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NO. MATRIK D20211100852

Sociology is derived from the Latin word "sosio" meaning "sharing". The term is also a
combination of Greek and Roman words meaning "knowledge of society". Sociology is also
a scientific and systematic study of human beings and human social interaction in society
from various angles. Tisher, Whitten and Hunter (1983).
Among the important contents I found in my search results was sociological theory. Some
theoretical approaches in the sociology of education as listed in Suhada (2020) are Theory of
functionalism, Theory of symbolic interactionism and Theory of conflict. First, the Theory of
Functionalism was realized by Auguste Comte (1798-1857). He studies about social or
institutional behavior in activities that contribute to the sustainability of society. Next society
is considered as a body that has parts with their own functions that must be carefully cared
for. This theory sees the structure and function in society as in the discipline of pure science.
Society is likened to an organism that has known parts of a structure. That is, social structure
will determine the smoothness and harmony of society. Three assumptions of functionalists
(Brinkerhoff & White, 1989), namely "Stability" is an evaluation criterion to determine the
extent to which a society can be maintained. Evolution ”changes in society through the
process of adapting social structures to reform (Amir Hassan Dawi, 2006). This theory
emphasizes the understanding of community members to achieve harmony and stability
(Consensus Theory).Next, the Theory of symbolic interactionism pioneered by George
Herbert Mead (1863-1931). The newspaper Yuli Setianto et al. (2021) explains that:
This approach focuses on the process of interaction in educational institutions such as schools
and the results of this interaction. For example, the interaction between teachers and students
in school. Interactionism theory examines how social characteristics affect social interactions
such as gender, class, race, and others. How this interaction creates hope between teachers
and students. (p. 9)
This theory also examines how individuals interpret and act according to their own whims in
society as well as examining symbolic meanings or subjectively implied meanings.
Finally, the Conflict Theory embodied by Karl Marx (1818-1883), who examined the
relationship between workers and owners of the factors of production in the economic system
of capitalism. This theory focuses on the question of how educational institutions contribute
to the reproduction of hierarchies and social inequalities in society. Conflict this can also
happen between different social classes, the same social class, in families or groups that want
change. Conflict theory also raises questions about many social structures such as economy,
education, politics, social and religion bring prosperity to human beings (Amir Hasan Dawi,
In conclusion, all the references I have studied and read, are able to distinguish between the
three theories. It can be said that they have differing opinions and views in terms of macro
and micro.
Interaction is the process of reacting to each other and the flow of information from one
person to another. There are two types of interactions namely verbal communication and non
-verbal interaction. Verbal interaction involves the process of transferring ideas and is spoken
using language that is understood. For example, patterns of interaction that occur in the
classroom such as one -way interaction, two -way interaction and multi -way interaction
while non -verbal interaction is the delivery of ideas that involve the process of transfer of
ideas that involve limb movements such as nodding the head sign of agreement (Leong F.
2016). Therefore, teachers must master these interaction skills in order to make it easier for
students to understand what is to be conveyed and students can learn with fun to achieve
learning objectives.
One -way interaction is teacher -centered teaching and there is no interaction between
students. For example, the teacher only gives instructions and the students only follow the
teacher's instructions. In this way I feel less effective because the teacher does not know
whether his students understand or not what the teacher is conveying. Next, Two -way
interaction between teacher and student. Like many teachers encourage their students to
always be active such as asking questions and giving opinions to students. By doing so,
students will be more active and less bored in class. In addition, two -way student -student
interaction. For example, by holding group activities and being able to create a friendly
relationship between students. This allows students to share their opinions and at the same
time encourage them to be more creative and can create a spirit of cooperation and help each
Finally, multi -directional interaction by conducting group activities, acting activities and so
on. This can make teaching and learning activities very active as well as the relationship
between teachers and students and students with students more close and friendly. Clearly
shows that multi-directional interaction is an effective way for students to learn in a fun
environment and allows students to easily understand what is being learned.
