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Pe Wihy do organisms | tsproduce: the | importance of variation; Types of | reproduction—asexual reproductien (Fission, fragmentation, regeneration, | budding, spore | formation, plant tissue | culture, vegetative propagation} and sexual repreduction (sexual reproduction I irataeie tapreterin | in human beings): | population control; | Feproductve health and sexually transmitted diseases; | child bearing and | omens health. CHAPTER CHAPTER om REE oe Study of this chapter, learners will be able to: © distinguish between as ; dice the teh sewed teproduction and sexal reproduction ; iportance of reproduction in perpetuation of species, ® describe different methods of asemual reproduction, Appreciate the necessity of women’s health during child beating, ® discuss issues related to reproductive soe eee -productive health, population control and sewally INTRODUCTION $ In previous chapiers, you have leamt in detail, about the various life processes, including digestion, respiration, circulation and excretion. All these processes were described as those which are essential to sustain life. Reproduction is another special biological process. This is a process which is, through not required for the survival of an individual, but it is essential for perpetuation of that whole species. It is a unique to. biclogical process which is essentially carried out to ensure the continuation of species. It is the process which involves production of new individuals of the same species from parent organism. Thus, reproduction is defined as the biological process in which new individuals of the same kind are produced from the parent organism, which are physically independent of the latter, and ensure the perpetuation of the species. By perpetuation of species, it means that reproduction ensures group immortality of the individuals. When organisms reproduice, they increase in number, In some cases, the new individuals ate just identical to their parents. In some cases, the new. individuals are similar to their parents, though they may appear different in terms of many external physical features such as height, complexion, hair etc. These new individuals replace the parent organisms from the whole population of species when in this manner, the species continues. The individuals produced after reproduction look similar to their parent as they have a similar body design. This is possible because they have similar blue-print, The process of reproduction involves the process of DNA replication. somatic cell of the organism contains chromosomes. for inheritance of characters from parent to the This information is present in the form of DNA they are dead. The nucleus of the s Chromosomes carry information individual of the next generation. (i) Bioy, y | 112 ccc es). Similar co} La “Ribonucleic acid molecules). Similar copies of py Ky molecules pea postion ‘These are called genes which rodent now Significance of similar molecules cals. The DNA molecules possess specie je ag reproduction in the daughter hesise some specific proteins. These proteins act as gy on gh continuation Of genes Wn ef information is changed, different proteins wit po™to,§ life ‘out specific ferent enzymes anc eventually lead to different body go ¥en replacementofold will produce dil . Pho t Signs, production is one of the basic events in th species Thus, DNA COPS ti ring in the cells all used to builg 9 : meal reactions occurring all used to build eq y introduction of reproduction. Chetry se need to be separated from each other, They iations re produced. : lea of DNA ae are similar to each shee poe couch et cells apg . 5 : i copy in the original cell or, i jer, maintenance of a single and pug eee Howeve eg not work, because the latter does not possess any cer mea Innis ung, or structure, in the absence of which it cannot carry not any life pr. alia, nee BNA copuing ls alvays aecompanied wih creation of anew ear pan nDNA copies separate, each has its own cellular structure to guna reall oe ctively to produce two new cells, ie individual, Hence the cell divides effe DNA copying usually remains consistent generation after generation, Ths ability of the offspring to adapt in a particular habitat and its changing conden DNA copies generated by parent cell may be similar, but not identical to he Vatiafions occurring in biochemical reactions are quite likely to occur. Someiny, variations help the orgarism to adapt with the changing environment. These chins may involve a drastic change in temperatures on earth, variation in water levels, da warming etc. Sometimes, changes are very drastic due to sudden situations sch x meteorite strikes. In such a situation, a particular population of individuals may be a completely wiped off. However, the variants prodiiced during variation in DNA copies may be resistant to condition arising due to sudden changes and may survive, 3.1 TYPES OF REPRODUCTION Across the biosphere, living organisms reproduce through two different modese reproduction. * Asexual mode of reproduction # Sexual mode of reproduction 3.1.1 Asexual Reproduction ants including When the offspring arises from a single individual parent, then we callit ase ryophytes, fungi reproduction. Basically in asexual reproduction, certain body cells of the om" nd algae reproduce undergo repeated mitotic divisions in order to form two or more individuals of he sexually. Bacteria ‘kin = nd protozoans Asexual reproduction maink pas 0 takes place i i , some produce by asewual and certain multicellular organisme ae ae ee youre ie eee ae as sponges and hydra. Since the . He onlya single parent, it is identical to the parent organism: nce no fusion of ere are various ways in which asexual reproduction in organisms takes Pe imetes takes place in They are : exual reproduction, 1. Fission is also called : 2. Fragmentation vines 3. Regeneration 4. Budding ‘no mixing’). 