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Cơ sở Hà Nội

CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017

CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Table of Contents
IELTS SPEAKING PART 1......................................................................................................
PART 1 - SNACK................................................................................................................
PART 1 - THE AREA AROUND YOU.................................................................................
PART 1 - WRITING.............................................................................................................
PART 1 - MORNING...........................................................................................................
PART 1 - WORK/ STUDY...................................................................................................
PART 1 - SOCIAL MEDIA...................................................................................................
PART 1 - SINGING..............................................................................................................
PART 1 - ROBOTS..............................................................................................................
PART 1 - TEA AND COFFEE..............................................................................................
IELTS SPEAKING PART 2.....................................................................................................
PART 2 - Describe a historical period.................................................................................
PART 2 - Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed.............................
PART 2 - Describe a thing you bought and you are happy about.......................................
PART 2 - Describe a place where you go to do outdoor activities or play a
PART 2 - Describe a time when you received money as a gift...........................................
PART 2 - Describe your favorite piece of jewelry...............................................................
PART 2 - Describe a beautiful city......................................................................................
PART 2 - Describe a park or a garden you have enjoyed visiting.......................................
PART 2 - Describe a photograph that makes you happy....................................................
IELTS SPEAKING PART 3.....................................................................................................
PART 3 - CONSUMERISM.................................................................................................
PART 3 - LANGUAGE LEARNING.....................................................................................
PART 3 - EXPERIENCE......................................................................................................
PART 3 - MONEY................................................................................................................
PART 3 - BEAUTIFUL THINGS.........................................................................................
PART 3 - A PIECE OF CLOTHING.....................................................................................
PART 3 - CHILDHOOD GAME............................................................................................


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng


Question 1: What snacks do you like to eat?

Response: I enjoy a variety of snacks, but if I had to choose, I'd say that
I really like fresh fruits such as apples, bananas, and oranges. I find
them to be a healthy and refreshing option for a quick snack.

Question 2: Did you often eat snacks when you were young?

Response: Yes, when I was young, I used to eat snacks quite often. I
think it's natural for children to enjoy snacks, and I was no exception. I
used to look forward to having a snack after school or during playtime.

Question 3: When do you usually eat snacks?

Response: I usually eat snacks between meals, especially when I feel a

bit hungry and need a quick energy boost. I also tend to have a snack in
the late afternoon or in the evening while relaxing at home.

Question 4: Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks?

Response: I believe that snacking can be healthy if it's done in

moderation and if the snacks are nutritious. It's important to choose
snacks that are not high in sugar, salt, or unhealthy fats. For example,
fruits, nuts, and yogurt are healthy snack options that can provide
essential nutrients.


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng


Question 1: Do you like the area that you live in?

Response: Yes, I really like the area where I live. It's a peaceful and
vibrant neighborhood with a great sense of community. The amenities
and green spaces make it a very pleasant place to live.

Question 2: Where do you like to go in that area?

Response: In my area, I particularly enjoy visiting the local park. It's a

beautiful and serene place where I can relax, exercise, or simply take a
leisurely stroll. Additionally, there are some charming cafes and small
shops nearby that I like to explore.

Question 3: Do you know any famous people in your area?

Response: Yes, there are a few well-known individuals who live in my

area, including a local artist whose work has gained recognition both
nationally and internationally. It's always exciting to see their influence
and creativity adding to the cultural fabric of our community.

Question 4: What are some changes in the area recently?

Response: Recently, there have been several positive changes in the

area, including the opening of new small businesses, the renovation of
the community center, and the introduction of more environmentally
friendly initiatives such as community gardens and recycling programs.
These changes have enhanced the overall appeal and functionality of
the neighborhood.


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Question 5: Do you know any of your neighbors?

Response: Yes, I'm fortunate to know many of my neighbors. We often

greet each other and engage in friendly conversations. It's nice to have a
sense of camaraderie and support within the community.

Question 6: Are the people in your neighborhood nice and friendly?

Response: Yes, the people in my neighborhood are incredibly friendly

and welcoming. Whenever there's a community event or a neighbor
needs assistance, everyone is quick to lend a hand and offer support.
It's this warm and inclusive atmosphere that makes living here so

Question 1: Do you write a lot?

Response: Yes, I do write quite a bit. I find that writing is an effective

way for me to express my thoughts and feelings, and it also helps me to
organize my ideas.

Question 2: What do you like to write? Why?

Response: I particularly enjoy writing in a journal. It allows me to reflect

on my experiences, set goals, and document significant events in my
life. I find that writing in a journal provides me with a sense of clarity and
introspection, and it serves as a personal record of my journey.

Question 3: Do you think the things you write would change?

Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Response: Yes, I believe that the things I write will likely change over
time. As I grow and experience new things, my perspectives, priorities,
and writing style will evolve. I see writing as a dynamic process that
mirrors the changes and growth in my life.

Question 1: Do you like getting up early in the morning?

Response: Yes, I do like getting up early in the morning. I find that the
early hours of the day offer a sense of tranquility and productivity. It
gives me the opportunity to start my day with a clear mind and to
accomplish tasks before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

Question 2: What do you usually do in the morning?

Response: In the morning, I typically start with some light exercise or

yoga to invigorate my body and mind. Then, I enjoy a nutritious breakfast
while catching up on the news or reading a book. Afterward, I plan my
day, review my schedule, and set goals to ensure a productive and
fulfilling day ahead.

