Creative Writing

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Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences

Describe: The social science of communication studies employs a variety of
techniques for critical analysis and empirical research to build a body of
knowledge covering a wide range of subjects, from face-to-face interaction and
agency at the individual level to the macro level of social and cultural
communication systems.
Reflection: Understanding of how ideas shape interactions and relationship
fostering a greater appreciation for the enhanced dynamics apply in human
Creative Nonfiction

DESCRIBE: Resume is a concise summary of individual education work experience
skills and achievements to highlight qualifications for a specific job or opportunity.
REFLECTION: Resume a wealth of experience and skill into a single page acting as
passport to professional opportunities
Community Engagement Solidarity and Citizenship
Describe: The economic structure in most developed countries consists of a mix of
capitalism and government intervention, with private enterprises driving
production and consumption, supported by regulations and social programs.
Reflection: Its evident that finding the right balance between free-market
dynamics and government intervention remains a perpetual challenge for
policymakers seeking to foster sustainable and inclusive economic development.
Trend Networks and Critical Thinking


Describe: Trends are enduring patterns or changes in behavior, style, or beliefs

that have a big influence over time.
Reflection: We are applicable to many facets of life, including professional
relationships and personal growth.

On February 20, 2024, my classmates and I visited the

Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA). As soon as we
arrived on campus, the cadets greeted us with salutes. They
then took us on a tour of their facilities. We visited the male
and female barracks, where they sleep, the classrooms where
the 4th year and 3rd year cadets study, the machinery area
where they showed us different kinds of machines used in
ships, and finally, the library where they showed us the whole
map of the PMMA. It was an eye-opening experience to see
firsthand the training and discipline of the cadets at PMMA.
1. How do you manage your time in work and family?
I prioritize tasks at work and home, ensuring quality time
for both.
2. How long do you have to work at rural health unit
before you can retire?
I have to work until I reach the retirement age set by the
3. What motivated you to pursue a career in rural health
I found motivation in the opportunity to assist my
community and enhance healthcare accessibility in rural
4. What do you enjoy most about working in rural
The sense of fulfillment from serving the community is
what I enjoy most.
5. Can you describe a typical day working in a rural health
Everyday many people come for check-ups, mostly those
residence in Aglao, Buhawen, and San Rafael.
Philippine Politics and Governance


Describe: The transfer of authority, responsibility, and resources from the central
government to local government units.

Reflection- A shift of power from the central government to local authorities

aiming to entrance making, and development initiatives.
Introduction to world religion and Belief System

Describe: Shaivism a Hindu tradition that worships shiva as the Supreme

emphasizing hot roles as creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe

Reflection: Shiva is the supreme Being the universe or lord of Hindu and destroyer
of the universe
Discipline and ideas in social sciences
Marxism: A social, economic, and political philosophy that analyses the 1 impact
of the ruling class on the laborers, leading to uheven distribution of wealth and
privileges in the society.
Reflection: There are inequalities in society based on social class differences.
Creative writing

Describe: parts of plot use exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and
Reflection: I learned that plot hay element like Exposition is where the characters
setting, and basic information are one introduced, Rising action this is the series of
events that build up to the climax, Climax this is the most intense moment of the
story, Falling action after the climax, the story begins to wrap up, and resolution
this is where the story main conflicts are resolved ,and any remaining question are

Discipline and ideas in Applied Social science

Describe: Geography geo means earth grapia means description.
Reflection: Geography is the study of earth.
Creative Non-fiction

Describe: Resume it is typically used when applying for jobs to Showcase
qualification and suitability for a particular position.
Reflection: Resume to consist of 5 parts I objective, II personal information, II
Educational background, I work experience, 5reference. we used this to apply a

Community Engagement Solidarity and Citizenship

Describe: Project proposal A written document outlining everything stakeholders
should know a project.
Reflection: Project Proposal should be concise clear, and focused on the purpose
and objectives of the project.

Trend Networks and Critical Thinking

Trend and Fads

Describe: Trends are long lasting patterns or shift in behavior fashion, of beliefs
that have a significant impact over time.
Reflection: We can be applied to various aspects of life, such as work relationships
or personal development.

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