5. Spore formation plan's) —__— 7. Propagation by tissue culture 6. Vegetative propagation (in 1, Fission Fission is the process of asexual i : (ginaba, petamoeciutn reproduction in unicellular organisms such as “Aiatoms and mycoplasn cell by the adult organ and other protozoa. It also occurs commonly in bacteria, yeast, 'a, In this process, the parent organism divides into fwo daughter nism. In some cases, the eee (Uae e patent cell may even divide into more Based on this, asexual reproduction by fission is classifies () Binary fission id into two sub-types = (ii) Multiple fission Binary (meaning : two) fission is defined as the proce 58 of asexual reproduction by fission, in which two new individuals (offsprings) are formed from the single individual unicellular organism, During the binary fission, the nuclear division takes place first, followed by the appearance of a constrict which gradually increases inwards and divides the eytopl jon in the cell membrane, lasm into two pars. Finally, two daughter organisms are formed, Binary fission occuring in Amoeba and Paramoecium is shown in figure 3.1 and 32 respectively. e33s Fig. 3-1. Binary Fission in Amoeba Fig. 3.2. Binary The daughter cells s° formed, separat independent organisms: Fission in Paramoecium te from each other and behave like tw 114 In Plasmodium, ‘as marty as 1000 daughter individuals ‘are formed from a single parent cell, Fission is different from fragmentation i Fission occurs in unicellular organisms throwh ucleoeytoplasmic division. + Fragnentation ‘occurs in multicellular organisms in which cells grow and divide. BOLO, nucleus divides several times into many daughygy oS Sometimes, the e ; Sometim ge along the periphery of the parent cell. A py ie daughter nucle! 2h daughter nucleus, develops an outer mem om ah around each daughter nucleus, membrane’ gl Stag Preseipost the. same size. Finally, the multinucleated body divides ta almost_the_ sar i = the number of daughter nudei and forms daughter indiviguat® * ne Process leads to the formation of large number of uninucleate daughye Pinch behave like independent organisms. This tupe of fission, in whic ne hich behave I . : bigs witeral individuals arse, s called multiple fisston. Multple fission ig goo" as inn parasite, Plasmodium. ss —— Cal Ssoplasm Daughter Cells Wall oft broken Fig. 3.3. Multiple Fission 2. Fragmentation Fragmentation is the process of reproduction seen in certain multicelh Lr which possess_a simple body organisation, that is, their body is not difawi, into complex organs or spesialised tissues. They reproduce by spliting ther bay, into several small pieces called fragments. Each fragment then grows ints na individual, This mode of reproduction by forming fragments of the parent nid is called fragmentation, Fragmentation is most commorly seen in areen fisnexiae alge-Spirogyra. It also occurs in mycelial fungi and thalloid bryophytes. 3. Budding e In multicellular organisms like hydra, asexual reproduction takes place by te rocess of budding. A bulging on the body appears as a tesult of repeated mini: division in the cells. This lateral bulge is called bud. The bud slowly enlarges ani develops into a new hydra on the body of the parent. Finally, it separates from ie Parent body and grows into a new hydra. This complete process is known as buddog Tentacles Bud New Hydra Parent New Ho Higdra oS Fig. 3.4. Budding in Hydra 10 ORGANSNS REPRODUCE wl? nt 23 Deve _. Noa Yeast cel Nucleus: Vacuole ‘ ~Motber al B, © D. e » Fig. 3.5. Budding in Yeast Budding is also observed dee In yeast cells. Yeast is a unicellula 3 organism (fungus). ig in yeast, a small protuberance a france appears on the upper part of an adult cel. This gradually crows in size, From inc newly buded cell, another bud appeas at , | the tip. This process continues 3-4 tite, ra sulting in a chain of yeast cells, 4. Regeneration Regeneration isthe ability of an organism to replace is lots body parts. But this is also a method by whict ‘h some organisns multiply in number. The mature Spirogyra s (an alga) breaks into two oF more piedes Grow tito new =e i individuals. The processes is called fragmentation. Hydra ) Planaria and sponges exhibit regeneraton (Tig. 5.6). If Hivtra gets cut into pieces, even a fragment measuring 1/6 mm is i capable of regenerating into an entire individual a Sporenlum | Spores <9 He \—>/ 4.) —> a cise W ™~s Fig, 3.6, Regeneration in Planaria Young Mycelium 5. Spore Formation is is the most common method of asexual eoeaien in majority of fungi stan Dm spore formation, a structure called sporangia i stops the fungal hypha. The nucleus divides seve ie win the eporangium, and each nucleus, with a bit o Hes develops ino a pore we eee : a after a atl Fe. Sr Eiemple shops, gr sue ae cocoa of spore and Spores ‘Mucor, Penicillium. ‘Sporangiophore renpiydocie UF SPL ms ‘ido fo say uo wading snouuaapy, 7 Ped Joan 0 s004 snaiaqn py a (Guns me Ho) Sa pu (seo) suse a ynohe ) SUCHE fo sus punardipon ent POW () sv ‘sjooys 004s fifa] of of cxu8 Rew sos ag uo eae ” + adv quod 1 uore8edoud aq : 1713890 fo spoysaue pinoy Pe ' “s1uoid fou Bae cin Goel ee yjog ve pan pue Eocene ine ' ym 2 i sa} 989 Buoouos Aa peu apim un hz jo yous ren 105 Buuiareq fq uoy “1 fg uonebedorg aaneyabon -g-¢ ‘By J}0s ayy YIM pazonoo st alfyan anIB st yoddns e saumaLIOS rt Peppa pesca dy en oS o H> gm Paes we Buna ot C1142 S11 'saneo| Bue Ul wo? 2PE1S PAP. 