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La Salle University

College of Arts and Sciences

Social Science Department

Lesson Guide

Name: Josnic J. Gran & Wenelie Santander Date: November 21, 2023
Course: Urban Geography
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Number of Students: 10 Room: SJ221

I. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students can:

A. Define urban sociology and its key concepts.
B. Explain the historical context and core assumptions of the new urban sociology approach.
C. Identify and analyze real-world urban issues through the lens of new urban sociology.

II. Subject Matter: Module 8 The New Urban Sociology

A. Textbooks:

Roy, A. and Trudgill, S. (2014). Contemporary Meanings in Physical Geography: From What to
Why? Routledge.
Bharatdwai, J. (2009). Introduction to Physical Geography. Discovery Publishing House
Gervais, B. (2018). Living Physical Geography. Macmillan Learning.
Other Sources:
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
III. Learning Experiences/Tasks: 3Is Method

A. Activity: Word Association

*Write "Urban Sociology" on the board.

*Ask students to brainstorm words that come to mind and list them around the term.
*Briefly discuss the role of cities in society and how sociological concepts might be applied
to understand them.

Motivation: PICTOWORD
(Students will be asked to gues the pictures)

A. Statement of the Subject Matter and Objectives:

Today, our discussion will focus on The New Urban Sociology. I want everyone to listen attentively
and participate in our discussion and activities for you to meet the following objectives.
At the end of the lesson, the students can:
A. Define urban sociology and its key concepts.
B. Explain the historical context and core assumptions of the new urban sociology approach.
C. Identify and analyze real-world urban issues through the lens of new urban sociology.

Definition of Terms
1. New Urban Sociology:
a. Study of contemporary urban social structures and processes
b. Examination of urbanization's impact on social relations
c. Analysis of urban life in the context of globalization and social change

2. Capitalism:
a. Economic system where trade, industry, and production are controlled by private
individuals or businesses for profit
b. Market-based system characterized by private property, competition, and wage labor
c. Contrasting with socialism, it emphasizes individual initiative and entrepreneurship

3. Global System:
a. Interconnected network of countries, economies, and cultures interacting on a worldwide
b. Framework of international relations, trade, and diplomacy
c. Refers to the complex and dynamic web of globalization shaping our world today

4. Deindustrialization:
a. Process of industrial decline in a region or country, often involving the closure of
factories and job losses
b. Shift from manufacturing-based economies to service-based economies
c. May result from technological advancements, globalization, or economic restructuring

*Do you think the Philippines will become more industrialized soon?
*How are we going to achieve this?

Activity 1: Divide the class into pairs and assign each group one of the following key
assumptions of the new urban sociology (adapted from Feagin):

● Cities are situated in a hierarchical global system.

● The world system is one of competitive capitalism.

● Capital is easily moved; locations of cities are fixed.

● Politics and government matter.

● People and circumstances differ according to time and place, and these differences matter.

Each group will create a short presentation explaining their assigned assumption and how it relates
to the development and challenges of cities.

A. Lecture: The Rise of New Urban Sociology

● Use a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the concept of new urban sociology and
its historical context.
● Highlight the critiques of traditional urban sociology and how the new approach
o Global forces and capitalism's role in shaping cities.
o Uneven development and power dynamics between cities.
o The agency of people and social movements in shaping urban spaces.

B. Core Assumptions of New Urban Sociology:

● Present the five key assumptions of new urban sociology (adapted from Feagin) and
discuss their significance:
o Cities are part of a hierarchical global system.
o The world system is driven by competitive capitalism.
o Capital is easily moved, while locations of cities are fixed.
o Politics and government significantly impact urban development.
o People and circumstances vary, and these differences influence city
● Use visuals, examples, or short video clips to illustrate these concepts.

C. Applications of New Urban Sociology

● Discuss how new urban sociology can be applied to analyze various urban issues:
o Urban poverty and homelessness
o Racial and social segregation
o Sustainable urban development
o Smart cities and technological advancements
● Encourage students to think critically about how these sociological concepts can
help us understand and potentially address the challenges faced by cities today.

IV. Values Integration:

● Ask students to reflect on the following questions:

o How can our understanding of new urban sociology help us become more
informed citizens?
o What are some of the ethical considerations when studying and planning
o How can sociological knowledge be used to promote social justice and a
more equitable urban future?

Essay Writing
Directions: Students will write an essay (1-2 pages) analyzing a specific urban issue in the
Philippines (e.g., street vendors, gated communities) through the lens of the new urban sociology.
The essay should identify one or two core assumptions of the new urban sociology and apply them
to explain the chosen issue.
Use specific examples and relevant sociological concepts.
Use in-text citations and a reference list following a specific style guide (e.g., APA, Chicago).

Rubric: Analyzing an Urban Issue in the Philippines through the New Urban

Essay Excellent
Good (3 pts) Fair (2 pts) Improveme
Criteria (4 pts)
nt (1 pt)

Clearly Identifies a
Identifies an
identifies a general urban
Identificati urban issue Does not
specific and issue, or the
on of in the identify a
relevant issue may not
Urban Philippines, clear urban
urban issue be specific to
Issue but may lack issue.
in the the
Philippines. Philippines.

identifies Identifies one
Mentions the
one or two or two core
new urban Does not
core assumptions
sociology but demonstrate
assumption of the new
does not understandi
Application s of the urban
clearly identify ng of the
of New new urban sociology,
core new urban
Urban sociology but the
assumptions, sociology or
Sociology and applies application to
or the its
them the issue is
application to application
effectively somewhat
the issue is to the issue.
to explain limited or
the chosen unclear.

Provides a
analysis of Provides Analysis is
the chosen some underdevelop
Analysis is
issue, using analysis of ed or lacks
missing or
specific the issue, but clear
Analysis irrelevant to
examples may lack connection to
the essay
and depth or the chosen
relevant specific core
sociological examples. assumptions.
concepts to
support the

Clarity and Essay is Essay is Essay may be Essay is

Organizatio well-written, generally unclear or poorly
written and
clear and poorly
difficult to
clear, and organized, organized,
organized but may have making it
n due to lack
with a some minor difficult to
of clarity or
logical flow. inconsistenci follow the
es in flow. argument.

sources Does not use
somewhat sources
y, citing
Use of appropriately effectively, or Does not
Sources , but citations there may be use sources.
may be evidence of
missing or plagiarism.

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