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Task 1 & 2
1. (Well/Let’s see/Let me think +) 主旨句。
2. First/on one hand + 分论点一。
3. Second/in addition/furthermore + 分论点二。
(4. To sum up/that said + 总结)

1.(Well/Let’s see/Let me think +) 主旨句。
2. First/on one hand + 分论点一。
3. For example/for instance + 例子
(4. To sum up/that said + 总结)

1.(Well/Let’s see/Let me think +) 主旨句。
2. If + 第一类
3. (However/In contrast), if + 第二类
(4. To sum up/that said + 总结)

Task 3 (Reading 20-25s + Listening 35-40s)

1. 阅读主旨: Announcement: The university plans to…/Letter: XXX wrote
a letter saying that…
2. 阅读理由一: This is because/the first reason is that 第一个理由
3. 阅读理由二: In addition/and 第二个理由 (若是1+1+1的情况,需要相
4. 听力主旨:the man/woman thinks it’s a good/bad idea (若是同意要注意
第 1 页

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5. 听力理由一: He/she thinks that 第一个理由
6. 听力理由二: Also/what’s more 第二个理由

Task 4 (Reading 15s + Listening 45s)

1. 学 术 概 念 介 绍 : XXX refers to + 类 别 that 定 于 从 句 解 释 / XXX
means + doing 核心动作
2. 学术概念的作用: XXX helps to 等其他方式 (根据阅读听力的关系决
3. 过 渡 到 听 力 例 子 : The speaker used an experiment/example of… to
illustrate this concept.
4. 如果有两个例子或者实际应用: first…second

Task 5 (作答方案二) (Problem <15s + Two solution & Analyses 25s + Own
opinion 20s)
1. 问题:The man/woman has a problem that/is facing a dilemma between…
2. 选择一:the first option is that 选择一具体内容so that + 对应好处/but
3. 选择二:Or, he/she can 选择二具体内容so that + 对应好处/but +对应
4. 作出选择:I would definitely go with the first/second option或者If I were
the man/woman, I would…
5. 给出自己的理由: because I think…

Task 6 (Topic 10s + Aspect 1 & Example 1 25s + Aspect 2 & Example 2
1. 听力主旨
2. The first type is + 第一个方面. (For instance,) + 第一个例子
3. The second type is + 第二个方面. (For example,) + 第二个例子

补充:Task 4和Task 6例子比较多变,没有固定的说法。牢记课上讲的实


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