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Polen gains are shed from anther and reach the stigma of either the same, or another fowe. Pollen grains are transferred by many agents, such as wind, water, insovts and oer agencies. a Pollination is of two types : M BeX Politestion: The Sransiex of pollen from the envhur of a howe be Ste ofthe same flower or another flower of the same plant. i known as Pollination. i ee Te tate ofpolen fo fe tic ed nc eo pie ee te Rg ea a ans ace sie oon onGANISMS REPRODUCE ( piaaaons — > Pollen Grane — tiara Fertilisation in Plants I on Pens Pollination is followed by fertilisation. ee pollen, sled “ePosited on the sigma, called : OWS through Ine Pollen tubes. One polen tbe we. style and read — Pollen Tube ovules are loca Ovary $80 of the ovule PolerNudei __79/90te The other male game fuses with the two polar fuclei and this Process is called triple fusion, where three nuclei are involved ip the”fusion process, one male gamete and two polar nuclei. Thus, inside each embryo sac, two fusions, syngamy and triple fiston. de Game take place. This mechanisin of two fusions occurring in“afh embryo sac is called double-fertilisation “(Fig. 3:12). After fertilisation, ovary develops into the fruit, ovules develop into the seeds, Fg, 3.12 Fertilization in a Flowering Plant )VULE Megasporogenesis ANTHER SSporogenous Tisue eta Spore mother calls oa [Meiosis] Y Pollen Grain ae ee Embryo Se Pollen Gaiman ‘Double erlization lends to the formation ctipoid rudleus Fertization leads fo the oie zvg012 fomaionctdnelisine a] 2ogote mle Ovary Be y i ts Fig. 3.13. Sexual Reproduction oP Plant 122 BlOLOGy. between Binary Fission and Multiple Figgio, .ce between on “Table 3.1. Differ a Binay Fission * Only two individuals are produced, fon RE The nucleus of be coe ‘©The nucleus of the cell divides only Peale, once. ‘The residuel cytoplasm and mem, | | ws nuclear | = rang| | # Cytoplasm division follows 1 We ml] division. | Table 9.2, Difference between External and Internal Fertilization | EER RIGGS: Eanes nicaer reide the be A male |» The occurs inside the body offen, It occurs outside the body of femal Tie vette | Benes wie eecar aqm 59482} 24 JO yoke WOLy “ueUL are axeso1g mio abzis Aaqnd) apt] anyonposdar oyBnony suueds wi0y sajsay S50) eondaig nq unas. woysig ennonpordey 2eW (@) Pe BL Pa sa way a paompoud, aun suuiads pouoysunf puaosap oF trnf uossad fo SH) 1oUM, [euora}s0}s3) uous0y afeus au PUP cuonpuny au, ‘P09 aH eo st armerade} De yexodluray peu uioyied soueno ayy, uaureby jo day up pie sniain OM thoisis soompi ent Soe ey oy paypene axe asauy “Anes yeurwopge aun ur sHeuPD{ oH e 6} Bs0)9 paye29] saizeno padeys PuoWE om are 1211] euben (P) snaaiq (°) (gonpino) saqny, vedo s2urea0 (2) are woysss gw ‘angonpoidas ajewioy tyim payepsosse sueBio snouen OU, aa saiqeg aonpoid 0} ssas01d_uoneztyiay ysod jo Buyeag © ‘ wonezi|y12} 869 jo uiads jo jwauranoun jo Buysse - oe] ' sofeur Woy suid Jo 2ouejda00e © eno jo uononpoid © 2ajonti 2504] ‘uiajshs anyanpoxdas aeuu Ag pawuroyiod asoyy ‘ueyy xajduios aiow aie waysis annonpoidax afewiey Aq pauuojied suoyouny ay weyshs eayonpaidey 2[DuIed 2°€°E aqry ueydoqes PAPO serew ut weds yo med “ste “Bt ) vowerrdo2 Pareo ss290rd aly 69 3964, eyuab Feds) rou afeU UL TWIT St uoHeZMiay 2qewia} au) apisur *sBureq ueumy uy VouDznied iay au Pue Axeynyid pue snurepeyodéy He oy paseey “Buuids; ! : HeSHO xn Jo Yi [fp dors uo} goa ,foueuBard Bump aBueyp smajn pue saizeno yo Sea or? H yeuusou ayy st (stean “ayew; ogg) angonpossan Uy} SI (stax Qg Oo} ZT) asnedousw pue aypreuout eps sy, asnedouauu patito) sl aBe Sif 7 Siuon9 ayo pue mop jenna uy oy FenasuaWL JO 29UESqE up 69 payreUl sty oFUIY WEUINY @ pp afe ap punore sdo}s stuain pue leno ut stian9 jo apo ayy —_— “ueuiom e Jo ajt] anyonposdal jo Burutnbaq ay way pmuouT se payed s} Magna ye UOHeNdsuet Jo qwaUladtaUrAtOD YL -sfep 0€-82 Alana sinsd0 UoHENnsUay ep UbT am nif nusuaw axy Jo PIU 24) ul AdeId Saxe) YOHe]NAO ‘uewIOM AUyyeaY TeULION Hp eajoeuy ur ap fenxes) [DK jensysuaUE payed st sy, "oy yenstDw at {pus pur sfep 14> Aan Stana smo90 snuayn pue saeno eu} Ut 2dejd BUDE sau) S6ep /-p mOge 10} SISe| 3] (HOHENASUaU!) moy jeNzysuaUI Pajle> ‘agp uno} aig UT BUIBeA atp JO INO sano PUR sjassen poo|g SI YIM Buoye umop ‘eqsumo em UU pouexitg auy ‘2oe{d aye} jou Sop UoHeAtT:9§ ase UT sBIN ys sdopnap ofiquia ay) ‘sBulaq UeUIY UT Jey} MOUY NOA ‘siN990 UO} ia} ‘uapiiz Sudojanap ayy antaoar 0} paredaid yaB 0} suaxpiy smua3n JO [Tem ZOUUL Senew gpijoy ueueno oy} sy “eutBea pue sms yl] suebio aayonpordax Fay jo sued ayo ur aed ayey sjuana jo afomo e ‘aun autes oUt IY uonens0 "Psoxu ay fq Areno anqoadsor oup Woy paseajar Lay} St UNAO ULL “SareN es fe 20 Woy s1 wunno Buunyeur ayy, “NAS auO PUTOuNs oF sdojanep 2pPuToh IRM9p)“ajarjo} amyous oyur mosB sajomjoy welTENo ULL “SEMAN! AHUUEP Ao ayy ‘abe sity ayy (sxe8 ZL-OT) qiagnd jo abe ) umnno Buronpoid 293s setTeno ou} ‘ofewey UeUINY Ul sejpuia4 ul 21949 JnXeS fd 8 ends are Buruado yourBen pue (exyjain) Burwedo Areuun 'soyeUse} VL “roy paseayat are suusads pue 2 squstY SeU a 'StuAIR APT qs} ao Bunos yp asnien7d | smu BuO] WO ET-OT & 51 2a Ue! 0 _ Buoy e oyu! spe2| yoyo ‘eangonays 2%! 