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Fundamental Motor Patterns of the Mammalian Fetus

Scott R. Robinson * and William P. Smotherman

Laboratory of Perinatal Neuroethology, Center for Developmental Psychobiology, Department of
Psychology, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York 13902-6000


Techniques that permit direct observation of fetuses in behavior, while other action patterns appear to be func-
vivo recently have expanded our understanding of prena- tional adaptations to the intrauterine niche. Fetuses also
tal behavioral development in mammals. Although fetal are behaviorally responsive to sensory stimulation and
motor activity seems to lack the dynamic, goal-directed changes in environmental conditions in utero. Expres-
character of postnatal behavior, the dimensions that de- sion of these behavioral properties emphasizes continu-
fine behavioral organization after birth are applicable to ity between prenatal and postnatal life while implying an
the movements expressed by fetuses. Fetal activity ex- adaptive role for hehavior before birth. o 1992 John Wiiey
hibits temporal, sequential, and spatial organization that & Sons, Inc.
emerges between the inception of movement and term. Key words: prenatal behavior, rodent fetus, cyclicity,
Fetal rodents, for example, exhibit coordinated motor chemosensation, action pattern, ontogenetic adaptation,
patterns antecedent to postnatal righting, locomotion, heterochrony .
suckling, maternal-infant communication and grooming

HISTORIC OVERVIEW OF FETAL William James’s famous allusion to the “bloom-

RESEARCH ing, buzzing confusion” of the human newborn
(James, 1890) and continues to be repeated in
Every pregnant mother knows that the fetus she modern biology and psychology textbooks. In-
carries moves before birth. The fact of prenatal deed, a comparison of passages penned by Aristotle
movement has been known to science at least since and James more than 22 centuries apart illustrates
the writings of Aristotle. Hieronymus Fabricius the unity of scientific viewpoint in addressing the
( 1604; cited in Carmichael, 1954), William Har- issues of behavior and sensation before birth:
vey ( 165 1 ) , Karl Ernst von Baer ( 1828), and other As soon then as the offspring of all animals are born,
early pioneers of biology remarked on the move- especially those born imperfect, they are in the habit of
ments of vertebrate embryos or drew inferences sleeping, because they continue sleeping also within the
about the prenatal formation of “the sensitive mother when they first acquire sensation. . . . But never-
soul,” to phrase the question in Aristotelian terms. theless they are found to wake even in the womb (this is
clear in dissections and ovipara), and then they immedi-
Bichat ( 1827), who persisted in the peripatetic tra-
ately fall into a sleep again. This is why after birth also
dition in the 19th century, concluded from his fetal they spend most of their time in sleep. (Aristotle, De
observations that the fetus subsists in a vegetative Generatione Anmalium, p. 32 1 )
existence devoid of sense experience or function. Prior to all impressions on sense-organs the brain is
This conclusion was echoed a half-century later in plunged in deep sleep and consciousness is practically
non-existent. Even the first weeks after birth are passed
Received August 12, 1992;accepted August 12, 1992 in almost unbroken sleep by human infants. It takes a
Journal of Neurobiology, Vol. 23, No. 10, pp. 1574-1600 strong message from the sense-organs to break this
slumber. (James, 1890, p. 456)
0 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
CCC 0022-3034/92/101514-27 Despite this early history (or perhaps because of
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. the negative conclusions), questions regarding the
Mammalian Fetal Motor Activity 1575

movement and habits of the fetus have received become integrated later, this would not necessitate a re-
scant attention outside of folklore and popular be- vision of my basic position . . .
lief until modern times. The field of behavioral em- For reasons of technical simplicity, this neuro-
bryology has remained to the present somewhat logical perspective became increasingly focussed
apart from the mainstream of both developmental on avian models of prenatal behavior (see reviews
and behavioral science. by Hamburger, 1963; Kuo, 1967; Bekoff, 1981;
The first modern attempts to investigate the pre- Oppenheim, 1981, 1982) to the virtual exclusion
natal development of behavior are in general attrib- of fetuses: Between 1945 and 1980, the behavior of
uted to Wilhelm Preyer, who summarized his fetal mammalian fetuses received little research atten-
research in an extensive monograph published just tion (cf. Narayanan, Fox, and Hamburger, 1971 ) .
over a century ago ( 1885). Preyer’s novel ques- In addition, the focus on evoked reflexes and neuro-
tions and observations encouraged a later genera- anatomy diverted attention from the ontogeny of
tion of neuroanatomists to develop rudimentary nonevoked fetal activity and functional behavior.
techniques for observing fetuses in vivo (Brown, The viewpoint that the fetus is a passive pas-
1915; Swenson, 1926; Avery, 1928). The field of senger during its residence in utero thus has had a
behavioral embryology flourished in the 1920s and long and rich history. Today, however, this view-
30s in the laboratories of Coghill (Swenson, 1926; point is undergoing rapid change due in part to
Coghill, 1929; Angulo y Gonzalez, 1932), Windie renewed interest in fetal research within a diversity
( Windle and Griffin, 1931 ; Windle, O’Donnell, of disciplines ranging from psychobiology and
and Glasshagler, 1933; Windle, Minear, Austin, ethology to teratology and pediatric medicine and
and Orr, 1935), Carmichael (Coronios, 1933; Car- in part to the influence of improved technical, ana-
michael, 1934;Carmichael and Smith, 1939), and lytic, and conceptual tools with which to study be-
Barcroft ( Barcroft, Barron, and Windle, 1936;Bar- havior. Within the past decade, research concerned
croft and Barron, 1939), among others. This flurry with the patterning of prenatal behavior has discov-
of research was motivated by an interest in the ori- ered temporal rhythms in fetal activity (Robert-
gins of reflexes and neuromuscular development. son, 1985), the emergence of motor coordination
Prenatal reflexology was seen principally as a use- before birth (Bekoff and Lau, 1980; Robinson and
ful method for identifying stages of neural develop- Smotherman, 1987, 1988), and the prenatal devel-
ment (see reviews by Hooker, 1952; Carmichael, opment of species-typicalaction patterns ( Smoth-
1954). erman and Robinson, 1987a). Research on sen-
The early emphasis on fetal reflexes as a diag- sory development in human and nonhuman fe-
nostic tool probably reinforced the impression that tuses has demonstrated prenatal chemosensation
fetal motility lacks intrinsic coordination or spatio- (Pedersen, Greer, and Shepherd, 1986; Schaal,
temporal organization. This impression, stressed 1988; Smotherman and Robinson, 1990a, 1990b)
in many of the classic studies, fostered a traditional and audition in utero (Birnholz and Benecerraf,
viewpoint that prenatal motor activity is random, 1983;Geubelle, 1984; Fifer and Moon, 1988). Re-
directionless, and without purpose; fetal move- search on the importance of experience during pre-
ment is a mere epiphenomenon of the early devel- natal life has documented the ability of fetuses to
opment of the nervous system. This perspective, respond to changes in the intrauterine environ-
which continues to be expressed in current develop- ment (Smotherman and Robinson, 1986), learn
mental research (Stelzner, 1986), is well illustrated by association of stimuli (Smotherman and Robin-
by the following quotation by Hamburger ( 1973, son, 1985, 1987b), and retain prenatal experiences
p. 53): into postnatal life (Smotherman, 1982; Stickrod,
The phenomenon of uncoordinated motility which, Kimble, and Smotherman, 1982; Hepper, 1988).
moreover, does not involve sensory input to any extent, It has become manifest that the behavior of mam-
may not seem to be of much interest to developmental mals has its roots in the prenatal period and a com-
psychobiologists. . . . It has been objected that our plete understanding of behavioral development
claim that the combinations of movements in Type I must include investigation of the behavioral capa-
motility are uncoordinated has not been subjected to a bilities of the fetus.
rigorous statistical analysis. It would be desirable, in-
deed, to make the recording method more objective and
to do a correlation analysis of sequence of movements, METHODS OF FETAL RESEARCH
perhaps using slow-motion moving pictures. However,
even if such analysis would reveal a low degree of corre- Much of the recent growth of interest in the fetus
lation between those particular types of movements that stems from new or improved technologies for gain-
1576 Robinson and Smothermun

