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Causes of concentration/dischargehysteresis and its potential

as a tool for analysis of episode hydrochemistry
EvansandTrevorD. Davies
Schoolof EnvironmentalSciences,Universityof East Anglia, Norwich,England,United Kingdom

Abstract. Episodicvariationsin dissolvedsolutesare frequentlycomplicatedby a cyclical

modelsof runoff generationare usedto explainthis hysteresis effect and to illustratehow
differentcomponentconcentrations producedifferenthysteresis forms.It is demonstrated
that a two-componentmodel cannotreproduceall the hysteresisforms commonly
observed.A method, basedon the three-componentsystem,is derivedby which C/Q
hysteresiscan be usedto predictrelativecomponentconcentrations. This may providea
qualitativechemicaldescriptionof sourcessupplyingrunoff for locationswhere thesehave
not yet been directlyestablishedor a validationtest where possiblecomponentshave been
sampled.The methodhasbeen testedusingdata collectedat streamsin the Adirondacks,
New York, and the Northern AppalachianPlateau, Pennsylvania,during the Episodic
ResponseProjectof the U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency.Predictedcomponent
compositions were in good agreementwith measurementsmade during other studiesand
with thosesubsequentlyobtainedfrom one of the Pennsylvaniawatersheds.

1. introduction U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency'sEpisodicResponse

Project(ERP) [Wigington
et al., 1996].The ERP includedin-
Much of the chemical variation in streamwater occurs in
tensive episodic streamwater sampling but did not monitor
responseto periodsof increaseddischarge.However, despite possiblesourcecomponentssuchas soil water or throughfall.
therefrequentlybeinga clearresponseof concentration(C) to A method for predicting component compositionsusing
discharge(•), this rarely takesa simplelinear or curvilinear stream data would thus be a valuable addition to this study.
form [Wallingand Webb,1986].Hendricksonand Kreiger[1964] Resultsare comparedwith thosefrom other studiesand with
and Toler [1965] observedcyclicalrelationshipsbetweendis- the results of recent samplingof one of the original ERP
chargeandconcentration of dissolved solids,wherebythe con- streamsto assesswhether the methodsdevelopedprovide re-
centrationat a givendischargeon the risinglimb of the hydro- alistic results.
graph differed from that at the samedischargeon the falling
limb. This hysteresisin the episodeC/Q relationshiphassince 2. Methods
been observedby numerousauthorsin the United Kingdom
2.1. Modelling Runoff Using a Three-ComponentSystem
[Oxley,1974;Johnson andEast,1982;Wallingand Webb,1986],
Norway [Johannessen et al., 1980] and U.S. [Millerand Drever, The 2CM generallyconsiders"event"and "pre-event"water
1977;Bond,1979;Swistock et al., 1989;Hooperet al., 1990;Hill, sources.Event water usually equates to precipitation or
1993;Shanleyand Peters,1993]. throughfall,with pre-eventwater representingstored subsur-
C/Q hysteresisoccurswheneverthere is a differencein the face water of uniform chemical/isotopic composition.How-
relative timing or form of solute and dischargeresponses ever, in systemswhere water from the soil zone makesa sig-
[Wallingand Webb,1986].Wallingand Foster[1975] suggested nificant and chemically/isotopicallydistinct contributionto
that observedhysteresis(in the form of laggedsolutere- runoff, it is necessaryto considerthis as a third component
sponses)mightbe dueto the earlyepisodeflushingof soluble [Kennedye! al., 1986;DeWalle e! al., 1988a].A number Of
material. It has sincebeen recognizedthat hysteresiscan also studieshave employedsomeform of 3CM, includingthoseof
resultfrom componentmixingprocesses [Swistocket al., 1989; DeWalle et al. [1988a], Swistocket al. [1989], Hooper et al.
Hooperet al., 1990]. This studywill use a simplemodelling [1990],McDonnellet al. [1991],Ogunkoya and Jenkins[1993],
approachto examinethe relationshipbetweencomponentmix- Hinton
primarilyin terms of the three- [1994],Jenkinse! al. [1994],and Elsenbeeret al, [1995a].All of
ing and C/Q hysteresis,
componentmodel(3CM). An assessmentwill alsobe madeOf thesestudiesconsidergroundwater/baseflow and mineral soil
the extentto whichthe simplertwo-component model (2CM) water components.In most casesthe third componentcan be
can generatethe sameresults.Methods are developedwhich looselydefinedas"surface
of di.rect
relate the form of a hysteresisloop to the relative concentra- channelinterceptionand/or saturationoverlandflow (SOF).
tion of different sourcecomponents,and theseare testedusing
This is commonlyassumed
to retainthe composition
of pre-
data collected at streams in the Adirondacks, New York, and
cipitationin grasslandcatchments or of throughfallin forested
basins,although chemicalinteractionwith surficialmaterials
the Northern AppalachianPlateau, Pennsylvania,during the
hasbeen shownto occurduringoverlandflow by Hill [1993]
Copyright1998by the American GeophysicalUnion. andElsenbeer et al. [1995b].Elsenbeeret al. [1995a]measured
Paper number97WR01881. SOF to represent surface event water, while Hooper et al.
0043-1397/98/97WR-01881509.00 [1990]identifiedorganicsoilwater as a third component.

