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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Goldilocks. She had a golden hair.
One day, Goldilocks was walking in the forest. She saw a house and knocked on the door. She went
inside. Nobody was there. Goldilocks saw three bowls on the table. She was hungry.
“This porridge is too hot!”
“This porridge is too cold!”
“This porridge is just right!” Goldilocks ate all the porridge.
Goldilocks was tired now. “This chair is too big!” “This chair is too big too!”
“This chair is just right!” But the chair broke!
Goldilocks was very tired. She went upstairs. “This bed is hard!” “This bed is too soft!”
“This bed is just right!”
Soon the bears came home. “Somebody’s been eating my porridge!” said Daddy Bear.
“Somebody’s been eating my porridge too!” said Mummy Bear.
“Somebody’s been eating my porridge, and it’s all gone!” said Baby Bear.
“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair!” said Daddy Bear.
“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair!” said Mummy Bear.
“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair, and it’s broken!” said Baby Bear.
“Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed!” said Daddy Bear.
“Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed!” said Mummy Bear.
“Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed, and she’s still there!” said Baby Bear.
Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. “Help!”
She ran downstairs and went into the forest. She never came back again.

I. State whether the following statement is True or False!

No Statement True/ False
1 The little girl was named Goldilocks because she has golden hair.
2 Goldilocks didn’t eat the baby bear’s porridge.
3 Goldilocks break the Baby Bear’s chair.
4 Goldilocks slept in Mummy Bear’s bed.
5 Goldilocks was afraid of the bears and never came back again.

II. Match the statement in column A with the picture in column B!

No A B

1 Goldilocks walked in the forest.

2 She saw a house.

3 Goldilocks knocked on the door.

4 Goldilocks was hungry.

5 She ate all the porridge.

III. Based on the text, answer these following questions!
1. Where did the story happen?
2. What is the name of the main character?
3. What was Goldilocks doing when she saw a house?
4. When she entered the house, wat did she saw on the table?
5. What did she do with it, did she ate them all?
6. What did she do after eating the porridge?
7. On whose bed did Goldilocks sleep in?
8. What do you think, is Goldilocks a good girl or not? Why? (You can answer this question in
Bahasa Indonesia)
I think Goldilocks is ___________________________________________________________
9. What can you learn from the story? (You can answer this question in Bahasa Indonesia)

IV. Choose the right answer by circling (= melingkari) A, B or C!

1. What did Goldilocks do after breaking one of the chairs?
A. She fixed it.
B. She went upstairs.

2. What did Goldilocks do when she saw the three bears?

A. She was happy to see them and said sorry for what she did.
B. She was afraid then ran downstairs.

3. Whose chair was broken?

A. The Mummy Bears’.
B. The Baby Bear’s.
C. The Daddy Bear’s
4. Was there anybody home?
A. Yes, there were three bears lived in that house.
B. No, there wasn’t anybody home at that time.
C. I’m not sure about that.

5. According to you, why was the girl named Goldilocks?

A. Because she has golden hair.
B. Because she has a lot of gold.
C. Because she has a golden retriever.

6. What will you do if you are Goldilocks? Why?

A. I will do the same as she did because it’s okay to do that.
B. I will not do what she did because it’s not right to enter someone’s house without permission.

Ermina Setyorini/ SMPN 1 Bandungan/ B. Inggris/VIII 2

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