Question 3: What did you do in the morning when you were little?

Response: When I was little, my mornings were filled with energy and
curiosity. I used to wake up early and eagerly explore the natural world
around me. I would often spend time outdoors, playing games, riding my
bicycle, and observing the plants and animals in our neighborhood.


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

These activities sparked my imagination and instilled in me a love for

nature and the outdoors, which has stayed with me into adulthood.


Question 1: What do you usually do after coming home from

Response: After returning home from school, I typically allocate time for
unwinding and relaxation. This involves catching up on reading,
engaging in physical exercise, or pursuing hobbies such as painting or
playing a musical instrument. Additionally, I often spend time with family
and friends, which helps me rejuvenate after a day of academic pursuits.


Question 1: Do you use social media or not?

Response: Yes, I do use social media platforms to stay connected with

friends, family, and to stay informed about current events and trends.
Social media serves as a valuable tool for networking and sharing ideas
and experiences with a wider audience.

Question 2: Do people around you use social media too much?

Response: In my observation, many people around me do use social

media extensively. While it can be a great way to stay connected, I
believe that moderation is key, as excessive use of social media can
potentially lead to distractions and a decrease in productivity.

Question 3: Do you want to work on social media in the future?


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Response: While I find the influence of social media intriguing, my

career aspirations lie in education. However, I do recognize the
significance of social media in today’s digital landscape and aim to
leverage its potential as a supplementary tool in my future endeavors.

Question 1: Do you like to sing?

Response: Yes, I thoroughly enjoy singing. It's a hobby of mine, and I

find it to be a wonderful form of self-expression and relaxation.

Question 2: Have you ever studied singing?

Response: I have not undergone formal training in singing, but I have

taken part in several informal vocal workshops and have been involved
in musical performances during my school years.

Question 1: Are you interested in robots?

Response: Yes, I have a keen interest in robots. I find the

advancements in robotics technology fascinating, especially how they
are being applied in various fields such as healthcare and
manufacturing. Learning about robots is a hobby of mine, and I often
read articles and watch documentaries to stay updated on the latest

Có, tôi rất quan tâm đến robot. Tôi thấy sự tiến bộ trong công nghệ robot
rất thú vị, đặc biệt là cách chúng được áp dụng trong nhiều lĩnh vực như
chăm sóc sức khỏe và sản xuất. Việc tìm hiểu về robot là một sở thích


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

của tôi, và tôi thường đọc các bài viết và xem các bộ phim tài liệu để cập
nhật thông tin về các tiến bộ mới nhất.

Question 2: Have you ever learned anything about robots?

Response: Absolutely, I've actively pursued knowledge about robots.

From basic programming the intricate mechanics behind them, I've
delved into various aspects of robotics. I believe it's crucial to have a
good understanding of this technology as it becomes increasingly
integrated into our daily lives.

Question 3: How would you feel traveling in a car driven by a


Response: If I were to travel in a car driven by a robot, I'd have mixed

feelings. On one hand, I appreciate the potential safety benefits and
reduced human error that autonomous vehicles can offer. However, I
might also feel a bit uneasy at the thought of entrusting my safety
completely to a machine. Nonetheless, as technology improves and
becomes more reliable, I think I would
eventually adapt to the idea and feel more at ease.

Question 4: Would robots affect people's lives?

Response: Without a doubt, robots will have a profound impact on

people's lives. They are already revolutionizing industries, automating
tasks, and improving efficiency. In the future, we can expect robots to
play even more significant roles in healthcare, education, and various
other sectors. While there may be challenges and adjustments, overall, I
believe robots will enhance our quality of life and create new
opportunities for us.


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng


Question 4: Do you prefer drinking tea to coffee?

Response: I don't necessarily have a strict preference for one over the
other. It depends on the time of day and my mood. In the mornings, I
tend to lean towards coffee for that caffeine boost, but in the evenings, I
often enjoy a calming cup of tea. So, I'd say it varies based on the

Question 2: Do you ever go out to drink coffee or tea?

Response: Yes, I do enjoy going out to cafés to savor a cup of coffee or

tea. It's not just about beverage but also the ambiance and social aspect
of these places. Catching up with friends or simply having some quiet
time to work or read in a café is something I find quite enjoyable.

Question 3: When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?

Response: I actually had a cup of coffee this morning before starting my

day. I find it helps me wake up and focus. However, I also had a cup of
herbal tea last night to relax before bedtime. So, I enjoy both beverages
regularly, depending on the time.

Question 4: Which do you prepare for your guest at home? Tea or


Response: When I have guests over at my home, I usually offer them a

choice between tea and coffee. I believe it's essential to cater to their
preferences, as some might prefer the boldness of coffee,
while others may enjoy the variety of teas available. So, I like to have
both options readily available to make them feel comfortable and


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng


PART 2 - Describe a historical period
Thematic Vocabulary

1. Look back on: To remember or reflect on something that happened

in the past.

Example: When I look back on my family's history, I feel a strong sense

of pride.

2. Pass down: To give something to a younger generation as an

inheritance or legacy.

Example: My grandmother passed down her love of cooking to my

mother, and now I'm learning from her.

3. Settle in: To establish oneself in a place and become comfortable


Example: The first European settlers in America had a difficult time

settling in because of the harsh conditions.

4. Turn over a new leaf: To make a fresh start or change for the better.

Example: After years of struggling with addiction, he finally turned over

a new leaf and started living a healthier lifestyle.

