Analyze The Text - Comic Strips

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Analyze the text: Comic Strips

1. Make Inferences An inference is a conclusion you draw about something that is

not directly stated or shown. (a) In “Ghosts,” what do you think happens between
the third and fourth panels? (b) What details in the comic support your inference?

Between the third and fourth panels, Calvin and Hobbes stayed up all night because
they were really scared there might be ghosts. We can infer that from the fact that the
sun came up in the fourth panel while they were sitting outside looking frightened.

2. Speculate Why do you think Calvin refuses to answer Hobbes’s questions

about the new girl in class? Explain.

He feels shy and embarrassed because he likes the new girl, so he refuses to answer
questions about her.

3. Draw Conclusions. What can you tell about the relationship between Calvin and
Hobbes ? Explain, citing details from the comics that you used to draw your

From the details in the comics we can say that Calvin and Hobbes are best friends.
First, They went camping together in the first comic, and in the second one Hobbes
asks Calvin personal questions, and understands how he is feeling.

4. Essential Question: What are some of the challenges and triumphs of growing
up? What have you learned about the challenges and triumphs of growing up by
reading these comic strips?

The comics show that over time you sometimes have to face your fears, whether it be
ghosts, or admitting that you like someone, or watching your parents leave in the

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