ing access to fetal behavior. Two important technol- and evoked responses (behavior that occurs in asso-
ogies have come to be routinely used in clinical ciation with the presentation of sensory stimuli).
applications in the past 10-20 years. External fetal In most experiments, we employ a system for
monitoring, which involves little more than the quantifying fetal movements that defines discrete
placement of a sensory transducer around the ab- categories of behavior in five basic body regions:
domen of a pregnant woman, enables the record- forelimb (F), rearlimb ( R ) , head ( H ) , trunk ( T ) ,
ing of fetal heart rate and detection of gross fetal and mouth ( M ). These categories can occur in iso-
body movements. More precise information about lation (simple movements) or in combination ( syn-
the kinds of movements exhibited by the fetus is chronous or concurrent movements). Videotape
provided by real-time ultrasonography, in which records of observation sessions augment this re-
the echoes of high-frequency sound pulses are used cording scheme and provide permanent records
to define contours and surfaces within the body containing more detailed information about the to-
and thereby produce a video image of the fetus as it pography and patterning of fetal behavior (Robin-
moves in utero (Birnholz, 1988). These two inno- son and Smotherman, 1991a). The result is a reli-
vations have created a window on human fetal de- able, continuous, fine-grained behavioral record
velopment that has replaced earlier approaches, that preserves information about the distribution
such as examination of aborted fetuses (Hum- and abundance of fetal movements in time, se-
phrey, 1953). However, ethical considerations quence, and space. Detailed descriptions of these
limit the application of true experimental designs technical and observational procedures may be
to the study of human fetuses. Moreover, the found in Smotherman and Robinson ( 199 1 ) .
current generation of noninvasive imaging technol- Because these technical and observational pro-
ogy does not provide sufficiently detailed informa- cedures provide the experimenter with direct physi-
tion about the form and patterning of fetal move- cal access to the fetus, it is possible to measure fetal
ments. Creation of continuous, fine-grained re- responses to controlled sensory stimulation in che-
cords of fetal behavior continue to require direct mosensory or somatosensory modalities. Chemo-
observation of the fetus. Therefore, comparative sensation encompasses a number of sensory sys-
study of nonhuman animals remains centrally im- tems that develop during the perinatal period, in-
portant to understanding the prenatal develop- cluding olfactory epithelia associated with both
main and accessory (vomeronasal) olfactory sys-
ment of behavior.
tems (Pedersen et al., 1986), lingual taste buds
In our laboratory, we employ surgical and exper-
(Mistretta and Bradley, 1986), pharyngeal and
imental procedures that permit direct observation epiglottal taste buds (Travers, Travers, and Nor-
of rodent fetuses from the inception of movement gren, 1987), and the trigeminal system (Silver and
(the earliest age at which motor activity is ex- Moulton, 1982). Chemical cues play an important
pressed; E 16 in the rat) through term (the last day role in directing suckling behavior, maternal-in-
of gestation; E2 1 in the rat). Briefly, these proce- fant interaction, and kin recognition during the
dures involve ( 1 ) chemical blockade of the spinal neonatal period, so it is reasonable to expect fetal
cord that desensitizes the pregnant female without rats to be responsive to a variety of chemical stim-
rendering fetuses immobile through general anes- uli in utero. Research on fetal chemosensation dur-
thesia, ( 2 ) surgical externalization of the uterus ing the past decade represents a distinct shift of
into a benign fluid medium to bring fetuses into emphasis from earlier studies, which focused on
direct view, and ( 3 ) maintenance of the umbilical reflexive responses to somatosensory stimulation
cord and placental connection to the uterus to en- (Carmichael, I954; Humphrey, 1969; Narayanan
sure the viability of fetal subjects throughout the et al., 197 1 ) . Chemosensory stimulation has
period of observation. Additional techniques are proven more effective than tactile cues in evoking
employed to provide controlled manipulation of organized patterns of fetal response. For instance,
the fetal central nervous system (CNS) or of the we identified different classes of chemical solutions
physical and sensory environment of the fetus. that reliably elicit species-typical behavior in the
A technical ability to view the fetus is incom- rat fetus (e.g., the facial wiping response to strong
plete, however, without a correspondingly precise odorants and the stretch response to milk). The
method of description and quantification of both combined use of quantitative analytic techniques
nonevoked activity (motor behavior that occurs and chemosensory stimulation has promoted the
without explicit stimulation by the experimenter) growing appreciation of the complexity and im-
Mammalian Fetal Motor Activity 1577

portance of behavior during prenatal development activity but also in the movements of individual
( Smotherman and Robinson, 1 9 9 0 ~ ) . parts of the body. After communication between
rostral and caudal portions of the spinal cord is
interrupted by midthoracic transection, rearlimbs
TEMPORAL PATTERNING OF FETAL remain active and exhibit cyclic organization
MOTOR ACTIVITY nearly identical to that of intact fetuses. Body parts
rostral to the transection also continue to exhibit
An important aspect of the organization of behav- cyclic activity, but the rate of oscillation decreases
ior is its distribution in time. Early studies of fetal relative to intact fetuses (Robertson and Smother-
behavior included subjective comments about the man, 1990). These findings demonstrate that iso-
tendency for fetal movements to wax and wane lated fragments of the fetal CNS can support cyclic
with time ( Angulo y Gonzalez, 1932; Carmichael, motor activity. Therefore, this form of temporal
1934). Qualitative characterization of periodic patterning of fetal movement is not limited to a
motor activity in chick embryos and in the pattern- single neural source (cf. circadian cyclicity regu-
ing of spontaneous neural activity within embry- lated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the fetus,
onic spinal cord segments also has provided impor- Reppert and Weaver, 1988) and may be a property
tant clues to the neurogenic nature of prenatal that emerges from the interaction of components
movement (Hamburger, Winger, and Oppenheim, within the motor system (Robertson, 1990). Sec-
1966; Provine, 1986). However, a crucial aspect of ond, these data suggest that the interaction that oc-
objectively characterizing temporal patterns in curs between different segments of the nervous sys-
nonevoked behavior is distinguishing apparent tem in the intact fetus involves dominance of more
patterns from random variations in fetal activity. caudal elements over rostral elements.
Chance is a recurrent theme in both classic and
modern discussions of behavioral embryology,but
Motor Synchrony
only recently have subjective notions of random-
ness been explicitly evaluated by quantitative The first movements of the fetus involve simple
means (Robertson, 1985; Robinson and Smother- movements of individual parts of the body, such as
man, 1988). the head, limbs, or trunk (Narayanan et al., 1971;
Smotherman and Robinson, 1986). Fetuses also
move different parts at the same time; concurrent
Cyclic Motor Organization
or simultaneous movement of two or more parts of
Spontaneously generated rhythmic or cyclic pat- the body (also referred to as “motor synchrony”) is
terns of motor activity are fundamental to virtually one of the earliest forms of coordination to appear
all animals ( Aschoff, I98 1 ) . Many behavioral during motor ontogeny (Provine, 1980; Robinson
rhythms correspond to naturally occurring envi- and Smotherman, 1987).
ronmental cycles, such as solar, lunar, or seasonal The simultaneous movement of multiple body
cycles. Ultradian rhythms (with periods less than parts seems to imply the central coordination of
24 h ) from another class of temporal organization motor behavior. It is possible, however, for two in-
that has been widely documented in the non- dependent movements to occur at the same time
evoked activity of animals. Cyclic organization by coincidence. Especially in immature animals
with a period of a few minutes has been reported in that exhibit imperfectly coordinated behavior, the
the motor activity of human infants during both null hypothesis that motor synchrony arises
active sleep and nonsleep states (Robertson, through the chance association of independent
1987). Nearly identical patterns of cyclic motility events must be considered. To objectively deter-
are evident in human fetuses during the last half of mine whether an observed pattern results from the
gestation, suggestingcontinuity in the temporal or- chance association of independent processes or
ganization of general motor behavior before and from central coordination, it is necessary to com-
after birth (Robertson, 1985, 1988). pare the occurrence of the pattern to an explicit
Recent application of quantitative methods for standard. An example of this research approach is
assessing cyclicity have confirmed the existence of provided by Provine ( 1980), who documented the
cyclic motor activity in the E20 rat fetus (Smother- emergence of interning coordination in chick em-
man, Robertson, and Robinson, 1988). Spontane- bryos by comparing the incidence of synchronous
ous oscillation is evident not only in overall fetal movements involving both wings with a presumed
1578 Robinson and Smotherman

random process, the incidence of synchronous rearlimbs (FR) becomes apparent later during ges-
movements involving one wing and one leg. Early tation. Although the head and rearlimbs are in-
during incubation, wing-wing movements are no volved in synchronous activity (FH and FR), they
more frequent than wing-leg movements, suggest- are associated together (HR) much less frequently
ing that synchronized limb movements in young than should occur by chance. These findings sug-
chick embryos is accidental. Later, wing-wing gest that FH and FR coordination emerges during
movements increase in frequency as wing-leg prenatal development at the same time HR
movements become relatively uncommon, indi- synchrony is actively suppressed.
cating the development of central coordination of Experiments employing spinally transected ani-
bilateral wing behavior. mals have confirmed that intersegmental neural
Formal stochastic models also have been used to communication is necessary for the production of
generate testable predictions about the incidence of concurrent head and limb movements. Although
motor synchrony in rat fetuses (Robinson and most studies concerned with the development and
Smotherman, 1987, 1988). Predictions regarding coordination of behavior focused on the role of the
the rate of concurrent movement are obtained by brain, complex motor patterns can be supported
considering each instance of fetal movement in- by spinal cord circuitry alone (Berkinblit, Feld-
volving a single body part as an independent point man, and Fukson, 1986). Spinal transection pro-
event generated by a Poisson process. Because cedures have been used to probe the neural control
most fetal movements have a brief but measurable of motor synchrony in rat fetuses from E l 8
duration (less than 1 s), independent movements through term. After transection of the spinal cord
generated by single or dual Poisson processes that at the midthoracic level, rat fetuses continue to ex-
are initiated at nearly the same instant would over- hibit activity in forelimbs (rostra1 to the cut) and
lap and appear synchronized. The parameters of rearlimbs (caudal to the cut). Concurrent move-
the stochastic processes, estimated from the overall ments involving the forelimbs and head ( F H ) also
frequency of fetal movement and the number of continue to be expressed. But, concurrent move-
1-s time samples in the observation session, are ments involving the forelimbs and rearlimbs ( F R ) ,
used to generate the expected frequency of appar- ordinarily one of the most common categories of
ently coincident movement events (Robinson, motor synchrony on E20, are virtually eliminated.
1989). Conversely, fetuses with cervical spinal transec-
Stochastic models that incorporate single or tions exhibit forelimb and rearlimb activity and
dual Poisson processes are quite accurate in pre- FR synchrony, but concurrent FH movements are
dicting the overall incidence of motor synchrony abolished. These results permit two general con-
during the first 2 days after inception of movement clusions about the control of motor synchrony in
in the fetal rat (EL6-E17), but indicate that syn- rat fetuses. First, the sparing of motor activity cau-
chronous movements occur more frequently than dal to the site of spinal transection confirms other
should be expected by chance association during reports (such as the experiments on cyclic motor
the last 3-4 days of gestation (E 18-E2 1 ) . Related organization, described above) that neural cir-
models have addressed the more detailed question cuitry within the spinal cord alone is sufficient to
of whether specific patterns of motor synchrony, initiate fetal motor activity. Second, the near elimi-
such as the concurrent movement of forelimbs and nation of FH synchrony after cervical transection
rearlimbs, occur more often than expected on the and FR synchrony after thoracic transection, and
basis of random association. In the rat fetus, most the sparing of FR synchrony after cervical transec-
of the possible combinations of simple movements tion, indicates that intersegmental communication
occur at rates that do not differ from predictions within the spinal cord is necessary to support the
generated by stochastic models. The occurrence of occurrence of motor synchrony in the fetus.
certain categories of motor synchrony, however, Similar patterns in the development of motor
cannot be accounted by the chance coincidence of synchrony are expressed by cotton rat fetuses. Un-
independent events. Concurrent movements in- like most other members of the rodent family Mur-
volving the forelimbs and head (FH) are the earli- idae, which give birth to altricial offspring that pos-
est to exceed the level of chance occurrence during sess limited sensory and motor abilities at the time
prenatal development. FH synchrony is evident as of birth, cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus)give birth
early as E 17 (only 1 day after inception of move- to precocial young that are furred, open their eyes
ment) and continues to be expressed through term within 24 h, and exhibit relatively adultlike motor
(E2 1) . Concurrent movement of forelimbs and abilities. Because cotton rats are precocial, the pro-
Mammalian Fetal Motor Activity 1579