5. Make history: To do something that will be remembered in the future.


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Example: When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969, he made


6. Rewrite history: To change the way events in the past are

remembered or interpreted.

Example: Some historians argue that the victors of wars often rewrite
history to make themselves look better.

7. Trace back to: To find the origin or source of something.

Example: The origins of the English language can be traced back to the
Germanic tribes that invaded Britain in the 5th century.

8. Learn from history: To use knowledge of past events to avoid

making the same mistakes in the future.

Example: It's important to learn from history so that we don't repeat the
same mistakes that led to wars and conflicts.

9. Historical context: The background or circumstances surrounding

an event in the past that help to explain it.

Example: To fully understand the significance of Shakespeare's plays,

it's important to consider the historical context in which they were

10. Time-honored tradition: A custom or practice that has been

observed for a long time and is respected for its age and history.


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Example: The Japanese tea ceremony is a time-honored tradition that

dates back hundreds of years.

11. Go down in history: To become famous or well-known for

something that one has done.

Example: The Wright brothers went down in history for inventing the
first successful airplane.

12. Historical landmark: A place or object that is historically important

or significant.

Example: The Great Wall of China is a historical landmark that attracts

millions of tourists every year.

13. Bring to light: To reveal or make something known that was

previously hidden or unknown.

Example: The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls brought to light many
important historical and religious texts.

14. Dig up: To uncover or discover something that has been hidden or
buried in the ground.

Example: Archaeologists often dig up ancient artifacts and fossils to

learn more about past civilizations.

15. Timeless classic: A work of art or literature that is considered to be

of lasting value and relevance.

Example: The novels of Jane Austen are timeless classics that

continue to be popular today.


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

16. Historical accuracy: The degree to which a historical account or

portrayal is in line with the actual events or facts.

Example: Historians strive for historical accuracy in their research and


17. Historical significance: The importance or significance of an event

or object in history.

Example: The invention of the printing press was of great historical

significance because it revolutionized the way information was

18. Historical memory: The collective memory or recollection of a

particular historical event or period.

Example: The Holocaust is a painful and tragic part of Jewish historical


19. Historical artifact: An object that has historical value or significance

because of its association with a particular period or event.

Example: The Rosetta Stone is a historical artifact that helped scholars

decipher ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

20. Historical preservation: The act of protecting and preserving

historical artifacts, buildings, and sites for future generations.

Example: The National Park Service is responsible for the historical

preservation of many important natural and cultural sites in the United


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng


I have always been fascinated by the ancient Egyptian civilization and

would love to know more about the period of the New Kingdom, which
lasted from around 1550 BC to 1070 BC. This was a time of great
prosperity and power for Egypt, when it established itself as a major
military and cultural force in the region.

One of the things that interests me about this period is the reign of
pharaohs such as Hatshepsut and Tutankhamun, who went down in
history and are still famous today for their achievements and the
treasures they left behind. I would love to learn more about their lives
and the political and social climate of the time.

Another aspect of the New Kingdom that fascinates me is the religion

and mythology of ancient Egypt, which was an integral part of daily life. I
would like to dig up the temples and tombs of the pharaohs and learn
more about the gods and goddesses worshiped by the ancient

I think that studying the New Kingdom would also give me a deeper
understanding of the development of human civilization and the ways in
which ancient cultures shaped the world we live in today. Overall, I
believe that exploring this historical period would be a fascinating and
enriching experience that would broaden my knowledge and perspective
on the world.


One historical period in Vietnam that has always captured my interest is

the French colonial era, which lasted from the mid-19th century until the
mid-20th century. This period holds a significant place in Vietnam's
history, marking a time of immense change, struggle, and eventual


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

During this time, Vietnam underwent profound transformations in various

aspects of its society. The French introduced Western education,
architecture, and culture, leaving a lasting impact on Vietnam's urban
landscape and intellectual life. At the same time, they exploited the
country's resources, leading to economic hardships for many

The resistance against French colonial rule also emerged as a defining

feature of this period. Figures like Phan Boi Chau and Ho Chi Minh
started advocating for Vietnamese independence, planting the seeds of
the future struggle for freedom. The famous Dien Bien Phu battle in 1954
marked a turning point, leading to the end of French colonial rule in

This period is not only a testament to Vietnam's resilience but also a

reminder of the importance of national identity and determination. It
paved the way for the eventual reunification of North and South Vietnam
and the birth of the modern Vietnamese state.

PART 2 – Describe an impressive English lesson you had

and enjoyed
Well, one English lesson that left a lasting impression on me was when
my teacher organized a debate session in our class. It was an engaging
and thought-provoking experience that not only improved our language
skills but also encouraged critical thinking and lively discussion. The
lesson began with the teacher introducing the topic of the debate, which
was centered around the impact of technology on society. We were
divided into two groups, each tasked with presenting arguments both in
favor of and against the topic. The teacher provided us with relevant
vocabulary and phrases to express our opinions effectively, emphasizing
the importance of clear and persuasive language. During the debate, we
were required to communicate our points coherently and respond to the
opposing team's arguments, all while using English exclusively. This


