English Grade 6 Lesson Plan - Balonda Q3

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Detailed Lesson Plan No.

Learning Area: English

Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Week: 6
Grade Level: 6
Duration: 50 minutes

A. Content Standard The learner... demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various texts.

The learner... learners listen critically; communicates feeling and ideas orally and in writing with a
B. Performance Standard high level of proficiency; and reads various text types materials to serve learning needs in meeting a
wide range of life’s purposes.

Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements. EN6RC-Ig-2.24.1 EN6RC-Ig-
C. Learning Competency

Key Content Identifying elements of the story

1. Identify the elements of the story (character, setting)

2. Identify the elements of the story (plot, theme)
Unpacked 3. Discuss character, setting, time, place of the story or selection.
Competencies: 4. Show conflict, plot and theme that appear in the story and how it affects the flow of
the story.
5. Summative Test

Cognitive: Define the elements of the story.

I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Affective: work with the group cooperatively and actively; and

Psychomotor: Identify the elements of the story (character, setting)


MELC p. 136
SLM_ English Quarter 3 – Module 2 Evaluate Narratives Based on How the Author Developed the

Materials Chart, Pictures, Word Strips

Mathematics -Visualizes and describes the different solid figures: cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone,
and sphere using various concrete and pictorial models. M6GE-IIIa-27

English - Compare and contrast content of materials viewed to other sources of information (print,
Integration online and broadcast) EN7VC-IV-c-15

ESP - Naisasakilos ang pagtupad sa mga batas pambansa at pandaigdigan: lumalahok sa mga
kampanya at programa para sa pagpapatupad ng batas tulad ng pagbabawal sa paninigarilyo, pananakit
sa hayop, at iba pa; EsP6PPP- IIIh-i–40

Teaching Method Explicit Teaching


A. Preliminary Activities

Prayer Assign learner to lead the prayer

Say: Good morning children. How are you?

I am excited to teach you a new lesson today.

Checking of Attendance Say: Kindly stand all the boys? Please count the boys, Glaiza? Indicator 2. (1.4.2 Use a range
of teaching
Write the number of boys on the board, Angel Grace. strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills.)
Kindly stand all the girls. Please count the girls, Hamprey Angel?
Write the number of boys on the board, Mark.

Kindly sum up all the boys and girls who are present today, KC Joy?

If there are 21 learners in the classroom and there are __ present learners in
attendance, then the number of absents would be?

Say: In this classroom, we have rules that we need to follow during the class.
First rule, “Listen to the Teacher”. Second, “Raise your hand to speak”. Third,
“Always Be Honest”. And the fourth rule is “Always try your best”.
Indicator 5 (2.1.2 Establish
safe and secure learning
Setting of Standards environments to
enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of
policies, guidelines and

Let us recite our learning targets for this lesson.

Cognitive: I can define the elements of the story.

Learning Targets
Affective: I can work with the group cooperatively and actively

Psychomotor: I can identify the elements of the story.

You will be group into two. Find the missing letters by identifying the different
solid figures in each corresponding parts of the robot to form a word.
Indicator 1 (1.1.2 Apply
knowledge of content within
GROUP 1 GROUP 2 and across curriculum
teaching areas.)

Mathematics -Visualizes and

describes the different solid
figures: cube, prism, pyramid,
cylinder, cone, and sphere
1. Drill using various concrete and
pictorial models. M6GE-

Before we start our new lesson, let us have a short review of our previous lesson.
Label the basic structure elements to the appropriate part of a report.

Online Games for Kids: Allowed or not to


During this pandemic, most children ease their

boredom through engaging themselves online. Introduction

One of the most argued topics today is whether

to allow or not allow children playing online
games. Some parents say that it is ok for them
2. Review while other said it risky on health and their Body
children being addicted to application.

In conclusion, though online games offer

children’s entertainment and keep them from
staying at home, parents should carefully
choose online games for their children.
2020.online Kids Games: Pros and
There are pictures under your chairs. Whoever got the picture must tell
something about it. Are you ready?

3. Motivation

4. Presentation Our lesson for today is about the elements of a story.

Before that, we’re going unlock these unfamiliar words by searching their
definitions through an online search engine as one of the sources of information.

Indicator 2. (1.4.2 Use a range

Let the learners find its meaning through google. of teaching
strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills.)
Leap - to jump or cause to jump from a surface.
Stumble – momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall.
Indicator 1 (1.1.2 Apply
5. Unlocking of Difficulties Dripping – falling in drops. knowledge of content within
Disgusting – a strong feeling of dislike. and across curriculum
teaching areas.)
Timid – lack of courage or self-confidence.
English - Compare and
contrast content of materials
viewed to other sources of
information (print, online and

B. Developmental Activities

Let me read you a story.

1. Modeling (I Do)

Indicator 3 (1.5.2 Apply a

range of teaching strategies to
develop critical
and creative thinking, as well
as other higher-order thinking
Kamela: The Kind-Hearted Child
By: Ma. Melanie L. Padohinog

Kamela is a grade 6 pupil in a small barrio. She

lives a simple life with her three siblings and their

One day, as she was entering the school gate,

she heard a soft cry. She almost leaped when she
stumbled upon a cute puppy. As she looked closer, she
found out that it was badly hurt. It has a wound on its
left ear and fresh blood was dripping from it.

(What character trait does Kamela possess?)

When she was about to pick up the puppy, a

group of three boys called her. One of them said,
“Kamela, never mind that puppy. Look at how
disgusting it is!“

(What do you think will happen next?)

