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Not that I’m generalizing the common folk, but don’t you ever get the feeling that

aren’t even attention-worthy anymore? Nowadays, many would choose downloading the
softcopy or reading it on kindle over purchasing the actual book. Well, a book fiend such as
myself can’t help but fall in love with ink on paper, but don’t you particularly find it beautiful
when Virginia Woolf wrote, “How many times have people used a pen because they couldn’t pull
the trigger?”.
I won’t bore you with the typical answers as to why books are important to society and
the like. My opinion could be easily deemed to be bias as a bibliophile myself, but people fail to
see the appeal of reading books. These texts come in many forms such as historical, educational,
literary, poetry, etc. ; in other words, a treasure trove of knowledge and entertainment bounded
into a pile of paper. The modernization of times could easily render all of this unnecessary with
all of the technological wonders it has to offer. And in this age dominated by digital
advancements and instant access to information, the role of books in society have diminished
Beyond their role as repositories of knowledge, books shape societal values, foster
critical thinking, and contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage. Literature and poems
offer insights into diverse cultures, psychological nuances, and moral dilemmas, enhancing
empathy and broadening perspectives. Novels, in particular, provide platforms for exploring the
complexities of the human condition. Which takes us back to what Virginia Woolf said, writing,
or perhaps in my case reading books is the only catharsis I could do without succumbing to the
chaos of my mind and resorting to violence.

Ashley Eunice V. Prelligera Introduction to Communication BA Communication 1A

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