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

challenged us to articulate our ideas in a structured and convincing

manner, enhancing our speaking and listening skills. What made the
lesson particularly enjoyable was the lively exchange of ideas among the
students. It was inspiring to see my classmates passionately expressing
their viewpoints and engaging in constructive dialogue. The teacher
facilitated the discussion, offering feedback and encouraging us to
elaborate on our arguments, which created a supportive and dynamic
learning environment. Overall, the English lesson not only improved our
language proficiency but also fostered teamwork, critical thinking, and
public speaking skills. It was an inspiring and memorable experience that
demonstrated the power of interactive learning and the value of effective

PART 2 – Describe a thing you bought and you are happy

The item that I am particularly happy about purchasing is a high-quality
leather-bound notebook. I bought this notebook a few months ago, and it
has become an essential part of my daily life. I decided to buy this
notebook because I wanted a reliable and stylish way to keep track of
my thoughts, ideas, and daily tasks. As someone who values the act of
writing things down by hand, I felt that having a dedicated notebook
would help me stay organized and focused. I selected this specific
notebook after spending a considerable amount of time researching
different options. I was looking for a notebook that was both functional
and aesthetically pleasing, and this one stood out to me for its elegant
design, durable cover, and high-quality paper. I purchased the notebook
from a specialty stationery store in my city. I preferred to buy it from a
physical store rather than online so that I could personally inspect the
quality of the materials and ensure that it met my expectations. The
knowledgeable staff at the store also helped me choose the perfect
notebook based on my preferences. I am extremely happy about this
purchase because the notebook has exceeded my expectations in every
way. The smoothness of the paper makes writing a pleasure, and the
Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

durable cover ensures that my notes are well-protected. Using this

notebook has not only helped me stay organized, but it has also sparked
my creativity and made the act of writing more enjoyable. Additionally,
the notebook's elegant appearance makes it a joy to carry around, and it
has received compliments from friends and colleagues, further adding to
my satisfaction with the purchase.

PART 2 – Describe a place where you go to do outdoor

activities or play a sport
I would like to talk about a picturesque location called Lake Serenity,
which is a popular destination for outdoor activities and sports
enthusiasts. Nestled amidst lush greenery and rolling hills, Lake Serenity
is a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Located
approximately 30 kilometers from the bustling city, the tranquility of this
place offers a much-needed retreat from the urban hustle and bustle. As
you arrive at the lake, the first thing that captures your attention is the
crystal-clear water, reflecting the serene blue skies and the surrounding
verdant landscape. For outdoor enthusiasts, Lake Serenity offers a
plethora of activities to indulge in. The most popular among these is
kayaking. The calm waters of the lake provide an ideal setting for
kayaking, allowing enthusiasts to navigate through its gentle currents
while soaking in the breathtaking natural scenery. Additionally, the
surrounding hills and trails offer excellent opportunities for hiking and
trekking, catering to those with a penchant for exploration and
adventure. Moreover, the open fields adjacent to the lake serve as a
perfect setting for various team sports such as soccer and ultimate
frisbee. The expansive greenery provides ample space for friendly
matches and organized sports events, attracting both amateurs and
seasoned athletes. What sets Lake Serenity apart is its tranquil
ambiance and the sense of unity it fosters among visitors. Families often
gather for picnics by the lakeside, creating a cheerful atmosphere filled
with laughter and camaraderie. Furthermore, the presence of well-


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maintained facilities, including picnic spots, changing rooms, and rest

areas, adds to the overall comfort and convenience of the visitors. In
conclusion, Lake Serenity stands out as an idyllic location for outdoor
activities and sports. Its natural beauty, coupled with the diverse range of
recreational options it offers, makes it a compelling destination for
individuals seeking tranquility, adventure, and a sense of community in
the lap of nature.

PART 2 – Describe a time when you received money as a

Phrasal verbs:

1. Shell out: To spend a lot of money on something.

Example: I had to shell out a lot of money for my car repairs.

2. Cut back: To reduce spending or expenses.

Example: We need to cut back on our expenses if we want to save


3. Save up: To accumulate money over time for a specific purpose.

Example: I'm saving up for a down payment on a house.

4. Blow money: To spend money carelessly or impulsively.

Example: I blew all my money on a shopping spree.


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5. Pay off: To repay a debt or loan.

Example: I finally paid off my student loans.

6. Splash out: To spend a large amount of money on something


Example: I splurged and splashed out on a fancy vacation.

7. Fork out: To pay a sum of money, often reluctantly.

Example: I had to fork out a lot of money for the traffic ticket.

8. Cash out: To convert an investment or asset into cash.

Example: I decided to cash out my stocks and invest in real estate.

9. Burn through: To spend money quickly and without caution.

Example: She burned through her inheritance in just a few months.

10. Rack up: To accumulate a large amount of debt or expenses.

Example: He racked up a huge credit card debt during college.


1. Make ends meet: To earn enough money to cover expenses.

Example: It's hard to make ends meet on a minimum wage salary.


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2. Tighten one's belt: To reduce expenses.

Example: We had to tighten our belts after my husband lost his job.

3. Live within one's means: To spend only what one can afford.

Example: It's important to live within your means to avoid debt.

4. Money talks: The power or influence of money.

Example: Unfortunately, money talks in politics.

5. Cash in hand: Payment received in cash at the time of a transaction.

Example: The seller asked for cash in hand for the used car.

6. Money doesn't grow on trees: A phrase used to emphasize the

value of money and the need to be cautious with spending.

Example: "Mom, can I have $100 for a new video game?" "No, money
doesn't grow on trees."

7. Credit crunch: A period of time when loans and credit are difficult to

Example: During the credit crunch, many businesses struggled to stay


8. Nest egg: A sum of money saved for the future.

Example: We're building up our nest egg for retirement.