duction of FH and FR synchrony at levels above tal environment (Smotherman and Robinson,
chance occurs relatively earlier during gestation, 1986;Robinson and Smotherman, 1987).Concur-
but FH movements still develop slightly in ad- rent movements by the rat fetus increase in relative
vance of FR movements. Concurrent movements abundance during the first days after inception of
involving the head and rearlimbs (HR) also be- movement. Motor synchrony remains high
come suppressed at a relatively early prenatal age through term in fetuses observed outside the uterus
(E2 1 of the 27-day gestation) and rarely occur for and embryonic membranes (exutero) . But, fetuses
the remainder of gestation. In precocial fetuses, observed in utero through the transparent wall of
more complex patterns of motor synchrony also the uterus and embryonic membranes exhibit a
appear during the prenatal period, including the sharp decrease in the incidence of concurrent
simultaneous activity of forelimbs, head, and rear- movement late in gestation (Fig. 1 ). This reduc-
limbs (FHR). Initially, FHR movements occur at tion in motor synchrony coincides with the reduc-
chance levels, then diminish in frequency in paral- tion in amniotic fluid volume that occurs before
lel with the reduction in HR activity. By E23, FHR parturition in the rat and other rodents (Marsh,
movements occur significantly less often than pre- King, and Becker, 1963). Coupled with the rapid
dicted by random association. Over the next 2 days growth of the fetus during late gestation, the conse-
of gestation, however, FHR activity increases quence of reduced amniotic fluid is a dramatic re-
sharply, exceeding rates generated by the stochastic duction in free space within the uterus. Under such
model. This indicates that coordination of more conditions of increased physical restraint in utero,
complicated patterns of movement involving three complex motor behavior is suppressed (Smother-
or more body parts becomes evident during the man and Robinson, 1988a).
prenatal period in precocial rodents, an ontoge- The influence of environmental constraint on
netic pattern that has been described during the motor synchrony is a general feature of prenatal
neonatal period in altricial species such as the rat behavior, as demonstrated in comparative studies
(Blanck, Hard, and Larsson, 1967). of different rodent species that vary in patterns of
Despite the prevalence of attempts to establish development (Robinson, 1989). Cotton rat fetuses
rigorous time courses for the ontogenetic emer- show a decline in amniotic fluid volume immedi-
gence of gross motor abilities (e.g., Tilney, 1933; ately before parturition. They also exhibit a higher
Bolles and Woods, 1964; Altman and Sudarshan, incidence of motor synchrony ex utero than in
1975), the likelihood for young animals to express utero. But, differencesin their expression of concur-
complex motor patterns can be heavily influenced rent movements inside and outside the uterus are
by environmental conditions present at the time of evident as early as 1 week before birth (Fig. 1).
behavioral testing. For instance, when separated These comparative findings suggest that precocial
from the mother and placed in an open field infant fetuses can express responsiveness to environmen-
rats tend to exhibit simple forms of activity involv- tal conditions in utero well in advance of the disap-
ing unilateral or bilateral movements of the head. pearance of amniotic fluid.
The tendency for pups to exhibit more complex
patterns involving simultaneous movement of
head and limbs gradually increases over the first ACTION PATTERNS OF THE FETUS
postnatal week under these conditions (Eilam and
Golani, 1988). However, if exposed to ammonia The development of cyclic motor activity and mo-
odor while in an open field newborn rats engage in tor synchrony are just two examples of prenatal
high levels of activity involving synchronized behavioral organization. Fetal behavior also ex-
movements of the head, forelimbs, and rearlimbs hibits a tendency to occur in discrete bouts and
(Gard, Hard, Larsson, and Peterson, 1967). Envi- predictable sequences during the latter portion of
ronmental stimuli can modify the expression of gestation. Basic patterns of fetal motor activity
motor behavior in young animals and thereby alter may well provide the foundation upon which more
the timetable of motor development inferred from complicated patterns of behavior are constructed
experimental data. The concept of a timetable of ( Robinson and Smotherman, 1988). This concep-
motor development therefore has limited utility tion of behavioral development is consistent with
for any age where subjects are responsive to the views expressed by Gottlieb and Kuo ( 1965, p.
changes in environmental conditions. 187) that “the ontogeny of behavior is gradual and
The tendency of fetuses to express motor continuous and that sequences of action occurring
synchrony also is sensitive to features of the prena- in embryo are significant precursors to the ‘pre-
1580 Robinson and Smotherman

Norway Rat
+ In Utero
-0- Ex Utero 7-


El7 E l8 El9 E20 E21






E l 8 E l 9 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27

Gestational Age
Figure 1 Relative abundance of concurrent movements expressed by rat fetuses (top) and
cotton rat fetuses (bottom) observed in utero or ex utero. Relative concurrent movement is
calculated as the frequency of events comprising two or more movement categories (e.g., F and
R ) divided by the total number of movement events in the observation session. Points repre-
sent means; vertical lines depict SEM.

adapted' quality of action patterns in postnatal dexes of the relative maturity of the motor system
life." Indeed, a growing list of postnatal action pat- (Tihey, 1933; Volokhov, 1968; Altman and Su-
terns has been identified in the nonevoked or darshan, 1975;Almli and Fisher, 1977). However,
evoked activity of rodent fetuses, including compo- ontogenetic changes in the form and neural control
nents of contact righting, stepping, punting, suck- of righting suggest that turning to a prone posture
ling, facilitation of maternal licking, and grooming may embrace a number of functionally related yet
behavior. distinct patterns of motor behavior (Pellis, Pellis,
and Tetelbaum, 1991 ). The earliest form of right-
ing to appear during development is contact right-
Righting ing (as distinct from air righting, which requires a
The righting reflex is a fundamental behavior of vestibular sense), in which the body is returned to
tetrapods that involves actively returning the body a prone posture while in contact with a substrate.
to a prone posture after displacement. The ability Experiments involving transection at various levels
to perform righting and the latency to return to a of the neuraxis indicate that contact righting can be
prone posture are commonly used as general in- performed by newborn rats with only the lower
Mammalian Fetal Motor Activity 1581

medulla and spinal cord intact, but 7-8 days after spinal tracts posterior to the transection elicits
birth rats require midbrain structures for righting stepping movements of forelimbs and rearlimbs
to occur (Bignall, 1974). The development of con- strikingly similar to walking movements by intact
tact righting has long been appreciated to have cats. Similar results may be obtained by injection
roots in the prenatal period (Windle and Fish, of drugs, such as L-dopa, that stimulate dopaminer-
1932), in particular among species that give birth gic and noradrenergic receptor systems within the
to precocial offspring (Cannichael, 1934, 1954). spinal cord (Kellogg and Lundborg, 1972;
A principal component of the righting response Grillner, 1981). Cats with a low thoracic spinal
of neonatal rodents is ventriflexion or torsion of transection also are capable of producing rearlimb
the body trunk around its long axis (Altman and stepping movements on a treadmill or while sus-
Sudarshan, 1975; Pellis et al., 1991). Slow-motion pended in the air (air stepping). Spontaneous air
playback of videotape records of fetal activity has stepping occurs rarely in adult animals but is exhib-
revealed that rodent fetuses exhibit trunk torsion ited by kittens that receive low-spinal transection
that closely resembles the movements involved in shortly after birth (Bradley and Smith, 1988).
contact righting. Trunk torsion occurs uncom- These findings indicate that newborn mammals
monly during nonevoked activity in rat fetuses as possess sufficient neural circuitry within the spinal
early as E20. It is expressed much more commonly cord alone to initiate stepping movements and
in cotton rat fetuses and appears relatively earlier maintain intra- and interlimb coordination closely
during gestation, about E2 1. Trunk torsion rarely resembling the form of intact walking movements.
results in successfully turning to a prone posture in The alternating movement of left and right
rat fetuses, which are observed under conditions in limbs within a girdle that characterizes the synergy
which the fetus is not supported by a solid sub- of the step cycle was originally reported in the rat
strate. However, turning to a prone position is evi- fetus by Brown ( 1915) and more recently has been
dent in fetal cotton rats observed under similar objectively described on E20 (Bekoff and Lau,
conditions as early as E22 and is expressed by a 1980). Alternating stepping is not often seen dur-
majority of subjects by E24 of the 27-day gestation. ing nonevoked activity in fetal or neonatal rats.
These observations suggest a perinatal emergence However, air stepping that involves coordinated
of the rudimentary motor patterns involved in movement of all four limbs can be evoked reliably
contact righting in altricial species and a prenatal in rat pups soon after birth by administration of
emergence of this behavior in precocial species. L-dopa (Van Hartesveldt, Sickles, Porter, and Ste-
houwer, 199 1 ). Preliminary experiments in our
laboratory suggest that L-dopa injection also stimu-
lates coordinated stepping movements by rat fe-
Another pattern of behavior expressed to varying tuses that are externalized from the uterus (ex
degrees by young mammals is the cycle of stepping utero) but remain submerged within the saline
movements involved in walking or running loco- bath. In contrast to the altricial fetuses of rats, pre-
motion. Mature walking requires coordination of cocial fetuses such as cotton rats often engage in
stepping movements by all four limbs in a charac- alternating stepping movements involving two
teristic pattern of foot contact (Halbertsma, 1983). limbs within a girdle (pectoral or pelvic) or, less
In young animals, interlimb coordination is first commonly, all four limbs. Walking and running
apparent within a girdle: The two opposing limbs movements may be expressed during periods of
move in regular alternation, with each shifted 50% nonevoked activity or in response to sensory stimu-
in phase relative to the other limb. Thus, the left lation in cotton rats during the last week of gesta-
limb remains in contact with a substrate (the tion (E24-E27).
stance phase) as the right limb is flexed and moved
forward (the swing phase). Adult animals that re-
ceive brainstem or spinal cord transection retain
many aspects of normal walking locomotion (Shik Quadrupedal stepping associated with crawling
and Orlovsky, 1976; Grillner, 198 1 ) . For example, and walking is not the earliest form of locomotion
cats with a brainstem transection can be supported normally expressed by neonatal rats ( Altman and
in a sling to reduce the gravitational load on the Sudarshan, 1975). During the first week after
limbs and eliminate postural and balance demands birth, most locomotor activity takes the form of
on the motor system. Under these experimental pivoting, in which the rear part of the pup is an-
conditions, tonic electrical stimulation of reticulo- chored to the substrate and the front part moves in
1582 Robinson and Smotherman