120 sonpoudl 0} uoneanyeU OBF9PU ae ose, ans wnno a mor a 2ungt®888ord 10 uaGoxsa) SOUOWIOY >I rr S %en0) sajoureb apeutay J uogonpord 5 fyeoiBns st alre> st 3] “(pan) paves x0 ponowrar Ajjeas6ins st jeuiay ur ad) ueidoype; au) pue ‘afeur ui suaraiep sen jo Uonod jjeuis e ‘spoujaut jeoy6ins a4} Uy “sTuayn ayy ul uoAeVUE|duu yuanaid sqn] “esInU peTpHs 1 so}op Buisypeid v Aq, snzajn axp apisul sayes paceld S| | seddoo y “(gig Big) z2jndod pue annoys Aran osje si (SAQMI) $29Ieq anfdaoex}u0D & aupamenuy jo an ay (690) sanyydereNu0D : exo pajeo axe pue ‘suoneredard youowioy Ajureur ee pan PuemsAKO WoT ‘ate sipd tei “syd yeurBen pue syd jeso ‘sBrup oyoads JO 25n aze spoyjour jeonuoys ayy, "uonemndos Buunp pen equa ejeuray ayy ut uuads jo Aus oy quanad ayy ‘pasn are sdeo jeoinzeo pure wiBesydelp ‘wopuoo se Ypns sadinap jeaishyd ‘spowou x “spoujau jeoiBins (i) pue yeoruayp se pastoBajeo Sypeo1q are spoyjau asayy | foueuBeid abeuew pure quanaid 0 padoranap u29q aney sonbruyser jo zaqunu y uoneindod Supojdxo ‘Apeauye sn0 0} ppe osye fay, “ueuiom e jo wijeoy a Uo Paya asianpe ue ancy samueuBard quanbary “TOYLNOD NOLLWINdOd 9'€ ‘smos20q0 _soddog— porous 21490“ 531.616 moge siyBiem ‘uoReSeB jo sy2am gp soy ‘pI W109 mou 0 appfo yennsueM jse| au J0 Aep say ax wioy paye|no|eo si pue syfaamn Qp 10 SAep OgZ woge sj foucuBeid uetny jo oneinp oBeione ay, ‘woRuMZed se paWiaL s sni2o} padojsnep ‘ny au) JO ug ayy ‘uoNEs25 30 uoNe|duIo UG -wopereaB Pajeo”si yg TY stuaIN aU aPISUL snjaoy jo wWouidojenap a4, “spoq fos aif Woy Yo aie Arcis1ox9 pue Sioqeudsa1 speou jeylourdozenap oy) “eyu22e} Ofsque a\y pue Tem auliein usomjeq sdojanap a Buy Wonepreyduy pays st snuom ou, au em uM pauayorp 9 oF senoul ofiqula aii, suiBoq ‘foueuBard pue aqna uoidoyey 0 uy feterpauaan eis 2]066e atp yo quauidojenap ojuoruqura 24, 209 fengsou 2sqe 1p fq payreLs 24 Jo 20u PGOW pus ennoe AyyDIy axe Ler ju02 Sf} J SPOHOM WOH BIg py 00 oe pea pon pu sm sunjag sey e9 year 128 Gonorrhoea is caused due to bacterium Nisseria gonorrhoeae, Its sympioms are pain and burning sensation during urination. It spreads by sexual contact. Excessive paginal secretion (females) and pus _from penis (males) ‘curs. Symptoms of AIDS. are brain damage, fever, loss of appetite, excessive weight los, chronic diarrhoea, cough, night sweating, ‘weakness etc. AIDS spreads due to (a) unprotected sex with infected person () infected blood transfusion (0) use of contaminated syringes or razor blades EeoejQ wz BoLo9 = in females. From the family planing =< y.of the fertility regulation methogy Po reparations that inhibit the nt able 0 pormonal reper ak (OC) ae Pu NT pituitary and the ovais, Th ction on Pane ae effects and reauler medica ade, “4 eee [AND SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (gy health includes our physical, social and mens, a crucial part of the general health, nt les and tubectomy visable to adopt at vasectomy in mal view, it contraception: ff gametes by the a contraceptives needs 2 3.5 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH jer that ‘You have learnt earli roductive health form productive Nem isfying reproductive life. Both males 77" 08 ens responsible, sa enough awareness regarding the fertility proce bce reiaion mehods Oe gto mevent end cone secualy 7 mene coe cigeace and to manage disorders related to the 7 ae ‘reproductive system. results in lesions ’As you know, many infectious diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoans and fungi, These diseases eee read by means of ait, water and food. Similarly, certain infectious disease ae Spread from an infected person to a healthy person by sexual contact Such dseaiy stalled sexually ansmitted diseases (STDs). Common STDs are goncrthora syphilis and trichomoniasis. In most cases, the symptoms ofthese diseases are buminy | gensation at urination and urethral discharge. These diseases are curable by anibiotss. | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is also a sexually transmitted | disease (STD) that causes death. It has no defMmte-Cure till now. The causative agent | = for this disease is Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The fist HIV case vas observed in USA in 1981 t World Health Organisation (WHO| has prepared guidelines and considered | reproductive National Population Policy and National Health Policy of India have | covered these aspects under their programme. The family planning progamme a | the government has taken enough steps to create awareness and provide relevant | information about reproductive health. This responsibility of national importance isako being shared by Non-Goverment Organisations (NGO) to a great extent. 3.6 CHILD BEARING AND WOMEN’S HEALTH Good health is the prime right of ever, rson in ort December to lead a peaceful and happy life. Health crear sl Beywa, | most important component for a healthy family, a healthy is clebrald as society and hence a healthy county. This is because women Wor4 AIDS day. ate the mothers of next generation and give bith to the om eso the society. The plight, however, is that women's health in the ‘aay & dete by One major reason for this is frequent conception and «tld peso te orenenk oni saial Femination of Pregnancy (MIP) ot abortion #3 pofantel ie evant d ee However, this method is also being misused by ma") foe ag child. Early marriage is another cause for frequent child beating Produces mental and physical pressure and hampers the well being the females. Malnutition, ste a women's health duting child beareg as wots Be some oer actos afiecing po ORGANISMS REPRODUCY deugs eer 1. Define sexual reproduction 2. Mention any two functions 8 3. What is syngamy ? of human ovary, 4. Where does fertilization take place in human females ? 5. Define menopause, 6. What are male and female gonads in human being ? Mention their functions. 7. List secondary sexual characters in human male and female, 8. Write name of one male and one female sex hormone. 9. Describe menstrual cycle. 10. Differentiate between menarche and menopause. 11. What is ovulation ? 12, Write whether True/False : zation is the fusion of sperm and ovum. n of menstrual cycle in human females is 20 days. ation is possible if copulation has taken place during the middle of menstrual cycle. Give reason. List the methods of regulation of child birth. 13. 14. 