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Social media has become very popular and important to all ages of people. It

contains several channels like audios/videos callings, blogging, communicating, texting,

sharing contents all over the world and so many characteristics. At present social media

is becoming a prominent part of life for many youths today. The use of social media is

increasing rapidly all over the world. In recent years, people are shifting from watching

television and listening to radios to using social media. Thus, the social media is

impacting human being living styles and on society especially on the students. In spite

of having many positive aspects, there are many risks that come with the use of sites

such as less study time, poor academic performance due to the heavy participation on

social media networks and decadence of social behavior etc. Social media refers to

technological communication channels (like websites) that which individuals establish

online communication to exchange personal messages, ideas, and information.

In North America, social media has become an integral part of adolescents' daily

routines, information sharing, and information consumption. offering opportunities for

social connection, self-expression, and information sharing. However, concerns have

arisen regarding its potential impact on mental health, particularly among vulnerable

populations. This longitudinal study aims to investigate the longitudinal associations

between social media use and mental health outcomes among adolescents in North

America, shedding light on the temporal dynamics and potential mechanisms underlying
these relationships. Lee, J., Smith, K., Garcia, M., Patel, R., & Williams, L. (2023).

Social Media Use and Mental Health Outcomes Among Adolescents in North America: A

Longitudinal Study. Journal of Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(3), 301-325.

Meanwhile in the Philippines has 48 million active social media users with a

social media penetration of 47% in 2016 (Kemp, 2016). Therefore, to ensure successful

adoption of social media, it can be argued that there is a need to investigate what drives

users to accept or reject the use of social media particularly in these economies. The

central focus of this study, therefore, is to develop an understanding of the factors and

causal relationships that influence the acceptance and behavioral intention to use social

media. It aims to contribute useful insights on how HEIs can fully maximize the use of

social media. Since social media is Internet-based, this study proposed the Technology

Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical framework. We discuss this framework below.

Considering the previous research findings about effect of social media, nature of

social media's impact on youth in Davao City, with both positive and negative

consequences. While social media facilitates communication, information sharing, and

self-expression, it also poses risks to mental health and well-being, particularly when

used excessively or irresponsibly. To address these concerns, interventions are needed

to promote digital literacy, responsible social media use, and mental health awareness

among youth in Davao City. By fostering a more balanced and mindful approach to
social media consumption, stakeholders can mitigate the negative effects while

maximizing the benefits of digital connectivity for the younger generation.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the proposed study is to examine the nuanced relationship between

students' use of social media and their conduct as well as their academic performance.

For educators, parents, and legislators to effectively navigate the changing digital

ecosystem and develop methods that support children learning and well-being, they

must have a thorough understanding of this relationship.

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