Kamela replied, “Yes, for you this puppy is

dirty and smells odd. But like us, they have feelings,
too. When people hurt them, they also feel the pain.
And when somebody loves and cares for them, they
also love back and care for that person.”

(How will Kamela’s classmates react after

hearing about her feelings for the puppy?)
Indicator 1 (1.1.2 Apply
knowledge of content within
Kian, Kamela's classmate, timidly said, “We're and across curriculum
teaching areas.)
very sorry, Kamela. We made fun of the puppy. We did
not realize that they also need love and care like us. ESP - Naisasakilos ang
pagtupad sa mga batas
Don't worry, we will help you bring the puppy to the pambansa at pandaigdigan:
lumalahok sa mga kampanya
veterinarian so that it could be treated and be well at programa para sa
again. ng batas tulad ng pagbabawal
paninigarilyo, pananakit sa
Do you love animals? What pets do you have at home? How do you take care of hayop, at iba pa; EsP6PPP-
your pets? IIIh-i–40

One way of taking care of your pets is to keep them vaccinated as mandated in
the Republic Act 8485 as Amended by RA 10631 (The Animal Welfare Act of
1998 as Amended, Republic Act 9482 (Anti-Rabies Act of 2007).

Elements of a story includes:

Characters- Refers to people, animals or objects that talk and take part in the

Example: Kamela is a grade 6 pupil in a small barrio.

Setting - is the time and place in which the story happens.

Example: One day, as she was entering their school gate, she heard a soft cry.

2. Guided Practice (We Do) Here is a story. Let us highlight the elements found in the story.
The Golden Fish Keeps a Promise

Upon a certain island in the middle of the sea

lived a fisherman and his wife. They were so poor they
often went without bread when the fishing did not go

One day when the man had been fishing for

many hours without any luck, he hooked a small
golden fish with eyes as bright as diamonds.
“Let me go, kind fisherman”, the little creature cried. “
I would even make a single mouthful for your dinner”.

The man was so moved by the beauty of the

golden fish that he let him go. Before he swam away,
the fish promised that he would come back if the
fisherman ever needed help.
Who are the characters in the story?
Where did the story happen?

(The learners will now define the following)

What is character? Define the elements of the
What is setting?

Everyone will be given a piece of paper with a story and questions written on it.

I have here another short story and a set of questions. All you must do is to read,
understand and write your answer after each question.

The Legend of Pineapple

Localized and
In the village of Del Monte, Kerok's daughter, Pinay, grew lazy contextualized story
and relied on her mother for everything. One day, Kerok made a wish for
3. Independent Practice (You Pinay to have many eyes to find things easily. But Pinay disappeared while
Do) searching for a lost ladle. Filled with grief, Kerok discovered a peculiar
plant in her yard, resembling Pinay with its eye-like holes. The plant spoke,
revealing that Pinay had transformed into it. Kerok named it Pinya, a
reminder of her daughter. Pinya bore fruit with many eyes, allowing Kerok
to remember Pinay. The legend of Pinya began, symbolizing the power of
love and the importance of family in the village of Del Monte.

Who are the characters in the story?

Where does the story take place?

Affective: Work with the

Let us have a group activity and always remember to help one another and share group cooperatively and
your ideas. actively

Rubrics in participation and Group Activities

Differentiated Instruction
POINTS CRITERIA Indicator 6 (2.2.2 Maintain
5  Show cooperation to do the task environments that promote
 Participation actively fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning.)
 Have discipline in the group

4  Show cooperation to do the task

 Participate actively
 No discipline in the group

3  Not all show cooperation to do the

Group 1. Slow Learners
Direction: Study the picture and identify what elements of the story it shows.
Write your answer on the blank provided.
Select your answer from the box.

Character Setting






Group 2. Average Learners

Direction: Choose the answer from the Column B that best describes the term on
column A. Write the correct answer after the sentence.

1. It is when and where the story

happens. __________
2. The people, animals or things that
carry out the actions. _________ Setting

3. It tells us the time and place of the

story. __________

4. They may be influencing the viewer

or reader. ________

5. It will show us how amazing,

beautiful, and wonderful the world
is. ______________
Group 3. Fast Learners
Direction: Identify what elements of the story the sentence show. Write your
correct answers on the blank provided.

___________1. It was February 2019 when I joined the West Visayan Regional
Athletic Association Meet held at Roxas City.

___________2. On the way they had to cross a stream.

___________3. I am Elay and I am an athlete.

___________4. I could still remember everything, it was 10:00 in the evening at

the Philippine Arena we were proclaim as third place.

___________5. An Old Man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything,

smiles, and even his face is freshened up.

What are the different elements of a story?

A story has different elements. These are character and setting. These important
elements keep the story running smoothly.
Character is the one who takes part in the story. It may be a person, an animal
or a thing.
Setting is the time and place in which the story happens.
Read the story, “The Thirsty Crow” and write your answers correctly in the
space provided.

The Thirsty Crow

Once upon a time, the hot summer was in full

swing. There was a crow who was very thirsty. He flew
here and there but he found no water. At last, he saw a
jug of water. But the water was too low.

The crow can hardly reach the water inside the

jug to drink. Then, he saw some stones nearby. He put
some of them into the jug. The water rose to the brim.
He finally drank water and flew away.

Psychomotor: Identify the

elements of the story
(character, setting)


Elements of the story Answer

1. Character (s)

2. Setting

VI. AGREEMENT/ASSIGNMENT Direction: Read a short story at home. Select one part of the story and name what element it is.

A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. Number of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Number of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. Number of learners who needs to continue to remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies works well? Why did these work? ______________________

Prepared by:
Teacher I Checked by:
Principal I

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