--o- Surface event water

---n-- Soil water
-•- Groundwater

-•- TotalDischarge

m 15

• lO

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time from start of episode(arbitraryunits)

Figure 1. Syntheticepisodehydrographusedto model C/Q loops.

For a 3CM of groundwater,soil water, and surface event Elsenbeeret al. [1995a],timingsfor these components were
water components, the concentration of a conservative solute actuallyreversed.However,the assumedprecedenceof surface
in streamwaterat a given time is describedby the following eventwater is consistent with the variablesourceareaconcept,
massbalanceequation: in that flow from direct precipitation onto saturated areas
peaksbefore subsurface flow [Dunneand Black, 1970;Hewlett
C•Q• = CoQo + CsoQso+ Cs•Qs• (1) and Nutter, 1970]. This systemis likely to operatewidely in
where C is concentration,Q is discharge,and the subscripts T, humid forestedbasins.It alsoseemsreasonableto expectsoil
G, SO, and SE representtotal streamflow,groundwater,soil water responseto be lagged,giventhat a large proportionis
water, and surfaceeventwater, respectively.The methodsde- likely to derive from hillslope areas, away from the stream
veloped here require only that C•: and Q•: are measured. network, and that conditionsof saturationmust usuallyde-
Provided an event follows a period of low flow, Ca can be velop (becauseof either a risingwater table or the develop-
approximatedby the pre-eventC•:. Three-componenthydro- ment of perchedsaturation)before significantflow can occur
graphseparationsrequiremeasurementOf the two "stormflow [Lynchand Corbett,1985;Swistocket al., 1989;Hooperet al.,
components,"C so and C SE, but these are treated here as 1990].Groundwaterdominanceis consistentwith ridgingthe-
unknowns.Sincecomponentdischargesare alsounmeasured, ories[SklashandFarvolden,1979;Gillham,1984]or a simpler
precisevaluesfor C so and CSEcannotbe calculated.However, mechanismof old water displacement.The sensitivityof the
by makingcertainassumptions regardingthe natureof hydro- model to changesin assumptions is consideredbelow.
graph response,it is possibleto obtain estimatesfor C so and A simpleconceptualthree-component hydrograph,basedon
C SE relative to Ca and to each other so as to determine this flow model, is shownin Figure 1. The hydrographis the
"componentrankings." hypotheticalresponseto a single-peaked rain input. This was
An empiricallybased runoff sequenceis assumedfor this used to generate a set of C/Q plots based on a range of
study.It is essentiallythat describedfor MahantangoCreek, different componentconcentrations.Componentswere as-
Wherea typicalprogression during signedconcentrationsof 50, 100, and 150 arbitraryconcentra-
of dominance
stormflowis believedto be (1) baseflow, (2) channelprecipi- tion units in a total of sixpossiblecombinations.
tation and SOF (surfaceeventwater), (3) shallowsubsurface
flow (soilwater), and (4) baseflow [Pionkeet al., 1988;DeWalle 2.2. Interpretation of C/Q Plots
andPionke,1994].Other studiesin Pennsylvania by Swistock
et C/Q plots for each combinationof componentconcentra-
al. [1989]andFulcar [1990]haveobservedthe samesequence, tionsare shownin Figure 2. It is apparentthat eachcombina-
as have Hinton et al. [1994] for a June event at Harp 4-21, tion producesa distincthysteresis loop. Clockwiseloopsare
Ontario.SklashandFarvolden[1979]foundtwo components to classedas typesC1, C2, and C3, and anticlockwise loopsare
be sufficientfor streamsin Quebec and Ontario but predict classedastypesA1, A2, and A3. From (1), CT at a giventime
that in a three-componentsystem,eventwater would be most will tend towardsthe flow componentwhichdominatesat that
important on the rising limb and vadose soil water on the time. At base flow, CT is by definition equal to Ca; on the
falling limb. Consistentwith theseand other studies,ground- risinglimb it tendstowardsC SE,andon the fallinglimb it tends
water responseis assumedto be large and (as a result of its towardsCso. If, for instance,CSE> Ca > Cso, CT will peak
overalldominance)closelycorrelatedto total discharge. on the risinglimb and reach a minimumon the falling limb,
It is acknowledged that this model may not be universal:at generatinga type C1 loop.The oppositesituation(Cso > Co
Allt A'Mharcaidh, Scotland,Q sE and Q so peakstend to co- > CSE) will produce the equivalentA1 type anticlockwise
incide[Ogunkoya andJenkins,1993;Jenkinset al., 1994],andin loop. If C SEand C so are both either higheror lowerthan Ca,
one of two eventsmonitoredat South Creek, Queensland,by that is, Ca is "extreme"rather than "intermediate,"one limb

