaural beat entrains the
brain to an EMF of 7.83 Hz. No references were quoted.

2. Creating a piece of music that uses the fundamental Schumann Resonance as inspiration.
Then using binaural beats, brainwaves, and the Schumann Resonances to cause a
profoundly calming and balancing effect.

Using the Schumann resonances as inspiration is fine. Unfortunately, no evidence was

given as to how the EMF-based Schumann Resonance calms, nor how electromagnetic
brainwaves were inserted into a soundtrack.
3. Another website says that we are tuned to the natural harmonic frequency of the earth,
which is the Schumann resonance, which resonates somewhere between 3 and 60Hz. The
Schumann resonance causes friction, which creates lightning, and the world resonates with
the harmonics created. The frequency of the planet, and the human consciousness both
resonate at the optimal alpha brain wave state. This helps humans to be more creative,
relax more, and visualize things, and also heal the body.

This is in conflict with almost everything that has been discussed in this study. The science
behind it is totally mixed up.
- The Schumann resonance is not the natural harmonic frequency of the earth. It
does not originate from the earth itself.
- The Schumann resonances are plural.
- They do resonate in the 3 - 60 Hz range.
- Schumann resonances don’t cause friction.
- Schumann resonances don’t create lightning, lightning creates the Schumann
- The world doesn’t resonate, the Schumann resonances resonate around the
- What is the definition of the “frequency of the planet”?
- What is the definition of the “frequency of human consciousness”?

4. A website said that the brain uses the Schumann resonance for higher functioning and
quotes a paper.

Unfortunately, that paper only proposes that as merely a hypothesis.

5. The same website states that the Schumann resonance resonates in harmony with the
“Solfeggio frequencies”. They say the main Schumann resonant frequency is close enough
to 8Hz. They then double that number to reach 256Hz. They call this the C note. From
that, they state that A then equals 432Hz. They then state that the solfeggio frequencies
are 396, 432, 528, 639, 741 and 852 Hz.

Putting aside the arguments around the “Solfeggio frequencies”, there are still many
suppositions in this statement:
- One of their Solfeggio frequencies is incorrect. 432Hz should be 417 Hz.
Perhaps they’re mixing up the Solfeggio frequency notion with the 432 Hz
- A = 432 Hz is a different notion to the “Solfeggio Frequencies”.
- The website only talks about one Schumann “resonance”, when there is actually
4 to 5 strong resonances.
- The Schumann “resonance” is an EMF. The “Solfeggio frequencies” are auditory.
It’s not correct to marry the two. But, also putting that argument aside:
- The resonant frequency was assumed to be 8 Hz. This is higher than the
average number of 7.83 Hz, but it is still in the same area as the fundamental
- The number was then doubled until 256 Hz was reached. There is no scientific
basis to do this. And there is no need to do this. See the following points.
- 256 Hz was then chosen to equal the note C. That choice is fine. Any frequency
can be chosen to equal C as a basis to compare other notes from.
- Using C as 256 Hz, A then equals 432 Hz. (To get to the A = 432 Hz notion) But
in equal temperament scale, A then equals 430.54 Hz, and in Just Intonation
scale A then equals 426.67 Hz. So this statement is incorrect, unless they are
using a different scale.
- As for the Schumann resonance “resonating in harmony with the Solfeggio
frequencies”: This means that all of the Solfeggio frequencies will be in tune
with 7.83 Hz.
Figure 4 is a table showing the Solfeggio frequencies and how they relate to
7.83 Hz. Two methods were used to search for resonant relationships. The first
two rows show the relationship in musical terms, the next two rows show how
they relate in fractional terms.
If the Solfeggio frequencies resonated with 7.83 Hz musically, the results would
show notes that have perfect or near perfect ratios to make it register as an E,
or G etc with no deviation in cents, and no strange harmonies. If the results
show any notes that clash with C, and if they show any difference in cents from
the original note, then it clashes, musically speaking. The notes were tested
using the Just Intonation scale, and Equal Temperament scale, to determine if
the “Solfeggio frequencies” resonated with the fundamental Schumann
frequency. As the table shows, the “Solfeggio frequencies” don’t align
harmonically with the fundamental Schumann resonance. The ones that align
the closest are A-2.53 in the Just Intonation scale (just below a 6th, not a nice
harmony) and G#-7.79 in the Equal Temperament scale (a slightly flat
sharpened 5th, also not a nice harmony).
The relationship of the fractions was also tested. If they resonated together,
both the numerator and the denominator would have low values. The lowest
two values found are 1/66 and 2/99, which are still not good resonant fractions.