a circular path around this pivot point (Eilam and associated with other pup behavior such as paw-
Golani, 1988) . Early pivoting involves a distinc- treading, triggers a milk let-down response in the
tive motor pattern, called punting, that does not female. During let-down, milk is ejected from the
resemble the alternated limb coordination of the nipple into the pharynx of the pup and swallowed.
step cycle. Punting is accomplished in a recogniz- Rat pups consistently exhibit behavioral respon-
able sequence of movements, in which ( 1) the siveness to milk ejection, including mouthing, lo-
head is turned and placed over the ipsiversive fore- comotion, and general behavioral activation. Fur-
limb, in the direction of pivoting, (2) the ipsiver- ther, pups express a stereotypic action pattern that
sive foreleg is withdrawn from under the head and occurs only in the context of milk ejection at the
replaced in the direction of the pivot, and ( 3 ) as the nipple-the stretch response (Hall, 1979; Lau and
head and upper torso continue to turn the contra- Henning, 1985). During the stretch, the pup ex-
versive forelimb is extended and swept backward tends all limbs, the back becomes rigid, and the jaw
and to the side, pushing the pup through the pivot is opened. Performance of the stretch response is
(Smotherman and Robinson, 1 9 9 0 ~ )Throughout
. followed by brief disengagement from the nipple.
this sequence, the rearlimbs remain stationary or Performance of the stretch response by newborn
make small positional adjustments as the pup rats during their first suckling episode indicates
turns. In this way, the rearlimbs probably help the that the mechanisms governing this behavior are
pup maintain a prone position throughout the intact at the time of birth. Delivery of a single infu-
movements of punting. sion of milk into the mouth of the E20 rat fetus
The forelimb and head synergy involved in reliably elicits a modest increase in overall motor
punting is performed during nonevoked activity in activity. An important component of the fetal re-
rat fetuses. On E 19-E2 1, fetuses exhibit occasional sponse to milk is the expression of a pattern of be-
bouts of activity in which the head is turned lat- havior that appears isomorphic with the neonatal
erally over the ipsiversive forelimb as the contra- stretch response (Robinson and Smotherman,
versive forelimb is swept to the side and backward. I992a). The occurrence of the stretch is delayed by
Although this motor pattern is not performed in 2-4 min following infusion.
relation to a substrate, and therefore does not result In addition to the stretch response, fetal rats ex-
in a change in fetal position, it is isomorphic to the hibit other patterns of behavior associated with
pattern of head and forelimb activity expressed suckling during the neonatal period. Lateral root-
during neonatal punting. It is interesting to note ing movements of the head and forepaw move-
that close inspection of videotape records has failed ments resembling paw-treading are occasionally
to identify this pattern of movement at any point seen during nonevoked activity or following milk
during gestation in cotton rat fetuses (Robinson infusion. Rooting activity is relatively common
and Smotherman, 1990) . Because punting is appar- during late gestation in precocial cotton rat fetuses,
ently absent during the prenatal period in cotton in particular among fetuses in a prone posture on
rats, and is not expressed by the precocial offspring the submerged surface of the uterus or maternal
ofthis species, it may not be a necessary stage in the abdomen. The identification of various compo-
ontogeny of mature quadrupedal locomotion (cf., nents of neonatal suckling behavior during the pre-
Eilam and Golani, 1988). Punting therefore may natal period provides a good example of the devel-
represent a behavioral adaptation specially suited opment of behavior in anticipation of its expres-
to the needs and motor abilities of infant rats and sion in a functional context.
other altricial rodents.
Leg Extension Response to Anogenital
Stretch Response and Behavior Stimulation
Associated with Suckling
Mother-infant interactions in laboratory rats are
After birth, the newborn rat pup initiates a se- symbiotic and involve the bidirectional exchange
quence of activities that culminates in ingestion of of chemosensory, tactile and thermal information,
milk (Drewett, Statham, and Wakerley, 1974; and material resources (such as body fluids) (Al-
Blass and Teicher, 1980). This sequence begins berts and Cramer, 1988). Much of this material
with orientation to the lactating female’s ventral and informational exchange takes place during
surface, side-to-side searching movements of the bouts of maternal licking. During licking bouts di-
head (rooting), and attachment to the nipple. A rected to the anogenital region, pups exhibit a leg
period of organized, rhythmic sucking behavior, extension response (LER), which involves eleva-
Mammalian Fetul Motor Activity 1583

tion of the hindquarters and straightening of the fetuses become anoxic. More recently, descriptions
rearlimbs (Moore and Chadwick-Dias, 1986). The of a brief period of fetal hyperactivity following
LER probably functions to facilitate access by the transient hypoxia have been reported in rats
mother to the perineum, necessary to stimulate (Becker, King, Marsh, and Wyrick, 1964) and
micturition and defecation by the neonate. In rat dogs ( Arshavsky, Arshavaskya, and Praznikov,
fetuses on E20 or E2 1 of gestation, the LER can be 1976).
elicited by repeatedly stroking the anogenital re- Research conducted in our laboratory con-
gion with a soft camel-hair brush (Smotherman firmed and extended these previous reports in a
and Robinson, 1988b). This response is spared in series of quantitative experimental investigations
fetuses following spinal transection at the midtho- of the response of rat fetuses to transient occlusion
racic level, indicating that the LER is controlled by of the umbilical cord (Smotherman and Robinson,
neural circuitry located entirely within the caudal I987c, 1 9 8 8 ~ )Fetuses
. exhibit a three-phase behav-
spinal cord. Like the behavior associated with ioral response that follows placement of a microvas-
suckling, the LER provides an example of prenatal cular clamp on the umbilical cord, which com-
behavioral development in anticipation of neona- pletely occludes umbilical circulation. This re-
tal function. sponse consists of ( 1 ) initial suppression of fetal
activity, ( 2 ) an intermediate phase of fetal hyperac-
tivity, in which fetal movements increase four- to
Response to Umbilical Cord Occlusion
fivefold over baseline levels, and ( 3 ) a final phase
One of the likely reasons that fetal behavioral adap- of behavioral suppression in which fetal activity
tations have received little attention is the uncer- drops to near zero levels until removal ofthe umbil-
tain relation of the fetus to its environment. Ma- ical cord clamp. The movements that comprise
ture animals must seek food, shelter, and protec- this hyperactivity are stereotyped and consist pri-
tion from predators and mates. But, the fetus marily of lateral flexion or bending of the body
seems to have all its needs satisfied through a life- trunk, often in association with rostra1 extensions
support system consisting of the umbilical cord of the head ( “head-tossing” ) and bilateral exten-
and placenta. Maintenance of this life-support sys- sion of the forelimbs. Rat fetuses also exhibit an
tem is crucial to fetal survival and growth. There- immediate and pronounced bradycardia following
fore, one of the most likely places to find behav- umbilical cord occlusion, which occurs during the
ioral adaptations during the prenatal period is in initial suppression of motor activity. However, the
association with maintenance of a healthy umbili- critical feature of the clamp response is the second
cal connection to the placenta. phase-hyperactivity-which distinguishes it as
Indeed, fetuses are at risk of transient occlusion an active behavioral response to cord occlusion
of blood circulation within the umbilical cord dur- and not an incidental effect of reduced oxygen
ing gestation. Acute fetal hypoxia, induced by um- availability to tissues. The expression of a stereo-
bilical cord compression, has been implicated as an typed behavioral response to umbilical cord occlu-
important cause of brain damage in human fetuses sion in other rodent species suggests that this is a
(Mann, 1986) and can occur during unremarkable general feature of prenatal behavior (Robinson
pregnancies ( Itskovitz, LaGamma, and Rudolph, and Smotherman, 199 1b ) .
1987). Accidental cord occlusion can occur by
twisting of the cord as a result of fetal activity or by
Facial Wiping and Other Grooming
pinching the cord between the fetus and a hard part
of maternal anatomy (such as the pelvis) or, in
species that bear multiple offspring, against an ad- Movements associated with grooming behavior are
jacent sibling in utero. common to most mammals that retain a general-
Previous investigators have reported observa- ized limb anatomy. Marsupials, insectivores, ro-
tions that suggested the existence of a behavioral dents, lagomorphs, and carnivores all employ the
response of fetuses to umbilical cord occlusion. forelimbs in grooming movements directed toward
Many of the early studies of fetal motor develop- the head and face (Eisenberg, 198 1 ). In most spe-
ment conducted during the 1920s and 30s were cies, the forepaws engage in sweeping overhead
criticized by Windle ( 1944) as lacking in proper strokes that sweep in contact over the ears and
controls to avoid the effects of fetal hypoxia; to sides of the face. Finer movements of the forepaws
support his claim, Windle described a predictable are involved in paw-licking. These forelimb move-
sequence of behavioral changes that occur when ments are integrated with other grooming behav-
1584 Robinson and Smotherman