(a) C 1 (CSE> CG > Cso) Co)c2 (CsE> Cso > Co) (c) C3 (CG > CSE> Cso)

• 70
• 140
• '•2o

• 70 I • 40 0 20
c•11o 0 20 i
0 20 40
Discharge(arbitraryunits) Discharge (arbitraryunits)

(d) A1 (Cso > Ca > CSE) (e) A2 (Cso > CSE> Ca) (f) A3 (Co > Cso > CSE)

•' 80

110 • 70
100 130

' I
• 40 0 20

0 2040 Discharge (arbitraryunits)

Figure 2. C/Q hysteresisloopscreatedusinghydrographin Figure 1.

becomespartiallyconcave.This occursbecauseboth risingand where a loop is concave.A positivetrend implies that CT is

falling limbs tend away from the baseflow value. consistentlyhigherduringthe eventthan it is at baseflow, and
Given that each combinationof componentconcentrations hence that Co has the lowestconcentrationof the three com-
producesa distinctand recognisablehysteresisloop, it is pro- ponents.A negativetrend impliesthe opposite,that is, that CG
posedthat where theseforms are observedin real C/Q plots, has the highestconcentration.
certain predictionscan be made regardingunknown compo- Thesediagnosticfeaturesare togethersufficientto placethe
nent concentrations. Three basic criteria are needed to char- episodicbehaviorof a givensoluteinto one of six categories.
acterisethe varioushysteresistypes. Each has a unique set of componentrankings,as shownin
1. Rotational pattern (clockwise/anticlockwise). In any Table 1.
event for which the three-componentconcentrationsdiffer, a
hysteresisloop will occur which can be either clockwiseor 2.3. Hysteresis in a Two-Component System
anticlockwise.In a clockwiseloop CT is higher on the rising To someextent,the hysteresis
formsobservedusinga 3CM
limb than on the fallinglimb. CSEmustthereforeexceedCso. can also be generatedby a 2CM; in this case,pre-eventand
With an anticlockwiseloop C so must exceedC SE. event water sourcesare considered, but the observationsmade
2. Curvature(convex/concave). Technically,all loopsmust are applicableto any two components.For a systemin which
be primarily convex.Here, however,the term is taken to mean event water peaks before pre-event water, CT will be most
that the entire loop is convex.On this basisa "convex"loop different to its base flow value on the rising limb. It is thus
impliesthat on one limb, CT musttend towardsa valuegreater possibleto generatehysteresistypesC2 and A3 as shownin
than Co, and on the other to a value lessthan Co. Thus Co Figure2. If eventwater is laggedbehindpre-eventwater, types
must be intermediaterelative to the other components.Fol- C3 and A2 can be produced.Componentrankingsfor a pre-
lowingthis definitionof convexity,a "concave"loop is one in event/event water 2CM are included in Table 1.
which all or a significantpart of one limb is concave.As Two-solutemixing plots have previouslybeen used to dis-
discussedabove, this implies that Co must have either the tinguishbetweentwo- and three-component systems[e.g.,De-
highestor lowestcomponentconcentration. Walle and Pionke, 1994]. Deviation from a straight"mixing
3. Trend (positive/negative). This needonlybe considered line" impliesa need for a third component.The two systems