15. Write the full form of (a) tUcD (ys (OHI assent rare 5 Spot uae geet a icc ‘ ransmitted disease and give two examples. unique oleic new individuals of te same + Reto tes place by tao meted = () se i fsson (i) budiing (i) vegetative propagation. Including human being. called pollination © In fuman females onset of puberty (rm the age of 45 to 50 years, This termed’ menopause. period) proces that essential forte 0 species are produced by parental orgasm F the powers. Mate part pro + Reprodutoe prt of the plantar four inte fl rp gmt. olen runs re rane to he female reproductive aro the + Hunan aceite cary in eae, rm ts rina ene praduce sper ale gone) coun (ale gael), ena) is marked by the maturation of cu (cn ‘flo (Menstruation) every 28 to 30 days This cyelc event called menstrual cyl. Me lisation) takes place in the fallopion tube ‘In human beings, the fusion of sperm and count (fertilisation) takes p fallop a formed. The zygote moves ad setts into the uterus and pregnancy begins, Development of entre as ‘nthe uterus till birth, The average duratin of pregnancy in human female i 280 days cr + Frequent pregnangj ass and many heats poblens also add toan already exploding popula eho ees tary cst oreo) la Ven Thenteclenren Cenmee birth con. 1s esd adopt any ofthese method to achive family planning + The normal practice hath is en inprtant concer oral One must be cvare of npraton aud ser regarding family panning. Te commune diseases occuring due o sexual conta trait dss (STDs). These are gonorhoe, syphilis and AIDS. tnt of sp ial and (i sexual cual reproduction takes p ‘and sex hormones. nd meat trual cyl mee, Pla ees, eatin ion. Number of surgi methods of are called seraly Q. 1, What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction ? Ans. The phenomenon in reproduction in which tganisms pass on theit body features to their offsprings, is Known a5 DNA copying. It helps to maintain certain body featutes upto generations, Crossing over and linkage also help to produce variations which are important for survival of species, Q. 2. Why is variation beneficial to species but not necessary for the individual ? ‘Ans. The various populations of organisms interac with many types of ecological riches. This is important for them survive in ven condition. Incase of any damage caused tg the ecological conditions ofthe population, the population gels adversely afected. The organisms which are able tg survive, may reproduce to develop population whieh fe | adapted or suited to the varied conditions. Hence vain ia beneficial to species, but notto the individuals Q. 3. How does binary fission differ from must fission ? Ans. Binary fission produces two small, net #2 zed daughter cells or individuals. Multiple fission polit® many small daughter individuals. Q 4. How will an organism be benefited #* reproduces through spores ? Ans. It organism reproduces by spores. it ape because spores are covered by thick walls and #® dispersed through winds, Q. 5. Can you think of reasons iy more ca organisms cannot give rise to new individual regeneration ? lex organisms can't seat ~ comp ive rise to new 49, gran taereationbeeaise the compa, SY ised BPP sHNFoM can't be produced though 6, Why SS =e ao ne type of plants ? @ plants which do not The A nviable seeds, reproduce fod gation practised for Produce seeds op through vegetative ¢,7, Why #* DNA copying an essential part of ion As. DNA replication in the Parent cell brings the ce of blue print of pay 3 ent body design in the fing, Ts, results in production of identical otigvines beeen poe Q.8: How is the process of pollination difterent jerilisation ? {ns The transfer of pollen grains from anther of samen se sigma of carpel in a plant is called pollination. The ei male and female gametes which results in the ‘Fesion of zygote is called fertilization, 131 tis the role of seminal vesicles and Q. 9. What Prostate gland ? ‘Ans. Spetms are tem; The mucus and alkal ‘mix with the sperms, ‘The prostate gland secretes the pH of vagina, that ens vagina, ei Q. 10, What are the changes seen in girls at the time of puberty ? . ons Ans. Refer to Text, iporarily stored in seminal vesicles, line watery fluid (having fructose suger) alkaline fluid which affects can easily move into the Q. 11. How does an embryo get nourishment Inside the mother’s body? ‘Ans. The embryo gets novrishment through placenta. The foetal blood exchanges materials from mother's blood at Wall of the placenta and gets nourished Q. 12. If a woman is using a copper, will it help her in Protecting from sexually transmitted diseases ? ‘Ans, No, twill not Q 1. Asexual reproduction takes place through balding in (a) Amoeba (b) Yeast (c) Plasmodium (d) Leishmania Ans. (b) Yeast Q. 2 Which of the following is not a part of finale reproductive system in human beings ? (@) Ovary (b) Uterus (c) Vas deferens (d) Fallopian tube ‘Ans, (c) Vas deferens Q.3. The anther contains (0) Sepals (c) Carpel Ans. (d) Pollen grains Q 4. What are the advantages of sexual "production over asexual reproduction ? Ans, Refer to Text. .5. What are the functions performed by testis ‘human beings ? ‘Ans, Testis are the sites of production of sperms (the ale cametes), The ale sex hormone y also produce the male ‘led testosterone. (b) Ovules (d) Pollen grains RS Why does menstruation occur ? ‘ tet Menstruation occurs if egg in the human femele is Heed by a sperm, Q. 7. Draw a labelled diagram of a longitudinal section of flower. Ans. Refer to Text Q. 8. What are the different methods of contraception ? ‘Ans. Refer to Text Q. 9. How are the modes of reproduction different in unicellular and multicellular organisms ? Ans. Reproduction in unicellular organisms is generally asexual, while multicellular organisms mainly reproduce through serual mode of reproduction, Thus, reproduction in multicellular organisms is more complex than unicellular ‘organisms Q. 10. How does reproduction help in