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‭Des Moines Area Community College‬

‭INTASC Standards‬
‭Artifact Reflection Form‬

‭Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:‬

I‭nTASC Standard : #4 Content knowledge The teacher understands the central‬

‭concepts of the subject or subjects that he or she is required to teach, with an in-depth‬
‭understanding of how to make the content accessible and approachable to all students.‬
‭Applying this standard, teachers commit to keeping up-to-date and relevant in their‬
‭content areas. (Iowa Core assignment)‬
‭Course Competency: 5 Develop an appreciation for pedagogy as it relates to‬
‭classroom management and instruction. #2 Compare various types of curriculum and‬
‭effective ways to implement them.‬
‭Essential Learning Outcome: #2: Critical Thinking: Students will be able to analyze‬
‭complex information, support arguments with credible evidence, and reach‬
‭well-reasoned conclusions.‬

‭Course: EDU 210‬

‭Date of Implementation: October 2023‬

‭ rtifact‬
‭Title of Artifact: Iowa Core Curriculum Assignment‬

(‭ Explain what you did to complete this assignment/artifact and‬

‭how this artifact best represents this particular InTASC standard, Course Competency‬
‭and Essential Learning Outcome.)‬

‭ hy did you choose this assignment for standard #4 Content knowledge?‬

‭-I chose this assignment because going through the Iowa core taught me alot about‬
‭what I will need to teach in the future to my students. I learned about the different skills I‬
‭will need to address when I am a teacher. It was interesting to learn about all the‬
‭different standards and how it works to create an activity.‬

‭ hy do you feel that this assignment helped you to appreciate the art and‬
‭science of teaching AND what did it teach you about implementing a curriculum?‬
‭-‬ ‭I feel this assignment taught me alot about the science of teaching. Because we‬
‭know the science of teaching is what you teach. I kno the Iowa Core gives me‬
‭what I need to teach. Even Though the Iowa Core tells me what to teach but‬
‭ oesn't tell me how to teach. It gives me room to teach how I want to with what is‬
‭given to me to teach.‬

‭How did this assignment help you to develop critical thinking skills?‬

-‭ It taught me to understand and apply the pyramid to my work. It taught me how to help‬
‭apply this to my students. This way mt students and I know what we are working off of.‬
‭This will benefit my critical thinking skill for my students and I.‬

‭ eflection:‬
‭Explain what you gained from completing this assignment/artifact.‬

‭ ow did completing the Iowa Core assignment reinforce to you what you have‬
‭learned so far about teaching?‬
‭-It taught me to plan and prepare for my classes. That the Iowa Core will be a good tool‬
‭to use when preparing lessons. With the Iowa Core it will help with my organization‬
‭within my curriculum.‬

‭ ow will it help you in the future when you become a teacher?‬

‭-It will help me by being a good guide. Help with plans for the school year, semester,‬
‭daily lessons, and so much more. This will help me along the way when I am teaching‬
‭my lessons.‬

‭ ow will it help your future students?‬

‭-It will help my students be prepared for their next semester and year of school. This‬
‭way they know what standards are going to be taught during the school year. This will‬
‭help them as well with understanding we have to meet these certain standards. It will‬
‭help them as well because it will help their class go more smoothly.‬

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