Table 1. DiagnosticFeaturesUsed to Determine ComponentRankings

Type Direction Curvature Trend 3CM 2CM

C1 clockwise convex N/A C SE > C O > C so N/A

C2 clockwise concave positive CsE > C G > CG CEVENT> CpRE_EVEN
C3 clockwise concave negative Ca > CSE > Cso CpRE_EVEN
A1 anticlockwise convex N/A Cso > Ca > CSE N/A
A2 anticlockwise concave positive Cso > CE > Ca CEMENT • CpRE_EVEN
A3 anticlockwise concave negative Ca > Cso > CSE CpRE_EVENt • CEMEN

plot will be intermediatebetweenconvexand concaveforms,
so that part of the loop becomeslinear (e.g., Figure 3b).
An increasein the magnitude of either Q SE or Q so will
causeCT to tend more towardsthe concentrationof that com-
ponent,especiallyon the limb where it dominates.An elevated
proportionof flow from Q o will reducethe amountby which
CT deviatesfrom its pre-eventvalue, resultingin the "stretch-
ing" effect shownin Figure 4. Significantly,no changein com-
ponent dischargemagnitudewill affect basicshapecharacter-
istics,or subsequentinterpretation,in any way. Although a
"large"groundwaterresponsewas assumedin the model used,
0 10 20 30 40 then, the exactmagnitudeof Q o is unimportant.
Discharge(arbitraryunits) The hydrographmodel usedassumesthat QSEpeakson the
risinglimb, Qo peaksat or closeto maximumQT, and Qso
Figure 3. Set of modelled type C1 C/Q plots with varying peakson the fallinglimb. Again, any alterationin component
Q o and constantQ SE and Q so. Percentageson plot indicate
dischargetimingswhichdoesnot changethis sequencewill not
proportionof peak dischargegeneratedby Qo. QsE and Q so
are the same as in Figure 1. affectthe shapecharacteristics of modelledloops.However,if
the sequenceis altered, hysteresisforms may changesignifi-
cantly. In particular, a reversal of peaks for Q SE and Q so
would changethe rotational directionof all loops.This would
can often alsobe distinguishedusingC/Q plots. Most impor- invalidateinterpretation,althoughas discussedearlier sucha
tantly, a simple 2CM cannot generate the convexhysteresis scenariois expectedto be fairly unusual. A more realistic
types C1 and A1; this would require that CT tends towards possibility,observedby Bazemoreet al. [1994], is that ground-
valuesboth higher and lower than the pre-eventvalue. If any water maybe laggedbehindsoilwater. Given that groundwater
one solute exhibitsconvexhysteresis,this therefore suggests cannotby itself causeCT to deviatefrom pre-episodevalues,
that a 3CM is necessary.Similarly, a 2CM cannot generate the impact of this changemay be limited. However, a large
concaveloops in combinationsother than thosegiven above. delayed groundwaterinput is likely to distort C/Q relation-
If, for example, type C2 and C3 loops occur in the same ships,and the methodsdescribedshouldnot be appliedto a
episodefor two different solutes,a 2CM can againbe rejected. systemin which this situationis thoughtlikely. In practice,it
may be possibleto identifysucha systemwhere inferredcom-
2.4. Stability of Modelled C/Q Loops ponentrankingsare clearlyunrealistic,althoughobviouslythis
So far, C/Q plots have been generatedfor a single three- requiressomeprior knowledge.
componenthydrograph,using a singleset of componentcon-
centrations. It is therefore useful to consider the extent to 2.5. Effects of Temporally Varying Component
which plots retain a similar form if conditionsalter. Three
aspectswhich may vary are componentconcentrations,com- An inherent assumptionof the model used, and of mixing
ponent dischargemagnitudes,and componentdischargetim- modelsin general, is that componentconcentrationsremain
ings. constant.The violationof this assumptionwill only affect C/Q
The rankingof componentconcentrationshas alreadybeen formswhere componentrankingschangeduringthe episode.
identified as a critical determinantof hysteresisform. Beyond One situationin whichthismay occuriswhere solublematerial
this, however,absolutecomponentconcentrationshave no ef- hasaccumulatedprior to the event,for instancebecauseof dry
fect on the shapecharacteristics definedabove.The only situ- depositionor biologicprocesses. Flushingis likely to generate
ations where different forms will arise are special casesin high event water concentrationsat the start of the episode,
which two componentshave the same concentrations.If the followedby exhaustion[Wallingand Webb,1986].Significantly,
C SE= C so, plotswill approachthe curvilinearform shownin in a 2CM thiscantransforma typeC3 loopinto a typeC1 loop,
Figure 3a. If Co is equal to one of the other components,the which could otherwisebe produced only by a 3CM, if event