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9. Cash cow: A business or investment that generates a steady and

significant income.

Example: The rental property has become a cash cow for the owner.

10. Penny-pinching: To be overly frugal or stingy with money.

Example: My boss is notorious for penny-pinching and never approving

expense reports.

Sample Answer

I remember a time when I received a significant amount of money as a

gift from my grandparents on my 18th birthday. It was a memorable
experience for me, and I was overwhelmed with happiness and

My grandparents gave me a wad of cash, which I was not expecting at

all. I was thrilled to receive such a generous gift, but I also felt a sense of
responsibility to use the money wisely. Instead of burning it through, I
decided to deposit the money into my savings account, which was a
wise decision in hindsight.

I knew that the money would come in handy in the future, and I wanted
to build a nest egg for something meaningful. Over the years, I have
forked out some of the money for college tuition and other essential
expenses. However, I still have a sizable portion of the money saved,
which has given me a sense of financial security.

This gift of money from my grandparents taught me the value of saving

and the importance of being responsible with money. It helped me to
realize that money doesn’t grow on trees, and it can be a powerful tool
when used wisely and with purpose.

Overall, this experience was a turning point in my financial life, and I will
always be grateful to my grandparents for their generous gift. The money


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has given me a sense of stability and confidence, and I will always

remember the valuable lessons I learned from this experience.

PART 2 – Describe your favorite piece of jewelry

Phrasal Verbs:

1. Stand out: To be noticeable or impressive.

2. Set off: To enhance or make something look better.

3. Dress up: To make oneself or something look more attractive.

4. Bring out: To reveal or highlight the best features of something.

5. Show off: To display something in order to impress others.

6. Dress down: To make oneself or something look less formal or fancy.

7. Dress to impress: To wear something special or stylish in order to

make a good impression.

8. Spruce up: To make something look neat and tidy.

9. Jazz up: To make something more exciting or attractive.

10. Play up: To emphasize the attractive features of something.


1. Stunning beauty

2. Striking feature

3. Exquisite design

4. Elegant style


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5. Gorgeous pattern

6. Beautiful craftsmanship

7. Magnificent architecture

8. Breathtaking view

9. Picturesque landscape

10. Majestic monument

11. Splendid detail

12. Impeccable taste

13. Dazzling display

14. Enchanting aura

15. Radiant colors

16. Beautifully presented

17. Perfectly symmetrical

18. Glittering jewels

19. Timeless elegance

20. Aesthetic appeal

Sample Answer

Part 2

The object that I think is beautiful is a piece of jewelry that was gifted to
me by my grandmother. It is a delicate gold bracelet with a small
diamond in the center, and it is one of my most treasured possessions.


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The bracelet has a simple and elegant design that makes it stand out.
The gold is polished to a high shine, and the diamond sparkles in the
light. The craftsmanship is exquisite, and the attention to detail is evident
in every curve and contour of the bracelet.

What makes the bracelet even more special to me is the sentimental

value attached to it. My grandmother gave it to me on my 18th birthday,
and it has been passed down through generations of women in my
family. It is a symbol of love and connection that transcends time and

Although the bracelet is not particularly expensive or flashy, it is a

priceless object to me. It represents the enduring bond between me and
my family, and it serves as a reminder of the love and support that I have
received throughout my life.

In conclusion, the bracelet is a beautiful object that is not only

aesthetically pleasing but also emotionally significant. It is a testament to
the power of family and the value of tradition. I feel fortunate to have
such an object in my possession, and I will continue to cherish it for
years to come.

PART 2 – Describe a beautiful city

Phrasal Verbs:

1. Venture out: To go somewhere new or unfamiliar.

2. Embark on: To begin a journey or undertaking.

3. Touch down: To land on the ground (usually in reference to a plane).

4. Set out: To begin a journey or start a project.

5. Take in: To visit and enjoy a place or experience.

6. Get a feel for: To become familiar with a place or activity.

7. Step off the beaten track: To explore lesser-known or hidden places.


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8. Live it up: To enjoy oneself extravagantly.

9. Go off the grid: To travel to a remote or isolated location.

10. Follow the itinerary: To stick to a planned travel schedule.


1. Sustainable tourism

2. High-end accommodation

3. Off-season travel

4. Authentic experiences

5. Cultural immersion

6. Adventure sports

7. Remote destinations

8. Luxury travel

9. Heritage sites

10. Local customs

11. Scenic beauty

12. Guided expeditions

13. Wildlife watching

14. Nature trails

15. Eco-friendly travel

16. Educational tours


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17. Gastronomic delights

18. Pop-up hotels

19. Extreme tourism

20. Bespoke travel.


As a proud Vietnamese, I would like to recommend a place that is very

close to my heart and that I believe would be a perfect destination for
travelers to Vietnam - Hoi An Ancient Town.

Located in the central part of Vietnam, Hoi An Ancient Town was an

important trading port from the 15th to the 19th century, and its
architecture reflects a blend of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese
influences. The town is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and visitors
can explore its narrow streets, colorful buildings, and ancient temples.

One of the main attractions of Hoi An is its lantern festival, which takes
place on the full moon of every lunar month. During this festival, the town
is illuminated with thousands of colorful lanterns, creating a magical
atmosphere that is truly unforgettable.