ior, such as nibbling, biting, or licking the fur and fetuses exhibit the response following presentation
scratching the head or body trunk with the rear- of stimuli in the gas phase ( Smotherman and Rob-
paw, in complex, stereotyped behavioral sequences inson, 1990a) but are less likely to perform wiping
(Richmond and Sachs, 1980; Fentress, 1988). movements following surgical isolation ofthe olfac-
Components of adult grooming and aversion se- tory bulbs (Smotherman and Robinson, 1990b).
quences have been identified in the behavior of fe- The wiping response also can be elicited by appli-
tal rodents. Facial wiping is a stereotyped, species- cation of a punctate tactile stimulus to the perioral
typical action pattern that involves forelimb move- area of the fetus (Smotherman and Robinson,
ment that closely resembles the overhead strokes 1990b), an observation noted in guinea pig fetuses
employed by adult rats during grooming bouts. more than 50 years ago (Carmichael and Smith,
The form of facial wiping involves simultaneous 1939). Together, these facts suggest that facial wip-
placement of the two forelimbs in contact with the ing is a general behavioral response to novel or
side of the head and sliding the limbs toward the aversive stimulation; olfactory and tactile stimuli
nose in contact with the face (see Fig. 1 in Smoth- are sufficient to elicit wiping but other sensory sys-
erman and Robinson, 1987a). Facial wiping can tems, such as the trigeminal system, also are likely
be evoked consistently in rat fetuses on E20 and to play a role in the control of the wiping response
E21 of gestation by infusing a small volume of a (Berridge and Fentress, 1986).
novel chemosensory solution, such as lemon ex- Other components of adult grooming behavior
tract, into the mouth ofthe fetus. The wiping move- have not been reported in rat fetuses. Newborn rats
ments that ensue occur a few seconds after infusion can perform scratching movements by the rearpaw
in a brief flurry of 5- 15 strokes. in response to tactile stimulation applied to the
The facial wiping response of the fetal rat is a body. This response is spared by midthoracic spi-
clear example of coordinated behavior. However, nal transection (Stelzner, 1986). In the fetal sheep,
motion analysis of videotape records has revealed which gives birth to precocial offspring after a ges-
that the high degree of organization evident in this tation of 150 days, the rearlimb scratching re-
behavior is the culmination of organizational sponse can be evoked as early as E70 ( Barcroft and
changes that occur before the first wiping stroke, at Barron, 1939). During nonevoked motor activity,
the initiation of the wiping bout, and as the bout of precocial fetuses of cotton rats on occasion express
wiping proceeds (Robinson and Smotherman rearlimb scratching movements, as well as fine fore-
199 1a). Within seconds after infusion, E20 fetuses limb behavior such as paw-licking. But, these mo-
exhibit an increase in overall motor activity char- tor patterns apparently occur in isolation and are
acterized by an increase in forelimb movements not integrated with other grooming movements,
and a selective suppression in rearlimb activity. As such as facial wiping, in more complex sequences.
facial wiping begins to be expressed, nondirected
forelimb movements are transformed into orga-
nized wiping strokes that contact the face. At the
same time, head movements are suppressed, with DETERMINANTS OF FACIAL WIPING:
the head stabilized at the onset of each wiping A DISAPPEARING ACT
stroke. Initial wiping strokes are brief and ran-
domly coordinated between right and left sides. As Developmental Expression
more strokes are performed, paw-face contact in-
creases in duration and bilateral strokes become Facial wiping is an action pattern expressed by ro-
more highly synchronized. The initiation of facial dent fetuses that has been extensively investigated
wiping thus appears to be neither the beginning nor in our laboratory. Although the appearance of the
the end of organizational changes in fetal behavior wiping response in the fetus is strikingly similar to
evoked by chemosensory infusion. This finding the forelimb-head strokes that occur in the context
contrasts with conventional views of “central pat- of adult grooming behavior, facial wiping is not
tern generation” of action patterns (Grillner, expressed continuously from the time of its prena-
1985), and suggests that facial wiping behavior tal emergence through adulthood. Our initial stud-
emerges from the coupling of simpler movement ies described a sudden ontogenetic appearance of
components in real time (Robinson and Smother- this behavior pattern in rat fetuses; no fetuses per-
man, 1991a). formed wiping on E l 9 but virtually all exhibited
The wiping response to chemosensory infusion wiping immediately after lemon infusion on E20
is influenced by olfactory qualities of the stimulus; (Fig. 2; Smotherman and Robinson, 1987a). Wip-
Mammalian Frtul Motor Activity 1585

0 3 100
a 80


3 20
E l 9 E20 E21 PO PI P3 P5 P7 P9 P I 1
Figure 2 Expression of the facial wiping response to chemosensory stimulation during the
perinatal period in the laboratory rat.

ing remains a consistent response of term fetuses ior during neonatal stepping, the kicking that oc-
(E2 1 ) , but caesarean-derived pups tested within 1 curs when an infant is in a supine posture, and later
h of birth (PO), and therefore the same postcon- crawling and walking (Thelen and Fisher, 1982).
ceptional age as E21 fetuses, are significantly less The apparent reason behind the disappearance of
likely to exhibit facial wiping (Smotherman and neonatal stepping lies in the rapid postnatal in-
Robinson, 1989). The expression of facial wiping crease in leg mass, which surpassesthe infant’s mus-
continues to decline and virtually disappears from cular strength in the legs during the first 2 months.
the neonatal rat’s response to lemon infusion after This hypothesis has been confirmed by experi-
the first postnatal day (PI; Fig. 2). Toward the end ments in which infants are immersed to waist
of the second week after birth ( P 1 1 ) , facial wiping depth in water, providing a buoyant medium that
reappears as a consistent response to chemosen- reduces the gravitational load on the legs. Under
sory stimulation ( Smotherman and Robinson, these conditions, 3-month-old infants continue to
1989; Johanson and Shapiro, 1986). The develop- exhibit stepping movements, even though they do
ment of the facial wiping response thus assumes a not exhibit stepping in a terrestrial environment
pattern of prenatal appearance, neonatal disappear- (Thelen, Fisher, and Ridley-Johnson, 1984).
ance, and later postnatal reappearance. The past few years have seen numerous addi-
The temporary disappearance of the wiping re- tional examples that demonstrate the role of envi-
sponse during the neonatal period is not a unique ronmental context in the expression of motor be-
example of reversible changes in motor develop- havior. For example, the development of mono-
ment. For instance, human neonates exhibit a manual reaching by human infants ( Rochat and
stepping reflex when the infant’s body is held and Stacy, 1989) and terrestrial locomotion in anuran
the feet are placed in contact with a solid substrate. amphibians (Stehouwer and Farel, 1984) can be
The relationship of neonatal stepping to later walk- accelerated by manipulating environmental con-
ing has remained a point of controversy in develop- text at the time of testing. Similarly, reinstating en-
mental psychology because the stepping reflex dis- vironmental features characteristic of early ontog-
appears 1-2 months after birth and infants begin to eny can prolong the expression of perinatal behav-
walk some 9-12 months later. Thelen and col- ior patterns such as hatching movements by adult
leagues demonstrated that the disappearance of the chickens (Bekoff and Kauer, 1984) and suckling at
stepping reflex is due to environmental conditions the nipple by adult rats (Pfister, Cramer, and Blass,
in which infants are tested, not to a programmed 1986;Lichtman and Cramer, 1989). Experimental
schedule of motor development. Examination of manipulations such as these demonstrate the per-
electromyogram (EMG) patterns during spontane- vasive role of environmental context in the expres-
ous limb movements by infants reveals an underly- sion of species-typicalbehavior ( Smotherman and
ing continuity in the organization of motor behav- Robinson, 1 9 9 0 ~ ) .
1586 Robinson and Smotherman






Bath Amnion
Figure 3 Facial wiping by rat fetuses on El9 following lemon infusion delivered by blunted
needle inserted into the mouth or by intraoral cannula.

Appearance of the Wiping Response cannulating fetuses within the confines of the amni-
Environmental context also plays an important otic sac. Nearly all El9 fetuses tested in amnion
role in the ontogenetic trajectory of facial wiping in that receive a lemon infusion through an intraoral
rodents. As mentioned above, our initial experi- cannula perform the wiping response ( Robinson
ments indicated an abrupt emergence of facial wip- and Smotherman, I99 la). These findings demon-
ing during prenatal development. Although deliv- strate that the age at which the facial wiping re-
ery of a chemosensory solution (such as lemon ex- sponse appears during ontogeny is contingent
tract) into the mouth of the fetus reliably elicits upon the environmental conditions present at the
facial wiping on E20 and E2 1, younger fetuses do time of testing.
not exhibit this action pattern as part of their re- Fetuses that remain within the amnion appear
sponse to infusion ( Smotherman and Robinson, to differ in several potentially important ways from
1987a). These findings have been replicated sev- fetuses externalized from the uterus and mem-
eral times in experiments involving externalization branes. First, the fetus in amnion is maintained in
of the fetal subject from the uterus and embryonic a posture that conforms to the curvature of the am-
membranes prior to stimulation. Many other niotic sac. The trunk is flexed ventrally and the
aspects of behavioral organization are promoted by head tucked nearer to the chest, compared to fe-
observing fetuses ex utero (see examples above). tuses ex utero, which exhibit a straighter trunk and
However, it now appears that testing fetuses under slightly elevated head. Thus, in a resting posture in
these environmental conditions may affect their amnion the forelimbs are positioned in proximity
ability to express the facial wiping response. to the head and mouth. The posture of the fetus in
The possibility that manipulation of environ- amnion may facilitate forelimb-head contact, nec-
mental context can promote the precocial expres- essary for the expression of facial wiping. Second,
sion of the wiping response has been confirmed by the elastic properties of the chorion and uterine
experiments in which fetuses are tested after exter- wall tend to resist fetal movements directed out-
nalization from the uterus but within the embry- ward and may help to stabilize the head as forelimb
onic membranes ( i n amnion). To permit delivery strokes are performed during facial wiping. When
of the lemon solution to a fetal subject in amnion, a E l 9 fetuses an: tested ex utero, they exhibit in-
blunted hypodermic needle is inserted into the creased activity in response to infusion, including
mouth of the fetus. Under the moderate physical forelimb activity, but abundant movements of the
restraint provided by the amnion and uterus at this head from side to side appear to prevent forelimb
age, fetuses exhibit the facial wiping response to strokes from contacting the face. Within the am-
infusion. Fetuses tested ex utero that receive a nion, however, lateral head movements are selec-
lemon infusion by this method exhibit behavioral tively suppressed, thereby promoting paw-face
activation but fail to express the wiping response contact (Robinson and Smotherman, 199la).
(Fig. 3 ) . More recently, we developed methods for These findings argue that manipulation of environ-
Mammalian Fetal Motor Activity 1587