(a) CSE= Cso > CG (b) Cso > CSE= CG

.a 70


I '1 o 40 I I
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 6O
Discharge(arbitraryunits) Discharge(arbitraryunits)

Figure 4. Modelled C/Q loops for which two componentshave equal concentrations.All component
dischargesasin Figure 1. (a) Cso = 150,CSE= 150,andCo = 50. (b) Cso = 150,CSE-- 50, and Co = 50.

water concentrationsinitially exceedpre-event levels. Given Table 2. C/Q HysteresisClassifications,

the possibilityof flushing,then, a C1 loop cannotbe taken as Events, Adirondack Streams
definite evidencefor a 3CM. It shouldbe noted in this respect, Clock- Anti- No Dominant
however,that type A1 hysteresiscannot be generatedby a Variable Events wise clockwise Hysteresis Type(s)
2CM, evenwith flushing(as thiswouldimplyincreasingrather
than decreasingeventwater concentrations). The observation ANC 25 24 0 1 C1 (12), C3 (8)
Na+ 25 22 0 3 C3 (19)
of a type A1 loop for one or more solutesis therefore an
K+ 25 20 2 3 C1 (18)
importantconfirmationthat a 3CM is in operation. SO•- 25 0 25 0 A1 (18)
In a 3CM the impactof flushingwill dependon the type of
loop normallyobserved,havingmostsignificance where CSE
would otherwisebe low. In general, hysteresisform will be
transformed(with increasinglevelsof flushing)accordingto section,analysishas carried out for four chemicalvariables:
the sequences A1 ---->
A2 ---->
C2 or A3 ---->
C3 ---->
C1. Although ANC, Na+, K+, andSO42-.
problematicfor interpretation,flushingshouldusuallybe iden-
tifiable among a set of C/Q plots. Within a single episode, 3. Results
risinglimb CT peaksfor a flushedsolutewill precedethosefor
3.1. Adirondack Streams
normaltypeC1 or C2 solutes.Additionally,asflushingis most
likely after extendeddry periodsor autumnleaf fall, the oc- Spatial differencesin resultsbetweenAdirondack streams
currenceof typeC1 or C2 loopsfor a givensoluteonlyat these are minor, and they are consideredas a group.However,there
timesmay suggestflushing.A solutewhichexhibitsthesehys- are significantseasonalvariationsin behavior.C/Q plots for
teresisforms throughoutthe year is probablynot affectedby snowmeltepisodestend to be stronglyopen-ended,probably
this process. becauseof dilution of groundwaterby infiltrating meltwater.
Of the other components in the 3CM, Cso is thoughtlikely These episodesare therefore unsuitablefor analysis.Spring
to be fairly stable,as equilibriumreactionssuchas cationand episodeswere generallyundersampled,and only six couldbe
anion exchangeminimize temporalvariations.It is possible analyzed.Theseshowedrelativelysubduedchemicalvariation,
that Ca maydecreaseduringepisodes,asweatheringreactions consistentwith the suggestionof Hooperet al. [1990] that soil
maybe too slowto offsetdilutionby infiltratingeventwater.In water may dominaterunoff duringthis period becauseof wet
this situationpostepisodeCT will not return to pre-episode conditionsand low-intensityprecipitation.
values,givinga readilyidentifiable"open-ended"loop. Summer/fall events were better sampled, and C/Q plots
conformed well to theoretical models. These were therefore
2.6. Analysis of Stream Data consideredin detail. A total of 25 episodesmet minimum
The methodsdevelopedfor C/Q analysiswere applied to sample criteria (five to sevenper stream), and these were
ERP data from four streamsin the SouthwesternHighlands classifiedas shownin Table 2. Where more than 75% (an
regionof theAdirondacks: BaldMountainBrook,BuckCreek, arbitrarythreshold)of eventsfit a givencategory,the number
