NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 4 Creating A Professional Development Plan

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Assessment 4: Creating a Professional Development Plan

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Capella University

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PXMARCH 26, 2024

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Crafting a Professional Development Strategy
Within the dynamic healthcare landscape, nurse educators hold a crucial role in shaping future
nursing professionals for adept and empathetic care provision. As underscored by the Institute
of Medicine, nurses are called upon to lead change within healthcare, demanding that nurse
educators remain at the forefront of these shifts. To adeptly navigate this challenging yet

rewarding role, I have crafted a thorough professional development plan following APA
formatting guidelines. This plan delineates not only my focus and objectives as a nurse educator
but also serves as a roadmap for continual enhancement and leadership within my chosen

Emphasis, Skills, and Career Objectives

As a nurse educator, my primary focus centers on critical care nursing, given its requirement for

heightened competency levels, rapid decision-making, and comprehensive understanding of

complex patient conditions. I firmly believe that proficiency in critical care can markedly improve
patient outcomes within acute care settings.

In this role, I bring forth vital competencies, including extensive clinical experience as an
advanced practice nurse in ICU environments, providing a solid foundation for effective teaching
in critical care nursing. This clinical acumen enriches my teaching, rendering it more practical
and relevant. Furthermore, my adeptness in curriculum design is pivotal in preparing

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forthcoming nurses to tackle the challenges of critical care. This entails staying abreast of the
latest research and advancements in critical care and seamlessly integrating them into the
curriculum. Additionally, my capacity to assess student performance, offer constructive
feedback, and steer student progress contributes to effective learning outcomes.

My career objectives align with my philosophy as a nurse educator, promoting lifelong learning
and instilling a robust sense of patient advocacy in my students. I aspire to attain excellence in
pedagogy by employing evidence-based teaching methodologies tailored to diverse learning
styles, thereby fostering comprehensive comprehension.

Another significant career objective is to emerge as a transformative leader in nursing
education. Leadership in this domain involves spearheading changes and inspiring others to
follow suit, cultivating an environment conducive to growth, inquiry, and excellence. Additionally,
I am committed to engaging in scholarly pursuits to enrich the nursing knowledge repository,

conducting research and disseminating findings in reputable nursing education publications,
thus advancing evidence-based practices in critical care nursing education.

These objectives and focus areas resonate with recent trends in nursing education, such as the
increasing utilization of simulation in teaching, which dovetails with my dedication to
pedagogical excellence. High-fidelity simulation, particularly in critical care education, holds the
potential to enrich students' learning experiences by bridging the gap between theoretical
knowledge and practical skills.

Amid the rise of telehealth services catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, integrating this

aspect into the curriculum stands as another objective. Through this, I aim to equip future
nurses with the competencies needed to adeptly navigate this burgeoning facet of healthcare
delivery. Moreover, ensuring cultural competence in nursing remains pivotal, and I integrate this
aspect into my teachings to ensure that future nurses deliver empathetic and culturally sensitive

Forces Shaping the Nurse Educator Role


A plethora of factors converge to sculpt the role of a nurse educator. From a societal lens, the
increasing cultural diversity within patient and student cohorts necessitates the infusion of
multicultural education within nursing curricula. This diversity presents an opportunity to

broaden perspectives, educating students to deliver culturally sensitive and patient-centered

care. Moreover, health inequities stemming from socio-economic divides necessitate addressing
within nursing education, cultivating students' awareness of these inequities and equipping them
to effectively advocate for their patients.

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Economically, fluctuations in educational funding impact nurse educators. Operating within
constrained budgets mandates the pursuit of cost-effective yet impactful instructional methods.
For instance, acquiring high-fidelity manikins for simulation learning can prove costly,
necessitating the pursuit of grants or alternative funding channels. Similarly, the political milieu
significantly influences the nurse educator's role. Evolving healthcare policies and nursing
licensure requisites can mandate curriculum modifications to ensure that graduates are
adequately primed to meet these evolving regulations. An instance is the recent pivot towards
value-based healthcare, spotlighting patient outcomes; thus, nurse educators are compelled to
infuse this concept into their teachings.