Leadership and organization are important things to develop a good school administration
and management and an orderly arrangement according to the established organization. The
success of an organization also depends on responsible and responsible leadership. Lim and
Jamal @ Nordin bin Yunus, Ph.D (2016) state that:
The role of instructional leadership played by principals and headmasters is something that is
considered important in ensuring the academic success of a school and in turn drive the
school towards an effective school. The definition of instructional leadership can be
summarized as all the behavioral planning practices of principals or head teachers that are
clearly communicated with the aim of influencing, guiding, and encouraging teachers and
students in order to improve and enhance programs related to the teaching and learning
process to achieve academic goals. designated school. (pp. 5-6) In addition, learning
organizations can be said to have the ability to make changes and improvements to keep me
competitive based on learning, organizations should improve their learning capabilities and
be able to learn better and faster (lim & Jamal @ Nordin bin Yunus , Ph.D, 2016). Among the
leadership that students need to follow in school is autocratic leadership, which is a formal
style of leadership where any decision must be followed. The second leadership is democratic
leadership, which is a style of leadership that gives others the opportunity to express their
opinions before decisions are taken. Next, Laissez-faire leadership where the leader lets all
decisions be made by the person being led as well as cohesive leadership which is a
leadership style that follows the situation.
Finally, instructional leadership and also known as instructional leadership. According to Lim
and Jamal @ Nordin bin Yunus, Ph.D (2016), instructional leadership can be summarized as
all the behavioral planning practices of principals or head teachers that are clearly
communicated with the aim of influencing, guiding, and encouraging teachers and students in
an effort to add good and improve programs related to the teaching and learning process to
achieve the school's academic goals set. This includes ensuring that the implementation of an
educational change successfully achieves its goals in schools. It clearly shows that leadership
and organization are important aspects in realizing a successful school.
Pupil management is very important to produce quality students and civilized students.
Therefore, students must have a disciplined attitude in themselves. This is because to ensure
the safety and well -being of staff and students and create a conducive environment for
learning. Discipline is also a set of rules that control student behavior through punishment or
reward as well as a form of training for mental, physical and attitude development of students
(James, 2011).
Next, teachers should manage student records well. This is because, it can help teachers to
analyze their students and organize students in appropriate groups. Therefore, learning will be
smooth. If this is not the case, most acts violate the rules committed by the student. However,
this matter should be given due attention by the school so that misconduct does not continue.
It is clear that good student management is one of the muirid management.
In addition, the readiness of students to learn where teachers must ensure that their students
are ready to learn before the teacher begins the learning and teaching process (PDP). By
doing so to ensure the readiness of students to learn perfectly. For example by stating the
syllabus you want to study. With this, students can make initial preparations through self-
revision by finding information related to the topic they want to learn before they start the
class thus making it easier for students to better understand what they are learning.
Next, motivating students is one of the components found in student management. The school
should give a greater role in motivating students because if the students in the school have
emotional problems or do not have the enthusiasm to learn. There are various approaches that
can be applied in themselves by motivating them. If the school does not take any action either
to hold activities or programs to motivate students, the school will fail to produce students
who are academically successful. To motivate students, teachers should implement several
activities or programs by providing counseling or consultation to students, hold seminars or
motivational programs by inviting external speakers as well as spiritual guidance that can
help students to develop their potential.
In conclusion, student management is an important aspect in producing students with high
integrity. In order to have a successful effect, the management of students in the educational
institution must be handled with full commitment and cooperation from all parties involved
such as the highest position in the school that administers the school and assisted by teachers,
counselors and parents of students themselves.
Classroom management is a terminology or term used by teachers to describe the process to
ensure that lessons in the classroom can run smoothly even if at the same time there is a
disruption of student behavior. According to Alberto & Troutman (1986), Classroom
management can be defined as a teacher’s skills of managing time, space, learning resources,
roles and student behaviors in providing an appropriate climate for learning.
In the classroom the teacher plays various roles and the most important is as the classroom
manager (Akhiar Pardi & Shamsima Shamsuddin, 2012, p. 34). This is because effective
teaching and learning cannot be done in a classroom that is not well managed. If the
classroom is well managed, a conducive learning environment will be formed. Among the
conducive learning is to create an active, fun environment, facilitate communication and
multi-directional interaction, orderly without creating a tense, restless or depressed
atmosphere among students. In a conducive learning environment, students will feel fun,
stimulated to be actively involved, focus on lessons and be more disciplined and responsible.
Next, a good classroom is a classroom that can be managed consistently throughout the year.