providing stability to populations of species ? Ans. Reproduction produces new individuals which is helpful in maintaining the balance of birth and death ratio. Q. 11, What could be the reasons for adopting contraceptive methods ? ‘Ans. The contraceptive methods are adopted for (a) prevention of unwanted conception. (b) maintenance of sufficient gap between siblings (c) population control and family planning, MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCG {Q. 1:In the list of organisms given below, that reproduce by asexual method are those () banana {i) dos (in) yeast (iv) Amoeba {) (@) and (i) (b) (0), (i) ana (to) (6) () and (iv) a i i, (10) Ans. (b) Q.2:4na flower, the parts that produce male and female gametes are (a) samen and anther (6) anther and ovary Ans. (c) Q 3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events In sexual reproduction in @ flower ? (c) pollination, fertilization, seedling, embryo (b) seedling, embryo, fertilzation, pollination (c) pollination fertilization, embryo, seedling (d) embryo, seedling, fetlzation, pollination Ans. (¢) (b) lament and style (a) stamen and style Q. 4, Offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction have greater similarity among themselves beca (i) asexual reproduction involves only one parent (i) asexual reproduction does not involve gametes (ii) asexual reproduction occurs before sexual reproduction (iv) asexual reproduction occur after sexual reproduction (a) (ij and (i) () (and (i) (©) (and (iv) (@) (i) and (iv) Ans. (a) Q. 5. Characters transmitted from parents to offsprings are present in (a) cutoplasm (b) ribosomes (©) golai bodies (a) genes Ans. (d) Q. 6, Characters that are transmitted from parents to offspring during reproduction show (@) only similarity with parents (6) only variation with parents (6) both (a) and (b) (d) none of (a) and (6) Ans. (0) oto, ERT QUESTION BANK . Q. 7. A feature of reproduct Amoeba, splrogyra and yeast iy" my, {a) they reproduce asexally a (b) they are unicellular {c) they reproduce only sexually (a) they are multicellular Ans. (a) (Q: 81a epliogyre; anew te place by Predict esierechlng St heenci to arated (8) dision of cel into twos (6) Avision of cell into the cl {6) division of cell into mary call Ans. (a) Q. 9. The ability of cell to divide into in Plasmodium is called several ca, (a) budding (c) binary fission Ans. (d) Q. 10. The correct sequence of reproduc, stages seen in flowering plants is (a) gametes, zygote, embryo, seeding (b) Zigote, gametes, embryo, seedling (c) seedling, embryo, zygote, gametes (d) gametes, embryo, zyacte, seedling Ans. ja) Q. 11. The number of chromosomes in paras and offsprings of a particular species remis constant due to (a) doubling of chromosomes after aygot formatin (b) halving of chromosomes during gamete fom (c) doubling of chromosomes after gamete forms (d) halving of chromosomes after gamete forms Ans, (b) Q. 12. In Rhizopus, tubular structure bat sporangia at tips are (b) reduction divs (4) multiple fsion (@) filaments (b) hyphae (6) thizoids {¢) r00's Ans. (b) “ Q. 13. Vegetative propagation refers of new plants from (@) tem, root and flower (0) siem, root and leaves (0) stem, flowers and fruits (@) stem, fowers and leaves Ans. (b) i REPRODUCE | ioe number of Pores jobilty of moisture and nutrients in bread ce of tubular branched hyphae on, | H) famation of round shaped sporangia fe ana (©) (i) and (i) jo fan (i) (2) (i) and (iw) jas) 45, Length of pollen tube depends on the tween ip) poten grain and upper surface of stigma a pollen grain on upper surface of stigma and ovule {_ poten grain in anther and upper surface of stigma {d upper surface of stigma and lower part of syle ‘Ans. (b) ls Q 16, Which of the following statements are true fowers ? j Howers are always bisexual {ij They are the sexual reproductive organs {i They are produced in al groups of plants fi) After ferllization, they give rise to fruits (a) {ij and (iv) (b) (ti) and (iii) (9 (ard (a) (2) (i) and (iv) ‘Ans. (d) Q.17. Which among the following statements are tnefor unisexual flowers ? (i) They possess both stamen and pistil li) They possess either stamen or pistil Ii) They exhibit cross pollination (l) Unisenual flowers possessing only stamens can not produce fruits (a) Gi) and (iv) (B) (i), (it) and (iv) (© i) and (v) (a) (0), (ut) and (ww) Ans, (b) Q.18, Which among the following statements are ‘nefor sexual reproduction in flowering plants? (0 Itrequire two types of gametes {t) Fertilisation is a compulsory event Ui ealvays results in formation of aygote (0) Ofsprings formed are clones ©) () and (in) (b) (i), (ii) and (iv) © (i), (i) ana (iti) (d) (®), (a) and (iv) © J 133 Figure the parts A, B and Q.19. In Sequentially fare (a) cotyledon, plumule and radiele (6) plumule, radicle and cotyledon (c) plumule, cotyledon and radicle (q) radicle, cotyledon and plumule Ans. (c) Q. 20. Offspring formed as a result of sexual reproduction exhibit more variations because (@) sexual reproduction i a lengthy process (6) genetic material comes from two parents of the same species (€) genetic material comes from two parents of different species (4) genetic material comes from many parents Ans. (b) Q. 21. Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to (a) keep the individual organism alive (b) fulfil their eneray requirement (c) maintain growth (d) continue the species generation after generation Ans. (d) Q. 22, During adolescence, several changes occur in the human body. Mark one change associated with sexual maturation in boys (a) loss of milk teeth (6) cracking of voice Ans. (c) (b) increase in height (d) weight gain Q. 23. In human females, an event that reflects onset of reproductive phase is (a) growth of body (b) changes in hair pattern (0) change in voice (d) menstruation Ans. (d) Q 24. In human males, the testes lie in the scrotum, because it helps in the (a) process of mating _(b) formation of sperm (c) easy transfer of gametes (d) all the above Ans. (b) 134 ing Is not the | because sugar solution prov, Q. 25. Which among the following Is not robe POVilS ens Sy po ot function of testes at puberty ? ore youre {i) formation of germ cells 9. 