At an institutional echelon, shifting accreditation benchmarks and institutional policies directly
impact the work of nurse educators. Alterations in stipulated student-to-faculty ratios or
minimum pass rates on licensure examinations could prompt changes in class sizes,
instructional methodologies, and assessment approaches. On a personal front, acknowledging

one's assumptions and biases is vital to upholding fairness in teaching and evaluation. Regular
introspection and feedback-seeking from peers and students aid in recognizing and rectifying

these biases and assumptions. This way, I ensure that my instructional techniques remain
inclusive and effective, affording all students optimal learning experiences.
Scholarship Strategy

In devising my scholarship strategy as a nurse educator specializing in critical care, my efforts

will orbit around three main domains: research, publication, and presentation. Research forms
the bedrock of scholarship. I intend to focus my research endeavors on areas such as the

efficacy of various teaching methodologies in critical care nursing education and the influence of
simulation-based learning on students' clinical decision-making proficiencies. To actualize this, I
will forge research partnerships with colleagues within and beyond the nursing domain.
Interdisciplinary research could furnish broader insights and deeper understandings into these

Publishing in esteemed journals is another pivotal facet of scholarship. Disseminating research

findings contributes to the collective knowledge pool of nursing education and can aid fellow

educators in refining their teaching practices. My aim will be to submit my findings to reputable
journals like the Journal of Nursing Education or Nurse Educator. Furthermore, I endeavor to
inspire and mentor my students to write and submit their work, thus fostering a culture of

scholarship among them.

Presenting research findings at professional conferences is yet another conduit for knowledge
dissemination and staying abreast of contemporary trends and best practices. I intend to
regularly submit abstracts for presentation at conferences such as the National League for

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Nursing's (NLN) annual meeting or the American Association of Colleges of Nursing's (AACN)

The competencies delineated by the NLN and AACN furnish a framework for my scholarship
endeavors. According to the NLN's Nurse Educator competencies, nurse educators are
expected to be perpetual learners and to propel the profession forward through scholarly
undertakings, encompassing research and publication. Similarly, the AACN's Essentials
underscore the pivotal role of scholarship in refining nursing education and elevating healthcare
outcomes. Hence, my scholarship strategy is rooted in these professional competencies and
expectations. Beyond advancing my professional growth, this strategy is crafted to propel the

nursing education domain forward, enriching student learning quality and, ultimately, enhancing
patient outcomes in critical care settings.

Leadership Development

My leadership evolution as a nurse educator primarily focuses on curriculum design and

execution within critical care nursing. Attaining a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) credential
constitutes an integral component of my leadership growth plan, reaffirming my commitment to
teaching and learning. Furthermore, I recognize the significance of continual professional
advancement, which I aim to actualize through engagement in leadership workshops and
training sessions. These platforms will equip me with the latest leadership theories and
practices within the nursing education arena.

Active participation in university committees and professional nursing organizations stands as


another trajectory for leadership growth. Assuming roles in these capacities not only hones my
decision-making and policy development competencies but also broadens my professional
network. Steering curriculum reform initiatives within my institution forms a crucial facet of my
leadership blueprint. This may encompass advocating for the integration of emerging critical
care topics or fostering more comprehensive cultural competency training. Mentoring is an

indispensable leadership responsibility. As a seasoned faculty member, guiding junior educators

contributes to nurturing future leaders within

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Anderson, A. L., Waddell, A., Brennan, P., Burnett, C., Anderson, C., & Short, N. M. (2019).
Advancing health policy education in nursing: American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Faculty Policy Think Tank. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(3).

Brown Tyo, M., & McCurry, M. K. (2019). An integrative review of clinical reasoning teaching
strategies and outcome evaluation in nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 40(1),

Carley, A., & Hultgren, M. (2020). A Proposed Ninth Essential. Nursing Education Perspectives,
Publish Ahead of Print.

Gazza, E. A. (2018). Alleviating the nurse faculty shortage: Designating and preparing the
academic nurse educator as an advanced practice registered nurse. Nursing Forum, 54(2),


Jeffries, P. (2022). Clinical simulations in nursing education: Advanced concepts, trends, and
opportunities. In Google Books. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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