LP 3 Volcano Activity Plan

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Teacher Ramon N. Damagon Learning SCIENCE

Detailed Lesson Teaching Dates February 21, 2024 Quarter Third
Plan and time 8:30 – 12:00

Duration of lesson: 1 hour

A. Content The learners demonstrate the understanding of Volcanoes found in the

Standard Philippines
B. Performance The learners should be able participate in activities that reduce risks and
Standard lessen effects of natural phenomenon such as volcanic eruption
C. Learning Describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruption.
Competencies Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt
Write the LC Code
for each
D. Learning The students should be able to:
Objectives 1. Identify and differentiate between the three main types of
2. Understand the formation processes and characteristics of
shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and composite volcanoes.


A. References
Teacher’s guide Page 138
Learner’s material Page 171
Textbook pages
Additional materials https://www.google.com/search?
from learning q=volcano+lesson+plan+grade+9&oq=volcano+activity+plan&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i22
Resources (LR) i30l9.6236j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
B. Other learning PowerPoint presentation, laptop, smart TV, chalkboard, visual aids
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s activity
Preliminary activity
Good afternoon, class.
Good afternoon, Sir!
Me Sir
Is there anyone who wants to lead us a
prayer? "Heavenly Father,As we face the uncertainties
of life, we come before you seeking strength,
guidance, and your divine presence. Grant us
the wisdom to navigate challenges and the
courage to embrace the lessons they bring.
Bless us with your love, mercy, and
compassion, and may we be a source of
kindness and understanding to those around

In moments of doubt, remind us of your

unwavering love and the promise of a brighter
tomorrow. We place our trust in you, knowing
that with you, all things are possible. Help us
walk in faith, expressing gratitude for the
blessings we have and sharing that abundance
with others. Amen."

Please clean first your room for at least 5

minutes and arrange your chair properly (Students did what they are told to do)

Now, let us check the attendance. Say present

if you are present. Yes Sir!
Present Sir!
Classroom Rules
No using of gadgets
No transferring of seats
Don’t make noise.
Raise your hands when you want to

A. Reviewing the previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson
So last meeting we discuss about?
Sir last meeting, we discus about volcano its
early signage and the other one is the three
types of volcano.
And what are the three types of volcano again
Sir, they are shield volcano, composite volcano
and cinder cone volcano
Very good!

B. Presenting examples /instances for the

new lesson
Before we begin let us first read these this

Cinder cone
Shield volcano
Composite volcano
Indications of an approaching volcanic
eruption and Readiness for Volcanic Eruption

Very good class!

C. Discussing new concepts and practicing
New skills #1.
So on our first meeting we talk about
Indications of an approaching volcanic
eruption and Readiness for Volcanic Eruption

So the first sign is what 1. Sir Increase in the frequency of volcanic

quakes with rumbling sounds; occurrence of
volcanic tremors;
2. Increased steaming activity; change in color of
steam emission from white to gray due to
entrained ash;
3. Crater glow due to presence of magma at or
near the crater;
Number 2 is The summit of the volcano will
rise as magma ascends.

4. Ground swells (or inflation), ground tilt, and

ground fissuring due to magma intrusion

What about the next sign?

The ground will tilt or expand, resembling a

5. Localized landslide, rock falls, and landslides

from the summit area not attributed to heavy
6. Noticeable increase in the extent of drying up of
vegetation around the volcano's upper slopes;
It means that plants near the volcano will start
to dry and die. Yes, Sir!

7. Increase in the temperature of hot springs,

Alright what about the other? wells (e.g. Balusan and Canlaon) and Crater
Lakes (e.g. Taal) near the volcano;

Very good and the last one is the temperature

of hot springs, wells, and crater lakes near the
volcano is increasing.

Noticeable variation in the chemical content of

springs, crater lakes within the vicinity of the

Yes sir because we can evacuate as early as

possible and we may also inform neighboring
communities about this incoming
So do you think this signage are useful
Sir yes sir.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
And our second topic is all about the different Sir shield volcano, it was built primarily from
type of volcano which is? low-viscosity basaltic lava flows and extensive
in size with a large base and relatively shallow

And it is considered as non-explosive volcano Sir we have composite volcano also known as
Now what about the second one? stratovolcanoes, these volcanoes have a steep,
symmetrical shape and are often found near
tectonic plate boundaries.
A layered structure as successive eruptions
build upon previous ones.

And it is considered explosive volcano

because of the magma composition where it
has a higher viscosity compared to the basaltic
magma found in shield volcanoes.

High-viscosity magma is more resistant to flow,

leading to the buildup of pressure within the
volcano's conduit.
The cinder cone volcano. These small, steep-
And the last part is what?
sided volcanoes are formed from the
accumulation of solidified lava fragments,
known as cinders or scoria. Cinder cone
volcanoes are often found near shield
volcanoes or in other volcanic fields. They are
created by the eruption of high-viscosity
andesitic or dacitic lava, which produces a
conical shape due to the fragmentation of lava
as it is expelled from the volcano.

They are formed by the accumulation of ejected

volcanic fragments during relatively short-lived
And how does this volcano form? eruptions.

Materials are ejected with enough force to

create the steep-sided cone shape. Typically
associated with more localized volcanic activity.

Sir yes sir

It seems you master our two lessons, now are

you ready for a long quiz?
E. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative
(Graded Recitation)
Please raise your hand if you want to recite.

Why is it important to identify the different types

of volcano?

What is the factor that causes volcanic


Importance of learning the 8 signage of

volcanic eruption?

F. Finding Practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living
Understanding concepts related to volcanoes
has practical applications in daily life. This
knowledge aids in emergency preparedness
by identifying evacuation procedures and safe
zones in volcanic regions.

Additionally, volcanic soils, enriched with

minerals and nutrients, support agricultural
productivity, enhancing food security and
promoting sustainable farming practices.

Furthermore, tourism opportunities arise from

volcanic landscapes, contributing to local
economies and fostering appreciation for
natural wonders.

Lastly, awareness of volcanic hazards informs

construction practices, ensuring infrastructure
resilience and community safety in

G. Generalization and Abstraction of the

Volcanoes are natural phenomena
characterized by the eruption of molten rock,
ash, and gases from the Earth's crust.

They occur at convergent plate boundaries,

divergent plate boundaries, and hotspots.
Volcanic eruptions can vary in intensity and
type, ranging from gentle effusive flows to
explosive eruptions that release ash clouds
and pyroclastic flows.

While volcanoes shape landscapes and

provide fertile soil, they also pose hazards
such as lava flows, ash fall, lahars, and gas
emissions. Understanding volcanoes is
essential for assessing risks, protecting
communities, and studying Earth's dynamic
H. Evaluating Learning
 Activity 1: In 1/2 sheet of paper.
Directions: Enumeration
1. List three signs of an impending volcanic
2. Enumerate five safety tips to follow during a
volcanic eruption.
3. Name three types of volcanoes and
explain one characteristic of each.
4. Provide four reasons why cinder cone
volcanoes are considered explosive.
5. List the steps to be taken after a volcanic
eruption for safety and recovery.
I. Additional Activities for application or
Have an advance reading about climate vs.
weather and its factors affecting climate

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Ramon N. Damagon Francisca B. Itay

Practice Teacher Subject Teacher

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