Teachers should ensure that their students are disciplined and responsible by establishing
classroom routines through the construction of rules and procedures. Teachers should ensure
that the rules and procedures introduced on the first day of school, are repeated and trained in
compliance for at least three weeks. This is to ensure that students follow classroom rules
properly. Examples of classroom rules are being on time, always ready, being positive and
Finally, the space in the classroom should be equipped with various resource materials and
built according to the creativity of teachers and students. It was created to conduct formal or
informal teaching and learning activities. The learning space also involves the position of
student chairs and desks. The way this space is arranged affects the learning environment.
Pupils who fill the front row may be more involved with the pdp process than pupils who are
in the back row. The distribution of student positions should take into account the needs of
students. Students who are active and like to make noise should not be placed in the same
group. Mix active students with relatively passive ones so that there is not one group in the
learning space that dominates the place. It is clear that teachers play an important role in
managing students in the classroom.
Resource management is a process of controlling, organizing and managing a material
provided to implement a learning. Each school is provided with various resources such as
printed materials, cassettes, audio, video tapes, multimedia software and the internet.
Teachers need to master the skills of selecting appropriate materials to be used optimally so
that the best results in teaching and learning. Having identified all the resources and learning
materials that can be used in teaching and learning, a teacher needs to decide to select the
most effective materials to use in the classroom. Teachers need to be proficient in using
materials to get interesting teaching results.
Among the interesting resources is to bring students to the computer lab. This allows students
to access the internet and explore the cyber world. For example, the teacher instructs students
to answer quiz questions from a video game. This can attract students to be enthusiastic in
daily learning. Using these resources is also able to produce creative and innovative students.
Next, the school should also make activities outside the school grounds. For example making
a study tour, project or presentation. By doing so it can relieve stress in learning and
eliminate student boredom. In addition, these resource activities can also provide new
experiences to students and provide extensive exposure to students so that they can think
openly and maturely.
In conclusion, school resource management is essential to achieve success in all school goals
and objectives.
Classroom management strategies are one of the important factors in which students undergo
the process of learning and teaching in the classroom. The classroom is also a place where
teachers and students interact to gain knowledge. Therefore, the school must formulate a
good strategy to manage the classroom.
Among the classroom management strategies that educators should emphasize is the layout
and physical environment in the classroom by determining how to use space and the layout of
furniture in their respective classrooms. James (2014) stated that teachers should arrange
classroom furniture to enhance student learning as well as reduce disruption during the
learning and teaching process takes place. Among the strategies in arranging the classroom is,
teachers should avoid obstacles in the passageway or where students often gather this will
smooth the movement of students in and out. Next, place or arrange teaching aids and often
used drawing tools in an easily accessible place so as not to interfere with the learning and
teaching process process. It is clear that layout and environment are important strategies in
managing the classroom.
In addition, the management of student discipline is also one of the strategies to manage the
classroom. This is because if teachers are not able to control the behavior of students they
will face difficulties in the delivery of knowledge and disrupt the smooth process of PdP.
Therefore, the ability to control student behavior in the classroom will influence a disciplined
atmosphere and improve student academic performance at the school level. It is clear that,
teachers should be skilled in the management of student discipline in the classroom and not
focus on the task of imparting knowledge alone.
In addition, in terms of classroom climate emphasizes on the social environment in the
classroom. A good social environment is a comfortable and friendly atmosphere between
students and teachers and students with students and is not dangerous. Among the factors that
affect the emotional and social atmosphere are the approach in teaching, the teacher's
leadership style, the way the teacher communicates and the pattern of interaction used by the
In conclusion, the importance of classroom management strategies is also something that is
emphasized by educators in implementing effective teaching and learning.
Behavior management has a great impact on an educational institution in the academic aspect
of students. Learning management is the process of planning learning to achieve goals,
determine or provide guidelines on things that need to be done by teachers, determine the
subjects taught by teachers according to expertise, lead and inspire teachers and control
activities and monitor implementation so that it runs smoothly.
Teachers should also be wise to plan or arrange the layout in the classroom with conditions
that suit the situation of students so that they can be in a comfortable situation in the
classroom. Next, in group activities, teachers must organize the group well. For example, by
gathering students who have various interests and strengths. This can encourage students to
share their opinions and at the same time can produce students who are active and stand out.
Perfect lighting and ventilation in the classroom is also one of the management of learning.
This can create a cheerful and harmonious atmosphere in the classroom.
