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Test 1 – Reading 1 – Word List

Platinum, n. a chemical element that is an extremely valuable silver-coloured metal,
used in jewellery and in industry:

Bạch kim

Dense, adj. so close together that there is little sense of open or unoccupied space

Dày đặc

Rare, adj. not happening or found often

Quý hiếm

Acquire, v. to get or obtain possession of something

Có được

Ounce, n. /aʊns/ a unit of weight in the avoirdupois system equal to one-sixteenth of a

pound, approximately 28 g

Ore, n. /ɔ:[r]/ a naturally occurring mineral from which constituents, especially

metals, can be profitably extracted


Be supposed to …, v. to believe or imagine something to be the case

được cho là / tin là …

Meteorite, n. /'mi:tiərait/ a piece of rock that has reached Earth from outer space.

Thiên thạch

Evidence of…, n. something that gives a sign or proof of the existence or truth of
something, or that helps somebody to come to a particular conclusion

Bằng chứng của …

Traces of … n. a sign that remains to show the former presence of somebody or

something that is no longer there

Dấu vết

Artefact, n. (also artifact) an object made by a human being, e.g. a tool or ornament, especially
one that has archaeological or cultural interest
đồ tạo tác (do người tiền sử tạo ra, để phân biệt với những đồ vật lấy
sẵn trong thiên nhiên)

Decorative, adj. /'dekəreitiv/ serving merely to look attractive rather than having a functional
để trang hoàng, để trang trí; tôn vẻ đẹp lên

Adorn, v. /ə'dɔ:n/ to add decoration or ornamentation to something

tô điểm, trang điểm, trang trí

Come into contact with, v. to reach or be brought into a particular state or situation

Inferior, adj. /in'fiəriə[r]/ lower or low in rank, standing, or degree

thấp, hạ đẳng

Ignorant, adj. /'ignərənt/ unaware of something; lacking knowledge or education in general or in

a specific subject

dốt nát, không biết

Melt, v. to change a substance from a solid to a liquid state by heating it, or be

changed in this way

tan chảy ra

Concave, /'kɒŋkeiv/, adj. curved inward like the inner surface of a bowl or sphere

lõm, lõm vào

Cumbersome, /'kʌmbəsəm/ awkward to carry or handle because of weight, size, or shape

nặng và vướng víu; chậm chạp nặng nề

Arsenic, n. /'ɑ:snik/ a steel-gray poisonous solid element that is a brittle crystalline

metalloid. Use: in glass manufacture to remove impurities of color, in
alloys to harden lead.

Chất asen, thạch tín

Alloy, n. /'ælɔi/ METALLURGY a substance that is a mixture of two or more metals, or

of a metal with a nonmetallic material

hợp kim

Refine, v. /ri'fain/ to produce a purer form of something by removing the impurities from
it, or become pure through such a process

tinh chế

Enhance, v. /in'hæns/ to improve or add to the strength, worth, beauty, or other desirable
quality of something

làm tăng, nâng cao

Wear away, v. Fade in color or quality

Phai màu, giảm chất lượng

Durability, n. /'djʊərə'biləti/ lasting for a long time, especially without sustaining damage or wear

tính bền, tính lâu bền

Prototype, n. /'prəʊtətaip/ the original form of something, which has the essential features and is
the model for subsequent forms

nguyên mẫu

Intrinsic, adj. /in'trinsik/ Basic and essential; of itself

[thuộc] bản chất; bên trong

Desirable, adj. /di'zaiərəbl/ Worthy of desire, attractive,

đáng thèm muốn, đáng khát khao, đáng mong muốn

Hypoallergenic, adj. not likely to cause an allergic reaction

hầu như không có phản ứng dị ứng

Allergy, n. unusual sensitivity to a normally harmless substance that provokes a

strong reaction from a person's body. The body is sensitized by the
immune system's response to the first exposure to the substance, and
the reaction takes place only upon subsequent exposures.

Dị ứng

Bulk, n. large size or mass

Số lượng lớn

Catalytic, involving or causing an increase in the rate of a chemical reaction by

the action or use of a catalyst

Chất xúc tác

Absorb, v. to soak up a liquid or take in nutrients or chemicals gradually

Hấp thụ

Be reliant on …v. depending on or needing somebody or something

phụ thuộc

Key component, n. An important/ essential part of something, usually of something bigger

thành phần chính

Deposit, n. an act of placing money or a valuable item in a bank or other financial

Tiền/ đồ vật gửi, làm tin

Mint, v. to make coins by stamping metal

đúc (tiền)

Cease, v. /si:s/ to put an end or stop to something

dừng, ngừng, ngớt, thôi, tạnh

Exceed, v. /ik'si:d/ to be greater than something in quantity, degree, or scope

vượt quá

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