Another must-see attraction in Hoi An is the Japanese Covered Bridge,

which is a symbol of the town and one of the most photographed
landmarks in Vietnam. The bridge was built in the 16th century by the
Japanese community in Hoi An and features intricate carvings and a
beautiful pagoda.

In addition to its historical and cultural attractions, Hoi An is also known

for its cuisine, which includes local delicacies such as Cao Lau and Mi
Quang. Visitors can sample these dishes at the many restaurants and
street food stalls in the town.


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Overall, I highly recommend Hoi An Ancient Town to anyone visiting

Vietnam. With its rich history, beautiful architecture, and unique cultural
traditions, it is a truly special place that should not be missed.

PART 2 - Describe a park or a garden you have enjoyed

The park I want to talk about is located in the bustling city of Hanoi,
which is the capital of Vietnam. It's called "Hoa Binh Park." I had the
pleasure of visiting it during my trip to Hanoi about a year ago.

I visited Hoa Binh Park primarily because I wanted to experience a slice

of nature amidst the urban chaos of Hanoi. It was a warm and sunny
day, making it an ideal time to explore the park. Moreover, I was
intrigued by the reputation of Hoa Binh Park for its lush greenery and
serene ambiance.

During my visit, I strolled along the meandering pathways, admiring the

beautiful landscapes, and watching families having picnics by the
lakeside. I also noticed a group practicing tai chi, which added to the
park's tranquil atmosphere.

What I enjoyed most about visiting Hoa Binh Park was the escape it
offered from the city's hustle and bustle. The abundance of trees and the
peaceful lake created a calming environment. It was a great place to
relax, read a book, or simply soak in the natural beauty. It made me
appreciate the harmony between urban life and nature that Hanoi has to

PART 2 - Describe a photograph that makes you happy

I'd like to talk about a photograph that brings me a lot of joy. This picture
captures a moment from a family gathering, and it's a cherished memory
for me. The photo features a picnic in a beautiful park on a sunny
summer day. In the picture, you can see my family and me sitting on a


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checkered blanket, surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers.

We all have big smiles on our faces, and my younger brother is holding a
kite that's soaring high in the clear blue sky.

I took this photo about three years ago during a weekend getaway to a
nearby nature reserve. It was a perfect day with a gentle breeze and the
sound of birds chirping in the background. We had packed a delicious
picnic with sandwiches, fruits, and homemade lemonade. After the meal,
we decided to fly kites, and that's when this joyful moment was captured.

I don't look at this photo regularly, but it's saved in my digital album, so I
come across it from time to time. Whenever I see it, it instantly brings
back the happiness and togetherness we shared that day. It reminds me
of the importance of spending quality time with family and appreciating
the simple pleasures of life.

The reason this photo makes me happy is that it encapsulates the

warmth of family bonds and the beauty of nature. It represents carefree
moments and the joy of being with loved ones. Every time I look at it, I'm
reminded of how fortunate I am to have such wonderful memories, and it
never fails to bring a smile to my face.


Question 1: Did you tell anyone after buying it?

Response: Yes, after purchasing the notebook, I shared my excitement

with my closest friends and family members. I was eager to show them
the beautiful design and the quality of the paper. Their positive reactions
further affirmed my satisfaction with the purchase.


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Question 2: What are your thoughts?

Response: I believe that owning a high-quality notebook has had a

positive impact on my daily life. It has helped me stay organized,
express my creativity, and record important thoughts and ideas. The act
of writing by hand has also proven to be a calming and meditative
practice for me, allowing me to disconnect from digital devices and focus
on the present moment.

Question 3: What is the product that is consumed most in your

country? Why?

Response 1: In my country, one of the most consumed products is

definitely rice. Rice is a staple food in our cuisine and is consumed by a
large portion of the population on a daily basis. Its popularity can be
attributed to its versatility, affordability, and the fact that it serves as a
primary source of carbohydrates for many traditional dishes. Additionally,
rice is deeply ingrained in our cultural and culinary heritage, making it an
indispensable part of our diet.

Response 2: In my country, one of the most consumed products is

clothing. This can be attributed to a variety of reasons. Firstly, clothing is
a basic necessity for everyone, and people need different types of attire
for various occasions such as work, social events, and leisure activities.
Additionally, the fashion industry in my country is vibrant and diverse,
with a wide range of styles and trends that cater to different preferences
and cultural influences. As a result, people often purchase clothing to
express their individuality and keep up with the latest fashion trends.

Question 4: Is increasing consumerism a good trend?

Response: While consumerism can drive economic growth and provide

individuals with access to a wide range of goods and services, I believe
that an unchecked increase in consumerism can have negative


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consequences. It can lead to overconsumption, environmental

degradation, and the generation of excessive waste. Instead, I think a
balanced approach to consumption, focusing on sustainability and
mindful purchasing, would be more beneficial for both individuals and the


Question 1: Why do people learn foreign languages?

Response: People learn foreign languages for various reasons. Firstly,

in today's globalized world, learning a foreign language can significantly
enhance career prospects and open up opportunities for international
employment. Additionally, it allows individuals to engage with different
cultures, fostering better cross-cultural understanding and
communication. Furthermore, learning a foreign language can be a
means of personal enrichment, broadening one's perspectives and
cognitive abilities.

Question 2: Why are some people able to learn languages easily?