38. hy does bread mou » ee {i) secretion of testosterone fa moist slice of bread rather tle Soy pty es (ii) development of pacenta bread? er than ge OS re em (ie) sen of essen sy An, Mol bred sce roid ta. wo fa) (and (i (i) and (i necessary for the growth cf bread set Ne ‘ ae Q. 384, Give two reasons fop Ane - variations among the progesst & ty 8. Q, 26. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproduction. PrOBENY formed, a reproductive system for transport of sperms is Ans. (i) Sewial reproduction int i. (a) tests vasdeferens —> urethra ‘diferent characters, VON Hoa rent (b) testis > ureter > urethra (ii) Crossing over occurs dui ‘| fate ation {) testis > urethra — ureter ring meio fertlzn? {d) testis > vascleferens —> ureter Q. 35. Would a Planaria cut ee ‘Kise te) halves regenerate into two indigo My a , is Figure D and E by indicating the, C™%q _embrvor Q, 27. Which among the following diseases is not regions, 8 ne sexually transmitted ? in these ; (a) Syphilis (b) Hepatitis . oe oe gen | ‘> 4) Ans. (b) fernbrvor’ (| f feetin SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (SATQs) : ( | Q.4 cadres treet algae nite otike jeune after fr ianieas Suing vectored crnes|iy ienriseer ‘Ane produces fruit. Provide a suitable explanation for the . ovary of above situation. faa ‘Ans. In such flowers, the female reproductive part 2. (carpe) is present and hence these flowers can be cross ae pollinated to produce fruit = Q. 29. Can you consider cell division as a type a of reproduction in unicellular organism ? Give one ik reason. ‘Ans. Yes because cell division in unicellular organism results inthe formation of two daughter cells Pace Le Oosteeh ic uyaist eee : complete organism as shown in both figures. with | Q. 30. What is a clone ? do offspring formed by asexual reproduction Sues Q. 36. From the internet, gather inbmiis i simatlarity? about the chromosome numbers of five anim defen Ans. Clone isan exact eplica of an organism formed by | f¥® Plants. pe Of se asexual reproduction. All organisms produced asexually have (c) Do large organisms have more mutt Le ‘exact copy of the DNA of their parent. chromosomes/cells ? nit (8) Can organism with fewer chromosome " Q. 31. Explain how, offspring and parents of more easily than organisms with mor m= fert organisms ie roduelag, sexually have the same chromosomes ? be numt romosomes ? ‘ aaa eS ee ia (2) More the numberof chromasomes(els 5 inns , | DNA content, Justify _ Q. 82. Colonies of yeast fail to multiply in water," - but multiply in sugar solution. Give one reason fg, (©) No this. | (b) No nat su ‘Ans. Yeast grow and multiply in sugar solution, | (6) Yes - More is the number of chromoso"™ more will be the quantity of DNA. i he | be sMS REPRODUCE tobacco plant, the male gametes have 37, 18 Nmosome: 0 Me chrom catia ete number of chromosomes in the a Mpate gamete ? feat the number of chromosomes in the ote? j 24 chromosomes 0 we (b) 48 chromesomes can not fertilisation take place in a $F Mintion eset ccturt eo alination brings male gametes closer to the ive part ofthe flower and hence feciltates ee the absence of pollination fertlization will net * 9 Is the chromosome number of zygote, Qe eells and adult of a particular ongesiens @iefpstant ? How is the constancy maintained thre stages ? "6s: 2eote I diploid. Constancy of chromosomes jebtaned through mitotic divisions in zygote and po els. The constant mitose disons of yee | pomatin of embryo ard the organism 40 Where is the zygote located in the flower ‘jecleization ? us. jgote is formed inside an ovule present in the ovate carpel Q 41 Reproduction is linked to stability of pmiation of a species. Justify the statement. ‘ns, Refer to Text Q 42, How are general growth and sexual sutration different from each other ? Ans. Refer to Text, 0.43. Trace the path of sperm during ejaculation islmention the gland and their functions associated vihthe male reproductive system. Ans. Sperms are passed from testis into the vas Wtets where they are stored. They reach the urethra iaculation. On their way out, they receive secretions ‘Veminal vesicle and prostate gland which provide them “tion as well as facilitate transport. 0.44. What changes are observed in the uterus if Mtliation does not occur ? Ans. I the fertilization does not occur, the thickened hing of the uterine wall (endometrium) is shed off, ‘ag {SWS and blood. The latter comes out of the 'and is termed as menstruation. 0.45. What changes are observed in the uterus nt to implantation of young embryo ? 135 «wal (erdometiun) thas ond called placent vel ih ; ering wall, The embryo abains ldon and igen om the were wall and transfer Wastes to the blood of the mother tough the planta, Ans. The uter becomes highty gl . 