Final Speech - Vanesha

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Calm down for a minute and let's imagine an amazing world, a world where
everything you dream of is possible. It's a world filled with endless opportunities. In this
world, you're relaxing under the shade of a big old tree, the sun is shining, the birds are
chirping. And in exact this moment, you're not just daydreaming - you're envisioning the
future you want to create.
You see yourself achieving incredible things - starting your own business, writing a
bestselling novel, traveling around the world, changing the world for the better. These
dreams, they're not just your fantasies. They're the motivation that pushes you forward,
encouraging you to take action, to turn these crazy dreams into reality.
Hello Everyone, my name is Vanessa from DY JHS, and today I will be sharing with you
something that is very near and dear to my heart.
"The Future Depends on You: Turning Dreams into Reality"
Now when I say "near and dear to my heart" it might sound like a cheesy line, but it is
one hundred percent true. As a kid and even up until now, I always dreamed of getting my
dream job, achieving things I thought I never would've accomplished. One of the things I've
always wanted was to be an architect or interior designer, basically almost anything that had
to do with designing houses. This was and is one of my main goals in life. But unfortunately,
turning dreams into reality isn't always easy. In fact, it can be downright intimidating. The
path from dream to reality feels like a rollercoaster filled with twists, turns, ups and downs.
It's like going on a complete adventure with no map to guide you, no clear destination in
sight. And yet, just like that rollercoaster, you do it anyway.
Because here's the thing: the future depends on you. Yes, you - with your hopes, your
dreams, your vision of what could be. You have the power to add to the course of history, to
leave your mark on the world in ways both big and small. It's an unsettling responsibility,
but it's also an incredible opportunity - one that's definetely yours for the taking.
Think about it - every great achievement, every worldchanging innovation started
with a "Wouldn't it be cool if...?". From the light bulbs and the internet, to steam engines and
airplanes, these were all once just ideas in someone's mind. But what set these dreamers apart
from the rest was their determination to make those dreams happen - to take action, to push
past their fears, never give up no matter what.
So, how do you even begin? How exactly do you turn your dreams into reality? It
starts with believing in yourself, 'cause if you don't even believe in yourself, how do you
expect anybody else to believe in you? It's about having the courage to follow your heart,
even when it leads you into uncharted territory.

But of course, belief alone isn't enough. You also need a plan - a map to guide you
on your journey from where you are to where you want to be. Break your dreams down
into smaller, more manageable goals, and then take action to achieve them. And remember,
it's okay to stumble along the way. Setbacks are not failures - they're opportunities to learn,
to grow, to become stronger and more resilient.
And don't be afraid to have friends along the way. Surround yourself with people
who believe in you, who inspire you, who challenge you to be the best version of
yourself. Build yourself a web of mentors, allies, and collaborators who can help you
navigate the ups and downs of the journey ahead.
But above all else, never lose sight of your dreams. Hold onto them, let them be your
compass. Guiding you forward even when the path ahead seems risky.
Because here's the truth: the future is yours to create. It's a blank canvas waiting to
be painted. And it all starts with you - with your dreams, your passions, your vision for a
better tomorrow.
John Wooden once said, "Don't give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on
So go ahead, dream big, dream boldly. And then go out there and make those dreams a
reality. The world is waiting, and the future depends on you.
Thank you for your attention, i l m hoping this has cheered you up and encouraged
you to be who you want to be, because the future is up to us.
I hope you have a nice day, goodbye.

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