mental context at the time of stimulus delivery species. Fetal cotton rats begin to exhibit non-
promotes the coordination of movement trajecto- evoked activity on E 17 of the 27-day gestation. By
ries involving the head and forelimbs into the inte- E20, facial wiping can be reliably elicited by in-
grated action pattern that constitutes facial wiping. traoral infusion of a chemosensory stimulus. If the
neonatal disappearance of the wiping response in
rats was due to features of the postnatal environ-
Disappearance of the Wiping Response
ment, such as the greater effect of gravity and the
Nearly all fetuses tested at term exhibit the wiping presence of a hard substrate, then cotton rats
response, compared to only half the pups tested on should continue to express facial wiping in re-
the day of birth. Over the next 3 postnatal days, the sponse to infusion through term. However, the in-
tendency to exhibit facial wiping after chemosen- cidence of facial wiping declines on E23 and disap-
sory infusion disappears almost completely. On pears entirely from E24 through birth. The prena-
PO, when the neonatal tendency to perform facial tal disappearance of facial wiping coincides with
wiping is greatest, infusion of a novel olfactory so- the appearance of other patterns of motor behavior
lution produces an increase in overall behavioral elicited by chemosensory stimulation, including a
activity. When facial wiping is expressed, it occurs righting response (actively turning to a prone pos-
during this period of activity after the pup has ture) and the expression of quadrupedal stepping
rolled to its side or back. Newborn pups are rela- movements (Fig. 4). The observation that facial
tively incapable of maintaining a prone posture or wiping exhibits a temporary disappearance during
returning to this posture after displacement, indica- the late prenatal period in this precocial species ar-
tive of the immature development of a righting re- gues that competition with other motor responses,
sponse at this age (Altman and Sudarshan, 1975). rather than the postnatal environment per se, sup-
Behavioral activation evoked by stimulation dis- presses the wiping response. The preferential ex-
places the pup and thereby breaks the contact of pression of righting behavior and locomotor move-
the forelimbs with the substrate. Once freed from ments instead of facial wiping by older cotton rat
their involvement in postural maintenance, the fetuses further suggests the prenatal development
forelimbs are available for facial wiping. of hierarchical organization in motor control
The disappearance of facial wiping in the neo- (Dawkins, 1976; Fentress, 1983).
nate therefore may be due to postural constraint If the prenatal disappearance of facial wiping in
induced by features of the postnatal environment. precocial rodents appears to correspond to the
Specifically, as pups become better able to main- postnatal disappearance of this behavior in the rat,
tain a prone posture, and therefore to maintain then competing motor responses also should be ex-
forelimb-substrate contact, the forelimbs are less pressed by the neonatal rat. This hypothesis has
available for facial wiping and the wiping response been confirmed by experiments in which the ex-
disappears. Especially in young animals, chemo- pression of facial wiping and other motor behavior
sensory infusion evokes a variety of behavior pat- is manipulated by varying environmental condi-
terns in addition to facial wiping, some of which tions. Certain environmental contexts minimize
also involve the forelimbs and therefore may be alternative responses to infusion and thereby pro-
physically incompatible with the simultaneous oc- mote the postnatal expression of the wiping re-
currence of facial wiping. Thus, facial wiping may sponse by pups. For instance, pups suspended in a
be suppressed by the activation of other behavioral buoyant fluid medium are more likely to perform
responses that compete for expression. In rats, the facial wiping in response to chemosensory stimula-
onset of competing responses coincides with the tion. The facilitatory effect of suspension in water
change from a prenatal to postnatal environment. is most pronounced on P 1. By P3, an effect of sus-
An ideal test to distinguish the environmental con- pension is still evident but the majority of pups do
straint and competing response hypotheses would not exhibit the wiping response (Fig. 5 ) .
separate the effects of environment, determined by In the preceding experiment, the pup was sus-
the timing of birth, from the relative maturity of pended in water in a supine posture, holding the
the motor system (Robinson and Smotherman, head above the water surface. By P3, supine pups
1992b). respond to infusion with vigorous activity that ap-
This ideal is difficult to achieve in studies lim- pears to include elements of the righting response.
ited to a single species. However, comparative It thus appears that righting behavior and other
study of precocial cotton rats provides access to motor activity interferes with the expression of fa-
fetuses that exhibit patterns of motor behavior ordi- cial wiping, especially in older neonates. Because
narily restricted to the postnatal period in altricial righting occurs when the pup is displaced from a
1588 Robinson and Smotherman



8 20

E l 8 E l 9 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27

Gestational Age
Figure 4 Behavioral responses of cotton rat fetuses to chemosensory stimulation. The expres-
sion of facial wiping (Wiping), turning to a prone posture (Righting), and performance of
alternated walking or running limb movements (Stepping) is shown from the inception of
movement through term. Note that the wiping response is not expressed by older fetuses.

prone posture, pups in a prone posture should not among pups in a supine posture (Fig. 6 ) . These
express this competing response. This idea was findings suggested that promotion of facial wiping
tested by comparing the response of pups to an in age-atypical environments depends upon main-
intraoral lemon infusion while suspended in a fluid tenance of the pup in a posture that minimizes the
medium in either a prone or supine posture. Facial expression of motor responses that compete with
wiping was expressed by virtually all pups, regard- facial wiping for expression.
less of posture, on PI. On P3 and P5, wiping con- The occurrence of motor behavior associated
tinued to be expressed by nearly all pups in a prone with the righting response apparently interferes
posture but the incidence of wiping declined with the expression of facial wiping. However,

loo] Terrestrial
Immersed + Substrate

1 PO P1 P3
Figure 5 Facial wiping by rat pups in response to chemosensory stimulation in three environ-
mental contexts: Tested in a warm incubator on a solid surface (Terrestrial), tested while
immersed to chest depth in a warm water bath (Immersed), or tested on a solid substrate under
the water surface while immersed in a warm bath (Immersed + Substrate).
Mammalian Fetal Motor Activity 1589

100 !a



P3 P5
Figure 6 Facial wiping by rat pups tested while immersed in a warm water bath in either a
supine or prone posture.

pups that remain in a prone posture on a substrate wall of the uterus (Smotherman and Robinson,
do not exhibit righting yet do not express facial I988a). The contact between the fetus and uterus
wiping in response to infusion. The presence of a is physically analogous to the interaction between a
solid substrate plays a role in the pup’s mainte- pup and the substrate to which it is gravitationally
nance of a prone posture and apparently inhibits bound. It is interesting that fetuses that receive an
the wiping response during the first 5 days after intraoral infusion in utero on E2 1 consistently fail
birth. If a pup is supported in a prone posture on a to exhibit facial wiping. The correspondence be-
substrate that provides contact only to the torso, tween the environments immediately before and
leaving the forelimbs free, then facial wiping can be after birth suggests that fetal experience with the
reliably elicited ( 80-90% of subjects). However, if substrate-like conditions in utero on the last days of
a pup is supported in a prone posture on a substrate gestation may influence the development of respon-
that provides contact to both the torso and the fore- siveness to a solid substrate.
paws the incidence of facial wiping is sharply re-
duced (0-20% of subjects). The presence of a solid
Reappearance of the Wiping Response
substrate also is effective in inhibiting the wiping
response among pups that are immersed in a When tested in an age-typical terrestrial environ-
buoyant fluid environment: Less than 15% of pups ment, pups do not exhibit facial wiping in response
on PO-P3 exhibit wiping when stimulated while to chemosensory stimulation until the second post-
forepaws are in contact with a submerged substrate natal week of life. Lemon infusion continues to
(Fig. 5 ; Smotherman and Robinson, 1989). evoke other kinds of behavioral responses-older
Although altricial fetuses consistently exhibit fa- pups show high levels of motor activity after infu-
cial wiping in response to intraoral infusion, their sion-but facial wiping is seldom expressed (Jo-
responsiveness to environmental context also de- hanson and Shapiro, 1986; Smotherman and Rob-
velops during the prenatal period. For instance, fe- inson, 1989). Throughout this period of develop-
tal rats on E20 of gestation when tested on a sub- ment, rat pups are not capable of maintaining a
merged substrate as described above nearly always hunched or erect posture in which the body is sup-
perform facial wiping. On E2 1, however, only half ported solely by the rearlegs. However, juvenile
the fetuses tested on a substrate express the wiping and adult rats ordinarily balance on the rearlegs
response. The ontogenetic appearance of a sub- during facial grooming behavior (Richmond and
strate effect coincides with environmental changes Sachs, 1980). The postnatal reappearance of the
that ordinarily occur during the last few days of facial wiping response appears to depend upon the
gestation, most notably the decrease in volume of development of postures that free the forelimbs
amniotic fluid. The disappearance of a fluid buffer from a support role.
promotes contact between the fetus and the elastic We examined the reappearance of the wiping
1590 Robinson and Smothermun

