UNIT 3,4,5,6 Question Bank

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Unit-3Digital Modulation Techniques

1. Explain QPSK signal generation. [6]

2. Explain M-ary PSK transmitter & receiver. [6]

3. Explain coherent binary FSK signal generation. [4]

4. Draw the block diagram of DPSK transmitter and explain its operation with proper [6]
5. Binary data is transmitted using PSK at a rate 2 Mbps over RF link having bandwidth [6]
2MHz, find signal power required at the receiver input so that error probability is not
𝑁𝑜 10
more than l0-4. Given noise PSD 2
= 10 Watt/ Hz and Q (3.71) = 10-4

6. Draw the block diagram of correlation receiver for binary digital input signal. [2]

7. Binary data is transmitted using M-ary PSK at a rate 2 Mbps over RF link having [8]
bandwidth 2MHz find signal power required at the receiver input so that bit error
probability is less than 10-5.
𝑁𝑜 8
Given M = l6 and Noise PSD 2
= 10 Watt / Hz erf (3.l) = 0.99996.
8. Binary data is transmitted using PSK at a rate 5Mbps over RF link having bandwidth [6]
10 MHz Find signal power required at receiver input so that error probability is less
than or equal to 10–4 watt/Hz. Q(3.71) = 10–4, No/2 = 10–10.
9. Find the probability of error for coherent FSK when amplitude of I/P at coherent [8]
optimal receiver is 10mv and frequency 10 MHz, the signal corrupted with white
noise of PSD 10–9 W/Hz, the data rate is 100 kbps.
Given: [erfc (1.01) = 0.1531, erfc (1.11) =0.1164, erfc (1.22) = 0.0844, erfc (1.33) =
10. Compare the performance of modulation schemes, BPSK, BFSK, QPSK, DPSK, [6]
M-ary PSK, M-ary FSK w.r.t.
a. BW.
b. PSD.
c. Probability of Error.
d. Application Bit rate.
11. Derive the expression of Probability of error for BPSK receiver in presence of [8]
AWGN noise channel.
12. Explain coherent binary FSK signal generation. [4]

13. Explain M-ary PSK transmitter and receiver. [6]

14. With the help of block diagram and waveforms, explain generation of coherent [6]
15. Draw block diagram of BPSK and explain it. [4]

16. With the help of block diagram and waveforms, explain generation of coherent [6]
17. In a QPSK system, bit rate of NRZ stream is 10 Mbps and carrier frequency is 1 [8]
GHz. Find symbol rate of transmission and bandwidth requirement of the channel.
Sketch the PSD of QPSK signal.
18. Explain generation, Detection, spectrum, signal space diagram of BPSK system. [8]

19. Give mathematical representation of QPSK signal. Draw the signal space diagram of [8]
QPSK signal. Write the expression of all the message points in the diagram.
20. Compare M-ary PSK and M-ary QAM [8]
21. Sketch waveform for QPSK for input bit sequence 10011010
22. Compare offset QPSK and non offset QPSK.
23. Signal Space representation and mathematical expression for M-ary Psk
24. Write the signal space representation of 16 QAM
25. Draw waveform for MSK for input sequence 1100011
Unit 4 Multiple Access Techniques
1. Draw the block diagram of spread spectrum digital communication and explain the [8]
various blocks.
2. State and explain properties of PN sequence. [6]

3. What are advantages of FHSS. [2]

4. Draw the block diagram of FHSS transmitter and receiver and explain the various [8]
5. The DSSS communication system has message bit duration (Tb) = 4 ms and chip [6]
duration (Tc) = 1µsec. with 𝑁𝑜 = 10 for average error probability less than 10-5.
Calculate processing gain & Jamming margin.
6. What are advantages and disadvantages of DSSS. [2]

7. What is PN sequence? Explain its properties with 4-stage Shift register [6]

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of FHSS? [4]

9. Explain the concept of spread spectrum in advanced digital communication system. [6]

10. Explain the concept of Processing gain, Probability of error and Concept of [6]
11. Explain Fast and Slow frequency hopping techniques. [6]