Fly Pond Outlet, and SeventhLake Inlet. The first- and sec- of is highlighted.Figure 5 showsC/Q plots for an intense,
ond-orderstreamsare locatedclosetogetherand havebroadly 1-hour June thunderstormat Fly Pond Outlet.
similar characteristics.All are underlain by Precambriangra- ANC exhibitsclockwisehysteresisin 24 out of 25 episodes.
nitic gneisses and metasediments andcoveredby sandyglacial All fully classifiableloops are typesC1 or C3, both of which
till. Soils are Spodosols,and all basinsare forestedwith a suggestthat soil water is the most acidicrunoff source.The
hardwood/conifermixture. Wetlands in low-relief valley areas highestANC componentappearsto varybetweengroundwater
are believedto generateSOF. and surfaceevent water. The C1/C3 split occursmainly on an
Of five monitoredstreamsin the Pennsylvaniaregion, Linn interstreambasis(sixout of eighttype C3 loopsoccurat Buck
Run and Benner Run had sufficientmonitored episodesfor Creek) and is not thoughtto be linkedto flushing.
analysis.The second-order, forestedbasinshavenot been gla- Twenty-twoout of 25 episodes showclockwise Na+ hyster-
ciated and are underlainby sandstoneand some shale.Soils esis,of which all 19 classifiableloopsare type C3. This implies
are mainly acidic Hapludults and Dystrochrepts.Basinsare a highlyconsistentcomponentrankingof Ca > C sE > C so.
larger than thosein the Adirondacks,and loadingsof atmo- K + hysteresis is alsoclockwisein 20 episodes, but a predomi-
sphericpollutantsare higherin this region.BennerRun con- nantlytype C1 classification indicatesa componentrankingof
tains wetland areas close to the stream, while Linn Run has a CsE > Ca > Cso. Hysteresistends to be less pronounced
higherrelief and doesnot containwetlands.Linn Run is more duringfall, and two Novemberepisodesactuallyexhibit anti-
acidic.Further detailsof all watershedsare givenby Wigington clockwisehysteresis. It is believedthat soil water K + is de-
et al. [1996]. pletedduringsummerbut increases to a levelcomparableto or
For analysis,episodeswere required to be single-peaked, greater than surfaceeventwater in fall.
with at leasttwo samplescollectedon eachlimb of the hydro- SO42-hysteresis isremarkably consistent,with anticlockwise
graph,and one at or closeto peak discharge.This wasconsid- loopsin all 25 summer/fall episodes.
Eighteenare classifiableas
ered to be the minimum from which rotational direction could typeA1. From the earlierdiscussion the observationof thishys-
be determined.Identifyingcurvatureoften requiredadditional teresistype stronglysupportsthe useof a 3CM to interpretob-
samples,but the exactnumbervariedaccordingto the typeof servations.
The impliedcomponentrankingis Cso > Ca > CsE.
loop and to the times at which sampleswere collected.The
mostcommonlimitationwasinsufficientsamplingof the short- 3.2. Pennsylvania Streams
duration rising limb. Full classification
was undertakenonly Eight episodeswere suitablefor analysisat BennerRun, and
where curvaturecouldbe characterizedand where a loop cor- 13 at Linn Run. These were fairly well distributedover the
respondedto one of the modelled forms. In the following year, and strongseasonalvariationsin resultswere not evident

(a) ANC (b) SO4

400 150

• •-125
• 75

0 .... 50 ,.
2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6

Discharge (cfs) Discharge (cfs)

(c) Na (d) K
110 25

100 20
•- 15
70 =.E.
60 5
50- - - - ß : 0 , , ! , , i, , , , !

0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6

Discharge (cfs) Discharge (cfs)

Figure 5. C/Q plots for June event, Fly Pond Outlet, Adirondacks.

