Group 3 Speech Event and Speech Act

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B y G r o u p 3 / T B I- 2
1 2 3
Cansa Namira Nurul Fadillah Khoiriah

(0304212117) (0304212085) (0304213031)

Definition Speech Event

Speech event is a concept in linguistics and social sciences that refers to

incidents or events of verbal communication between individuals or groups. In a
speech event, spoken language is used as a tool to convey messages, share
information, or interact with other people in a certain context.

According to Hymes, a speech event is "a communicative action that occurs

within certain time and space limits, involves one or more speakers who have a
specific goal or intention, and is regulated by certain social norms" (Hymes, 1972).
Characteristics of Speech events

Context: Context involves factors such Communication Objectives: Each speech

as situation, location, time, as well as event has a specific communication objective.
physical and social factors that These goals can vary, ranging from
influence oral communication. requesting information, expressing opinions,
convincing listeners, entertaining, building
social relationships, or conveying formal
Participants: Speech events involve
messages in a public context.
communication participants consisting
of speakers and listeners. Speakers are Norms and Rules: Speech events are
individuals or groups who use spoken regulated by social norms and rules that
language to convey messages, while apply in a culture or social group. These
listeners are recipients of messages norms include grammar, communication
who interact with the speaker. etiquette, level of formality, and behavioral
expectations appropriate to the
communication context.
Types of
Speech Events
Everyday Conversation: Is a type of speech Interview: Is a type of speech event where an
event that occurs in everyday interactions interviewer asks questions to a source to gain
between individuals in an informal context. deeper information or insight.

Public Speech: Is a type of speech event where

the speaker conveys a message to a wider Formal Meeting: Is a type of speech event where
audience in a formal context. a group of individuals gather in a formal context,
such as a business meeting, meeting, or
Group Discussion: This is a type of speech event
where a group of individuals gather to discuss and
share opinions about a particular topic.
Speech Event Components
Context: Context includes physical, social, cultural and
Speaker: Speakers have an important role in situational factors that influence a speech event. Context
choosing language, speaking style and includes location, time, relationship between speaker and
communication strategies that suit the listener, and applicable social norms and rules. Context
provides a framework for understanding and interpreting
purpose and context of the speech event. messages in speech events.

Listener (Hearer): The listener's role is to listen, Communication Channel (Channel): Communication
understand and respond to the message conveyed by channels can be direct speech, telephone, video
the speaker. The interaction between the speaker and conferencing, or electronic media such as radio or
listener influences the understanding and effectiveness television. The choice of communication channel can
of communication in a speech event. influence the way the message is delivered and the
interaction between the speaker and listener.

Language Style: Language style includes word choice,

Message: The message in a speech event can be in the sentence structure, intonation and expressions used by
form of facts, opinions, instructions, or entertainment, the speaker in the speech event. Language style can vary
depending on the purpose of the communication. depending on context, purpose, and intended audience.
Speech Acts
Speech act are the speaker's utterances
which convey meaning and make
listeners do specific things (Austin, 1962)
Considered in the terms of:
1. The content of the message
2. The Intention of speaker
3. The effect on the listener.
Speech act was introduced by
John Langslay Austin On 1962. On
his books entitled "How to do
things with words", and developed
by his student, John Searle 1979.

According to J. L. Austin (1962),

there are 3 types of acts in every

Locutionary speech act

Illocutionary speech act
Perlocutionary speech act
3 Types of Speech Act
Locutionary speech act
occurs when the speaker performs an utterance
(locution), which has a literal meaning of utterance.
Illocutionary speech act
is the performance of the act of saying something with a
specific intention.

Perlocutionary speech act

it happens when what the speaker says has an effect on
the listener
1. It’s raining outside.
2. It,s so dark in this room.

Locutionary Illocutionary Perlocutionary

Speaker intended to tell Give effect to the listener
Only give statement that specific things. Such as,
it’s raining outside and such as lead people do
telling not to go out do certain action, such as
the room is so dark. because it’s still raining.
(No specific intention) using umbrella or switch
Or tell not to use that on the light.
Classifications of Expressive

Speech Act Reveals speakers attitudes and emotion.

Include Thanking, Apologizing, Welcoming, etc.

Assertive Directive
an utterance intended to tell how things are in An act to tell the speaker to do something in the
the world. a representation of reality. future. Includes Ordering, Commanding,
Includes Statement, Description, Explanation, Suggesting, etc.
Clarification, etc.

Commisive Declarative
Tell speaker to some future voluntary action an utterance that change the world or situation
and reveal the intention of speaker which brings a change in the external situation.
Includes Promises, Threats, Oaths, Guarantees, Includes blessing, firing, baptizing, bidding,
etc. passing a sentence, and excommunicating.

In conclusion, Speech Event and Speech Act are the

branch of linguistics which includes what components
are used during the communication process and in
what situations the communication takes place. As
well as discussing the type of influence that an
utterance produces and the context contained in the
speech act.


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