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21st century literature from the philippines and the world


Submitted by:
Lloyd Vincent Tagle

Submitted to:
Mrs. Nenita F. Sacramento
Literary Tradition In other words, the “tradition” of literary tradition is the constant production of new works added
to the canon. The critic must develop the wisdom to decide which new works of art deserve to move the tradition
forward and which do not rise to that level. Theme is what happens in a story, a theme is why it happens—which
you need to know while you’re writing the plot. Character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story.
Writers use characters to perform the actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along a plot line. A story can
have only one character (protagonist) and still be a complete story. Setting this may include location, time, or era,
but it should also include how things look, smell, taste, feel, and sound. Point of View the voice you will use to
write your story: First Person (I, me), Second Person (you, your), or Third Person (he, she or it), and who will serve
as your story’s camera? Plot is the sequence of events that make up a story. It’s what compels your reader to either
keep turning the pages, or set the book aside. Conflict is the engine of fiction and is crucial to effective nonfiction as
well. Resolution Whether you’re an Outliner or a Pantser like me (one who writes by the seat of your pants), you
must have an idea where your story is going and think about your ending every day. Pre – Colonial Period (BC to
1564) Characteristic of this is base on oral traditions and Crude on ideology and phraseology. There are Literary
forms; Riddles(bugtong), Proverbs(salawikain), Tanaga, Folk songs, Hele or Dyayi, Ambahan(mangyan),
Kalusan(inatan). Folk tales is Philippine folk literature refers to the traditional oral literature of the Filipino people.
Thus, the scope of the field covers the ancient folk literature of the Philippines' various ethnic groups, as well as
various pieces of folklore that have evolved since the Philippines became a single ethno-political unit. What is
legend in pre-colonial period? Legends. Pre-Spanish legends are fictitious narratives which explain the origin of
things, places, or names. The early Filipino customs are also depicted in them as it entertains the people during
gatherings and occasions. Examples include “The Legend of the Tagalog” of the Tagalogs. Fables are about animals
and these teach moral lessons. Fantasy stories is deal with underworld characters such as tiyanak, aswang, kapre and
other. Epics revolve around supernatural events or heroic deeds and they embody or validate the beliefs and customs
and ideals of a community. The Spanish Colonial Period is it has two district classifactions, religious and secular it
indruduces Spanish as the medium of communication. The teaching of the Christian Doctrine became the basis of
religious practices. The Spanish language traditionally called Castillan which became the literary language during
this time, lent many of its words to our present-day Filipino language. The Pasyón (Spanish: Pasión) is a Philippine
epic narrative of the life of Jesus Christ, focused on his Passion, Death, and Resurrection. In stanzas of five lines of
eight syllables each, the standard elements of epic poetry are interwoven with a colourful, dramatic theme. The
Senakulo (from the Spanish cenaculo) is a Lenten play that depicts events from the Old and New Testaments related
to the life, sufferings, and death of Christ. The awit (Tagalog for "song") is a type of Filipino poem, consisting of
12-syllable quatrains. It follows the pattern of rhyming stanzas established in the Philippine epic Pasyon. It is similar
in form to the corrido. Korido is Among all the Filipinos the word corrido means an extended narrative of the life
and adventures of some person. Prose narrative is written to prescribe proper decorum. Propaganda period topic!
Propaganda period is a turning point in our Philippine literary journey. This period marked the beginning of the
awakening of our sense of nationalism. The seeds of liberty, equality, and fraternity are well starting to germinate
from the many failures experienced by the early waves of armed insurrections which were largely self-contained,
isolated and doomed from the start. The adage, “the pen is mightier than the sword” will be pitted to good use here,
too. So, what are you waiting for, join me as we take a closer look at the Propaganda period, some of the major
members of the propaganda movement, and their salient contributions to the Philippine literary tradition. American
period is one of the turning points which made our Philippine literary tradition colorful and interesting. This period
saw the addition of a colorful language, the English language, as an indispensable tool for literature and
communication. Indeed, this period witnessed a dramatic flowering of the Philippine literature considering the sheer
volume of works produced, the ringing of names etched in the Philippine literary pantheon, as well as the
introduction and development of new literary genres as genuine additions to the already rich Philippine literary
tradition. Contemporary literature is a period that is hard to define because it is so vast.

21st Century Literature gave me an idea of how important literature is even if we are already in the
21st century. It made me understand more what is the meaning of literature. It also made me
appreciate all the hard works of all the authors just to impart their knowledge to be passed on to
the upcoming generations.
Literature seems too difficult to embrace for people who are indifferent to it. However, it continues
to grow and stay because of its significance and value to man. Literature is an art of self-expression.
Because of how rich Introduction to 21st Century Literature is, I was able to compare and contrast
the four genres o literature.
When we read literature, we are informed of events that beset our environment, and the fictitious
characters and colorful events amuse us. It still amazes me how the power of literature can make
me see the world from a different perspective.
The type of literature we have now is totally different from the previous ones because the interests
of the audience also change based on the demand of their needs. They have a more different set of
interests which is greatly affected by media, friends, or social networking sites.
21st century literature is greatly valuable in my life since it help me to be more mature and to take
into consideration the action that is being portrayed by other people. Life is amazing as it is, but life
is more breathtaking in the perspective of literature. In conclusion to this, no matter what we do in
life and no matter what we choose, literature will always revolve around us since it is the greatest
purpose that will help us grow. Thus, it will help us to pursue our dreams with passion, faith, and
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World is a senior high school subject which
aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21st Century Literature from the
Philippines and the World, encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structure,
contexts, and traditions.
Learning literature in the 21st century is concerned with skills and technologies that will help our
children to flourish in society. It increasingly values teamwork, critical thinking, adaptability,
courage, and perseverance.
Literature allows a person to step back in time and learn about life on Earth from the ones who
walked before us. We can gather a better understanding of culture and have a greater appreciation
of them. We learn through the ways history is recorded, in the forms of manuscripts and through
speech itself.

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