(partlybecausesnowmelteventsdid not occur).Classifications common to streamsin both regions,despite differencesin

for eachstreamare shownin Tables3 and 4. C/Q plots for a geology,soils,topography,and depositionloadings.It is pre-
fall event at Benner Run are shownin Figure 6. dictedthat in the Adirondacks(duringsummer/fall),surface
For Benner Run, resultsshowa strikingsimilarityto those eventwater hascharacteristically highK +, highto moderate
for the Adirondacks.All eventswith ANC data showtype C1 ANC, andlowSO42-. Groundwater hasa fairlysimilarANC
hysteresis,givinga rankingof CSE > Co > Cso; soilwater is andhighNa+. SoilwaterhashighSO42-andlow ANC and
againthe mostacidicflow source.Where observed,Na+ hys- Na+. A comparison can be madebetweenthesepredictions
teresis is also clockwise,with a C1 or C3 classification.K + and previous measurementsmade at similar locations.The
exhibitsclockwisehysteresisin six episodes,classifiedas type Adirondackstudiesconsideredhere are thoseby Mollitor and
C1 in five. The C SE> Co > C so rankingis the sameas that Raynal[1982],David andDriscoll[1984],Cronan[1985],Shep-
for theAdirondacks. SO42-hysteresis is anticlockwise
in seven ard et al. [1990]and Fosteret al. [1992].All studiesmonitored
out of eight events,all classifiableas typesA2 or A1. Either mineral soil water, and some give values for lakewater or
suggests thatsoilwaterhasthe highestSO42-. streamwaterwhichare usedto representgroundwater.Surface
Hysteresisat Linn Run is lessmarked than at Benner Run eventwater was consideredpotentiallyto be either unaltered
for most solutes.ANC exhibitsC1 or C3 type hysteresisis six throughfallor to undergomodificationat the surfaceduring
episodes,and no clearpatternsemergefor Na+, whichis low overlandflow. Unfortunately,none of the studieslisted sam-
and fairly invariantat this stream.Type C1 K + hysteresis is pled overlandflow, and it is doubtfulthat hillslopeorganic
observedin four episodes,all of whichtook place in the June- horizonleachaterepresentsa suitableproxygiventhat SOF is
November period. For the remainder of the year, concentra- likely to occurin wetland areas.
tionsremainat a low level.SO42-is moreconsistent, with 10 If it is assumedthat throughfallrepresentssurfaceevent
out of 13 episodesshowinganticlockwisehysteresis.SIX of water,SO42- predictionsarein excellent agreement withpre-
thesecanbe classed astypeA1, suggesting thatCso > Co > CsE. viousmeasurements. All studiessupportthe predictedcompo-
nent rankingof Cso > Co > CSE.Similarly,measurements of
K+ indicateasexpected
thatCSE> Co > Cso.K + isleached
4. Discussion
from organic material but tends to be adsorbedin mineral
Results generallyindicate consistentpatterns of C/Q hys- horizons[Likenset al., 1994].Althoughthroughfallenrichment
teresisfor the solutesanalyzed.A numberof thesepatternsare wouldbe sufficientto explainobservedhysteresis,it is consid-

Table 3. C/Q HysteresisClassifications,Full Year, Benner Table 4. C/Q HysteresisClassifications,

Full Year, Linn
Run Run

Clock- Anti- No Dominant Clock- Anti- No Dominant

Variable Events wise clockwise Hysteresis Type(s) Variable Events wise clockwise Hysteresis Type(s)

ANC 7 7 0 0 Cl (7) ANC 13 6 1 6 C1 (3), C3 (3)

Na+ 7 5 0 2 C1 (2), C3 (2) Na + 13 2 4 7 none
K+ 7 6 0 1 C1 (5) K+ 13 4 0 9 C1 (4)
2- 8 0 7 1 A2 (5), A1 (2) SO42- 13 1 10 2 A1 (6)

(a) ANC (b) SO4

40 160

30 .--. 140

20 ß 120

10 '•' 100
0 , ! , o• 80
-10 60 ,
5 10 0 5

Discharge(cfs) Discharge(cfs)

(c) Na (d) K
5O 25

.--. 40

= 30

z 20

lO ! i 0 ! !
5 10 0 5 10

Discharge(cfs) Discharge(cfs)