46. What ae the benef of using mechanical rier uring sexu act? ine mechan Ans 1) Mecha! , condons, pars) breent the sperm fom easing he egg an hence, reer prspeng UK prevents tanemisin of necons du sal ban Q. 47. In the given Figure, label the parts the ‘mention thelr functions (a) Production of egg {c) Site of implantation (b) Site of fertitzation (b) Entry of the sperms Ans. (a) Ovary—Production of egas. (8) Oviduct—Ste of fertitzation. (0) Urerus—Site of implantation of zygote (developing embryo). (d) Vagina Entry of the sperms. Q. 48. What would be the ratio of chromosome | number between an egg and its zygote ? How is the sperm genetically different from the egg ? Ans. The ratio of chromosome number in egg and zygote is 1: 2. Genetically sperms are of two typesi.e., 50% having X chromosomes and 50% have Y chromosomes. Eggs are always of one type, containing X chromosome: LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (LATQs) : Q. 49. Why are budding, fragmentation and regeneration all considered as asexual type of reproduction ? neat diagrams explain the process of regeneration in Planaria, ‘Ans. Refer to Text, 136 Q. 50. Write two point asexual and sexual types of re ‘ohy variations are observed in by sexual reproduction, ‘Ans. aa «tives ony one parent 2 No pmates aro formed 1. Itinvolves two parents. 2. Gamates are formed in both the parents. 8, Fertiization and zygote formation is observed. No fertilization and zygote formation occur. (i) Refer to Text. eigutsn westeen legion and fenttiation, Moston the site and product of Sogo. Peat ieee Males angeun ots puetoriia Pie en corn ans Cay ae neni) rere Q. 52, Distinguish between a gamete and zygote. Explain their roles in sexual reproduction. Ans, Gamete ‘Zygoie: A. VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE 8. Where does fertilization take plac 9. Write the full form of UCD ? (@) Gameta isthe sex cel ‘or gorm cel that takes Partin fertilization during ‘sexual reproduction. (6) Gamete has haploid ‘number (1n) of, ‘chromosomes, (0) There are two types ‘of gametes, male and female, (@) Zygote isthe proauet | of fertilization involving fusion of mele and) fomale gametes. (6) Zygote has diploid (@n) number of ‘chromosomes, (0) 2ygoto is of one type. 1. What type of fission is carried out by amoeba ? its of difference between f reproduction. Describe he offspring formed Gamete ae Gamete represent the last cell of parental ‘generation, (e) Gamete carries characteristics of only fone parent in ts ONA For second part, Refer to Text, Q. 53. Draw the diagram four whorls. Write the nam organs in the flower. Ans. Refer to Text. of flower ok 8 flower ag of gameie Q. 54. What is placenta? pregnancy ? Mention i om ed Ans. Refer to Text Q. 55. What are various ways Elaborate any one method. Ans. Refer to Text 10 0d peg Q. 56. How does fertilization ye Ferilnation occurs once in amon ua Ans. Refer to Text. Q. 57. Reproduction is essenialy , phenomenon that is not for survival of ania, but for the stability of a species, Justify Ans. Refer to Text. Q. 58. Describe sexually transmitted dca mention the ways to prevent them. Ans, Refer to Text QUESTIONS (VSATQs) : 2, Why is DNA copying an essential part of reproduction ? 3. Mention the method used for growing rose plant 4, Define variations in relation to a species 5. What isthe importance of variations in a species ? - What is the mode of reproduction in planatia ? 7. What type of method is used for ‘growing jasmine plant ? ce in human females 2 y santos REPRODUCE x 137 2 anctions of ovaries in human female SS ee ee ih evo examples of unisexual flowers, * [Dethi 2016} r ts of flower which serve th 1 ne tose ees, Serve the same function as (a) testis (b} ov Bet lower which serve the same function as fa) eg tb} ene IFT javone ofthe following in NOT a part of the organsystem to ne | sperms in animals, 18 | geminiferous tubules fo which the other three belong 2 ae hae (b) Fallopian tube De ei hate uirivacc lini, [CBSE Sample Paper] ales fail to descend into the scrotal sacs? : wate general characteristics of the pollen grains of wind pollinated eae wins doble fertilisation ? Ppollpated piss: finde testes in mammals descend into serotum ? i fare does erilsation fake place in a human female? [Foreign 2016] su Buuhich method does Hydra reproduce ? Ist asexual or asexual method ? IA.L CBSE 2015) Where do we find DNA in a cell? sg Ubatare the functions of ovary in female reproductive system ? [CBSE 2015, 2017] thats meant by DNA ? [Foreign 2015] 1g Nene the causative agent ofthe disease ‘Kala Azar and its mode of asowal reproduction. SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (SATQs) : {, Some crop plants can be grown from a seed as wel as vegetatively from stem cutting. List any four advantages of vegetative propagation in such cases. 1, Show by a corios of labelled sketches, the manner in which vegetative reproduction occurs in Hydra, 4, Whats the significance of pollination ? 4, Drawa diagram to show the structure of a flower, § Listthe advantages of tissue culture 6, What changes are observed in the uterus if fertilization does not occur ? 71 What changes occur in uterus after implantation of young embryo ? 8, Give two advantages of mechanical barriers during sexual act ? 0, Whatis the ratio of chromosome number between egg and zygote ? How is sperm genetically different from egg? 10, Name the causative organism of (a) gonorthoea (b) syphilis: 1, Distinguish between primary sex organs and secondary sex organs. 12, Give one example of bisexual flower. What is its female reproductive organ in a plant known as ? 18, Give two reasons for adopting contraceptives for sex 14, How do oral pills for contraception function ? Why is their 15, Disingush between (a) plumule and radicle (b) pollination and fertilzation 16. What is the full form of DNA ? Where is it located in a cell ? 1, Define vegetative propagation ? Name three types of vegetative propagation, 18, Give two differences between binary fission and multiple fission. : List two preparations shown by uterus every month in anticipation of Hos reproducing parents and their offspring become tk ae Ae the chromosome number of sexually reproducing p: st ies ao 41, What role does placenta play in development of embry? [A.. CBSE 2014] ‘overuse harmful ? 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