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Video Assignment Link: https://youtu.


The video clip is 25 minutes long because I began recording the instructional input/mini lesson
of characterization + conflict, and I ended it while the class began watching Julius Caesar.
The differentiated activity took place after the students finished watching the play and
completed the film guide.

Process Components
5 min. 4/19/24: Act 3, Scene 1 (Part 1)
*Anticipatory Set
Which Julius Caesar Character Are You? Quiz + Post-It Notes
TSW take a short 7-question quiz in which the results will reveal which character
from Julius Caesar the user is. TTW pass out a sticky note to each student; TSW
write on their sticky note their name, quiz result/character name, and whether they
think their results are true. For example, the teacher’s results are Mark Antony, who
“frequently does the opposite of what is expected of them just for the drama of it all.”
TTW would write that these results are not true because she does not like drama.

*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)

By the end of class, I can…
-define foil characters
-identify various types of conflict
-analyze the first part of Act 3, Scene 1 from Julius Caesar
20+ *Instructional Input, Modeling, or Procedures
min. Characterization + Conflict Focused Notes
TTW present a mini-lesson on direct/indirect characterization, foil characters, and
types of conflict. TSW take focused notes on these topics as the teacher presents. The
presentation will have both fill-in-the-blanks and
Video + Julius Caesar + Film Guide
TSW watch the taping of the live play of JC and complete the questions in their film
guide. TTW pause at certain moments to help students answer the film guide and to
point out important elements of the plot and characters.
5 min. *Check for Understanding
Gimkit: Conflict
After the mini lesson, TSW play a 5-minute Gimkit, reviewing types of conflict.
TSW be encouraged to use their notes, and the top 3 winners can get a piece of candy
out of the prize bin.
5 min. *Guided Practice
Walkthrough of Characterization + Conflict activity
TTW model how to fill out the Venn diagram and demonstrate how to find the type
of conflict with an example quote from Julius Caesar.
15 *Independent Practice
min. Block 1: Fate vs. Free Will Worksheet
TSW take 15 minutes to complete the Fate vs. Free Will worksheet in which they
-Write a Point-Prove-Explain paragraph explaining whether fate or free will is more
influential in Julius Caesar. They must include a QUOTE from the play to support
their point. (Cite this quote with the Act and Scene number). They may argue that
both fate and free will are equally influential, but they must include 2 quotes—1 of
fate and 1 of free will—to support their point.
-Draw a picture of the quote(s) they included
-Answer the application question: Describe a time when you or someone else was
warned not to do something. Did you or the person follow their advice? What
happened as a result?
Students must reference their play, can work with a classmate, and may ask the
teacher for help.
Differentiated Characterization + Conflict Activity
15+ On 4/16/24, students took a pre-assessment on characterization and conflict. The data
min. revealed that students need to reveal STEAL (indirect characterization), foil
characters, and types of conflict. Based on the results and the amount of time, the
students will complete a differentiated assignment on foil characters and types of
conflict. (The students were sorted into groups based on the pre-assessment results.
Their assignments are shown below.)
Novice: TSW fill out a Venn diagram, comparing the two foil characters, Cassius and
Brutus. TSW then identify what type of conflict Julius Caesar vs. the Conspirators is
(character vs ______), as well as whether this is an internal or external conflict. TSW
finally determine how this conflict advances the plot.
Developing: TSW choose 2 foil characters in JC and compare them in a Venn
diagram. TSW find a quote of man vs. supernatural and man vs man conflicts. TSW
determine how these conflicts advance the plot.
Proficient: TSW choose 2 foil characters in JC and compare them in a Venn diagram.
TSW find a quote of 1 internal conflict + a quote of 1 external conflict, which they
must label (man vs _____). TSW determine how these conflicts advance the plot.

Pre-Assessment on Characterization and Conflict
Characterization and conflict pre-assessment completed on 4/16/24. Students
completed a 12-question, multiple choice pre-assessment on characterization and
conflict. This included questions about STEAL, foil characters, and various kinds of
conflict (character vs. character, internal/external conflict, etc.) The teacher used this
data, which showed students needed to review all the tested concepts, to create this
differentiated lesson plan. Students will review direct and indirect characterization on
Monday, April 22.
3 min. *Closure
TSW discuss the following question with a shoulder partner, “Caesar’s last words
before his death were, “Et tu, Brute?—Then fall, Caesar.” What would your last
words be if you were Julius Caesar?
Differentiation Strategies (e.g. enrichment, accommodations, remediation, learning style,
The film guide and taping of the live play allow auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners
understand Julius Caesar better. The independent practice is differentiated by readiness based
on pre-assessment results.
Classroom Management Strategies (To ensure a positive learning environment).
TTW float around the classroom to ensure students are awake and staying on task.
Lesson Reflection. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the
objective(s)? What parts of the lesson would you change? Why? (Professor will determine
if reflection goes here or in written report).
-Block 1 did not go as expected: my computer restarted, and I was unable to play the JC video
= did not read or watch the first part of Act 3, Scene 1
-Block 1: Students began the differentiated activity but did not finish; I will give them a
completion grade based on their efforts
-Block 1: Students needed assistance w/ the foil character part of the assignment
-Block 3: Got through the lesson smoothly; some students did not finish the differentiated
assignment, so I will give them more time on Monday

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