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Tutorial#7 & 8

I. MB Sta s cs
a) Consider a system of 2 par cles that can occupy any of the 4 corners of a square of side 𝑎. The
par cles are interac ng mutually by the poten al 𝑈(𝑟) = , where 𝑟 is the separa on between

the par cles and 𝜖 is a posi ve constant. If the system is at a temperature, 𝑇 = , find (i) the

average energy of the system, and (ii) the average separa on between the par cles in terms of 𝑎.

II. BE/FD Sta s cs

a) Consider a hypothe cal system of two iden cal par cles which has only three single par cle
states. Sketch the possible arrangements as a table for each of the three (MB, BE and FD) sta s cs
and obtain respec ve 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 par on func ons.
b) Find expressions for the average number of par cles (N) and total energy (E) of 𝑁 “weakly-
interac ng” electrons, if they are assumed to be trapped in (i) 2-D box, and (ii) in a 3-D harmonic
c) Show that MB sta s cs (NVT) reduces to the distribu on (occupa on number),

𝑛 =𝑁 ∑
where 𝑠 refers to a single par cle state. (See F. Reif)

Show that at sufficiently large temperatures BE and FD sta s cs reduces to the same expression.

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