Response: Some individuals find it easier to learn languages due to a

combination of factors. Firstly, a positive attitude and motivation play a
crucial role. Those who are enthusiastic and dedicated to learning a new
language often find the process more manageable. Moreover,
individuals with a natural aptitude for recognizing patterns and sounds
tend to grasp languages more easily. Exposure to the language through
immersion or frequent practice also accelerates the learning process for
some people.

Question 3: Grammar or vocabulary, which is more important when

learning foreign languages?


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Response: Both grammar and vocabulary are essential components of

language learning, but if I were to choose, I would say that vocabulary
holds slightly more importance. Vocabulary allows individuals to convey
their thoughts and ideas, facilitating effective communication. However,
without a solid grasp of grammar, the structure and coherence of the
language may be compromised. Therefore, while both are crucial,
vocabulary is often considered more fundamental for everyday

Question 4: What makes a good foreign language teacher?

Response: A good foreign language teacher possesses several key

qualities. Firstly, effective communication skills are paramount. The
ability to explain complex language concepts in a clear and engaging
manner can greatly aid students' understanding. Patience is also
essential, as learning a new language can be challenging and requires
time. Furthermore, a good teacher should be enthusiastic and
passionate about the language, inspiring students to share their
enthusiasm. Additionally, adaptability and the ability to tailor teaching
methods to suit individual student needs are crucial for a good language

Question 1: What are the advantages of having a lot of experience?

Response: Having a wealth of experience brings numerous advantages.

Firstly, it often leads to a deeper understanding of one's field or
profession, allowing individuals to navigate challenges with greater ease
and make informed decisions. Experience also fosters the development
of practical skills and expertise, contributing to enhanced proficiency and


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confidence. Moreover, it can lead to the establishment of a strong

professional network and the ability to mentor others, thereby fostering
career growth and personal development.

Question 2: Should children be encouraged to experience a lot?

Response: Encouraging children to gain diverse experiences is highly

beneficial for their holistic development. Exposure to various activities,
cultures, and challenges can help children build resilience, adaptability,
and a broader perspective of the world. It nurtures their creativity, critical
thinking, and problem-solving abilities, preparing them for the
complexities of adult life. Furthermore, diverse experiences can help
children identify their passions and strengths, laying the foundation for
their future endeavors.

Question 3: People with more experience are more successful,


Response: While experience undoubtedly contributes to success, it is

not the sole determinant. Success is multifaceted and depends on a
combination of factors, including individual skills, knowledge,
opportunities, and perseverance. Experience can provide a valuable
advantage, but success also hinges on how effectively one applies that
experience, as well as other qualities such as adaptability, innovation,
and the ability to learn from failures. Therefore, while experience is
important, it is not the sole predictor of success.

Question 1: Why do people rarely use cash now?


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Response: Well, the world is becoming increasingly digital, and with the
advent of technology, people have come to rely more on digital forms of
payment such as credit cards, debit cards, and e-wallets. This trend has
been fueled by the convenience and security that digital payments offer,
as well as the proliferation of online shopping. Additionally, carrying cash
can be cumbersome, and people are hesitant to carry copious amounts
of cash due to safety concerns.

Question 2: When do children begin to comprehend the value of


Response: Children begin to comprehend the value of money around

the age of four or five. At this age, they start to understand the concept
of exchanging money for goods or services, and they may even start to
ask for things they want. As they grow older, they become more aware
of the value of money and how it can be used to buy things that they
need or want. Parents can play a key role in teaching children about the
value of money and the importance of saving.

Question 3: Should parents reward children with money?

Response: It depends on the situation. While it's important to teach

children about the value of money and how to manage it responsibly,
parents should be careful not to create a sense of entitlement or
encourage materialism. Instead of using money as a reward, parents
can encourage positive behaviors and values by offering praise, quality
time, or experiences. However, in some cases, offering money as a
reward can be appropriate, such as for completing chores or achieving
academic goals.

Question 4: Is it good and necessary to teach children to save



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Response: Yes, it is important to teach children to save money. Saving

money is a valuable life skill that can help children develop fiscal
responsibility and independence. By learning how to budget and save,
children can develop a sense of control over their financial future and
avoid getting into debt. Additionally, teaching children to save money
can also help them learn the value of delayed gratification and the
rewards that come from long-term planning.


Question 1: Do you think there are more beautiful things now than
in the past? Why?

Response: I believe that there are certainly more beautiful things now
than in the past. With advancements in technology, architecture, and art,
we have access to a wider range of beauty than ever before.
Additionally, as the world becomes more globalized, we are exposed to
diverse cultures and their unique forms of beauty. However, it's
important to note that beauty is subjective, and what one person finds
beautiful may not be the same for another.

Question 2: What beautiful scenery spots are there in your


Response: My country is blessed with an abundance of natural beauty,

from towering mountains to pristine beaches. Some of the most beautiful
scenery spots include the Swiss Alps, the Rhine River, and the Jungfrau
region. Additionally, there are numerous national parks and nature
reserves that offer breathtaking landscapes and wildlife.

Question 3: Where do you think people usually come into contact

with beautiful things?


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CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Response: People can come into contact with beautiful things in many
different ways. For example, they may encounter beauty through nature,
art, architecture, music, or literature. Additionally, many people find
beauty in human connections, such as friendships and relationships.
Ultimately, beauty is all around us, and it's up to us to seek it out and
appreciate it.

Question 4: Why do you think people create beautiful things?