response in preweanling rats by videotaping ses-

sions in which pups receive an intraoral lemon in-
fusion. Adult-like facial wiping involves forelimb
strokes that contact both sides of the face in a syn-
chronized pattern (bilateral wiping). Although this
form of facial wiping is evident in fetuses and be-
gins to reappear during the postnatal period
around PI I (Fig. 4), close inspection of videotape
records indicates that younger rat pups exhibit
components of the adult grooming sequence that
include forelimb-face contact. On P7 and P9, prior
to the development of erect postural support, pups
utilize provisional and highly variable postures to
perform forelimb strokes that contact the face. One
of the more common postures observed involves
tripedal support of the body, freeing one forelimb
to engage in unilateral strokes directed at the face.
Some pups employ only one forelimb in these uni-
lateral strokes; others alternate support and strok-
ing by left and right forelimbs. In another common
posture, the pup supports the forebody on its el-
bows and lowers its head to the substrate, between
the two forepaws. The forelimbs then engage in
limited movement, with both paws contacting the
face in a synchronized pattern. Other postures that
permitted forelimb-face contact, such as bracing
the head, forebody, or rump against a block or ver-
tical surface, were observed less often, further sug-
gesting the possibility of individual variation
(Clark and Ehlinger, 1987) in the ontogeny of fa- Figure 7 Expression of forepaw-facial strokes by pre-
cial wiping (Fig. 7). It remains for future experi- weanling rat pups 7-9 days after birth. Provisional pos-
tures are used to provide forebody support with one fore-
ments to determine whether young rats exhibit in-
limb (top) or both elbows (middle), freeing one or both
dividual preferences for particular postures that fa- paws for facial strokes. On occasion, both forelimbs free
cilitate forelimb-facial contact. when an upright posture is achieved by bracing the body
against a vertical surface (bottom).
Implications for the Conduct of
Developmental Research
2. Because behavior patterns can temporarily
The experimental results discussed in the foregoing disappear during development, it may not be
sections demonstrate that features of the environ- fruitful to employ research strategies in
ment at the time of behavioral assessment and which the expression of a focal behavior is
other aspects of the motor behavior of the subject traced to successivelyyounger animals in the
interact to influence the expression of species-typi- attempt to identify the developmental origin
cal motor behavior, as exemplified by the facial of the pattern.
wiping response. The research strategy employed 3. It may be a general feature of motor develop-
in the experiments described in this section calls ment that contextual manipulations can pro-
attention to some caveats in the study of behav- mote the precocial expression of behavior in
ioral development ( Smotherman and Robinson, young animals, extend the range of ages over
1988d). which a pattern of behavior is performed, or
facilitate the expression of infantile behavior
1. First, environmental context can influence in adult subjects.
not only the form of the response but also 4. Given that behavior is inextricably linked to
whether the response is even performed at a the conditions present at the time of testing,
particular age. and that different manipulations of context
Mammalian Fetal Motor Activity 1591

can either accelerate, prolong, or retard the article, appear to be antecedents of postnatal behav-
expression of age-typical behavior, it may ior. This list includes: ( 1 ) the patterning of activity
not be meaningful to refer to age-specific in objectively defined temporal bouts (Slater,
milestones in the development of behavior. 1974; Machlis, 1977; Robinson and Smotherman,
5. Considerable variability exists in the expres- 1988) ;( 2 )the production of synchronously coordi-
sion of facial wiping in young rats, but adult nated movements (Bekoff and Lau, 1980; Provine,
rodents exhibit stereotypy in both the con- 1980); ( 3 ) the sequential organization of motor
text and form ofthis behavior. Because equiv- behavior ( Briem, 1986; Fentress and McLeod,
alent developmental endpoints can be 1986); ( 4 ) the activational response to sensory
reached by markedly different ontogenetic stimulation, such as intraoral infusion of novel
trajectories, one may not assume that similar odorants (Grill and Norgren, 1978; Ganchrow,
measures of performance at one age are the Steiner, and Canetto, 1986;Johanson and Shapiro,
result of similar developmental histories or 1986); ( 5) and the expression of species-typical ac-
predict similar developmental outcomes. tion patterns. In this last category, for instance, fa-
Further, the existence of individual variation cial wiping and paw-licking of fetuses resembles
in the course of development, which should postnatal grooming behavior (Golani and Fen-
be more common at some ages and less com- tress, 1985; Smotherman and Robinson, 1989),
mon at others, necessitates experimental de- the stretch response to milk appears identical to the
signs that trace developmental change in indi- behavior of neonatal rats at the nipple (Hall and
vidual subjects. Rosenblatt, 1977; Lau and Henning, 1985),the leg
6. Finally, the need to follow individual sub- extension response corresponds to neonatal behav-
jects during ontogeny and the conflicting ior expressed during episodes of maternal licking
need to test subjects without prior experience (Moore and Chadwick-Dias, 1986), contact right-
in an experimental situation demand the use ing behavior anticipates postnatal patterns of dy-
of experimental designs that combine aspects namic postural maintenance (Bignall, 1974; Alt-
of longitudinal and cross-sectional methodol- man and Sudarshan, 1975; Pellis et al., 1991), and
ogies (Schaie, 1965). Such designs permit synergies of limb coordination resemble the punt-
conclusions about age-related differences in ing behavior of rodent neonates ( Altman and Su-
behavior that are not confounded with either darshan, 1975) and quadrupedal stepping (Bekoff
the effects of repeated testing or the age at and Trainer, 1979; Bekoff, 1986). With the possi-
which testing begins (cohort effects). ble exception of alternated stepping movements,
which may be used by the fetus to change orienta-
GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF tion within the uterus (Suzuki and Yamamuro,
BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT 1985), these behavioral attributes develop prior to
IN THE FETUS and in anticipation of their postnatal expression in
a functional context.
Ontogenetic Antecedents and Other documented patterns of fetal behavior are
Ontogenetic Adaptations more difficult to relate directly to postnatal behav-
ior. For example, the fetal response to umbilical
On a subjective basis, the motor activity of fetuses cord occlusion appears to have no clear counter-
does not rival the dynamic, complex character of part in the postnatal period. Neonatal rats under
postnatal behavior. However, the dimensions that conditions of hypoxia exhibit reduced levels of ac-
define behavior during the postnatal period extent tivity and cardiac acceleration (Eden and Hanson,
to movements before birth. Fetal movements ex- 1987). Yet, the response of fetal rats to hypoxia
hibit temporal, sequential, and spatial organiza- induced by occlusion of the umbilical cord is an
tion that emerges between the inception of move- organized three-phase modulation of motor activ-
ment and term. Further, fetuses are behaviorally ity coupled with transient bradycardia (Smother-
responsive to immediate environmental condi- man and Robinson, 1988~).The vigorous, out-
tions and sensory stimulation. Expression of these wardly directed movements of the fetus during the
behavioral properties by the fetus implies continu- hyperactivity phase of the clamp response may
ity between pre- and postnatal life (Bekoff, 1988; well increase the probability of alleviatingacciden-
Smotherman and Robinson, 1988e). tal cord compression and thereby promote the sur-
Indeed, a growing list of behavioral attributes, vival of the fetus. Because accidental cord com-
many of which have been discussed in the present pression can occur during otherwise unremarkable
1592 Robinson arid Smotherman

pregnancies, the fetal response to umbilical cord but the strongest and most vigorous of fetal move-
occlusion appears to present a good case as an on- ments from overt expression. By this hypothesis,
togenetic adaptation involving prenatal behavior motor commands continue to be generated at the
(Oppenheim, 1984; Alberts and Cramer, 1988). level of the spinal cord or brain, but immature mo-
Other patterns of fetal behavior may be inter- tor units lack the strength to distend the uterine
preted as possible behavioral adaptations to the in- wall and execute movements. This view is compa-
trauterine environment. Chief among these is the rable to the explanation proposed by Thelen and
fetal response to physical restraint in utero. One of colleagues (Thelen and Fisher, 1982; Thelen,
the most robust behavioral effects we documented 1988) regarding the postnatal disappearance of
in many independent experiments involves the neonatal stepping movements. Because the leg
condition of fetal observation. The behavior of fe- mass of human infants grows faster than leg muscle
tuses observed in utero is qualitatively and quantita- strength, infants experience a period of develop-
tively different than that observed ex utero. In gen- ment when the legs can no longer be controlled in a
eral, fetuses ex utero exhibit more activity, greater gravitational environment. Eliminating the gravita-
behavioral diversity, and more pronounced tem- tional restraint by immersing the infant’s legs in
poral patterning of motor activity than fetuses in water (analogous to observation of term fetuses ex
utero. Further, the expression of organized action utero) is effective in reinstating early stepping be-
patterns during nonevoked activity is much greater havior (Thelen et al., 1984).
when fetuses are observed outside the uterus. The second possible explanation for the condi-
Several general explanations may be proposed tion effect assumes that any reduction in behav-
to account for this effect of environmental context ioral organization is due to sensory responsiveness
on fetal behavior. First, fetuses delivered outside of the fetus to its surrounding environment, not to
the uterus for observation may be physiologically
passive environmental masking of fetal move-
compromised and exhibit aberrant responses. How-
ments. Fetuses are responsive to external sensory
ever, this explanation is contravened by available
stimuli; even altricial fetuses are capable of soma-
evidence. Improved methodologies developed for
tosensation and proprioception that would permit
fetal research (Smotherman and Robinson, 1991 )
them to detect restraint and potentially adjust to
ensure that the health of fetuses is not impaired by
diminishing free space in utero (Gottlieb, 1971;
observation ex utero. The behavior of fetuses ob-
Naryanan et al., 1971). Such sensory feedback
served ex utero is distinctly different from the activ-
ity of moribund fetuses or fetuses under hypoxic may in turn result in modification of the central
conditions (Windle, 1944; Smotherman and Rob- commands governing motor activity. Thus, the al-
inson, 1 9 8 7 ~ )Late
. in gestation, it is possible to tered motor organization observed in utero may
deliver fetuses, even after extended observation reflect true behavioral responsiveness of the fetus
sessions, that may be cross-fostered to and reared to environmental conditions. Further, reduction of
by newly parturient females (Smotherman, Robin- abundant or vigorous fetal movements in utero
son, and Miller, 1986). Further, it seems improba- may reduce the energy expended to distend the
ble that perturbation of a complex system, such as uterus during activity. If this hypothesis proves
a developing organism, would result in the false correct, then fetal responsivenessto intrauterine re-
impression of greater organization in many inde- straint may be interpreted as another example of
pendent variables. Yet, fetuses ex utero express be- ontogenetic adaptation.
havioral organization more, not less, similar to Are data available to choose between these com-
postnatal behavior. peting hypotheses? Direct evidence would require
If the condition effect is not an artifact, then it some means of measuring motor commands, such
probably reflects the behavioral responsiveness of as by EMG recordings. On the one hand, Bekoff
fetuses to increased restraint in utero. The space ( 1976) demonstrated that patterned motor com-
available for movement is much less in utero than mands are generated by the spinal cord of the chick
ex utero, and this space diminishes as amniotic embryo that are not expressed as overt move-
fluid disappears and the fetus continues to grow ments. On the other hand, rodent fetuses are de-
near term. Two possible mechanisms are apparent monstrably capable of inhibiting the expression of
that could account for reduced behavioral organiza- certain forms of synchronous movement (HR,
tion under conditions of reduced free space. First, HFR) and complex action patterns (facial wiping)
fetal movements may be physically restrained by in different contexts. It would seem no less plausi-
the elastic wall of the uterus, in effect filtering all ble that fetuses within the confines of the uterus are
Mammalian Fetal Motor Activity 1593

