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Glenn Michael Toman Yanuar Sibuea – SMP Darma Yudha

Today, I stand before you to talk about a topic that's both timely and crucial for our
society: It’s a lifestyle, particularly among the young generation. In an era where instant
gratification is readily available at our fingertips, it's becoming increasingly important to reflect
on the long-term consequences of prioritizing pleasure-seeking over purpose-driven living.

Ladies and gentlemen, …..

My name is Glen Sibuea, im from Darma Yudha school.
The topic im going to deliver is about “The Avoidance Of A Hedonistic Lifestyle Among
The Young Generation.”
Firstly, let's define about hedonism. Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure and sensual
self-indulgence as the highest good in life. While pleasure is undoubtedly a natural and
enjoyable part of the human experience, when it becomes the sole focus of our existence, it can
lead us down a path of emptiness and disillusionment.
In today's world, the allure of hedonism is ever-present. Social media bombards us with
images of lavish lifestyles, extravagant parties, and seemingly endless indulgences. Influencers
flaunt their material possessions, and the pressure to keep up can be overwhelming for young
minds still navigating their identities and values.
People who live a hedonistic lifestyle often feel dissatisfied with what they have, and
they tend to continually seek more pleasure and satisfaction through consumption.
Now, lets be talking more about the disadvantages of having hedonism lifestyle especially
among adolescence. In an Journal of Education Policy Analysis (JEPA), 2023 which stated that
lifestyle of society in general tends to lead to hedonism. The hedonism lifestyle directs
individuals to pleasure, satisfaction and high curiosity about new changes that can make
feelings happier and tend to pay less attention to the surrounding environment. Every activity
is less concerned about whether the actions that have been taken are good or bad.
As for hedonism, it is an individual style in terms of pleasure seeking and the concept
of pleasure is used as a goal in life. Hedonism behavior prefers self-pleasure and pleasure,
luxury and stability in everything and makes it a priority .
Hedonic lifestyle is a form of style that is currently trending among the public.
Including children and adolescents. The current phenomenon is the rise of children and
adolescents who are affected by the hedonic virus. The form of hedonism lifestyle is reflected
in the habits of teenagers such as shopping and hanging out in cafes. This is happened due to
the impact of the surrounding environment that has been exposed to the notion of capitalism.
Glenn Michael Toman Yanuar Sibuea – SMP Darma Yudha

The hedonism lifestyle emphasizes the desire for luxuries such as shopping without regard to
one's own economic capabilities.
Many teenagers spend money to fulfill their needs in the form of goods without
prioritizing their benefits. Instead, they buy things out of desire and pleasure rather than
necessity. For example, K-Pop fans claim to be able to achieve pleasure through idol-related
items. Usually these fans have high loyalty to their idols. This hedonistic lifestyle has an impact
on the crisis of individual intelligence.
So how do we avoid falling into the trap of hedonism? It begins with cultivating a sense
of mindfulness and self-awareness. By reflecting on our values and priorities, we can make
conscious choices that align with our long-term goals and aspirations. Instead of chasing after
empty pleasures, we can seek out activities and pursuits that bring us genuine joy and
fulfillment .
Education also plays a critical role in shaping the values of the younger generation. By
fostering critical thinking skills and promoting a holistic approach to personal development,
we can empower young people to resist the allure of hedonism and embrace a more balanced
and purpose-driven lifestyle. This includes teaching them about the dangers of excessive
consumption, the importance of empathy and compassion, and the value of resilience and
perseverance in the face of adversity.
Furthermore, we must be led by example. As parents, teachers, mentors, and role
models, it's our responsibility to demonstrate the rewards of living a life guided by values and
integrity. By showing compassion, practicing gratitude, and prioritizing meaningful
connections over material possessions, we can inspire the next generation to follow suit.
In conclusion, while the temptation to indulge in hedonistic pleasures may be ever-
present, it's imperative that we encourage the young generation to resist this allure and instead
embrace a lifestyle grounded in purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. By fostering mindfulness,
promoting education, and leading by example, we can empower them to live lives rich in
substance and significance – lives that are truly worth living.

Thank you.

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