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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Corinne Keller Lesson Title: Homes Around the World

Date: Grade Level:Preschool Circle one: ECE PKSN
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Social Studies. 1.a. Develops awareness of own culture and other characteristics of groups of people. 5. Identifies traditions of own
family and others’ cultures and customs.

Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Approaches to Learning. 1.c. persists in completing a task with increasing concentration. 5. Carries out tasks, activities, or
experiences from beginning to end.

Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Students have previously discussed homes with other college students.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Objective(s): to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and Home
skill?) Igloo
Students will be able to gain an I will take photos and take antidotal notes to observe the Hut
awareness of other cultures related students’ ability to engage with the activity. Stilt home
to various homes. Cave home
Progress Monitoring: Caravan
Students will be able to identify If I had more time, I would compile a class portfolio including Round home
their own culture and homes. the photos and notes for each student to show evidence for Houseboat
understanding. Hotel
One Assessed Developmental Farmhouse
Skill: Differentiation: Skyscraper
N/A Ranch house
Students will be able to practice American Colonial
concentration and persistence in Condo
completing the task from beginning
to end. Procedural steps:
1. Have children sit in a circle and discuss different
Safety Considerations: types of homes.
N/A 2. Ask questions like, what kind of home do you live in?
Have you seen other types of homes before?
3. Explain that people from all around the world live in
different homes.
4. Go to the block area and allow children to choose a
photo of a home to recreate with blocks.
5. Encourage the students to persist in the task and
offer encouragement.
6. Ask the children questions about their structures as
Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

they are building.

7. When finished, allow time for the children to share
what they created.
8. Gather the children back together and discuss what
they learned.

Authentic Materials:
Pictures of different homes
Adult Roles:
The teacher will act as a facilitator for the lesson, an
observer, and a safety monitor.

Resources & References:

Early learning and development standards. Ohio Department of Education. (2022).

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

During my lesson, the students were primarily interested in a stilt home and why it was built that way. We talked about weather
and the ocean, and how the stilts are to protect the house from high tides or big waves during a storm. They were very intrigued by this
and picked the stilt home to recreate with blocks. While I was introducing all the different homes, Ivo brought up the point that some
people didn’t have homes. This piqued the interest of the other students, and we had a conversation about people who were homeless.
We talked about where they would live or how to help them, like shelters or donations. This comment surprised me, and it can inform
future instruction about volunteering or community service. The students were engaged in the lesson and were eager to learn about
homes all around the world, and which homes looked like theirs. If I were to make any changes to this lesson, I would allow for more
time to discuss after the students were done building and explaining the homes I showed more in-depth.

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Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

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