capable of comparable behavioral sensitivity to en- tion of motor activity (cf. Barcroft and Barron,
vironmental conditions. 1939). In precocial cotton rats, the decrease in HR
is accompanied by a corresponding reduction in
the triplet category FHR. Note that at this time
Scaffolding in the Developmental
different painvise combinations of the components
Construction of Behavior F, H, and R are differentially expressed: FH and
As originally formulated, the concept of ontoge- FR remain elevated, while HR remains sup-
netic adaptation refers to anatomic, physiological, pressed. FHR, however, reverses its early pattern of
or behavioral attributes that promote the immedi- expression and eventually exceeds all other syn-
ate survival or well being of an immature organism chronous categories in absolute frequency late in
in an ontogenetic niche (Oppenheim, 1982). How- gestation in precocial species.
ever, another class of transient ontogenetic attri- This chronology of movement synchrony sug-
butes may be postulated that exist only to provide a gests the following developmental interpretation.
substrate for further development. Anatomic exam- Originally, synchronous movements are produced
ples of such transient structures abound in the em- by random association of simple motor events.
bryological literature. Some, like the mesonephric Later, as central coordinative linkages between
ducts that give rise to components of the mature components are established, certain patterns in-
reproductive system in mammals, are phylogenetic crease (activation) or decrease (inhibition) in ab-
palimpsests of ancient functional systems. Others, solute and relative frequency. The early coincident
like the gastrula of early embryogenesis, have no reduction of HR and FHR suggests that these two
link to past adaptation and serve only as a means of patterns may initially be governed by the same in-
organizing living matter. Structures of the latter hibitory process. Only at a later stage of develop-
sort may be as important in early development as ment, exhibited prenatally only by precocial fe-
scaffolding is in the construction of an arch. The tuses, is FHR differentiated from HR.
individual bricks of the arch cannot be set in place The relationship ofthese abstract movement cat-
without external supports, but once the arch is egories to behavioral development is important
complete the support system can be removed. and fundamental. The coordination of synchro-
The metaphor of scaffolding may be useful for nous forelimb and head movements is crucial to
understanding certain processes involved in behav- the development of mature grooming behavior
ioral development (Robinson and Smotherman, (Golsni and Fentress, 1985) and suckling behavior
1988, 1991a). A possible example involves pat- of neonatal rodents ( MacFarlane, Pedersen, Cor-
terns of motor synchrony. Synchronous move- nell, and Blass, 1983). FR synchrony is equally
ments by very young fetuses are generated essen- important in interlimb coordination involved in
tially by random association; the incidence of mo- locomotion (Bekoff and Lau, 1980; Grillner,
tor synchrony can be predicted from overall fetal 1981 ) . Indeed, control of head position and onen-
activity and the relative abundance of motor com- tation is also important in the maintenance of bal-
ponents. Later in gestation, several categories of ance during locomotion, so FHR synchrony proba-
synchronous movement are expressed at frequen- bly is related to locomotor development as well.
cies significantly greater or less than should be ex- However, the establishment ofearly interlimb coor-
pected by random association, suggestingthat their dination (e.g., FR) may be facilitated without the
occurrence is the result of central generation or co- added complication of simultaneous head move-
ordination of motor commands. ments. Thus, the synchronous category FR, so evi-
The sequence in which nonrandom synchro- dent in the behavior of altricial fetuses near term
nous movements emerge during gestation is in par- and precocial fetuses at intermediate ages, may be
ticular interesting. The first category of synchrony a transient structure that gives way to or is sub-
to emerge from a background of random associa- sumed by the category FHR at later ages.
tion is forelimb-head movements (FH), followed A similar interpretation recently has been pro-
almost immediately ( precocial species) or after a posed to explain developmental patterns of early
period of days ( altricial species) by forelimb-rear- facial grooming in rodents (Golani and Fentress,
limb movements (FR). As the category FR in- 1985). Young mice initially exhibit grooming
creases in frequency, the category comprising syn- movements involving bouts of forelimb strokes
chronous head-rearlimb movements (HR) de- with relatively little involvement of head or trunk.
creases below chance levels. This reduction in HR As development proceeds, temporal clustering of
is the earliest behavioral evidence of central inhibi- strokes disappears and is replaced by individual,
1594 Robinson and Smotherman

spatially restricted strokes as head movements are the evolution of' precocial patterns of development
integrated into the overall sequence. Finally, bout from an altricial ancestral condition, heterochrony
structure of forelimb strokes reemerges as smooth is predicted in the relative times of emergence of
coordination of movements involving limbs, head, prenatal ontogenetic adaptations and antecedents
and trunk becomes apparent. The second phase of of postnatal behavior. Specifically, behavior pat-
development described in this sequence involves terns necessary for the well being of the fetus in
retrogression in some aspects of overall organiza- utero should be retained until birth in all species
tion (see also Golani, Bronchti, Moualem, and and therefore should appear developmentally re-
Teitelbaum, 1981; Oppenheim, 1981 ), yet it is ap- tarded relative to the more rapidly developing ante-
parently important in establishingcoordination be- cedents of postnatal behavior in precocial species.
tween limbs and head. As such, it may be closely Examples of prenatal heterochrony may be
analogous to the FR synchrony exhibited by fe- gleaned from the recent literature on neural and
tuses. Both transient structures may be examples of physiological development in Norway rats and
behavioral scaffolding. spiny mice (Acornys cahzrinus) . Brunjes described
The provisional postures expressed by young rat patterns of brain development in spiny mice, some
pups during forelimb strokes that contact the face of which appear accelerated and others retarded
provide a further example of transient patterns that with respect to rats. For instance, many indices of
may facilitate behavioral development. The facial neural maturation, such as the degree of myelina-
wiping response of the rat fetus disappears during tion of the CNS, indicate that spiny mice are more
the first week of postnatal life and does not reap- mature at birth than Norway rats (Tessitore and
pear in adult-like form until the pup is able to sup- Brunjes, 1988). On the other hand, olfactory bulb
port its body in an erect posture. However, before growth is most rapid in both species during the pe-
pups are able to balance on the rearlimbs the fore- riod immediately after birth (Brunjes, 1983; Leon,
body may be supported with one forelimb or on Coopersmith, U libarri, Porter, and Powers, 1984),
the elbows of both forelimbs, permitting the ex- suggesting a heterochronic shift in the timing of
pression of incipient movements that involve com- different aspects of neural development. A similar
ponents of the complete facial wiping response. conclusion is suggested by the developmental pat-
These provisional postures are not expressed dur- terns of enzyme systems in different organs. En-
ing grooming behavior in adulthood and therefore zymes associated with neural function are pro-
are functional only for a limited period during the duced much earlier in development, relative to the
development of motor behavior. time of birth, in spiny mice than rats. But, enzymes
associated with the lung, pancreas, and small intes-
tine appear to be more strongly correlated with
Heterochrony in the Evolution of Fetal
changes occurring around the time of birth in both
species. Because altricial and precocial species both
The foregoing discussion emphasized common begin to breathe and ingest food after birth, the
patterns in the prenatal development of behavior maturation of these enzyme systems appears to be
in a variety of species. But, important behavioral related to the oriset of function (Lamers, Mooren,
differences also should be expected between spe- de Graaf, Markiewicz, and Charles, 1985).
cies. In particular, if behavioral development con- Behavioral processes provide an independent
sists of multiple ontogenetic pathways the natural test of the heterochrony hypothesis. The clearest
variation inherent in divergent evolution should comparison may be made between two coordi-
provide independent descriptions of developmen- nated action patterns that emerge during the prena-
tal patterns. This is one of the principal strengths of tal period: facial wiping, an antecedent of postnatal
comparative analysis: to use carefully selected spe- grooming behavior, and the behavioral response to
cies to disassociate seemingly related processes umbilical cord compression, a putative ontoge-
(Ridley, 1983). netic adaptation of the fetus. Facial wiping is
The potential for evolutionary change to break clearly expressed relatively later during gestation in
up old associations during development is the altricial species than in precocial species. However,
source of the prediction of behavioral hetero- the expression of hyperactivity in umbilical cord
chrony. Heterochrony involves more than a simple compression is absent during the early portion of
acceleration or retardation of overall development; gestation in cotton rats, resulting in a developmen-
it involves a shift in the relative timing of different tal retardation of the clamp response relative to
developmental processes (McKinney, 1988). In Norway rats. The evident shift in the relative tim-
Mammalian Fetul Motor Activity 1595

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