In addition, time management is also an important aspect in learning management to ensure
that students are always systematic in meeting the time given and to ensure that learning
sessions can run smoothly as a responsible teacher. A teacher must manage time according to
the schedule provided. Teachers should also develop a daily teaching plan (RPH) so that the
management of teaching and learning time and the learning of a topic runs smoothly.
Finally, good interaction between students is also the key for students to understand what is
being learned in the classroom and can help students to encourage misunderstandings
between students and teachers. Teachers should foster positive communication between
students and students so that learning is easier and quality.
In conclusion, the school, especially the headmaster and the administration should work
together to play a role in building and implementing this learning management study so that
this study is comfortable to be used by educators. Teachers must also perform their
responsibilities systematically based on the guidelines mentioned in the learning management
study so that the learning objectives can be achieved.
In school, teachers as educators and mentors need to take the initiative to accompany and
approach their students because in this way they can understand their students more deeply.
In other words, teachers who can create a friendly atmosphere and care about their students
will be able to identify the problems faced by students and at the same time can help students
towards positive self -development.
In the management of student counseling contains three concepts namely mentoring,
guidance and counseling. Mentoring is a process implemented by the mentor towards the
mantee. In the concept of mentoring, the mentor must guide the mantee to become an
individual who is able to develop his potential. Next, the main motive in the mentoring
process is to give the mentee the opportunity to acquire, try and use skills that may be less
exposed in the classroom to guide those who live life as responsible learners as well as allow
the mantee to explore new ideas with confidence.
In addition, the concept of coaching is a systematic professional process of assisting a person
through educational procedures and making interpretations for the better with social needs
and opportunities appropriate to social and moral values. The goal of coaching is to help
people develop their ability to realize their own lives.
Finally, the concept of counseling is something that focuses on the problems faced by
students. Either in the form of instructions or instructions to the plaintiff to do so.
In conclusion, mentoring, guidance and counseling are ways that can be used to help students
in aspects of learning in daily life.
Cultural diversity is a special feature that exists in Malaysia which includes people of various
religions and races. Thus, this cultural diversity is highly emphasized when it becomes one of
the six aspirations of the education system in the Malaysia Education Development Plan
2013-2025. The aspiration of this system states “an education system that offers the sharing
of experiences and values to children by valuing diversity” (National Education Development
Plan 2013-2025; p. 21).
Through multicultural management, students should be more exposed to cultural diversity so
that they are more sensitive to diversity and better understand the meaning of diversity. As
such, school is an ideal platform to educate them as students spend a lot of their time in
school. With this they can interact with other students from various backgrounds including
various ethnicities. Therefore, teachers should have the knowledge, awareness and skills that
can make them more sensitive to the backgrounds of different students can deal with the
problem of inter -racial relations.
Next, teaching techniques or styles should be emphasized. This is because most teachers who
are still teaching seem like all students have talent, willingness. The same motivation and
hope. Therefore, teachers should have an open and creative mind. For example, teachers
should use teaching aids to engage students to learn more about the topics studied. Teachers
should also regularly ask other races so that they understand what they want to convey in
class so that the PdP process runs smoothly and avoid any misunderstandings about the topics
In conclusion, the sensitivity of cultural diversity is very important revealed seawall pupils
are at the school level again. Therefore, teachers need to better understand cultural diversity
so that they are more sensitive to the differences that exist in the school environment.
Teachers also need to inculcate values such as respect for cultural diversity, tolerance and
inter-racial cooperation. This is to ensure that students become human beings who are able to
live in diversity and can accept cultural differences as the aspirations of the Ministry of
Education Malaysia in the Malaysian Education Development Plan (2013-2025).
The management of students with disabilities is focused on students with special needs or
better known as students with disabilities (OKU). In general, the management of students
with various abilities is more focused on special education programs conducted on students
with learning difficulties either physically or mentally. Hannah et al. (2019) state that:
In special education, students with special needs need a more strategic approach, special
assistance needs, support and lesson plans that fit their needs and potential. Thus, special
education really needs teachers who are skilled and competent in educating and producing
human capital that is prosperous and able to be independent. (p. 114)
Aspects of discussion in the management of multicultural students range from rehabilitation,
enrichment, multiple intelligences and special needs. The concept of remediation is an action
taken to help students who have difficulty in mastering the basic skills of reading, writing and
counting. Rehabilitation education is also a focus on the basic skills of learning that is 3M
and is known by special rehabilitation teachers.