For this
consideration, 396 Hz 417 Hz 528 Hz 639 Hz 741 Hz 852 Hz
C = 7.83 Hz
(note name and G#-21.8 A-2.53 C#-22.2 E+33.7 G-25.5 A+33.7
cents above or
[ 34 ]
(note name and G#-7.79 A-18.6 C#-9.79 E+20.3 G-23.3 A+18.4
cents above or
[ 34 ]
The ratio of
7.83 Hz to
each 87 261 261 87 261 261
Solfeggio --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
frequency 4,400 13,900 17,600 7,100 24,700 28,400
expressed as
a fraction [ 35 ]
The ratio of 8
Hz to each
2 8 1 8 8 2
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
99 417 66 639 741 213
expressed as
a fraction [ 35 ]

Figure 6

6. A website from a prominent person uses the fundamental Schumann resonance as
inspiration to create a soundtrack. It says the sound track is embedded with a brainwave
pattern that matches the Schumann resonance. And it says the EMF of the earth is
centering and grounding.

Using the fundamental Schumann resonance of 7.83 Hz as inspiration is fine.

An EMF brainwave EEG pattern can’t be put on a soundtrack. It can be translated across
from the EMF realm to the acoustic realm as creative, psychological, or spiritual inspiration.

This website also uses anthropomorphism (centering, grounding) to describe the earth’s
EMF. Unless it’s talking about gravity (grounding), which is a different force again.

It would be interesting to see if 7.83 Hz (an inaudible frequency) appears when the music
is played through a sound frequency analyser, and if a brainwave EEG pattern can be
heard in the mix.

7. Another website from another prominent person describes how a binaural beat of 7.83 Hz,
caused by playing two tuning forks, causes the brain to be entrained to an Electromagnetic
Field of 7.83 Hz.

Once again, I have found no scientific paper that shows that a soundwave can entrain a
brain to an electromagnetic force.

The actual measurements of the Schumann resonances are extremely small to infinitesimally small
when compared with the Earth’s Static Fair-weather electric field, and it is also very small to
extremely small when compared with the values of EMF in our houses.

For most of the science experiments conducted above, it seems that a magnetic field is used that
is much stronger than the Schumann resonances, and using frequencies that are around the same,
but not equal to, the Schumann resonances, to some positive benefits.

It also seems that the proponents of the idea that the human body is affected by the Schumann
resonances are progressing to a small extent as well.

It is interesting that the human brain is affected by a field of similar frequency range to the
Schumann resonances. Whether these two somehow relate to each other, at the moment, still
needs more research.

In terms of how the Schumann resonances relate to sound; it certainly isn’t through any scientific
method. There is no physical relationship between the Schumann resonances and the acoustic
frequencies of the same numbers, or with the so-called “Solfeggio frequencies”.

The only reasonable relationship that sound may interact with the Schumann resonances is as
inspiration to create works of art, or to inspire a state of being.



Figure 1: Diagram of Schumann resonance around the earth: By derivative work: Stw
(talk)Schumann_resonance_01.png: The original uploader was Neotesla at Japanese Wikipedia. -
Schumann_resonance_01.png, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Figure 2: Space Observing System. 2020. “Шумановские резонансы” (“Schumann resonances”).

http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7. (Accessed 27 August 2020)

Figure 3: Space Observing System. 2020. “Уровень электромагнитного фона” (“Electromagnetic

background level”. http://sosrff.tsu.ru. (Accessed 27 August 2020)


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[ 2 ] Wikipedia contributors. (2020, June 20). Global atmospheric electrical circuit. In Wikipedia,
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[ 3 ] Wikipedia contributors. (2020, August 23). Electromagnetic radiation. In Wikipedia, The Free
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[ 4 ] Space and Earth Observation Centre, Finnish Meteoroloical Institute. “Fair-weather

atmospheric electricity”. https://space.fmi.fi/~makelaa/fairw.html. (accessed 22/8/20)

[ 5 ] Wikipedia contributors. (2020, June 7). Schumann resonances. In Wikipedia, The Free
Encyclopedia. Retrieved 06:41, August 24, 2020,
from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Schumann_resonances&oldid=961200472

[ 6 ] Cherry, Neil. 2002. “Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human
health effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Activity”. Natural Hazards 26: 279–331, 2002.

[ 7 ] ConvertUnits.com. 2020. “Convert gauss to tesla - Conversion of

Measurement Units”. https://www.convertunits.com/from/gauss/to/tesla. (Accessed 24/8/20)

[ 8 ] Willington, George. “EMF Units Explained: V/m, milliGauss, µW/m² Etc. (Beginners)”.
https://emfcaution.com/emf-radiation-measuring-units/. (Accessed 24/8/20).

[ 9 ] Willington, George. “45 Typical Sources Of EMF-Radiation At Home (With Numbers)”.

https://emfcaution.com/emf-sources-homes/. (Accessed 24/8/20)

[ 10 ] EARTHINGOZ PTY LTD. “How To Measure EMR”. https://www.earthingoz.com.au/how-to-

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