Response: There are many reasons why people create beautiful things.
For some, it may be a form of self-expression or a way to communicate
their ideas and emotions to others. For others, it may be a way to bring
joy and beauty into the world or to inspire others. Additionally, creating
beautiful things can be a way to challenge oneself and push the limits of
what is possible.

Question 5: Do people in your country prefer listening to music to

appreciating paintings and literature?

Response: I think it's difficult to generalize about preferences for art

forms in my country since people have different tastes and interests.
However, I would say that music is a very popular form of art in my
country, and people often attend concerts and music festivals. That
being said, there is also a strong appreciation for paintings and literature,
and many museums and galleries showcase both local and international

Question 6: Why do many people go to scenic spots in person instead

of just reading about them in books?

Response: While books and photographs can capture the beauty of a

place, there is something special about experiencing it in person. When


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

we visit scenic spots, we can immerse ourselves in the environment and

engage all of our senses. We can feel the sun on our skin, breathe in the
fresh air, and hear the sounds of nature. Additionally, visiting scenic
spots can be a way to disconnect from our daily routines and connect
with something greater than ourselves.


Question 1: What things will the people in your country save money for?

Response: In my country, people save money for various reasons. One

common thing people save money for is to purchase a house or an
apartment. Saving money for a down payment or to cover the cost of a
mortgage is a priority for many individuals and families. Additionally,
people also save money for education purposes, such as funding their
children's college tuition or pursuing higher studies themselves. Another
reason people save money is for retirement, ensuring financial stability
during their later years. Lastly, saving money for emergencies or
unexpected expenses is also important to many people.
Question 2: Under what circumstances will people in your country
wear formal clothes?

Response: People in my country tend to wear formal clothes on special

occasions or important events. For instance, formal attire is typically
worn during weddings, where guests often dress up in elegant outfits.
Similarly, on formal business occasions or conferences, professionals
often wear formal attire to present a more professional and respectable
appearance. Furthermore, formal clothes are also cultural festivals as a
way of showing respect during religious ceremonies or adherence to
traditional customs.

Question 3: What is the difference between the dress of the elderly

and the young in Vietnam?


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Response: The dress of the elderly and the young in Vietnam differs in
several ways. Firstly, traditional clothing for the elderly often includes
loose-fitting and conservative attire. Elderly individuals may wear long-
sleeved shirts or dresses with subdued colors, reflecting their cultural
values of modesty and respect. On the other hand, young people in
Vietnam often prefer more modern and fashionable clothing. They may
wear trendy clothes, such as jeans, T-shirts, and dresses in vibrant
colors, reflecting their desire for self-expression and following the latest
fashion trends.

Question 4: When do people in your country wear traditional


Response: In my country, people wear traditional clothes during

traditional festivals or cultural events These events often showcase the
rich heritage and traditions of our country. For example, during Lunar
New Year celebrations, many people wear traditional garments, such as
the "ao dai" for women or the "ao dai" for men. These outfits are adorned
with intricate patterns and vibrant colors, symbolizing good luck and
prosperity. Additionally, traditional
clothes are also worn during religious festivals and important
ceremonies, as a way of preserving and promoting our cultural identity.


Question 1: What games do kids like to play now?

Response: Nowadays, kids enjoy playing a variety of games. One

popular game among children is video games. They are attracted to the
interactive and immersive experiences offered by video games, whether
it's playing on gaming consoles or mobile devices. Additionally, outdoor
activities such as tag, hide-and-seek, and ball games continue to be
favored by kids, as they provide opportunities for physical exercise and
social interaction.


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

Question 2: Why do people like to play different games now?

Response: There are several reasons why people enjoy playing

different games now. Firstly, playing games can be a form of
entertainment and a way to relax and unwind from daily life
stresses. Games provide a temporary escape and allow individuals to
immerse themselves in different worlds or challenges. Additionally,
games can foster social connections and friendships. Playing games
with others, whether it's in person or online, promotes bonding and
creates shared experiences. Lastly, games often involve problem-solving
and strategic thinking, which can be intellectually stimulating and
satisfying for players.

Question 3: Is winning important in games?

Response: Winning can hold varying degrees of importance in games,

depending on the individual and the context. For some people, winning
is a significant goal and serves as a measure of their skill and
achievement Winning can provide a sense of satisfaction, pride, and
validation for their efforts for others, the process of playing and having
fun is more important than winning. They may focus on the enjoyment,
camaraderie, and personal
growth that comes from participating in games, regardless of the final
outcome. Ultimately, the significance of winning in games differs from
person to person.

Question 4: Which is better, individual games or team-based


Response: The preference between individual games and team-based

games is subjective and depends on personal preferences and
circumstances. Individual games have their own merits as they allow
players to have complete control over their performance and decision-


Cơ sở Hà Nội
CS1: HM01B-11 Hoà ng Thà nh Villas, Mỗ Lao, Hà Đô ng | 038 206 2017
CS2: 15/1/172 Nguyễ n Tuâ n, Thanh Xuâ n | 097 662 1512
CS3: V11-B06 The Terra An Hưng, Hà Đô ng | 086 945 5269

Cơ sở Hải Phòng
75 Trầ n Khá nh Dư, Ngô Quyề n, TP. Hả i Phò ng

making. They provide a sense of independence and self-reliance. On the

other hand, team- based games offer opportunities for collaboration,
teamwork, and building social skills. They promote cooperation,
communication, and the development of strategies as a group. Both
types of games have their unique benefits, and the choice between them
ultimately depends
on individual inclinations and the desired experience.



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