Furthermore, the concept of enrichment is a kind of interesting and challenging learning
activity aimed at giving students the opportunity to develop their curiosity, creativity and
leadership. For example by providing enrichment activity materials. Therefore, the content
should be appropriate to all the skills that have just been mastered by the students while the
level of difficulty should be appropriate to the abilities of each group without the need for
much guidance from the teacher.
In addition, the concept of multiple intelligences. There are many different types of
intelligence. For example, linguistic verbal intelligence which is the ability to use words
effectively, remember information, trust others and speak one's own language. Next is
mathematical logic intelligence i.e. the ability in using numbers effectively and anticipating
and spatial visual intelligence that can detect and describe shapes presenting visual and
spatial ideas graphically.
In conclusion, the role of special education teachers in the 21st century is very challenging
and requires a high degree of teacher patience. Therefore, all parties must work together,
support special education teachers either directly or indirectly towards upholding the
country's high quality education system.
Schools are a place to produce successful human capital. School is also a place where
students learn by reading, writing and counting. Therefore, all parties must take care of the
sustainability of the school so that the school can be taken care of and last a long time.
The learning environment in schools has changed the way students learn. This is said
because, a conducive environment is said to create a fun atmosphere to learn and increase
student pressure in the learning process. For example, the appropriate use of classrooms and
the provision of special rooms. In addition, the surrounding space of the school yard can also
be utilized for the teaching and learning process of students. This is because, the surrounding
area of the school yard is complementary to the learning process in the classroom (Christina
et al., 2019).
Furthermore, school and community consensus is also an important factor in maintaining
school peace. This is said because, the relationship between parents and the school must be
emphasized. With the „Parent and Community Involvement‟ (PIBK) and the „Parent Teacher
Association (PIBG) contribute to the improvement of student achievement. This increase was
driven by parental monitoring factors in the increase in attendance rates to school.
Furthermore, the PTA can also improve school facilities and can help the school's financial
resources for the welfare of students. Community cooperation is also important to build
consensus between the school and the community. For example, schools can serve the
community through the team, clothing or energy of teachers and students when organizing
any event from sesame to time. Therefore, the community can also provide contributions and
assistance for school development.
In conclusion, the relationship between the school and the community and the relationship
between parents are very important to achieve the goals of the school. Therefore, the school
should increase activities with the community and parents so that the bond of friendship is
always intact.
Through the implementation of 21st century learning that is being actively implemented,
educators must give a high commitment to produce human capital in line with the National
Education Philosophy. Therefore, teachers must make a neat preparation so that the teaching
and learning process becomes more effective.
Among them is that before starting the process, the teacher must first identify the objectives
of the process. This is because, teachers are easy to spot the faults and talents of their students
in the classroom. Before the teaching session the teacher should inform the learning
objectives in advance so that they are better prepared and change their knowledge, abilities
and behavior. This will make it easier for teachers to achieve learning objectives.
In addition, each teacher should prepare a lesson plan for the school. This is because, without
a teaching plan, a teacher will not be able to follow the set learning objectives and will not
succeed in the teaching and learning process properly. The arrangement of objectives and
materials should be arranged neatly and according to the students' understanding. It is clear
that the preparation of lesson plans for schools is an important management in the realm of
Finally, the implementation of teaching and learning in the classroom must have three
important things, namely, induction set, content delivery and closing. There are several
important things in the induction set, among which is that the teacher needs to plan a good
teaching start that can attract the attention and interest of the students. Teachers also relate
past lessons or to students ’existing knowledge. After that, the presentation of the content.
The teacher conveys the actual content to the students. Teachers need to plan a number of
sequential steps, well -arranged by noting the appropriate estimated time (period). Next is the
cover. Closing can be done through a summary or conclusion. The teacher should give a
conclusion or summary according to the subject taught at that time.
In conclusion, the Ministry of Education Malaysia and the school should also take additional
initiatives by conducting regular in-service training, courses related to 21st century learning
and also related workshops so that it can benefit teachers in improving further their level of
knowledge of any changes and also improvements made by those involved in the
implementation of 21st century learning and can produce a more excellent and quality
generation in the future.

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