12. Derive PSD for DSSS system and enlist its disadvantages. [4]

13. Write short note on FHSS [6]

14. Write short note on Properties of PN sequence [6]

15. Write short note on Fast and slow frequency hopping [6]

16. Draw the block diagram of DSSS BPSK system and explain various blocks [8]

17. Define [4]

a. Processing Gain
b. Jamming Margin
18. Explain Direct sequence spread spectrum baseband transmitter and receiver with [8]
neat waveform.
19. A BPSK-DSSS system, using coherent detection, is used to transmit data at 250bps [8]
and system has to work in a hostile jamming environment with minimum error
performance of one error in 20, 000 bits. Determine the minimum chipping rate, if
the jamming signal is 300 times stronger than the received signal
20. The information bit duration in DS-BPSK SS system is 4 msec. while the clipping [8]
rate is 1 MHz, assuming an average error probability of 10-5, calculate the jamming
margin. Interpret the result. Given: Q(4.25)=10-5.
21. Compare DSSS and FHSS [6]

22. Write down classification of Multiple Access protocols. Explain pure and slotted 6M
23. Explain FDMA,TDMA,CDMA 6M
Unit V Information Theory
1. Define Entropy? [2]
2. Define Mutual Information? [2]

3. List properties of Mutual information? [4]

4. List various source coding techniques. Explain need of source coding with example. [4]

5. State and prove any one property of mutual information? [2]

6. Prove that mutual information is given by [2]

I (X;Y) = H(X) + H(Y) – H(X, Y) .
7. State objectives of source coding. [2]

8. Write the procedure for Shannon- Fano coding. [4]

9. Compare Shannon - Fano- and Huffman coding techniques. [6]

10. State & Explain [6]

a. Shannon's channel coding theorem
b. Shannon's Information capacity theorem

11. What is mutual information? Calculate all the entropies & mutual information for [7]
the channel with channel matrix given as P[y/x] = [0.9,0. l,0; 0,0.8,0.2; 0,0.3,0.7]
Given P(x1) = 0.3 and P(x2) = 0.25 P(x3) = 0.45
12. A source emits l000 symbols per second from a range of 5 symbols, with [7]

1 1 1 1 1
, 4 , 8 , 8 , 16 find entropy and information

13. Obtain the coding efficiency of a Shanon Fano and Huffman code for a zero
memory source that emits seven messages [E,N,G,L,I,S,H] with probabilities of
14. Design a Shanon Fano code for a source generating 5 different messages with
probabilities 0.45,0.3,0.15,0.05,0.05.Find the coding efficiency.
15. Write Shannon Hartley Capacity Theorem.

16. Define information capacity theorem.

Unit VI Error Control Coding
1. What is ARQ? explain Go Back N and selective repeat ARQ protocols? [6]
What is stop - and - wait ARQ? Explain. [8]
What is ARQ? Explain three types of ARQ. [8]
4. Write a short note on single parity check codes. [4]

5. What is primitive element? Explain with suitable example. [4]

6. What is irreducible or prefix condition for a source code? Explain with example. [4]

7. Outline the procedure for encoding of RS codes. [8]

8. Explain the case study related to application of Huffman’s coding and JPEG in [8]
image compression.
9. Explain the features of following codes. [8]
a. BCH codes
b. Cyclic hamming codes
c. CRC Codes
10. Parity matrix of (7,4) LBC is as follows: [6]
Find the code word for the message
i. 0101
ii. 1010
11. Find the parity check matrix for decoding Linear Block code if generator matrix is given as 𝐺 [6]
= [1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 ]
12. For a systematic LBC, the parity check bits are [8]

C1 = M1 ⊕ M2 ⊕ M3

C2 = M2 ⊕ M3 ⊕ M4

C3 = M1 ⊕ M2 ⊕ M4
a. Generator matrix.
b. Error detecting & correcting capabilities.
c. Parity Check Matrix.
d. Corrected code word for received code word [1101001].

13. For a systematic LBC, the three parity check digits C4, C5 and C6 are given by [6]
C4 = d1 ⊕ d2 ⊕ d3

C5 = d1 ⊕ d2

C6 = d1 ⊕ d3
a. Construct generator matrix.
b. Construct code generated by this matrix.
c. Determine error correcting capability.

15. For a (6,3) LBC, following generator matrix is used [6]

G= 010011

a. Find error correction & detection capability of the code.
b. Is this a perfect code? Justify.

16. [6]
Using generator polynomial g(x)= x3 +x2 +1, generate systematic cyclic code for
following messages
a. [1 0 1 1]
b. [1 1 1 1]

17. [4]
For a (7, 4) cyclic code find out the generator matrix if G(x) = 1 + x + x3.
18. [4]
Explain following terms with reference to Linear Block Code.
a. Hamming Weight
b. Hamming Distance

19. [5]
Comment whether following code is perfect code or not, with necessary
a. (7, 4) LBC
b. (6, 3) LBC
20. Compare systematic and nonsystematic code.

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