Figure 6. C/Q plots for Septemberevent,Benner Run, Pennsylvania.

ered likely that further K + is releasedfrom the watershed hysteresisis observedduring this period, but concentrations
surface.Where overlandflow hasbeen sampled,albeit at quite are uniformly low for the remainder of the year.
differentbasinsin Amazoniaand Queensland,it appearsthat Previousmeasurementsin Pennsylvaniahavebeen givenfor
K + increases
on contactwith the surface[Elsen- PeavineHill by DeWalleet al. [1988b]and for Fish Run (a
beeret al., 1995a, b]. ANC was not measuredin any of the tributaryof Linn Run) by Swistock et al. [1989].Measurements
previousstudies,but an indicationcan be gainedfrom values have also been made of shallowsoil water, throughfall, and
givenfor H +. As expected, groundwater is relativelyalkaline, baseflowby the firstauthorduringfall 1995at BennerRun (C.
and soilwater is acidic.However,the consistentlyacidicnature Evanset al., manuscriptin preparation,1997).Again, overland
of throughfallappearsto be at oddswith the high ANC pre- flow was not sampled.All three studies,like thosefor the
dictedfor surfaceeventwater from C/Q analyses.It is thought, Adirondacks, supportpredictions of highSO42-in soilwater
however, that this discrepancycan be explained by surface andhighK + in throughfall. ANC (on the basisof H + values)
interactions,particularlywithinwetlands.Hill [1993]hasshown is highestin groundwaterbut lower than expectedin through-
of Ca2+,Mg2+,andNa+ in throughfall
can fall relativeto soil water. Na+ is alsolowestin throughfall,
increaseby 35-50% within a minute of contactingwetland whichis inconsistentwith the C SE> C so rankingindicatedby
substrates.This would explainhigher than expectedANC in clockwisehysteresisat Benner Run. This againsuggests that at
surface event water. Na + results are also consistent with this BennerRun at least,surfaceeventwater is modifiedby contact
hypothesis;previousstudiesshowhigh levelsin groundwater, with the watershed surface.
but throughfall concentrationsare lower than those in soil
water. Again, therefore,somesurfaceinteractionis necessary
5. Conclusions
to explainobservedhysteresis (althoughnot presentedhere,
thesamefindings areobtained for Ca2+ andMg2+). It has been demonstratedthat C/Q hysteresistakes on one
Before comparingPennsylvania resultsto previousstudies,it of a rangeof characteristic
formsdependingon the flow system
is usefulto examinedifferences betweenthe two streams,par- in operationand takeson the rankingof soluteconcentrations
ticularlywith regardto Na+ andK +. At BennerRun, Na+ is in different components.While, as emphasizfidby Christo-
thoughtto derivefrom a groundwaterbrine source.As a result, phersenand Hooper [1992], absolutecomponentconcentra-
behavioris similar to that in the Adirondacks,where Na + is tions cannot be determined from stream data alone, the meth-
mainlyweathering-derived[Munsonet al., 1990;Evans et al., odspresentedhere make it possibleto predict relative values
1996].At Linn Run there appearto be neither major weath- basedon simplecriteria.
eringor brinesources, andNa+ is consistently low. Contrasts C/Q hysteresisobservedfor the Adirondack and Pennsylva-
in K+ hysteresis maybe explained by hydrologic differences. nia ERP streamshas been interpreted in terms of a 3CM of
At Benner Run, wetland areasgeneratesignificantSOF, and groundwater,soil water, and surfaceevent water. The hydro-
interactionwith surficialmaterialsproduceshigh surfaceevent logic model used is thought to be realistic in terms of flow
waterK + throughout theyear.At Linn Run,withoutwetlands, generationtheoriesand is consistentwith most previous3CM
surfaceeventwater inputsare thoughtto be limitedto direct hydrograph separations. In general, predicted component
channel interception [DeWalle et al., 1988a; Swistocket al., rankingsfor a range of solutesagreewell with measurements
1989].Thiswill retaina throughfallcomposition, with K + en- obtainedduringother studies.This would seemto supportthe
richmentconfinedto the growingseason.As a result,type C1 assumptions of the modelused,in that an invalidmodelwould

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